THE WEST SIDE, U. H. lU(TUbKD,CMtlr, mVXD BY UMCAimON RATS. Ob Yaae Hit Month! tbmMuatb Rid M All HuttaM ana flMlh mvtloM not excwMl- 1st tv Uiim will be tiuerted fr. All pv.r ve Hum will b hnd fiv nw pr lln orMy obituary rmUuUona will be oUargwl Mr at iMraM o( BY tNU per una. IUterd at the Pott-oItU In ludp ( ungout aa mmnwmm mauviv FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1893. potrer b to macMnnt-ih grand mo tiv powtr.ifacttuUiit. TAer (f oil OM uV tf obtaining bm ntmpMMtn; but on way of obtain ing publioUy aiUtrrtitiHg-HUickuwxi Tbi West Sidk ia eleven years old today. Money is accumulating ia the East and by and bye it will reach this western country. Abe we going to have a Christ maa tre this rear! Where! Don't all apeak at once, The time has come when the people most take hold of oar coon tyund oar state affairs. Let pub lio meetings be called and invest! gate, then let action be taken. Necessity is the mother of inven tion. These is war in, war in Africa, war in Cuba, and Honduras wants to fight Nicaragua, and all Europe is up in arms, so to speak and no one knows when the first run mtr be fired. The United States is warring against the re public iu Hawaii. Every foot of land from the Willamette river for ten miles went of Independence is the very best of fruit land. Why could it not all be nlanted in choice varieties of Dranes. armies. Dears, etct In three years it would bring thoua ands of dollars into this section. Obegon has over 25,000 with which to make an exhibit in San Francisco, and it is proposed that a corporation shall advance money to pay the expenses at the Mid winter Fair and let the legislature reimburse them. By all means let as have an exhibit at San Frsu cisco. . The Hillsboro Independent, a radical republican paper, has this brief editorial in relation to the elections of Nov. 7; Republi cans are in the same fix that Bob ert Ingersoll said the democrats used to be in, "They hold straight flush when there is noth ing In the jack pot." Toe united states of Brazil came into existence as a nation on No vember 15, 1889. There are twen ty states in the nation, covering an area of 3,200,078 square miles, and with a total population of 11, 002,. 335. The constitution is modeled after that of oar United States, and an effort was made to have the government follow the lines of the great nation to the north as much as possible. It was our neighbor Mexico that once felt tho power of the United States when Napoleon III of France was told that according to the Monroe doctrine no Euro- nean government could uphold a M r-i monarchy in the Americas. Mexico in consequence is now a republic. In Brazil there is a revolution and it is said Europe hopes to have a monarchy there We do not want one established Now comes Walter Q. Gresham, a member of President Cleveland's cabinet, and in a letter to the president recommends that the United States shall reseat Qqoen Liliaokalani on the throne of Hawaii. No wonder public indig nation mounts high. The United 8tatea, a republic, to Use its power, its navy, its soldiers to enthrone a queen looks to us like a criminal act on the part of our chief execu tive. If the Sandwich islands want a queen, let them call her to the throne and let the United States keep bar bands off, but for us to seat the queen is another matter, We do not think congress will quietly submit to dictator Cleve land's actions in this matter, for he la in accord with secretary Ores-bam. Wb nubltsh this week a list of those persona who pay taxes ou over 1500 worth of property in In dependence. That the aaMttiment roll is incomplete and the work of the board or equalisation equally as faulty is evident to everyone at all (uuiiUarwith those who are pro perty owners hore. What 1s true of thU part of the county Is true of all. We have elected men to give us a full and equal antoauntut. They have signally failed. Our only remedy ia to elect other men to do this work. How much better it could be if the people had more direct control of oountyf- (Uirs and men were placed in offtoe who were upheld by the public in stead of by their party. We have been informed that the assessment roll, as now prepared, will be cor rected when it gets Into the bands of the sheriff, and thus the county saves paying state taxes. It will be noticed that the men least able to pay taxes are on the roll aud the preseut roll has been purposely made incomplete. In our niiuu we need a system of county gov ernment where the poor as well as the rik'h have favors granted them, aud the ouly way this can be done is to have the soverumeut of folk county more directly from the peo ple. The Wot Bio favors equal rights for all. If It ia right for the slieriQ to assess one person, let him assess all and do away with the ex pense of an assessor and an assess ment roll and a board of equaliza tion. Polk county is not the only one where the people are being unjustly treated In this way. It would not be a bad idea to have a mass meeting of our cltlaens to appoint committees to inquire into the glaring inequalities of assess ment in Polk county. Taxes are high, money la scarce and it be hooves us to investigate onr county affairs. Who pays the taxes, and where does the money gof Polk county paid $ 2800 for one set of ab stracts to insure a good aamwaroent, and this year 91)55 for maps, and no one knows what the bill will amount to for next year, and yet we sit idle and indifferent to the evident squandering oi our money. The Wjsht Side believes the voice of the people should be heard in this mutter of taxation and we hope to hear from our readers on the subject Are our taxes equal t If not, why nott If there Is neglect of duty, who is the guilty oflieiaJ t i ii Tub Treasury official statement of the comparative receipts aud ex penditures of the United State, issued November 1, shows that for the first four months of the current fiscal year the expenditures have exceeded the receipts by 124,000, 000. or at the rate of 172,000,000 a year. The receipts are 127,000,000 less than for the corresponding four mouths of the previous flacal year, and the expenditures are nearly $1,000,000 greater than for the same period. There bos been a net increase of 116,604,764 in the circulation since the 1st of October, and tho circulation per capita is now 128.49. i. .... . i Now that the menace of an un sound currency is effectually re moved there is every encourage ment to hope for an era of large trade and general prosperity. New York World. ui j. -a If we want a government of the people, by the people and for the people, let us start it in our county affairs. Let us have reform. Why are Polk county warrauts at a discount! tmii.ii, ii Lijii!pipi.iii.n Would an Investigation by the people,of Polk eouuty fl nancies not be the proper thing just uowt Tin democratic press, as well as republican and independent, is scoring Orover Cleveland for try ing to establish a "utgger dynasty," the Telegram lays, in the Sana- wlch Islands. ( ten Do You Ever Have Bolls? "FerMnral J tart prior to 1M, there wm kaMlf a aa; tkt I wat trea from bolt aoa Otor wurUN l ttw tkia MMlf Iron kaput- Ilood'sCurco Mat aft bleo& Ibefaatatekellaoa'iSar. apart! I, tad before I had Infekaa lb Ultra bottle I fcxiaa Br!! anMrtty twwt" a a. Hyde, at Va Yeler Bra, lUal JUIala, Da Leea Miami, Frataa, California. LOUIS KIIAPPLY IVuli-r In- H &nd SILT CUTS, POULTRY, Sausages, etc. etc. GAME IN SEASON. C Street Dear Tostoffice. Independence, Or. H A. FULLER. HORSESHOER an BLACKSMITH. The Best Plain Shoer in the County ISDEPEMIKXCE, ORKUOX a Fresh Fish o . Sulmom. Clams, Oysters, Catfish, Smelt, etc, received by nearly every Main. i Leave orders at Fish Stand on 0 street, Independence. 1 1. Boydston. Prop. THE CHICAGO STORE STOP THAT WOMAN ! Doti't let uer wasiener iiw -ing, when she win buy of us what she wants at prices equally as low. Our , . . stock of BOOTS & SHOES, SLIPPERS ana nuootna Is as carefully selected as any yon cau flud, and our PRICES ARE LOWER Than nnr MtmMAiiorr uncus w cause we buy cheaper and can afford to sell lower. RF REASONABLE And help bu0 p your wwn vj trad ns wits MILLER & PATTERSON, INDEPENDENCE. OR. V) W. H. WHEELER -DCALKR IN SEWING MACHINES, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Sawing Machino Noodles and OII Sewing Machines Repaired. EAST 81DK OF MAIN 8TRE1TT, INDEPEXDKNCK, OR. 40 $20,000 STOCtl Must bo closed out In tho next Sixty Days I w of wm Bring your cash and get your goods for fall and win ter, at prices that will make you happy. Everything Bobs. Th& J. CI. MJOUYfJ, 41 Independence -H EADQUA BTERB FOI Dress Goods and CLOAKS. Ops ite Little Palace Hotel. C St. Independence. PATTERSON BROS. The Druggists. PATTERSON BROS. The Jewelers. PATTERSON BROS. The Headquarters FOR GOLD and SILVER WATCHES What is Life Without a Dinner V , An Aching Void. What is Dinner without Food? A Distressing Dream. What Would Independence Be Without McUCHERiN & SiKDERCOCK'S Grocery 1 A Desert Waste. IULEIl OtaUr J. F. O'DOIIIIELL Tha Laaflni Oaalaf ts, fci fte, Jq H ti d Mt, Hlfm. Drllla, C'hlllwi aud Htl l'luwa, Itlillng and WalkliiR 'ull vaUiin, t'lamt Jr. (inrtlt u Drilln. Hulhry Mill (iaiig l'lna.AX'MWall l'otato l'iuatrra, DImi, Lvtr, and Hprlniftoutli liafnmM, II : RHOI W AM UuHrii(.1 the boat and ll(iliitt runniiiK waKnti ttmila. Mr. ' Don noil la, by a wtniil arraniifiifiK tt limiiufrtnlurvr'a iiKi-nt.mui will carry Ilia liiritrnt and iiiimI roiuiiltrt II im InuiU iiiuiil wvitr bmiiKht U Polk onuttly. tfcstl Il&l ' fell H Ir M( K(Klicrn & SHnilcriMM'k are hore I Dinner Hour Coiiii'nI ,. lrolli aclos Appear I , ( - KeHiilti DiiiiichUc Peace 1 '(HaroiMaor to ftriigim it erWn tlTo CoT) Gentlemen's Gold Pens 20 PER CENT OFF FOR 30 DAYS at O. A. KRAMERS. S1LLE1T, ALEXANDER 8 CO, The Druggists. They Have the Goods. They bell at low rnces. ( The Quality is Superior. They are Accommodating School Books and Stationery, They keep everything called for. They will fill orders by mail or by telephone. They keep pens, ink, writing paper, in (act, a full line in that dcpartment.aaMaMCaw REMEMBER That Shelley, Alexander & Co. fill pro scriptions at all hours of the day or night and have an experienced pharmacist. Salem Ml!. WALOCMAR NELSON, Proprlator. 1S3 Conojxioxclal Street. FMitilihd In 1884 with the nuwt cnniiiU'td and expensive plant In the atate. Hteam capacity, twelve horsepower, ljiciled'aml gviiia'vlothliifrand fine (kbria of all klnda kaned and dyed. ("Hrpctn, lilnnkel, Klannel, Silk ' Underwear, Iadlea' Jlnta Htraw Hat, and fi-atlicru iUanet, dyed and renovated. HI lk Hata Ironed, rillk Hata, Btltrilala, and Holt Hula cleaned, dyed, blocked and re novated. MfLaava Orders with Independence, Monmonth, and Fall City 8taga Drlv era. Or 8nd by Mail or Expreta. Independence ROLLER MILLS, SKINNER & CO., Proprietors, Wish to notify the public that they are now Ready to Receive Grain in Exchange for Flour. We have ata put Id a New Improved Cleaner and will do a General Warcuouae Business on tho most favorable terms. The highest market price paid for wheat at all times. . Btlfa.otloa u.jjataa4. M Independence Stables. Stylish Turnouts Alwavs in Readiness. Having lately purchnsod the entire interest in the stables of J. K. Jones, we are now better prepared than ever to meet the demands ot the public as we are now waking and are preparing to make many substantial, Improvements, Teams boarded by the day or month. Traveling men a specialty. 6 ALE M , STAG E-W operate a dully tne line between Bttlem and FalU City. Htace wave. all. City n.r ludnpenrienee at 4 a in.; leavea Imipiwndencw fur Halem at a.ra. Krom Salaui ftir iDdopondouue, aUme ut 1 p.m.) leave. ludopeiuteuoe Ar fall. City at i p,m. PETER COOK Prop. WE GIVE FREE A guitar worth $30. This la NO LOTTERY hut a test of your calculation. Wa aell you the goods at the same lowprloea, and with caoh 50 t enta worth purchased for cash we give you a test free. We are juat receiving a lare assortment of tiew music and musloal Inatru menta. An elegant line of all holiday goods are being opened and will be ready for Inspection next week. We have bought these gooda at bedrock prices and propose to sell acwirdhiKly. Call and look them over. CLODFELTER BROS. Headquarters for aohool supplies, stationery, periodicals, confectionery, etc