tirjTi rani krwntm.iMorfnUmlutiMutttwuUi allot, iranuv; anmiMi mtrona.(waaiwinna, wm an oral nta una. FRIDAY, DEO. S3, J89S. IiOGJUj JOfTIIJGS. A center shot! BhooUog a skunk. ThoM Xmts oodt at Hawtey's are Ralncllkthotmkw Why? Because of the low prlwe. Mist Loa Walter of this city, re turned Tuesday (rout visiting her sister In Portland. Great bargains In album, gold rnt, Xniaa eards, etc., at Hawiey'i the Nor mal Book Btore. Henry Ebbert left thli week for Eaatero Oregon and will vWt relatives In and about Frluevllle. Vn, R. C Perelvel and little LUile Batrd tWted at Mr. and Mm. Ham; Guthrie's last Sunday. If las Ora Morehead'i school at Hesel Dell ended last Friday and on Monday he returned home. Don't forget the Chrbtmat tree to be gtren by the public school at the opera hones next Saturday evening. Mrs. Nlekkwn nf IooVpendt'nce, was visiting with her daughter Mm. 8. Lanktree at this place laet week. A. H. Fletcher aud wife visited Mr. Fletcher's parent Mr. and Mr. Mo Pbereon south of here, last week. We understand quite a number of our people will "take In" the football game between Stanford Uulversity aud the Multnomah team on new years day You cvi go to Portland January 1st on the steamer Altona and return the next day. see the great football game, Tlalt the theaters, and the fare will be only for the round trip. ' V. Murphy's school at Antlocb district ended last Friday afternoou with appropriate literary exercises at which a number of our young people wre present and report an excellent entertainment , The Normal team was again decid edly not "In it" at the football game with the Agricultural college last Fri day afternoon, the socre ttandln 28 to 0 In favor of 0. A. C The boys were entertained In fine shape and report a ahlghl enjoyable time. We predict that they will quit the game for the present, as quite a number have bad their hair shingled In the latest style. On laet Saturday evening a number of young people gathered at the home of V. . Hoott west of this city for a social evening and a general good time. Gaines, musio and a taffy pulling were the order of the evening, after which a nice lunch was takeu at midnight. Quite a number of young people from this place and from that part of the neighborhood were prevent. " Last Sunday tbe fourth lecture of the aeries delivered to the students at tbe Normal was given by President W. C. Hawley of the Willamette Uulven-lty. The address was full of good thoughts and the students here will no doubt treasure the many truths be promoted. These lectures sre becoming more In structive and entertaining all the time and are looked forward to with much expectation. The next address will be given three weeks from last Sunday by an eminent speaker from Portland. ReTt Arthur J. Brown's Lecture.. On Monday evening Rev. Arthur J. Brown of tbe First Presbyterian church at Portland, lectured to the students and our people at the Normal chapel The exercises commenced with ao In strumental duett by MImcs Bruce and Butler, followed by a "Serenade Song" by the glee club. President Campbell with a few appropriate remarks intro duced the speaker. Tbe lecture was brimful of axioms concerning tbe times and he gave numerous anecdotes Illus trating bis talk which kept bis hearers In an excellent good humor and on the alert to catch every word spoken Rev. Brown gave every evidence that the world is growing continually bettor notwithstanding the words of some speakers to the contrary. Mr. Brown Is a fluent and interest ing speaker and President Campbell I to be congratulated on having acquired bis services. Tbe programme closed With a solo by Miss Ayra which was rendered in flue style. The chapel was very much crowded, quite a nurn ber of Independence folks being pres ent, as well as several from tbe sur rounding country. Mexican silver stove polish causes no dust. For sale by J, F. 0'Donnell's 40 Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish, at J. F. O'Donnell's. 46 Christmas Tree Programme. The following nrotrramme will be rendered at tbe Christmas tree by tbe publlo school children Saturday even ing at the opera house : Opening address. ..... ..Velraa Ground Bong SIX boys. Recitation, "Christmas Times,"., Pearl Hullcck Dlalogne, "The Choice." Solo, "Nobody's Darling,'....... ....Azllla Crowley Dialogue, "Railroad Train." Recitation, "Grandpa's Surprise," Ollie Williams Dialogue, "Babe of Bethlehem." Recitation, "Learning to Sew,".. Stella Hubbard Solo Jean Miller , Everybody come and make the ac quaintance of Santa Claus, audenloy tbe evening. Normal School Soles, Muw Oira Morehead returned home Tuesday after closing a lucoMsful term of school. Anxious luces are teen among those who are preparing for the final exam ination iu astronomy and geology. Prof. Bhedd will leave during the holidays for Stanford University where he will take a special course during tlte winter. The best wishes of hit many friends here attend him. Miss Alice Applegnte la ilowly Im proving and It is hoped that she will soon be up and able to enjoy the "good times a oorulu " during the holidays. A good many students will kwvelbr their horn during , the holidays, but will return again after New Yean and resume their work with greater energy than ever. mmtmrmm r. I Art )uu liat wt u 1 lw mt tardea! .w-t Lutl'M 1' . .h. W ',Nil amwl fur law It. nktl'. Utraovso LIVER PILLS ONLY 0 HE FOB A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, wA er Urn hit 9 Umm Hlat r- lt-VM lIlltNM lm lfc MMh U4 Mr) l dMiav om Mfc niiii fa? w f ilm nenwt mnm rMiiAalJitHrai. Tf lar pewrfini 4leUa, rwfuliiii bowoh) tn4 rur arovtipsMieMi. Thf t mMplt, Mat Id I r , VTtM Of MM Mkt ItaMWaMwaMti. iaasWMaLjrikieINk For sal by J. H.fUUH Sold by J II. PUOH. ryOilsEs A Torpid ClR MALARIA, MAKES AN i--cF''APPETITE. M CASE THE V 7S1 5 ss .. m mm a. J. P. IRVINE, Proprietor. mxmmmmmmmammmmM This Space will be Used Important Announce ments. Watch it. mmmmmmmestmmmmM Vhiteaker Building, Main Clear kr Lai IS THE AGENT FOR THE LITTLE GIANT GRUBBER One of the Simplest, Lightest aud Strongest Grubbing Machines made.' For terms and prices call on L. DAMON, mm Elegant Christmas Presents at O. A. KRAMERS. DR. ODAN A CO. "3 GREAT KDSEUI Of AFAT01T V m 1 0 I Market XL, ana rrawtoM I (MwtMStkUHtnlltM.) f Ossml hm Smt womUrtully ) K Mik Mt ko ! kuM tltkMi , I If etMHwKi Uumuir wlunii nk Jk I Uh""i si ekjwta aoau. Private ttr-)M Melieinv lOSt Marht Mlvet-IMiiiM ol mmt MrMvra, kw t mmlKM.1, atmmm ut Uw kin Ml kMmjn quk lib; mrl without Hi. tm t r. turTratkwattt (HnwiMlt k httvt, Sunt iCORPOMUD UNDER TNI Uwl Of ORERON POLK COUNTY BANK. MONMOUTH Or. KUUAM I'M Kt.l. VWl'cw, IRA U. IVWKLLZ-..- . Cwttiw Paid Capital, 130,000. DIHKCTOUM, v j.u. v.uiuW, j.h.miu..., . a. ivii A tnrml bnkui unit irhaitir ktulnaM trmiMivtwtt kwn limJoj iliM!l rwvtvwl auttjfKH ui rniwi or on nrmntwwui puii' e-rir pnif VHtilt ntt burtr punt mUV, wvunm tnr 1 w tituv iwi. Uu.c Uuurat I a. w. to t p. n. J. M. CROWLEY rbfsiciii ni Snip. OfficeOne door west of Polk Co. bank Main street, Monmouth, Oregon nop polls. Parties wishing to purchase cedar hop poles or fence posts can hsve the same delivered alioard tbe Oregtm I'm do car at Berry, Marlon Co., Or., Iu OjUautltlt aud price to suit. For fur titer particular call on or write to J. L. DK.HUY, M Berry, Oregon, Th fuiHUr HoUl mi IHIk4 ut Ik Moat Conlralljr Local. SrMt 'nt l ! traw all Trmlu ad SliHiwtr EUROPEAN PLAN Ti.H OLTOII M. D. ROC UK, Mar. CORNER fOURTN MO RIDER ST., PORTUID, fJ.R. MAKKLEY, rroprieior it. iv i iM.U., HAYK Sperling Brothers Meat Market Mais id Choice Meats Highent market price paid for fut stock, lef, mutton, vntl, pork, etc All bills muni be settled monthly. OPEN 8UNDAY8 FROM 8 to Da. m Free MrajM puis of lis Ely, Main street Independence. ERT. Street, Independence, L DAMON, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, jvyiyiy a W. E. Poolo, ; PHYSICIAN and SURG ON Offlee nest deer te Anetlne'e f uraU ture etere. MONMOUTH, OR. F. ANSTINE Monmouth, Or. Wall Paper Rolls from 15c up. Elegant Wall Decorations, all styles and prices, Picture Frames, Furniture, Beds and Redding. Habj Carriages, Side boards, .-.Wardrobes, Household treasures, llook cases, Secretaries, , Mirrors, Bureaus, - Bedroom sets, Umbrella Holders, Poor Mats, Kitchen Safes, Carpets, Rocking Chairs, Window shades, Curtain Poles, Office; disks; Cribs, Cradles and High chairs. Hubbard & Staats, rmirtuKTow ur CityTruck and Transfer Co. Hauling of all Klmln Done at K4vuKnable lUit. Agents for the 0. P. Boats. All kills mut be mhiM liy tlie lOtb ot eaoh luutith. Independence, Oregon. FREE MEDICINEI (lulUcn ()ipurtunll; fur SulTcrliiif Jlumuillj. , . DO III SUFFER? SF& yuur win wnrt tou fhi;k or cii.titoK run mniriMi of ..ully prrpnrwl minMlM hm "llt.il in T"r nun. WIS WANT I'OUK KKCUMMKNUATION. Uir AIM niinr h mnot jnrnatt4 Wt IAN liUnt iTMTT, II iIImwmw and di'Dirmltiwi ra inmliTn und UMpnllnn, niilriHl lr many yran' iMrU nutt, whlrli vnnlilM ua Ui (unniniM m euro, iai nti aMw,r N, H.We hv I he only iral'lv our fur Kl'II.KIXY. (KITH 1 mill t ATAUKII. I(lr. miivKivvn. I'oriimnciiiljf liuid. (Old mu DK. WILLIAMS' I Tie MarkBt St., fttta Frauoltm, Cut. Times arc changed. Even old Futlicr Time has found It necessary to lung up his scythe and purchase a lawn mower and to helve his hour Mi and buy a Fahysnonardi 14 Karnt (Jolil Filled Watch Case to keep his movement In. Father Tlmo always hns the best and that 'a why ho has a cose made by For sale by HOYT BROS., JEWELERS, mm : Wtwm 'Ijl Fahys iviaiitnw wnvR MONMOUH, OREGON, THE INDEPENDENCfi National. Bank I Capital Stock, $50,000,00. H. HIIUH'IIHKHU, ' Piwldnat. &HIIAM NKUSJN. Vies l'rldaU ft I. CONNAWAt CMtilvr. A ssawsl basklnf sad titiliwit bulnM moMMdmii Iimum a twit, bllla dlautiUd,iim tuontiU ordlU (nutUHli dviMMlu rmtlvMi mi eurrtnl Mamnt ub'l o obaek, Inkmt psltf oa Unit dHMlU. DlltWrroKH. B. t, Hnilth, A. Nulwn. I, A. Allan. II. H. Jwtwrwm, K. J.(VxhIihii, O. W, ttsMa, II, lllraohlwrii, Commenced BuitntM March 4, 1889 Kalntillalwl br NatkiaaJ Autbartlr. -TUB- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of lndapttdtuo,Or(0. Ceeltel Stsek Surplus, 80,000.00 14,000.00, J.H.WKll'Klv U W. tUBKKTHO!. Prwldanl. Vls I'nxldafll. W. a IIAWMCY,CabtM. DIHKCTOIW. J. 5. CUofor, U . Hobartawi, UU HUmMi (1, W. WbllMkar, W. W. O-mna, A genaml bank!": bnaltiaaa Irnnuwlad Ruya Md aIU atuui( on aJI Imporuui nil n la. IMIU raralvad aultlMl In ehur-k or OB ear llflivla ul dataiall, iMlwIluiia ajaJa. -um. Ituuf: a. u. Iu 4 p. m. CITY STABLES. ELT JOHNSON, Prop. Horses Fed by the Day, Week or Month. Best of Attention Given Stock Left in Charge. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. A. t'KKHOOTT. J, A. VKNKH8 PRESCOTT X VENESS. trurtun of - W 1L Maauftwiluraraof and Dclraln FIR and HARDWOOD, Rough and Dressed LUMBER. J. A. WHEELER, - Manager. GEO. E. BREY, DKALSR IN Ihia, Itft 11, Wl k Independence, ' Oregon, 48 Steamer Altona Salem and Independence To Portland ' Leaves Indonendonoe and Salum Monday, Wednesdny and Friday, leav ing iiiucpciKieiioc at b a. m., Malum at 7:80 a. iu., and arriving at Portland at 1:30 p. in. Lenvcs Portland Tuesday. Thurmlav and Hnturday at 0 a. m.., Balein for .noepunueuoD Ul p, ra. Exoullunt meals served on boat at 25 cents per meal. PaHsenirers save time and monev bv taking this line to Portland. Bteamer ' will oarrv ftuit thrninrh fit)l(bt and od'iiM epeiiiul nitee on large lots. Uuexoelled Pft")iiiwr anonmmoriu. tlotm. Mitchell. Wrlirbl A Co . Oennr- iil agents, Holmau biuok, Suleru, Or. HUCWKT 80TIKTIKH. A O, U. W.-INDKI'ENOKSCB . IjhiIki). No Ti. niet'l e vry SUm- ,U ululil In I. J.O.K ImlL All lirif ln brutliers are tuviisd to stlnd, O. K. KtiuilWly, B.W. W,U. Uuus. tweorusr. V K. Mia in V iiulnvu Imll evrry I'hnmlav VMiilim. All Oilil fo low cr- jmlly luniml to ( villi us, J. K Uublanl, N. 0. W. 11. Urvto, tir LYON liODQE, NO. 29, A. F. A A M. Mtalwl (Kiiumuiiwiilioiia Sulur ilny svsiimv on ur iKifure full numn nt'lt mnuin ana wo himiwim, u. w HUmu, W. M. I.i'e tt (toll, Hy. HOMER 1,01X11!. NO. 45 K. f I Meat every Weilnmiliiy vimnu All IiiIkIiI era erdlsily luvitml, V. It Uswlsy, U. 0. M. 0. iWr, K. 11 A 8 PliySICIANS-DENTlTIlY- rvll L, J.LEMIErX. EX-AKMIHT LJ mil liirtiae I'liVKicluimii.i Kuru.ini urNoiro ibtitio huaiiiiiil Ortt'luiiti' f Ij'UiiIvthII IjivsI of Canatla. OitU rtxtm 14 Ladd & ituuli Inlik lilill.lini! k-mOr. 10-1 OD. BUTLEIl, I'lIYSIClAN ASW , aiiruoou. tkuf. U. 8. I'rt f Modieal Kiamiupr. Ofttoe In Opera Uouse block. f? L, KETCH UM. M. 1). OFFICE Ctt and rmiiWiiitv, oriKT IUiIiinvI lud Moutmmlli ala., Imlriwii'leiim-, Ur. I n i(Mivuiu iit.-t iit-v i Dvulwt. All work WHrrniiteil to rfiva Hie )4wt of ullifunlliMi. Inclp ti limes, ur ru. a. ii. mrxin.Hi'KciALi.sr U Eye, Ear, Nuae, anil Throat. Of flcsowr ltuab's Ixuik, Kult'tit, Or. 5-'; rits. lee lunmrr. i'hyhi LI clan and Muruvoii, HihhhI hi l ul Imi wld to iliM-iumi of wiiiiii'ti . Of tliw ovt'r IodeiK'iidcmv Niillniial Hunk. T.J. L. M.l. W. llulililtt, M. 1) 0. M , Fellow Trinity MihIIi-mI CVitlt-gv. ATTOKXKY8. GEO A. HMITU. ATTORNEY AT Ijiw. Will prnolife in nil atuto aud fwlcrnl courts. Abatraota of lillp furuUlie.1. Office orer IuiltHnteuc nsiKtuai isnkk , pkALY. 8IBLEI A EAK1K, AT LJ lorneyi at Law. We bsv tUs on ly t or simtrMcl biHikt lu folk ciuulv llolialle abatmcts furuiabml. Money to Kisni no otHamlaaHin rhnruwl on lunim. Olllox, looms 2 snd S WiIr.uS block, Dal A urt'iton , A M. HURLEY, ATTORNEY AND r, Counaulor nt J.hw. Utile, iii'il to luili'ieinluiioe Nntiouul Hiuik, liide- poouauce, ur. BONO AM k HOLMES. ATTOR unys at Law. Olllce In buab'a Olock, Ixttwe, !) Hints ami Court, on Gonv Qjcroml alivet, Hulem, Or. HASH AND DOORS. 4 ITCH ELL k 11O1IANN0N. MAN 1Y1 nructumra of bm1i and lin.ra, A li, Knili ihwiuk. Muiu iliwl, lode pendeuce, Or. VETERINARY SURGEON. Da E. J. YOUNG, liite of No lnrir, Vettirinary Kuriceuu and Deutial tans moved to Iudppeudenoc, and opened m oflloe over tbe ludi'poudtmce Natiuu- nl ba.uk. TAILORS. W O. B1IAR.MAN, MEROUANT iniitir. u airtwx. HAar ruut..iii juiw in any iiyie muae lo order at rea onable rates. HOME BUILDERS Will oonmlt their bout in terests by purchasing their SASH AND DOORS of the reliable mannfaotnrer, M. T. CROW, Independence, Or., mrow sor to Ferguson Van Moer. Sugar piue and oeihir dtwrn, allizog,on bund. ' SCREEN DOORS BRICK YARD J. R. COOPER Of IndoDonilonrtn. havlnif n nt,,, oiiftlno, a brick nuinhlno and snvnrnl acres of flnftst. clay, Is now prepared to koep on hand a flno quality of Rrick. which will bo Hold nt, able pricoa. HAIDtOADH. (mi. mm mi, wm, stjouis ne alt EASTERN CiTIES. 3 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO. The Quickest to Chicago rs and the East Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN and TOURIST SLCP CRS, TREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. H II. H. I I. ARK 1 OI.IVI-M W. MI.VK, nnwhera. , KI.KUY ANKKItoU.N, Knr raiaa and aml Infi.niwtltm. mil on or ailili W. H. llllHI.BtUIT. Aa.1. Ijn, II. Al. iU Waxliincuia irwt.mr. Ihinl, n HI I I AMI. OH East and South via The .SHASTA Route Of )P Southern Pacific Co. Calllurnla traa Iralha run dll) al all mui-ll Iwltrwii l,rilaud aiiU All-uiy. M-mili ia . . lull a. a. Korm J.v. IWihiad AnTuswiTi'. Ar. Bao rrani?lMi I.. IHu r. m. Ross burg Mall (I'aily.) rmaiia .... a. m, J lt.Mburir ....a'Ao r. u H"WlMnl.... 1m A. M, I Itirtlan J ... tut) A. M. rUlLMAX KliTi-;lT BLEKI-ERS; and ToniU:lai Klw'i.lni; (ara attacked' to all through train.. West Side Division. Selwreen Perttana) and Corvalllt lll train dailjr lonwpt Buildup.) jswa m I v ... ismlimrt ...Ar pm I Ar lorvmlia..... . S,J a at I Ai p m Al Allmny and liurvalll.. mwifrt nu imlna Oroarn 1 u-mo raJIxiad. Ktirma iraln oul) (ajin.pi Muuday) flm IU unrH'nd ..Arja" iTn", T:iiii t Ar.r MiiliiBVIII.t. I Map m Orogonian Railway Dlvialen and Portland and Yamhill Ry. Airllr nihil Trl.wn kly. U'd'aiii 0,. p m l.v Jimland Ar V p m Moniimmh t , tj a m A r Alrile.., tV 1 7,0 m Thnwali ilrkeu lo all polnla In lh KiL.irrn mnl... l iinn, In, iuhI Kiini,ntn lx uliialnrd from T. il.fciTIVi.il, Aginl, lnd.pond.uc. IL KOKHl.Kll. K. V. KCHiKltH. KST' . dt IHkh. Agt. ililllLANti. OUKlHiN. Fn.ni TERMINAL or INTERIOR: J'OINTO the PACIFIC fi. R. la the Una to Uk Ii 11L M EAST ui it la the DINING-CAR ROUTE. It juris Through Vestibuled Trains Every Day in the Year to ST. PAUL CHICAGO (Nodhangeol em) Composetl of DINING CAliS un- surjuvsseu, l'ullinuu Drawing Kooin Slwiers ot latest equipment, TOURIST SLEEPING CAES, Beet tliiit can ln const ructcd, audi lu which accouuiKHiatious aro both free ami furnished, for holders of first or see- ond cliiss tickets, aud ELEGANT DAY CIjIK 1 Continuous Line, Connecting with a lines viiiiiV,V..i "u" ninirrnpii aorvl.-a. in' i .iV.!?. lV "'wrvalloiwciiBbelwurBd -. ..M.u,. uinmjsii ny nKcnt of I lie niad. fin RH TIMCTO K, ,r '.'" 'V . taaM "and of till, i ii . v" ,, "r i fii lm,''' IraliiH, mnum, anil ntlir de lilu,lriili,ilei0!1 appiiul..nibaurijVttt.or. a. u. CHARLTON, , n ,l,.iL?e.,'',l vmmr PORTLAND, OR., TIMli TABLM. 2'Plua au.l Mii,Uu,lthli;.jwl. IMmticiiits - TO SILT LIKE. DOT, Ijdnvca l.avo. IndtendNUK . Moumouib. 7:00 .o,, v 8:48 4-l X tilt