THE WEEK'S BUDGET, What Our Reporter. Finds of In terest to Our Readers. fllK LOCAL AXD UESERAL RBWM. .s.rj f Ik Imk f Week Twr l( TW t4 CalhwtMl' f Islsrrst Irrsst Kij:r. A Impry Now Year to nil. Nxt Monday dale It 1H04. Miller A Patterou motto It cash sales mid email pmfltM. Mr, Molson, of Hlrkreall, made short visit lu town lost Tuesday. Remember that Miller Iatterson are aolllng good at html time price. Mis Uperllng, of llrrUmrir, speiit Christum visiting her brother Here, Ticket to the excursion Monday arc good to return through the whole week J. Bagley of Alrltf, hut hi KW acre of Wl grain nearly town unci look I it it well. Miller A Puttersmi will pay the lop price for egg with boot ttd shoe Hi cash prices. Marshal Myers void an Impounded cow Baturduy which Wan purcluwed by llnitk Merwln for f.!B. Mra, H. A. lilbeliu, the mother of Mm. E. C. Peuthunl, epeut Christmas visiting her daughter here. Mm. L. Buchanan, who Ium bteu at Woodburu, U here with her daughter, Clara mid Lena, thin week. Mb Let tic Mastersou who Is attend lug school at MoMlunville, rpent the holiday here with her pareula. Last Monday evening ton members of the Rick real I daneiug club came up nd visited the club datiee here. MIm lilrdle Wbltaker U vUltlug he klster, Mr. Weaver, iu Corvallls, re turning home with her Uut Tuesday. J. A. Vetiea end wife mid L, Damon went to Salem Saturday lu row bout returning with the skiff on the Altona. Dr. . A. Mulkey aud wife, and brother II. K Mulkey, iMul Christ ina lu Ykiuhlll county with relative. A dinner aet will be glveu away at McEaebern & Sandercock'a. A cash purchase of one dollar secure a guea. Ira Hiultb and J. M. Vauduyu with their wlvee ale Christmas dinner at the hoim of A. J . Gooduiau lent Monday iu iws auua j linen, M.uig uxmt here, wax v lulling Mr. Amoa Strong nd Mm, W. (I. Lawler iu Halem last week. Win. Tbellaen of Klckreall, leaves next month to visit the Midwinter fair m doe kino Mark Ilurcb of the Hiue place. W. J. Klrkland kud wife and J. F. Vaughn and wife, uf Hiekreull, tpeul Cluisluiaa with Mr. and Mr. J. W. Klrkland. The Oltrlen Bros, below tow n have a flue eluud of fair-sown gram "M acres iu extent. These gcnllcim-n are uo- cessftil farmers. Mis Dora Count r, who Is attending school at Eugene, eut CliriMtiuiw wevk with her parvnU licit', Mr. and M re. J. 8. Cooper. C.O.Orltru, the tile man, wert lo rortlaud huttwevk returning Kuturday, having purchuHed the nmchiuury for (he new tlie factory, The afreets of ludependiinefl lnt Hum n I ay aud Monday pnnenled k lively appearanee, to tnaliy people doing their holiday trudlng. llev. T. I Weaver aud wlfo (for merly MIm Etta Whlteukur) npulit ChriHtuiaa at the home of it. F, White 'aker, the futher of Mm. Weaver. The reaaon Miller & I'atterHon are enjoying a good trade hi beeautie people flud that they can get belter values for their money by buying of them, Hugh Baldwin nt Huena VUta, lout bin two-year-old daughter on f huraday of laat week, from a complication of la gTipie, being alck only a few hour. Wilcox, liuldwin & Co. on Clrlntma day distributed to the pinir of thin city bread and cakes free, alto presented a Chrixtmaa cake to each of their custom era. MeHiira. Hierllng Broa. had a hog hanging in their nliop luwt week, ruined by Oeo. Wella of Dueua Viata, which weighed tin even 6U2 pouuda. Who can beat that? Thoae persona who do not get their ticket before going aboard the Altona Monday moriilng are liable to be un able to gut on board, an the capacity of a ateumboat la limited. ' The young people preaent at the dancing club here last Monday night exprenaea Uiemaelvti m much pleaaed with their treatment, and that they enjoyed the evening very much. Mr. and Mrx. Krowu dealre to return many thank to the ladles' Hearta eaite euclety, and . to the brothers aud sisters of the Cliristlun church for the many Christmas prcsente received from them. hast Tuesday quite a number of our Polk county teacher left for Portland to be In attendance nt the Mate Teach er Association meeting there till week. Prof. Campbell, Prof, (JiVi, Prof. Itcyuolds, Misa Tulhell Miss Ayera of the county take part. Last Monday morning the Altona left Independence having nineteen pas sengers and ceventy-flvo tons of freight aboard, Among the passengera were T. Fennell, wife and daughter, Miss Hannah Wcngunroth end Oeo. E. Brey going to Portland, and Miss Lena HUtibraud going to Salem. All pviwum who atlvml the fimtUli name next Monday am Invited by the M. A. A. 0. to vlult It alegautly ap- nolutod imtinaalum. At tho Mou mouth band la to aceouipany life ex euralon, It Ikauggealed that we go there In a liody uiaiu landing from the boat. Our people are luvltmt to go pre' pared to "about" for the Oregon team A liberal uae of liorua and oowa Uill I lu oixk'r. Mm, Ida Vaughn of Portland, upent Ctirlotmat with Mr. and Mm, J Cooper aud family. Mra. Vaughn has held renponalhto ptwttion lu the Com merelal National batik for wveral year aa stenographer, The otieatlon la fiwiueiitly asked "Why la Ayer'a Cherry IVutoral much more efteetlve than other cough remedies?" The answer la, simply be cause It l the iiiont sklimd oomhliik Hot) of anodyne and expeelorauts kuowu to uuhIIouI selenoe. II. Itext, who Uvea on the Htaat farm south of Monmouth, had Mis Motile East, of Balem, and Mr. II. II Nathan of Taeoma, a guests and on Christmas day they all sat down to dinner such aa only Mr lU-at can uMrmtend the cooking uf, Mr. Ileal la getting tils farm lu flue shape and adding many valuable Improvement. Last Baturday evening fifteen round glove contest was held in the skating rink building betweeu Ed Lnugltney, of Idaho, and Kred lUmsey, nf Yamhill, which I said to have leen a very aelentlne contest, by those prea eut. Fourteen round were boxed Owing to the stringency of the time our county court should nmk the tax levy of the county aa low at pissdble thl vear, even If we have to borrow money, as county can do it better tliau an Individual, " J. L, Uushee, the Mason lo lecturer, was killed at IVmileton by falling from the ley platform of the Union Pacific train aa It waceuterlng the city, Only a few week ago he waa here In Inde pendeiice drilling the Mason lu their secret work. The Stanford unWrmlty football team defeated the Ivlemta team of Taeoma last Saturday forty-four to nothing. In the Hal of fifty-six Oregoulans who re at Htunford university, Mtse Nell M.HIil 1 gireu studying lu the law departineiit. Mis Hose M. Trum bull, of I ji Oraude, whom many of our readers know Is In the English ulnss. Mrs. J. W. Fetaer, of this city, who has been visiting In Portland the past week, returned home Tuesday vetting by the steamer Altona. Mrs. Wm, Mcttordy, of Parker, won the guitar at Clodfeiter Bros, given away ou Tuesday evening. The num br ol beans being li,'iH, MraMcCurdy gueaslng 1,1 it, A ladies' fancy work box will I giveu away on New tear' day. Itev. I. II. Iltucl, late of Ohio, will preach at the Christian church next Hunday morning and evening. Itev. I), C. McFarlaud, presiding elder Willsmette district, will preach at the M E. church South next Hstuh day at 11 a. in aud Hunday at 11 a, ni. nd 7M) p. m. Wm, Mattlson aud wlfe.of Rtsaiburg S'iit Christmas here with I clatlve. Mrs. J, Mustard, wluau our oil liens liberally assisted to go to friends lu 'ottoii, Washington, lias relumed to ndeMndenea arriving with her four hildren on Monday's train. J. F. Johnson and wife, of Vamlil l county, were vwltlug u C. U 11 more here this week. The hop crop of Oregon this year was 87.1SH bale; Washlugtou 8M,?4(, nd California 4;l,ti00 tiale. The total Is 118,809 bales Miss Pauline Hears, of Itetbel, Is teach ing at Hberkbiu Prof. C. A. HlUihooek, tlie'prlnclpal of our public achiails, I very proud of the ,avorable mention made uf our educational exhibit at Chicago. The hop sent by A. J. Wolcott pposlte ludeiauideuce, to the World' fair, took the first premium. F. K. Hubbard, of Fall City, Is iu astern Oregon ou business. Governor Walle, of Colorado, has called a special session of the legisla ture to meet Jabuary loth to remedy the fluauclal evils. Miss Eva Arbrogaat, of Hiihim, will peiir next week at the Miinmaui rand at Portland In the opera "The Chimes of Normandy." Falls City Is the banner moral town Of Poik county us they hnve no dancing and no whist parties. Farmer rcsrt grain aud stock look ing well iu Polk county. Jas, Ronco, of Peedee, Is under the octor's care. Thoy have a prosperous Sunday school In Peedee of forty-five members. Tlios. Ilatimdule, above Lewisvlllc, recently cut his leg wit h an axe. Mart Nealy has leased Ronoo'e sow Ill near Lewisville. , David Craven made himself an ele gant Christmas present. One we1 k from tomorrow Mono grange of Lewisville ha a public in stallation. Miss Mary Collins spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Collins, at Dallas, Mrs. J. E. Davidson left on Wednes day to visit friends In Portland, Miss Dode Owens, of Portland, Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Wm, Baudercock, remain several weeks. L. W, McAduma and wife spent Christmas with friends here. . Miss Lena Butler, teacher lu the Mu cin public schools, spent Christmas In Monmouth with relatives. ; J, P. Irvine and mother came 'up from MoMluuvllle last Wednesday, The IiutcNudeue dancing club gav a very pleasant parly on Christum,. night which waa attended by over a hundred of our note! people, Among thoae attending outside of ludepeii deuce were W. J. Klrkland aud a If", K. tiltwon, Mis Hudle Hlmonlou, Fred Koacr, Mis Orr, C. O'brlen, U.Tatoiu, Mark Iturch, of Hlekreall, Mis Phil- port, ofEugsim, Ml Lillian Preston, of Portlund, Chn. Hiullh, of Portland, MIF. Calllu.orHalem. The ktipper at the City rcfciattraut was very tine and enjoyed by all. The dancing club ha given our people aoiue very plea. auteoclal itieetli itH. E. It Adum, a rnal lih-nd of W. II. Patterson, . f (his elty, wilte lo UieWaxr 8inaa ft lloiv lu reginlto the coming fsitlNill g ooa In porthmd bet ween Htunford unlvesalty It am and Multnomah; "Our team la Improv lug dully and we feel coulldent thai Htaud foul's have not 'a uiip," and that ftir "mud player" v 111 show them a trick or two, Astoria, Heattle and Taeoma are to hve excursion and tlokeia are going very fast ceis-elally for (he grand stand. Men prefer to line up ou tho roH and follow the game down the Held. Wm. Kaya retumetl Sunday from a three-month slay In California, lie aaya he aaw mora "broke'! nieu at the Bay Dlsttcl race track than he ever met tn hi life before. Oregon I the beat state yet. There are eauVr tlna-a here than In California Dull at the New York ltaeket, cheap. Excursion ticket on sale at bulk banks, at Wkht Hu"! office and at the twuk iu Monmouth. ItouudtrlpgtHHl until Hat urdsy for t'i SiA. Crash! At the Kew York Raoket. ' Preochlug at the Congregational church, by Dr. Clapp, next Hunday, both in nnlng and evening, and the special meet nc. now In progress will eloso with the evening servltv. AUiut tweuty.flve eronf have proftiMrd faith lu Christ at these meeting. Indies flue shuea at the New York Racket. The funeral of air. Job x Burn of I.uekinmute, look place last Hunday, J. P. Irvine ha the fiuwt stock of crwkery wf brHight to Independence that iai Isaelllng at the very lowest prkwa, , J. P. Irvine ha Just received a lot of flue syrup both In one and five gallon buckets; bring along your cash aud try It. J, P. Irvine I knocking the hard time In the head by giving nmregm- eerie for less money than any other house thl side of Portland. On New Year day next Monday Hhetley, Alexander k Company will give away, free, lo every man, woman and child wiling at their store a drink of fountalu eoda, any flavor. Call ear ly and avoid the rush. Mrs. C. O, Lee and Mrs. Hotchlns of Albany, are guest of Dr. T. J. Lee, It. N. and C, N. Thorp, leading farmers of Huver, were In town Thurs day. J. W. Ftlxer I down with lagrlppe. Mr. Iayton Hmlth, of the Monogram saloon, gave a free Christmas dinner Monday, which wn enjoyed by all who partook of It. Mrs. W. O, Lawlcr.of Hulem, I visit ugMlsa Annie O'Brien at her home north of town. Parker's Item. Wheat 1 being hlpcd. Jam. Hetmlek, United Htates grand Juryman, la spending the hollda) at home. Festivities are at their highest. Mr.. Nancy Kerr Is spending the ollilaytln Portland. J. L. Davidson I spending a week at home. Wm. Fuqimand J.O. Davidson are getting along slowly with lngrlppe. Home of our young men will be on the New Vear excursion to Portland, Mlsse Ague and Vlola-Cal breath have been examined In the highest st udies of our public school. Miss Mb- by Vaughn Is teacher. It does gall us the way some towns get atuck up, as we here had the coun ty seat once on a time aud have turned nut county ofllcers, yet we do not feel uncommonly elated but are manly about our feelings but will get "nlfl" at Buetia Vista If they do not change. It Is ns plain as day to a mnu with one eye that the Willamette river would not have run past there If it were not for the uuoommonly low ground and the Iron heel of the Southern Paclllc. Great monopolies naturally slum and run around each other, but as It is they cross. We can express ourselves better by giving a conversation over heard as we were pursuing the festive nlpe over in the meadow of our sister It y. A preucher and a farmer were slowly swimming through the thin mud being guided through the mad by boy on the little mare Llddle, when he farmer was heard to ejaculate sud denly to the preacher; "Do you be lieve that story that the Lord mado all this sticky universe In six days, "Yes, do." "Don't you think He could have put In another day to advantage on this road so they could either run a bout or a stnge?" Just then the preacher dived and did not come to the surfuce for a minute and waa out of bearing of the poor farmer who bad sank to rise no more. P. 8. It was ust such another Carllu party. They tight not have tried It without a raft. bey are drugging for the body yet. Wanted. Girl or woman to do house work. Apply at Wkht Bids office, It MERRY CHRISTMAS, Indeiitniletiec Has Three Trees and Hundreds of Presents. 01 II PK0PI.K HIIOW UHKlfum. IHnMliultuR at I'rutUluua, CsadlM, Mala, Kl la lh Vuar uf Our ritr-MB ' Hsmss M4e lUppfa , Perhap never before baa a Christ- ma been oloerved in thl city where more attention has been given tbe making happy of thone who are not o fortunate a to tat able lo receive and give choice, gifts on Christines day. Each of the churches made a polut ol looking out fur the children who would otherwise not be remeiulaired, conse uuctitly there were many happy hearta. Christmas day Wilcox, Baldwin it Coniiauy sent out hundred of cake, loaves of bread not only to their cus tomer aa a Christmas gift but also to the poor of the lowu. . P. C. Patterson aent out a small boy with a basket of boxes of choice candy aud these were distributed lo his customer and the Hsir. McEacbern A Haiidercock, the uns-ers, also rvtueiuhared their friends. Iu addition many individuals gave a they were prompted by the goudnea of their heart. Christmas baa come aud gone but It has uiauy pleasant memories and so many were made happy. fllHIHTIAN Clll'HCII. On Kalunlay evening at an early hour the Christian church waa crowded k It fullest capacity, even the aisle being tilled. The church waa decor ated with ivy aud laurel, The tree wa a laurel, la-lug a dearliire from the fir tree generally used. It looked very beautiful with it load of presents, bright aud lustrous lu the strong light uf the many Uinipa, The programme wa an excellent one. coiislstinir of orvlientrsl music, wing uf welcome by the school, aud anthem by the popu lar choir. J, W, Richardson offered prayer anil Misa Mabel Ctsiper deliv ered the opening addrcas. Willi Hill rendered a tlutwaolo, "The It Rose of Hummer," which wa very sweet, Mb Nettle Hhelley nicety rocited "Praying for Hills'," and Misa Jessie Damon pleasingly rendered a recitation entitled "Harry" Cnrlatnius." The dialogue entitled "The Christmas Fairy," wn well performed by Eflle Richardson, Campbell aud a number of small boy and girl. W, II. Hawley and J. W. Rlchardsou called on tbe prcaenta. It waa nearly leu o'clock when the hsppy little folk reluctantly left for their home. COMiaKUATlO.VAl, nit'iion. Monday evening, Christina night, there were two tree, one at the Con gregational and the otlietatthe Bap tist church. The ChrUlmoa tree at the Congregu- tloiml church waa well Ailed with gifts, and many could not be put upon It, The exercises rendered by the little folk of the scbtxd were excellent, la. reua Clagget, Tom Owen, Deau Good man, Edith Owens, Claud Estea aud Alta Estea. all did well In their recita tion. The song by the school were above the average, aud showed careful drill. Haut Clause created any amount of merriment for the little oues, and gave each chid lu the house a sack of candy or peanuts. The church wit crowded, but every one went away well pleased with the evening' exercise. BAPTIST CUCKCH. The church began filling at 8 o'clock and at 7 JO the hour for commencing the exercises, was crowded in every nook and corner, many standing. The church w festooned with evergreen, decoration, and appropriate motto adorned ti walla. There were two large fir trees, reochlng to the celling and loaded with gifts, liesldea nianr underneath, too heavy too hang on the tree. P, W, Hawley wis martcr of ceremonies. After a song by the olio I and an Invocation by J, W. Maslerson, Miss Edith Finch recited "Bessie's Christmas eve Itrk " followed tv Miss Euln Haley In a pathetic story iu verse of "The Orphan' Christmas," Miss Dollle Wllklus reulted nicely , An anthem by the choir, and Mr. H. 11, Natham, ofTucoma, by siechd request recited "The Death of Vlrgtnous," and added much to the pleasure ot the eveulug, he being a flue elocutionist. P. W. Haley and M. E. Maslerson called off the present. Mrs. L, Alexander was to have been presented with a set of silver torks, and other silver ware, In a prepared speech by E. C. Pentland, In consideration of her valuable and faithful service as organist; also the pastor, J. Fred Jenk ins, with n easy chair, by Supt. Haley, but through some misunderstanding the presents were given without the presentation speeches. Over two hun dred packages of candy and nut were distributed to the little folk, Go to J.F.O'Donuull for Mexican 46- Bilver Wove Polish. People ore fools to suffer when a rem edy can be found to cure them. Oregon Kidney Tea is no experiment, aud not a fuke to get your money. Why will you hesitate, when we assure you that It Is absolute cure for all kidney and urluury diseases Mrs. J. 8. Cooper weut to Portland on Wedncsdoy to visit friends. Mr, C, K. Frouk, of Albany, wa the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. J. Goodman, this week. Pink Patterson certululy does keep the very best cigar lu town If you are willing to pay a fair price. Go and try hi new brands, n H Council Proceeding. December SU, lHU.'l. Council convened In regular session, Mayor Veins In tlie chair. Ali-mlier present, Irvine, Finch, Young aud Wilson; Dotity being absent. Minutes of the previous meeting read aud ap proved. The street committee, to whom waa referred the petition of J. A. Knu erts, et kl, reported that they had ex amined the cause of complaint and had ordered the marshal to that it wm rcmaved. The marshal staled that be had notlffed Mr. Crow toietuova the outuulldlug, which has been done. Mr, Young t eu Introduced an amend nietit to ordlnauue No. M, entitled "An Ordinance to Amend au Ordinance, Entitled 'An Ordinance to Provide for the Llapiislng, Regulating, Taxing and Restraining the Hale of Hplritous, Mall Vinous Liquors "' The ordinance bill wa then read first, second aud third time, the rules being auspemled, aud the vote taken. All the nmnilwrs pres ent voting aye, the ordinance was de clared pasaed. It wa moved and aeo nuded that tbe title of tbe act be the title of the ordinance, w hich waa car ried unanimously, Tbeappllcatloiis for Iceiise of H. D WSIIer.J . M. Cooper.H, E. Owens.and L, Hmlth were read. Bonds accompanied each application, By motion the bond of each were approved and the recorder ordered to Issue licenses to ich. . The Flnane committee reiKirted back the following bill and recommended that they be paid. Kelly k Camplsill, repairing fiait bridge, KSOO: Wmv Hit. Publishing Company, printing ticket and election notice, 110.00; Wilcox, Baldwin A Co., grocerleafor Mm. Mustard, W W; Hub bard A Hlaats, hauling, etc., If.lU; It. M. Wade A Co., nails, etc., I13.00; Dr. Butler, visit to Jail. 2,l; W. I. Burma, work on ae wer, 2.00, Tot si, f 48 m. On motion the council adjourned, Oko. W. Bkku, recorder. A ChrUtaias Reunion. Grandma Butler, of Monmouth, must have been happy last Monday night when she waa surrounded with her family of forty-eight children, grand children and great grand-children. For several year past at the home resi dence In Monmouth all of the children assemble and have a most enjoyable time on Christmas diy and this day w no exeeptiou. The reception rixmi In the Butler mansion will hold quite a company, ftut with the large tree and family it wm well filled. Those prea enta were Mm. EH-aheth Butler, her children, O. Butler and family, Henry Butler and family, J. B. V. Butler and N. L, Butleraud families, Mrs.lliH.tbby, family, Mr. Wm. Mulkey aud family, F. (1 rounds and family and grand children, Mr. Frank Fenton and family, of McMlnnvllle, Mr. J. F. O'Donuelland family. Or, O. D, Butler aud family of Independence, Mrs. Nettle Fiailka, of Portland.' The company cam tiling lu before Orandma Bullet, first the little oues, then thr'uext older, until all stood be fore her aud together saluted the mother, forty-lght In all. Then they marched aud then had recltallotikand music, everything Is-lng inside the family, and finally the tree wa emptied ol Ha load of present, (he room wa el eared aud daueing was tbe order of the evening-. O. Butler, of Linn County, acted a Hauta Claus. Of course It wm a Jolly party aud oue long to be rcmemtwred. Drain lour Land. Wm. L, Burro, lately of Iowa, who understands tiling land ou scientific principles, so m to obtain the best re sult with the least expenditure of money, oiler his services by the day, or will cotract to lay tiling by the rod anywhere lu Polk county. Address him at Independence, or leave orders at IndcMjiidunce Tile Factory. 12-20 2t Premature Announcement. The travel by the steamer Itammm has so Increased of late that the Ore gon City TrauaiMirtatlnn company Is colemplattng putting the Altona back ou the Oregon City route aud maklag Ave trips a day between this city and Portland. The people of Oregon City, like the prodigal son. are longing for the return of the service that they so short a time ago abandoned a be longing to the past and having no place In the transiKirtatlon facilities of a progressive, town. The memory of a warm, clean cabin, comfortable opera chairs and quick trljw, with tho rogu. larity not excelled ty lite ocat railway service, hue aroused the citizens or our town to realize what they lost when they abandoned the Units for the wet, cold aud uncertain o.cctrlo cftr. There Is little doubt, Jiidirlnir by the onlnloiis expressed ou every hand, that should tne river service ue brought bacK to its former excellence, the putroiuige would be such a to make the laiats pay, even thouirh the time are dull. Oicuon City A'dferjirise. The West Hidk 1 authorised by Capt, Graham to say to the public that the Altona boa made no arrangements to discontinue Its Inde)cudeuce, Baleni, Oregon City and Portland route, but finds business gradually Increasing both In paseengcra and freight. The people of Independence have given the boat a liberal patronage appreciating It grut convenience and Just as long m the route will pay, the boat will cou tlnue. The captain told the people of Oregon City they would regret throw ing off on tbe steamboat line, a they did when the electric road came In. Oregon City's loss I now our gain, Will Meet Competition, To those persons who are so unfor tunate m to need coding, caskets or any kind uf funeral goods, we wish to state that In Independence the prices now made on these lines will meet compe tition anywhere. The stock will be kept oomploto In size, and flrst-cluss In A. Johnson of Lucklnmute, was pre quallty, aud teinu of sale moat reason. 1 ented a three-year-old oolt Ins Monday able. The executive committee of lh Ore gon Press Asmllloii have decided to postpone the iiewsHtar men' excur slou to the midwinter fair, from Feb ruary to March. There are several reasons for this, chief among which if the fact Unit the fair will be in a more complete state. From all report tin fair will scarcely be In stmpe before th latter part of next month, although the projector of the enterprise fount hoped to have It ready for os'iiing Jan uary 1, However, there will probably be a formal owning, hut It will be month or two later before the ground and buildings are m shape aud the ex hlblts all In shape. Two IJre Naves'. Mrs. Phii'be Thomas, of Junction City, III., wo told by her doctors the bad consumption ami that there wa no hope for her, hut two buttle of Dr King' New Discovery completely cured her and she says It saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggcm, 13H Florida street Han Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one battle of Dr. King' New IMacovery aud In two weeks was cured He k naturally thankful. It I such result, of which these are sample, that prove the wonderful efficacy ol this medicine lu coughs aud cold. Free trial bottles at any drug store. Regular aliuiSOc. and ft. Like ike I'rajer. Dahiiv, Montana, Dee. 17, '03. Editor Wkht Hunt: Having been to Graulsdukj and after reading the "Democratic Prayer" In print lu your paper that you sent to Mr. O. C. Cooper, 1 thought that I would write to you for a copy or two of tbe same. m we have so many dcmmtrals lu this neighborhood whom I think it would do so much gsid lo read the prayer. 1 am iu tbe sawmill busliicm here and see a good many meu every (lay and would dellghut lu showing It to them. Your charges will be remitted by return mull. Yours truly, Wm G. Smith. The Public Library. EiiiTUH Wkht jsihk; All good eili xeii should eucournge the plau now under couslderuiiou by the 1,0. 0. F of establishing a public library iu In depeiideuue, It would be au Impor tant Improvement for the city, and it Is lo be hoped the lodge will carry it out. Ao movement would be more ixipolur or a iore widely Appreciated. A well selected line of book would tie used by all age Very few people call afford lo buy all the books they wish to read, nor is it necessary. B sjkt arena Important element iu education aud culture, Ttimugh them we may have the best thougnt of this aud (ast age. The uew we get lu the paper I transitory the. literature hardly worthy the name. The best thought, the best stories of adventure aud travel, the beat fiction Is found iu book. . The Influence of a good public library for good, for education and Instructive pleasure can not eaelly bo overstated The long w hiter uights can thus be turned to good account Not all of us can travel but wu can read oruioae who have, few of us call think deeply ou great question but we can read the thoughts of those who have, few of can write masterly work of fiction but all can enjoy the labor of those who have done this (or us. The lodge needs encouragement in thl pndsworthy endeavor and should have IU C. A. HmuiooCK, A Herald of the Infant Year. t up the lust thirty year or more from the century, and the segment will reprcHusut the term of the unbounded popularity of Hosteller's Stomach Hit ters. The opening of the year 1804 will tie signalized by the appearance of a fresh Almanac of the Bitters, iu Mlileh tbe uses, derivation and uctlou of this world famous medicine will be lucidly set forth. Everybody should read it. The calender and astronomical calcula Hons to be found in this brochure arc always astonishingly accurate and tho statistics, Illustrations, humor and other reading matter rich In luteritt and full of profit. The Hosteller com pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., publish it themselves. They employ more than sixty hands lu the mechanical work, and more thuti eleven mouths In the year are consumed lu Its preparation. It can be obtained without cost, of all drugglaU and country dealers, and Is printed In English, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, aud Bohemian, (IIUIIIMJ KATES. The regular subscription price of the West Shk Is 12 a year and the Orego nliuiil.fiO a year. Anyone subscribing jor the WkstHidk and paying one year lu advance can get both the Wkst Hidk aud the On-gonlan one year for 12.50. All old suliscrlliers paying their subscriptions one year In advance will be eutltled to the siime offer. Lneklamiito Notes. E. Chambcrluln has completed his new blacksmith shop. James Harris and wife have returned to Independence. James Hiltlbrand and family arc 111 with the lagrlppe. Geo. Steele Is very sick. A Christmas tree was had at Suver Monday evening which was heavily loaded with presents. evening which money onuot buy, HlocstiuIdelV Meeting. There will be a meeting of tbe stock v holder of the First National Bank of Independence, Polk county, Oregon, on Tuiwlay, January 9, JM4, at tha parlor of the bank between tbe hour of 10 a. ni. and 4 p. in. of said day, for the purpiaw of electing director for tbe ensuing year and transacting any other business that may come before them. Daled thl 6tb day of Dec, 18B3, W. II, Hawlkv, Cashier. WEST HIDE CLCBBIXU BATES Regular prie Our lor (wo prte Wkht Hi r and New York World 3 60 2 25 WwcrHiDK and American Farmer J 00 Wkht Hid and Oregoulau. 4 00 200 too 22S 8 00 800 V EST Hi UK and Kau Fran eiseo Call...., Wkht Hiujc and Cosmopoli tan Wfcwr Hunt and Youth' Companion 800 8 GO I 76 Stockholders' Meeting. Notice I hereby given that tbe regu lar animal meeting of tbe stockholder of the Iudeieodcnce National Bank for tbe election of a board of director will be held at Mid bank on Tueaday Janu ary 8. 1H04, between the hour of 10 a. ui. aud 4 p. m, of sold day. W. P. CoNNAWAV, Cashier. Independence, Or, Deo. 8, 1808, lliicklea's Arnica Salre. Tbe best calve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rhem, fever wires, teller, chapped hands, chilblain, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively euros pile or no pay required. It is guuratiteed to give perfect atl fac tion or money refunded. Price 25 oeutaperbox. For sale by all drugglaU. Stockholders' Meeting. -Notice 1 hereby given to the stock holders of the Independence aud Mou mouth Railway Company that tbe reg ular annual meeting for the election of ofllcers of said company will be held at the Independence National Bank on Saturday, December 30, 1003, aud for tbe transaction of such other busineaa as uny come before tbe meeting, W. P. Ooksaway, Sec. Independence, Or., Jiov. 28, 1803. v . . Camiikiixii M ahs., June 21, 1S00. Norm an Lk utv, Esy., Dos Moines la. Dkab Hi k: Enclosed please flud an order for 11.00, for which tend me u many Krause'i Headacbe Capsule u It will pay for. They are very good in deed, but cau not get any in Boston. Your very truly, . Aha R. Shepherd, 123 Norfolk St. Lark of Exercise. : Is one of the prime causes of headache in the winter. Persona accustomed to tbe pure fresh air during the, pleasant mouths are subject to this terrible an no vauce at this time of tbe year. A boon la olfured in Kravsk's Head- acuk Caiwlku which is guaranteed to cure auy kind of a headache no mat-. ter whut the cause. Headacbe caused by overindulgence in food or drink late at night, cau be prevented by taking oue Capsule before retlilng and one in the morning. 25 cents box. Wanted. A new in lien cow. Will buy with or without calf. Addrets with price etc, to H. Honkins, Suver, Or., or lva word at Uila office. , Wanted. A food milk cow, giving milk, irsatlnrao. lory will pay fair price. Call at Wist Hid oltloe, Twenty Acre of Uop Land. You con buy tills twenty acres, nearly all cleared, spring brunch running throutb, above lilgh water, IX mile east or Independence, tor a reasonable prte. Call t Wist Bid office for particular. jtMt, Lost, Strayed or Stolen. On bay mars and bay inaro oolt. Both rather poor. Mora sllttln front legs. Lost seen about a month ago being driven by two men from Wm.Fvrd's place near Falls City. Any person returning or giving Information, will be suitably rewarded by J, K. Hubbard Independence, or K, K. Hubbard, Falls City, Dissolution Notice. Mokmoittii, Or., Nov. 6, 1893, Notice Is hereby given that the oo-partner ship heretotoTO exlullng between J, H. Inlow and F. Ausllne, under the firm name of Inlow AiiKtlne, Is dissolved, F. Anatluecontlnulng' tbe business lu conlecttonary. etc All IhoM Indebted will please cull and settle at The Kllte. J. H. Inlow, F. Ansti.ns. 100 Acres of Land for Sale. If you want piece of the best land in Polk county, near Independence, and that will be aura to suit you In location and price, call st tuts olnce for particulars, 12 at MARRIED. 'ABTEIt ELDER. On Christmas , evening December 25, 1893, Misa Maud Elder waa united in marriage to John Carter, Itev. A. 8. Copley officiating, at the home of the bride's father, W. 8. Elder, in Marion county. !gf. CRAVEN HARRIS. In Balera. Sunday Deo. 24, 1803, Miss Luclnda Harris, of Salem, waa united In mar riage to David Craven, of Indepen dence, Itev. Qrannla of the M. K. church officiating. The bride Is the daughter of a re tired business man of Salem, and our people all know Dave, tbe photo grapher, who has built up a good busi ness here. Tho newly wedded couple arrived here last Tuesday and will keep house over the photograph gallery. The West Bide extends oongratula,-tloua,