VOL. XI. $2.00 Per Year INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 24. I93 Five Cents Per Copy. INDEPENDENCE CLASSIFIED Dslnuoss Directory nil ilfwhwn it twraHifi wmMi. m ena. ' icMii taeivaaal la Jt" ittiui. Lin en'Aitn) will m fwtttf k4a (SWr aaauv mir urpriip"' aeediaaja. ".Vol MMltrMMl W lldlMWH " WMM M Unit Im aiu ml tftnia at lb iwnwiw pS- OroJiiMi. AMUSEMENTS. Opera Houa, Main IVtenam Hrua. atra. - ' . SANK3. ' lull. Nallunai, I'w. Mala Mill Mtmiuomh MM. rinl National, Our. Matu ul C ata. I '. .- i'UJ BROKERS, GRAIN HO fS tlm, K. tlry. Offlc tra National Han. ARBCR3 4 BATHS. K T. Ilenala, Main alree. Nu kitthorlnKl ta Minuunv BREWERIES. Nonu. BILLIARD HALL. l'tnk It, rNlli4i, Main HMt BLACKSMITHS- H. A. f'uller.l'alr,!. Nul aulliorUed to auuomier. ' BOOKS A STATIONERY. (.'loUfeluar tttw , Main iMwk 'BOOTS m4 SHOES." Miller A IHitlereiiu, near Flrat Nat'l HauS. BRICK. J. K, Cooper, corner t! etreet. CARPENTERS4 CONTRACTORS. I lnch A L'tMinl, oUU-a U alrmU .Campbell A Hoo-leave ordt ra at lludfelUir B. CIGAR FACTORY. Noue. CITY OFFICIALS. J. A. Veneaa, Major. Geo. W. Rc. Recorder, r. P. Myera, Marahai. CONFECTIONERY 4 FRUIT. Roblneoa A Koblimm, Tin UUoa. P. C. Intterou, near opera lionee. CHURCHES 4 PASTORS. Ilapllat, J. Fred jMiklna. Preaoylertan, i. A.Tuwnaand, Coagregatluual, D. V, rVilln. ETanajellcul.H A.Cply. ' . ' MUudit,T.W. Iuiu.r. II, K, soutb. Edwin Palmar, rhrlallan. Noppalil'Ot paalur. COLVPCTION AGENT. XXfCTION M.O. lutu ilUJiiijlml. CANNERIES. Ind. Cannery Co. . near d iuu DAIRIES. J. i. Vanliradol, Indrrwidanca. DENTISTS. E. M. Uravua, liid. Nal'l Bank, up aUIra, , A. Mttlkxy, O'lHit iK'll llrli. upaiatni. J. II. Johnaon.Cnr. ttallrnad a Mnniiinulh. aia I DOCTORS. Lea A Babbitt, Ind. Nat l Bank, up etalra. E. L. KaU'hum. Mimmoulb HI., ntur H. K. 0. 1). lluUer, opora liuuau, up ttulrn. DRAIN TILE. Nut autburlwd to aiiununca. DRAY COMPANIES. Hubbard A UUtaU, lUllad Mir. W. D. Klklna, Itavaordra at Hotel, DRESSMAKERS. MIm .v.plila (lull, at rualili'tuw, lUillmad at. Not authorlied toannoumw. DRUGGISTS. Hbelley, Alexander A Co., Main Mtr, rattoraon Broa., opera bimao. ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. Nol authorlied to aonouncia. FIRE DEPARTMENT. W. 0. Cook; Chief ecalneer, FISH, OYSTERS 4 GAME. D. B. Boydton,Ctreet. FLOUR MILLS. Ind, MlllCo.,OeoBklnner A Co. Blar Mllla,D.W.Hear A Co. FOUNDRY. Not authorized to announce. FURNITURE. W. 0. Cook, Whlteaker brick. GEN'L MDSE- Itoaendorf A Hlracbbcrg, Muln ilreot, J. M, Vnnduyn, Cor Main aud C itreeti. Not authorised to announce, GROCERIES. Wllvox, Baldwin A Co., Bouth aide 0 "trout. cEacherun A Snndercock, Corner M e In t inty A Paddock, Wmtl M Main Mreet HARDWARE 4 AGL. IMPTS. , F, O'Donnell, Cor, Main A Monmouth Hta, . M, Wade A Co,, Muln and Monmouth HU. f Not authorised to announce, HARNESS. Not authorised to announce. HOTEL. ftile i'aiace Ilntcl, 3, M. HliirE71'r"P. ICE FACTORY, Kone, INSURANCE AG t NTS. Ntrt euttinrlnecl to announna. JOB PRINTER. W rmt Hum om.-, Main iitn), JUSTICE OF PEACE. M4 eutborlmt lo aanonura). LAUNDRY. lud. steam ljiiinilry, A. J. Arlileoa, LAWYERS. A. M. Hurley, Mala atiwt. (, A. Hmllh. lud. Nal't Ham, np alalra. LIVE STOCK BREED'RS 4 DEAL'S T, H. Huntley, tnilion(lu. LODGING HOUSE. rtie Hutmtiaiim. D. II. rluctfeltvr, nt dtxl LIVERY STABLES. IVtarCouS, Matattrael. '.II Johneun. Main alreeL LUMBER. lrewotl A VonaM, Mtw mill. MARBLE WORKS. I U. U iiawkina, eor. HaUruaul Mill K atreela. MARKET GARDNER. I T. U Martuian. MASONS, BRICK 4JBTONE. Not eutSorlacd lo auuouuc. M EAT MARKETS. I Mwrllu llru., Main atmt. iiiuta k niiir, t: ifu MERCHANT TAILORS. W. U. Hhantiell, C itrwt. MILLINERS. Not utitwtit to aunouiiev. MUSIC TEACHERS. iol aulnnrlanl tu anno MUSIC 4 INSTRUMENTS Not uthirnl In announce. NEWSPAPERS. w aw to. ton Friday. ,loa NOTARIES PUBLIC. Not aulhurlaed la amiuuiire. PAINTERS A PAPER M.ll.Hoolt, Main atrrat. HANGERS Wlllla lnil,)wiTanntr at lh.nl A Partrtrvk'a PHOTOGRAPHER. D. H. Cravin. 0 utiwt, m.rth airtn. PIANO 4 ORGANS. Kiitauth'irlanl u aniiouiiif. POULTR Y B R E E D E R. Uxmliary Hnw,, Iiiilitiwndnuiw, RAILROAD. I ItiU. Mun. Molur CD, J. lninilf, runilucu.r. Mbihrn Pacldo-liid. to I'orUaiid -7S aillfa. REAL ESTATE AGENT. Not aul horlwd loamiounra. RESTAURANTS. City Kaalaiimnl, C. O. I'ainpbvll, t'nip. Notaullinrlai'd tu annoumw. SECRET SOCIETIES. Ind. 1xlge No , A. O. V. W. Vallny Ludge No. , I, O. O. V. Uroa Uidge Nu. W, A. F. A A. M. limner Lodge No. til, K. of I. Kadmeii, Woodamen. KabakaH DegrM IOI IK. Clovor l No. t. SALOONS. I The Uin J. K. Coupar, prop. I The t'wille-M, E, Uwena, pmp. ITIie Mampia-f, 1, Morrla, pmp, The Munuirnm ltyton Hniith, prop. The Holul llur- II. II. Waller, prop, SASH 4 DOORS. Mitchell A Mohannon, Main etrecit, M. T. Crow, near depot. SCHOOLS. Public, 0. A, Hltclmwk, 1'rlnfjlpal. SODA WATER MFR3. None. UNDERTAKERS. Not authorlied to annouiioe. VETERINARY SURGEON. I K , Yo ung, Ind. Nati Hank, np ami. WAGON REPAIRING. A. McNeil, Main atroet. WAREHOUSES. Not authorised to announce. WATCHES, CLOCKS 4 JEWELRY. 0. A. Kramer, Muln atreet. WELL BORERS. WOOD DEALERS. We sell FRUIT TREES '. and all other NURSERY STOCK very cheap. . Bond your ltt for mjwcIiiI prices, Calftloiiuo free. COUVALLIS KUBSEttY COMPANY, I4712t Corvallli. Oregon. "Only the Ocarb Remain," Sy IlKNItV JIUINtON, of (llO JlUllM n Hmltli WtHilim WiU'lilimry Co., riiltiwInlphU, 1 1 Ta., vim cwrtl. 1 I iMH follow ! " Among tli many tMtlmonl. ala whuili I iki la Iar4 to oar tain njedlnlnet ptrfaimlng eiUaa, ajeaualtm Ut blood, to,, Bon Itnpreu tna mora (baa lay IWI Twanly years ago, m Iht AM si U itt, I bad iwlllnt em to on y li, which bnika tnd bacem raa a taf larat. Our family pby- ali'Un oould do tu no iphxI, ami It wm (ard tbai tht bone Would be alTiH'tad. At Ual, t (nutl old Mother Urged Me to try Ayar't (Uraanarllla. I took Ihraa bmtiaa, th ona liaaled. and I bar not been troubled ahu-a, Oaly tba irara ranialn, and the) tnemary of th aaat, to ramlad ma ol th food, Ayar't Sareaparttla baa done) aaa. I naw weigh two hundred and twenty pound, and aut In tba beat of health. I hart been on tba road lor lb paat twalvf Jreart, hay noticed Ayar'l Rr aaparllU advartlMxl In all parta ol Ilia t'oltvd Stale, and atwaya tak plaaa ure la tailing what gnotl It did lot ate," Aycr's Oartaparllla rrepand hy Pr. J. 0. Aye a Oa, Uwu, Maaa. Cures others, will ourtyou Dr. S. A. MULKEY DENTIST. ndopendence, Or. The, I'ROKIXSION ritACTICKI) in alt IIh braueticH. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office over O'DonmilP HitrdwHro Store, Cor. Main & Monmouth Sta. Ollieo hours 8 a. m. to 12 in. and 1 p. in. to fl p. in. -FOK- Mil ise rnotDsrapns Crayon, Work Pastelles India Inks Water Colors Go tn ; I). H. CRAVEN'S Photograph Gallery Independence, Or. fl I J. W, Clark has received a supply of those rare Japanese Wineberries, which have heretofore been Boiling at prices ranging from $1.00 to $1.50 each plant, but he can offer them delivered for $2.00 A DOZEN. It grows like a tree, is perfectly hardy ami the plants you get are 2 years of ago, and grown in Oregon, and will bear next year. Address, before the stock is exhausted, J, W. CLARK, Independence, Or. 60-lt 1 DELICIOUS FBUI DIRECT LEGISLATION llltt'KKKM'K IX (lOTKRSIEm Tlw InlllaUr aa4 aUIVnkM MnlUrlaa4 Uarlaf (It rut Twratflv fr. Th eotumoii uacwaalUtai at a Hwlat OAtghliorliaod, tuob aa aUblleliliigtud umlntalitinc fcmal roatla, ixillcw. aud aolnHila, and aJniliiUlerliig it com itioo-wvallu, brliif t(a cltlntua togwihar la dvtuoMwtio aMMuibeartat. 'J1ot ut urdiffurwut Amtuu). Out) farm of wall aaawmblaip, tba ta- ata of the uutru(jluraof govprnoH-tit, la the pulltiual omuwuual maallng. "(u It take (ilat the tUftlona, Mral, alale, and local; It la ilia local unit of alule (ivruuiviit aud I he realdnary U$uU if all powra not granted to oilier au tboruta. IU prucawtlluga la auil and highly ilttmor-ratle. It mevla either at Uiccallcifan vxwutlva oouudl of ita own eloctlon.or in purauant of iyourn im nt, and, a a ruin, on a Hunday or holiday. Illpmaldlligurllcer ll auiwe. ilin-a the matrt, autnAtlrtHw a iwlal vbalrniau. Cara la takon that only vol era ahall alt lu the hotly of tke aaat'iu hi;, it Mug a rul in Zurich that the rtiglati-r of t'ltltt'tia almll lie ou the diwk for lnatt'tlou. Trlkra ate atuolitd by vtde and muat be prraona who do out la-long lo (he villnK council, aliitf that U the knitl luhliift which irxiee ntmaurra fur tsntialderatlnu. Any mn U'rofthewwnibly niaynfllr niutionn or tuiiei.tlilciita, but oaually I buy art Immght forward by IIh lowu cihiucII, or at h-aat left rml lo that body before Mug wiled upon." TbeofltdBltof the miutiiun ehuaen In the communal uitHilIng, are one chief executive (who lu Kri-iH'li nmit'iniifi uaually haa two aaalrtanta,) a oottiiiitinal council, which IfgUlate ot) the leawr mallert onmlng ii between eotniuunal nieetlugit, and auoh minor oftli lala aa are not kft to clioh-e of the wmiu'll. Acouu mrtn or. ueigiiboriimHi aenihlage b oue oooiHt only of thtaw cltitt'ua who have right lu the com munal corporale dontalna and ftiuda, theae rlghta being either Inherited or acquired (aametlmea by puKhaae) after a term of uurvjj pulJUcal cltlivualilp. A third form la the wiiali meeting, at which gather the member of the aunie faith tu the commune, or of even a entailer church diatrloL The Pro ttwtant, the Catholic, and the Jewiah are reoogulnvd aa atate rellgioiia--the frotcetant alone In aoine canton, the Catholic lu othum, both In eeveral, aud bolh with ttie Jewbth In other. A fourth form of local aaaembly le that of the auluxtl dlatrlct, uaually aulxllvlalou of a eonintune. It electa board of educntlun, votce taxci to do- fray (K'hiKil exiwuriea, auiervlMi educa' tioiial matleti, and In , aume dlatrleta electa teacher. " Dividing the otmttuuna thin Into voting group, each with Ita apnropri ate puraate, make for juatloe. He who haa a abare In the ouinmunlal public wealth (fureata, rat oral and agrictil' turul land, and pcrhapa fundi,) la not endangered lu thla proerty through the vote of non-participant newcomera or are educational allttlre with gen eral politic, Aud, though slate aud re'lgion ere not yet aevered, each form of belief la largely left to laelf; In aouie cantiin provialon la made thutacttt itcu' taxua ahall not go toward the uiiimrt of a rtllgion to which he la oppoacd. OmiANI.ATIOII OF CANTON AND CON FKDKKATION, In no ennton In Bwltxcrloud I there more tlinu one lcglaliktlvebody;ln none Uthcreaacnnto. Thevltlciln Switz erland have nn mayor, the canton have no governor, and, If the title he ueotl tn tne American actum, the repub lic haa no pretildent. I net end of the imuiil eingle executive head, the Swiaa employ nn executive council. Henoe In every can ton a deadlock In leglalft' tlou I lnipnHll)lo, the way I open for all law demanded by a majority, aud uulilier In canton or confederation I one-man power known. The oaiitotml legMiituru I the Grand Council. In the Landxgemelnde cau toim and thoHc having the obligatory ilurereunuin, H 1 a utile mom than a u pcrvimiry committee, preparing meas ures for the vole of the cltl.ons and acting as a check on the cantonal ex ecutive council. In the remaining cantou (those having the' optional Itefurendum), the leKlxluture has the power to spend money txttow a apeol ftee limit; to enact laws of apcclflcd kind, UMiiilly not of gcncrnl applica tion; and to elect the niore important officials, the amount of discretion In the different cantons rlsiug grnduully tlll the complete representative gov ernment Is reiichud lu Freiburg, which resemble", ono of our states, Though in several cantons the Grand Council meets every two month for a fow days' tctHlon, In most of the cantons It meets twice a year. The pity of mem bers ranges from 60 ols. to $1,20 a day, The lcglHlatlve bodies itro lurire;' the ratio In five can tons u one legislator to every NHX) Inluibltuuts; in twelve It ranges frou ou to 187 up to out to 600, ann In Uta remaining 4a from one to 1000 to on to WOO, Tba Landago invlutto cantoiia uaually have fifty to aixty member; Geneva, with 20,000 vot er, haa a buodred. In all of th twenty-two oautoiia, eertalu number ol voter petition It, th queation aiual b auboiltted to th op' whether or not the legUIa ture ahall b recalled and m , new oue elected. The mrniatlon of tha Bwia Federal Aaaeinbly (oongreaa), ataldlahed tu m, wa ItiDuenoad by th make-up of th American oungrea, Tha lower linuae I elected by dlatrleta, aa In the Hulled Mate, thebaala of reiavaanla tlnu balng oue member to 20,000 Inbau Itaula, and th number of member 147. Th term for till bona I three year; Ilia pay, four dollar day, during Ion, and mileage. Tha upper uouae, t he Council of Htale (annate), tha only body of tha kind la BwlOJrland, l contpoaed of two nientber from each canton. Cantonal law governlna; their election, th tenure of their oftlo la not the aame; In om canton they are elected by the people, lu other by the legUlatiire; their pay variea; their term of office raugee from on to three year. Their brief term and the fact thai their more Important functkma, audi aa th election of the federal evecutlve ett'tncll, tak place In Joint amalou with the aecond chamlwr, render the member of th "upper'' houee of lea welxht In national affair than thoae of th "lower." Seal Batata TraaaiVr. M 0 HuhUrd to Wm L Colkln. hit In fall City f 40 B Fraaer lo I' C Hears, 40 acre uenrltethel 400 W B Fergtiaou to W J Ferguson, lot In Independence........ ...... 400 tlia I'hllllps toKam Phillip, 70 acre lu ttla, r 4 w...., 8,800 V P Bhaw to Q P Locke, 12 acre lu tBa, r6 w 5,000 Laura V Ilarrhxm to Hofa M v (loff, lutlu Independence 872 , 650 60 H B Stephens to A i Martin, lot In Dalla Inane Leven to Lucy darling, lot In Dallas Klmil Illnahaw to Avery Hln- haw, Interest In ttieacrv of Iaaao Ulushaw d I c...... JI Conuer to Joseph M Yo cum, 251 acre In t6s, r6 w... 1,400 7,000 1 RtiU'rl How to Carey and Wm liowe, 18 acres near Dallas.... M D eteward to U W Alley, lot la llalleton...., O Clodfelter to Emma Btoele, lot I n I ndependeiice .......... . 1,100 Josephine Itlrd to J L Collins, lot In Dallas... 80 6 200 Ja II llurua to I'bya Daly, 9u5 acre near Lewlsvllle, Preacott Venos to A 8 Buy dcr, 'JO acre IntP, r4w Isaac ltall to Nancy A Chapman, IM in ilallaton 160 B C Btanwnod to OH Cobb, 1 acre near Dallas..,..,.. 150 Barney Cady to L L Oleniau, 100 acre lu 1 10 a, r 6 w 2,100 lien Woods to T W llrown, land t7a,r8w O W Bhlun to D W Beara, lota In I ndependence W W Smith to N F Nelson, 1-6 iiltereat In d 1 o of Geo Nelson aud wife..., Cbrlstlau College to town of Moq. mouth, lots In Monmouth,.... D M Lluuel to John Hansen, lota In Monmouth.,.......,.,. Walter Koneo to 0 Ilonon, Itouco saw null site W L Wells to A A Lev06 acres In t6s, r8 w... 400 87Q 650 400 600 f 10 P A Jtihnson to T P Ileveus, land In t9s, r w. ....... V Austlue to J H Inglow, lota In Independence , ......... 1,000 600 Names of Taxpayers Mot Given Last . Week. lUissell.MC.......... t 8 600 Bcudder.TH 600 Bharman, W G 600 Shelley, Itoswell. 8100 Bhelley tk Alexander 5 760 Sherwood, MA..,,., , , .. 600 Skinner, Alloa..-....',...'.;....' 780 Stapleton, John 6 788 niuiueiuii, rfuiiu. ......... ... oio.il Stark J A " 8 400 Btockion Houki;".'.'..v..v.:!.;; 7000 8tumburg,H..., - 655 Teiheriw, 8 910 tk h r i itfio tTu m.""" Vanduyn, J M.. 10 000 500 VanMeer, Abhle ., . VanOrsdel,J O, , ,.. Veness, J A.... Wade A Co, KM. 4 Rllnl Walker, G A 600 J 800 1 875 11221 ' 600 Wheeler, J A Wheeler A Clodfelter., Whlteaker.DJ......... Whlteaker A Robinson Wilcox Veneas... 1200 Wilcox A Baldwin 182. Williams, J L ... 8 060 Williams, V A 1826 WltinuII.E 1600 Situation" Wanted. Hy a lady as cook or housekeeper, for further particulars, call at this office. Go to J. F. O'Donnell for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. 48- Highest of all in Leavening If for 1XC0IE TAX WILL I.00KE SEW YOKE Mating th Prearnl Jlemerratle (ill o , ,iJter tv KmM ' r "ladenri,.' trrai of Year. Wasiiinoton, Nov. 17. Dourke Cm kruii, of New York, spoke his mind with characteristic blutitnesa today to his fellow members of the ways and meaus eommlltee regarding the pro posed Income tax. air. Cockrsn oaiue down from New York this morning. (I was at the capital bright and early, but the anticipated committee mel ting was agsiu postponed. It may occur to morrow, or there may be suotber delay till Monday. In the meantime Mr. Os'kran eniployed his leisure moiucnte denouncing the prKttiliou to tax In. come. He referred to the Uteueat ! tlutt the Imposition of such a tax would b gratifying to the popultate, aud added sarcastically tlutt when dem ocrats Ik'khu chaalng popullste suiiie one always gets "left," and that one Is usually the demouratlo party. But:h a tax, he Informed a little coterie of his eommlttee associates, wss vicious lu principle. It was class legislation of. the worst character, lu Ibis cam It would array the rich against the poor, and In such a contest the rich always came out ahead. It would relieve the bilmritig mull of rmpoiMiblllty In main talulng thegovurtimcut, and lu the end It would exclude him from participa- j tiou lu It. If such a tax should be levied It otujht theu, In his judgment, l apply equally lo everybody, so that Uie mau that earn f i a day might pay bis tax of 4 ecu la, and thus preserve bis rlghta aud dutica a a self-resiHx-t- lug cttlseu, just the same as the tuao wliose iiiootne was tio a day. Point oally, he thought it would be fatal to lite democraUa party. One result would be to make New York, now the Gibraltar, a rcpublicau ceulcr for au Indefinite term of years. (ievelsnd's Visit to Sew York. Nkw Yomk, Nev. 17. An afternoou paper says; 'Liglit Is beginning to dawn uiran the object of l'resldeut Cleveland's hurried sud mysterious vialt to this city Wednesday, Notr witbslaudiug the statement that Cleve land Is enjoying the best ot health, it is understiKxl to-day that such Is really not the case. Humors have been traced to a prominent suigvou lu this city, who Is hi the coullduuce of Cleveland's profestlonal advisers. He has stated that the real object of the prveldcut's visit here was to get advice about painful coccygeal abscess which he haa. Dr. Hryaut, Cleveland's oliyei ciau, when seen, refused to affirm or deny the rumor about his patient's new affliction.'1 Steel Direct From the Ore. PrtTHBUKQ, Nov. 17. It Is said that the Standard Oil Company is prepar ing to engage lu the uiauufiioture of steel on a mora magiilflceitt scale than (iruegie, or any other manufacturers, by a new process which hns been dis covered to make steel directly from ore, ' This will reduce the cost to a minimum. Promitieut capltullHts are now In Cleveland conferring with the Ktaudurd officials. AN ALUMINUM .BOOM. Mewa Abonl Ilia Metal Marvel-Ilow It Ii Driving Silver Out of the Art. Washington, Nov. 14, There Is big new to be told about aluminum. It is now ou toe market at sixty five , .... , - . ' """""i a,M thousand fresh u hu Mn ;iivr ,ut f u,t U? "ff k 11 18 tlm' "ud wm ',e l,eteu Into leaf nearly asthln asgold-lettf. , The production of It has surpassed that of nickel, aud will 400,1 exixHH' 'it of copper and lead. tn tact, aluminum is destined to taae the place of lead aud cooper to a lare w 1 tiiHiut irou w ueu ii becomes cheap enough. Economical . . w a a .r . .m t w The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Runes 40 Years the Standard Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report pro!- for Its reduction alone now are need-d. There Is more of it In the world than there Is of Iron. It forms even per ecu . 41m suatetlai af 4ts earth's crust Kvery claybauk 1 a mino uf It, aud nearly all rocks are lit eral ore-beda of It. At preseut It 1 comparatively dear because no method ha as yet been discovered for obtain ing It at small cost from common clay. Tne minerals from which It is now de rived are comparatively rare. This country produced thirty-Hire pounds of aluminum in lw3. lu 1802 the output of the United Btates wa tfW,o0 pounds. Last year oue concern In Germany, at the falls Of the Rhine, turned out 7:90,000 pounds of It. The domestic nroducliou is to be largely lucretteed by works at the Niagara Falls, which will utilize the power of tha Niagara tunuel. Up to January 1, 1803, the total world' output of the metal ha been only about one thouaand tons, ltm It is not king since aluminum wa regarded only as a curious experimen tal creation of the laboratory. Its his tory Is all before It. THE MEXIcirKETOLT. A Report That a Battle Ocearred Yes terday Sear Falema. El Paso, Tex., Nov. 17, Latest do- veloptiHtitt lu the Mexican revolution Is that battle occurred today some where near I'akiuias. But this la only becuuiw it was so planned, aud not on account of any news. The Mexican consul today presvuied to the dlatrlct judge the uauies of the people liviug In this country that the Diax government wants arrested on the charge of viola tion of the neutrality laws. Judge Huckler agreed to furnish th informa lion to the United Btates marshal and state rangers. Three hundred federal trtwp are now ou their way from Mex ico to streiigtheu the forces In Jusres. THE (Jl'EEJt OF THE 0CE1X. Nha Maut4 1 Kauta at a Bal ot SS.03 Kueta au Uuar. i Boston, Nov. 18. The Columbia to day fairly won the title of queen of Uie ocean, blie steamed from Cape Auu to Cape Porrxrixe, ou a trial trip with the United Stales board of Inspection ou board. Her average siwed for eiirb- ty-elght kuou was knot. But she steamed 7 8.4 knots of a run at a rale tlutt averaged 25.03 knots an hour. Bite wou for the builders, William Cramp & Sou, a neat bonus of 8450,500. DOST SELL YOl'K WHEAT. A Hold-Yimr-Wheat Clroular lUa Baas laauad to farawra. ST. Paul, Nov. 18. The farmers In the Northwest, realizing the shortage of wheat, have held several meetings to discuss the situation and decry tha cause of the unprecedented low price in the face of the shortage. As a result another "hold your, wheat" circular has been isaed from Pierre, It reads iu part as follows: "Every country in Europe except Russia, has this year had a short wheat crop. Our wheat crop Is at least 1,000, 000 uuder that of lost year, and 2,000, 000 less than that raised in 1891. The geueral financial stringency of the last six months has brought out large sup plies for all. The harvest this year has becu a poor one; the exports this fall have been large, amounting to about 80,000,000 bushels since the harvest be gan. Aftor a thorough Investigation of conditions exlstlug, we feel certain that the year 1804 will bring much higher prices aud do not hesitate to urge Northwestern producers to hold, their wheat In hand for a few mouths." WEST SIDE (XIBUISU RATES Begulnr price Our tor two price Wkst 8i db and New York World . $8 50 2 25 Wkst Side aud American Fanner 8 00 200 Wkst Kidb and Oregoniau. 4 00 8 00 Wkst Biik aud Sau Fran- Cisco Cull 8 00 2 25 West Side and Cosmopoll- ' tau.. 850 800 Wkst Sidk and Youth's Companion , . 8 75 8 00 Baking Powder.