VOL. XII. $2.00 Per Year INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY OREGON, FKIDAY. DEC 1, 1293 Five Cents Per Copy. INDEPENDENCE CLASSIFIED Business Directory . TkU Unwftiry ( iwiwM auMfaty, awl eupy phI la nvrt teMwul , im IV(" lm.it, ti pki IiihJ ( .(wi(iitf nf aria AWr mux sealer arutrtat aetafOHM. ",Vt trM"t ta huihx tmatu thai m HttUt at t mat git mt Ih im fat me- iii-dlioa, ' AMUSEMENTS. Opera Hnuw, Main ft. IHOteraoa Nfm. Mara. BANKS. lad. National, tVir. Main and Muatnoulb m. Pint National. Our, Miiln Hntl C 81. ROKCRS, GRAIN audi MOPS. lleo. ti. Hrejr, ffl nnt .Nnll.niiU hat,. BARBERS A BATHS. B T. HenS!, alata street. Nta titlliorlamt to aunmiiieft. BREWERIES. Nona. BILLIARD HALL. IMuk I'. VattrMt, itiu elreet. BLACKSMITHS- N. A. falter, CaUwl, , . . ' ' Not MtiliurUvd to anuoutiw. BOOKS 4 STATIONERY- t hMlfeller Bn , Mala .treel. 7B0Oxsit(l" SHOES. Miller A l-atlernoa. near Klra! Nat'l Nan. BRICK. j . n, tvtiwr. corner '" FlucU l'lrtxi il, untoe It ilnwU Campbell A mi - liv ortlt r at I hxlMli-r B. CIGAR FACTORY. Hunt. CITY OFFICIALS. J. A. Venee. Mayor. Geo, W.Reed, IteeorJer, F.P-Mirers, Marehal. CONFECTIONERY 4 FRUIT. Koblnmo Kofcliuou, The UUu. P. C. PatlereoO, near opera bouse. CHECHES 4 PASTORS. DalM,J. Vr4 Jeiiklna. Preabytertan, J, A.Townaend. OoHSregatloual, D. V, Puling. Evan-lli, A.Oly. Jtlboltt.T.W. Potter. M, K, Sotilb, Eilwlo Palmer. 'brltlu, So rseltlcat tautor. COLLECTION AGENT. M. O. Potter, MulD alreel. CANNERIES. lud. Caunery Co. , uear depot. DAIRIES. J. U. Vantlradel. indepeadene. DENTISTS. B. M. Oravea, fiid.Nall Hank, up aUlra. . B. A. MuiKcy, O Hoe Urlck, tl "" J. U. Jiliii"0,tSr. IWIIrouil Monmouth, ala DOCTORS. U A BabMtt, Inl. Nai l Hans, up amlre. K. L. KeWlium, Monwoulb W., "'"r K. It 0. 1). Buuor, opera bouite, up .lain. DRAIN TILE. Put aulburlaed K aimuunue. DRAY COMPANIES Hutbard A BtaaU), Knllroad Mtr. W. I). Blklna. leave order at Howl, DRESSMAKERS. illu Hopbl Oof!, at rld'in(, Ball road at. Unt aulborlted Uiannnuuca. DRUGGISTS. Bhelley, Alexander Do.. Main Mr. patternm Hroa.. opera Iwmae. ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. Hal authorized to announce. FIRE DEPARTMENT. W. 0. Cook ; Ch lef ec xl nwr. FIShToYSTERS 4 GAME D. B. Iloydnton.Catroet. FLOUR MILLS. Jnd. Mill Co., Oeo. Bk I liner A Co. tar Mllla, D. W. r A Co. FOUNDRY. Not atithonised to minounrai. FURNITURE. W.O.Cook, VVhllfaknr brick. GEN'L MDSE- Konendorf A Hlwobberg, Main alreot, J. M, Vanduyn, Cor Main and C treeU. Not authorlxed to announce GROCERIES. Wilcox, Baldwin A Co.. Houth aldeCatroet. McEtcheran A Bandercock, Corner H l ln Douty A Paddock, Wet nlda Main atreet. HARDWARE 4 AGL. IMPTS. J, Y. O'Donnell, Cor. Mala 4 Monmouth Hli. R. M, Wado A Co., Main and Monmouth 8t. Not authorized to announce. HARNESS. Not authorlaix! to annnunne. HOTEL. titile I'ttiuci iio'tfl, ,T. M. Hlurk, I'riipT ICE FACTORY. INSURANCE AGENTS. Not ittlmrlt to anmuint. JOB PRINTER. W awr Mi in uiHi, Main aireet. JUSTICE OF PEACE. Not auiborln d tn auiiounre. LAUNDRY. lud. tttiin Laundry, A, i. Ai'blMUt. LAWYERS. A. M. Uurley, Main atnwl, Ueo. A. bmllb. Ind. Nol l Itank. up tlalr. LIVE STOCK BREED'RS 4 DEAL'S r, H. Huniiey, inUi-iwndrav, LODGING HOUSE. I'tie lluntliiia, l. tl. l.'dli'li. r, ui-ar dvpul LIVERY STABLES. Pvter Couk, Main atnwt. Kll Jobnaou, Main lrwl. LUMBER. Preaeutl A Veiteaa, Mtw mill, MARBLE WORKS. (. U tlawklua, or. Hatlruttd otitl K atrevu. MARKET G A R D N E R T. U tiarttnan. MASONS, BRICK 4 STONE. Not auilmrinKl ui annuuniw. .WEAT M A R K (to Dperlluf llnav, Main lrwl. Luulu Kuapidy, t' Him. , MERCHANT TAILORS. W. U, Hbaruiau, (' nlnet. MILLINERS. Motwulnmltvd to kiiii.hiii-is. MUSIC TEACHERS. Not aull onanl t aunn u MUSIC 4 INSTRUMENTS Nut aulborued tn annouuiw, NEWSPAPERS. WawTHina, bwued Friday, link NOTARIES PUBLIC. Not aulburlaed to announce. PAINTERS 4 PAPER, HANGERS. M. l, Huolt, Main alreek Willi (till, leave order at Chrttfeltar linn. ' PHOTOGRAPHER. I). H. Craven, (1 alrrt. north aide. PIANO 4 ORGANS. Notautborlaed ui eiinonni-e. POULTRY BREEDER. Louthary Rroa., Indeix-ndenoa. RAILROAD. Iml. Mon. Motor Co, ). Inriif, conduekir. Hubthern Pai-ltln-lnd. to Poriland-TA mite. REAL ESTATE AGENT. Not aul horlird lo aimnuucc. RESTAURANTS. City Heataurant, C. D, tampbell, Prop. Not aulhorlned lo annnonre. SECRET SOCIETIES. Ind.iKhje Noi,A.O. U. W, Valley Lodge No. , 1. 0. 0. V, Lyon Lodge No. 4, A. K. a A. M. Homer l1ge No. it, K. of P. Kedmen. Woodnmen. Hebeaah I)ere IWlK, Clover Leaf No. 88. SALOONS. The Uem-J. IL CXxiwr, prop. The Caatla H. K. Oweua, prop. Th Maieppa K. J. Morrla, prop. The Munograin Layton Hinllh, prop. The HoUil llar-H, 1), Waller, prop. SASH 4 DOORS. Mitchell A llohannon, Main treet, M. T. Crow, near depot. SCHOOLS. Public, 0. A. HlU-hoook, Principal. SODA WATER MFRS. Nona. UNDERTAKERS. H. M. Line, Independence Nat'l Bank b'ld'g. VETERINARY SURGEON. E ,J, Yo unif, Ind. Nat'l Hank, up atnlra. 2 WAGON REPAIRING. A. McNeil, Mnln trout. WAREHOUSES. NotauUiorlnvd to announce. WATCHES, CLOCKS 4 JEWELRY, 0, A. Kramer, Main utroeU WELL BORERS. WOOD DEALERS. We sell FRUIT TREES and all other NURSERY STOCK very cheap. Send your fr uneoiiil prie, Ciiiulnguo frise. xxivntid wTtuuVllV fflMPAW. 47-iat Corvftllta, Oregoo. Th3 Csst r..:disir.3. J. O. Wiwox, Contntctor nd Rnllttar, Kulpliur Kprlnira, TexM, that Rixmltii of Ajrtr'i WlUi P11U m t)i beet ruedirln I rr trlejj and, In my Judgment, bo Better general remedy rould be devlaed, I bava iimh) theut lit my family ul raxwiuvtidiMl litem to my friend and mploye) lor nor tlian twenty yean. To my certain knowlelg, muif Mae of tha following cuuiplalnta bar been completely and Permanently Oureil by the ua.i of Ayr PlH alone: TbW day cbllla, dumb ague, bllloua fever, Ick headarbe, rlieumatlam, flux, dya pepala, contlpallon, aud bard colila. I know that moderate u of Ayrt IUla, eontluund fur few day or weeka, the nature) of the complaint required, would be found an aUaolui cur for tb duiortlvr I bur named above. ' " I bar mn selling medlcln for eight year, and I can aaiely nay that Ayar" fill give better aatUfw-tlon than any other Pill I ever eold.'W. J, Prry, Biwtuylranla a II., Vn. AYCR'O PILLO rrepared by D, J. 0. Ayet A Co, Lowell, Vaaa, Ivory Dobb Iffsotlv am Dr. S. A. MULKEY DENTIST. Independence, Or. be ritOFESMIUN FKACTICED in all its branchert, Satisfaction Guaranteed. OdltHj over O'DtmiielPs llanlwiire Store, Cor. Main & Monmouth 8ts. Odico hours 8 ft. in. to 12 in. and 1 p. in. to 5 p. tn. FOR- ine $ Crayon Work Pastelles ' India Inks Water Colors Go to D. II. CRAVEN'S Photograph Gallery Independence, Or. A DELICIOUS f J. W. Chirk hits received a supply V of those rare Japanese Wineberries, which have heretofore been Bulling at prices ranging from 11.00 to $1.50 each plant, but he can offer them delivered for $2.00 A DOZEN. It crows like a troe. Is perfectly hardy and the plants you got are 2 years of age, and grown in uregon, and will bear next year. Address, before the stock is exhausted, J. W. Photograph 0LA.RK, Independence, Or, 504t THE NEW TARIFF BILL I hi1 N,v Cruiser Olympia the ' Queen of the Ocean." rilC SEW DKHOCIUTIC NUTER. Tha Havre Motrin Kevteerra- Pearrterly KilMM.ltiniuaa Win a raetlwll daw fmaa Iko tealllei. WAaliimiWV, Nov, - SA.ClitlroiNii Wllw)ii,itf Uio wy ami niraut wni- inlltett, Mltl IhU vtillifx: "Tht larlirwIinliilMi of lli new bill, liioludlng ttio ailiultilatratlim law, will bo ilveti tu Ilia tiuUlo t II o'clueh Vluiuluy nrxt. Tli Internal revenue tetunii III nut Iw rr(Mrtd until later In tlitt wk, lilit wrtitluly U-rore the niwttng uf puimrtwH, IMwiiiUt 4 " Auittlii'Miifttibt'r of (h poiiiiiiIiu Id to a ivix-rUT thla ovenlng: -Tha fm lUt will Imj UiriM timn that if the Mill', bill. It will Itiolutloa gtaHi ninny urtlult tlmt the Mllla com mute left lu the diititible llat It wtlt bo all Hint Ibo ni't Mrtlvnt tariff re former ftmltl Wttll." To tlm forgoMiK lnfrmailin may be a hli-ilii) aiioibcr autvnifut thai wmv dlrfclly from the mtiuiililt room, which la tbnt It boa ttn iIwIiIhI imi to luurenaV tax whleky. Ilow ,ntr lhl Ih-I..ii amy lw elmngvU bvfuiva final illtriiilUMtlnu almll he hail re garding th lnlcrtial rvriiue nclii-iluk-a. milium b aulJ. It l lllviily aaaeit nI Hie iirvM'iil InU iilluii or Ilia com- inltle la lo let wbteky alouv, and not to Im-n-aa tb las tveo aa muvb aa m uvuua Kullon, which liaa all aloug been recanted aa tlm nilnluin of liurvaaa to wltlcb the commodity tiitgbt bt tub- wid. Ko wide baa twvu Ilia dlwr- fvttc of opinion regarding whisky (bat many well-infWuied peraona be. Ileva that the tax might b inortNtaed to f I 40 a gallon, while a tax of 11 90 a gallon waa rvgitrdud ra conservative mtlmate. The alleged determination of the ouuimlltt not to lucrvaaa the whisky tax la aald to be .due to the faet that the whlaky trust and the owueraof ulky lu Umd will be the ouly U-iif llclarUn of the lucnuw, and that the government would uot be heuvOUHl lu any aensa, JVrliaj another mtMin why the oonuulllee la not dlatHisml to touch the nmamt tax growl out of the b' lef that the went Iwr do not thluk any lucrraee from Ibe sou me will be noeded' The ooiu atltltt) haa great eoufldeuoe lu the re aulU of the Income tax. Itratll and the Monroe Dwlrlna. Pblladelpbla Udger (Ind ), November I, There ha beeu no act committed by any of the Kumpeati powef whose war hiiw are now at Klo to teat the vitality of, and our loyalty to, the Monroe doc trine ; but the situation at Klo and the prolonged Insurrection lu Ilrall sug- geala an Inquiry Into the nature and cope of the doctrine. If there should tie any lulvrventlon In the alralrs of Kiiixll by lwm powora which would uatlfy the prartloal enforcement of the octrlne, our Cloverniuent would aaaert It promptly and vigorously. The Monroe doctrine la so called not became It waa find announced by Pres ident Monroe, but becnuae heexpreaaed an forcefully and with such axiomatic brevity aud clcarneaa the American jealousy of the Intoifcrunor of Kuro- penn government In the affairs of the staU of North and Houth America. Die policy of the United Hiatus on this subject waa declared by President Mon Me In hU menMiige to Cnngretis In 1821, lu which, after referring to the amica ble relations between Russia and the United Htatea aa to the settlement o the lights of the two countries on the northwest coast of North America, he said It was "a principle In which the rights and Intorvsta of the Unllad Httites are Involved j that the American continents, by the free and independent condition they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth uot to be coimldured as subjects for future coloni sation by any European powers." In another part of the same message he stated the Uix'trlne with greater brevity and stronger enipbuils : "We owe It to ciiuitornnd the amicable, relations ex isting between the United HI ui a and lose powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to xtend their system to any portion of this hemisphere aa dangerous to our pence and safety." This was merely tho formulntlou or doctrine which had been declared on many jrormer occasions ny eminent American pntnotM. At an earlier date Mr. Jeffurson said that the dny waa not distant when tbla country might for mally require "a meridian of partition through the oceaa which separates the two hemispheres, on the hither side of which no Kuropean gun shall aver be heard, nor an American on the other." This country hus steadily observed tho policy of nonlnterferanco Id the quitr rels of other nations, It hits always iiHistcd that thcro shall tie no new schemes of Europeau colonisation in any portion of North and South Amor- Irav It It Important lo iwall that tlir doctrine waa announced by 1'realdent Monroe aa a proteal agnlnat the vllbrt of Hrialu, lu alliance with other tturo- pernt ualloiw, to regalu Mwaeaaliin in her old Houth Amerkwn poaaesaloim, and the proteal waa hedeit It U tin ixtllcy of the oouutrv loduy. I'rvaldeiit Ulliuan, lu his admirable Mograby of Monroe, aaysi "He akMw of all tin Itrvaldente hat announcod, without leg lahiUva autlmi, a political dlotum wluvb la allll regarded aa fundameuttl luw and hears with It tha stamp of author ity In Aireliin ouurtees well aa iu do lueallo eouuolla. DKMOCaUTIC rKATEH. Almighty, all Obstlnat and nearly All rat Cleveland, our great hunch btdllefl political gml, agttlu we bow be- fon too In bumble sutimMon. Kach lay, aa this world which waa made fi nice, w iiurien uirougti euierial apa faster than a hungry Democrat tun run for offli, we have additional proofs of thy groat nea. We have read thy inra aage We have gulped It all down ami now we lie stretched out In the uu of political hope, like a snake who haa swallowed a fn, wnlllng for It lo ill' gvel. Yes almighty aud powerful mas-t-r, titers Is nanle tliMughout the land.' It la spreiutlng d.aaater every where. It has knocked the everlant log stuttlng out of the aent of our pants, and lef. lis Imprint all over our clothes, ami our chlldieu and our chlhtrvnV ohlldren. The gentle -pbyrs of the auiumer'a brwse flit familiarly tliMtmb the boles lu the kntt-a of our pant and 4ny fully kiss the eullele where the gun tie aud patient wnod-l-k and the fw- llve flea havejuet flubihetla sumptouk men I. 1 ids la all very well In the stint tiicr time, but we would thank thee, our moat adored mllllral father, If thou wouldat slop the ianic U-fore the chill blaata of winter have a chance to peep into Hie open wludnws of our pants. We know must rvwrted and adored nittdier, that thou kuoweat we had a panlct, lu thy great wisdom thou has found It out before It waa three months old, and straightway thou tbrowest down thy fishing pole, kicked over the bait can and set lest to work (o snatch the panic bald headed. We thank thee moat kind master, for even mentioning us In thy message. We thank thee for toy desire aud efforts to give us a "good dollar", We Implore thee to make It better than anybody's dollar. Tbe more It will buy tbe better it Is. Oh, great and mighty Cleveland, if thou oouldst make it buy U-u bushels of beat aud II fly pounds of out ten, If we got hold of one we would know how to appreciate It. "There la no excellence without great labor," and the more labor tt hiK.cs to make a dollar the more "excellent" It is. Mighty master, make It good. Make tt better. 8tUee Into It more labor, more hogs, more cattle ,more. grain. It will coat you nothing. Wt will furulsh the "more labor, more hogs, more cattle, more grain", Hquecae them iuto the dollar. It will be money In thy pocket, and moucy In thy pocket will put feed Into thy paunch. We th uk the timet ex cellent master, for thy friendly Inter est In behalf of tho hankers. Make their paths easy aud their burdens light. Increase the value of their dol lars aud the number of their mortgages. Give them gold and demolish all silver with the Hgblhlngofthy wrath. Help us oh mighty Cleveland, to love our ememlee all but the Populists If England smiles us on one cheek let us turn unto her the other, If she asks for our coat let us give her our cloak also. But whatever tbeu doeet, most excellent, adored and mighty master, don't fall to help us put the Populists to flight. They prose ua sore on every aide, They laugh us to scorn and make faces atus lu public places, Last campaign we accused them of decep tion aud lying, and now they have proved by tlm words of thine own mntith, most adored master, that we have lied. It Is written, "oh that mine enemy had written a book," but that's Just what's the matter with us, Our enemies have written too many books. And they Increase not only tn knowl edge but iu numbers. The political mld-wlvee whom thou has sent out to slay all new-born male babies are either hoodoed or dou't arrive iu time. And this Increase Is a sore vexation, Be sides, uo people In the world have such memories. They have recorded every promise we have ever mailt. They point to the McKlnloy bill ns the "cul minating atrocity," remind us of your promise lo repeal It and exolulm, aba! They remind us of onr "change" and point to you aa you fish at Buzzard's bay or shoot snipe at Ho island. They recall our snored promise of bet ter times and then point to our numer ous business failures, the shutting down of factorlea and mines, the thous ands of unemployed, the low price of wheat, cotton, cuttlo, hogs and the gen eral scarcity of money.' They sorely perplex us and we know not whither to turn. Ob, most excellent aud mighty master, la their no balm tn Olleadl Is there no place where we can turn our face to hide our shame? If we had an office we could stand It without complaint. We would eat our pie and let the heathen rage. Wo could buy more with our salary and would scoop in tbe property while It is low. But the panto which it has pleased thy greatness to create bit us Highest of all In Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ii t f y aa hard as It did the Popullsta. Our house and vineyards are mortajed and our daughters are given In boiv dag. Our eredltore dun ua and we have not the wherewith lostipply their wants. We know there Im something the matter, but we dout try to know what It la, for It would be treason to the and our great party. Thy ways, oh mighty Cleveland are pat flixllng out. But wc tnisi thee. Take us un der the whin of thy protection. If the ban kers need cur property give It to them. But this we uk of thee: De liver ua from the Popullsta. Issue an edict comiiellluK the men whom we elected to office to take the stump aud put them to flight. In vain have we appealed to them but they eat their pie and wink at each other. They smell th bat ttle afar off, and they seem to want to get farther off. Bring out tit whip of thy w rath, most worshipful master, and scourge their cowardly legs till they ran stand on the publio plat form and tell the iiple ymt they are Democrats, whether they can give a reason or not, Agnlu we ask thee to lake us under tbe wings of thy care. Deliver us tmtn the populists, help us to bear up under tho aulc, eueotirage our Hilltlcal faith, feed our political faith, feed our political prejudices with th daily bread of misrepresentation, deliver u from the Populists, Increase; our love for thee, help us to bate the ItepubiieatiS, and thine shall be the praise if the Republicans dou't get us. Ameu. Ex. Go to J. F. O'Donnell for Mexican 40- Silver Htove Polish. TIIK (Rl'I.HER OLYMPIA. SMy jratlM "Uums o( t Oneae". Hast. IIahhaiia, Cat., Nov. 87. A heavy fog hanging over the upper eud of the channel prevented the Olympia from finishing her trip today. The cruiser returned to harbor at 1:30, after having made a ruu of 30 miles from eiuuderlaud beacon, the beginning of the course, to beyond the lighthouse verairlug close to 2,25 knots. At this point the fog closed iu so thick that the bcacoua could not be seen aud the etakchoat was shut out from view. The patent log shows that tbe Olympia made for a distance of 13 miles, a rate of 25.59 knots per hour, and for ashort er disUuce 2U knots. FOKCEDTO RESIGN. Vowilerl j Kl!,ia Itewn aid Out PlIILADULPHA, NOV. 25. 'P. V, Powderly resigned his Hwlllott as gen eral maater workman of the Knights ot Labor this afternoon. He waa un able to keep the delegates In the line he marked out for them, aud this de cisive move seemed the only thing left for him lo adopt. Immediately afier his rcslunallon waa ollcrvd be left the hall, as he said, to attend to some per sonal business. The step was a sur prise, to all the delegates, although a few of them said tt was what should have bten done long ago. No action waa taken lu tbe mutter, although It was a topic of discussion which lasted until the assembly adjourned at 5 o'clock. - MULTNOMAH VS SEATTLE. The rurllanilers Hco-e a Victory. Skaitlk, Nov. 25 The Multnomah Athletic Club's football team won a deaerved victory over the Seattle Ath letic Club's team on tho gridiron flold today, aud covered itself with mud as well as glory, for tho field was nothing better than a mud-puddle. It was a victory as well merited as any ever won, and uothlng can difu the laurels of the victors. The score was ten for Mult uomnh to nothing for the Bent lies. , Os the Free LlaU Washington, Nov, 25, It seems to be well settled that these articles will go ou the free list: Wool, Iron ore coal, tin, hemp, tlnx, utc, silver, lead ore, copper, salt, crude borax, binding twines, cotton tics and lumber not ad vanced in preparation Iwyond snwlug. " Mexican silver stove polish causes no dust,' For sole by J, F, O'Donnoll's. 4(1 AWARDED HIGHEST The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No AlntB. Used ia Millions of Ftnes 40 Years the Standard Democratic Coareo.'oa. ' On last Friday evening the demo crats of this city met lo the city ball to nominate ticket. The convention was called lo order by A. J. Ooodman who stated tbe ob Jetrt of the meeting. L. C.Oiltnore waa elected chairman, K. O. Kartaon secre tary, aud J. II. Alexander and W. W. Williams a tellers. , Nominations for the city democratic ticket were next In order. For Mayor-Attorney 0. A. Smith was placed In nomination, but be de clined. The convention refused to ac cept Mr. Hmitb'a declination and Dom inated him by acclamation. On Mr Kmith declining emphatically to ac cept the nomination, the convention reconsldervd tbe question allowed him to withdraw. It was then moved aud seconded that Mr. Hurley, th republican nomi nee for mayor, be being a populist, b eudorscd. Motion hot. J. W. Klrkland was then placed In nomination, but he declined aud placed the name of A. 3. iloodman before tbe convention, who also refused to accept. The name of R. 11, Wilcox waa then placed iu iiomiuation aud be waa de clared (lie nominee tor mayor by accla mation. For Recorder Eli Henkle was placed In nomination. Moved and seconded that be be nominated by acclamation. Carried.' ' -p,:, For Treasurer Blair Miller was placed in nomination aud on motion mad and carried, lie was nominated by acclamation. For Marshal Andy Tupper was nom inated and on motion was declared th nominee by acclamation. For Councilman On th suggestion of Mr. Klrkland the voters of the three wards collected separately and made up their slate, which resulted aa follows: First Ward Johu Bohannan waa nominated by acclamation; Frank Burch Dominated tor committeeman. Second Ward J. H. Alexander for the abort term aud J. F. Klrkland for tbe long term were nominated ; W. W. Wllllums for committeeman. Third Ward O. a 8tron for coun cilman ; M. Merwtn for committeeman. On motion the ticket as made up waa then uuaulmously ratified by the convention. There being no further business the convention adjourned. LARUE BANK KESERTE. ataUnaent ol AaaoclaleU Eui. sfNaw Tork Niw York, Nov. 25. The weekly statement of the associated bank shows the following chauires: - Increase. Reserve. 5,BM,700 ' Loans .3,408,900 Specie.... t ..1,060,800 Legal Tender 6,952,300 Deposits.... ..10,627,600 Circulation . 244,700 Decrease, The bunks now hold $70,835,175 in excess of the requirements of the 25 per cent rule, Lack of Exercise. Is one of the prime causes of headache in the winter. Persons accustomed to the pure fresh air during the pleasant . mouths are subject to this terrible an nounce at this time of the year. A boon ia offered in Kbause's Head ache Capsules which is guaranteed to cure any kind of a headache no mat tor what tbe cause. Headache caused by overiudulgeuce In food or drink late at night, can be prevented by taking one Capsule before retiring and one in the morning. 25 cents box. WEST SIDE CLIBHIXJ BATES Regular price Our fur two price West Bins and New York World 13 60 2 25 Wkst 8ue and American Farmer 8 00 2 00 Wkst Kids and Oregonian. 4 00 8 00 West Side and Ban Fran cisco Call 3 00 2 25 West Side and Cosmopoli tan.... 8 50 8 00 West Bide and Youth's Companion 8 75 8 00 HONORS WORLD'S FAIR. Baking Powder: Moot,