' ' - ,e-V ."" . ' VOL. XII. 12.00 IVr Year INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FED. 16, lt!94 live Cents Per Copy. 13 INDEPENDENCE CLASSIFIED Duslntss Diroctory, rnu.MifMura i '"'(' MnlnhJ, SJ ..., M.M.lrWi't S,li.tJs SMWSWll W- , "Jet h rtIMte" tit MiXl M Km art If A ,hert. AMUSCMKNTS. irr H.wi, Muln HI, PMnw Bra. Mr. BANKS. tail. NaOnaaUCur. Malusnd Munwuuibm. HsttuMl, IVr. Mala an.t Ci. BROKERS, ORAIN aw MOP; n. IV iirr. Ofllr KM National Mnk. SARSER3 4 BATHS. K, T. Hak7, Mala ttwa. NeLutUTlMU U MinoMuc. BREWERIES. None. BJLLIARD HALU llu t!. l"allnoii, Main Mr.!. '' "'blacksmiths-'" ri, A. fwllaM' strwt Sol authorit lt iBiMin". BOOKS 4 STATIONERY. I liHlfcltrr llron , M Atn sUvul. " " BOOTS ind SHOES. BRICK. J. It. Omir, eornr t' iltwU C A R P E NT E RS 4 CON TB ACTORS. t m t)H A Son- ordt r l Pouty I'sddook'i CIGAR FACTORY. CITY OFFICIALS. A.M. Hurley, Mayor. Aim. W.Krwl, Kr.lr. UnJyTtttieer.Mar.tial. CONFECTIONERY 4 FRUIT. J. c. Puller!.. uearoeera lw "CHURCHES 4 PASTORS. Baptist, J. t'red ivBk'm mlijrlcrinn, J. A.Twott4. t.nrnjmKn. I. V. rll, j!HlHlll.T. '. t-HMt. i'lirKilnn. N iwlcU-nl (wttor. f COLLECTION AGENT. N.il i!Unriix tii iiiiii.uuiit. ' " c'a'nn ' RIES. I ml, aiuiery t,.m rttnt. I - JOAIRIES I il. Vmionai'l. ttr.l.'pnilrtnw. DENTISTS. ; T I. ,V."m.iU j-, i IhK ttrll llrlik, ur Ulr, U. Joh.ii,C.r. IUIIhuuI 4 Uaminaulb. il ORS. W A liaM.111, In l. Nul l iWnh, up tlnlni. jt, U Kci-'l.Uin, l .imioulii HI., u' It H. K D. llulwr, op.un Imus. up liur D.Air rut. "'"u.coNipi'JitS' ! hlbr-l A diiuw, Uttllr d Sir. I i KUtii.lrivurliriftt Hotel. 03E33MAKERS ?: ift, lit r-Mlik-n w, lUllniwil l. DRUGGISTS. n Vi-xvi liir A Mln Htr. iiiii'rtum HriK,. nrwro h.tniw. I ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. FIRE DEPARTMENT. FISH, OYSTERS 4 GAME. FLOUR MILLS. fell, Mill CO., Ow. akliinor A l)i. imr MIIU, I'. W.Htwn ACo.ig FOUNDRY. I FURNITURE. (. li. ( Hik, Wlittoiikm b Ick. r GN'L MDSE- .I'li lurr. lllrw!hiK-r, Miiln iilriwt. M. Vun liiyn, Oif M tliiftiitl C utrcelii. A. Mlll VVhl'wv'ur bflck.l GROCERIES. lli;o, llrthlwln A Co.. South lde C utreel, isHiichenin A Handframk, Corner Mftln V'Uy A PaiM'Kik, Went Miiln trot"L ! I'. Irvine Whltwiker brink. HARDWARE 4 AGL. IMPTS. O'Donnell.Cor, Mulil A Monmouth HI M, Wade A Co., MiiIb and Monmouth BH. HARNESS. HOTEL. ttUi liiiT'i:iri7ii'i,".r M WarlvPrbp. ICE FACTORY. ,inB. INSURANCE AQKNTS. JOB PRINTUH. Wa Hie Ortles, Main stem. JUSTICE Or HACK. H. M. I.lna- Ins, ilkllmikl bank huiltluti. LAUNDRY. tad, IMeem laundry, A.J. Aehlaon, LAWYERS. A, M, Hurlaj, Mat item. !, A. Bmllh, Inil.Nat'l Hank, up stair. LIVE STOCK BREEDERS DEAL'S T, B. Muntlav, lnuntlni, LOOQINO HOUSE. TM lliiniiiiKt..i, li, II. t'MMier. near delta i t,vt!?y t,LC8i Ptr Cor., Main MN. Kit Johnaiin, Main trst, LUMBER. Pril A Vin, mw mill. MARBLE WORKS. 11. I Maw In, cor, Knilrnatt Mid K at reals. " MARKET 6AR0NEB. T.U Hartman. MASONS, BRICK 4 8TONC. MEAT MARKETS. Hnln llnm., Muln lrvH, MERCHANT TAILORS. W. u, Mmrnmn, ' irvrt. MILLINERS. MUSIC TEACHERS. MUSIC 4 INSTRUMENTS. NEWSPAPERS. NOTARIES PUBLIC Nil! RUllHril ll UMIUIIUFV. PAINTERS 4 PAPER HANGERS. M. IK fwiill, Mll IIWU Willi Hill, Inttro nrtlm m I'liMtMllxr Una. PHOTOGRAPHER. l. II. I'ru.ru. V lr.t, nrlli Kill. PIANO 4 ORGANS. POULTRY BREEDER. Umlikry ln.. lndtwndi'itM. RAILROAD. hid. Mou. Mou.rl'o,J. limii.Ka, rtni1iini.ir. ftiuihfrn ISirtfli'-Ind lol'iirilnilM mllra. REAL ESTATE AGENT. RESTAURANT .i. City IU.lori'.i.r l. CmniiMI, I'nip, SECRfcT SOCIETIES. Ind. Ulf ,N' x;, A. i. V, W, Valtrty U. ie Kv .', 1, 1 1. (. F I .von Lr-i1 VN . A. K. 4 . M. Hmnrr tirtiiu No. 4'i, K.f I1. R .'mil W Kl-m n. Hlnkli !" I.'Or, Clnvrr ljir So. f. SALOONS flu Ui-m -J. It, C'.Hir, pMi. Tliol'iwile-H. E, Omni, pmp. SASH 4 DOORS. MlK'hrll A HiiliHMimii, Muln lrn-u M. T.I row, m-r dfml. SCHOOLS. Piihllr.C. A. IlllPlin'i.k, Hilliidpnl, m. j in i J '.mil SCD WATER MFRS. Noil. UNDERTAKERS. II. M. I.lnon, IikIuix-ikIcikd NiiI'I Hank b'lil'g. VETERINARY SURGEON. K J. Younu, I ml. Nnl'l Hank, up nuilw. WAREHOUSES. WATCHt-S, CLOCKS 4 JEWELRY. 0. A. Krainnr. Muln ulreot. W LL BORERS. WOOD DEALERS. GEO. E. BREY, DKAIKK IN Inlepcnencr?, Oregon. 48 V if JrlfV 'K P . At A Racking Cough Curwl by Ayw'i Ohtrrjr Fnotond, Mi'. 1'. IK Hall, 817 liumwo St, lHkKrt,N. Y., ay M0vr thirty y vn, I rWfinlwt hunting my futhi-r il..rlh tlw wmuli M I'limtlvd vtlmt ol Aynr't Cliorry IVt'tornl. Iurl tmtfM nll k d( U ()rlpw, whli h iMuitiuiKil th Itirm of cnUrrb,ornM of the I linn, hwhuu. pmilml by am tfrvmlnii rough, I uiimI vntli.tin rinllp mid prrHtlitloni, Whll iim nt then nirilli'lnp purllnlly llfVlmml tit nniiililtift ililtltlii lh lUy, Bi'in- ol ilium KfToroVil ni utiy rrllif frmii tluil WuiiKlt- Hrtlon u( the tlliiH wlilrh would lin me tli ninmmit I mirinpinil ttili.ilowniiilt!lil. Afimtrnor twi-lvo mu li nlitliU, 1 wim Nearly In Despair! Hi) IiimI almiit dwld. d to lit up nil lit In my y chnlr, ni.'l pmruro lmt I.m I rmilil la llint wy. It then mv rnrwd to inn llmt I lml Ih.iiIi, oJ A)ri C'lirry I'itrtorl. I took npnonful dt till prrpurntinn In Hills witirr, ami m kIi to Hi' down without rinifliliii;, In A ti-w iiiixiinii I Ml mIii p, , mut i.k lu tht. murnln( (rrally rvfrMbnl mid ftfllnx mmb litr. I iwik li riK.ii(ul ,(( Pmj. tnral vtry tiU'lit for wwlt, limn umil. piilly d rt'iiwil tli Iom, n ml in two wwkii my wiuuh w runul," Ayers Cherry Pectoral PrrpuNd Pf. J ', Atf IV, I.0...II, II u. Promptto not, sure tooure CHAS. STAATS, (Ktuw.r Hi llfllHAIIl) A HA T4.) PBOI'HIKTOB or CityTruck and Transfer Cp. Itunllnjr of all Kinds Di ' Ik'HMttiiiklile KuUm. Agents for the O.P.Boats. All bill miwt he nttlm) by the lotb at eitch muiitb. Independence, Oregon. Steamer Altona ! Salem and Independence To Portland Lmvr Iiiil.'ioiiili iiiv nml Kiili-tn Muiiilny, WVilm-wltiy wmJ I'lilny, liv liU lucii H'inl-ins' hi (I it. in., rtli'in Hi 7;.'U)n, in,, hii I nrrlvliig tit l'ortlutiii at U'HI . in. Ih'uvo IVirtlitinl Ttntwlny, Tliunwlny nml iilurilny lit tl a. in.., Hull-ill lor liiili K iiili'inf nt 4 i. in. Exivlli'iit tiimlti imtvuiI on bntt Bt wot ht nuitl, 1'HMM-nKt'nt nve tltno ami numey liy MiKIhk tliW itiio In I'oi llun I, Hliiiim-r will furry fn-t tHnmuti 'Hi! hi Mini olli'li. nM'cliil ruitnaii lurijc lulu. , Uiu'Xit'lliil iiHM'iiMfr Hwoiiiinniln MlllH. Mlllllll, Will! lit A ('o.dl'MIT- il BiMMiiH, tliilnmn liliick, Hiilcm, Or. THE is the Great Family Newspaper of Polk County, and only $2.00 per year ! It contains all the local and pra! Im, 1EST PACIFIC COAST. ITEMS. A ' tKl Cfironlclc of Current N'.wxif Intpurtaiice. I KK KW.1 On UK TIMKS IX IIUIKK. Mxttnc i.f rii I'hlrN-Mi'a. MWhlrtr Wlna tlir knit Alitt t.ir liiiur nf l'iiinpiy '. rre glil Tula t fUm lllrKal Juntlo' trrt, A trttaly m the Bnn jirimm rtole Hit rMHInit of a mlli oltlmr mill ta rmiKh w IiUk try to 11himmm f tb p lioliw, , Tht PnHfle Count AwKH'ij tion of Flm rhb'fo mot t Ktn FrnrHpo bmtwwk In Mitiintil . Mim. Tli ICx.-mpt Fir nwti nitnrttiltwl the fhlcf iliirlng tbnlr Iny In th city. In Ihi" Utillwl SIiiImk rtnmlt rottrt t Cuiniin, Ney D.mlnl Mnrnliy w(n m vli'lwl nf nilibiii tb VtiiM BtittHi iiinU, II i liilma tlint b ilid it mi jk on thti jtoitmnv,!, Tli tuiinittin'h rollliit ftolA projr ttm. liimt fll tiultn fitim Tniimin, A. T., form Mm larirwt nntl rli'ht uroupof iiilnt In lli SoiilbwBtit. Tby w U b (.JtU-tlill Vrl V lli'lllHl At OIK. IV. R, tl. Jf'ill, niHniM) of c umiiiK th donih nf list Kfitt(ick by erimlnnl op frntlvin. wn fttiniittml nt Hun KriimMwo, Mian Hhwtilook dlwl cm tb train Hig from Rrtii Frtn ltHi to IWhIoIa bbrnit a ynr io, - " A witfjiut Ima brn Arnilloil for ttlnt Wllinm Trlmlilu nf U Ang bw, elmrwiiiir him with Piulwtxllnij l, 8K worth of (linmoiiila, Amirillnit to a Ht. Loiiia ilinwl.'li, Tli" rnitiilalimnt la J, M. Ilnlrliliiwin f Mmtiimry, Ala. Th jury In (ho unit tif Mm. MeWbir npiluat tlw ("onniM'ttftit Llf Imnr aiiw poiMjiany nl sm Frnclai 1t'liW In biT fnror. Tho romiMny rffnaod to ity lu n!li y on thu life f MWblrir, 1m wit nutr1i.Ri at Frmno. Tb fni of Hip eoiiiinny wa Hint McWhlr tt-r eoiumitltal aiili'UR Thii Vlruink ami Trnuliw mall train wan held np ami tho rgpiviw ear piltltml nmt Carwm, Ni', (hie man burnt In h dian- of the tsirii car and at the jailnt f a ahittnn nwiln th uiiwnifor iiatnl tori-r i ha unmcr in tha aaftt. Alxmt fUlUK) w iir1 hf the robhara, Jmliu't. Ttwnrr at fUnla Ana rulw thai tho A3 fto rhnmiil by Jttatlma in rrlml n1 raa novor ha Imwii a lop! rbnrjii nKsi'M fh( otmiity. Tlia ft niuat com out of t!i (bif ntinl, anil wlwn thnw ar no flow (iiim.iI thira ara no fa for th jntliii, Tli qnmtlnn affrt r"ry jusili of (ho jint in tlia atata, F.viuia and Morri'l wwi anrpHaott in a cabin In th moimtalna a f-w !nv gn by a iartr of nWwra, The bamlita dta covoro.1 the aiiproit'li of tba poaaa and ri-ttil. In th. i-sbln waa found a large ammiiit of nniiminlllon aid a quantity of itvmo-sfl'v Fv '.iailoft bin arHBclat bati'l lu V! Imrrv to i-t out of riRe of llu ofti'i-r i Hfica. p. Imii.i bi ll fiilr lo ns'ittt oiirifwe tho (olib'ii tv'ltii"' 'Vr' of "in. A an ailjnttrt to tV rv-n'-v-'-l Int.tt by tho mail" rich a'rll.-na mn-l hv min ora, the miv!i'utt hrnro emtnifiMl four hnr a fHffht toama for tlm jmrpoae of brinirlint tholr aor aupiitiw from Sao riiiiicnto, ni tliov c'nliit that iIiiHur the )wimt bard lliwa frclitbt ratea bntre tK'ou iHri'nso.i to H'irh an extont thai oln;i:ir triuif'iaiitntiiin win lx bad by lonm. Mr. Cntharlna E. Hewitt haa been irranlp'l n divorce at Ran Pleifn from D, H. Ifowitt, one of theVeallhleat real ilonta of flint rtty. The romiliiit waa f-iilnre to jirovldw. flume time aito Mra. Hewitt bnmilit anlt for a divorce on a rhnrire of ndnllery, bnt tbla waa with, drawn. Hewitt airreninn not to opoae tbeatiit if the eomplnint waa rhanitad, Tlie evlibmoe adduced allowed Hnwlttto tiedovoldof fnOicrly inatincta, Althouvfb he Iiiim lKen wealthy erer alnce hla nuir rliiR 11 yearn ajro, hla wife and their two children hnve never lavn properly Hiiidiod with clothliijf, nnd In cortrt Mra, Hewitt presented more the apiaiar ance of a deatltnle peraon than (he wife of one of Him Pleiro'a wonllbieat rltinena. Blip tontilled that her S-yearihl aon had ta-en provided with but two new atttta of cliifhon dnrinjx hla lifetime, neither of which coat aa much aa Aa the re aiilt of eonaiderable anpriflce Mra, Hew itt bad during the paat few month aaved up ft, with which ahe tiitendinl to buy her aon an overcoat, but Hewitt learned of the fact and took jawaeeaion of tho money. Mrs. Hewitt waa given tho ciialoily of the children and waa awarded f:)0,000 community property. THE MIDWINTER FAIR. Prapnrationa for the celebration of Vermont day are about completed. Thuradiiy the Elka will take poaaea' sion of the gronndn, The Montana, allver atatne will be e hibltcd at tho fair for a abort time. Mlchlxan people in Hnn Franciaco have orK'tnlaml a club and will celebrate March 13. , , The Oreffon Preaa aaaiwintlon, the Portland Preaa club and the jonmallata of WaabinRton, and Britiah t'obunbla have announced their intention of viait inn the Expoaition.ln a body. Thoaewho have In charm the ath. lotto entertainments on the grounds are contemplating the consummation of a baaoball league among the public achoola, high ichoola and collegea and the amateur baaeliall clubs in San Fran ciaco and throughout the state, Tho Columbian Liberty Bell will soon lie brought from New York to Ban Franciaco, Plans are being made for its reception in every city from the great metropolis to Ban Francisco, It il ctma woiiaulu tbat tha lohnol nblldraq of Ban Franciaco will receive the hell upon lu arrival. A reduction In the price of almlaalon from IW to 85 cents ti being strongly urged upon the fair management by the newspapers ami general publlo of Han Fraiiclnoo. It la argued that people would attend oftener with two-bit Adnilwiiion, Mid that the fair would make mora money than by charging four nits. THKNKWS IN "BRIEF. A CONDENSED COMPILATION OF CURRENT EVENTS, Important Maw f All Klait HnlleA' ! ni ArraagMt for tr feapta. All aaparAaaiM Ward RnaA anil the Caaeaae af tba Haaa fraaarvad. Tb BeU telejihone patent baa ex- plred. .. The Colorado legialature adjourned sine die on the Hth Inat. Kngena, Or., li nnabla to (111 orders for apples that have come from Dutte, Mont, A strike on all the traimeontlneiitiU railroaila except the Huutlieru PacUio is Impending. t 'ailet Laden of Oregon aland second In the elaaa atamllng at West Point for the ensuing year. Admiral Bcnuatn'i prompt action in firing on the itumrgwiU prevented a blia kadetif Kin harbor. Chairman Wllam of the ways and means commit loo haa atartod on a trip to Mexico, where m will remain several weeks, i HUtckholdera of tlie WorldV Colum bian Kjponltlim will receive aiamt 10 cents on a dollar In return for the In veatment. The city of Chicago invested IS.OOO.OOO, Five hundred miner of Corona, Oa., who went out on strike recently, have returned to work, their diffi-rence With the company having been aatinfactorily adjusted. C. P. Huntington appeared before the river and harbor committee of the liouae at Waahingtou and argued in favor of locating di-ep water lutrtur at Kanta M.:!lca, Cal. Heuator Allan, Prmnllst, of Kebraeka has Introduced a bill in oongreas to pro vent any United Btatea court iaaulng an tnjunctlun to restrain the members of a labor onion from striking. . Tlie Kentucky legislature baa passed a resolution requmtiiig the two senators front Kentucky to voto against tlie con firmation of the appointment of Wheeler D. Peck ham to be iuet Use of tlie supreme court. The Salvation Army at Chicago pro pose to try ( Jnlonel H. U. Ingnrsoll in a tiiiait court, with all the forms of law, as a Infidel, and will iasue a summons to him to appear, Ingeraoll treat th matter with contempt H. H. Dancroft, the historian, haa lieen expelled from the Pioneers society at San FraucUco, The charge agaiuet Bancroft was that he perverted the his tory of California into malicioua and litielous attacks upon pioneers. Mrs. Hetty Green, a wealthy and ec centric woman at New York, left her boarding, bonae l:i Brooklyn two days after receiving an anonymous communi cation stating that a plot had been con cocted to alaluct and bold her for a ranaom. Yale's scientific school has added to its requirements for alinliiou In lHt'l tattany and French, the latter to 1st translated at sight in eaay aeutenoes. lu Latin one more biaik of Virgil is aibbnl, and also an examination la required iu certain standard Engliah works. Part of tlie new reqnlremeuta can lie taken at the preliminary examinations this year. The suit in the probate conrt sf Bt Paul against the Kittwtu estate for half of the alleged dower interest of Mra. Crevter in 13,000,000 left by Commodore Ktttsoo waa dismissed for lack of proof. The suit was baaed on the claim that Mra. Oevier was the first wife of Kitt son, Tho testimony of Mrs. Crevier's brother and son, of the priest who mar ried her to Crevier, and other witneaaea, waa l against the clnim Mrs. Crevier's brother and son testifying that she never never claimed to have been mar ried to Kittson. George N. Benson, A lianker at Cliat- tanooga, Tenn., shot and killid Colonel 3. B. Wert, until recently nnui of thn bighenf stiiuiliug in evety rc.qiect in Chattanooga. Liivcna Thomas, a yonng lawyer, who waa a bystander,' was stnick in the arm by a bullet and was painfully wounded. AfUn- the tragedy Henson coolly proceeded to A lawyer's office and encaged counsel and then tel ephoned to the sheriff. The shooting it the sequel to the divoroe suit brought by Henson against bis wife, in which Colonel Wert is named as cornspondeut. A curious case, which baa attracted much attention, waa heard by Judge Whltehonae of the supreme conrt at Boston. At an Odd Fellows' fair in Winthrop last March six women guessed the exact number of pieces in a patch work quilt, Mrs, Vista PottingiU, who guessed the right number first, claimed the quilt and refused to compromise, Mrs. PottingiU, by legal process, got the quilt, but the other women dispute the validity of the award, aa the commission of the justice of the peace had expired before he issued the writ of replevin. The defense, of the woman who haa the qnilt la that the guessing comes tinder the law against gambling. The Contest that has arisen has caused trouble in two churches and divided the quiet vil lage of Winthrop into warring factions, The Brooklyn Public Health society lias completed a joint committee repre senting also the National Constitutional Liberty league, Boston, and the New York Public Health and Constitutional Liberty league, and declared in favor of legislature requiring! 1. Physicians to write prescriptions legibly and when possible in English (iml Latin if they choose), li, That medicines wben cue penned by physicians nnd others con- Hlghcat of ail in Lcavenir.j Tower Latet U. S. Gov't Report AI!CUtfinLY F2J3 laming I'oMmoita liiKt'coicnta snail ha ny them 'legibly lMd "t'antion. Take wily as directed " li. Jteslorlug to very cUir.i t) the right to freely contract for the M'j-viii of wbunuioevvr b oon sider comis'tent t treat or heal him or hla family without rendering the per son thus employed liable to prosecution, except for malpractice. The joiut com mlttee call upon all in syiuuithy with snch leglsliiliou to adilreaa It at Boom 18. 8ai Maillson avenue. New York City. The Oreat Northern hii J Illinois Cen tral have made large earning during the past six motitlia. The Uodcy Pnbllahing company of New York, piililii her of (JisWy's Maga tlue and other works, haa failed. The trsnscotiihii-ntal lint areall meet ing the Union P ilio cut of $4S from the Missouri river to th Paclllc Coast. The Kolb party and the Popnllata in Alabama have united in o)iHisition to the regular Democratic jmrly and nomi nated a state ticket. Tim dispute l-t ween the Union Pacific and Denver and Oulf rmdvera has lieen decided in favor of the bitter. Bond in tomt mtij.t l paid by th Union I'ntdno, Tlie contrail for the Southiwu Pacific bridge over the Mieisipil at New Or-; lean has been given for a-'),0oo,000. This will give the road an ull-mil entrance into New Orleans. . . i The DeiiUMiiitic oongmsaional cam naign tximmittee was orK.miiiHl by the election of Senator Faulkner of West Virginia, chairman; Lawrence Garner, secretary, J. L. Norria, treasurer. The receivers of the Northern Paclllc i and the rcpreaentative of the employee of that road have reacbml an agreement ' The mieivera will modify the erder re ducing wages and couido most of the points made by the nicu. The sugar schedule is receiving more ' attention at present from the Demo cratic snl-counniUee engaged on the tariff bill than any other feature of the bill, The committee haa not yet de cided uKin any definite reeotninonda tiiu, but the chance are that some duty will be levied uisin sugar. . The United Slatiw steamer Kearsarge Is wrecked on a coral reef off Central America. During a terrific storm the old warship was driven on the reef. A atenmer has lsen scut to rescue the crew. The Kearsarge was one of. the oldest vessel in the American navy and had a splendid record aa a fighting ship. During the rclsdliou the Kearsarge was In many important engagement. The Union Pacific employes are about to ralae the question whether if, as Judge Dundy strys, they are employes of the United Slate court, they ought not to be paid on the baais of the United State working day of eight honrs, in stead of on a corporate basis of 10 to 16 honrs. Eugene Delia, president of the American Railway federation, thinks this position can be maintained, and it I umh'ratood will work to this end. United States Engineer William F. Bhunk, who conducted the great survey for the international railway through Mexico and South American states, has completed his report and will place it in the hands of the intercontinental com mlasion at Washington soon. Tlie re port will ssy the scheme is entirely feas ible and everything favorsble for the improvement. The eatiuiated cost of building the roadbed and bridges is JC'S.iHW.iHK), and it will require 10 years to complete the read. New York anarchists are after Chaun cey M. De)'W, the Vanderbilta and Mrs. Coleman Drayton. Mr. Depew's butler recently found a placard with the fol lowing warning, written in Latin, on doors "Brothers, remember the glorious example of Vaillaut. Death to the rich man. This la a marked man. Warn all, By the will of the common people." Under this was a picture of a bomb. The residences of several other promi nent wealthy people were decorated with a similar notice. Iron wood, Mich., is the latest pros pective bidder for the Corliett-Jacksnn fight. This is a small island in the Mon treal river near there, between tho states of Wisconsin and Michigan, which was never surveyed and still belongs to the United States government Iron- wood haa recently had considera ble trouble in placing u large issue of 8-per cent gold bonds, and it is proposed by the local sports to offer $00,000 of these bonus as a pne for the fight. The suggestion meets with much favor among membera of the city council, as the receipts from the fight would not the local government nearly par for the lmnds: In the case of Mra. Leuse, who was re- mnvnd from the Kansas state boiird of AWARDED HKUIEST rr i-i rz rr The only Pure Cream of Tirtur Used in Millions of " rv mm II UU crmnrtes ol mat state, the supreme conn held the governor had do right tore move her or imtnt a successor, u she was appointed for one year and confirmed by tlie senate, unless charge are pre ferred and sustained, and that Freeborn, who has been acting as her successor, i a usurper, Tlie dec Won I unanimous. Mrs. Lease says says she intended to re sign, the salary I no object, but the learn the governor has a plan to charge bar with bribery in letting contract for supplies to the state instit ution. The,' lie says, are false, and she propose to rrnmtiu In office and light them. After three trial at Crawfordsville, Intl., Edward Brown the alleged train robber atands acquitted. The ease U peculiar and has attracted widespread attention from the fact, probably, that the unsupported story of Brown, an ac knowledged tramp, wa accepted in preference to the comlilned testimony of everal reputable and trusted employe of the American Express company. One night lust August a number of tramp boarded an maetbonnd Big Four passen ger train. They rode on the front of a baggage car, expecting to beat their way, but a row wa precipitated be tween them and the trainmen and sev eral shot were fired. Brown was picked up near the track later, suffering from two bullet woumls, and stated that tome unknown psrty bad shot hitn while crouched on the platform of the car. The express messenger said there bad been a a bold attempt at expre robbery; that Browu bad entered the car at the head of a gang of desperate bandits bent on plunder, and umrder if need 1m; that all were armed and a a shower of bullets was exchanged. The friendless trump's straightforward etory was accepted and It is believed the trainmen shot Brown without provoca tion and that the robbery story ia an At tempt to shield themselves iu caaj tlie men died. Brown will jring suit for dOIAHS. .', .: . " ' Tha earih Jfaanvv. The earth does not travel at the same rate all through Its journey. . Its orbit being elliptical, It must at some time approach nearer to the sun than itl others and will take less time in mov ing through one part of its path t),.m through another. In winter the earth I nearer the sun than in summer and move through space more rapidly. On Jan. 1 the earth is about 8.000,000 mill nearer the sun than it ia on July 1, and as the velocity of A planet in crease with it nearness to the sun th earth passes over one-half of its orbit In lesa time than over the other half. Between the vernal equinox, Which happen on March 3! and the autnmiial equinox, which falls on Sept, 29. the earth is 1H8 days in accomplishing that half of her journey round the son, while the other half occupies only 17.) day. It has been wild that owing to the friction caused by the tides nud other reasons, the eurth is moving more slowly than it used to da, and that the day are consequently lengthening, bnt as this is only to the extent of half a second in a century it will be a long time before there will be any apparent difference. Brooklyn Eagle. National Handwriting. If individual character influence in dividnal handwriting, national charac ter should influence national handwrit ing. Authorities tell us that such is the case; that the art of the Italian, the pride of the Spaniard, the vivacity of the Frenchman, are all displayed in their peumanship. It may be so, but as a rule It would take an expert or an enthusiast 'to toll the difference between the writing of the shrewd Scotchman,, the staid Eng lishman and the lively irishman. Ger man handwriting, however, is truly in dicative of the national character; it requires nearly as much patience to lead it as to write it. On the other band, one seeks in vain to discover the temper of a Jew from the dots and points of Hebrew or to de cipher the character of Mr, Pitman from the phonetic alphabet Cham bers' Journal. - Trantmant of Cholera. , Dr. Norman Kerr, the London physi cian, was asked, . " What treatment would you say is a wise one in case of choleraic seizure?" He answered: "If I had cholera, after a first prelimlary treatment for, the diarrhea, I would , rather have no physic, 1 would take lots 'of hot and cold water ad libitum, in tact. And 1 would keep myself in sur roundings of warmth. I would ratherv have that treatment than all the nicdi oinos In the world. "London Ex change. HONORS' WORLD'S FAIR. n rr ran Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum -es 40 Years the Standard II H , 7 jv