The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 16, 1894, Image 3

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    Paper oi Polk County.
ssl Kt HV
st Sida Publishing Company
Can Yau Bsat This ?
100 latter Hd, - $ .60
100 Envelope - .60
250 Latter Head,- 1.00
250 Erwalopa, 100
1000 Latter- Head, S.T6
1000 Envelope, 2.76
100 Buln Cards,.- 1.00
250 " " 135
1000 " " 2.60
Th WEST SIDE office
will not be UNDERSOLD.
If that Prloea ar not LOW
enough, UK us where you
can do better.
The above Prloaa ora
lk county populM party held it
)ttilnatlog convention at Dallas last
ittirdav. A nil county ticket wn
)mluated. Tho populist tlul not
W the strength lit lb convention
at had been expected. The couven-
jti should have had 108 delegates, but
attendance whs only ST. Fuslou
kh the demm-rats wan denounced by
entire convention. Tho following
the ticket which wan uomitmted:
bresetitativi, J. K. Sears and Geo.
vr; sheriff, J. U. tan; clerk, t
Paget! ; tR'usmvr, R, H. Chnplti;
mil suiHrlnteiideut, S. 1). Dodson;
Wilioticr, J. M.lKiihls; nwit;
fc. (iuttry; surveyor, Walter Duller;
pner, T. V. H. Etnhrtw
K r.rufc.Nl-'. un lost luewuuy
nln 4 the Eugene, a hew light-draft
made her first landing at Inde-
jk-inv, on trial trip from Port
1 to Eugene, carrying quite a lot of
ilit fur the latter place. Tlt Ku-
Is a very nicely furnished little
under the command of Captain
Bg, ami U I hi luteutlon to make
lar trips on the upper Willamette,
Wn Indie of water being nil that
jtiired to float th little craft. The
remained here a couple of hours,
Was visited by quite a uumlsT of
lllwus, who were glad to welcome
!tlle boat.
W IUirKTK. W. II. Campbell
I have received the contract from
Aenessfor erecttuj two tine res-
in this city. One will belong
v. J. It. Raid win, and with stable,
out tlstxi. bvinir located south of
J. Vcttess now liven. The other
be that of R. 1J. Wlleoi, to -ost
iul located east ot Dr. T.J.
( residence, on name
I facing Monmouth street.
(be completed by June Int.
I problem tu last week' Wasr
wan answered by Mrs. B-L. Li:
lonniiiuth: F. 0. Gardner, Mc-
giiil Hannah Wengcnroth, liertha
r, Walter J. Shelley, Jesse Shelley,
t Wallston, Willie Kstes, Marry
Mter, Clarence Clodfelter,
Oris Robertson. The bent answer
liven by Mr B. L. Lucna. Ttie
lice from Independence to Salem
mi an 10 milctt, 4: 11.(1-10 feet. And
!' Independence to iJallan, 7 milex
1 feet.
g . ,
Monday the Altona carried down
lllowing persona: C. Huntley and
Mi Mary Kteveim, Kate Steveim
lie Goodrich, Geo. Adkins, Judge
"ft and A. J. Whitcaker; returning
'ednemlay nlifc brought Wru. San
ck, A. McFarUn, W. L, Ilutlcr,
SlirHchlH-rg, it. II. Hatch, A. A
lev. Joe llophien. Mm. SteveiiH,
"down Wednesday were Japer
iody to I'uyallup, WbhIi , Mrs.
ianun und daiiKhter L'-na, and
al other
bao who bring notices of local en
himeiitx. where any ehari?e in
, Hhould reiiieinlier that this pa
jiarnin for their Insertion. Not
"bl") locals amounting to 3 were
ted and the parties refused to pay.
ig they understood they cost noth
fit costs time and money to set
e proicrumtne of entertain men
Islit'd lust week was successfully
Ml out at the Presbyterian church
Friday evening. All who took
did exceedingly well.
Vitulloiis ure out announcing the
Jagciiiext Sunday evening at the
ijytenan church, of Miss Anna
ista Stockton, daughter of J. L.
Um, to Mr. A. It. Culbertson of
t'. Giiruorc made acanvas of town
yeck in the interest of a telephone
iigc, and secured thirty-wlx sub
i, which ensures the exchange.
Ice of telephone Is placed at $1
,th each.
! last Tuesday, March 13Lh
JT pleasant evening was 8ient
residence of Itev, J, II. Baldwin
Ut thirty of the friends of Miss
t Hhlller, bidding her a farewell.
dmu Irvine had an eur ampu-
Wednesday aftcruoon, a very
j surgical operation, the uecessity
1 from a cancer. It was per
1 by our local doctors.
ice's reply to ex-Republican came
late for publication in this Issue,
111 appear next week.
Jtwoph 1). King, of Portland, died at
lttivntk Vista, on the (Hh of March, of
aiHtplcxy. Mr. King was born In New
York, August 4th, 1H.1. He was a
inciiilH'r of th tire depHrtmeut In
Portland, Oregon, for 1 year. The
funeral wrvlova were poached by Hev,
J, Hallantytie.
H, S. SlmMon, the druggist of Am
ity, visited Imlept'iideni one day this
week, for the ttrst time since the West
Side 1L H. win built. He came to
have our popular dentist, Dr. 8. A.
Mulkey, make lilm a new set f Iw th.
P. V, Haley Is mentioned n a oas.
ble candidate for sheilir on the deme
ratle ticket. Mr. Haley la a very
worthy man and If he should la elect
ed, and lie would make a strong race,
lie will give Pulk county gmsl honest
rtlulent service and that U all we can
ask of any o Ulcer,
Kttster cards at I'UnlM'er Urns.
Put on your green iiwkile tttmorrow,
ltead the bank statement this week.
You And the latest style of furniture
at Itorg's.
Kd. Hall went back to Portland,
Friday laL
Have you read Dr. Mulkey'a new ad,
Ifw profit by It
Slrus 1 trad ley works for Tom Itoot li
ny, near Monmouth.
Win. Sandercock was In Portland on
buslucsa this week.
A set of i'liamticr'aeucyclopedla very
cheap at Clodfelter liroa.
J.F. O'Donuell ami wife went to
Portland last WVIucsdaj'.
Second-hand sewing machine at
Clodfelter Hros., very cheap.
You cau still get the Omjtmlan and
Wkst Sikk for J-..Vl a year.
1U v. J. Fred. Jenkins has been hold-
lug services In Dallas this week
ltutrtt ltuldwin, lately of lluciia
Visia, Is now In charge of Hall's ferry.
Ladles if you want a pertlct tH, gi to
Vauduyu'a and get one of his HAG
Vanduyn must le a Yankee we Judge
by the way he whittles down pileea on
dry gissls.
Five persons were baptised by Hev.
SicafiMwe at the CUrtstlaii ehurclt luxt
If you lieel that home's shm-s reset
Mr. Farmer, take it to It, A. Fuller the
J. H. Hawley and wife, of Mon
mouth, visited their daughter at Amity
last Sunday.
The very best clothing can be had at
M. Vanduyu'v on the 55 cents a
blihhel wheat basis.
F. Ausitne moved from Monmouth
this week to McMiiinvllle, where he will
engage in business.
A coutluued story will soon be a fes
turc of this paper, lie sure and read
the opening chapters.
The City Restaurant Is now in the
chaw of Mrs. L. Cauibell assisted by
Miss Angle Max fluid.
The teachers iu the Haptlst Sunday
selioolwill distribute Easter eugs on
Sunday, March 2lh.
The taritf bill has Uot passed the
senate, but Vauduyn'ssprlug sbsjk will
be complete by April 1st.
Have you any furniture which needs
rcbairlug? Iterg, the furniture man
will make It gsal as new.
You can get the best grades of over
alls for yourself or your toys at the
Itackct Store at lowest prices.
This Is the third time this winter the
Willamette has been on a rampage,
There Is no charm hi It either.
We have added to our millinery
Block, surah silks, handkerchiefs, ties
and hair ornaments. Fisher A Vande-
Last Friday the Altona had aa pas
sengers from here, C. K. Clodfelter and
wife. M. ltosendorf. Mrs. Huuh Hald-
win and several others.
Miss Myrtle Miller, who assists Miss
Fisher A Mrs. Vandergrlft In the mil
linerv business returned from her
Porllan visit, last Friday.
A few more words about pants
Pants are essential to man's happineMS
therefore Vanduyn who sells pants Is
a maker of mortal happiness.
Spring, gentle spring, with one of
the Alexander Cooper Drug Co.' por-j
ous plasters on, Is here again. They
keep goods to Bull the season.
The Wkst Sidk has been disap
pointed lu not yet receiving the photo
engravings for our correspondents.
Tucy were due here this week.
Services ot 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
'in the Evangelical church next Sun
day by Itev. H. W. Potter, pastor of tho
M. E. church. All are Invited.
If your shoes are about worn out, get
ptur of the Drown Shoe Co's guaran
teed goods ut the Racket Store. Look
for the figure 6 and two stamped In
the leather.
Have you vial ted Pink Patterson In
his new quarters. He has as neat unit
cozy a place of business as can be found
any where und he Is Just as accom
modating as ever.
A. B. Atklus received the sad news
last week of the death of his father,
Darius Atkins, in Errie county Pennsyl
vania, on the 28th of February, being
sick only a few hours.
The ladles must have spring dresses!
You cannot expect them to go about
looking like frights. J. M. Vanduyn
will furnish them the goods and you
can easily pay the bills.
The best definition of divination Is
the art of making the most of what we
are and what we have. You can do
that and meanwhile demonstrate your
.culture by trading at J. M. Vauduyn'B.
Owing to the Illness of Rev. D. V.
Poling tha pulpit of I he Congregational
church of this city will 1 supplied by
Rev. J. It, Hcrshuer, assistant state
iiierluleudciit of Sunday schools, ou
next Sunday evening. Rev. Herseli
her will preach at Itlekrcall In the
morning. A contribution for home
iuInsIous will Us taken at both services.
The Sunday school at the Christian
church will give an Kantcr concert ser-
vla on Kinder evening at 7::illp. in.
entitled "The Klsen tstid.1' A collec
tion will U taken for the Sunday
school library fund,
Miss Myrtle Miller, who has b en for
several w.vk In a wholesale millinery
IioUhu tu Portland, has returned and
can now U seen by her many lileiiils
at the millinery pallors of FUlicr A
Mis Mstfgle Shlllcr, who came out
to Oregon from Kansas with the faint-
ly of Rev J. R. Italdwh, leaves
week for her former home. She
made many warm friend here
reuret her departure. Site will
Imbly remain In Kansas.
The spring stts-k ot Stockton A Hsu-
kle, the eU.thers and dry gissls dealcts,
has arrived and lhoc srou desirous
of obtaining the latest styles are Invit
ed to call and Inspect their stock, and
the price are as low as the lowest.
Henkle's barber shop Is thu place to
get your shaving and hair culling.
All treated alike, rich or jsKir, old or
young. Shaving jo eeiu; uair uuiung
'J5 cents.
Services at the Christian church next
Sunday, morning and evening, by
Itev. SIcnfisxM), Morning subject.
"Christian t'nlon." Evening subject,
"Opening of the IWk,''
Arrangement aiv Mug 'rfeoted
for a free public lecture at the opera
tioue, on the evening of the liil.,
(Thursday), by Frank Davey, grand
lecturer of the A. O. t W.
J. P. Irvine, the grocer, Is In town ou
IiukIiicss, from MeMiunvlllc.
At Hie Comity Court llmise.
J. It. CuIIm rlsou and Anna A Stockton
Fred Hsrney und Jennie fondle.
J, MclKivvell and Maud Join s.
Estate of J. P. Mndcrinan, petition
for settlement; time set Friday April
0, 1801.
In the matter of the care of the six
younger children ot Geo. Hall, Rrldg-
port; ordered that children be brought
before court.
In matter of proposed F, A. Lucas
road: It. M. Gilbert, F. Hutler, Win.
Joue appointed aa viewers; T. L. Hut
ler surveyor; to meet March it MU,
The amount ta the bill presented to
the court w III be found lu the llgttres
opposite the name, If the amount al
lowed Is dill'erenl It will Ihj found In
the duplicate, figures.
A IUnliH. kccnliii tiHr, Hlnnliy .., sum
Kit 111
llllHtlelns " 'Jt
I 10
Craven Bros. msratisadtiMi, pstiper , lu
i 711
W 1. Well", hs utale v 4o 1imj..,. In U
IS li
,' " " Hll'TPlH
11) tu
" month of Fob .....
" Htatu VnHllilitli-y
Pultun Klivtrlo l.lulil Co, court Iiiium...
llliw A I'ril'lrliiiniit, irllitlus
II S Untiit, lauip and ptivrlniias
S .'ill
Ill U)
8 A nvl, ponliiroy WO (lies .
Adsm K Wllwin, liinlirlni
I) r HuiiUTi-r, utnehrrt' Kmon
W 1 ItryimliU, " " ...
,'i IU
.1 U s
. at mi
. A U)
II U (MMr, salary..
. IW.Vl
W A Wh. nrintln ft
T I. IlinliT, fuliilil'liiK iuv nirners l.'m
Wllvox, UbIiIwiii & lk, iiroriTlis l
'jn mi
Hon 0 Irwtn A Co, stnllonrry
s Mi
I, iHimnii, uc nrntl rrnHrsdny. i
I'll llrllln, tile rimil dll N". t .... 1 1
MrnC uiIiImiiik, hoard II lti'ath 1
H M UlllHTt, liiillillng hrlilne. ... 7ft 71)
V isi
liniiillily A llityter, irintliiii I Til
T II llllll lllllWHI, khIio-v suit 'X "7
H K Millltny, nullify Keb ttM
(' II fhHiiiimii, Juror Co court W
iiKiicii. ' r
N llolmiOI. " " , UiM
W II Itrove. " " i
JTLiuly, ' " -
IKXtiKiit, ' " 'li
(! W MinlUi. n-es slate vsHllunley Hit)
II Itvcrly lull. " ' ',
I M HIIIIIIMIII, " " " - ")
II Dyrrlcy, " " " . .. f '1
i r.iiiMcp luuilicr rond rtll s.m
Jonuili WHiikcy,lnn Hull elilldrcn... H vi
K I' Itiiviuoiiil. ifootlx " " IDUl
J s Mli-licll, iiimiAlcsm niovhiK Hall
rlilliirvn, I' j uiiyn o w
" bis own wrvlces iiiiivIuk tli
Hull ctillilrcii . .. line
M rivnn, services inov. Hull children.. H00
Mrs It M tllllicrt, ' " 1 'O
Mil. J Womlerlcy, " " if"
W h Wells, fee slnto v Hewurd.... llHfi
A M llioliy utly " " " TW
Mary Alley, wit. " " " HW)
Miirtlm Hewurd, ' ..... Jl
Lew ' " " " ti
Klroy l'liutimitr " " " 4 10
II llyerlev, fees A lullettijc )
I M HIimiMiii, " 8 411
MiscUlhbiuis, keep, Hull children 8(K)
II C Knx, riiml supervisor - 'tW
Stale of Orcicon, 1
County of Polk.
I. II V. Mulkcv. couiify clerk of Polk
county, and ex-ollicio clerk of the cir
cuit court in and for said county and
state, do hcieby certify thai the forego
ing transcript or schetliiio or expeuiu
turns for the March terni, IHll-l, has
been by me compared with the orig
inal, mid that It is a true und correct
Copy of said original schedule and of
the whole thereof, us the same appears
on record In my olllco and my custody.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
county court this 8th day of March,
A. U. 1804. R. F. MuhKKY,
Pin ker Items.
Jonathan Davidson was a, visitor at
his brother J. O.'s home lust week.
Win. Davidson's father-in-law, J.
Modlc, Is a visitor at the luttci's home.
Mr. Mnillncarne from Missouri In '52
ha been assessor three terms In Ren-
ton county. He now lives four miles
mirth of Albany.
Huntley and Is'ttian, amateur vlo
llnUts ami sketch artists, were visiting
friends here Salutday and Sunday,
('has, Kennedy our Iswt local violin
Ut has I n with us a few days.
Hilly Kerr, rather sweet ou the vio
lin, antlcd late last Saturday eve; de
layed on the grade between Indesn-
denee and Parkers rain that was all.
There were pleasant gathering at
the homes of Thomas and I). M, Cab
breath last Saturday and Sunday even-
Sklttucr A Co, lias bought four car
louUiif wheat at the warehouse here.
It was shipped to hint last week.
Thu MIkscs Julia and Mary James
and May and Ida II artier of Suver,
were lilting the at tract Ions at the
home of Win Fuipta last week.
A'ex Johnson, a Swedish sailor, Is
working ou the model of a schooner at
the home, of Wm. Futia.
Mis, James of Stiver, was visiting
her sister Mrs, Fuqua last week.
Rev, llalyutlneof Iluena Vista, bsik
the ninth bound train for Dayton.
Yamhill county, last Saturday.
Cyrus llradley, our genial banjo
player, 1 now working for Thomas
llisilhby near Monmouth.
A pleasatit social waa had at Wm,
McCurdy'a last Sunday eve.
School opened last Monday morning
under the direction of Mrs. J, Smith,
The H'hool will be well attended this
term a we hear jf pupils coming from
a distance.
L. lletmlck'a big water wheel took
"French leave" of absence (nun duty
for pumping, was found st ran dud on
sand bar.
$ (() Hew art!
for any trace of antlpyrne, morphine,
chloral or any other Injurious com
pound In Kratise'a headache caules,
1 cts., at AlexandcM'tsiper Drug Co.
Mrs, I, llllo Tcthcrow la rcrted HI.
Mr. R. W. Harris and wife are ha v.
Ing quite a sjsdl of sicklies.
MIssGotiler of Portland, l visiting
Ji Tetherow and family.
Willie "I have two spirited horse
and will S'sui have a buggy," Ikb
"Yes pardner, I see; you seem to be my
worst enemy for this summer' sport,
but I limit care so long as the girl stay
with me."
Our n)iiteiiiHirary did not float very
far down the Lucklamute, but allowed
his lurk to drift along the craggy shore
of Soap creek.
At last one of our opponent ha
changed his resort and nettled ou Cofflu
butte. Farewell dear seril, we trust
you will soon return to your former
"The jsiiplo of this vlclnty Insist ou
having Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
and do not want any other' says John
V. ltlshop, or Portland Mills, Indiana.
Ttmt Is right They know It to be
ticrlor to any other for colds, and as
a preventive tnd cure for croup, and
why should they not Insist tiMiu hav.
lug it. fs) cent bottles for sale by all
They jut I-ft.
. Lkwikvii.i.k, Or,, Mar. 14, '04,
Editor Wkst Sum: Our jsipullst
brethren have Is-en very energetic up
here during the past few weeks, hold
ing meetings and riding through the
country, but as they do not read the
local pners they forgot when the
county convention was held and sev
eral of them, one a candidate for slier
Iff, were uot there there to have their
names proposed. They now think the
success of the party Is endangered
through this oversight on their part.
Three day Is a very short tune In
which to cure a bad case of rheumatism;
but It can bo done, If the proKr treat
ment Is adopted' a will t seen by tho
following from James Ijwnbert, of New
Hrtinswlck, 111.: "I waa badly afflicted
with rheumatism In the hip and legs,
when I bought a bottle of Chamlier
Iain's Pain Rulm. It cured mo in three
days. I am all right to-day ; and would
insist on every one who I afltlc.tcd
with that terrible disease to use Cham
berlain's Pain Rttlu and get well at
once." 50 cent bottle for sale by all
Falls City.
At thu annual school meeting J. M.
Parry was elected director and Mr.
Dodd clerk; then some Important busi
ness was transacted, There Is some
talk of adding a third teacher a the
prcHCtit number of pupils In attendance
is so large It will require more than the
present number of teachers to do them
Justice. Prof. Hurt will have charge of
the grammar department during the
spring term and Mrs. lloskliifl will en
deavor to Justify the primary depart
ment as she has in the past.
Nearly all of the eighth grade pupils
who received certificate at the Febru
ary examination have procured schools
for tho spring term.
J. S. Michell and M. Flynn have en
tered partnership and will run the
Falls City mill during the summer.
They have a splendid lot ot logs and
will be ublo to turn out a good quality
of lumber.
Politics in the ntHln issue in this pnrt
of the county; the populists seem to tie
gradually gaining ground, although
the republican have a largo majority
in this precinct.
The children of Mr, Hall were taken
to the county seat by deputy sheriff
iFarley last Thursday. It Is Bald Mr.
Hull did not provide for them tw he
should and they were found in a rather
deplorable condition; but they were not
suH'erlug from hunger a was first re
ported '
The graduating class have Mulshed
their Dual examinations for diplomas.
I believe all passed without trouble, re
ceiving the required per cent to finish
the common school course.
"Worst winter I aver saw" Is the
general cry of the old pioneers.
Fall City waa well represented at
the populist convention which was
held at Dallas. Mr. Dennis of this
place wa made happy by receiving the
nomination for county commissioner.
Riieklen'i Arnica Halve.
Tha lssl ralvo In the world for cuts,
bruise, sores, ulcers, aalt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, clmpied hands, chilblains,
corns, ami all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cure pile or no pay required,
It I guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price lift
ocnta r box , For sale by all druggist.
Knap filicts."
Wash Glhaon of Suver, ha received
a lot of flue cedar pot from Summit,
on the 0. P. 11 R.
Rev, L. 0. Fisher of Albany, preaches
at Suver on the S55th of March. lie
ha a great way of alluding to the can
Ibal of Hawaii (UK) year ago) which
make some itieu' flesh crawl and ex
cite much mirth from the small-fry.
J. H. Patterson I cutting wood,
(toe wood, etc.) to pas away the day
uulll he can work lu his hop-yard.
Rud Hall took hi little son to Port
laud, where they will meet Kd Hall
who will take the little boy back to
Otl Cole, a river-man of high stand
lug, 1 now at llueua Vista.
Wm. Cts kle, who bought the Iocke
farm, near Did, has been grubbing
extensively, aud has 150 acre In grain,
18 acre in cheat.
The public atdnsd at Rueua Vista,
has recently received two fllue, new
Lost Friday evening at the home of
Mr. J. R. William lu Rueua Vista,
waa a musical gathering. They all did
well. Elmer Hall, Mis Emma
Hughe, Mls. Hulbertatid Miss Mary
Shtvn rather took the cake for excel
lent. In traveling through the country one
see all kind ol stock, but Wm. David
son, the owner of the horse, Rrllton,
baaa flue a stable aawe ever saw.
Ilntton la a dapple-gray, weighing 18.K)
pound, Mr. Davidson ha many flue
horse, not race-horse, but good, all
round stock.
J. R. Williams, the druggist of Rucna
Vista, will probably be home from the
Mld- Inter fair this week. Mark T.
Hrownson ha been "holding the fort"
during hi absence.
Mary Shlvcs ha gone to Salem to
study music
At Rueua Vista the boat are so Ir
regular aa to cause annoying delays.
C. F. Culver came back to Iluena
Vista Monday, from the populist cou
vcutlon at Dallas.
0. W. McLaughlin rode lit flue
Pereherou stallion over to Parker last
Monday. The horse Is named Cleve
land and weighs 1270 pounds. Ry be
ing careful he could teeter "on the
fence" with his namesake.
The schtHil meeting held the 5th of
the mouth lesultcd In NewtPrather
being elected clerk and Geo. Scott re
elected director.
In spite of inclemency of the weather
there were quite a number of little
folks out to Sunday school all eager to
win the banner,
J. R. Red ford ha moved from Ma
rlon county to his homo In the Amcrl
can bottom.
Mr, Tolllver bus been quite 111 at the
home of Mr. Moody.
W. P. Reveus told forty acres of his
line farm to 1). fl. Taylor of Indepen
deuce, for the sum of f 201)0,
The primary department of the
school under the .iistructlon of Mis
Hcrlwrt, 1 preparing to give an enter
tainment lu the near future.
All Free.
Those that have lined Driving's New
Discovery know It value, and those
that have not, have now tho opportun
ity to try It free. Call on the adver
tiaed druggist and get a trial bottle free
Send your name and address to II. 15.
Rucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a nam
pie box of Dr. King's New Life pills
Ireo, a well aa a copy of Guide to
Health and Housohould Instructor free.
All of which Is guaranteed to do you
giKHl and cost you uothlng. Any drug
The Republican ('lab.
On lust Friday evening the republi
can club of Independence now having
au enrollment of 143, had
rousing meeting. It waa good to be
there. After the reading of the
minute and obtalnlngof new members
J. II. Hawley, of Monmouth, address
ed tho meeting at length, particularly
pointing out the false charges made
agulnstthe republican party by the
third party. He was listened to with
marked attention. Hon. E. T. Hatch,
of McCoy, being present, gave a point
ed address, Illustrating his stories
liberally with amusing anecdotes.
M. A. Baker, of Independence, was
then called upon and If ever a man
surprised his audience, he did. He
showed a familiarity with the platform
of the parties, which rendered his re
mark very interesting and Instructive.
When he alluded to the republican party
a a proarosalve party he said; "The
republican party biases the way and
theden (s'rat follow, and when they
see the blawi on the tree they cry,
Yes, ye tbl it tho way.'" Hlpeech
excited much comment.
The next meeting of the club Is Fri
day, March 23.
TIIK1. 0. 0. r.CMKTEKT.'
In the City of the Dcad-A List efTbose
Who Own Let There.
Several year ago the Odd Fellow
lodge of tbl city purchased a tract of
land south of the city, situated ou a
commanding elevation, on the main
road leading through the county, and
had It surveyed out luto 284 burial lot,
wlllt broad walk bet ween and arrange
ment for, In the future, making It a
lovely spot, with fountains, (lowers,
shrublsry, etc. The fund for carrying
nut those plan was to be derived from
the sale of lot. The present price Is
15 for a whole lot, 10x20, or 5 for a
quarter 1L From Mr. Hlrschberg and
Peter Cook, the mover in establish! utc
thu eeuietry, we obtain the following
list of name of those who are owner
of lot there, Iu thl connection we
may state that If tbl list doe uot con
tain tho name of all who are owners
of lots, It I because the record are In
complete, also If there are any error it
I for the same reason:
0 VV Murphy 1
Mr DP Penrone 23
GO Roller... 20
Edwin F Oaar 27
JKNHell 28
J M Rhode 29
J I) Irvine 80
R Ferry n 82
EE Paddock w J
Aggie Wiuuullee) 82
A S Copley 83
M I) Scott 84
E HKrengel 86
J K Rhode i 30
F A Douty 87
M Ik'amer , 88
WPConnaway 3
A Nelson .,; 40
F A Patterson 41
R Shelley 42
Jiinie Laudergon 43
M M Davidson 53
0 P Locke.... 64
Miller 55
Robert Steele 66
Geo Roger 67
I OOF 68
1 6
HFRurch (JO
" 61
Geo Skinner 62
TJ Lee 68
W W Williams... 64
Mr R Sloper 60
Mr M Garrlgu.... 07
Andy Wilson 68
W Klrklaud 69
1 O O F 70
' 71
P Dlcu 72
James Alexander 73
W K Crcssy 74
Elljolipsou ... 75
II M Waller 76
FA PlUmorrla 77
T R Huntley 78
DHIIartaouu wl 84
Mrs llowirth a w , 84
W W Lines ne 1 84
Mis Anile e 1 84
M Mcrwln 85
Sam McElmurry..,.. 86
David Parker 87
A S Locke 88
Domslfe 89
Wm Jones 00
GeoClaggott 91
iCIaggettn 91
MrsT WlWIt 92
Lewis Duval 93
EP Dove 94
R Nicholson 90
ERuuce ej.... 100
FA Harris w 100
D Duval n 1 - 100
Ferguson Rro . 101
Cha Parker 102
CL Pierce 103
L Mooro 100
J W Masterson 107
Peter Cook 108
Mrs K LaRnnslcur n e J...- 109
E 1) Homer n w J 100
TC Chandler e 109
AR Robinson w J 100
M W Mix 110
John Fluke 115
Mrs WL Wilkin 116
Jo Wilson J 117
John Kurre n j 117
Jaspoi Kennedy 118
" " 110
A R Atkins 12!
Isaac Mattlson 123
Fred Green n w 140
0 F IJutnby a e J 140
C P Shcrlcy n e ...140
W Drew u wl 161
The strongest recommendation that
any article can have Is the endorsement
of tho mothers of tho town. When
the mothers recommeud It you may
know that that article has more than
ordinary merit. Here is what tho
Ccntcrvllle, South Dakota, Citizen says
editorially of an article sold lu their
town: "From pcrsonul oxperleuce we
can say that Chamberlalu's Cough
Remedy has broken up bad colds for
our chlldrcu. Wo are acquainted with
many mothers iu Centervlllo who
would not be without it in the house
for a good many time IU cost, aud are
recommending It every day." 50 cent
bottles (or sale by all dealers.
Don't ltob the Children.
Editor West Side: The aotlou of
certain citizens of Independence In at
tacking our public school lu demand
ing such a reduction in wages as to
seriously lower Its present high
standard of excellence, Is certainly
very short-sighted. When you lower
the efllclcuoy of our sohools you rob
our children who are helpless to pre
vent It. Why not praotlce eoonomy
n some other direction? We bojie the
present coiidltloa of affairs is but
temporary and It mem to me we
might strike at other extravagance
which would reduce our Use and aave
u niouey now, and later on, If we
must, let us lower the standard of our
public school. It ha often been said
that education I the bulwark of Amer
ican liberty aud we And our people
more Intelligent than other nation,
ust ou that account. While It I true,
economy In public expenditure Is the
order of the day, why make the first
reduction (and such a sweeping one) la
the public schools and let our city ex
penditure go unoensured. Tube con
slstcnt those same persons should start
a crusade against municipal expense.
It might deprive us of some of our
luxuries but It would be only a tem
porary Inconvenience,, while crippling
our public school reaches far Into the
future. Your Truly,
People are fools to suffer when a rem
edy can be found to cure them. Oregon
Kidney Tea I no experiment, and not a
fake to get your money. Why will you
hesitate, when we assure you that It Is
absolute cure for all kidney and urluary
McCoy Item.
Friday evening at the residence of
Mr. aud Mrs. Moore, a party wm given
and wa well attended.
Mr. J, Robblns und daughter have
returned to their borne In Baker City,
after spending the winter near BetheL
Elijah Ralley, Jr. and MrsF. Rlrdon,
who have been nick, are Improving.
The Y. P. H. C. E. of Bethel Is In a
flourishing condition. They received
some Instructions Sunday from Mr.
Dr. Moffet, of Eastern Oregon, has
located at McCoy.
Mrs. A. C. Mukinuon, of McCoy, la
in very poor health.
The Bethel school la improving un
der the guidance of Mrs. Taggart
principal and Miss Kmmett assistant.
At the aunual meeting, of Bethel
school district, T. J. Grave wa elected
director and P. C. Sear, clerk,
An I'nseen Enemy
I more to be dreaded than an open and
visible one. That subtile and lurking
foe, which under the generic name of
malaria manifest ltaelf, when It
clutches u in Its tenacious grasp, in the
various form of chills aud fever, bilious
remllteut, dumb ague or ague cake, can
only be effectually guarded against by
fortifying it Insidious attacks with
HoHtetter Stomach Bitters, a thorough
antidote to the poison of miasma in
the system, and a safeguard agaiast It
thoroughly to be relied upon. In the
eyeut of a malarious attack, avoid
poisoning your system with quinine,
and use Instead this wholesome remedy
unobjectionable in taste aud far more
efficacious than any drug. Use the
Bitter for dyiqiepwla, blllousuess, con
stipation, klduey complaiuU and rheu
The following Is a list of deed re
corded in the office of the county clerk
at Dallas:
Feb. 24.-Frank Btarbuck- to
Wlnfred Btarbuck, laud near
Eola. f 1858
Feb. 23.-T J Lee to R A Wilson,
lot in Iudependeuco
Feb. 24. J A Veiiees and wife to
L t : Alexander, laud in Beuua
Feb. 28.-M M Ellis and wife to
E Cutler, laud in Dallas
Mar. l.-W L Gilson aud wife to
Anna Mehrllug, lots lu Fall
Mar. 8. James Turner et al to T
Williams, laud near Alrlle
Mar. 3. Mr. Mary Ilewell to
Joshua McDaniel, lota in Mon
mouth Mar. 8. N. E. Taylor and wife
toPJ Moore, lota in Bueua
Mar. 8. J M Davl aud wife to
District No. 23, land
Mar. 5. Clara Putnam et ux to
M P Johnson, lot In Weet Sa
lem Mar. 3. Clara Putnam et ux to
Agnes Driff, lota in Weet Sa
lem Mar. 8. 0 F Dempsey and wife
to Henry Tawk, land near
Mar. 8. D A Hodge and wife to
W H Wheeler, lota in Inde
peudenee 600
Mar. 3. A J Bagley to Otbellow
Bagley, land near Alrlle and
lota In Independence
Mar. 3. Nettle B Cosper et ux to
I Masou, lota iu Dallaa
Total, - $11,658
Total No. of deeds since Jan. 1st, 69.
We Will have our Grand Final
OpenhiK on Thursday, Krldhj and
Hiiturday, March 21ud, iSi aii
AU are oordlallv Invited to U
Independence, Orogcn,