The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 22, 1893, Image 3

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What Our KcRrtcr Hnds of In
terest to Our Readers,
mi rltit4 llrm.ttf laterwl
I'raai Kr)kr.
Lac curtain at the New-York
There, will be turkey ahoollmj Sat
urday at IVrrydaUs.
The Oakdale Hunday schisd Im
clasvd for the winter.
Uou. Clark of McCoy wiu doing tm
lues here hit Monday.
.Mr A Wilson wa vUUIng her par
.villain Haiem this 1
Bargain lu ladle' tluc itia at the
;New York Bucket .Store.
Mm. Fllx Noll, of Dull, w lu Port
!)ud for medical treaitiK'iit,
Th Perrydale ittrM ha moved Into
mure eommodlou quarter.
A II.V00 dinner set given away at
McF-aeheru 8aiidcreook'.
It price, that make people talk
about the New York racket t"r.
J, J. Fowler I the moat r cent laud
lord at l tu' helm of the Hotel llolmau.
I. Gold, the ttye-work him, has
ceased to do buMlm liotll he re and III
fcUU'tn. '
Tk a look at MrKachrn Baudcr
onrk'a new ml on the aceoud of
thin paper.
Mr. Tom llohatiuaii of Newport,
w vlnltiiig Mr. John IMotmmu the
tlrt of the week.
Mr. Durham, who wa In h butch
er bulue herw fuw year ftg'S I here
visiting relative.
Mm. MeCebu, the mother of P. H.
McCsbe l still In very critical ooudl
lion from parwlyal.
Ou occuut of the tuAues of l'rof,
Kiuniett, lit Oak Urove school wm mi
; In mw1ou lost week, i
JohnHyrou near Bullaton killed a
'Img fourteen ruouthaold recently that
weighed 400 pouuda.
Bev, J, N. Smith, the pastor of the
CbDMhui church at Mouuioiith, I vl
titlnu Wall Walla,
The county court of Polk county or
idrnd.tltM2.72 paid fr bill presented
t lkv. trriu of court.
Anna llulhuk lin of nn
tiLKH trve brougtil from the Holy l,uiid
1 tV.WIH T..I1...1U..
LripM weuw'ttt Iw pmvallliig
dl;tie !l over Polk county, but no
.'eriou renulU re reptrtrd.
Mm. A Ohm, living iuthwet of
Monmouth, returned from visit to
irlendu lu PortUinl lH Kturly.
The rt'KHT Mirk orth1 will I cIh1
New Yeun duy n (he whole forre w III
go to Portland to take lu the football
The Monmouth and liidrjiendenrr
vmm banda will roUhly go on tlir
. lanu'wlon Jftitunry J toi Ihe football
1 gomejit Portland.
W.flC Vanduyn, of Col.urg, Unr
. iM-mitf v -ft lrothrr of J. M. Viuidtiyn, of
! thl rliy.lU artlin out an orchard of
11.1,000 iruneJtri-e ttiere.
,, fmiottwiiv living t Whlleami
YffM ri'irted worms Junt Monday and
V.. P. C'onimway brother here,
vtttt ilown to visit him.
The Ww Hi iK contained the fimt
Biusmnt td the (h-atli of J. A. Dciupwy
at Mouni.ib,,. one week ahead of any
otuer paper in ile wu nty .
Wonder why tiiuuiily court mined
O. A. Wolverton'a jury ee bill from
0.80 to t HO at IuhI twig ,yf oui't, or
In It a tubtuke of the Jirttitety
John Vernon of Klokreiill.-Wat wk
ahinghtered and drewed fourteen J9ue
fut liogn and someone carried the iarg
eitt one away durlnir tho night.
Lnt week C. A. Hall, nephew of I.
Ball, of Halleton, and a postal elerk on
..ttiivTaconm routwa married
s at Monmouth to Mliw Jl Motlrew.
(nlm Kawk and N. Bavnge, of Oak
Grove Intend fattening cattle thin win-
tut r.,f r,rliiir buteherlng. Iliey wn
put in 40 cent wheatnnd net tl.00 a
Jbumhel from It.
Tui Hnhirdav Mewtni Fisher and
HViH debated the t ileal Ion ut Perrydtile,
jnwved, thut Prenldent Cleveland
whnuld be censured for hiHcourne lu the
BtBWuiiainufruir. , '
of the timber write el
xutllnr Ho uvea in a norinuru
tale al
iriMg tU Wr, lie oeiug laaeu
prlHon 0
101 a rebel
'Vti.'7S'Mtehorn wa paid
Wo notice
Wrael by the county,
nfiioir .to 82.181 Our
3 cent ft load
(71 load aniou, 1 hauled
county court In load ore
pretty cheap, or el.
wheelbarrow oada. ' lhe Wget
tf you want to be In m wantto
crowd that you everaw , mmi.
tuke the steamer Alto tm Mono j
lng Juu. 1 and arrive at Portia
o'clock and at 20 p. m. go and t
great fiHitlmll game. ,
' U whit
Henkle In hi barber nhop my, hunt
g a hoime In Inlepetiflen ta an
lob, a, there are only two vacant. He
!,h about decided to oeeiipy the Van
Nortwlck houae on U street.
The n.erchunt who Intend to -rto
1. Kui,.M oowmlov niUHt oiler t-
duw.nmitHtohi cuetomen, and n ,ofr
.1... ... 11,,,,.. unriiv whut he 1 rtolDg
MKl I" Id, HIV.". - - . . ,
, n,.,.i mi t.h newanaper. Toe,
medium In always tlie cheapest.
Vhe nldewalk to til new wharf for
the ulettiiibottU U comuleted and our
eltUen eau now walk In comfort to
nd from Ihe rlvtr. Captain Orahaiu
of the Allolm, any at leant two luinw
will he planed, Soiawuienhould clean the
mud oir the hrhiga and then level up
the walk leading to It from Main
rvt. The walk to the river ahould
have been Jut n little wider a It will
bagrct teuipttUloii to wune of the
young men, with their girl, totry and
Walk aide by nl.le, and they will purely
fall If they are not very careful,
Mr. Vandergrlft and Ml Myrtle
Miller went to PortUud, on bulnewi
liwt Moiidav, by I ha Alton, retnrultiy
Uyton Hmlih and J. W, Ketwr went
out hunting Tluirdy of at week,
Mid nt imvtlng with tlielr iwual aue-
eeiw, Ihvy bought two duck of a kiiihII
boy, which wa the beat they could do
thai day.
U. L. Kelty, of McCoy, wu In town
MoivlHy, and on account of the muddy
mail mine netr niuklng hi frtvud lie
llev he walkml to town.
Mr A. Cooper, who hmibreii logging
for Prvwott & Yeue, h gone to log
ging on Hi Tuallteii lu Wellington
county, for the winter.
The pcngcr ear 011 the mnhw line
I now heated by iem, the xhaut
from the motor pawing thmugli piea.
ft keM the oar In a warm conditio!!.
f, L. Prn. who recently purehael
Itfteen acre of land of Mr. Thorp,
where the long bridge I located, I
grubbing out the land, and will mmmi
Imvem vcrttl aenof hii planted tie-
Mdta gunleu tract. The null ta rah
aud loamy.
llev. Clnpp lu hi hitiiikii lout Sun-
day lu )eakliig of the hwt tH'p. ld;
"If you were to hane one of your he'
you would eoanwly leave the whole
baud to go and hunt It, hirticulnrly
till yl." No Indeed, heep are uot
very valuable th I year.
We understand that a grand Chrlt
in dinner of aeveu coun- will 1
given at the home of Ml Sophia (lorT
lie! Monday, al which twelv couple
will be preacut. We caniint llnd out
wbe:her any other matter of ceremony
will tuke place then or not.
Lat week we announced the wrong
permit upctlutenlcnt of the Junior
l'hrlatln Kndcuvor. It honld have
been Mia Kle ltoUirtaon, our crtl-
cleilt JMiatmlatlva.
The oftlcer of the Heart' V oei-
ety of tlii city aw "Ml Ibiclal
Tuck, ptestldeut; Mr. Claire Irvine,
vice prcaiilent; Ml Anna .Stockton,
eervtery; MU Emm H iUTtsnii, treaa-
Laat Saturday evening Lyon lalge
No. 20. A. F A A. M. held It elec
tion and loatallatlon of officer for the
etmulug term, a follow: W. P. t.on-
nwy, W. M.J K. h. Kelchuiu, H. V J
0. A. Hitchcock, J. W.s II. It. Pattr
on, retry; H. Hirchlwrg, trea-
urer; J. 11. V. Holler, H. JD. i ll. Matll-
on, J. 1) ; Dr. (. I). Ilutler uud J. W.
Klrklnnd, Steward,
"A imke In the gnw," I all the
more dangenm from being uoxuapect-
ed. Ho are many of the blond medi
cine oll'vred the public. Tu avoid all
rUk, auk your drngglat lor Ayer' Har-
aaparlll, wnd til" for Ayer' alinaiiiic,
which htjiiat oilt for the new yer.
With many clergymen, public peak-
er, alngcr and actor, Ayer' Cherry
Pectoral I the favorite remedy for
honrwiic and all iitlccilon of the
vocal orgun. throat, and lung. ( It'
uumlyue aud exieclorunt cllcct are
prninplly ri-ullieed.
ltev. Arthur J. Hmwn delivered hi
lecture "Father Time'' at Monmouth to
a very large audience and hi hearer
received a mcutul treat Hint they will
not n forget. He I a brilliant and
entertaining iker,
Last Friday the O. P. H. It. old at
Corvalll at wherlir'a aide to the blgheat
bidder for t-iK),(M)0, and wa purcliuaed
by the lllalr Wlmrtoti faction, and
will be a Vaiiderbllt road.
The Monmouth Normal football tem
met the Corvalll Agricultural college
Uoy lt Friday and scored exactly the
mtmo numlwr of oliit they did at For
et(Jov namely i nothing to 28. They
were wyejly treated by the boy there
and hey uo word of complaint.
Today and Haturday ourontck liot
will have an opportunity to get a tur
key for ChrlHtinua cheap, at the turkey
hooting out at Tuhnuge. TIioho that
ml the mark will mla the turkey too.
MIh Hyrdle Analyne, whom our
ivadcr will remember a a graduate ut
the Normal last year, I quite lck n't
her home In Albany. Hhc I Intending
to go East to a medical school aud study
to become a lady physh Ian.
Oliver Smith, of the Luckl imulu,
ha finished sowing seventy acre of
full grain.
Mr. Nelnis, husband of our school
teacher, who I studying medicine lu
mi Kasteru colleue. urrlvcd here on
visit Tuesday.
It. M. Hasting Inform u they urc
going to have a Christinas tree In the
Evungcllcul chU'cu In Kings vulley,
on tho I'ecdce, Christinas day, In the
Kgg taken In exchange for goods, ut
Ihe New York ruckct store, at market
' TUeMniiinoutli band hasslgnlflud It
IwUutlouogoJng. 011 the excursion to
Wuwh person who wish logo on the
.,ri(,o to Portland, who do not live
CXl , .., , . a.,,J, ... I, ...Ira Mi,.lr
I .... ai A !..,., l..Uufu
.own. mvfuHt j,
at tills oice, aim ua.iT
K) IUHI Miey IHU uo o" "
take yisur lunch basket
Why not
wy i.y.l,1Jan. 1?
aVmg, when yv u
JJi paC however,
When reference I made lo theatre!
of Iudeieudeiice, we often hear wnw
wy ihey do not know the name of the
street. For the tnforiimlloii of such
person we wish to ay I hat the princi
pal elreet ruiiiilng north and eouth, I
First or Main, the next, Heeoii'l or Uiiit-
road, the next, where the residence of
M. Validity m, J. li Oooier, J, Ii,
StiH'klon and A.J Uoodnian corner
I Third; Hie public whool I twlwteo
Fourth and Filth, and W. W. Per.'lvl
and T.J. Fryer live on Wxth, and II
It. JasiaraoM on BevenlhaudC alreel.
Coimneiieliiir the other way, the
Christian ul'iirc!iLo 1 , and II
trtt t Join M .In in tt. 'id of 1 e long
tirlilti ', V street mm ee c nri r ..hmii
tmiik do 1 totl.effir and .i vnilll:
Monmouth ti.vl I-U.e u on "hlcl
J. ROTMinell, ten '-j NVIotmi
bank audit M Wade Co.V building.
corner 1 he Congregations anu 1 r
bytcrhtn rhimh are oi Uslr ct. Tin
deprtofthK Hontliorn Pucltln Mllroe'
and the uilor line rc oti m elrwl.
J. II. Parker who ha lnvtt fuinMi-
lug this city during Hi" p l y r wttn
a choice article or dairy butter, h
coiumeiiml bulldlog a IKW boll C on.
hi sightly faim cr. the river, which
will have liloe roiu when completed.
He h pring branch ruittitiitf down
th niouiitiiiti and b water an
thmugli hia hoime. If you want 1 1 e
a comfortable eirtiotry home, go ovet
Ulie river imd r ill on Mr, latker. H
alao ha water wrr for churuliig,
sawing wood, washing, rK-ktng tin.
baby, etc., furnished l-y Ihe Stream
near by. -
Lat Friday evening nell gather
ing w held at J. A. Olby-'e home
"... . ....
acros me rtver rrom town, aim uurmiv
tlie evening two young ladle and Mr
L. tiood in commenced scuffiliig over
the MHalon of a skel knife which
had a pruning hook blade, and drew It
out of hi band, cull log a g h III the
palinofhU hniid eeirty to the lMie,
The wouud w bund igel but atsmt
ten mlnuti- laler Mr. timidwlu kcelwl
over a If dead, he having f.ilnn d from
Ion of bloisl. It was fully live inlu
tlte Iwfore he rveovered.
Jttmc nrrl and family. ro neer
Airlle, ere' living lit their new hm,
Ju.t omplctrl. In the welern p.irt of
I bis tow m OurgHl peopllll ntin
Mr. Karri end family very nice piple
and should make It a point to make
their acquaintance by calling 00 them.
Jjwt Friday, December In, Uncle
roiouiV Hhelloil, of the I.licf laiiuite,
reachetl hh 741 h year, aud hi liieuda,
nine forth lu numU'r. axembled at hi
m.e, and after congratulated him on
theoocanlou, enjoyed a boutitmu u
per, and spent tlat evening lu social
gauiea. ;.
F.lvln Tlmrp who ciuiie to tbl coun
try In lH44lrtttd a town at Iudeu-1
deuce lx year later, and a year or oi
later a tr wa opntst by Henry
Hill, Leonard WlllUm and Asa Uur
band. Among the pioneer biisiue
men of the plat were Ceptaln Lyon,
Janice Foster, Walootl Hart, 0. P Cook,
L. Kelao, J. K. lvldoti, laaae an-
duyn, E. Merwln and C, Hloi?r.
llrmixn. '
Mr. O. I). Hlder recently advertised
. ... ... .. u
one slieep 10 let out oil souiea, ou
More he hud read the d lu the WiT
Si nit himself, a gentleman from ltuen
Vista who hud read It tisik one
hundred of them 011 the tonus pro
hmhnI. Mr. eonard recovered hi umbrella
after all. It wen pay lo advertise for
an umlMvlla lu tlie Wkht Hiuk,
The givatc4 fisitlwll game of the ea-
sou win tj ueMi iu i-oruuiiiiou sicw
Yeam duy hetaivn the Hlnnford Unb
vcralty ti'iuu of California and Multno
mah leuiii of Purtluuil. The simmer
Alton will uiuke special rule to and
from utl.
A suggestion was made which we
think a good one, that Ihe I. O. O. K
lodge of tbl city establish a library.
in Halcm It. ha proven a great succes
and If taken hold of by the Icslge heie
will glv u what we need, a public
llbmry for Iude'iulence
Now that tho river warehouse I com
pleted. shipper will not be afraid lo
leave frelgh for shipment during rulny
weather. We are glad Mcusr once
& Wilcox have had the entsrprise lo
build It.
Hcv. 1). V. Poling will preach at
Hiokreull next Hunday morning at 11
o'cl.wk. Tho X. P. 8. 0. E. there meet
each Hunday evening ut 7 o'elwk.
Clodfclter Hros. will give you agul
tur free. Call and iuqulre about It
quick, I . ' ,
Otis Luudrlth and his brother have
opened a burlsir shop lu tue rmint ad
lolnlnlmr the Wkht HliiM ollh. This
uiuke six barbers In Jndependoncc.
Mr. A. W. Luce of Monmouth, has
been In Portland with her son Fred
who Is In St. Vincent' hospital. Fred
Is growing much stronger.
Wm. Durban who has been In Gil
Ham county for the past year or two,
wl'l ro-locute In Polk county.
Dr. Couuaway Is Very low aud fulnt
hope are entertained for his reooveiy
Ml Anna Adam of McMliiuvllle,
was veiling here the first of the week,
the guest of Mis Tatom'. ; ,
J. A. Blrowbrldge, the wholesale
leather dealer, In Portland, In sending
check for hi subscription, say ! "I
like your pupcr, I uliio like to enoour.
age you In your Intcrprlsc."
W. W. Collins of Buver has 125 acre
of full grain sown tbl yeur, all with
good prospects. ' ' 1 '
Mr, Frunk Kennedy continue In a
very low condition. ,
H H Walker i building a burn on
hi property on Railroad street. -
Independence will have three Christ-,
nias tree this yeur. ,
1Uj(u U(e verujHent of the ecu.'
( l of the steamer AUona.
The Huleiii .SYiVmrnriM reprluU U ar-
tide In lnt week' WiwT Hl!' and
aoiiimenl a follow) It will Dot be
long until the electric (or steam) train
will brush over the fertile acre of the
west side of the Wlllmwetla, aud till
will Induce the cutting up of the large
furiii lino small tracts, so that they
may be the Iwlter tilled and lauded.
Th u, In Hie course of time, when eleo-
lilc poner U'comu cheap, furtuera will
have it to do tlielr pumping, wood haul
ing, etc. The conttort of fuim lite are
i"l nit t9 Increase lu the next half
century mine than those of the city
life. And electricity I going to lie one
of th agciieh of tbl Improvement.
O. I), llennle who ha been working
n F. tl. Kerlson on the Kukrprht,
Hilled lo get hi wage 11 week, o lu
qui!, He demanded Ihcm Monday )
again 'I iicsiluy, hut falling to get llietii
phuHil hi acronut In Attorney Hmllb'i
liaiuls, with otdei lo attach. Tin
money w1 Mlacd, hut Mr. l'elilili
hosii'l got over U'lng mail Ucniiac It
cost him 1175 for the lawyer' fee. I
Un't a gcod Me for n uew.ppr h
nhiud olftbe printer the eecond weel
lcllly after huvlug them pay theb
own exteiie up from Halem. ,
There promise to l some fott a '
Sileiu after the holiday among tin
newpatei. Thei are four dallki
there, Hvv rat now year edUlona wll
pier and. the Klfjmfewf -aklot
of the 1 orimlt uiiully np-arlng ay
"The blograjdileat ketche which c
conipony Ihe picture are very uiUhttd
lug, and ut so oon a these Ne
Year' editions are out, we shall tsk
pleasure In giving a true t)logphicii
sketch of these fellow, In order th
the people ran te the diltcrence be
twwn a tld and an unpaid article c
this kind."
The niMllig al Ihe Congregation
church will be continued through th
wtvk. I-srge tsmgrcgnlloii have bei
lu allendiic and a giMal Interest man
KcNted. Dr. Clapp 1 a aker of sup .
rlor ability, unMtered by niii'""'i;it
talk vlralgbt lo hi hearer and lie
logic and earnest nee of hi ertnon
pnsluce prufoiiiid Imprrsslon foi
There will m servliva lit the t'ongre
gHilouul church uiorulug and evenliit
aud Dr. Clspp will rrH li, A Christ
iius tic and eutei'lalnua'iit will al
be given by Ihe Huudy echool on next
Monday night. The program wilt eon
slsl of music and rccltatlou. Tlnw
havlug prvaunl to lie put on the trw
will hi lng them to the church ou Moo
duy foreiioou.
M. O. Wsrrcn the piano tuner of Ki -
gene, who ban been tuning lu Oregon
for the past five year, I louknj uf.w
the lone of plnno here Ihl week. Mr.
Wurien come highly recommended,
bus au elab!lshed reputation heivan l
Intends to coullnue hi visit lo thi
cily, report to the contrary notwlth
iaiidlng. You can rely on htm In
a hiilever he y or di s.
A ludlc' fancy work box will be
given away at Clod'ultvr Hros on New
Year day. With each fiOeeit!' worth
of good for ceh w give you a gueft.
Only a few gucMc rcinaliilngon the
guitar ut CliHlfclter ln
Huy your thrltimi gift at Chsltel
ter Ilroa. and get a guitar free. He
quick a the are but a few giicsac re
The guitar at Clodfclter Hro w!!! le
given away on December 'X, when
committee of clliien will eiuut the
beau ami make the award.
l.iisl week I ndepeiidt tlte Ilisik A
Luddcr company elected ihe following
officer: Foreman, J. K. Hubbard
preident, K. L. Ketchunii aecretary,
W, II. Kelley; treasuit-r, W, II. Cm
vcn. "
Next Monday there will be Christ
mas tree at (he Hupllst church to which
the public Is invited. The dimrlhuttoo
of present wl'l be preceded byahoi l
programme. , r .-
It would please us first rate If some
of our subsciilHon would let u make
them a Christmas present of a K-celjn
for their ulscrlplion.
The auhject cf d'swiursc at Ihe M. E.
church Houlh by ltev, Palmer, pastor,
In tbo morning I "Religion a Necessi
ty," ut 7:.'!0 p. 111. "An Entreating Sa
vior." ' ;
W. 0, Cook ha hi eye nearly
chstcd from the fumes of muriatic acid.
J. M. Vanduyn stll! coullnue to
offer those rum bargains lit mcichau
disc. Call aud Interview him
! Mis Essie Tatotik, aud It. Sliclley'i
children left on Tbuivday for Houttlo,
where they will probably make theli
future home.
Mrai L. D. Mulkey of Amity, sister-Iii-'hw
of Dr. 8. A. Mulkey, I visiting
here till week.
L. w. Itober'.aoii of Portland, came
upou Thursday' train and I now la
ivilssc llcrtlm Fryer and Hannah
Wcngenroth, of thia city, took the Al
ton thl (Friday) morning for Port
land where they will spend their boll
day. ". j
A. Nelson brought to town on Thurs
day, and left a sample tit this office, a
wagon load of bnwoll, Hlmlliir to can 1 1
flower, which show a splendid growth.
It was ruined on hi farm here,
You are no doubt wcudcrlng what to
give your husbund for a Chrlatmos
present, floe he smoke? Then by nil
means go lo Pink Patterson's and get
a box of those cigars he hud put up
specially for the purpose They will
pleuse him. ,,
Uu to Pullcraou Bros, and see tlie
beautiful display of silverware Bultuble
for Chrlslmug presents.
Invlliillons are out for thepurtyto
he given Christmas night by the
die' Dancing club of Independence, at
the opera house.
Dr. M. A Nelm of Han Fianclsco
wbo ba Just completed hi medical
course In the East and ha reoclved
(plendld diploma, I here visiting hi
wife who 1 leaching In th publii
school. He lis had a hard and long
struggle to complete hi simile, hut
now hc'fln to see the result of his
labor. He Intends locating In Walu
Walla. Ue atleuded the Normal chiwl
at Moumouth, where he met hi wife,
veral yeui go, and Mflerwaul mar
ried. ,
The clthu ii of Imlcudeuce un
invited to meet at I be city hull Friday
evening lo diaft a petition to the coun
ty court for the division of the North
iiideiajndeiice precinct Into two pre-
'liict b:j there are too 'iiuny vo. In
it, The probable division will le 1'.
lm't on.lbe south and ihe slough on
ihe north. A polling place will also
have to I recommended In each.
. Mr. J. W.Ketr of Ihl clly, and
Mr. Hrrt of Portland, who h t ecu
nsitlugMr. Peter Cok, l.'ft on Wul
nedy' Alton to)iid C'!iiilnii hi
Mis M stile I'ngMCie of Iluena Vll.
went to Huli ni 'Vediicadiiy to tuke pan
m an amateur draiiiatluenirrtalumeut
hereon Friday,
t'on'l T. It. Co'tiellu of Washingtot
oiinty, wa lit town Wednesday ot
T. h. McEblowny who own a well
Unproved faun out near Klklu eluy
louse, lis lef, It In charge of bis son re
ini!y married, end with hi faiu'ly
left tor the Itredvllk' .'arm of !0ti
acre of which he wl'l be tiiprrhileod
nit lao mn 'ago toe Hawthorn fa n
fOT5 acMiailJo.u'ug. It take tweii-
vy-four hiad of woik-horsMi to run tin
two farm. W. II. McKldowuy, hi
io, who Im twen 0.1 the Ituclvid,
'rm, goe to sucerltHend the Iadd A
led farm of 2X0ere UCHr ihillston.
Cli rial urn Im coming uud J, P. Irvhu
li lo of nice pre-ent.
J. P. 1 1 vine' Ceh groc.y I lllllogi
'ong felt waul la ludeieti.ietice to tin
people who pey cash for tlielr gnsH-rles,
he Is selling at cash price snd every
lst) ge' the name (or their money ami
1 be customer don'l have to pay a prof),
on them, lu run long lime accoiiul.
A lio say a cesh rrry will uot t
lu ludes)odcncv? If t' e amount u
VhU Hint J. P, Irvine cash store h
ling I aiiyibln, lo go by, It l sorvh
awecesa. - ,
Go to the new ctwh grocery and gel
p-jee ifo.-e you buy.
Toy at cost. Ihl week, at P. C. Pat
tenon', In order to clean up hi fhrllnm
stock of toy P. C Paltersou olTei
(hem at alsailuie msit.
You can get toys cheap at P. V. Pat
terson', he I e'llng then! a! cost,
Mb Ivy llu.loiiacame In tills week
aud claimed the rubber oat advertised.
The poatoftlce at Indcndeiie will
I closet) from 1 till S p. 111, ou Monday
Dec. STith; and will vUm one hour ear
ler In theeveulug. '
Lucklcmnie Itmi.
I.'M. Slmp-on.our worthy county
coniuillnner, I down with Irsiippe.
Joieph Jsme hud the misfortune to
stnmitate one of bS to'swllh u ax
Irsl week. .. I ;
Jame Hani I though drying fruit
and I now hauling ihem to market.
M". and Mr. W. H. Graut are visa
ing the home of N. Steele.
Mr. Wilson Lee, a "plonrer of 1844,
ha Un taken lo Dnlluefor medical
Enoch Chanilier'ulti I very low with
There I to be a graud ball at Suver,
on Friday eve., December 22.
The dance given by Hob Steele and
vert Hiltttbrand a largely attended,
thirty number being sold, aud au en
loyable time wa had Everybody
weut away happyafter eating of the
many bikk! thing prepared hy lls
Lena llllllbiand and mother.
The Luck Is mule dauclng club Is
golug to build a dutiolug hull at Suvur,
Mi. Durt Harper hud the misfortune
to lose his hoot, nt the Grange hall
dunce, last week.
" ' 11 11 :
Parker' Soles.
Wind light foggy -no ohangc going
over the bar
Dan Atkinson wa lu Independence
oat week.
Many of our clll.en are sick aud suf
fering from throat and lung troubles, '
Mrs. D. Penrose and daughter of In
dependence, were vlaltlug at the ex
oouuly scat Sunday.
Win. Kerr emigrated to this count ly
In 'US and I 'ell mated Just this wlnier.
A a clluiuteer he 1 having double dis
tilled conccntrutad extract of lioolxtd
In grippe.
The mall used to fly belweeu here
and UueuaVlala on the wing of au
hind axle tree lo a lumber wagon hut
the depression ha done away wit ti
thrift, push, etc Lydltt E. Pliikliam,
a mare owned by the firm, la ridden by
a boy who I aunolnted with oil and
ha cur pained back, who brings Uncle
Sum' sack to and fra
JJitctia Vista llreciw.
Mcsdamcs King and Wells weut to
Portland Monday lo visit relatives for
a short time.
Monroe KieuU of this place took the
boat Tuesday for Sulcm and Newborg.
Mr, and Mrs. Bush of Pcodce, are
visiting friends here this week.
Mrs. Hcrbet of' Corvalll, ha been
visiting her daughter Mla Ileiiiet at
ltev, llulualyuo's for the past week,
Mis Myrtle Holton of Albany, I go
ing to spend tho winter with Mrs.
Moore at this place,
lAlrlle Hems, ,
ltev, Iluilliigame will preach hereon
lb 2&I al 7 p. ni.
Mm, John Burn exM'led to live
but a few day.
Win Hurgrit of King Valh-y t very
low and Uncle Jim Turner I in porn
Boiv.N. O'ICelley' son-ln-Uiw is hap
py a a big suullowur, and Us a girl
bom the 17th. .
The two young men who tin
ame girl would like lo kuow If the lit
lie child at the place uiuke fuw at tin
oilier. ,;,'V , . ." "
The Tartar Hro. to-day refused cmr
thousand dollar cash for the lion
Pkddy Ityan. ,
The tiame of IVilliall.
The natural eonimcr game of Amer
Wt I baseball and 111 the wlnier fool.
tmll. Just now fiHillwll crank are nun.
erous,and lu order to give our ream;
some Idea of this game wbo nav noi
wen It, we here with give an "sxplana-
lou" by one of the "crank."
llirre v eleven strong thlctlti met'
on each side and cue' e'even le colled f
'earn, - ',''.'!
The ball I atwut the li and ahap
ofaemsll walrniirloii, made of lubber
(rove.ed Willi leather.
The ground t called a gridiron be
cause it I divided Into court of llvt
yiil each.
The game l.l one hour and a hall
oot con nt I us deluys, and tne ten min
ute' ivi between the flrst ami second
lialf. l-jich hu'f " forty-live iiiliiuto
in ituiaiiiMi. - f .
To put the hall beyond a goal countt
tour and i kick It over two more.
The two eleven, a.'ser cjcIi goal, llm
up In the ecu .er of the field ft flng eact,
nthtr, a ho,t distance upait. Asixsir:
.-is the bull I In play they resti at, eacl
alter, ercli team trying to force tl.i
oilier twek that when the umpln
whistle "down" the b'I shall ts
nearer thrlf giwl. ; "'
In tlie modern game of frstlall It lf
lehloiu kicked, but cariled under the
When the "ruh" 1 made the play
er push and tumble over each other
uutfl they get the person who h tin
hall down when the umpire wbleile
"dim u" aud aimther rush I made.
You now have the outline of the
zanie. If you w ant tu le.iru It lu deia'l
vou must bo and r-e It played. Some say It is a,biuUl game, nearly
Mke pilxe fluhi'iig, but s.l" .there are
but few aerlou acclden a. It i nol
nearly o dangerw a It limk. Much
depend on the eaphiln of the team
uid implicit nUnllence by the players.
Be sure and go and e the next good
fuoihall gente and learn how It I played.
( lirNtmex Kutcr ' "neat. J
The Ie isville Sunday school will
itlve a Martha Washington en rtalu-
iiient, mnsisilog of H.siuiy exercise, a
Chrlstm cave, and oyster supper 011
londa.V evening December ?5, at the
twlsvill church. The ladie arcre
iiieshHl lo wear white caps,'kerohlefs,
and an lit', t ud the genikmien In'ge
white bow Sice. The IM imry exeivlscs
4iid the cave will txMive, but the sum
of twenty-five cant will be charged
thoe p iiluklnijof the supper. Every
body coitllelly Invited. Proceeds to go
toward bulUtln? shelter on the ground
for horse. The following Is tbepn..
gramme: '
Music. '
Praver.... ltev. (NI'iiibu
Old" Time Ch rlstm as ........ J . H . St t lie
jutitn Chills. Kminctt Turner
Kris Krlnglc' Visit... 11 uliert Uionsou
Christ ma at liome,....Myrnle Smith
My Dog,.. ......Ira Williams
.- ( L. L. Swuuu
. ' i.-.. m.. i) .... J Hultiellronson
Tlietanilly How (jw M(w
Twin Watew.
AWord tn the Girl.. .Phillip Wilbrow
A lA'llcr From Santa Clans ......
, s .....Loyd Smith
Look Me In the Eye . Tt,H NV(lt,irs
J01"""8 E. Kve.m
Tlte Dend Doll v.Hattle Tnrmr
The AlvHo (.'hi istinas Tive....... . .
,. Ijester Lewis
In Santa Clan Land Oca Ilronsou
Music, solo and chorus.
The lak In the Dyke Josie Lewis
; 100 Acre of La?i ror Sale.
If you tt P of vebei. land ' i Polk' 1 ichii1(i ice, aiu tnut wl'l be
are one ,n It "ikuhoii ed pr'ee, cut ct
ta om.eftr'w . . . 1 ,t
ttammence le nc Mt el 'j '
01 i;He o. bovine
1 ,ic B-aieo 0 ion,at
ItVV, if, A. L.. IwTVh '
1,0. 11 mid dlswin.s i "1,817
On" . - mine red Silt' I'
II , t-i, I'.o hn o - e'.' it "1
ft, e 1 . r ocl - .
11 I OiImD J. ,1b SiH 1
1' t , i-o e 1 t 1 ..i
C ' ': Si -'0 1. - '
P4 V 0,1 U.S. I,. .- .
(, 1 . . !)(' t. ) I , P
1'' V ft-'. V . ' 1 " ,
O '
O , ,w. II.
J .till OS
I j ) I.I
u -so
(.-tn :
' ,h oilde OOMlh..
ItixId.iHi.'oa luiul w ill V. S. T h-is.
UiW 15 iwoeutof o-ivulai.'Oii.i...
Tot' . . llTtU'-)
Cf'ilU'l Hioek pulit i . no WW 00
Ke iiiin fund . u "I'.'i 'l D;i
lliicOi'CPd )roHI.. , 10-01 1 7ft
N.' , rt.ti Ihtt.L Xnlnu nniMiuuilliK, 1 1 v it n.1
.'iicvcinai deposits e'wk w.iwi n
I '.M.H'HVI VVi I 111, , ,' . 1... ...... TO.I'I If
Ili-e to' iNiutousl IIhuUh. 1,U OS
flee to 81111 lliuikii and baiiko, .
Itoien and bills ro-ditmuitnied........ 9,1&i 48
Total . . $170,082 80
Stntoof Oivjiim, ) ' .
tloUiiiyoi' l'ulk, J""'
I, W. ll. Httwley, cuko e,' ol iho above
nioiied bunk Co hoietein' n,-e.v ilo-v tne
nbove, 1 uue 10 t ,ie born of niy
knowledge ami bene.'.
W, H.ltAWI.KY.Oeahle .'
BuhMcrlbed (Mid sworn lobefm-e inn MiIn 3lat
day of liee.. tml. J. W, Ki: i, land.
Curat)) -AnesiJ Noia.y Publio.
J.-S. 0porr. -
a la. W, HollKKTMIH,
U, W, WH'TKakkr,
( U'.'eiitora.
, ... l - . .
Mr, J. P. Maize, an extenaivejeal -tate
dealer In De Motne, Iowa, nar
rowly osea)! one of the severest at
tack of pneumonia while lu the
northern part of the state during a re
cent blhward, say the Saturday Re
view. Mr. Maize had occasion lo drive
everal mile during tlie storm and waa
so thoroughly chilled that be was un
able to get warm, and Inside of an hour
after hi return be wa threatned
with a never case of pueumoola or
tung fever, Mr. Ulaixetenttothe near
est drug atore and got a bottle of Cham-
hcrlaln' Cough Itrmedy, of which be
had often beard, and took a number of
large dose. Ue nays tlie effect wa
wouderful and In a short tint be was
breathing quite easily, lie kept on
taking the medicine and the next day
wm able to come to De Mo! lies. Mr.
Blalze. regard hi cure a simply won
derful. For tale by all dealer.
Morkholdrr' Meeting.
-Notice I hereby given that the regi
lar annual meeting of the stockholder
of the Independence National Bank for
the election of a board of director will
Ue held at said bank ou Tuesday Janu
ary 0. 1HU4, between the hour of 10 a.
in. and 4 p. m. of laid day.
W, V, Conn away, Cashier. .
Indcietidence, Or, Dec. 9. 180S. ' !
Lack of Exercise,
tuone of the prime cause of headache
tu tbo winter. Persons accustomed to
the pure fresh air duilug the pleanatU
month are subject to thl terrible an
novatioeat th time of the year. A
boou I offered In Kuai'hk' ' Head
ache C'Ai'nt'i.m which 1 guaranteed
to cure any kind of a headache no mat
ter what the cause. Headache caused
by overindulgence tn food or drink late
t night, can be prevented by taking
one Capsule before Mb lng and one In
the morning. 25 cents box. T
The regular euliecrlplkm price of the
West Hike t $J a year and the Orego
uian ti.&0 a year. Anyoue subscribing
fur the WK.yrSiDK and paying one
year in advance can get both the Wkht
81 iik aud the Oregoulan one year for'
12.50, Alt old subscriber paying tbelr
subscription one year in advance will
j entitled to the some offer. ,
Biirklrn' Arnica Sal re.
Th bent ralve In the world for cut,
bruise, sores, ulcer, salt rheru, fever
-aires, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
com, and all akin erupt long, and posi
tively cure pile or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satbfao
liou or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box . For sale by all druggists.
All Free.
Those C at have used Dr.KJug's New
Discovery know Its vulue, and those
that have not, have now the opportun
ity to try It free. Call on the adver
tised druggist and gel a trial bottle free,
Send your name and addree to H. E.
ltuckleu i, Co,, Chicago, aud get a sam
ple box of Dr. King' New Life pills,
free, as well a a copy of Guide to
Hiiilth and liousehould Instructor free.
All of which is guaranteed to do you
good and cost you nothing. Any drug
store. ' . -
Stockholders' Meeting. "
Notice Is hereby glveu to the stock
holder of the Independence aud Mon
mouth Hallway Company that the reg
ular auuuul meeting for the election of
oftki'M of said company will be held at
the Independence National Bank on
Saturday, December 30, 1S93, and for
the transaction of such other business
as uy ootue before the meeting.
W. T. Conn aw ay, Sea
Independence, Or , Nov. 29, lm.
Camhkidgb Mass., June 21, 1800.
Kokman Licuxv, Es., Dee Moines la.
Dkah Sir: Enclosed please find au
order for U-00. for which send me as
iiuiuy Kitiuse's Headache Capsules as
It will pay for. They are wy good in
deed, but can uot get any lu Boston.
Yours very truly,
Asa B. Shki'uerd,
123 Norfolk St.
Go to J, F. d'Donnull for Mexican
Silver Stove Polish 46-
lHssolutlon Notice
MosMoCTit, Or., Nov. 8, 1893,
Met lee Is hereby given that the eo-partner.
hip heretofore existing between J. H. Iulovr
and K. Ansllne, under tile tlrm name of Inlaw
4 Anstliie, is dttisolved, F. Anstlue conUnuing
the boslntvts in colli eotioniiry, etc Alt tbo
Indebted will p'osse call and settle at The
Elite. J.H. ImloW,
-:'': P.AHSTia. .
Lost, Slrajed er Stolen. n
One bay mu.e and bay mare eo't. Bo.h
re.: er isxir. s, Itii font leas. Last
eeo elK) tanni.ilsgo being r 'ven by two
mea 0 a Win. Fa ii's re nev f I'alU Olty.
Auv jo.Kon i-euiti! 'ori.lvi.ig j.b oiallon,
w'M be suitably ewii'ded by J. K. Heboi, d
1 id'1 lemteiice. n r, K, uuj jure, rails uuy.
-' ; ''' ' W'iiii ' '"""
Anew in 1 v cow. W;" : v ue without
eai,'. Add eswa preeec, :o 11, houkiuf,
Seve,0.,o e-j ' wiitdu. a soltlw. t ,
Wf uicd. " ... .(
Agisutnillk cow, ing m'lk. If iw.lso.
toy will pay Ue OaU t Wist Bvb
oftlee, '
Sheep on Shares,
Two to t sree hu idiea', sood .ock sheep
prlnc'oaMy ewes wl l be let out on ihare
one or two yeais. Add.-ess O. D. Rider or H
Hlrsbbarj, ludeendci.-e. UAi
..''t.: Twenly Acres of Hop Land.
You cau buy ,V iwea y aces,' ne?v!y til
o'e.",ed sjn.'osb .io i jj'i 'a besh.above
h'sh waier, i; ni"es ersiof IndeiendeJne,
fuv a ivao Hiolo :i ce. Cs't at West 8lDt
oflieeRirpui. e.df . - f-.H.
Hot baths every day at Henkie'i b