The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 09, 1894, Image 3

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    Olfisif! Paper of Folk County.
West Side Publishinff Company
FlUtUY, MAUC1I tt, lsul.
Can You Beat This?
100 Litttr Hd, $ .60
100 Cnvlops, .60
250 Lotus Hada, - 1.00
230 Envlopa, 1.00
1000 LtUi Htade, 2.76
1000 Cavttops, .......... 2.76
100 Basin Coeds, 1.00
250 " " 136
1000 " " - 2.60
Tha WEST SIOC off!
wilt not ba UNDERSOLD,
if tats Prloaa ar not LOW
nough, tall ua whara you
ean do battar.
Tha abova Prloaa aro
Hack Fkom thr East. Pierce
ltlgt-s of Crowley, ho low been vlail
lug hi the East for the past live month
returned homo lust wwk, Ho
reports a very enjoyable visit, of
course, visiting tho great orld t fair.
He also wont (o tho city f Washing
ton ami saw congress In session, Ho
wh there the day the vote wo taken
on tho Wilson bill In tho house. While
In Now Jersey ho called nit Itcv. Atur
gatroyd, whom ho found l Now Ver
n. in, presiding over a church of 200
I mcttiUTs, mill jur-t a pulnr mid ho
loved a U hi excellent wife, iix ho was
in Independence, when pastor of tho
f l'rohyh riiin church horv. In Now
J. ry ho Imnil tlio fuinily history of
tho Bigga family Uu-k to tho Puritan
fathers, and I wry proud of hi llueuge.
A.NoTiiKK The distance
from Dallas, tit Polk county, to Blek
reall la five mile, nml In a direct lino
from there to Salem la uitto miles,
Starting at Itlekreall ami running lu a
southerly direction, at right angle to
tlio lino from Dallas to Salem, It In six
utile to Independence; will the read
ers ot thin pasr please toll ua how
many mlloa ami foot It 1 from Dallas
to Independence, Biol Independence to
Salom? For tho Ut nml moot oorroot
answer to this two month sultserlptloii
to thla paper will he given. Allan
sworn must I received not later than
next Wednesday noon.
At KtcKKKAi.u The W, C.T. U.
gave a social at Orr'a hall, February
listh. The principal feature of tho
evening wart tho selling of a prize cake
with a ring. Some of tho boya speut
everul dollars hot failed to got
tho ring, which wan secured by a gen
tlvman whose Ut girl waa Interested
in the haklng of the aamu. 8omo of
our jrcople have been very active In
talking stmul the lxya playing a social
game of cards, hut It appear to Ire al
right to carry on mich device to draw
money out of a gull.thlo people for the
benefit of Home society. H. J.
I McCoy Kkitumcan Cum. Last
Saturday tho club hold a mooting
I which was largely attended. There are
I now forty incmbt'r and more prom-
I Ised. Trof. Bdl and Mr. Tout of Dal-
$ . . . ... . . . ...
I hot, uddronwd tlio mootiiiB in an tniar-
t eating mail tier. Hon. (leorge t. Ilmw-
nellot Oreiron City, will addrrrw the
I tliil) there March llth. and nn Invlta-
tioii him lieen extended to the Indepeu-
I deuce club to lm there.
I Homk AdAiN. V. K. Crecdy and
I wife w ho have been away from I tide
jf pcndence over a your vlnlt ng In the
llsnxt and In California, returned home
E-liiMt wik. Mr. and Mm. Crewy are
i loo!;in well and aro ghid to get back.
It will lt reiiiemlH-red that Mr. Crwwy
wrote uoiiie very intcrcatlng letterato
f ttio WfM Sum from New Hanihlre.
(ieo. VV. lfetikle iina returned from
Ms vicit to Han FnuiclHC and the Mid
winter fair and renorta uiipleaMunt
wetither (luring bla vImH. The FiMtern
viniiora are rather jroklng fun at Call
foi'iiiarm for culling It a land of mm
nhiiie. H. L. Hnyilerof 15iiomi Vlata, left on
Wednewlay for lUill'alo, N. Y.
fount Court Proceeding.
Kntate of Chaa Woixlwurd, deceiiHed;
f petition Air probate will; V A Janltwm
I Itobert Howe and Jolm Middleton ap-
pointed iippraiw-ra.
Ktale of J. I'. Ltnderrimn, rn-titlon
for final settlement; time et April
ft, 1H04.
t The following billa were prenented
I but hud not been acted upon aa we go
f to prena. UillH on ordered paid will be
publiahcd next week:
Adam K Wilson, inoaicmea
H U CoKpcr, wilRry
W A Wnh, printliiK
Wllmx, Halilwln A Co, irrouerlMi..
i.'ravon lirox, mcrchanill
(llnnn A l'riulclMiirio, printing
tl S Unuit, mnmiwaiMl envelope
TO llntcliinwin, treaohen' exm,
I) i Htoiill'er, " "
WIHeyiiolils. " " .
Wale vn HtliiKli!', Mherld'n fee
JuKtle' fe .
vn John Don, " fno.....
Dalian Klwtrlo JilKht Co, court houe
l.ymon Jjainon, rol uperlnor .....
" tillnif
" tiHi road plow .
OlaHitA Pnidulmiiimfl, printing .
hvn V. Irwin A Co. nliitloncry
H fUllrnrt, ImlldliiK nrtdne
Ben (J Irwin A Co, book ..... .
liouyhty AHuytor, printing . ..
12 W
81 mi
'if 70
22 (HI
21 00
21 00
J5 Oil
7 )
8 (If.
i m
H i on
11 00
4 10
75 IK)
27 M)
On Wednesday Im Smith, 11. V. Jor
dan and Oloutlravea of Monmouth,
went to Portland on tha afternoon
train; Wcdiicwhiy morning tho Altotia
carried lkH I.ttcaa, C. I.. llnwley, H.
C. Merndl, J. U llanoa and wife, lr.
UIIHh, Mra. Klifx, Uev. ilartoii l!lgi
and vcveral otliein,
County iHiurl l hla week.
Itawallt Hawallil At Clodfcltcr
St. Putiick'a day eotnea nekt we-k on
Mia Cora. Filler la vlaltlng frlendn
In Portland.
Hawaii! a atory for alek ailltlelaua,
at CUalfelter Itro.
A flno lino of hugituy and Carriage
linruvMi at K M. Wade A Co.'a
lVm't overliK'k lr, Mulkey'a new
ad on the accoml page of thla paper.
V. H. Craveu and Zed Itoaendorf
took in the mctronlln tho II rt of the
(lent1 heavy underwear la now re
duced in price at tha New York taeket
No one ktiowa the power of tho
prow till ho gla hla finger In the cog
OrcKory A Pookiitader, on Wnt. Iv
Idaoti'a hop-yard, have 15,000 good hop
acta for aale.
While tha office should w-ek the man
the matt ahouhl try and be at home
when It calla.
Tho U'at line of hop-plow, htaw and
culilvatora in Independence, at It, Al.
Wade A Co.'a
To the taiya of Independence: A
fancy lot of tnarhlea will arrive at
Clodfclter Uroa.
Mlaa Fanny Ayrt and Mlaa Hrueo
left fr their homea hi Portland ami
Iowa hit Saturday.
No. Out) la the name of one of the boat
corxeta lu the market. You can find
them at the Itaeket atore.
The nuhject Sunday uiortilnu at the
Chrtxtlnn church-"Iivlnlty of Clmau"
Kvenlug "The Jtcginiilng."
IUad our prtce lW of job work on
tho frt culumii of thin page; It la I at.
low actual coat of production.
The Wt-rld'a fair waa the hlggeat
ahow on earth, and next In order
eomca the United State ainate.
ave you any broken furniture alrotit
the hottae that ueeda nu mllnu? Take
It to Ilerg, the new furniture dealer.
Owing to the demand for a good
ahavo at f eeiita Landreth, the barber,
baa cailetl to hla help an aanlatant twr
ber. '
Tho iKnuH'rat aaya: "How dear to
our hearta la the face of a dollar wheu
aome kind aulwcrlU-r prvnonU ll to
ScIkhiI lu the Atkiua-ItoKcra dintrlct
will commence next Monday March
l'.'th, with Mlwi IMueilu Colllna im
Tiinea may be hard but IWrg, the
furniture man, can furnlnh you a aprmg
mattre which will make tying eaay
at all timea.
ICarly IUxm (need) poUt-a-a for aalo ty
(1, C Holier, i tnllea aouth of I tide
(K'mleiice, or leave order at thla office.
.V) ccuta a bimliel.
Farmera who want the tastt work
done at the lowent pricea vlalt Fullcr'a
blackMiiilth ahop. That mw algu
nieana luck to hU many cuHtomera.
If you want a cheap yard or ehlckoii
park fence clout full to mv t hat Hue line
of wire-netting ut K. M. Wade Co.',
an nothing will compare with ll In
Lut Saturday evening the Altona
brought up Dr. law, Dr. Parrhdt, W,
ll. Murphy, K. K. Kretigel, W. W.
Wililamx, J. Jliirneo mid w ife, and Mra.
New gold milieu aro generally ilia
covered Jtint whan the people are dla
trtwted over hard timea. A chance like
that offered by Vanduyu la our local
gold mine.
Fulling in love, remark an exchange,
wah-atart. JJut It needn't Ut. If you
look at the dren-girods at VanduynV
you fall In lovo with them or with
tho women who are adorned lu them
Jokeaon any he thiuka a mail U
mighty lucky, tlicMe daya, If he can
pay even hla reaped, hut he thKun't
blame the ladlea for paying their re-K-nta
to I', C. Putteraon'a dolleloua
French candlin.
The breaking down of the englno at
the electric light works hint Thu rday
and Friday left our ieoplo In darkneaa.
It ahowa how well-iLanaged thu elec
trie light company la that wo ure not
oftcner deprived of the llghu.
There will be a aoelal evening nt
Mr. und Mm. Hluntler'a, Friday, March
10, by the Ladles' Aid aociety of the
Methodlat church. Mualc and a good
tlmo generally, k exa?cted. Every
body Invited.
The revival nervier at the Chrlathtii
church thla week conducted by Itcv.
Siccafooae, are reaulting In romaldenihlc
Intcreat. IUiv. Klcaftaiae la the brother-in-law
of Dr. H. A. Mulkey.
Mra. H. T. Cnrtwell, aon and daugh
ter of KnnlB county, Texaa, are vIhUIdk
at the home of II. Deal near Mon
mouth. They are very favorably Im
proved with Polk coutity.
U. M. Tharp who Iihb U'cii living
near Huver for the past eighteen yearn,
thla week moved with hla family to
Independence and will occupy the
Shlnrj bonne near L. Kelno'a residence,
Ilin priHtofllce will now bo Indepeu
dence. The aermon at the Baptist church
next Sunday morning will bo for tho
children. In theevenlngttt7:fl0o'clocU
the subject will be "What We Baptists
Believe;" showing how'fur we go with
other denominations, and where we
The Wical' Stl'M tloen not piopi ho to'
be otitdomioii the piiccH am) iptallty t f
Job work. If you nava any dotim oi
the veracity of thla statement read our
price-list at the lop of thla page, ami
thou call nml examine our work.
Siiiii'I McF.ldowny Is reported dull-
yeroualy 111.
CM. Brown who bus been sick for
some time Is atowly Improving.
K. M. Suillit of Monmouth,, will
leach lu the Klklna district Instead of
A, J. Shipley. Mr, Sblphy has anvp
ted n H'nlllon lu the Monmouth pub
lic school.
At the auiitial fibool meeting Mon
day lu dlstiii I so, ' M.Seialloid was
elected tleik and Jamis Hillthraud
director to servo thiw jonm.
Abticr Johnson ret on ml ticm Sun
FihiicIm-o Monday. He mus well
pleased with the Oivkoii display ut the
Midwinter fair. Ho brought biuk
with him seveiid line till pulnilnn
which ho bus on exbliiltlou al Stiver.
11. V. Harris Informs us be has lost
several of hi young lambs by a huge
eagle w hich Inhabit his farm.
Iat Wednesday eve several .otiug
aople eojocd n phiisatit ilanct at
liubl, Steele's. About twenty Couples
were piesetit and all expuss thvm
wlvesus having the best ila net of the
Hev, Jctiklua of Iiidepciiileiicc, Is
holding a scrlca of iiat'tltigs at the F.I
kins sehisil houwt. There will I
preaching there next Sunday al IU,
m, ami lu the evening ut 7 o'chs k. All
are cordially Invited.
Mrs. Davis of I'eedee, Is vlsllhig her
sou John Kurre, Mrs. Davis will go to
Portland lu a fw days to lslt hot
thtuiihlcr Mrs. II. titlltlth
The S. P. It. U. company has had
several men In our midst for a few days
luvestigittlnK the lnt rst of their rood.
They oiler a IIUral reward for the ar
rest ami conviction of any m e eniilit
atcallng or destroying their nh-js rty.
The directors awanb-d Amlrew
Chiiuds i lulu the eon tract to fence the
m'IksiI grounds ami build a wishUIkmI
for the eonl"eriiilon of fs. It. Steele
Jr. has the eon trad to furnish the
school hou-e w ith w ihhI for I ho present
year at fl !W is rconl.
Arthur Kays Is back from French
Frank (laar, an old time Parker'a
boy, was back to see us last week,
Mlsa ble Vaughn Is visiting her
former pupils.
Cass Kay a la getting fat on goose
meat he and his brother killed two by
Mr. IMlitor, I am sorry to call you to
mind, that you mistook a tnau named
Calbreuth for Crablreo lu hist week's
Immio There are no Mtn li trees In our
vicinity, and they would U'ctit ilown It
there were. There is uothlox but black
gum, Jew U rry ami hand. The hazel l
U'liig ek terminated as fust as our school
has Uin run on revised principles.
The U, K Mint at San Francisco, has
w ritten Dan Calhrcnth, thltikiiiK there
was gold and silver lu our vicinity, for
statistics concerning the output of the
Paolllo coast for the calendar year lMii;t,
We have no gold mines-oi (cry day
In abundance. We are very sorry Mr.
Crubtrce canuot give us a blow at head
tpiarter'i. A pleasant airty was enjoyed by the
young people at W. P. Bnwlley'a last
Saturday evening. Much mimic and
hllarltv was hud In the cot me of the
(I co. Bolter has growu well and has
Ufii selling wheat.
J. Htlllbruiid was visiting relative
he re Sunday.
Party at D. M. Calbreatb's last Sun
day night waa gsid lime for all.
For the Parkers district Fills David
sou was selected director and D. M.
Cttlbreiith clerk of the school Umrd. At
the Isginiiing of 'U3 we had M u:i on
hand mid during the year faiW.W) was
collected milking f:tt.U73, the receipts
for the year ending March I, 'IM.
Win, Fuipiu Is road siiieivlhor for
the Parkers district.
ImI Hull and Bud Hull's little ami
of tho Opal mines near Moscow, Idaho,
at rived Tuesday oti the north bound
Our Honored Di iul.
Kditor Wkht Sum: We delight to
call (Jcorgo Wiislilngton "the father of
hla country for ho Is our most hon
ored American citizen, und the 22nd
day of February, his birth day, would
seem nn appropriate occasion to call to
mind a few fads from among the inaii.v
now r corded In history that are Inter-
estluir to us as American clticns of
this gnat republic, and that are calcu
lated to nt'oiise our patriotism and love
of country and he'p im to iipprei-lale
the liberty so dearly bought und be
queathed to us by our Illustrious lathers
of the Revolution, and no ably defend
ed by our brave c in notes during our
lute unpleasantness.
Tho tendency of nations from the
earliest times ban been to hero-worship.
If a man should show quullliosin sonic
resncct a little ubovo Ids follows the
conclusion waa at once readied that he
was divine and therefore, worthy to re
ceive udoratlon,
When Alexander struck Iho Persian
empire Its mortal blow he was praised
us "Tlio Great." When Cinsur had at
tulncd a powcrimd fame Unit hud never
I si fore been thu lot of a Human, lie wus
transformed Into tho "Divine Julius."
When Herod delivered bis oration front
a royal Ihronu the people exclaimed:
j "It Is not the voice of a mini but of a
. God." When Napoleon Botiupnrt rose
like a brilliant meteor and caused three
conlluonta to tremble beneath hla pow
4 1 he waa oil,lH'd by Frenchmen,
who paid tribute of life and treasure,
acd .yielded to him an olstlleliiHi far
mine ui solute than to Jehovah, Thus,
It tins ever been In the nations trained
to war uttd hUntshcd; the character ol
the hero or the Just loo were novel taken
Into account. But hero hi America, a
country that cultivates the art of peace,
and eek to keep iloof from the
in Vel'-clnlllig strife of I lie world, W0
count no man a hero utiles hla cause Is
How fortutiato for tho American ato
pic, whose soldier went forth to battle
lu the cause of freedom, with tho
watch wo d "(live tin lllierty or give us
death," (hat their louder was an unself
ish nml devoted patriot, or ttatay wo,
their descendants, might have Into tho
aithjcd of aome petty monarchy. Wo
fed Ihuukful that through his Influence
and uusellhh devotion to the cause of
llbeity we, aa a government, aland In
front rank of nations. It waa a lilting
compliment to (borne Washington
w hen one of our statesmen said "He Is
tirst In war, tlrst In peace, ami first In
the hearts of bin countrymen." With
such a reputation n his, fame will en
dure to the end of lima. So, victory,
perdu d ttMin our banner lu the battles
of freedom and iudcattideuo. Tho
(stoplo rested secure In the Idea that
common Interest had united ua In tho
Uiuds of jK'Bce, but tho principle of
Internal strife had Ueti sown in party
resolutions and platforms by ambitious
and designing men that came near
leading us into war, but a hero, An
drew Jackson, rest tied us from Imme
diate danger by "Tho Union, It must
and ll shall 1st preserved." But trea
son had nuliied a foothold, and only
(on stain lifted the hydrnhead of tho
ureal rcUiIlbui (hut came forth aa a
t'laht lu our fair laud to destroy this
nation ami erect upon It ruins a gov
ernment whose chief cdrnorstone waa to
he human slavery. Wo had declared
almost a century U-forv that "All men
are Uirii free and equal and pisssnsed
of certain Inalienable rights, among
which Is life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness," while lit our midst were
timre than three million of human 1st
nigs held In abject slavery, w hose erica
and tears and heartaches had gone up
to lu prayer for deliverance. Aa a
nation wo had U-eu sowing to the
wind, and must tiow reap the w hlrl
wind. The Hople in devotion to party
bad been blinded to tho enormity of
this great sin and It took the Uvea of
iiuu.uiK) of our bravo in'inrad' a to pay
the penalty.
Abru am Lincoln, another hero, had
declared with almost prophetic, words,
"A house divided against Itself cannot
stand; this government cannot exist
half slave ami ha f free." And nt tho
prox r time ho scut forth his proclama
tion, In advance of public sentiment,
"l iial the slave should Im forever for
ever free," ami many who professed io
be loyal oltioti luuglied him to acorn
tor thinking that such (taper would
have any cited upon armed rela-ls, but
this Is oino w hen the saying: "The
l'ii Is mluhtier than the sword" be
came true, for this waa tha wound that
finally led to the overthrow of the con
federacy, We cannot forget how the
tsiys In-blue came forth from their
f irms and w ork-sho at the call of our
U sl Moved and merry red president,
nml sen i back the answer thr loo over,
We are coming Father Abraham,
)0.(KX) strong.' Neither cat) wo forget
how other bcHM's, whom we love to
honor, came to the help of the prea
Idetit. (Jen. U. H. Grant, with "We
w ill light It out on this line If It takea
all summer," (Jen. P, 11. Sheridan,
"Little Phil," who came from "Win
chester, twenty miles away." And
'lien. W. T. Sherman, In hla march
from "Atlanta to the aea." Ami, so,
the list could l continued, and It waa
only by I he aacrufloe of such horoeo
and the brave soldiers who fought un
der them, that wo are In the enjoyment
of HU-i ty and gisid government. All
honor to our bravo defenders to whom
this nation owe a debt of gratitude
that can never bo paid It) dollar and
The datigem that called for audi a
sacrlllee of life ami treasure aro all
gone; they were shot to death by our
soldiers u poll the field of battle thirty
years ngo, and slmw that thne our na
tion has made such rapid strides In
wealth and power that wo have Ire
come the wonder of the world; and,
now, if Justice and liberty aro not loH
sltUd of In the nllalra of government
lu tho future, we may truthfully Uiaat
that "We are the land of tho free, and
tho homo of the brave."
A Household Treasure.
D. W, Fuller, of Cannjnharle, N. Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery In the house and his
family had always found the very U-st
results follow its use ; that he would
not be without It, If procurable. G. A.
Dykcinun, druggist, Cutaklll, N. Y.,
says that Dr. King's New Discovery la
undoubtedly the best cough remedy;
that he has used It In his family for
eight years, and it had never failed to
do all that is claimed for it. Why not
try a remedy ho long tried and tested,
Trial bottles free at any drug store
Large size otic, and (1.00.
A Plea for Hotter Roads.
Suvkr, Or., Feb. 28, 1SW.
Editor Wkkt Sidk: Having noticed.
in your paper from time to time com
plulnlH about our road-miiklng; but out
of It all very few ofler asuggentlon aa to
how to remedy the grout ditllculty.
Tho drat great difficulty comes from
the changing of supervisors every year.
In other words our road supervisor of
thin year may understand Ids business
and huve good work done, when next
year the county court uppolnts a man
that knows nothtug of road-making,
and he will proceed to uudo the work
tliut this yean man 1ms done; therefore,
how are we going to get good roads
under the present system of rond-mak-lug?
Irot two of the present road districts
bo made one; do away w lib tlm county
court apimliillng tho supervisors, ami
Instead let tho tax-payer of tha com
bined road d isl rids appoint a coin po
tent man, by a vote; pay hi in a salary,
and hire him by tho year to look alter
and have the road worked In tlio right
way to make roads,
After tha main muds aro well-graded,
aa they nearly all are at tho present
time, haul gravel where It la most
needed, and prooond In thla manner
from? far to year, making a solid and
everlasting road aa we go, Certainly
It could not l all doije In one or two
year, but complete It no matter how
small a piece. Let the hole and ruU
bo Ailed with gravel Instead of dirt.
Dave thla man on the road winter and
summer, to keep tho dllchc open mid
the water drained out of tho rula,
which will prevent them from cutting
out so deep a they do now.
Lei the road-tax be paid In money,
Give the road-man power to collect all
road-taxes lu his district, and with It
hire , men and team to do the work
t common wages, twelve hours con-
slltutlng a day's work.
You will hear men say, look at the
gissl roads to ire found In certain parts
Of tho Fast. It la a much easier mat
tor for those Eastern roads to be kept
In good hate, where they aro fronton
from four to six months In the yearand
cannot!, wear. Oregon ean never exjssct
to have audi roads a those the year
Let the people agitate the using of
wlde-tlre wagons; prohibit all four
horse hauls from U-Ing hauled on the
public, highways, aay, from the 1st of
November to 1st of April also, all
trucks, eta, that aro heavier than a
two-horse load, Tax-Pavkh.
An I'oseen Enemy
Is more to I dreaded Ihn an open and
visible one. That subtile and lurking
foe, which under the generic name of
malaria manifest Itself, wheu It
clutches us lu It tenacious grasp, In the
varlou forma of cl Ills and fever, bilious
remittent, dumb ague or ague cake, can
only be effectually guarded airalnst by
fortifying It insidious attack with
Hotettcr,i Stomach Bitters, a thorough
antidote to tho s.sou of miasma in
the system, and a safeguard agalast It
thoroughly to I relied upon. Io the
oyeut of a malarious attack, avoid
poisoning your system with quinine,
and use Instead this wholesome remedy
unobjectionable"!!! taste and far more
efficacious than any drug. Use tho
Bitter for dysK-pl, biliousness, con-
t I pat Ion, kidney complaints and rheu
You Don't Say So!
Editor Wot Sidk: I noticed lit the
last issue of your contemporary an arti
cle that I amusing, it says that the
democratic central committee of Polk
county, has called for action among the
dcmis-rata. in my opinion ll will tke
a vast amount of urging to get the
democrat to Jump overboard a second
time In the political aea. Tho com
mittee should give them time to dry
themselves U-fore they call on them a
second time to Jump lor life. I waul
tocslllo the writer's mltid that he
can't possibly catch a man twice In the
same trap, without changing the bait
The democratic leader did well in ar
ranging their trap last campaign; they
fixed It so that when the anxious dem
ocrats thought they were In amis
reach of tho tempting bait It vanished,
all of a sudden, and dowu came the
trap, leaving them at the mercy of tne
trappers. The article state that there
Is many an old-time democrat who Is
pcrpleyttd and puzzled, and w ho hon
estly U-llevea that he has nowhere to
lay hla political head. Well, I should
smile! Another dose like the last pre-
scrlU'd and they on't have any head
at all; they will bo true types of democ
racy. The writer aays they will drift
luto ponullstlo folds. It seems as
though it would have beou Just as easy
for the writer to have said republican
folds hut the writer well-knew that
when a democrat Joins the republican
fold he will never return.belug the right
sort of a man, but If he Joins the pop
ulist fold ho will return at some future
time, all bedraggled, for It is simply a
machine to punish unruly democrat.
Thla In the reason, I suppose, the writer
put It populist fold, for there la where
ho wanted them to drift. The writer
says the ship Is already In dungerous
water. If this be so, It la an excellent
tlmo for the democratic party to show
their ability as sailors, to steer the good
shlp-of-state; but, alas, the good ship is
drifting Europwurds, and the latest
news informs us Unit there Is no hopes,
that the pilot la nursing hla pets, seem
ingly unaware of any danger whatever;
and the deck-hauds aro all asleep,
whilst the storm la raging without,
It is uot likely that this crew will
make a second voyage, for their motto
Is "Get aboard, turn her loose, let her
land where she may." The writer says
the good ship has already passed
through the tempestuous chutiuel.
am curious to know where the writer
got his views, It must have beeu from
the New York World, for the above
has a worldly sound. Ho says It is In
sight of the oten sea of prosperity.
Here, the writer has been wrongly in
formed; It Iirb just passed out of the
sea of prosperity, and now It is drift
ing lu the sea of adversity. The writer
also says the democrat lo party Is strain
ing every nerve to fulfill tts pledges.
We are avore, Mr. Writer, that they
aro straining something; they are like
the Irishman who swallowed the npplo
dumpling. He managed to swallow it
half-way down, by stralulng every
nerve be had; and while lying, almost
exhausted, be gasped and said, "Faith,
If I ever get out of this scrap alolve, I
will never load another twenty-two
palllier with a forty-four shell." And
Mr, Writer, I think this will bo about
the conclusion your party will come to.
Tbearlldo stales that tho drum-roll
calls rvciy democrat to tho post of duty,
and If ho ho a man and a patriot, he
will answer to the call. Thla same pat
riotic call waa made some tlmo ago,
and the people rcspmidod, and tho
musses hnve arrived at the conclusion
that If a man has to work for smalt
w ages, ami live on half-rations, lu order
to bo a democrat lo pal riot and have
promises of good things, and receive
them not, tho wisest thing they can do
Is to supisirt them not.
, ZlMMKItllACKl-K.
The strongest recommendation that
any article can have l the endorsumcnl
of tho mother of the town. When
the mothers recommend It you may
know that that article has more than
ordinary merit. Here Is what tho
Ccutorvlllo, South Dakota, Citizen says
editorially of an article sold in their
town: "From sarsonul experience we
can aay that Chamlrerialu's Cough
Itcmedy has broken up had colds for
our chlld-oii. Wo are acquainted with
many mothers In Centervlllo who
would uot be without It In the bouse
for a good many time 1U cost, and are
recommending It every day." 50 cent
bottle for sale by all dealers.
Falls City.
L. M. Murray Jr. mado a business
trip to Huver the fore part of this week.
Miss Ida Bryant ha been engaged to
teach at Hazel Dell this spring.
J. M. Dentils, J, J, Brown, Harvey
Gage, W. 11. McKonn and A. N. Bob
luson are delegate from this (Bridge
port) prednct to the populist county
At the school meeting held attbls
place last Monday, J. M. Parry was
elected director and A. H.Dodd clerk.
T Falls City republican met last Sat
urday evening and orgaulxed a dub.
The meeting waa euthuslusilo and the
utmost harmony prevailed throughout.
AUiut thirty signed the roll. J. M.
Parry was elected president; F. C. Bay
mood, 1st vice president; Frank But
ler, 2nd vice president; T. 1). Hallo
well, 3d vice president; secretary, J.N.
Hart; treasurer, F. K. Hubbard.
J. C. Adams spoke at the populist
hall Saturday evening, then, to atoue
for his sin lu so doing, ha preached at
the Christian church Sunday morning.
People aro fools to suffer when a rem
edy can bo found to cure them. Oregon
Kidney Tea is no experiment, and not a
fake to get your money. Why will you
hesitate, when we assure you that It Is
absolute cure for all kidney and urinary
diseases '
I'm k Jhs. Turner, we are sorry to
say, Is again very pmtrly.
We understand that Conductor J. B.
Clark will soon move to Portland. -
At the annual school-meeting at this
place, J. O. Staata was re-elected clerk,
and O. E, Stts, director.
Hasting Bros., our merchants, on
account of their Inability to collect
outstanding accounts, have adopted
the cash basis, selling for cash only.
Quite a number from here attended
tho party, givoo by J. A.WItherow of
Stiver. Tho evening was pleasantly
seut In various kinds of games, after
which all partook of au oyster supper.
There has been a union Sunday
school organized at this place, to meet
next Sunday, for the first time, with
11. Simpson, superintendent and L, M.
Berry, assistant.
Rev. Shreves of Iewlsvllle, will
preach hero next Sunday at half post
Iliieklen's Arnica Salve.
The heat falve lu the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chaps3d hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles or no pay required,
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by all druggists.
Suver was named for Its founder, Jo
seph Huver, who was born In Virginia,
April 11, 1814, of German parents, who
were well-fixed financially, and owiv
log lots of Negro slaves. When a
young man ho went to Illinois, staying
a short time, aud from there to Mis'
Botirl, where he engaged In the stock
business occasionally enjoy Ing a horse
race. In the spring of M4 ho turned
his face westward, a single nam aud
heart-free; coming direct to Oregon, by
the Barlow route; arriving here In the
spring of the same year.
One evening, astride his cayuse-pony
ho was riding down a trail, which Is
now a county roud, ruuuing by Aaron
Clu'nibcrluin's old donation claim,
when he for the first thno came in
alght of his future donation claim,
which ho said to his dying day was
the finest strip of land he ever cast eye
ou , Ho rode down to the shore of the
Lucklainuto and camped, and made
that strip of laud his home as long as
he drew breath.
He loved nature and guarded his only
possessions of surface-soil, on this green
earth, with an eye which was far-see'
lug and betoken a kecu regard for the
In about the year 48 aud '40 he drove
beef cuttle and hogs from this state to
tho mines of California and Idaho. He
was a good trader, lu fact, better than
at mining gold, but at one tlmo com
ing buck from the mines ho was sup
posed to have about $10,000 In bullion,
I In the winter of '51 he married De-
lali Pyburn, to whom four children
were born, two boys and two girls, who
are well-kown In the social and bus!
ness world of Polk county.
The H. P. It. It. was built from St,
Joe to Corvallls In '70, and lu the
spring of '80 Joe Kuvor laid out the lit
tle town of Huver, on bis land, and
gave a way many lot to person wish
ing home. He Utught the land that
Suver Is built on lu early time and,
consequently, the town Is not built on
his donation from the government. '
He was kind in many ways, and at
times would give away a horse or a
cow to a deserving person or family.
Hla little town was never very big,
but more of a wheat center and rail
rood station, and has boon a blessing to
the pioneer.
In about '75 lie was stricken with
palsey, which at times was from bet
tor to worse, until, eventually be sue
oomlred to the ravages of bis nervous
system. He died August 20, 1M0, and
Is laid to rest lu a cemetery near Well- .
Krause'e headache capsuls, unlike
many remedies, are perfectly harmless.
They contain uo injurious substance,
and will stop any kind of a headache,
will prevent headaches caused by over
indulgence in food or drink late at
night. Price 25 cents. For sale by the
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
Noap Creek.
Spring baa begun to make Its appear
ance; fanners are busy plowing.
itobert Steele gave a social dance last
Wednesday evening, and an enjoyable
time was bad.
Mr. George Thorp was married last
Wednesday, and gave his friends a
dance Saturday night, In the Huver
opera bouse.
It makes no difference when you
psas through Huver, you can bear
Frank's hammer on bis anvil; he Is an
eirt workman, and people are find
ing it ouL
James Wlthrow gave a party last
Thursday night, -
A. J. Bagley passed through these
part last week, on business.
James Harper and son, Bert, are do
ing a great deal of Improvement on
their farm, which tbey purchased last
We saw In the Lucklamute Items
last week that Itobert Steele was roam
ing In the hills of Huver, Itobert says
the world is badly in need of an in
vention to warn people when tbey
have said enough. XX Y
$300 Reward
for any trace of antlpyrne, morphine,
chloral or any other injurious com
pound in Krause's headache capsules.
25 ct., at Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
The School Meeting.
Pursuant to legal notice, duly given,
the legal voters of school district No.
20, Polk county, Oregon, met in annual
meeting iu the schoolhouae in said
district aud the above date, at 7:30
o'clock, p. m.
The meeting was called to order by
It. L. Shelley, chairman of the board
of directors, and the notice calling the
meetliig was read.
The minute of the annual meeting
held March 0, 1803, and the minutes of
the special mectiug of April 25, '93 and
Jan. 12, '04, were read aud approved;
also, the clerk's financial report was
read and approved.
A motion was offered by Mr. Stock
ton as follows: That it is the sense of
this meeting that the school year be
eight mouths, instead of nine; which
was carried.
F. A. Patterson offered the following
resolution, to wit: Be it resolved,
that it Is the sense of this meeting that,
the Ururd of directors, in employing
teachers and Janitors for next year, re
duce the salaries 25 per cent, from
what they are at present. The resolu
tion was adopted.
J. L. Stockton was elected director,
to serve three years.
J. D. Irvine was elected clerk, for
one year. ,
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
J. D. Irvine, clerk.
Several farmers began plowing last
week, but the gentle showers com
pelled them to give it up.
H. Brlukley made a flying trip to
Corvallls last Saturday.
Mark Simpson of Elk city, paid his
mother a visit last week.
Tracy Stoats, a Normal graduate,
will teach the Lewisville school .
One of the Lucklamute correspond
ents seems to think we are Infringing
on his patent or copyright. If he will
straddle his horse ami ride up one side
of the Lucklamute and down the other,
he will Mud it takes In a very largo
territory, or field, for correspondents
lo work iu, and will conclude that we
have a perfect right to head our Items
"Lucklamute." At the same time,
parduer, we dont, lutend to float very
far down stream for our Items. ,
Quite a number ot the lady friends of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Withrow of near Su
ver, gathered at their homo for a rag
tacking In the evening several of
their gentlemen friends arrived and the
time was devoted to games, etc, after
which all adjourned to the dining room
whore all indulged in a sumptuous
On Wednesday of lost week George
Tharp of Suver, married Miss Emma
Anderson, tho ceremony taking place
nt the bride's home In Jefferson, Marl
on oounty. Tho wedded couple are
now at home on the farm near Suver
The West Side extends hearty cotu