The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 13, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
12.00 fer Year
Five Cents Per Copy,
, Lodg, No, 22, utMlt every Mon
47 eight It I..'.0. hall. All ojnqrn
in brother are tallied In attend IK F.
Kennedy, at.. W.0 Cook. Recorder.
VALLEY LOlXltS, NO. i I. O. O.
: r. IMH ia Vanduyn I hall every
TbnreAty SQtaf . All Odd tallow eor
aially intiiao l niaet withns. J. E.
Hubbard, 5. Q. W. II. Craven, By
Jw M.aMUd oonmaotealiou satur
day SMBing oo uf bofufi fnll anion eb
oall Md l To weU lueraaner. it. W
Shine, W. M. Lee 0. Hell, 8cy.
OURS LODGE, NO. 45 K. ol P.
Met ti7 Wednesday antng.
All knights art oortiiaiiy tuviieti. w. u.
Hay, a a m. o. Potter, k. a a
, rgoa, 807. V. B. Board of
Medieal KtaaiMre, 4 Offlos Id Opare
UOQSt wool.
' -. ud roaideoe, eornet Kail road
Md Muooiunih He., lourpeudauoe, Or.
U Dsntiat. All work warrant! to
it tha beat A saiiafaolton. Isdapeer
dea, Ur.
J r.y. har, None, and Throat Ur
Ao ovr Butu's bank, Salem, Ur. 6-2t
ciuud Surgeon. Speotoi at
tention paid to dlwaaea of women. Of
Be ever Independent National Bank.
T.J. Le,...l). W. Babbitt. M. I)
C. M , Fallow Trinity Medical Collet.
f - ' . j , 7 i 'i .
Lsw. ; Will praelie in all stale
and fadaral eonrts. Abxtreeta f title
rarniabed. OflU over Indepandase
Batooaal Baas.
loraeyaatLav. Wa haw lb only
mi f autraet book to Pols oouuty.
BeliaUe abalraeia fanitehed. Money to
MaD, DO opiaillHluD nuiiu ww iwmw
Offle. rooni 1 and S Wilson's block, Dal
las, Oregos.
. Oontitelof at La. OlBoe, neil
to IodpDdae Matioual Bauk, lode
feBdD0, Or.
1 j neji al L. uram m jduiu
blnek, batween State and Court, 00 Con
reial atreet, Salem, Or.
Dfaotarar of Mib aud door.
Alao, aerol aavioff. Jktaia treet, lode
acadaae, Or.
DR. E. J. YOUNO, late of Nberg,
Veterinary 8urgon aad Deujiel
baa mored to Indrpeodenee, and opened
an offlee over lb Indepeodenc Nation
al bank.
, Tailori C atreet, near poatoflloe
Saite in aoy itfle made to order at rea
sonable rate.
It Pays ; : Success Sure.
AddreM-0. 0. K YMOUR,
OrOOnln Bulldlnc. . Portland, Orfgon.
. Will eoninlt their beat in
tereit by purohamg their
of the reliable fflanufKolarar,
Independenoe, Or., anaeee-
eor toFergnaon Van Meer.
Hngar pine and oedar door, '
II ataM, on hand. ,
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
' i a
tit HIHHOIItlKAO, ' . . ntltak
UiaAMUkUHiM. V Pnaiatat.
tr. f, COHNAWAY catbiar,
nral bauklni and tirhant knlnM
Uaaaaauidi luani atad, Mitt tllwounMa.futn
Miroti er4lia nuit aeaoilta rMld oa
aneal aenMint KibjMt to o)irk, InUnMt paid
M m LA... la k. k w-i a k.t... a 11
wHim, a nftPHi, a Alien, 11. 11
jMtwrm.n, la, J.Uwtiiuau, l. W, Mr, 11
Commtnoad Builneti Mtreh 4, 1889
Catabiktbed ht MaHeaai AalaorMr, ;
.. -TH- '
ef tadBMaea!a,Orfv i
CaalUI Btaah , 960,000.00
taralaa, tt4.000.00
J. a. coui'icit. u w. mnimtimiN,
rUnt. Vlo rlnw
W. B HAWLBY, Caahlw.
t. , Uwiwr, U . Roberiaua, Uwta lllaileb
l. W. vbllaaker, W. W, Colllna.
iyw umbiiii vwiMVaa MVUBBi WM
lluy Ml I ShkitM nn all ItnnnrLAAl
--wtTM iMiuwi wr wm
I aalf J.a,Mll t .1 i .
Horses Fed by ihe Day,
Week or Month.
Oeit of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
Fraprlaton of
MaBnawtum ef and Dealen In
Rough and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
Sperlinf Brethers 1
Meat Market ia '
Choice Meats
Higheat market price paid
for fatatock, beef, mutton, veal,
pork, etc All bill muitt be aeUltd
monthly. '
Main atreet
- .
P. IT. Murphy, Praotlnal Hhoo
maker, Main Street, Indcnnn
denoe, opponlte the opera houne.
Fxencli Calf
U8d In all the better grade of
ahoaa. Every pair warranted.
Mrs L. Campbell
Ha returned to Independence and
announces that the hits again opened
Dressmaking Parlors
md I very ennvenlentljt located In
the Front Room
"Only the Ocars
Ray Bin by BcoaON. of thn James
Smith Wmili'n
AliM-tilncry Co., ;
la,, who wrtl
fll'k m fnllowit
J " Autoiif th
J . alt wblvh I an
f 1 h rHtrd to eel
tain uidMa
eiiraa, elMunlug
tli blood, (,,
aea yaiiriw at
wur than any
Twaatjr year
ago. at tit a
at II year. I had
welllDir eum
on tnjr l.
whluli twk and
baeaia ta
ala,g aora.
Our' Uuilly diy
alolaa eonld do
at ao gwid, and It w tnard that tli
bono would 1 affocti'd. At la l, my
good old
Mother Urged Me
to trjr Aynr1! 8ratrilla. I hMk lliroa
buttlM, aoroa IimUiI, and I liava ait
ba ItouIiIim alut. Oaly tha aeara
tamaia, aad th niaiuury of th
peat, to rviutnd a of th good
Ajfr" aaraaparlll ha dun aaa.
I a wplgta two lmwilrt-4 and twenty
pounds, and am ia Ui bmt of hoaltlt.
I hav Wtt oa tli road tur th pant
twalvfjraan, hav noticed Ayr Sar
aaparll'a advartitad la all parti of Uia
Uultwl 8iim, and alwajr lake ilMia
Ort ia telling what good II did tor bm."
Ayer's Sarsaparllla
rttpuwl by , J. 0. A f h 0. Uw.U, Mm.
Cures other, will our you
llaH uovr In atovk and la conliiuiKll)-
ninuuructuring tiling of all
aizoa for (IraiuN and
Of Indonnndonco, having a tam
jnirinc, a brick machine and aovei al
wrw of finest clay, Is notr pivimrtsd
to keep on hand a lino quality of
itrick, whlcn will be mild t rwwou
ble prloca.
Crayon Work
India Inks
Hater Cote
1 -Goto
!.,'(. 4 -i
Rhotograph Gallery
' ! , Independence, Or.
j atTOCK !
tThoHO perwina wlio dcnlro to have
Jcmey atuck In tholr html are Invited
to liiHwot trie tlmrmiKhbred hull owned
by T, H. HUNTLEY, two miles south
oftown.on Buena VlHtu road,
TBIIMN F BKnvicn two roi.r.Aii
i ; With ITIvUhk of Hnturn.
'.v vS
Fine Photographs
A OaMt thai It DMtnoUv f Tkh ttaaa
tf Oraolag Ca Ik fair One.
A jtkUoaonhor haa explainod ia
Tu Bun the buying of ohowing gtun
by man pa the theory that tlwy got
it fiir iflrU Aa a mfii (.hut nut )m
atsaiuoa moat of tbraa) addJcnad ia
cliowliiK (pun noma to m mMArt''
But undoubtudly It la to aoma extant
nioatiulino habit altu. Hetnraltnea
jtrtiniinwit in publlo Affairs are ra-
ixii'tn! aa mint ohnarana. i ' t -. a
Aa praotMd by women, w8W.fa,wlthJ.horlb,? nl!l'
to aay, it shows no algna of doclina, I "J"'d you tooturor' aakod A
avwn ir It haa not aotually booonte
iuiim tKiViil.L A warv lamm ,nart
of Uw penny -In tho-ehA machhioa
still turn out ohawbur anim. and oh.
axrvara in tha atnwt t r nn tha !.
voted nia.1 ami v.m at th thna,
tara toll ua that of lata Uioy have
aiaoovorea lntlutlotw Umt Its ue by
womon ia exUmdinir at an alarming
rate. Altar .Uvlng fAllim off from
Its flntt prevahmw ApirnUy, 0y
wport, it now oma to bo rovivhig
and to ba mora fmiutuit tlian vr.
The habit, tli.' aav. ia not oonftnod
to Birla. but haa obulnod a atrouir
buhl on tnatruua alao. and many of
went women wu twyond liio twriod
of vouth
Thia la very romarkablo, conuldor
Ing bow mri'ful womonareof apjwar
anHw and tHH-illy to make the
moat of their own good looks, since
nothing dutraota more from Uwuty
than the continual inovomout of the
jaws in chewing gum. 1 It takoa
away the charm from the protttuat
girl, yet ah will go on with hir pun
lie gum chewing without the slight
est appaivut eoniKTioiiamiaa Umt alio
la dlMt4irting htir feature. At any
rate oho la carohw aa to the matter.
Tha prac-tice suoma to breed lu her a
curioua imlifronnce to innmniline
favor. Aa alio chews alio smnna to
Ui alM-ld in tlm diowing to such
an extent tliattho natural fomluiue
iiiHtiui't of pleHwng la aUilixl in her.
Bheaiipwant to have ivai'hod the pans
win, If he have the aouu of)
chewing gum, aha can got along j
witltout men admiration for the
tlma boing, and Umt timo la nearly
continuona, since aha chows )mont
imwwuuiUy, we ere told, lu hr mo
menta of activity and In hir lntr
tala of lolatire,
It ia obaerved, too, tliat men, bar
bur no other reomirve, aro hnmbly
aooouimodatiug thmtuwlvea to this
diotriM'tiiig gum chewing habit of
women, IiiHtanco are retmrbHl to
ua whore men have aotually bwn
atHn making love to girls who wuro
diowing gum. Poor follows, they
bad to be oontout with the aliareof
the luaidtn ' iutortwt which waa loft
over from Uie gum chewing. Un
doubtodly, too, In ordor to win fa
Tor, Uioy even aupiily the gum to
the girls, though it la fur thm so
ditroiug a rlvul and ao groat an
obstacle to the ooncontration of
thought requisite for lovomaking.
According to roctmt aud very in
tcllijnuit iwtimuU, aa mnny aa one-
tonth of the human family Indulge
in chewing the betel nut of the
east This betel nut, however, swma
to have tMimo mtriiiMio potency aa a
stimulative of the digiwUve organs
or aoitutkiiniiiwHl. But is there any.
thing pli4uiumblo or umiful In chew
ing gum beyond the more exonriae of
the jaws) hat, won, ia the philos
ophy of this recent Amorieun habit,
for In Ita provalouca tt ia now, and
why should it have so pernicious a
fiuR'lnanon for women emiocjally,
though itimirs tliolr beauty and Unia
violates the uiutatos of the uiiivetml
instinct of women to enhance their
r-New Y(
line admiration
ork Sun.
Tha Oraca Waa Too Ing.
There in uttlo cliap up on Price
hill who will make trouble in religious
circles some of thewo days If he la not
systematlctdly trained in "the way
ho should go." He waa over at his
jrrandfnther's for dinner ywiterdiiy
and sat buckled in the old hinh clmlr
ready for the onaluught ! Ilia grand
father, a reverent old gontlomnn and
one or tiio worlnieat in toe world.
bent his snowy hood and began his
usual lengthy graoo. ? ,
Bammy never ruliahoa thoeu famous
gracea at brat, and when, just in the
middle of this extra long one for
company, Uio old gentleman pauiicd
deliberately and yawned several tedi
ous times, the iufant could stand it
no longer. Leaning over be tapped
Urn on the arm with bin big spoon
and whimpered enorgoUoally i , .
"Dot a move, dranpa dot a move
for drocious sake I's hungry as A
bear I" " , ; A
Graudpa "got a move," Cincinnati
Oommordol Qoeette.
" ' Th BTngraI AlllgatoK "
Tlio Trinidad Field Nuturalittt's
Club Magazine has an Interesting pa
per by Mr. a. DoveniHU on alligator
shooting in that island, whore it is
vulgarly supposed that if any one
touches un alligator's nest be is in
great danger from the "maman oui
mnn" mothor alligator. Onoe while
surveying on the left bonk of the
Carotii Mr. Devonian came on a nest
and wan duHorted by his men. Doing
armed with bowie knife and enUass,
he demolished the nest and took some
of the eggs to hatch near a fountain
in his garden. After a few days the
little alligators appeared, "still ad
hering to the shells by their umbil-
Ipnl cords, briskly showing light when
approached, dragging their shells be
hind them and rushing with open
aw at anytning presented to thorn
and madly biting it" . ''
' , Whm th Blbl It Gulag. ' :
Everywhere in the world the Holy
Writ is being sent When Stanley
mndo his tour of central Africa, tons
of volumes wore to bo f ound among
his supplies, and the authorities an
nounce that thousands of copies are
even now traveling on pacn ana on
ulcdge through Uie frozen polar re
gions to people who have not only
nvor heard of thia book, but to
whom books of any sort whatever
are entirely unknown, it is esti
mated that in 90 years the Bible so
oloties of America and abroad have
djattbqted. over 830,000, 000 copies. -
, 1
fiainaal Nina of a t.Mri
! "T aaJd tha man with tha ap-
potlto for rye, "It may aeom a tat
like f fairy story to you follow, but
I waa ouo a temiieranos orator.
"Trying to work off that old gag
about tli horrible example, are
J?' Mkad tU awnly man guapt-
Nut a bit of It," ropllod tha man
win the appetite fur ryt warmly.
I was luat what I aald I waa, a torn
twranoa orator, And I didn't have no
"T?" H '"v'1 I
I , "Oh, Sll OVpr the OOOntry. I had
fpb"mtaluowiaetoo. Onoe
i wa Wit In A town in Illlnola and
, lectured to M aUilionOA Oomnoaed &
i tirely of man. There worn WO them
4whon I got UirouKh I bad mads
i "u ui -Tory wi
. took th pledge. Taat'e what
; 1 Prewy .
''Protty giod,"aaid the skyman,
bow J1,u thv1 km itr ,
- wp "I Why, . tliey, are still
! kwping it I bava kopt myaolf in
lormed on that point and . there
- n1'' touched A drop from
. " w uu
"What town was thlr asked the
seedy man.
"Jollet I leotured before the life
Drisoners In the state tiriaon. and the
wan ln made them take the pledge,'
-uuBaio Axpi
A CmOfaHMa ( Ulrry Wrk :
An interesting oomiarian of the
literary output of IMS with Umt of
the year 1600, in pmjiorUon to the
estimated number of readers then
and now, is baaed on the computa
tion tliat there are four times aa
many readers now as in 1800. On
thia basis the only really revolution
ary change shown Is in the numlx-r
of new novels, though there has
ben an increase along othor lines.
There baa been mt iucrease hi
theology and sermona, and in bi
tory and biography. There has been
oonsldorable iucrease in books edu
cational, chuMtlcal. philologioal and
sull more In voyages and travels.
Arts, sciences and illustrated works
would soetn to have dbnlniahed.
while law, medicine and poetry have
aimmuuied to a far greater extent
Novels, on Uie other band, have
uuluplted enormously. The actual
number of new novels In 1800 was
44. The number in 1KB was 1,147.
The number of novels written and
not published as shown by tosti
mony from prominent publishing
houses Is startling. The judgment
of the experts based on the number
of works, examined la that of ama
teur novelists only about three in
every 100 manage to get their works
prlu ted, Author. -
ShapUaal Ahaal Thl WkulMal KiMaOaa.
A well known Now York artist tolls
this story of himself:
"While ,ve were spending the sum
mer at our country home, a little girl
oalled to see my wife. As she was
engaged, I attempted to entertain
Uie child by showing bor pictures of
famous French women. The first
was Charlotte Corday. I gave a
brief account of bor life and nnudied
by saying they out her hood off! The
child caught her breath, but said
nothing. The next picture was that
of Mme. Roland. I told about hor,
and finally said, 'And they cut her
hood off.'
"The child's face grew rather m
credulous, but still she said nothing.
The next face was Mai lo Antoinette's.
"Oh I' she exclaimed. 'What a beau
tiful lady I How lovely alio is.' 'Yea,'
I answered, 'she wss porfucUy lovo
ly. But they cut her head off,'
This was too much. The child
arose and looking at me in Uie most
indignant way said: 'Humphl what
do you take me fort I ain't so green
s I look I' "-New York Tribune. - ;
Quick Ocaaa Paaaa In afati
; Those who know much alwut bonis
know Umt the safe boat is the fait
boat, becauso tho fast boat must of
necessity be strong. The faxt and
strong boat never waits for the traves
to husUe and buffet it it govs th rough
thorn. Once in a while, it is true, an
equinox may contrive a gale that will
trouble even the Campania, but. a
wave requires time to gathnr itself
totrothor and snend ita strength, and
a fast boat of the right build does not
wait Thore are of course fust fair
weather boats, designated to make
"record" passages in sunshine and do
o, but which floundor in tho trough
of Uie sea when the waves roll high.
These are impostors, and wise men
avoid them. London Saturday Re-
A DmMm-i K.ply.
An old man who was extremely
deaf and hod a deep, gruff voice went
to inquire for a neighbor who was
seriously ilL Knocking at the door,
be was met by tho mothor of uiosick
woman, who answered his inquiry by
telling him that her ' daughter was
sinking fust, and it waa not possible
she could live more than a few hours
at most "Glad ou't," replied Uie old
man, moving off utterly unconscious
of the nature of the answer he had
received. Springfield Homestead.
, .
, A Malnral Toboa-gsa Slid.
From base to summit of a moun
tain of dark red sandstone, 800 feet
high, In Weber canon, Utah territory,
there is said to be a smooth white
itouo floor, with all the'annearonce
if a slide, reaching from uie top of
bo mountain to the bed of the Weber
iver, - w...... "'
The Simplicity of Calling Cardfc'
Tt unmt ba acknowledged Uiat the
presont Btyles In cards are in the
most refined taste. It seems almost
Incredible that within the memory of
the present generation a highly glassed
iard with a silver bordor was oonsld-
wl a correct form and was used by
voflned women of that day. Phila
delphia Times. . .
The shah of Persia possesses a
itring of pearls brought up by the
livers on the Porsian coast, each in
lividuul priu l f which is nearly the
lino of a bnzel nut
Onawbeoba tm Lira la tba rhlaaM giaS
la Ih Swull Vti uf a Tin.
Small bouse or (lit I Tliia la a ques
tion which baa been interesting the
middle class paterfamilias. "Out
there Are advantages, you must al
low, in a flat We can got along with
only one girl, and thus save kitchen
squabbles. Tnere are no stairs, halls,
collars, furnaces and sidewalks to
cart for, And when the buUding la
heated by steam there ia only the
Kiteiien ore to supply with ruol."
"I always want to smile when that
old plea about stairs comes up, for ia
tnseof small children there are cir
cumstances arising every day which
will necessitate going up and down
stairs, even If your suit of rooms is
all on one floor. I know one family
where the wife actually suffers for
out of door exerciae because she
dreads going up and down tho stairs.
"She Isn't obliged to, She aw take
Uis elevator." "It Is a great mistake
to conclude all flats aresuptihed with
elevator. One of the finest building
ut un wiUiin two veara in thia cftv.
a nigu toned noigbborhood, has no
elevators, and I could mention others.
As for the collars, thev are there, and
the worst of it is you have no idea of
their condition. You cannot make
sure, as in the small house, that they
are all whitewashed every spring and
tliat all the corners are free from
filth, and aa for the furnace, the beat
la seldom right Your rouma are
either too hot or too odd, unices the
janitor ia more of a model than I have
ever found. In the small house you
make sure of better light better ven
tilation, more sunshine and. best of
all, more freedom."
Leaving out thse physical oomrid-
eretioua, the small bouse in the city
comes nearer the true ideal of a borne
than the flat Edward Everett Hale
writes, "No home is a real one which
has not window on all four sldea,"
It oooms to me Mr. Halo dooa not al
low aufllcionUy for that living con-
atdornUon which goes far toward
making a home of even a basement,
but certain it Is tnat tbe more win-
dowa the more beautiful tbe abode
for the to be borne. It is a pity that
through unavoidable circumstances
the word borne in Uie city baa not
that significance tt has in the coun
try. Through continual moving
home aesociaUons are constantly
broken. "Do you own your bourn t"
asked one friend of anoUier. "No;
fashion hi bounce, or rather In locali
ties, changes so often tt is not desira
ble to buy In Uie city. We have moved
twice simply on account of tbe chang
ing neighborhood, though we liked
the houno In each case."
Thia hardly accords with Henry
Ward Boecher's idea of a borne.
which could not be perfect until
sweetened through and through with J
the experiences of the soul itself.
w ith a strong desire to establish a
real home with an individuality of
ita own, many of these unfavorable
olwtoelee could surely be removed,
out do you not know women who
shoulder the responsibilities of im-
menso houses, burdening themselves
with all tbe worry of letting out
floors for the sake of living in a grand
suite of rooms in a tony quarter rath
er than living in a small, unosten
tatious bouse in a quiet street!
Brooklyn Eagle.
aoMlara Dltgiul arcanla.
Miss B. asked General S. of Louisi
ana if it was true that many of our
solid dtinens, while soldiers, regard
ed card playing and petty pilfering
as among Uie aocomplisbmentB of
camp life. General 8. replied: "A
base libel, madam a calumny. True,
they never left a friendless chicken
to nod on its uncomfortable roost;
never suffered an overburdened sp
plo tree to break down from its load
of fruit; never removed a bee gum
until the shades of night mode Uie
removal more to the comfort of the
boesi never permitted Uie lacteal
fluid to sour in badly ventilated milk
houses, aud never no, never left a
wounded shoat to bleed its young
life away by the rondsido, and as for
cards we give you our word that
before the butties of Seven Pines, of
Porryvillo, of Murfreesboro, we saw
cards strewn all along Uie rood, so
great was tho soldiers' disgust for
card playing 1" Confederate War
: rate American Hnntn anroaa.
"Take a supply of American rub
bers for European use," is the advice
of a woman who has suffered through
not following it The goloshes of
England are unweorable for foot ac
customed to Uie featherweight of
New York shops, and Uie German
Uiick boots aro equally objectionable.
Your German friends will exclaim
with horror becauso you wear rub
bers, warning you that a list of
dreadful diseases will result but
don't be frightened; the list has not
resulted, though rubbers are much
worn, and Uie tangible result of well
protected and neatly clad feet on
tormy days is more satisfactory
than a lot of chimerical tears. New
York Times.
Tho most curious animal in Uie
world is the Ornithorynohus para
doxus of Australia. It is shaped like
an otter, has fur like a beaver, is
web footed like a swan, has a bill
Hko a duck, a tail like a fox, is am
phibious and lays egg . ; ,
It is well to remember, for use in
cases of illness where tbe .burning
thirst of the patient cannot be as-,
suaged by cracked ioo or water, that
a toospoonful of glycerin will afford
gronipt and comparatively long re
There are 58,000 Poles in the chief
American cities 84,000 in Chicago,
10,000 in Milwaukee, 9,000 in Buffalo,
6,700 in New York, S,000 in Cleve
land, 8,700 In Pittsburg and 8,200 lu
Philadelphia. '
A large sea gull, it is said, has beet)
captured on the Lehigh river new
Catesauqua, Pa. It is of rare occur
rence for a bird of that species to get
so far away from the large bodies of
suit water. , , ,
" . "' t
Highest of aQ in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Cjr't Report .
Th MImIm la Uf aftw Haa.
"There Are more ways than one to
bill a cat," any Uie proverb, And it
applies equally as well to the way
of making a living. Once Uie striv
ing point of all ambitious young
minds waa a prominent place in one
of Uie established professions of law,
meuimne or theology, now the hon
orable pursuits in life are as varied
and as many as Uie pimples on a
young man's face.
The latest edition to the list of ex
alted professions is that invented by
two futerpriaing individuals on Park
row, opposite Mall street llioy both
wear soiled aprons and prenide over
a traveling hotel, or rather tho cul
inary part of a hotel, for they do not
let rooms nor provide table d'ltote.
One of these men is tbe profmor of
dyspepsia, Uie other is his amsistant
a cook. Their stock in tradeconsists
of pile of yellowish white, consump
tive looking pastry, made of grease,
gum and glue, cylinder shaped, Con
voluted and presenting iniude a hol
low like a hungry man's stomach.
They are labeled "One cent and '
when a victim steps up and hesitat-1
Ingly purchases one the grimy cook
pours into tbe bollow some sticky,
musiloginous mixture, which is prob
ably sweet enough to cover Uie
doughy taste of Uie pastry, and
spriukling some powdered saccharine
over It exchanges for a cent this sure
producer of Uie rankest kind of dys
pepsia. Kew York Herald.
II Ward raw taa Woawa,
The librarian in one of Uie great
New England colleges lately showed
to a well known clergyman a list of
its alumni, boosting that be had ob
tained an account of their present
occupation and homes. The. great
t . a a a".
majority naa oera poor ooys, out
were now successful and prosperous,
having emigrated to the western and
middle states.
"Very good," said Uie clergyman
dryly. "Now I ahould like to have
an account of Uie homes and lives of
Uie women Uie mothers and un
married sisters who worked and
saved, starving tbemselves gome-
times, to send many of these men to
"Very few poor men in New Eng
land nave been educated or started
In the world without Uie long sacri
fice of some such woman's life, and
gome of thorn to my knowledge have
never repaid Uie sacrifice with love
and gratitude. In Uie villages of
New England, nn sorry to say, arc
otxatdonully found aged womer
whow only bappineaa is in Uie for
away success of sonio unnratefu!
brother or son." Youth's Coiapan
ion. ,
IllaMratnant In Tama I'l(uua.
Borne yr-ara ngo my father bed f
pair of common white pirooaa. Tbej
were very tamo and bwanie vorj
much attached to him, so much sc
that they wero Almost his cou&tant
companions, accompanying him ii:
his walks or when out driving. Tbe;
would answer his whistle like a dog
and would alight on his proffered
hand or enter his pocket if opened for
thorn. A skeptical friend thought
they would show Uie same familiari
ty to any othor person, and to give
them a fair trial he procured a suit
of clothes of Uie some color as that
which my father wore.
Arrayed in bis disguise, our skep
tical friend, imitating my father's
whistle as nearly as possible, whisUed
to Uie pigoons. Immediately they
left their perch on Uie housetop and
flew down to the band held out to re
ceive thorn, but when they came
wiUiin a few yards of it they sudden
ly checked themselves, fluttered per
plexodly for a fow moments around
our friend and then flew back to Uie
housetop. This was conclusive evi
dence. Cor. London Spectator,
A Propeller For SalUuf Vauala,
David Urch of Portsmouth is the
inventor of what he calls the "pen
dulum propeller" to give auxiliary
power to sailing vessels. It is in
tended to be aflbted to the side of any
vessel having on board a steam en
gme of any description, to givo power
in calms or light winds or when en
tering or leaving port A trial of
the contrivance was made in Porte
mouth harbor on tho fishing schooner
Comet an engine of 6 horse power
being placed on her deck. The ves
sel steamed up and down the river
under perfect command, making
three knots or more an hour. The
invention is simplicity itself. It is
fastened to a vessel's side, well up to
Uie planksheor, with three bolts, and
when not in use Uie screw can be
swung to Uie level of Uie rail, or
higher, the chain being always at
the same tension. It is lifted by a
small chain fastened to Uie lower
portion of Uie "pendulum." New
York Telegram.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alma.
Used in. Millions of mes 40 Years the Uadri
. Otx to a ut a (oblln cum
Aa aM to biau "If rua trill
Tbraa trlabaa. wtutUunVr tl.n im.
Ttay ahall b araat4 hunuitlf.
I TIUakrfthmUilii(futi (tenth beat,
Iibtm jroar wlfb-'w Ao ll rant."
"O aobllar U ti outu, "Itulwd
Toa'n Jtu Urn kiud al friend I and.
- Banger and want kiiawa Un faa
' Itaia would kmra what rlehnt an."
"Then," ertad tha goMia. -Iwn It tr11
Rich art till data to ball
"Alaska earl"
BadahnaA tha man, Ttt Oimwa away,
Aad ail far mug-lit. eban Immanea.
: loaljvwlah 1 bad aotqa amaur
i Tb(obllawawdkhiwaRdtiiadtnM '
f Vu hli rprlaa w wlw for one.
' And being waa, b laogtud and laid,
1 an a awlwwald I wr Wdr
"Ofaatodr th roblln miled.
"If plala
! Taa11avarbaasw1ikiln,
-OUwt Urford ia Ufa.
Taral'e Leah af Self Aawnloa.
! On the occasion of the first presen
tation of his last opera so devoid was
Verdi of all self assertion that he
even expressed his regret that so
vast a concourse of strangers should
have taken Uie trouble to come from
all parts of Europe for the premiere
and declared that he preferred the
days of his earlier career, when hie
operas were accepted or rejected on
their merits alone, and when Uie text
was independent of any consider
ations of personal popularity. A
glance at his honest eyes was enough
to satisfy Uie hearer that these were
his true convictions and no affecta
tions of humility.
Such men are at all times rare, but
living as Verdi does at a moment
when Uie younger Italian school,
which be baa so long fostered almost
stogie handed, is rapidly coming to
Uie fore and ia reaching an Impor
tant crista nf ita tavnlnnmfnt hiu irv.
flues oe for good cannot possibly be
overrated, nor can it fail to be pro
ductive of the highest resulii. Fort
nightly Review. .
It would create a sensation in St
Louis if Mayor Walbridge or Con-,
gresKman Joy were to appear in tha
streets or on Uie roofs of their housea
flying kites, but this pastime belongs
essentially to adults in Uie orient.
When I was in China, I was amazed
at first at seeing greybeards flying
kites. I never saw, children playing
with them there, Uie nearest to a
"ldd"at the sport being a young man
about 80 years, and be seemed awk
ward and out of place. The chief
plea'iure of Uie kite flyer in.China is
to engineer Uie toy so as to tangle up
and pull down some other fellow's
Tho kites are shaped to resemble
blrdts dragons, etc, and are sent to
a wonderful height The American
boy isn't as much of a kitebuilder as
he v -aa. He doesn't sit for hours
whittling, scissoring and pasting as
we cf a previous generation did.
Kite.: are made in factories now, and
they can be bought so cheaply at the
candy., toy and stationery shops for
A few pwinies that no boy cares to
ntako one St. Louis Globe-Democrat
' 1 .: ' ' ;
" An iWaaJV Famllyt ' '-V.'.
' A Ftranga 'arrival lrtely took place
at r..rcelona. An old man of 90, t
who had left the town in his youth
to sc tk his fortune in America, reap
pear, il with a suite of over 00 per
sona very large family. He hod
been married three times and
broil; ht back to Barcelona with him
It dausrhters. of whom 6 were wirU
ows i ud D married; 83 sons, some of
whom wore widowers and others
married; 84 granddaughters, some
of whom were married, and 47 grand-
aons, and among the rest g great-
granugrns. These, with their wives
and husbands and children, made up
Uie krge family. Exchange.
Valng a Spade.
In working with Uie spade Uie pro
Kirtion of right handed men grasp
.ho spade with Uie loft and push with
left foot and right hand, though.
when using an ax, the same individ
uals would grasp farthest down with'
tho right The Persians mount their
horses from Uie right Bide, which is
the different side from that mounted
by Europeans. Chambers' Journal,
Hygienic Value of Sonpi,
If one would consult his health in
eating, soups would regularly appear
upon our tables at least once a day. ,
There is not a sufficiently high esti
mate placed upon the hygienic qual
ities of soups. They warm the stom
ach tmd prepare it for the more solid
foodu to follow. When weary and
tired nervously, they are tte best
totne3 and will often prevent severe
attacks of dyspepsia. One should '
never neglect them before a hearty
ditinur. If soups are taken before
meals, no pills will be needed after
ward, is au old provem we ore too
cut to uecrloct the soup and resort to
Uie pills. Yankee Blade.