VOL. XII. $2.00 lVr Year INDEPENDENCE,-POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC 22, Id93 Five Cents per Copy. INDEPENDENCE CLASSiFltO" Business Directory. TKi l.crfcr fa nawm-fet WMy, vail top ' ' few tpAiU.'xtl aterriliiat la i'.w-f- ' law anew il' dpniWttt Oration. "liM lfti (a awHrnwcit" mh tf M .w mit tu ilt im ur )n Itcutio, ' AMUSCMCNTS. Otr Hius M,.ln HI. Paiivma Hina, Mar. BANKS. I nil, Nthmal,tw. Mln ml Mommiutb riral National. Cr. Main aiiit C HI. BROKERS, GRAIN ana HOPS- Mwk, K. lire, Oltton Klrwt NnlMvul Uank BARBERS 4 BATHS. K T. Heuale, Mala street. 'nt auinurtuwl to aiimmiip. BRCWCRICS. XHM. BILLIARD HALL link t', I"attrt, Mala ttrcet. BLACKSMITHS- H. A. ruller,t!treel. Not aultiurtaed to Miwunc. "tOO KS" ST AT I O N CRY." Clodtoter Ilium, Main elreel. BOOTS and SHOES Miller Patu-rww. near rim Nal't Ban. BRICK. t. K. Cooiwr, comer U elrwt. jjjjT CONTRACTORS. rineh 4 l.'lmttll, ttirut ilrwl. i Campbell 4 8..0- tint, r at Uwly Paddock's CIGAR FACTORY. CITY OFFICIALS. .J. A.Venena, Mayur. ,0. W.Kced, Itecontor, r. I'- Mrer. Marhet Jtobluton Koblnauii.Tlie UUuu, P. C. Pattenwn. near opera home. " CHURCHES 4l PASTORS. Huptl.t, J. rrd Jenkins. ITeebJ'tertaa, J. A.Towneid. t.nrvihnal. D. V. tWIn. Evangelical. A. Copley. jdotliwIUl.T. W. Putter. II, K. houOi, F.lwln Palmer. CbrUtlan, Nd rwlilcnt patr. COLLECTION AGENT. Not ullirtcd Ui announce. CANNERIES. tod. tannery t:i. . near dvpuU DAIRIES. . J. a. VanOnulcl, hitler'"'1'""' DENTISTS. 'K( eulliorlwd to announce. ;8. A. Mulkcy, O l 'lt Hrlek, up Uilr. .J. 11. Jotmwm.fcir. Kallroad a Monmoutu. l DOCTORS. Im BabtilU. Ind. Nul l Hank, up tair. . I Ketcbum, Monnioultt HI., near K. H. O. D. Butler, opera bouee, up talr. DRAIN TILE. Not autliorUed U announce. Tlubbard A SiaaW, lUllroad Htr. W. D- Elkln. leave ordora at Hntel, DRESSMAKERS MIm phl Outt, at nwldeiun, Kullruad it. KotauthnrlMd to an nouniw. DRUGGISTS. Hhellex, Alander A Co., Main Htr. PalUTunn llroa., opera hiroan. ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. Not aullHirlncd to announce. FIRE DEPARTMENT. -W. 0. Cook; Otiluf etsglntmr. jrSH. OYSTERS A GAME. j. B. Boydtoti,Citwet FLOUR MILLS. lnd. Mill Co., 0o. ttkluner A Co. Star MtllH, D. W. 8ear A Co. FOUNDRY. Not tilhonwd to f.nnoumw. " FURNITURE. W. 0. OK)k, Whfusnknr b Ick. GEN'L MDSE. Bowndorf A Hlwhtiam, Muln itreet, J, M. Vnnduyn, Cor Main and C itrcotn. J. A. Mill Wlilleaknr brink. Not MithorlMd to announno. GROCERIES. VVHcox, Bftldwln A Co.. Houtli ldoOtrt. ' McKnehersn A Bondcrcock, Corner M im Df)uly A Paddock, Wt Ide Main itrwt, J. P. Irvine Whlteaknr brick. HARDWARE A, AGL. IMPT8. jTrVo'DonnoIT, Cor. Main Monmouth Bl, H. M. Wadn A Co., Main and Monmouth HI. Not autliorland to nnnoiinfus HARNESS. Not autliorlOTd to an noiince. HOTEL. PttFn7Tri;uaTX.'HirTn:i,i. ICE FACTORY. INSURANCE AGENTS. Not amlMrld t umimimv. JOB PRINTER. W T Hum um , Main .tnvt. - J.yTjC5PLPf AC . H. M. l.lnM-lu.t, Kailonal bank utulilln. LAUNDRY. lud. HlMin Laundry, A J, Athtwiu, LAWYERS. A. M. llurliy, Main atrwt, Uk A. Ituilth. lud. Nai l Hank, up alaln. LIVE STOCK BREED RS 4 DEAL'S T. H, Itunllty, liid.'tiulinro. LODGING HOUSE. l'h lluntliKUw, IK II. 1 MMlMier, itmr upl LIVERY STABLES. IVtvrCwk, Malu trL I'll Jilinn, .M11I11 .imI. LUMBER. Prmull A Vmimm, h mill, MARBLE WORKS. U. U Hawkln. wr, lUilnwd and K. iiwta. MARKET GARDNER. r. L. Uarluian. MASONS, BRICK 4 STONE. Not auUiuriird lu aniiiHiiini, MEAT MARKETS. Hpnrlln llnim., Main lrwi. Unit. Kuappljr, C alrM-l. MERCHANT TAILORS. W, U. Wianuan, C alrwt. MILLINERS. Not utuorUd U annuuiif. MUSIC TEACHERS. Not aulluirlanl In autio MUSIC4 INSTRUMENTS Nut aullmrtwd tu annouutw. NEWSPAPERS. rHll, kwuvd Friday, ti.00, N OTA R I E S PU B UC. Nut aulliurlMd In nuuuui'V. PAINTERS 4 PAPER HANGERS. M. 1. Hrati, Main tnwt. Willi Hill. Imve ordrn at ( .irellr Una. PHOTOGRAPHER. 11. H. Crarvn, V lrt. north .Ida. PIANO 4 ORGANS. Nut authurlted In announr. POULTRY BREEDER Uiuiihary llnw., In.li'iwiiilrinw. RAILROAD. lud.-Mull. Motor Ci, J. lrnl(. coudiirlnr, Hulhrn I'arinu-tnd. to lVirtland-711 mile. REAL ESTATE AGENT. Not eulliorKt'd lonnnounca. RESTAURANTS. City KMtauranl,C. 11. CaniplMill, I'Mp. Not Hiitliorixfd Ui announr. SECRET SOCIETIES. I lid. LmlKO No Ci, A, O V, W. Vailpy IKlge No, , 1. 6, 0. K. Lyon Uidf No. , A. K. 4 A. M. ilomttr lMt Ho. i K. of 1', Itedinrn. Woodnmcn, HetMkah Vitnt IIKJF, Clovrr Iaf No, M. SALOONS. The Hem-J, R. Coolier, prop. The Cantle-H. E. Uwena, prop. SASH 4 DOORS. MlU'hell A Boliaiinon, Main trwU M. T, Crow, nnar dnpot. SCHOOLS. luhllo,), A. UlU'.hooak, Principal, SODA WATER MFRS. None. UNDERTAKERS. II. M. l.lnm, lndtipnndonce Nnt'l Hank b'ld'g. VETERINARY SURGEON. E J. Young, lnd. Nat'l Hunk, up Hair. WAGON REPAIRING. Not aul linrlncd to ar noun. WAREHOUSES. Not auihnrln'd to announce. WATCHES, CLOCKS 4 JEWELRY, O, A. Kranwr, Main atrent. WELL BOREHS. WOOD DEALERS. We sell FRUIT THEES and all other NURSERY STOCK very cheap. flonil your Hut" for anmlal price. Catitloi)ue iroe, CORVALMS NUKSEItY COMPANY, 47-iat. ' s Corvallls, Oregon, A Racking Cough Cured by 4)rr'i Chrry FwtoraL Mr. P, I). Hau, SIT Qmom 8L, Ixv'kK)rt, N. Y Myt i "Over thirty yert ao, I remewbM bearing my tather tltawrlue the wonder ful curative effect of Ajrert Cberrf Pectoral. During mcent attack ol U Orlw, wblch gutimed ttie furw of cUrrk, eorenee of the laag, gcm. rwnM by tn aggravating rough, I next vartou romedle and preacrlpllont, While eotne of the niedUilnn partial) alleviated the coughing during Uieday, Bone of them iff unlet) me any relief from that peamodlc action of the lung which would cite me the moment I aticmpted to He down at nlgliL A XVer ten or twelve uch ntghta, I waa Nearly In Despair, and had about decided to alt up ill night tn my aay clmlr, and procure what deep I could In that way. It then oc curred to me that I had bottle of Ayer"g Cherry Perioral. I took a ptMinful of till prMifllon In Utile water, and waa able to He down without coughing. In a few moment I fell aeleep, and awoke tn the wonting greatly refreshed and feeling muck belter. I took a taaapotuiful of the Feo. tural every night tor a week, then gtad. bally decreased llie duie, and In two week my cough w cured." Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr, J O. Ayvr CenLewll, Mat. Promptto act, sure toourc Dr. S. A. MULKEY DENTIST. Independence, Or. Th6 ritOFKSSlON 1'ItACTlCED in alt ila tiriiiitlu'a. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OfllcnoviT O'DiinneU'H Iliuilwore 8101V, Vn r. Slain & Moittuotith 8Ul Ottico boutu 8 0. ni. to 12 in. and 1 p. 111. to 5 p. 111. FOR- Fine Photographs Crayon Work Pastelles India Inks Water Colors Goto 1). II. CRAVEN'S Photograph Gallery Independence, Or, Always get your J8B 1M( done at the office. ing and Evcryihi: 1 1 at living rates; m m ALONG THE WEST SIDE. It' ms of Interest from Our Ex changes in Thrv.e Counties. I.V! BURSTING WASIUSUTOS LETTKB ranaw letebeV NewTaiatlo evheiae.-- neBreeeelatlve ItUed'. IUII i Re. eeaet the Wee Iw el 1MT. McMiHNru.i.lt, Dec 14, IR98. Haturday ovutig juat lefom M. 3, ArtiialMiig, grucer, uetially elw lit Htiira and Juat li wa counting hi tah which ha had In a paper mk, Nw t Agin and Alfrwl Junea enUired tha atnrv and called fur annia cbreao. After uilyliig their want ha miaavd hi aack uf mnty and called for help. Art utartvd up tbo ttrtaH tnit waa caught aud bruuglit baak to the (lure and the (1or kx'ked- The mamlml waa called In ana urwn wearchlng tha two young men tha money waa found lu (ho ovrnut pocket of June who wear he doe not know bow It gol there. The young men are of good parent and tha matter la atuyitery iiulcwi It can ha laid to anient aplrlte of which they coniumcd con.lderaMe during tha afternoon. They wr liN-kcd up In the city (all for the night end were taken to (h county jail (Sun day morning. They waived elimina tion aud ara under (100 bond. Ovo. T. Myere, E..W. Allen, It, V. Mllt hcl,. Geo, a llalty and II. E. Mltehel of the Midwinter fulr aneoela- tlnn attended tha meeting bald In till ctty on Friday lat, Tha allendatit waa large and more than 78 per cent of the iterwint preaent tuhacrlhed for tock In the corporation, Till ounty wa the flmt county lu the elate to help the Midwinter lair project along and the vlaltora went hack , to Portland much more enthualaatla over the proecta of Oregmi at Hun Fraiiclaco. Itlahop Morrla report u a private letter that MuMlunvllle donated a 1 Thaukeglvlng ollbtlng to the boapltal of 1'ortland more than any other town tu the state. The donation were col lected through the churcbea and the public achoole. The O. a N. a fH'tUll teatn paaaed tbrutigh here Itwt Monday on their way home from Fonat drove where they played the Pacific, college team. Their none were on a blat and nutnerou acabe relieved the monotony of their ftioea. From the air of general debility that aevmed to wrap them like a ebroud It waa euy to lie aeen they had beuu defeuUil. They did not make a polnL A cold dry uorthweat wind la blow ing and everything la drying up faat If It continue the ruuda will whiu be duaty. (lea. Iliwh of Newberg, a young man uatal hi majority wua amwted the other day for attempting rape. The examination waa held before a Justice Monday In Newberg precinct and he waa bound over to await the actlou of the grand jury, Bond were fixed at 1300. The Dame of the young lady la Lilly Dlvtrelch, aged fourteen year. The other day W. F. Plelachnelder, jeweler, inlwed aeveral amall diamond worth from flA to til each, Diligent eart h waa made but without avail. It wna finally concluded the genu had been dropd 011 the floor and in aweeplng bud beuu gathered up and thrown In the etove. An old miner waa hired and the winter' aaliM were carefully pauncd out, and all of the getita were found uoue the worse for tbclr baptism of Are, General Win, Kupua of Portland, hue been detailed by the Midwinter fair conimlHHlon to addoera the cltlr.cn of this city nml the Went Hide oountlca on the beunti to be derived from a proper reprewiitatlbil at the Midwinter fulr. HtLUIIOHO, IXH!. 14, 1803. Illlltibnro Uruuue, Patron of Hus bandry, observed the twenty-seventh anniversary of the organisation of the order on Monday December 4, by family dlnuer, Jollty and good cheer waa the features of the occasion, On Tuesday evening Ulrica Kemph, a Qtii'inuu dairyman, living eight miles Dortlieimt of HlllMboro, wits In the dusk of evening called to his door by two unknown men aud attacked. The as sailants beat Kemph over the bead with u pistol but the old man managed to retreat and ehut the door, thtough this several shots were fired but no dutiinge done, Kemph ran out through the back door aud gave such an alarm as scared the assmdns away. A sher iff's miBse Is after the robbers. In the inoeloe at the door a pistol whs broken and n part afterwards picked up, one of the rogues also lost his bat. With thest elues It is hoped to get them Kemph was so badly hurt that the ser. vices of a surgeon were required. The continued high water in the creek bottoms drives the festive coon out of bis hiding place. The prowloi bus been a frequent visitor at the duck yard and lieu house during the past week, The farmer of this section have on eluded that there I more money in baling their etraw and shipping It to the paper mills t Oregon City than there la in burning It. Home 200 ton of baled are now walling for the team er, The freight U Oregon City I V per ton. Tuberculosis lias appeared on one farm lu tbl county and the the fear of the contagion has aroused much Ibellng in Uie neighborhood. The origin of (lie dlaeaae being so obscure aud the symptoms of Its early stage of attack being so little known by the farmers, a dread attache to it that would not, were they more familiar with ita ap pearance. Tha dairy Interest in this county b proving to be the most profitable that (pursued. Last month tha product from ou of our creameries netted Its patrons K cent per pound for butter tat, and awing that the Ideal now will makeover two pound of butter per day, a farmer income can be made to be quite respectable, Tlte farmer' institute held last week at lliibtboro by the authorities of the agricultural college was a well attended meeting, vUltora from both Yamhill aud alnllnomah comities were in at tendance. Quite a aururia greeted President Mw and hi co-laborera. Ttie farmer here coimldend It the proper thing, awing that the agricul tural college bad sent Its talent dowu to tell our people bow to farm, to (how them In return what they do produce. The spaclou dining room of grange bull waa turned Into a show room where waa put 011 exhibition the eea- eouable product of the county. Cer eals from the farm, grasses from the meadow, wool fiom the herds, tiles front the factorlee, fruit and nursery lock from the orchard and nurseries, printing from the newspaper and job olfleea, bred,ake aud paatriva from the fttrment' kitchen graced the tables lu great profusion. 8now ha already falleu on the hills urroundlug Tualatin plain but It doti 'I atay through the day. CORVAIXU, Dec 12, 1803. Charley Iteed, who I the owner of a one-thouaand-acre tract of land In the uorthem part of the oouuty, was In the city hut Haturday aud gave out the In formation that he bad laid off a reser vation of revera! aero for the purpose of a deer park, aud that he now has within the enclosure Ave beautiful white-tail specimens. Ills his Inten tion to Increase this number by the ad dition of about ten more and care for them aa they require, with a view of supplying himself and friends with plenty of sport and "deer meat" In au Inexpensive manner, after a proper sea son of propagation baa elapsed. This Is certainly a meritorious plan and should be emulated by more of our large land owner. A young man who recently arrived from Arkatisaa, Adams by name, war Ixed w ith an epileptic fit last Saturday afternoon, aud lu falling was consider ably bruised about the face aud head. lie was taken to the Or department headquarters, cared for lu a proper mau ner and soon agalu regained conscious ness. On last Friday night the Itebekali brauch of the I. O. O. F., of this city, bad an enjoyable ' blow out' at which several visitor from a distance were guests. Of the number were H. Hlrsch berg and M. L. Dorrla, of Indepen dence, accompanied by Mrs. aud MIm. OotV. Everybody had a good time. . Many holiday preparation are being made for holiday entertainment In this city, and the most popular pro gram announced thui far Is the grand masquerade bull of the hook and lad' der company, on Christinas ulght. James Caldwell, one of Ileuton couu- tlu's pioneer died In this city on Mon day, nged 70 years. He was quite well known all over this turroundlng conn try aud was a favorite among hi ac quaintance. Judge John Burnett de livered an Impressive address during the services at the grave. Homo time sluoe R, E. Mulcahy, n Derluteudent of the O. P. 11 it., re ceived by express, an Infernal machine, and at once efforts were made to locate the source from whence it came, with the result that one of the prominent under officials has been removed as the supposed guilty party. NotwItliBtand lng the fact that there will probnbly be a few changes made in the official per onel of the O. P. soon following the sale 00 Friday of Ihi week, there is now a vacancy In the ollloe of general freight and passenger agent Among the sports to be indulged in during holiday is a go-as-you-please walking match from Albany to Corval lls Contestants are In training and It Is expected 'that considerable money will change hands on the result. At the meeting of the olty cuncil last Monday ulght, liquor licenses were granted Charles Albright, Than. White horn, Gerhard & Mackay, J. Wuestu fold and George Maddux. Corvallls now has eight saloons, Arraugemont are making for the holding of an old-fashioned fanners' and mechanics' dance In Corvallls about Jnu. IS, '04, It Is hoped to have an imported orcbesUa of seven pieces on hand for the occasion and a good time 1 anticipated, Highest of all In Leavening rower. Latest V. S. Gov't Report. ABSQULTTELY FUH3 The logs that "escaped 'rom the Frleudly boom in the river have been traced and will I taken to Newberg to be sawed. Heveral million feet dleap- peared, most of which have been found aud are now under control. C. a f'Matm, of the Amity 1o;- lun, Is a visitor in Corvallls. - The city authorities are doing con siderable good work In improving the streets, enlarging ditches, improving sidewalks, etc., 1 11 prertlou for an other season of high water. Qarwold Woodcock, a son of the Cor vallls banker M. a Woodcock, had bis arm broken while attending a rrao tlous burse. Washington Letter, "Farmer Hatch" ha a scheme of taxation that bid fulr to add to the troubles of the majority of the house way and meau committee, in preparing the bill for internal reve Inue taxation, the latest estimate being that at least f'io.ooo.oixi must be so raised, "Farmer Hatch" is the gentle man who, as chairman of the house committee on agriculture, waa, during the fifty-second congress, lu charge of the autl-optiou bill, which came so near becoming a fiiw, "Farmer Hatch is still cbalrmau of the bouse committee on agriculture, and he has not given up lwpe of seeing the anil option bill be come a Uw, but hi new scheme will stir up the bulls aud Wars of the vari ous stock exchanges to a much greater extent than did that measure, aud if it meets with as much favor from mem ber of the way aud mean comuiltte a It already no from congressmen outside of that committee, it may find place in the new Internal revenue bill Mr. llatcti propose that In lieu of an income tax a smull tax, say one twentieth of one per cent., be put upon the transactions of the great speculative exchanges of the country. He argues that uch a tux would bring a larger revenue than any of the propositions for an income tax ; that It would be easily collected, because all of the trans actions of the exchiuige are recorded, and that It would not be burdensome to either producer or consumer. The lobby sent hero to tight the antl-optlou bill furnished some fut pickings for the Impecunious, but If the proposition of Mr. Hatch should be adopted, the wealthy exchunges would probably send the strongest lobby that was ever la Washington to secure Itsjdefeat. To those that have never been able to ace that speculative exchange are of the slightest bencllt lo the country, either materially er morally, the proposition to tax their transactions apiieals strongly. . llepresentatlve Bluud, of Missouri, lost no time lu showing his critics that he meant business, aud not a bluff, about his proposition to re ena;t the silver law of 1837, which was repealed In 1873. He ha introduced a bill to this effect, and that bill is now before tbo coinage commltte, of which Mr. niand is chairman, and he Is confident that it will be reported to the house, notwithstanding President Cleveland' official request that financial matters be let alone at this session. Mr. Bland says there has been a reaction in favor of silver, since the people have seen that It was not responsible for the flnuii' clal depression, and that the sentiment In favor of restoring silver to a parity with gold Is ou the increase. It 1 not Mr. Itlauda purpose to antagonise the tariff bill, but as soon as that measure Is out of the way, he will do his best to push the tariff bill through. Let us be thankful for suia 1 favors. The fight on the tariff, although It will be red hot, will not be unnecessarily prolonged, the republican senatorial caucus having decided that no bush whacking lk to bo resorted to for the purpose of delaying the vote. It is, unless present indications are at fault, to be a short, sharp and decisive light aud the side with the most votes will win. The republicans of the senate bnve a new steering commute, of which Allison, of Iowa, Is chairman, and Du bote, of Idaho, secretary. They will AWARDED HIGHEST DRrn The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Fmes 40 Years the Standard enter the tariff fight with a thoroughly united party, and will In that respect have the advantage of the democrat, but the dissatisfied democrat ara not apparently numerous enough to change the result" In fact, there are reason to believe that their talk ba no other ob ject than that of securing tome Modifi cations of the tariff bill a it now 1, aud that it will end in talk whether they get the modification or not. Kterkholdcrs Meeting. There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the First National Bank of Independence, Polk county, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 9, 18W, at the parlor of the bank between the hour of 10 a. in. aud 4 p. m. of said day, for the purpose of electing director for the ensuing year and transacting any other business that may come before them. Dated this 6th day of Dec., 1893. W. U . HAWtKY, Cashier. WEST SIDE (LlBULNti BATES Regular price Onr ha two nrlca West Si db and New York World . 60 12 25 KM1 Hihk and American Farmer 8 00 200 800 Wkst Sin and Oregonlan. 400 WiKT Hike aud Han Fran cisco Call 800 226 West SllK and Cosmopoli tan 860 8 00 WtMT Hidb and Youth' Compautou. ....... ,..... 8 75 8 00 Family Trouble' Remedy. Take a gill of Forbearance, A pinch of submission, Twelve ounce of patience, A handful of grace; Mix well with the milk of the best human kindness, And serve with a radiant smile on your face. Please try it when you feel out of pa tience, aud everything seems to go wrong, aud see If It doean't help you. A Herald of the Infant Tear. Clip the last thirty years or more from the century, aud the segment will represesut the term of the unbounded popularity of Hostetter Stomach Bit ters. The opening of the year 1894 will be signalized by the appearance of a fresh Almanac of the Bitters, lu hlch the uses, derivation aud action of this world-famous medicine will be lucidly set forth. Everybody Bhould read it. The colauderaud astronomical calcula tions to be found in this brochure are always astonishingly accurate aud the statistics, Illustrations, humor and other reading matter rich In interest and full of profit. The Hostetter com pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., publish It themselves. Tbey employ more than sixty bauds In the mechanical work, aud more than eleven months in the year are cousumed in Its preparation. It can be obtained without cost, of all druggists aud country dealers, and Is prl tiled lu English, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, and Bohemian. People are fools to suffer when a rem edy can be found to cure them. Oregon Kidney Tea Is no experiment, and not a fake to get your money. Why will you hesitate, when we assure you that It la absolute cure for all kidney aud urinary diseases When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K, Dalton, of Luray, Russell county, Kan sas, called at the laboratory of Cham berlain & Co., Dee Moines, to show them his little boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain' cough remedy, It having cured him of a very severe attack of croup. Mr. Dalton la certain that it saved bis boy's life and Is enthusiastic in his praise of the rem edy. For sale by all dealers. There is no place in Oregon where a better meal Is served than at the res taurant of WeBtaoott A Irwin, 271 Com mercial street, Salem. Courteous at tentlou, a flue meal, aud the popular, price of 25 cents, have made this house . the headquarters of everyone who has occasion to diue In Salem. HONORS WORLD'S FAIR. Baking PoivdeK None,