The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 26, 1894, Image 3

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    Jcifl Papsr ill Fc!k Ct::tf.
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iNHl'Kn MY
LjglBMtjaBfeUMBiBWIMIIIllllililillllW III1
Fill DAY, JAN. , IHtH,
StK-ui OATHKtHNnA wry y
able party wa glveu by Mr, AliVhlo
aker.on Saturday evening, Jan. gOth,
n( the home of hi father, U, F. Wullo
ker, near Monmouth. Vocal and In
strumental music and game were the
lrlwIMI feature of the evening.
Among tho present wsret Ml
lly West, Olive Andrew. Lor
Nutler, Htwl Hutler, Bertl While
ker, FuuU Mllllean, BU Mllllean
Kthel Nrldwell, Pl Derltla, Mable
Creasy, Celclo. Soobery, Nellie, Whlte
aker, L. Wtlaon and Mr, 1WI
Fulkfs Frank Ttlton, Harry Boyd,
Hoyt, Carl llowe, James . .Brltlwwll,
IVanTatoin, O, Hwann, Al. White
akcr, Enid Duller, Will Whlteaker,
Itairge Orowder, Ie Scobert and
Frank Lucaa, A bountirul lunch ww
( lit twelve o'clock, by Mm. II,
F. Whlteaker. Hhortly after they all
departed lu high plrll.
Col'Nllt. rRKKKIINO. Th olty
council in last Tuesday evening lb
JSrd, with Mayor Hurley In th ehlr,
and Couucilmen Irrtne, Strong, Finch
aud tXnik and Recorder Heed present;
ahseut Counelliuen PeMvaland Kirk
land. Minute of prevkui meeting
read and apwroved. Committed oo
trect reported throug h Mr. Cook that
committee granted Mr Hard pernd
km to dig the ditch, the city to fur
nish til aloug tb treet. On mot It. a
the report waa accepted. The special
committee ou Hy-lawnd Kuie favor-
Itlg til ("ftwMtfV of ordluatlCe M adopt
ed read. Book committee reported a
follows: Moved and wmdl that th
committee' report be accepted and the
recortter be authorbted to purchase the
book. Htiliimn ctmuiunlmtlon btld on
tint tll. On motUui ctmiicM adlouriMMl
A XtH tAt. UATHKKtsa. On hwt
Friday vonlny, Jhn tWrw, living
north of lndindfiH, gav awlal
wrty at bl rtKli'iu. About fifty
vrvrc In uttt'iiilttiicw. Dancing waa In-dulp-d
In to a lat hour, and gont
muitic being lu attndauc and Mra.
OMUrn Mug rnval entcrlalnnr, tba
bourn hI vrlftly by. The aur waa
om of tha fttiMirna of th vveutng,
tnol John tWwtrue laalMut &t ywtra
ofagvand when it earn to lndU'
choice h waa rw iirted out on tb fl.xir
byonir tl rvt(lmt girl, and he
went thrmiKh the dsnot In flna hai
with her, aUlMiugh h had not danced
before fur so yearn,
Nkahlv A Ft kk. One day hwt week
the flfty-oindla puwer Inoandce
wnt light in he wuty elitrk'e
ollU tittrnvd out, and came near cau
ing a fire that would have done much
tliiiimi' to the court bourn. The light
waa mi the arc light circuit, and the
currvnt of electricity waa tooatrong fr
the hicaiidraceut burner. V under-
atand that ludge Hurrh haa ordered
the dbwnnllnuenc of the electric
Hk'hta In the court houne. This, we
think, la a mhttAke on Uie part of the
Judge, a ekvtrie light are the aafeat
IlKhta In ue when, at leant, the differ
ent llgliU are on their proper elroulta.-
(ieo. W. Hklnner, of the flouring
mill here, ha Invented a new kind of a
boat with which to navigate the Wil
lamette river during low water, and
will have a mixtel for exhibition In a
few wei k. lit boat I a new depart
ure, having no boiler, m It will be run
with guHoiine, tlm waving the ellit
of a large boiler. It will be flat-hot-tonied,
neeiling only a light draught of
water. We will be able to give a bet
ter diwriptlon of the boat when we
have teen a model. Mr. Hkluner aaye
It can he run cheaper thiui' mmt any
other kind of a boat, oonldering itn
ItxiNvDAy DRK8H.--The "nolo"
writer of the Orrgonhm get funny
when hewiy: "Salem pedeatrlan were
tnrtlel one day luxt week to tee coin
liiKd(wnthe etreet a proceaiilon of
ladiex in RhorUklrta. It wit the rauly
day c'uh out for an airing. The new
fad Ih becoming quite popular and I
unretwrvcdly endortwd by the local pa
per. The skirU come to within 8 to 12
liichi of the ground. They are aald to
liply leu anatomy than the uwuil
method of lifting the long iklrta, and
of coiine whnnhould know if not the
Bulem editor?
ThkOoi.dkn Bum. The editor of
the Dalln Ilrtnizer la extremely liber
al when he nay: "The brethren of the
prctt may feel perfectly Iree to glean
from thin paper whatever they ohouw
with Intlre Indiftbrenne to glvlnir
credit for It source. All the pub
lic want I the news lu a condensed
form without reference to where" It
orlglnohid. We do not propose to lum
ber our eoluni up by telling where
we obtain each Item of new to them."
Hciiooi. Honw!. 8ome time ago the
aclinol director "of Independence de
cided to bniid thl dlMtrict for 15,500, for
20yeari5 Ta-asurer Cooper, at Dalln,
ay he-kr receiving many inquiries and
think he will place the bond at 6 per
cent. Interest per annum. We are
now pay log ten per cent.
A Farm Gath. E. E. Krongle and
W, H. Murphy have purchased the
patent on very convenient farm gale
which can be opened from the road
without dismounting. They will cell
county right.
Tax Roi.m run W, -The new
nient and taxation law ar Mich that
it I very difficult to keep pa a wltli
their rtUtrenieut, Tha law require
that lb sheriff shall begin the collec
tion of taxe February 1st. The oouuty
lerk did not receive return from the
tat board until the lath of January,
making It Impossible for bliu to certify
to the reeohtew of eltlea and elerk of
district the amount of taaahla prop
erty In their respective stntlon a ear
ly a la convenient for him to make the
levy and return to the elerk. How
ever we are Informed that the elerk 1
ready to give the eltlea and district the
total taxable protert In each a equal
Ited by the state boald, on application
to turn.
; Hista to (10,000, lt Tuesday,
Walter Kay, a young man who has
been working for teo Maeaulay, below
town, and who la In partner with J,
M, Malt In a hop yard, left on the af
ternoon train en route fr Iondon,
Knglaud, where he will receive I0,H)
left him by hi father, who died recent
ly, II Intends to return about April,
and make hi periuaneut bom In lolk
oouuty. ,
HherKf Well wa In town but Mon
day, .
Buy your groceries of J, P Irvine
and save money.
Hev, Kll Ft-her, of Dallas I wanting
several of the Denny pheaaanta.
Mine Maggie McUonald, of Dallas,
will auon start on trip to California.
The Dallas city band will give a
"hard timea" dauce on Valentine'
tva. 1 ;.
Mr. J no, Johnsons, of thl place,
went to (."orvalll Monday, for short
Mr, David I wis, ot Lewlvlle, I
still very 111, but I Improving at lsl
Hobert llolman, ex-chlef of the Port
laud Are department, wa In town lt
J. M. Mitchell, our planing mill pro
prk'tnr, will return from Han Frauolst'O
thl Week.
1), P. Houfler, of Dallas, ha Invented
a fruit dryer, which at said to be a
superior artiule,
t'l Hlfeliei Dnia. have some Rreat bar
gaiu In fancy toilet p, which tbey
are closing out. (
A Hue of fancy toilet ap at Hod
fetter Uroe, will be sold at ka than
oet. It will go quick.
Mra. Geo. ClaggeU of thl city, Is
visiting her parents Mr. aud Mrs
Phillips at Spring Valley.
Dr. E. J. Young aud wife left Tue.
day fr Newburg, where they will
pend a week or o vMting,
rWuatur Dolpb and Mllehelt have re
cently been stnidlng out legal docu
ment and vegetable seeds.
Davlesa Uihon. an old pioneer of this
county, from Missouri, died at his home
near ena, January li, 104.
J.T. ImasUr and Mia L- W Wd
son, of llallston, were married at lal
la by Justice Hinlth, recently,
Iiisaulty Is becoming quite freueiit
lu this state; there are now over 1000
patients In the asylum near Balem.
C. A. Itowser, who committed a
heinous crime In Portland, ha been
sentenced to len year In the pen I ten
tlary. The dramatiu talent of Itueim Vista,
I going to give a drama In the near
future. Why don't our young people
do the shiiicT
A thne foot vein of coat haa bw-n
discovered near Yaquina City, In Lin
coln Co, and great excitement prevails
over the And.
Come quick and get your choice of
those 50 cent books for 'i" vent at ('lod
felter llroe. They are selling fast.
Good selection of authors.
The mow last week fell on and clung
to the telephoue wire between here
awl Monmouth till the pole have been
very nearly pulled out of the ground.
At Wondhurn the recent ralu flood
ed the basement of the publlo echoed
building, and In consequence (ho
school wa adjourned for a short time.
The four-year-old daughter of It. It.
Liggett, living opposite llueua Vtsta,
died suddenly laet Sunday evening and
was burled at Iluena Vista Wednesduy
aftxriKKiu, '
The Glhsnu Bros, have completod a
row boat, nineteen feet 'oug, which
will probably be the fastest on the
river here. It I being painted In the
shop of M. I). Hoott.
The populists are making preparation
to cut a wide swiith In the coming
election. The two old parties should
be waking up or they will be liable to
get left on some of the office.
Orin Haley and John Alexander,
who are In Portland In business col
lege, will get through In about four
week and return home. They have
made very rapid progress In their
Dayton, Wash., has a 175,000 water
work system and It ho proven a pity
ing Investment, the receipts paying the
Interest on bonds, the superintendent's
calary and leaves a balance to go to the
sinking fund.
Miss Untile Vaughn, who I tenchlng
at Parkers, was tendered a pleasant
party by her pupils at that place, Mlt
Vaughn's term of school there close 1
last Friday, Hhe says there wa a very
good attendnuce during the term,
There will be services In the Congre
gational church of thl olty on next
Sunday morning and evening, when
the Rev, J. L. Ilerahner will preach.
In the morning D. V, Poling will
preach at Dixie. Much Interest has
been awakeued during the special
meeting now In progress at thl point
Ist Paturdsy J. 0. Teal, asslslsnt
janitor at the Normal achool here bad
bl Jaw broken by laung struck hy ono
of the arm ufa windlass for Imiilmu
wood to an Upier slory of the building,
He wa wintered uueouselnU for over
an hour.
It Is nmltably not the culdosl weather
yuu ever kuew In your llftq but Hint U
how you feel jul now, lHaue pact
lullVrlugs a iv soon pugotlcu, aud be
cause your hlitod needs the rlehhig, In
vigorating Inllueiicoof Ayer' Sai
mrlllu the Superior medicine,
ltev. J. Frel Jenkins will preach
Sunday morning mi "God's rovcnnnl"
aud I" the vVMiIng "(Vn version and
Ikptlsiuof the F.uuiich." .
Dr. II F. Smith of Iwlsvllle, w
hi tow n lt Suturdiiy,
Mesxra. Joint Vnuhn aud Mark
llurch of Klekreall, were ' doing" our
city at Saturday.
When down town call on McKehreii
Handercook aud what they
have. They have a nice slis-k of
groceries and cnM'kery.
Mr W. H. Kelley, of this cli , went
for a few days' visit In hirtland la'
Mr, Hud Cooler went to I'orilnnd
lust Thursday and on Friday returned
with Ida with to this city,
ltev, J, Fn-d Jenkins returned home
front Amity SetuWay where has leu
aiMlstlug the IhiptM brethren In a re
vival meeting.
L. 11 Maitlu of Dallit was lu town
lest Setunlay.
Mi Eohreli A Maudcreiiek sell eirgs
the lowest of ny su re lu Imlcpeii-
The pMttauled minting at Klek
reall, by ltev, D, V. Poling, Is well at
teuded and eotislderuUkt itti,iel lino -Ifctwl.
It' very nice to e4l nt ihu.I
With pie for lu wind-up;
'Taiut half so swvei'slhe one m' spoils
When he yells, "You pit up!''
Nice frvsh breitd every dny t J. P.
Irvine'. -.
'Ih Alioua made a trip Monday
from litilendeuv to rieiu and lny
there the rest of the vtees. Mhe Ills)'
resume trip l port land, Monday If
the river Is low enough.
Ifjtmealluu Milvhrau A Sunder-;
cock yu can gel your Hnnrl' and
emekery cheaper than any stow
Mir. G. I., llawklils and P, V.
Pattersou attendetl the Mas-mle Mgej
at Itlekrvull, Inst Tue.loy evening.
W. W, Collins, of near U ivllU-,
waa doing hunluem here Molidsy.
The steamer IVlNorte will ruu from
Y equina ly to San Fratielseo.
Mr. Kl. Hlrschlmrg made lb W'vxi
SllK suMising room a plessaut
call last Monday. Ed. is "little but,
Ob uiyt"
George W. Child, of Philadelphia, is
dsngvrouly 111.
Kvan aud Morrell, the ( allforula
band I la, who een;e from prison are
aid to 1st In Mexico.
There Is tiKi.OoiyKM of goinl money
In the New York Imuk now, and It I
Increasing at the rate of tlO.Ono.onO a
During Harrison' ' administration
the public debt of the United Stalls
wa reduced uearly faM.uutMWO, ami
now during one ear of deinnrralle
rule It Is Increased nearly fcW.non.Uio.
Thl a contrast for nubia voters to pou
der upon.
II. 8. Pague, Uncle Sum' weather
prophet, ha resigned hi pliiou In
San Francisco aud will practice law in
An Independence correspondent to
Orrgonian suggests that the old soldier
might be payed their pension lu pa
per money and thus ave Issuing bund,
to which the Orrgwiiun r.totil Mist
It would still be a promise to pay.
If a dog barks aud scare your hore
aud you are Injured thereby, sue the
owner of the dog end recover damng.
Until Independence flouring mill
cciu to tie rushed with busluesa.
Dsve Sear and Joe Hirschberg were
mxrrrled several year ago aud still
live happily together.
Mcwtr Shelley Alexander A Co., put
up an excellent cough syrup of their
own manufacture,
. The Knight of Lalsir are going to
enjoin Secretary Carlisle In the Issuing
of bonds'
American bunks huve plenty of mon
ey to buy the iftn.fKin.outi worth of bond
ottered by the United States.
The pojie of Itouio I contemplating
removing to Spain'
France hit purilnlly given RiiU'rHgeto
1,1 1 1 Inn IltiSHcIl, the great net reus, wit
married last Sunday, to Slgnor 1'eio-
glut. This Is her third nuirrluge.
The city of Dalln Is advertising
$14,000 worth of olty bond for sale.
Mm. uud Mrs. J. T. Hiltllirund
brought a loud of njqilc to town Satur
day aud sold them.
We heard a fanner any a few dny
ago that Independence wns the hist
market for produce In Polk county.
Miss Clara Hall 1 touching out In
P. W. lluley' iiclgliborlusxl, south of
Independence. .
The flimnrliil statement which this
paH.'r publlshc thl week, give a very
full and easily understood report of our
yearly expciiHve.
Dalla school district levied a two
mill tux lawt Monday for currying on
the schools the coming year.
The Oukdule school, where J. 0. Mo
FarlMiio ha been touch I ng, ha oloscd
on account of bad woollier,
Hupt IIutchliiHou 1 out visiting the
county public schools. He wa at
t Alrlle Tuesday and will visit the In
dependence icbool today,
The ats'lnl dunce of the Club at the
opera house lust Saturday evening, wa
well titlemled and uiuoh tnjoyao, a
imityof Indie and gentlemen from
Delia will be lu allendaiice at the next
one, a the fame of the eub parlies has
gone abroad.
The Corvalla fmtllsdl team I Jubi
lant over defeating the Multnomah
Juniors, of Portland, Inst Saturday, lu
a vore ol tt hi 0. The Albany "man-lHiui-towu,M
whossld the Multiiniuahs
would beat, wo not In It.
President Dole, of llawa , tjet rtily
refused to allow the queen to lie re"
stored, but now refines to give up Uu
Willis oorrekisoiilenee on the luhjecl
A ctiusiltullou Is Mug prepared and
llu wiill will soon he a full lleilged re
public It I proposed that the United
States, France, Oivat Itrlllln and Ger
msny shall form a monetary confer
ence to enhance the price of silver.
The silver mine are to form a trust and
limit the output of their initio.
Iist LntU'day evening the dliuw
et wa given away at Mc lecher n A
Sanderes'g' tor. J. H I'alhott 'on
the prise, the numlsr of benua being
8,IH, he guessing 3,1 7S. V
The Mitehell-Curbett prime fight fur
the championship of the world wa to
eomeotl' Thursday, Jn, 'X, at Jackson
vllle Florida, but w go to pre too
soon to learn ti e result, C. Mitchell,
weigh Hi- s)tiuds aud Corbett, the
American, lis), after training.
County school iis'rlliUnieitt Htllclt
instill was down with the la grippe last
Mr. Illrd Wsillng liss taken charge
of the Lincoln school,
"K teacher' eouuty Institute I to be
held t Dnllits, Ssturtlny,
J. C. McFurlam, of Fall City, has
bcru apixiluttl notary pulillo,
W. M. lllkin, whu ha a neat home
Hit side of Dallas wm buy the first
of the week sbtsbiiig the brush oil" the
land along the railroad truck aud pro
h m- going into the vegetable and
small fruit Undue nd will deliver at
I hit I its, Monmouth aud Independent
next summer,
J, S, Coos'r, J. A. Veiiea and 7 d
lUsieutloif were passeiigttr to Salem on
the Altoua, lut Mondny.
McKiteucru A SsutlcrwK'k art sell
lug thler crockery Mow cost.
'You are next.'' "Ncxi what?"
"Why uet to tak ymir turn In the
tmrts-r chsir of Otis LaudrwlU, wlw
gives a IWwtou sltnvn worth $1, for H
eeitts, ami curls your mustacbe, ts,"
An euveutory Is Mitg taken of the
stttek of drugs, of Slielky, Alexander
A Co., ami Jtlley (Wper ami K, W,
CiMiMrareloiits!wd Mr. Shelley In
the biiftluct, the new firttl.prolmbly
stilling uudi r the Unit nme of Alexan
der A ( 'tsqa-r Hro
Atlwhoare trtmhtnl with Constlp
alion vt it) find a safe, sure, and cely
nllef in Ayer, Pills, Unlike most
other cathartic, these pills etrvugheii
Die sKiiliaii, liver, aud bowels, and
rextore the organs to uouintl and r'gu
tor action.
At lust a sldawalk has bem luhl from
the end of the walk on the corner of
Main and ii streets, hi the long bridge,
Ut Wednesday Andy Tupper and I.
ClaggeU dltl the work In sliort order.-'
W, W. Collins leave with Id finu
II v next week ntr California. He will
uot only visit the Mltlwluter fair but
slsu travel through that state.
Geo. Wells Jr. of Iluena Vista, left
for a visit to Portland last Wednesday.
Istk at the dale on your county
warrants to see when Interest ceases,
mm there I money on hand to pay aoine
ot tlieni.
McEachern ami SnndertKH'k the gio
cars, have moved lulu their new stole
four dtsirs south of I lie First Nation
Cheat hay for sale by Mra. Sloxr
one mile sou ih of town, T4t
Old Timer licralled.
Editor Wwit SnK!-I noticed In the
lost Issue of the HnUtprm an article
signed "Jucksonlan,"
JackNoiilaii uy he wants everything
like 1 was in Juckson' lime; tlm day
of old "Hickory" Is what he want.
The day of oltl Hickory are not the
question today, Longing for old time
tloii.t help us oui of our present condi
tion. Jack must call to memory thut
old thing have passed away, and Iw
hold nil tilings have become new. He
HiK'ls to the democrat to stand by
their color. I think Jack will have
faith a hlg as ml npple mid pray till
the next cuiiipalgn, without CeoMlug, In
order to keep his party all together, I
sympathise for yon, Jack, for you want
sntiieililng yoll CUIl't prstslltly get.
The reason you are nlway lu trouble,
Is iHH'ausc you are on the wrong side,
Free trade Is the rotli'iiest board lu the
dcmis'i'titlo platform. When they nil
get on this plunk the United State U
glus to tremble and there I hut one
wn.y to stop It and, that Is protection.
That remedy nets immediately, and
the remedy can only be procured at
republican head quarters, they having
ole control for the United Htute. A
free I rial Is ollered to every good demo
erst wheivln they will lie greatly bene
II leil. It Is no remedy for a populist,
they being too young to stand the
ubove muued remedy; It I too power
ful In It action for them. The demo
cratic, prescription for the United
State, namely; free trado 1 the cause
of busluesa being no sluggish today.
When It. Is applied, everything comes
to a stand still, manufacture have to
shut their mills down, merchant have
to discharge their clerk, rullmad dis
charge mnuy of their employe, run
triweekly Mains, the humming of the
spindles Is heard no mure, work simps
are shut up aud thoUBiuids thrown on
tbe charity of the people. English
manufacturer rejoice at our down fall
When free trade I applied, England
commence to oil her spindle ami
firing her good at us cheutmr than w
ean make them, because their employes
don't cost them more tlmn one half as
much a our do, Would our employe
lie willing to work for wage they pay
In England? No; would be the an
swer. Then why, under Hie name of
heaven, do you vote for It? That 1 a
problem I would like aoine democrat
to solve, why he vote for aoniethlug
tie don't want Tho people who
want to buy English good, let them
pay for them. Our home manufacturi
1 good enough for us, and every hl
load of English good hlp)ted here
take that much work from us. We
give them tlm work hi dn and w pay
for It They get our twucy and we
uftVr for ths need of It. I will give
the floor to Jack for tha present.
Alrlle Items.
Mr. It. Iteven wa down from the
burnt wood for a few day last week,
' llustlug Urn., our enterprising
warehouse men, hlp!d several oar
load of wheat last week
Our school, under the able manage
meiit of J, II. Couhran, la progreaslng
Our laat week Item houtd have read:
Mrs, J. Hagley's turkey, Instead of
Mr. O.J. Itagley'. ,
Rev. Hh roves, of Uwlsyllle, will
preach at thl place next Sunday. All
are Invited.
F. J. Chamber, of King Valley,
hltd fhaii thl place lust Tuewlay,
several coop ofchtuketi and turkeys,
taking back with blm load of iiu-r-chniidlse
for hi store at that place.
Floyd Tolton, better know a "Dw-k"
a grandaoii of Uncle J. I). Watson, of
Yamhill exility, was visiting friends
here last week.
Our pt uftlo ha been greatly Im
proved by the addition or uew aud bet
ter boxe. A much needed. Improve
ment - ,
The 4lal dance given by C. K
S'aatu Frldsy evening wa well U
leiidetl iiotwlilistauding the mud aud
We hear of numerous candidate for
county oftlcea In other part of the
county but we never hear Alrlle men
tioned. However w will be beard of
Indue lime,
Mr. and Mrs, It. W, Harris and sis
ter Nellie, of Suver, were visiting with
Mr, aud Mra. Joseph Hngley last Sun
day. A.J. II. aud best girl attended the
birthday jmrty given by Mr, Ed. Wile
last Saturday.
A few of our young sportsman with
a few oltler ones have been waging
war against the Denny pheasant fre
quently of late, letter look a little
out, boy.
Cotiduoior J. II. Clark Iinm returned
to Portland to tak charge of bis tram.
Parker Item.
Alex Kerr' sociable wss a rousing
ums, Tbe oyster were flue and
cheap at uothtng.
Mrs. W. P, Hradley llowly reeovir-
Jitiite Ilelitilck came home Tuemlay,
dlwharged from hi duilc as U. S.
grniitl jurynan, Many case were
thrown out of court, aud Jhu thinks
"everything that glitter I uot gold,"
meaning there wa an ':uiihoiiety"
Mis Voiiglm has flubbed hit achool
ud now reside at Derry, with her
Lc Steeprow ay: "Send up the
cat that play the piano a I am "boas'
un the violin, aud it will make my
home a heaven lit for Kings."
A rather curious exiicrleuce I told of
a Parkerlte, while trying to get bl
forty wink of leep lu a bed room, di
rectly betweeu the moderately lurge
engine of the Alton. He sold: "If
chief engineer Campbell would let the
engines alone and Cupluiu Grahuui let
that dumbolt alone, be could sleep Just
a good a lu bla cabin at Parkers'."
Well Items,
Mr. E. F. Wllw, of Butte furm, cele
braled hUHOth birthday with flue
spread, on the evening of the 'J8ih
lust. -.
W. L. Cauthom, who live near here,
loot two flue two-year-old colts during
the recent HohI. .
Peter Hctiert, our village blacksmith,
will give a lecture on religion at the
church here on Sunday, at 'i o'clock
F. M. , .
C, 11, Cauthom, relumed home from
Portland, on the 15th, where he hue
been very low with typhoid fever. "
Geo. Oreou, the popular ladle' man
and dude, I visiting hi parent ut Oak
creek, Linn, Oo. ,
The populist debate will be held on
Thursday Instead of Satunlay night,
for the purpura of sending delegate to
Corvallls, where the Couuty Central
committee meet uu Sutuiduy; the
27th,, : ;' . ,
,K. M. Dodele ourgoniid furmer and
spcoulator I now purchasing a car load
of chickens and duck for the Vlctorlu,
11, C. market.
Thorn Hodge, 1 visiting bl pur
ent here thla week. v ,
Mr. Aa Taylor, of Polk, Co.K Is ex
pected to arrive here lu a few days.
Ho will be the guest of Mr. Henry
JohiiHon. Come ou A"- '
Real Estate Transfer.
Jun, 8, Nancy Gee and husband
tu Samuel Boise, luud near
BullHton; 1 800
Jan. tl, I'ora Hubbard et ux to J S
Cooiier, limit In Monmouth; 150
Jan. W, K J Siaafj et ux to Com
Iltililittnl, laud In Monmouth; Sou
Jail, H, I McElmurry and wife to
Henry Hill, land In Iiidcpon
Jan. S, 3 W Crlder, awlgnee, to W
It McDaulel, land near Dalla; 71!
Jan, 5, Thonia Elliott and wlf
to Wm Elliott, laud near Dallas; ftfXi
Jan. 5, I'Xher A Iwls et ux to J
M Hears, tot in Dallas; , 250
Jim. 4, Itellu Chapman et ux to 0
II Cliapiniiu, laud near Dalla; 1500
Jan, 4, Henry Hill and wife to
J L Stockton, land near Iude
dctitHi; 100
Jan, 4, Henry Hill and wlf to J
L Hlockton, laud 111 ludejtcil
deuce; 100
Jan, 3, E Weimar et ux to M C
Furrluger, laud nnir Dalla; 850
Jan. 2, J II Waiiu and wife to D J
Waun, land near Zena; 1
Jan. 1, Sarah II Dotlson to Daulel
Hoiniiun, land near Dalla; 1
Jan. 2, J E Klrklaud and wife to
J Adklns, land near Indepen
dence; 25K
Juu. IH, Tho Whatford to Abe
U glow, lot In Dalla; 470
Jan. 18, J It Cooper and wife to
Wm ftlddell, land near Mon
mouth; , 1
Jan. 17, W W Perclval and wife
hi Ed S Hycrs, land near hide
ts?iidenot; 1000
Jan. 17, J W Klrkland to Annie
Huntley, lot No. (I fruit farm
near Independence; 21(1
Jan. 17, W W Perclval and wlte
to F P Uyer and wife, land
near Independence; 1000
Jan. IS, J II Moran to L Sumpter,
land In Monmouth; 1 225
Juu, 12, W II Fulkerson and wife
to Edward Hums, land near
Monmouth; 650
Jau. 10, Nancy E Hargrove and
wife to P IS Wilcox, laud In
Monmouth; 400
Jan. 10, P E Wilcox to Nancy E
Hargrove, laud In Monmouth; 400
Jan. 10, Mary O Kluuey et ux to
Jcwe Drown, land near Fall
City; 2000
Jan. 10, Joeephlue E lloyle to W
11 McDunlcl. land uear McCoy; 6
Jan. 10, D Chandler and wife to
W II McDaulel, laud near Mo
Coy; 1
Jau. 10, J W Klrklaud and wife
to W H MaDaulel, laud uear
McCoy; 1
Jau. 8, 8 Sbcdd to Naucy Daw- ,
sou, laud lu Monmouth; DO
Jan. , H H Patterson and wife to
F A Douty, laud In Iudepeu-
di'inse; 750
Jau. N TarUr and wife to A J
.Scbrtug aud wife, bind near
Lewkville; - 400
Jan. 2, N Tartar and wife to P A
Johnson, laud near Lewlsvllle; 2000
Jan. 3, Shurtlcfl, Bryant A liub-
hurd et al to Jo 0 listen et al,
laud and lot In Fall City; 1
Jan. 12, State of Oregon to J W
Chamtierlain and Felix Noel,
land near Fall City; 50
Jau. 10, T UHeflley to MaryO
Kliiiwy, land near Falls City; 2000
Jan. 19, Henry Campbell and wife
to G T Cbamlierlaiu and wife,
land near Lewhtvllle; 1
Jau. 10, Uulted State to J B Teal;
hind near Fulls City; Patent
Jan. 10, Isnoe Itall to W M Olm-
sleitd. lots 111 llitllstou; 25
Total numis'r deed, 87.
Total consideration, $28,044.
L U U A S - M O UK K LL. A 1 8a u Frau
Cisco, Col, Tuwslay, Jan. 16th, 1804,
Mr. Hurt L. Lui!, of Monmouth,
and Miw Muble V. Morrell, of San
Frauulsoo, were uulted lu marrlge.
Mr. Lucas 1 well kuowu lu thl
vicinity a one of "the boy," aud will
uu doubt make a model husband. Miss
Morrell will tie remenils;rd a the hand
some young lady who visited a short
time at tho residence of Mr. A. W
Lucas, of Monmouth, last summer, and
who created a very favorable Impre-
ion at thla place and at Monmouth,
WLNNULL At Independence, Bun.
day, January 21st, 18114, Mr. Esther
Wlnuell, aged 48 year.
Mr. Wlnnull was born in Hakers-
vllle, Ohio, Jan. 19, 1845, her maden
name being Esther Martin, daughter of
D. Miirtln, who Is living in Dallas.
Her husband J. H. WInnell, having
died, shecame to Oregon In 1KS2 with
her daughter Aggie, una for the past
twelve years ha been In the millinery
business in Independence, and 1 well
and fuvarulily known throughout the
couuty. She ha liecu lek for the past
four years, hut attended to huslue un
til about a year ago, when he old it
out. She leave au only daughter,
Mis Aggie, to mourn her departure.
Her brother lire, L. D. Martlu, of
Dulhwand 8. M, Martin, of Sulpher
Springs, llenton Co. The funeral took
place from the Presbyterian church,
of which she was au active member.
Hev, TowtiNeud officiating. MIp Aggie
WInnell desires us to extend thauksto
the friend who were so kind during
ber mother's lost sickness. Mis Aggie
Wlnnull Intends going to Canada, af
ter her term of school 1 out across the
river from Independence, and make
her home with an uncle and aunt
there. v -
Below Cost,
Fisher & Vaudcrgrift, the leading
milliners will Hull out all their full
good at cost, for the next thirty days.
Hut and btuiuetB below cost. 2-t
Mrs. M. A, Nelms, teacher in the
Publlo School here, Wus tukeri sick last
Wednesday aud was compelled to dis
miss school all day Thursday,
Jas. Corbett Whips the English
Man in Three Rounds.
UavsnMt Mlllwll U I'sabls to Hsstrala
' tha right sntl It Cants OK e u
suavUls, riurlds, a 1
The great fight between Jamo Cor
bet, the Califorula boy aua cnamplon
of tue United State and Charle MiU;h
ell, the Australian and English
champion, came oiT lu Jacksonville,
Florida, Jan. 26.
Tbe price of ticket wa advanced
from $25 to W. The Wtarr Hide I la
receipt of only brief tolegram ot the
10:80. Mlltlaand Duval elubjuhl
lant over Ilia prosjieeUi of nou-iuterfur-
1145 Corbett arrive In pink of con
dition. Mitchell weigh 1024 Corbett,
120. Both men lu ring.
12:40. Shake hand. Fight it ou
MlUdiell look tmall tide of Corbett.
Ed. Smith, of Denver, challenge win
ner for $10,000 a tide.
First rouud Corbll laud on Mitch
ell' chin. They clinch aud exchange
body blow. Mitchell atrlkec Corbett
ou neck a round clove. Honor eveu
u find round.
Second round.-Corbett knock;M Itch-
ell down twice tbe gong aavlng Mitch
ell, who l groggy.
Third Hound Corbett get In right
slid left ou Mitchell neci, who take
full time to rise and 1 again knocked
down. Corbett swings right aad left
on Mitchell' nose; Mitchell fall. Ref
eree declare Corbett winner.
Home of our brother grocerymea are
making a great buwl that they will
sell a cheap a any bouse this side of
Eola; but tbe question 1 who first put
the price dowu on groceries lu Inde-
iieudeuue? Why, J. D. Irvine the gro-
oerymau, aud he put them at a price
that people could live tbeae bard time.
Tbe eminent revivalist, Dr. Gwione,
will begin a eerie of meeting lu Uie
PrcebyUirian church, Sunday morning,
2Hib Inst. The public 1 iuvitcd to at
tend. ... "
The Fanner' 4 Mechanic' store of
Portland failed thl week for the um
ol $233,0)10. '
Try tbe new prixe baking powder at
J. P. Irvine'. A nice aet of ghuuea
with each can.-
Ml Jeesle fike, wbo is attending
school an the Normal, visited her (la
ter here, but Sunday. .
- Mr. Countryman, who has been re
siding here for some time, haa gone to
Portland, to study music. '
Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Patterson of
your city, attended the Masonic lodge
here this week.
Ml LI Utile Vaughn Is visiting ber
brotlier John, of thia place.
Tho Christian Endeavor, of this plaoe
held a very Interesting meeting, last
Sunday. . . - 1
Hams say hi wife found a bard boiled
egg In one of the nest where ber bens
lay egg, and be wants to know where
he can get some more bens just like
that lie does not know how to ac
count for the egg unless It Is the
"change" of administration.
' Wanted.
Fifteen thousand hop sets, five thou
sand early and ten thousaud late ones.
Any person having hop seta to sell
please addross P. 0. box 170, at Mon
mouth, Or. Bute, In answer, to thla
advertisement, your price for the above
set. H18t
Will Meet Competition.
To those persons who are so unfor
tunate as to need colli us, caskets or any
kind of funeral goods, we wish to state
that In Independence the price now
made on these Hue will meet compe
tition anywhere. The stock will be
kept complete in slxe, and first-close in
quality, aud tonus of sale most reason
able. "'
There is no place In Oregon where a
better meal is served than at the res
taurant of Westaoott 4 Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Solcm. Courteous at
tention, a flue meal, aud the popular
price of 25 cents,, hare mode this house
the headquarter of everyone who has
occasion to dine lu Balem.
Hop Rout For Sale.
English Cluster hop roots for sale.
Iuquire of W. L. Wllktns or Douty A
Faddook, Independence. . 7 4t
Baled Hay.
I have baled hay for side three miles
south of Iudepeudenoe. C. P. Weiils.
.. 1 5 4t
100 Acres of Land for Sale.
If vou want a piece of th best land In Folk
county, near Independence, and that will b
sure to suit you In location and price, oall at
this office for particulars, u .... rim
WANTED.-tl500, on good security: will pay
small nanus to get It thin innitlb, Gould net
along with luOO for tew uionihs. Enquire t
Ibla otttoe. ,
Treasurer's Notice. v
tlM 7
Polk county warrants endorsed prior to
7ti, linv nf.lulv. ImiiiI. are liarvalile on nra.
dilation at the otlloc til Die treasurer ol Polk
county, Oroimn. lrteiwt ou the taint ceases
from llteduieoftliUnotlc.
Dated st Dallas. Urogon, this Wth day of
January, 18M, H, B. Cospkr,
1 10-41