The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 16, 1894, Image 1

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    I !,:b'iVl.S
$2.00 IVr Year
Five Cents Per Copy.
I.. ,J,
isiness Directory.
I. iW iV lliiitlii M miinfifittw uf
fiiwMivitivi f uititHiv" wit that n hl Oil not !)H a ir ' i flf
National, Cnr, Mulunml Mutiiiiith!t.
National, Cor, Main auj ' Hi.
"k. Hrfy, erne Klwt National Hunk.
A, Kuller.C street.
IK, center C xtrwt.
hitl'U . nt Vmy a lnta.M t'
M. Hurley, Mayor.
L V. Iteed, HwitMer,
Lly Tupiwr, Mur.lml.
lpill, J. tred Jeitkin.
fexbylrrlan, J. A. lwuriu.
Wreiiatlonnl, l. V, iVIIug.
lnnsIUI.H A. Copley.
WtlimtM.T. W. M.
lrltlu,Nirwtili'it !.tor.
. VmiUfxit.'l. linli'Pnlt'tiMii-e.
C Mulkry, i'inrjll lirlek, uplntr.
!. Jol,inuii,Ctr. lUlli.m.t a Monmouth. W
, YlttliMU, Ind. Nut" I UMiik. up llf
U Kcl.-huni, MiMimoulli Hi., urr
5. Huller, iM'r himn?, tip tnlr.
luhtnird A Want, lUllnwl Hir.
1 1. Klkm. li'vo order a! Hotel.
Viptiln Hod, at resldem. Itallmsd t.
purr- .Mrxnr Co.. Sir.
tTin tlriw., (iMr tiimxe.
f. Mill .. li". Skinner I'ii.
W Mill, 1. VV.HmntAt'o.
?j. Iter, or. (' inl Mnln lr-et.
l. Cook. Whlti'iikiT lrl''k.
f GEN'L M DSE- .
Jii 'ii l"rf A UlrnplilHTK. .Mnln rnrwl.
fM. Vmi-lnyn. l.'f 'i1"
A. Mllli -Wlillwiki-r hrlfk.
eKji'li-'r iii A Hanilrrini'K, f(irnr Mnln
fi.ity A I'ii lil'u lt, Wfti nti Mnln trwl.
IV, Irvliic-A lilUak'T lrli'k.
Tv. U lnnriPll.Oir, MhIii Muninmith Kl.
,M. Wft'li? A 'n.. Mriln ami M miuoiith Ml".
jTMT KlliiSOItl'W. Mnln Hlrm-l.
id. Mtcitui IJiHii'lry. A. J. Ai hU'in.
, M. Hurley, Mnln strcol.
M. A. Hmllh. I ml. Nitl'l Hnnk. upitnlr.
elpr Ciiok, Main ulrrft.
.lohnmn. Mnln utrm-t.
frmcott A Venniit, wtw mill.
B. U. HiiwkliiH.wir. lUllnmil mul Entrwlx.
Fred MllliT.CHrwl.
H.Tllll HlOK., Mulu tri't.
W. (1. Hlinrmiin.C street.
). H. Craven, (J Mwt, north ulit".
City llotaiiranl.t;, 1. CHinphnl), 1'rnp.
1ml. Iiilijn Nn 22, A.O. U. W.
(V.illey tMite N", ii, I.O, O. K.
,Vui (,(li(! No, 'a, A. V. A A. M.I
'illumiT IiIk No, 42, K. f ('. C
Vlwltiili Dcxrcii IOOI-', Clovfir LPtifNo,
pho Hum -J. It. Cuopur, prop.
jhc Caitli! H. K, Owiiih, prop.
Mitchell A llohumiori, Main Htruot,
M. T.l'row, ni'iir depot.
jli, Ssp fd, Mfe, St
. 43
CLEAR (l0N0i
0 AyEfVS
S. T. Smith, of TowmhIu, r.,
-htiH0 constitution wit fomiliti ly
Imikt'ii down, is rtiml by Ayor't
Hunuipurillu, Ho writes:
" For elglit j-fitrn, I m, mt fif lli
ttittn, n grout mi(tirr from entln
Won, kliltiry trtiuMK, Hint Imllgx.
tton, no Hint my coimtltutlon nrKim tt
to ho ritiiltlv broken ilnwtt, I wm
liiiliti fl.l to try Ayor'g 8iuniirllli. mul
UHk nearly wvt-n txittl.'n, with mi. U
xctilut riiilu tlmt my utotmuli,
lxiv uU, Kiiit Kliliiryii aro In (wrfurt tsm
Ittln, mul. In nil lli. lr funntloiia, it
rtaolar m rlork-work. At thtt tlinn
I ln-Bn taklnif Ayv r' Btanrlll, my
wiIlit m only I2 x.iiii. j I tiuw ( tut
htaa of W rKwiiiln, ami wtw nnvt-r In m
(jixhI litlili. If ynu rnulil me Iw.
lure ami uftnr tuliu:, ymt would want
mo for traveling tvrtlrmriit.
I Ih-IIovb thin pritratiim of 8ttrn!nriiln
to m tlio taint In thn tiwlny,"
frt.prl by fit. S. V. Ayi ( "o., U
Cures othors,wlll euro you
( to Itt llllAUn & HVAATH
I'ltoi'ltlKTOH or
CilyTmsk and Transfer Co.
Il.iulini; of all KimlH iKme lit
Jtrttm;itIo Kati'.
Agents for the 0. P. Boats.
All hi I In iinmt UwltUtt ly Urn Mill 01
t'urll limlltll.
Independence, Oregon.
Steamer Altona !
Salem and Independence
To Portland
I'itvt" Iiiilc'i'nilriiri ainl SiiK'iu
Motiiltiy, Wi'iliii'.Hilny uml !''rl'luy, luv
Inn I oili'iifUili'iKv ut li:l"i, HiiUmii ttl
7::ii) , in., mi'! mrlviiig ut 1'nrtlitnil ut
11:1 'i p. in.
I.t-iivc I'urtl.'iiiil TiicHiliiv. Tlitirrtihiv
atnl Siittiriliiy at tl:l."i h. hi.,, hiili-iu lor
lliili'l'i'llilflni' ut i p, III,
Kxcvllriit int'itlri utrvi'il on I tout t
S I'ClltM XT llll'ltl.
I'uwM'iiL'crH Muvf) tliiin unit tnonov lv
tiiklnx tliia lino to I'oilluml.
Htiriiiia-r will curry flint thrmigli
freight hikI oII'i-m nii'i'lul ruu-n on
lotM. .
UiH'XIvIIihI IIIOIHflllfl'r ltl!('lllllllllill-
tlon. Mltclicl . Wrliiht A Co . (Iciicr-
at niriilH, llolmuii Illicit, Hiiloni, Or,
by th
Portland to San Francisco
Including FIVE Gate Tickets
From Han Friiiiclwo to other points In Oil.
forrla will he allowed pnrelminrK of HpoHiil
Mllwlnti-r I' air lIckutHitttlinfollowliiK round
trip raiiM:
To Hlal loim ninli'r150 itilliw from Run Fran.
clHrai, Una and Ono-Thinl onu-way liiri'.
To Hti Uorm 150 mllnnor morn inim Han
Kriinclwio, one ainrone-llllli onii-way fun'.
Ym v.m ruti'H and full Inforniallon, Inipilro
of J. B. KIRKLAND, 1'Wrld, 1'aHHi.iiKiir
Aitfni,, i:n I'lrntst., I'orlland, or .or nddrwH
thil undiTHl'dicd. T. II, GOODM AN,
HIC1IAHI) OKAY, Oun, I'anHunijer At.
Uen, Tialtio Manager, Han Krancliico, Cul,
A ll"HHIlr. In IMl't -Ollttuiititila I'lriU.
1 1 lati Munrunl K k 1 l.
Jtulg Muriiini lliri -t'oiiiily (iilh'K
Mrx. Iii'.-iirt, tlio tCuntnw orutor, will
liii Kvttiw In frtlifiiiulii.
Tim tVinrtwii mlno, ti"ir rvwoott.
A. T., low lu iioia ft, o00,ooo.
Jnim Hmiijilo 'l!,rr, oil" of tlia
Ititut nntoil iKVuitH i'f l'n j l::limtu thu
I'ttily ilny, tlU'il ut Stm-kton nnrntly.
Atri. lvicr Jnckn , wlf-tuf it fm incr
llviiin iii-ar l.o li, Cul., cShi'mmI with Mil
Itaiiilull, a Mfu kniullti, Mo' loft tlii'oO
KinHhtif F.mltV little t Mott
toroy li!M Imliitpil by tltn ktmA
jury for oUtaliiln,; iiinpfriy ftmulti
Imilly. A lnM't miliar fuotorjr t Annlmlm,
Cl, in iiwm i v.!. llnmlit lmv Iti Hi imlil
mul tlt fiirtury wilt bo in puminn unlor
in tlum V.i huinlltt thld ymtr'tf t'n.
Al Coblor, an ta-ilnmiiy uwnmir of
htm Ati(?'lti einiiiiy, lm lnvu Hrtittil
on a clmrK'1 of innlx'iiioiit tif num
ijiilli-i'toit whitt) in hi otlU ial cMjiwity.
Tln twit Kuttlii-rn lm cut wai
Btul cauxfd a triko ut t'liittlo. Cur
fli'iiuorK wi'iprnt front (o month to
(It, t 'tr ri'imirorn from $'" to W, and
tlioir forctimn front f 75 to i
Vii'l-r n obi law I'Mvlilittfj for llw
t'hari.inx of count i for lhr mru inul
vlothint; furni hcl Inmnn crtmimtlii, tlm
I hitiH-kton tuyltun iint!ioiitlw luivn niml
j out liiUuut in;.'ilut Vi litl ,
Knwitnn fin.M'i.l. Tbc iuiittr will I
j ttil in thn fourU
j TIhto l inui'li fotnil."liit nniouK thit
; orclon'ilMx i a l uf fritio t!:nt tin1 bint
! nro iti kinjf off tin Hprd-ot ml j'Ui h
bnila to ftitoh Hit fxttmt tlmt they will
' jcri'iitly Injiirti thn fruit crop, Sunn uf
; tlio fiinuii'it lmvti tiikcii to niuH'tiiiK lit"
b ril.i, tlnm tictrii'K f "ill thn orchiiriU
w hat thi-y il not kill,
A lamljiHilti lit tlm foot of rurtlmnl
IK'i(iht, lit thitcoruiT of TliirtiKiithaml
Jttckiton trcct 1'ortlaml, Or., ntrmk
the nuiiliMii'" of ChurUnt Citriliniill, mul
liftinit it from tin foiiiulntiou curricit
it two Wot kH, throwing it over mi fin
bttiikmont into thu Htrm't U'low. Two
noighlmrinn cnttac wi-ro torn front
their fi'Ul.dutioilH.
Tim party ori(nnixot1 ut 1'iwt FiiIIk,
Mit., for tlm rwM'iio of thi- cook of the
Carlin party, tho unfortunuti tlforgn
Coljpito, U on It return Journoy down
thn t li ar wnli r river rtml i t'sriH-ctwl to
ronvh Ki'iiilrhk uliortly, lmviiirf ii
mt over tw (luy. They nfTerel many
hrtrilliiji, but wpw titmblu ttitlhmovor
truco of the iloxerteil conk.
Meliiorial w-rviceH in honor of the late
rnutor Stanford were held ut Stanford
tn.iversity few liny i?o, 1'rofeiwor
Nt.wiiiiner p'lnl an original ineinorlul
ikIo. Rx-Prextdciit HiirrlHon npok feel
inly of the Into nenator. Addreww
wen intide by President Jordan, Horaeo
Invi, cx-preniilent of the rnlvemlty of
Culifornitt, nnd othertt. Mm. Htanford
wiw present ut th ai'rvii'in.
Frederiek Whltliitf, who on Anff. 9 of
liwt year eloped from F.urekn with Mr.
Nettie Furrarl, who took with her her
two-yeiir old non, is in tho jail tin re on
a cliarjf" of iidnllery preferred by tho
liunbiind of tlie woiiiun, Frank FarrnH.
The hunband by h'Klll procenliiiKH linn
recovered pU'Wiintl of thn child lllld
the woillilll la left pelillihuH lllld alolle to
reiliH't over her atonny I'Xperienco,
A xenial ion wiw dev eloped in the Hurt
will ciine at San no the other
d.iy. A letter mid to Imvo lieen written
by tho tent.'itor'H dniu;hter wnn intro
dlici'd. It cnlitllilied HUKKeatloiw nn to
the dinpotnl of hia pmpi rty nnd wiw
written while Hurt wat on bin death
bed. Tho dininhter denicH that hho
wroto tho letter, Although, expert trntti
tlfnl that It M in her hand writ in,
Frank Miitthewn, who wH-ured tho
privllegn of working over the dirt nnd
refiiHo ut tlm old riidby Smelting worku
nt North Jleuch, Hun Franeiuro, him evi
dently utruck n Ixinituzn, judging from
tho iippeanmeo of tho bullion, chlpx,
bill tons nnd other iniiteriul ulready
..n .1 iei... i.,(..t ...i.i i.
iti oereu, i no m'mh jouooei, willed
repreKenta ! i than two weekit' work, in
worth utnmt fl.70(l, and tho total vulno
of the dirt on the nUi of tho worku In m
tiiimted by Mr. Mittlmws nt from $12,
0(M) to tlH.OIKl or $W,I)(H). He paid only
I'.MKi for it threo nionthM' privilego.
Ilornc'n motion recommending the
pnrchitHH of tho pro"tontory of Point
ItolxTtM, cotiKiHtlng of four Rqiinra milen
in the Htraits of KanJnnn tie Fucit, from
tho United Stale in exchange for terri
tory adjoining AlitNltii, phtwed tho Firit
inh Columbia lcgiiluluro ummimoiiHly
nnd will be ncnt to tho Doininion gov
ernment. MiniHtor of Finance Turner
spoke in fitvor of thn pvojioHnl, pointing
out that tho unreBtricted catch of al
inon ttl Point HeyoH in n nioimcii to that
imliiHtry on Fnwer river, mul Hinting
that at present Point Robert, being tho
rmulczvoiiH for Hinugglern, la thononreo
of tneiiiico to b ;th countries. Thin point
1h contigiimiH to tho mouth of tho Fnwer
river, whore tho great Hiilmon imliiHtry
Is curried on.
Hnn Diego county has lKen embur
ritHHoil liy tho decMon of tho Ntipremo
court which declare it illegal to pay
for extra clerical hiro out of the county
fuTida. For months tho county Iiuh been
trying to provido boiiih way out of the
difllculty by nmiiloying what in tunned
"einergoiicy chirks," but all of these
were, dischitrgnd on Fob. 28. The super
visors, by virtue of tho umomlimmt of
to the county government act of
1891, have appointed a register of deeds,
a clerk of the board of supervisors, a
jail ir and superior court builiir, consoli
dating those offices with those of the re
corder, county clerk mid sheriff. By
this means tho compensation of olllciuls
is so increased that they can pay for
clerical assistance from their own sala
ries. It is thought that this will result
in a saving to the county of $98,000 per
An mipmHiilentnd rnrivnl of willgloo
Is in piogreHM nt Wellington, Kim.
Tho iViHtnii Tuwlxiat company lutu tho
contract for ruining tlm Kounmrge,
Tho bii uk of Harrison, Neb,, Is lu the
liquids of the state bunking lsiurd,
The Nicholson hotel at Nithvill,
Tt 'in,, is In the hands of a rocelver.
The gambling houHwn of Provldenoa,
P.. 1,, were nulilled lmtt wwk to t'kw at
(Iritlit freight ratM lmvo dropjwd 4
cents a hundred Uilwtxm DoUult and
New York.
Tlm neiiate eommlttiw on trritorlr
will n port fuvoriibly ou the admission
of Utah.
One hundred ami fifty women have
mipltod fur mtloott license in the city of
rhil.'uolj,Un . ,
Minn luw that riipilrivl oleo
iimrga-ii, , , be tintoil pink U dot'larvd
tiucimstitut mil,
Nino vuudevilhi theatre at Pittsburg
huve formed a trust and will divide the
profit equally,
It 1 said Hint the amount of wheat to
1 planted In Michigan thin year li 80
j,mr wiit less than last ytar.
The coal mine' trouble In West Vir
ginia 1 ended, The men accepted the
reduction awl imiuum! work.
Farmers of the Indiana gas belt have
Incorporated a noolety, and are now
hunting crimimiU with bloodhounds.
The largo col on mill In the vicinity
of Montreal have closed down, there be
ing no demand for their product.
CnngrettsinunTurpin of Alulstma ta an
advocate of iiejjro emigration; he think
that it would giwittly benefit the South.
The muchiuery of the new buttle ship
Indiana works perfectly, and the ;ihI
of tlm vowel is beyond that n-qulred by
tlie cinilfsrt.
The people of Troy, N. Y., are la maiw
imvtiug urging the governor to a vig
orous proecuiioii of those engaged in
the riot on election day.
Several persons are under arrest at
Minn, (),, mid charged with attempting
to bnlst the jury in the case of ok
Cashier Iuigun, a liank tn)Muler,
The doctor are at war both in Maeaa
rhusetts mid Ohio, where bill are be
fore the IrgMutiirt favoring the old
i h'Mil regular in state Institutions.
AlsitU Ifci.lxiO shurea of the 117,000
Nicaragua Canal CuuM ruction UkIi
have lsii ileHtiteil with the Ontral
Trut coiiipuny of New York nnder the
risirgitiiixutiou plan, and aMiossmenta of
alsmt t.'.'n.oiK) have lnn paid In.
The Penuiiylvniiltt Hailrend company
sent out a selul train with two phy
sicians, who went over the whole lino
to vaccinate nt each station all the
switchmen, station nn'ii, gatekeeper
and other employee.
,Tln Cuw York Kemtte committee on
judiciary without a dissenting vote haa
iii(rm'l to ri jHirt favorably oh HenaUir
CoKgeshall's bill defining liu.llig a a
rrlmiiial offeime. Tho bill was Intro
iIiicihI just aftur the Goruull affair.
Letter from government ofllclnls in
r;itkrt, Ahiskii, deny the storlea circu
lated some time ago that tho crew of
the I'ilita had been jailed for violating
the EiIiiiiiii'Ih luw, Tlm letter declare
that all the crew are of exemplary hab
it and that Sitka ia a moral town,
Judge Morrow of the United Slatea
circuit court saved tho live of Mrs, W.
Joih-h and her three children at Han
Hufael, Mrs, Jones' house was burning
mid tho judge nulled through the flames
and smoke nnd reamed the mother and
children, all of whom were unconscious.
The next meeting of tho Aineriean
Medical assiH'iation will be held at Kan
Francisco ou the drat Tueidity in June,
iHttt, instead of on the first Tuesday in
May, in order to permit of a discussion
of the code by the v iirious societies that
meet just ls'fore tho meeting of the na
tional llltNUI'ilttloll,
(leiu ral lirooko, rouimandiug the de
partment of the Platte, mix issued an
order practiiT.lly discharging an Indian
company of the Eighth Infantry. The
order was directed to the commander nt
Fort Washnut, to furlough his Indiana
for three months and then discharge
Tho famous snlt Iwtwoen villiam
Rturge and John V. Farewell and his
associates will be referred to Judge Tn
ley ut Chic-iigi) for arbitration without
appeal. The case involves ,1,fMX),000 acres
of hind in tho Panhandle country of
Northern Texas and 1.10,000 head of
Mrs, Caroline E. Whitney, a former
California girl, left her baby in charge
of the nurse nt Nice and all traces are
lost of her. Mrs. Whitney's friends say
she loved chitntpajyna and probably went
off on a pel loilicul "flight," leaving the
baby with a nurse. The husband and
father is In a Ouriniin itm'ie asylum,
Captain Hedntono, who wns a candi
date for prehidont on tho "Industrial"
ticket, is organising i'n arm- of trumps
to move from Miwilhm, 0 .j Washing
ton, and to gain strength on its way,
Tho object in to force congress to legis
late for public improvements, which
will give work to the unemployed in
stntes, counties and cities at If 1.50 a day
to the men, eight hours to constitute a
day's work,
The A'lierican Protective association's
organizer, G, W, llnlo of Kansas City,
attempted to deliver a lecture nt Dal
lim, Tex., the other night. IJefore ho
hud gone fur un Irishman named Tom
Unify sprang to his feet, and drawing a
revolver llivd four times in rapid suc
cession. The sljota all missed Hale, but
one struck John Ilussell, inflicting a
elight wound. Duffy was imprisoned
and Hale continued his speech.
Lieutenant Governor Royal of the
Northwest Territory, recently viceroy
of her majesty Queen Victoria and
ultra-loyal servant of tho Dominion gov
ernment, has issued a brochure urging
the separation of Camilla from the Brit
ish empire, He says the Canadian con
stitution shows nIkus of insufficiency,
Her equipment grows worse and worse
for the definite attainment of tranquil
ity within her borders, and her equilib
rium is meuauud at several points of the
social organism,
Important Maw of All Kind Itnllort
Down and Arracrl for limy ropl.
All rflinnii Wiirdt llnmnfftd and
, th Kutiiea of th Ni l'rniirvil.
The musical critics at Chicago are
untaxed at the phenomenal range of tho
voice of Mist Yaw, a young Loi Augo-
lea songstress,
Five thousand pound of giant powder
which wan stored ui Del Monte, Colo.,
was removed by order of the nnthm-'
tie. It wiw taken to tho mountain
and explodixl.
Juilgi Buck and Mixire sustnliu d the
claim that the Kpokaue Brand jury was
illegally drnwu and dlsiiilsiod it us an
illegal body. This Invalid lies nil the
indictment already found and may 1st
followed by tome rattier serious result.
A call for the annual convention of
the National League of Republican
clulai baa been issued. The convention
will meet in Denver on June 2fl. Kifh
state will be entitled to 10
large and four delegate front each con
gresninnal district The total repre
iHut.ahjn will exceed SiOO,
Captain Clay Whiteley, who is cor
xiral nnder Cleueral Hunter In June,
WA, was sunt with a detail to burn the
old humejitoiid of (leneral Stonewall
Jackson, at Lexington, Va., has returned
to the widow of Jackson small bible
taken from Jackson's costly library
while the famous residence was in
flame, Mm. JaclUon is now living in
Charlotte, N. C.
In the federal court at Wichita, Ka.;
Judge William bold that inmate of
aoldier' homes, otherwise qualified,
could exercise their franchise nnder the
constitution of Kansas at any election
held In the precinct in which the home
is located. This decide the Populist
act of IHUtf to Iw unconstitutional. That
act provided that inmate of soldier'
homes were not to be allowed to vote.
In Mrs. Mary Lease the 1,500 jople
who attended a meeting of the unem
ployed on at Boston had a speaker
after their own heart. She scored
her hearers and said they brought all
the trouble on themselves by voting for
dude In top hat and kid gloves, and
until they used tho ballot to aetid men
of their own kind to the legislature the
working people would be snubbed. She
told the unemployed if they would only
stay at home and mind their bahle tlm
women would mxm find a road out of
this terrible busmen depression.
The Utah legislative assembly dose
crsted the Babbath by remaining in
regular session throughout thu entire
day. The regular legislature sensioii
expired by statutory IcjfMation on
Thursday, Feb. h, but the mtmlx-rs
stopjied the clocks in each house at 11:20
o'clock and jxwtcd a card over tlm face
of the timepiece on which were the
words, "Thursday, March 8." A rccts
was taken each night, instead of tin ad
journment Almost tlio entire session
was wasted in inrfitan wriugling,
leaving the really important legislation
to lie crowded through after the legal
expiration of the seasion,
Queen Jutulxi, the la .'gent elephant in
captivity, was sick with thn grip at
Rock ford, Ills. A the animal ia val
ued at f t'2,0O0, every effort to save her
was made. She was given one dose of
medicine which consisted of 10 gallons
of whisky. Half a barrel of mustard
was used in making plasters with lied
quilt for the patient. Quinine in one
ounce doses wiw given frequently. Tho
elephant seemed to realise and appre
ciate the efforts of her doctors,
was very docile, and would take any
thing given her. She is now fully re
covered. Mrs. Ellen Bolce.atClarksville.Tenn.,
attempted the assassination of O. O.
Boyd, a colored lawyer of wide reputa
tion. Boyd had trouble with the
woman regarding a reKrt that she had
circulated aguinst him, and adminis
tered to the woman a severe whipping.
The following morning the quarrel was
renewed, and Boyd whipped her a sec
ond time. Securing a revolver she fired
at him twice, but missed. Boyd is a
prominent politician, and seconded
Harrison's nomination from tho Tennes
see delegation, and was one of the com
mittee that waited upon Whitebiw lteid
notifying him of his belli,; the choice
for second place,
Walter Wellmnn, the Washington
correspondent who has organized an ex
pedition to solve the polar problem, and
his companions sailed on Wednesday
for F,urojie. At a special meeting of
the National Press club at Washington,
Wellman was prosentod with a hand
some silk flag of the United States,
which the club desired he should naii
to tho top of the north pole or plant it
in the hole he discovered. Wellman, in
a gracious speech, accepted the burden
placed upon him and said the flag
should lie placed at the highest northern
point reached by the expedition. The
expedition will start from Norway' and
sail to the island of Spitzbergen, within
700 mile of tho pole. From there the
journey on the ice will begin.
It is stated in gambling circles that a
projoet is on foot to establish a Monte
Carlo at East Omaha similar to the in
stitution in Monaco. A syndicate of
wealthy local gamblers is to be formed.
The site to be selected will be on the
Iowa side, near the street car line. The
building will have an annex in which
reading, smoking and concert rooms
will be arranged. In an informal dis
cussion of the Bchome proposed at a
gathering of several of the wealthy
gamblers, the subject of the locatku of
a first-class racetrack was also men
tioned. The plan is to establish first
class sporting headquarters upon a scale
0f splendor not equaled elsewhere in the
country, and as the location would be
oubilde of the jurisdiction of police
authorities arrangements could be made
for all sorts of sporting events,
Highest of all In Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
K muse's headache fiipsula, unlike
many remiilh, are js rfit'tly bunnies.
They contain no Injurious substance,
and will stop any Kind of a headache,
will prevent lieudacbc caused by over
indulgence lu food or drink late at
night. Price 25 cent. Fur aalo by the
Alexander Cooper Drug Co.
What Slay I In Calned hy the Perfeetlun f
ll.a Itivi-ntlun.
What liririortant purposocau flight in
air K 'rveV Mxiin, Langlcy and all who
have studied the subject Ihoroughly
a;jrc that the epeed of aeriution will
greatly exceed tout of any terrestrial
Ftoui thisfullowsan entire economic
change lu tliedireetionof rendering Ira
iiK'iiso tract of comparatively worthies
territory at dixtunrc of 80 to 40 mile
from title much more available.
There would ulro result the relegat
ing of city property In large measure
to business and storage purpose.
This wmtld to a largo extent accom
plish what Henry George sighs for, but
would do It by means which do not in
volve any wrong to the lund owner by
the wage t amer.
With (lying navies capublo of carry
ing unseen at night large quantities of
explosives to the center of a city war
would become o destructive that It
would be soon supplanted by arbitra
tion as a muter of common sense and
self preservation.
Arbitration once established, an in
ternational police system controlling na
tions as we do individuals, and enforc
ing the decree of board of arbitration,
would be enormously assisted by this
power of rapid and if necessary destruc
tive patrolling.
Immense areas of country, now well
nigh impenetrable, would be cened to
usefulness. Large sources of wealth
would thus l added to tho civilized
world and would result in the amelio
ration of the condition of tho savages of
such regions as central Africa.
Wo should have to give up selfish leg
islation and restriction upon the com
merce of other nations, and tie obliged
perforce to "stund on a broader her
itnge than that of a nation or of tone."
-Samuel Cabot In Boston Traveller.
The Final Splurga.
Arthur Qtilller-Coneh's story called
"The Tauper" contains the description
of a poor old couple who give tho last
little entertainment to their friends be-
foro going into the workhouse. It seems
to lie the ustinl thing fur Cornish folks,
whoso hospitality even under the most
disadvantageous circumstances is pro
verbial. Ihcy like to make a splash be
fore going under. "Miss Scantlebury
did it better'n anybody I've heard tell
of," say tlleso gossips. "When she fell
Into rediHK-ed circumstances, she sold
the eight day clock, that was tho only
thing o' value she had left. Brown o
Tregarrlck made it, with a very curi
ous brass dial, whereon he carved a full
rigged ship that rocked like a cradle
an went down stem foremost when the
hour struck. 'Twns worth walking a
mile to see. Brown's grandson bought
it off Miss Scaiitlebuiy for 9 guineas,
he being proud of his grandfather's
kill, au the old lady drove into Tro
garrick workus behitid a pair of grays
wi' the proceeds. Over and above the
carriage hire she'd enough left to adorn
the horses wi white favors an give the
rider a crown, largo ss my lord. Aye,
an at the workmi door she said to the
fellow, said shei 'All my life Uve
longed to rido in a bridal chariot, an.
though my only lover died of a declino
when I was scarce 23 I've douo it at
hist,' snid she, 'an now heaven un airth
can't undo it!1 11
Williamsburg, Ohio, Oct 7, 1891.
Norman Llghty MTg Co., Dos
Moins, Iowa Gentlemen: 1 can pos
itively any Krnuse's headache cupsuls
arc the lu'st headache cure I ever hand
led and I have a dozen ditlerent kinds.
Respectfully, J. B. Wai.kkr.
M. O. Potter hits been appointed
freight and passenger agent at this
point. Bee him for cheap rates over
the U. P. It. H. Ofllce with Alexauder
Cooper Drug Co. 8 9 4t
There Is no nine in Oregon whero a
better meal Is served than at the res
taurant of Westnoott A Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Meuls 25 cts
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum,
Used in Millions of Tr-mes 40 Years the Standard
Hie Great Paper Mill In the Lead-Its
Latest Publication.
But few pojiers of the United State
have ever undertaken a work of great
er magnitude than has evidently been
called for In the publication of the
QrtytmUin't "Handbook of tbe Pacific
Northwest," a copy of which has Just
reached the desk of the VViHT Hiok.
The "handbook" w something ot A
misnomer Inasmuch as It give but
little Idea of the great scope of the
work. Its value as a book of reference
mi lie Appreciated from the statement
that It index alone contains upward
of 10,000 entries, but aside front it
value a a statistical publication, .It
complete and highly interesting sub
ject mutter almost entitles the book to
beciui-M'd as a history. It contains
nearly 1,000 Illustrations which were
made in the Ortyonian'u engraving
nsiiiis. It is a well bound a any of
the finest Eastern publications and
lu Us press work and generally attract- .
ive upiwaraiice it Is far ahead of any
siteciul publication ever Issued under '
the auspices of any paper on tbe coast.
The to iK of the "handbook" can be
better understood when it 1 stated
that it contains exhaustive aud relia
ble articles ou all the leading industries
of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, West
ern Montana aud British Columbia; on
the climate, topography and soil of
this vast region, and extended men
tion of every town of importance In the
Pacific Northwest. Euergy applied to
a practical purpose, the dominant factor
in the success of the Qrcjonian, was
never shown to better advantage than
lu the publication of tbe "handbook"
during a year when all business was
stagnated aud when nothlug but un
profitable returns were looked for from
most enterprises. Everybody who de
sires full and accurate information on
the Pacific Northwest, should send for
a copy of the "handbook," and the
book t-hould be kept on file, in all pub-
lie libraries. It is sold at the popular
price of three dollars,
ICummcnced bunnies March 1, 1H.)
At Indf xmleucc, In the Stt of Oregon, at
tbecloMtoI hunliitMD, Kob. , A. 1). ISM.
Umax nnd discount IllS.SflS (2
Overdrawn, nevured and uuiiecured-. 277 17
V. H. ItondB Ut MN-urti vlrculutlou 120 03
I'remlumx on U. . hond 1,500 00
lUuiklilK-liollKClurnltlll-SHlKl flxt'rv MS
Due from National llunkn (not r--
serve H((i'iil -- - 15 08
Due from Male banks and btui Iters.. HO 04
line from approved rtwrve agents..
Cheek and oilier cash Item a 80
.Notea ot oilier NattuniU Hanks SO 00
Kraellonul puHr currency, nickel
and cents . 1 7S
Heele 8,0117 SO 8,907 SO
Hvdeiiiptlou fund with U, 8. Treas
urer (5 per ceut uf circulation.) S62 00
f 150,545 02
.. oo
Capital stock paid in..
Mirpiu rimti....
I'mllvlded prolltx, leu expvnxe
and tuxes paid...-
Nit! tonal Hunk Note outstanding...
Hue tolSlule Hanks and bankers
Individual derxmit (tubject to cheek
iH'iiuuid cvrllllvatn ol deposit.-..
Notes aud bill re.diBeouuted.
0,410 58
IloO 00
18,185 70
42,W8 US
11,040 aa
..(136,545 02
HUite of Oregon,
Comity of l'olk.r"
I, W. 11. Ilawley, cashier of the above
named hank do solemnly swear that th
above stuumient Is true to the best uf my
knowledge aud belief.
W. H. HA WLEY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me t his 14th
day of March, 1SH4. J. W. Kikkland,
Correctr-Atlexl: Notary Public
Jt. 8. Cooj-kk,
1. W. Kohkktson,
U. W. Whitkakeb.
Louis Hklmkk,
For Sale.
Five hundred bushels of New Zea
land white oats, for seed, by Wilcox,
Baldwin & Co. 2 23 4t
Oak Wood for Sale.
Four foot oak wood for sale. En
quire of J. F. O'Dounell, or leave or
ders with Chas. Staats.
100 Acres of Land for Sale.
If you want a piece of the best land In Polk
oounty, near Independence, and that will b
sure to suit you In location aud price, call at
this office for particulars. 12.2t