The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 17, 1893, Image 3

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What Uur Reporter Finds of I a
tcrest to Our Readers.
SaMtri f Ik (mil tf Ik Wt Tw l Tll
U4 (WUfM MljrllHH f 111 Ml
Ladle' and ml' overgalter at
MlHor A Patterson'.
II. E. Frank, a bmtlwr of Mm. A. J,
Goodman, it visiting her thl week,
K. W. Cooper miiJ wife, of Portland,
are visiting friend aud relative here,
Mr. iid Mr. Morgan of McMInn
villi., sptul Burnley with Mm. Tvthe-
A line of children' shoes at Miller A
Patterson' shoe store fur SO wuu
i. F. Grove and wire of Dullaa,
were guest of Ml Kwto Taloiu over
Mr. aud Mr. O. Morris, rvUilvtw of
, Mrs. Btiue, are vUUtlug at th burnt of
the loth lady, -
Bom uew brand of cigar received
at th Illjuu thl week. Go aud try
owe of tlieiu.
, If you wish a pair of allpper sole
you mo find thetn at Miller A Patter
son' shoe store.
Mb Allle Veraou, of Klckreall,
will leave for Roeeburg next week to
visit ber slater Mm. J. W. Buster.
Mm. Im Mm UK rt Urtitnuuitlt L.fl
last Saturday for McCoy to apoiid
ww liny vuilluf ber uncle A. M.
ion can tUU find a few of those
Ightly lot In Damon' addition to
Monmouth unsold.
Th rustling grown, McEachern &
rknderoobk, ara having a neat wooden
porch placed, la front of tbelr place of
butlues. .
Prof. Longacre of uenr linen Vista
Wat In town Monday still ou hi
crutehe from au accident last Au
gust. Rev. W. T. Haley, a brother to Max
Haley of Monmouth Is visiting hi
half brother P. W. Haley, toutb of
Do not forgot that C. I. Campbell,
of the city restaurant, serves a Sic
l'lnnlruftlutiti .11 it,.. ri Dannnuan
day. . , .
, Mum ratio Cooper and Ada Judson
left thl week for Bait Lake City where
they will spend tbe winter for tbelr
health. .
Mr. M.Tuck, school teacher In our
public school, drew tbe drew pattern
given away by Air. Nordluud ou hi
opening day.
Ask all tlie boy where the mod pop
ular resort Is, and they will tell you at
P, C. Pattenton' tore. Tropical frutta
cigar and notion, al way In took'
Last Bunday the weather wo o
pleasant that the population of the
town wa out on the streets. Bright
enough foriunmier and yet bracing.
Heury Hill ha a radish which
weigh nine and one half pound,
which h intend sending to the Mid
winter fair a a product of Polk
Mlu Nannie Ollmore, a sitter of L.
C. Ullniore who has beeu visiting here
during tbe past eighteen months, left
taut Monday for her old how In
Tex a. '
Are we going to have a McKlnley
and a Heal party city election In Inde
pendence next month or will it be
People' party straight? Put out your
Lant Monday the first national bank
of Milton, near Pendleton, wa entered
by three masked men and after shoot
ing at the three ofllclals, wounding the
president, A. Hopson, were handed
9904.25 and made their escape.
J. D. Mills, who was here last week
"looking around" has decided to locate
In Independence and ha rented the
building formerly occupied by L. Kelso
and will soon fill It with a stock of
merchandise. He will conduct we
understand, a first clos Ititcket Htore.
The steamer Altona lies at Inderten
de nee all .duy Bunday, and last Suit
day it being a beautiful bright clear
day, hundreds in their stroll visited
the neat craft. No boat ever run to
Independence that Is as elegant as the
Alton In all her appointments. Hue is
rapidly making friends among tbe
traveling public.
In the commissioners court at
Dallas last week the matter of vacat
ing a street In Independence was laid
over until next term. What has the
county court to do with vacating
streets In Indedendence? Are they
going to run municipal affairs a well
rs county?
Last Thursday evening the Altona
brought up a passenger whose extreme
height attracted attention. A he
stopped In at Douty & Paddock' to
make a purchase, Mr, Paddock looked
like a baby In comparison. He wa
the negro boy who posed at the Expo
sition lu Portland. Borne say he was
eleven feet high, other thought nine
feet better, while the fact 1 seven feet
Is about the thing. He had to stoop to
go under the igns along the street.
They say he I only sixteen yearn of
age. He was accompanied by a robust
Indian who might be his futher.
They remained In town over
night, but we have not learned whore
be found a bed long enough.
Th revival meeting at Astoria ara
allll In progmw and tha'pastor, l. V.
Puling, will not be her to (III hi put
pit at the Oongtvgalional ehurch next
Stinday, but Itev. J. L. llershnvf,
assistant niperlntaudeiil for Humlay
chisil for Oregtiu, will preach lu hi
tead at lUokreal) lu the morning and
lu tbl city lu the miilng. llev.
Herthner wa formerly a pastor lu our
city and the publlo la cordially Invited
to be pruwut and hear him.
The state of Ongou and Washing
ton each have ovr 100,000 mlloh oowa,
orw,000 lua!l. If thl number of
oowt were even up to the average
standard of cow for the whole of the
Uulted Bute tliay would supply all
Dm butter, oheeae and milk required
fbr bone consumption. A it la the
greater part of th cheese and a wry
large amount of the butter consumed
lu th two stale I Imported from oili
er state.
Last rMiuday, by vide lu the HsptUt
Punday school, the hour of meeting
wa eliaaged from before churvb In the
uiurulug uutll Immediately after
ehurvb. Keit Hunday an attempt will
be mad by SupU P, W. Haley to rv
organlM the Hunday nchoul, and a doa-
u more techer bava been asked to
take Hassra and It 1 hoped tbe at-
tendanc may be luoreased from about
sixty lo two hundred.
Vhu the hungry and thirsty ttarted
to Washington to U rover lumyuN
ted they were unanlmou lo xelalui'
Ing, "III well!" Now that th day
bv begun to drag along wearily aud
the penlnimoii are allll far up on the
limb, they ara reluctantly changing
tbe first letter of the last word to "II,"
aud wending their way borueward
M. A. Iloker la a ataunob republican.
Last June h had a boy arrive at bl
house and ha bevo undecided wr
slue what nama to gtvt hlta. The
Wkht Hid a uggetvd Walter Qrtw
ham, but the other day Mr, ltaker
aunouuMd (after the Ohio election)
that h had named him Wm Mc
Klnley linker. Oood enough)
Everyday w read of trusted lueti
going astray becaime of evil companion
ship nd the use of linuor, Iwth of
which tend to deaden their leuse of
honor and responsibility. o man
who goes lu bad coitiany or is aildlcl-
od to fmiurntltiK saloon I worthy of
employment in a responsible espucl y
The t'orvallis atreet railway, rolling
stock, etc., Iim beeu sohl by Hlterllt
Osboru. Th property was bid In by the
Security tvng A Trust (.., Port laud,
for t.'Wi. Thl property orlglntlly ctsit
in the neighborhood of IJJ.lKHI tud has
U jn In oH'rH(kn Urn than four years.
There wa a double wedding out at
John Hum's home on tbe Lueklsmute
lust week. Ou Thursday James Hag
gard, of Lewlsvllle, was united In mar
riage to Mlm Km ma Ward, aud John
Burns, Jr., to Mrs. Mann.
Tueclub dance last Haturday even
ing st the opera house was atleuded by
about fifty couple and wa a very en
joyable occasion and attended by the
elite of our city. They are becoming
very popular.
J. W. VanMeer, of ftllum'apolla,
Minn., arrlvd here tbl week aud I
looking over this part of Oregon. He
bus been engaged la the lumbering
biiHlncfg In Minnesota aud may locate
here. ;"
The Laille' Missionary Society will
hold an open meeting in tbe Presbyte
rian church on Hunday evening, Nov.
2l. Kverynn Invited. A collection
will be taken for missions,
Charles Masterson left at Douty A
Paddock' grocery ou Tuesday a turnip
hleh weighs seven teen pound.
Three such turnip will weigh a bus
hel. It was raised on rich bottim land.
Mlw Mary Oats, tbe popular presi
dent of the Y. P. 8. 0. K. of Mon
mouth, wss hero Wednesday arrang
ing for the Endeavor society conven
tion which meet In Independence
either In December or January.
Last Hunday a large congregation
greeted Rev. J, Fred Jenkins, of the
Baptist church, morning and evening,
to hear his ilrst rermon here a pastor.
Mrs. T. Fennell received a telegram
tbe first of tbe week that her brother
In Ban Francisco wa very lick, and so
Mr. Fennell left Monday to render blm
any assistance pnoslble.
The new trespass law Is rather severe
on hunters. It makes It unlawful logo
on any one's premises without the per
mission of tlnpwner, and also to (hoot
on or from a publlo highway.
C. A. llodle, the partner of O. A.
VanNortwIck in the barber budnes
hero, left this week with his wlfo for
San Francisco, whore he will stay
through the mid-winter fair.
Claire Btasts, of Alrlle, was In town
Tuesday and says more full grain hns
been sown In hi neighborhood thl
year than ever.
Hoots and shoe bought at the shoe
store of Miller A Putterson will be re
paired without charge. .
Rev. J. Fred Jenkins preaches In the
Baptist ohuroh next Bunday, morning
and evening.
Kd. Grubb and Chester VsnMeer are
In the mines of Josephine county with
K. C. VanMcer. .
The Boston Steam dye works, of Ba
lem, makes a socially of remodeling
ludlcs' Jacketsold to new style, t ..
Remember that Miller A Patterson
will get anything you want In foot
wear. - :
Mrs. J. Hostlnge and family have
left Alrlle and gone to Oswego to re
side, j
Miss Grace Foster, of Medford, Or..
I visiting friends here this week.
M. Rosendorf, the merchant, went to
Portland Tuesday. 7 '
The Independence city election take
place next month,
Them will be servlot st the Chris
tum church here next Hunday morn
lua- aud evening. Eldur Barton
Iltgg, of Halem, will fill the pulpit.
A a-uttar fit at Clodfelwr Ilro.
Bee our oflvr In another onlumu.
W understand Independence I toon
to have private partlc. a flrat-
close whnrt and steamboat landing,
with a good sidewalk from Main street
leading thereto,
neo.Claggettai building a residence
fur hi own occupancy on thekitad-
loluliitf his father' nstldeiiiw on h
street, ',vfi
Tbe eliy council met on Wednesday
evening and tmuaaolcd eouildernble
routine buslut'ss, also apsduted Judge
aud clerks for the coining city clec'lon
Deo. Ysunery and family, of M aglt
(o,Vh,srmlliiga fi w eukfltb
It K. MlddMmiu and family, and are
Intending to locate lu Polk couuty.
I (lold, of Halem, and hi ewUtaut
workman Mr, Cush, of the Boaton
Tailoring and Htcaiii Dyeing work of
Halem, were lu town ou Thursday, and
Mr, Oold has rented the room adjoin
Ing the WrT Hina oflUw aud will have
a branch ofile liere. ' ; s
IjuI Wnliieaday the ortitien of
Indenenitenu went wit lu full force
and killed many pheasant, grouse,
etc,, hIIiI as It was llw last day
lfor the chaw Uw went Into t fleet
Nov. 14.
Aocll party we held at the home
of Byruu Alklu last Friday night,
About twenty eoupte were present,
Music wss furnUlied by Messrs, Mid
dWbm and Alklu, and a must enjoy
able evening wa wut. , .
Bt oClodfelter HnW.oflerol a guitar
free, lu another column.
The sutilret of the ruomlug aermon
at th M. K. clturoli Houtb I "The
Two Way, and In the evening "Sow-
Ing ami Heaping." All are cordially
luvlled lo attend. Nov. Elwln Pal-
ita-r, pastor.
Bev. J, Taylor, of Phllt'inntb, will
preach In ttie Kvaiitrvllotd chimb at
Monmouth on Hunday rxornlng at II,
and lu I ndrpendeore at 7 p. ni Ue
come to fill the pulpit of the pastor
who ha teen III so lung.
J. K. lloud ami Jamm Hlllanl are
getting up a showing match which
will tnko place at Monmouth ou
Weduesilay, Nov. XT. Tlie prim are
two hcevm, two hogs and Its) tuiieys
No on barred. He bllb.
Th first iif tbe week the armature of
tbe arc light dynamo burned out and
consequently our street have been In
darkness ever aim. An exwrl from
Portland came up and repaired th
MelCachroQ A Hatideroick hsv
chickens, pigeons, gti-wi, ducts and
turkeys on band for the two 1 hanks-
giving day. Make an early selretlon.
Tbe Indeiendeiice Laundry I do
ing good work nd should be patro
nised by all our wople and keep our
money at home.
A gentleman waa here this week
who Is thinking of locating a steam
dying work In Independence. , He
thinks very favorably of tbe location.
Those person who are doing busi-
tiens lu Independence and whose name
are not In tbe directory, are not treat
ing the business Interest of tbe town
w It h due respect. Hee t hat your name
apiiesr Id tlie busltiese directory or
know the reason why. ' 1 .
lUmA alsiut that 1-tO guitar given
away at Clodfelter Ilros'. lu another
A bard np contemporary fiendishly
exclaims: "Tlie body of an ordinary
person contains three pound and thir
teen ounces of calcium, which at the
present market rate, I worth S.KK) an
ounce, o that the amount of It Con
tained In n ordinary human body baa
a money value of $18,800. What a pity
that mine f our ubacrlbera cannot
real! on their calcium." ,
Notice I hereby given to tbe legiil
voters of the city of Independen t, Or
egon, that tlie annual etty election
will be held on tlie first Monday In
Decemtier, 1803, for tbe following pur
pose, to-wlt: . ,
To elect a mayor, recorder, treasurer,
and marshal for tbe ensuing year, also
to elect one councilman frenj each
ward for the next ensuing two year,
and one councilman fmm second ward
to serve out the unexpired term of Lee
The following were appointed ly the
council to serve a election board In
thoTespeutive wrdi V,-., : ,
First Ward-Will Walker, Judge; D.
V. Poling, John Richardson, clerks.
Voting place, old Jail.
Beoond Ward-N.O. ClodfeUer.Judge;
J. T. Ford, E. O. I'enllaud, clerk.
Voting place, room ndolulng West
. Third Wurd-C. Q. Grlffh, judge; M.
Merwlu, Till Slilnn, clerks, Voting
place, residence of T. II. Houddor.
By order of council, Nov. 10, lbia
Gko. W. Reud,
i ' City Itcoortler.
Dated Nov. 17, 1803. .
fifteen hundred dollar ' on one
year' time,, good real estate security
Address X care Wkbt Bidb. Btate rate
of Interest. ) '-. ;
' House and Lot For Bale. ,
A new oottagc, two good lots, fruit,
well fenced, near motor line, Is offered
for tale ori Installment of only $10 a
month-or for caih. Call at Wkht Hidi
office and get addreea of owner.
Keeeutloa to Iter. Jeaklas.
Or M Friday evening the tiitnbr
of the Baptist church of tbw city a
embled to welcome thvlr new pastor
aud hi wife who arrived tbe day be
fore from Otay, California. S. H,
Alexander presided over the mestlng,
JoM'pli Craven ulfured the prayer, aud
J. W. Materon delivered au addres
of wvlooui lu behalf of th church, lu
which he at oousld rable length re
viewed the work of the church aud It
futflre Intention, p. W. Haley, then
addreueed word of welcome to tlie pa.
tor on behalf of the Huuday euhool, of
which be la superintendent, and K-C,
Penllaud, on behalf of th Young Peo
ple' Uulon, of which hb is x-pral
dent, extended cordial word of greet-
lug from the young people. Itev. Jen
kins appeared much touvued at tbe
warm word of welomu extended to
him and responded In fitting term,
thanking th brother aud ltra aud
frieud who had so mny word of eu
oouragemeut and Under or help and
ynithy. Key. Jtnklut la ufrVrliig
from a oold contracted on th nam oom-
lug from California, hi voice wa not
at tta bast, but ba evidences a great deal
of strength iplrltually and his presence
already baa given added strength to
th Baptist churob here. The audi
ence then tiled past Mr. and Ju
kliis and were Introduced to tbeui.
Numerou donation of eatable bad
been brought In and left at th parson
age, next to tlie church, and after the
ocl season wa over all repaired to
the parsonage to see the good thing
contributed. There were box of ap
ple aud pears, tack of potato, flour,
lull of butter, dressed chlckeo, oak,
pick lea, aud enough eanMd fruit to
last all winter. ;
The ehdroh bad bvn r ; beauti
fully decorated with flower aod Ivy
(ur th occasion.
Mexican silver stove polish caut si no
duet. For sal by J, F. O'Donnell'.
reeaty Cosrl. Probate.
Estate of Tbo. Fearce annual ao
count filed. Estate of A C, Wllllams
contlnued. KUlof Tbo. Bowie
Wm Fault appoluU'd appraiser In
stead of W. W. Conker, deceased.
Quarillaiishlp of Fred Jobneou eak
of property couflrmett. Ouardlaoshlp
of minor helm of M, A. Wbltetuan
toud reduced Irom 14,000 to $H00, aud
new bond ordered filed. Fstate of
Wm. Conor-ooiitlnued till Nov. IT,
1HU3. Fstate of M. J. Harrl-ale of
real proerty Mnitlrnied. Kstate of N.
Putnam personal property ordered
sold. Folate of A. W. Lucas- Final
eetllement set for Deo. 3, 1803. ,
Uo to J. F. O'Donnell for Mexican
Stiver Wove Pollsli. 40-
Adrerllsed Letter.
List of unclaimed letter remaining
In th Independence post office Nov,
is, imv.
Adam, 11 S
Cooley, B F
Koasowsky, B
MoOoweu, J O
Plgg, Bos
Hmlth, Grant
llllderhrln, Lore
MuKee, Mr It F
Carlisle, 8 B-J
MoFrlaud, A
Plumkett, Jam
Htarkey, H T
Tisce, Cha
Iulow, Mis Ida
Plokrel. Mis Kmrna,
Krause' Headache Caiwulea-War-
ranted, For Hal By Shelley, Alexan
der A Co.
Call for Deatorratle Convention.
iNDKPRNnRNCI, Or, Nov. 16, "3S.
Tlie undemlgned hereby extend a
call to all Democrat of Independence
to meet on Friday evening, Nov. 34, at
the city hall, for tlw purpose of nomin
ating a Democratic ulty ticket, to be
voted at the coming election Monday,
December 4, 1803.
The btilneof ssld convention will
be to nominate candidate for mayor,
marshal, recorder, and treasurer, alto
one councilman from first ward, two
council men from second ward, and one
councilman from third ward.
A. J. Goodman, -"""
H. M. Links,
M. Mkkwin,
City Central Committee.
Situation Wanted.
By a lady a cook or housekeeper, for
further particulars, call at tbl office.
Call for Republican Convention.
' Tbe undersigned hereby extend a
call to all Republicans of Independence
to meet on Tuesday evening, Nov. 21,
at the city hall, for the purpose of
nominating a Republican city ticket to
be voted at tbe coming oity election
which will be held ou Monday,
DeoemlH-r 4, 18.18. "
The business of said convention will
be to nominate candidates for mayor,
recorder, marshal, and treasurer, also,
one councilman from first ward, two
rouncllmen from second ward, and one
councilman from third ward
H. It, Pattkiwo.v,
Chairman City Central Committee,
For Sale.
One hundred acres of land, all plow
ed but ten acres; 18 acre above high
water, the rest bottom land. Boll good
for any kind of production. Price $35
per acre. Terms cash. Bltuatod two
mile north of BuenaVlstaon the river.
Address, for further Information,
W. N. McLaughlin,
50-8t ' Bokna Vista.
, For Sale.
Thorough-bred Pekln Ducks, large
size, and splendid condition. Price
reasonable, Address, K. pal ton, Inde
pendence. 4t
Kofulsr pries Our
Sir two prtaf
Wm Hi m and New York
World 83 SO $2 26
WKftTHinN and American
Farmer 8 on
Wwrr Hina and Oregon lu, 4 00
Wwt Hina aud Hau Fran
Cisco Call 8 00
WfcT Hina aud (Joaiuopull
tan 8 50
Wkmt Mii aud Youth'
. Compnulou..,,. , 8 79
8 00
The Merit of the Country School.
......i : . i
There u more reading done In our
farm neighborhood than In our oltles;
aud the good typical farm borne he It
newspaper a) way aud It magaclne
quite frequently. Nor are the district
school m Inferior, though their qual
ity varies much from year to year.
With a good teacher lo charge, the
country dlatrlct chol I better than
the city graded achool, because It Is
more free from mere machinery and
better adapted to develop tbe Individu
ality of pupil. Hundred of men and
women of high standing and wide ex
perience to-day, are thankful for the
little wooden country clHol-houe of
their childhood day, In which tbe d
uoatloual method pursued were In
finitely more acJenllflo and valuable
than thoa now followed In many of
our city cbools.-AIbert Bhsw lu Be
view of Review,
Parties wishing to purchase cedar
hop pole or fence post can have tbe
tame delivered aboard the Oregon Pad
do ears at Berry, Marion Co., Or., In
quantltle and price to suit For fur
tber particular oall on or writ to
AO Berry, Oregon.
Tblrty-one pupil are now enrolled
In the school here.
Albert Tedrow ha been making
tome improvement ou lib baru.
J. B. Bcroflbrd went to Corvalll
Mt. Tig wa found dead lu hi house
Sunday moruing.
A lnging wa held at J. F. Hol
man'aoo Tuesday eveulng.
Wm. Muscott shipped hi bo this
Frank Ireland and Charley Leonard
dug their potatoes thl week. Tbe
yeild waa not very heavy.
The railroad company ha laid In a
large supply of wood at the elation
here. ' '"$ ;;v
Mr. Floyd did some brick work for
Dr. Parrlsb at Monmouth thl week.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish, at
J. F.O'Douuell's. 40
Baltimore,, Md., Out 1801w
Mr. Norman Llchty, De Moines, Iowa.
Dkab Bin: Will you please be kind
enough to let me know who la your
geot lu Baltimore Md., for tbe sale of
Krause's Headache Capsule? I hav
tried to get them at a number of drug
tore but hav always failed. I bad
several boxes of the capsule aeut me
from Washington, and fouud them to
be tbe very best remedy I have ever
bad lor severe headaches.
' Very truly your, '
1608 Patterson Ave. Mrs. A. L, Davis.
For sale by Bhelly, Alexander A Co.
Coming to Independence.
One or more surgeons of National
Surgical Institute, No. 810 Bush street,
a F., will" be at the city hotel, Inde
pendence, Tuesday Nov. 21st. one day
only. Tbl Institute Is especially do
voted to the treatment of curvature oi
the spine, disease of th hip and kue
Joint, crooked limbs, club feet ami all
bodily deform It lea. Tbelr success In
treating these trouble a well a natal
catarrh a.d all chronlo diseases has
made for tbe Iustltute a national repu
tation. All person who are sutlcring
from tuyof these complaint should
not fall to take advantage of tbl op
portunity for relief. Reference may be
had to th following: Judge T. L.
Davidson, Salem; Governor E. P. Fer
ry, Olympla; Supreme Judge Juo, P.
Uoyt, Olympla; Rev. E. M. Condit,
Albany, and hundreds of others. 61-2t
For Sale. j
Six acres of laud situated about one
mile from tbe ferry across the river
from Independence. Two acre in hops
also good house, plow, four-year-old
mare, hop spraying pump, five swarm
of bees, etc. Knqulre at Wkbt Sins
office. 41Mt
Keene, N.H., July 24, 1801. ;
Norman Llchty Esq. Dee Moines Iowa.
Dkab BiRi I euoloee 60 eta. In
stamp for two boxes of Kruuso's Head
ache Capsules, same as lost. Work like
magic Send at once If possible, a I
am out.
j Respectfully, ' j "
For sale by Shelly, Alexander A Co.
Hop Land for Sale.
Twenty acre of bottom land. Tbe
very best for hop. Oue and one-half
miles from Independence. Terms to
suit purchaser. This land rained four
tons of timothy to the acre tbl year,
Enquire at this office or address G. M.
Hoyaer, Croston, Or. , , v 62-8t
Found Dead.
Last Bunday the neighbors living In
Cooper Hollow, Just west of Mon
mouth, discovered the dead body of
Wm. Drew alone In his cabin. The
body was broimbt to Independence by
Coroner Ketohumaud an Inquest held.
And Found That There Wa Always
Homebody Watching Him.
italtaln Kxprwm.
A mau with a silk bat lammed down
over hi forehead sat In the smoking
room of one of the sloepcr of an east
bn,ind Miehlitrtn Central train on Tue
day afternoon and chewed viciously an
unllghtod cigar.
'What' tb matter, pardner?" asked
a fat little man, who bad been smoking
In silence for fifty miles.
"Matter?" growled the other man;
"matter? Why, there' plenty enough
tlie matter." Ha sat In alkwe for
about fifteen minutes and then be
etralghteoed up and said: "I wppose
you have been to tbe Woild' FalrT"
"Oh, Yee," replied tbe little fat man
"Seeu all them big crowds? ' ,
"Noticed how few time you met
anybody you knew?"
"Well, ao've I. ,1 went out there
last week. Went alone and put In four
day walking around those blamed
grounds. I met 10,000,000 people, and
didn't know a dod -rotted oue of them.
Not a frieud or au acquaintance could
I find In all that mob. On the fifth
day I lllrtwd with a pretty girl I met
aud we started out to do the Art build
ing together. Inside of thirty minute
1 met seven women who la-long to my
wife' church and eewlng society,
Matter? Why, I'm booked for the
toughest time mortal roan ever had be
fore I explain that transaction."
And tlie fat little uisu said be baew
how to vympathlise with him.
far sad WM
Not oo thl broad continent alone,
but lu malarial breeding tropical reg
ions, in Guatemala, Mexico, South
America, the Isthmus of Panama, and
elsewhere, Hosteller's Stomach Bittern
aflhrd to Inhabitant and sojourner
protection avalnst mallara. The rnluer
the freshly arrived Immigrant, tbo till
er of tbe virgin toll newly robbed of it
forest by tlie axe of tbe pioneer, find
in the superb antiabille specific pre
server against the poisonous mi asma
which In vast dMrk-U rich m natural,
resouroce, lsyet fertile in dlnea . It
annihilate disorder of the stomach,
liver aud bowels, fortifies those who
use It against rheumatic ailment bred
and fewtered by outdoor exposure: In
luse geulal warmth Into a frame Silli
ed by a rigorous temimtune, end rob
of their power to harm morning and
evening mist and por laden with
hurifullness: strengthen the week aod
conquer Incipltciit kidney trouUo-
Now York latporlrra Will Vj llultn tm
UuM ItulMd of CfrUHraUw.
New York, Novl 11. A a result of
the recent visit to New York of Becre
tary Carlisle and his subsequent confer
ence with the bankers, a plan has been
perfected to Increase the fl00,0tM),tXX)
surplus gold lu tbe treasury, which bas
been reduced to $85,000,000. Tbe
hanks, which do business with Impor
tant importers, keep special deposits at
the sub-lreasdry to cover check of cus
tom duties, which must be paid lu
cash. The Importer having duties to
pay takes a certified check to the cus
tom house. At tbe end of tbe day It
goes with other custom receipts to the
sub-treasury where It Is deducted from
tlie depoeit of the bank upon which it
I drawn. Custom duties may be paid
In sny kind of money, except national
bank note. Tlie proportion of gold
has not averaged over one per cent.
The largest payments have been made
In treasury notes, the notes Issued by
(lie government In payment for silver
bullion. The banks will hereafter In
crease the proportion of gold In their
deposit at the sub-treasury. The asso
ciate banks of New York have about
$00,000,000 In gold.
A rat-terrier aog, blind In left eye.
Answer to name of Blllie. Liberal
reward will be paid for hi return to
Geo. A, Smith, Independence.
For Bent.
A new, light, two horse farm wagon,
two-inch axle, complete, with double
trees. , Will be routed by day, week or
month. Apply to Wm. Clodfelter,
Huntington HotjI. 62-4t
Take Notice.
The public I" hereby Informed that I
will no longer be responsible for any
bills contracted by Amy Belle Klnnan,
commonly known as Amy Belle Hart,
who ho made her borne with me.
; Wm, a. II ah r.
Independence, Or. 4t
. YOU HA1.K. , :
took ulitwp In mt Mindttlon. AiUivax Mis
Win. Joiuis, luilupendeuce, or cull at Wkht
Sinsollleo. M-'U
Notice of Final Settlement.
IX tin. iimli'iKlirni-tl lni llli'rt 111 the ofllce
oFtlie Comity Clerk of Polk Oo OreKon, bis
flnul aeraiuiit as annlimwi of the estate of T. W.
Gstes, Insolvent, uf aalri comity anil stale, and
mi Ul tliml Recount will l heard and pass,
rd upon at the next termor the olronlt court
of the stale of Oregon, In and for Polk county
winch said term notrinsat OhIIiis, Oregon, on
theHlidiiy of December, Ml, Alt pnrsons
httvtnir nhliM-LlouM In until aot-onnt are retinesi
ed to be present at that time and make ob-
JeeUona to same, If any.
J. R, Coopkb, Asitgnes
Gko. A. Smith, Aity.
If the people of Tolk county are
satisfied with the present tax roll
the West Side can stand it Our
county, city ond school district
taxes, ncoording to the new law,are
to be based on that assessment and
Sheriff Wells collects it all at once.
If there are some taxed too high,
others too low, and some not at t'J,
now U the time to make tho correc
tion, mid we do not mean to cast
any reflections' on the action
of the aweNKor or tbe count board,
lf,alW it is too late tbe people, find
tbe roll uusatlMfactory.
Lkt tbe people's voice be beard
in till matter of county taxation.
Let men be placed in office who
will, without fear, favor or a desire
to evade tbe law, give os boneat
work. Men should do tbe official
work of Polk county for tbe whole
people and not for any claw or in
d .iCUttl. .
The following waif from an ex
change expresses to a T our view on
one phase of tbe "hired girl" question:
"It I (imply disgusting to bear people
speak cornfully of girl who work for
a living. No enibl man is dazzled
by the giitter of a Jeweled finger, a gold
bracelet or a watch, bought on "tick'
perhaps. All these have not half as
much fascination as a pleasant disposU
Hon, a happy and Intelligent face a
well cooked meal every day fbr a week
and a glistening, properly ironed
shirt front. A dimpled chin and tun
ny face In tbe kitchen 1 worth half a
core of "banged" wasp w slated mUlln
ery sign In tbe parlor clawing Ivory
aud screeching the word of "A flower
from my angel mother's grave," when
very likely tbe poor mother worked
ber life out to make way for the empty
pate which I to highly decorated and
: Among Uw Beelnosa Men.
Geo. A. Smith, the attorney, bas bis
office in tbe Independence National
Bank bulkllog .
J. It. Cooper has plehly of brick oa
hand at low prices
Mitchell Boliannon have a very
complete planing mill on Main street -Dr.
J. B. Johnson, tbe dentist, baa
bis office on tbe corner of Railroad and
Moumoutb treeb
Dr. E. J. Young, veterinary sur
geon, attends to tbe diseases of bono
aud cattle . ; ; : ;;
Dr. T. J. Lee ba bis office up stair
in the Independence National Bank
Dr. E. L. Ketohum ba but office In
his own building, on Monmouth street
near BaJIroad.
Bubecribera wanting help or any
person desiring employment can use
th "Waut" column of this paper
FREE one insertion, not to exceed ten
word. Fach additional word one
D. II. Craven still turns out those
beautiful photographs, ralo or ahine
Hubbard ft eUaata are busy doing
all tlie drayiug here "''.".. '
Messrs ioo HkinnerACo. the mill
ers, auuounee themselves ready to ex
change flour fur wheat, and store wheat,
for the farmers of Folk county.
People are fools to suffer when a rem
edy can be found to cure them. Oregon
Kidney Tea is no experiment, and not a
fake to get your money. Why will you
hesitate, when we assure you that It is
absolute cure for all kidney and urinary
diseases ,
Five oenta Is all It costs to travel on
the motor to Monmouth and visit the
Normal school
Interview M. T. Crow when you
want anything lu the sash and door
Bhelley Alexander it Co, tbe drugg
ists, have a complete stock of drugs,
paints, oils and gloss; also a full line of
school books and stationary
There is no place In Oregon where a
better meal 1 served than at the res
taurant of Weetaoolt Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Court jous at
tention, a fine meal, and the popular
price of 25 cents, hare made this house
the headquarters of everyone who bos
occasion to dine in Salem.
A. M, Hurley, the attorney, has his
office adjoining the Independence
National Bank building '
Lumber of best quality and from
mountain logs Is sold by Preeoott &
.f V A'T,nnoll Mkri-taa lal-tvA bfruttr
of agricultural machinery, and his
shelves are laden with the beat grades
of hardware; a tin store and tinning
department addB to the advantages ot
his establishment
Purely otitiof curiosity, we have count
ed the Illustrations, some of them full
pnge. In the current issue of Thb Cos
mopolitan; says the Methodist Becord
of London England. They numbed
129; but If there were none' the literary
character of the magazine would amply
Juftify its Immense circulation. 'Some
oruie oest Known names m American
literature appear lu the list each month,
besides ttngiiHti writers or suou names,
for example, as Sir Edwin Arnold
From every point of view, we rcgurd
the magazine as unique".
You can get the Cosmopolitan aud
the Wkst Bide for IS a year.
Of Interest to Sportsmen.
Mr. W. H.Hurlburt, A. G. P. A
Union Paolflo system, Portland, Ore
gon, bus Just received a supply of books
called "Gun Club Rules and Revised
Game Laws." This publication con
tain a digest of the laws relating to
game In the Western states and territo
ries. Mr. Hurlbnrt will be glad to
mull you one of these books upon re
ceipt of two stamps to cover postage.
W, II. HtJRIiBUKT, A. G. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon,