The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 29, 1893, Image 3

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What Our Keener Finds of In
j torwt to Our Readers.
Ssamtrf t 1st KtMta it Ik Wert T l Tl
uJ flln4 rMUIrllaM f Urrt
Vtm Kwj -,
Cheat seed for eal' by Mm. Viol
Bloper, on mile south of Itidcpend
no. fit
Nest Saturday evening lhy art g.
lug U give a "hard time" sociable at
rtoeriff Wells sold at auction at Falls
City Thursday of last wwk the attached
lumbar of Pugh Bru.
V. a Davla, of Dallaa, I runulug a
warvhouM for hoiia, and expect to
have stored near 400,000 pounds.
The lufant child of Mr. H. H. Icom
died last Friday, and collections were
takeu up to give It a proper burial.
(Saturday, October 7, at one o'clock
the Monmouth craum once more
assemble. .
The attendance at the Wale Norma)
echool hae uow reached nearly 30,
verv dav there being addition. The
eehool la in a very proirou state.
Joe Craven, of Monmouth U going to
move back to hi farm, and last Hatur-
day evening hla friend of the Baptist
church dropped lu and gave ulrn
aoclal evening.
D. P. Hears, of Medford, with hla two
lovely children Grace and Fay, la vlait-
lnt In Polk eouuty. He I a brother of
D. W. Bear here. He ha been vlalt-
; log Dr. B. A. Mulkey abo. .
People are bcvlunlug to see that Van-
duyn I really cloaiug out hi ttock of
goods, a bl prieea are lower Uiau em
known. Why pay a profit when you
can buy at cost, or eveu lee.
Some week ago Mr. Leaeno ur-
ehssrd slity acre of land from A. 11
Atklus, and now ha a neat cottage
completed aud thl week will have a
barn well under way. Campbell eon
were the carpenter.
Dr. J. Harry Oay left on Hominy for
Corvallis, but expect to be back here
within a moulb. The doctor I very
much pleased with aome of our people
and mav make bl home In folk
President P. L. Campbell of the State
Normal School at Moumouth was here
last Monday attending the opening of
the State University for another year
and the InauKurailon of It new Pretd
dent-Eugene Guard.
F. 8, Powsll, aay when wheal gel to
80 cent a bushel he will sell bis whole
crp. We wish we had the money to
buy It, a it will surely be worth more
than that within six months, but per
il an Mr. Powell la acting from ex
Home people say times are hard but
they are surely mistaken. Our reporter
saw (i00 on a stud poker table here last
week, and one man lost 175 and an
other l-W at crap, so it seems that
when the money la wanted It can be
dug up all right '
There were lively time In one of the
saloons one night last week when an
expuglllst named Maban attempted to
take the town. He found that even
"bad man ' could not run Indeen-
deuce vet a while. He has several
black eye yet.
We learn from reliable authority that
the Burrows Bros., of A litany, Intend
buylug land and bringing all their fine
stock to Polk county. DeLinn, Del
Norte, Multnomah, aud Multnomah
Boy are some of the bone owned by
them. It will be quite an addition to
. Po.k eouuty.
Rhv.J. Fred Jenkins of Otay, which
Is within six miles oi Mexico, In Cat
Iforuia, preached In the Baptist church
last Sunday morning and evening, to
large audience. Next Haturday, at the
Covenaut mcetlug it will be decided
whether he take up the Pastoral work
Mrs O. O. Grlfla aud J. H. Burton
wish to express thanks to the people
Independence for the very literal and
frwlv nude donation they received
with which to bury the Infant child
Mrs. H. H. Icom, which was Interred
last Friday. They were everywhere
kindly received.
Friday mornlnn the usual order
thlnes was changed somewhat by a
alurm of fire, first by the fire hell and
tl,n ths hi ttnaru whistle. For n few
minutes everyone was at a loss to now
where to go, but it was found to be
Mrs. Hosisr's house, occupied by Mr.
Fordney, aud the hook and bidder
and hose carts went tearing u In that
direction but before they arrived neigh
bors had put out the fire whudi was
from a burning flue.
Whoever saw a harder push for read
money than we are witnessing now.
Patterson Hros. say, onlv their low
prices or else a hammer aud saw can
get Into a pocket book. Better limes
are oomiuit and as good a fall trado as
ever, will be the result. Call at Patter-
Tir,- atiilaxamine their (roods. Of
noil me thev carry the finest stock of
drum, which you may need, but they
ineclally call your attention to their
musical Instrument at cost, their silver
ware, their. Jewelery of all klmls at
low prices.
Our county fair, In splto of rain, in
spile ol bard times, has been made u
MiMh cred it is aue me inci
dent.. A. Nelson, and the Secretary M. O,
Vniinr for their untlrlua efforts and
thli- uniform courtesy to visitor so
that Polk county has the reputation al
ready established of treating Its visitor
. fairer than any portion oi me siaie,
Mr. Potter, as secretary, is the right
man for the position. He thoroughly
understands bis work, does It well, Is
prompt in Its discharge, and isqul.:k to
tke bold of new Ideas for the Improve
mnt ofthe fair. W. W. Perclval had
charge of the race track and the fast
time made on Saturday Is evldoncc that
be did his work well. All wno were
, nniPA with the management of the
fair in any way, deserves credit for their
effort. '
Art Armstrong la back from Railsm
litillo school opened last Monday
llli large aliendanoa,
Charles Allen, of Drama IW lias
been visiting at Amity.
Otto Walling and wire, of Amity,
have moved to Newiwrt. .
Itev. J, 11 Baldwin and wllVi are rus
tling on the Neatuoca this week.
Henator Mattoek, of UmhtU'aoounty,
was attending the races here last week.
Fred Heller and wire aud C Holier
of Monmouth left Air the East on Mon
day's train.
Mia Mabel Well returned taat Hat-
Hay from visiting her father It F.
Welle In Taooma.
ltonj Lucas, the agent at Derry, keeps
one of lb neateat stations on the West
Bide railroad.
J, H., Iord, of 8n Jose, who ha
been vtaltlng Jay Butler at Moumouth,
has returned home.
Mlaa Gertie Mackey, who ha been
visiting her sister Mr. Kd Owens, re
turned to Corvallis Monday.
T. K. Low, of near this city, has
purer. d a farm near Y equina bay,
aud will move there shortly.
Dick Tom had hla foot crushed last
Monday afternoon, out near the Luck-
lamute. W did nol learn particular-
Mr. Clay Notaon and family, who
have lived In Delia for a few year, ne-
parted last Saturday for Lincoln, oH.
1m Waun of Ballston, was In town
Tuesday to sell hi bops. He has ),-
ono nouuds of a nrlme article aVoni II
Mlas Corlnn Butler left on Monday
for her Waltshurg home. Hon. N. L.
Butler, her father, accompanied her a
far as Portland.
The Western Baptist Association
meets at Monmouth next Thursday,
and about one hundred delegate are to
be present.
Now la the tlm to secure a home
and Damon Haley have still left a
few choice lota lu their addition to
Miss Corlnn Butler left for her place
business In Waltsbnrg. and was
accompanied as far a Portland by
her father N. I Butler.'on Monday.
Mr. aud Mr. J. H. Collins, Intend
leavlug for the World's Fair next week.
Before they return thev will visit rela-
lives aud friends In Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. It H. LraU, of Halem,
were visiting Mr. oud Mr. Best on the
Madison farm near Monmouth Hun
dy. Mrs. Leabo Is a sister of Will
Brooks, formerly editor of this paper.
Kev. J. Fred Jenkins, who preached
Portland's great exptwlllon opeued
last Wednesday evening.
Miss Kit Fennell cam In on Thurs
day's train to remain a few day.
Mlas Mvrtle Miller, of Pmtland, laas-
alstlng the Ml Fisher ) Vendergrlfl,
In their busluea.
Mr. K. K. Paddmh.lefton Wedne
day fur Uorvallta, to visit her frleuo.
John Wart, a nephew of It K. erg-
usou, left for his home lu Mlchlgau on
It- K. Fergusifh moved this ''k to
theUeo Whlleaker furiu ne.ur won
mouth, which hi ha rented.
We omitted to lutlude In list of prem
iums this week the bliepherd
thweher, as receiving a dlpUana.
Un I. i'miiiiiIwII has oneued her
dreMiuaklug parlor over tne vny
luuiir,iut lu this city. ; .
Now i the Uuieofyvar ui pluutgra
seed. Douiy Paddia'k liav a larhe
Fsrmer should uot neglixil to Vlteol
their wheat In sowing It luty k
Paddia'k have plenty of blue vlirot
For the il Unto lu two years, Mrs,
I Claggett Is going lo I'oillnu.l to visit
her daughter Mr. Youu.
Dr. Kuttvne Gravu, a graduate of
Auu Arbor, MUh., iu dwutlsiry, U he
Uilltllug to locale ill Indepumleuc.
F. A online, the rustling Moiuuouih
furullure man, will deliver furniture
rtwi lu liideuuuileiice. He ha a well
elected stock, sold at low ralea,
Klru Ulnstiaw of Hlierldau aud A.
Inslmw hi brother were lu town
Wednesday. Zhn has lust lluUhed pink'
In his SO aerea of how, which are In
their And year.
Mr. I CampU'll, after mi iiImiic
of several weeks, has returned to hide
uendence, aud oia-ned dress making
parlors, as euuuuncwd lu her advertise
incut lu aiiollH'r column.
llev. Uirtoii Biggs of Hahin, will
preach lu the ChrWIaii iliurch next
Hunday inoiulng. The ireutteman la a
Polk count Isiy, hiiviuu Leru raised
on the farm In Halt Creek, near Hall
L. Damon ulo;ili.l.el our rldenta
tl,U mk l.v sllCtemrilllV Working the
county road by rteaui power. I he u
glue pull the bin plow an. Hoe
i he work of 13 horses, in a ue.ier
Mr and Mr A. J. Uootltmm, reiuru
mi from the World's fair TIiuriy,
They were In Washington cliy, up In
the iiiouuiimut, saw t on u cess lu
Ion. and renort a trip ana
not au acclduul.
Wheal 47, hops 17, osls 8(1, potatoes 80
K. C Merrell, the hop man, leave
Air Puyallup hwlsy (Frldny.)
Thursday town was full of Imp pick-
returning from the hop field.
Thursday, Friday and Haturday the
weather was delightful. The attend
anoe luurewed each day, The Men
mouth braas band euilvened the occaa- Black Prince, by A. H. Mlrlcklaiid
Mr. Hum, of Portland, alvter of Mrs, ou wuu nuinerout selection of cboliw Pspptsaw, by W Urlbhl...
M. Young, was visiting her this week, music. W. Ayer of Portland, was In Fuuuy.byT.U.Thorp
Tito tniiay
Itllcy IXs.iH-r llmsbed picking hops charge of Ihe ptU sUi.d. T!
Wedmadayi J. It. Burton Tuesday, alanda, hot waffle, lunch
to I'orlliiud
m, i , L ..i ii.. Wmimiiiu acorecaw rrniay auu . riuny. Titer were uo ao
- , ,., , oounty werelwoorme juugea iu me
A. W. MeNary flulshe.1 pk'klug hoi . w xmUMU ,,,4 yuian Dam-
last Halunlay. tte had H.0O0 Doxes. ,Brhala. It Hlielly aud Lee
C. W. HlUmp was ticket boa. lm kut the twt aH,. Hcolt Laughary
I WNTW).-Anelilerly lady b lea hdohraofhenvlllow. J. F-Kirk
osre of child durlug the day, Iav WJ WMW,toftUuflllllliii keeper,
adilhwtal WwTHiiikioflli'e, Ik tliuisaiu waa ttfllclal starter,
'..-(I.... ....... .1.. l.l i.hll.l lUrre. IjkauliarvBna.hada II lie exhibit of
tllV K'HI iiiie '' .0 w 1 w m -
.ui of I. H. Biumag'U f Alhlua, was chicken, Mrs. !r' O. O. uutier naa
hnaiulit here on Wednesday for burial ou exhlbllou a few yartia or suver
I. ........ . .!
w. 1, 1...-. k..k..iu with brotau wl slid which wa worm pi
k.. 11... ..... Mmiiimiilh ftir til jam, IV ui UB irum
past for,oh.(re,urnedU, her
In t'oiulon, on winrsiiay.
Nipper by W. U. Humphery,
LolrelU by J. O. Mack
Time, l!M,
(For home not winning any ratw J
Mw OrtoMM Haa Wases EaWkaalaeUe
Of lie B twills.
It wm we mite of ia
t rrfnk and whiUt dolioatAM nartwTtt
0 ttolat and burled within a world at
1 aof teat white stuff that roe up around
. Ha tiny (ao Ilka th bQlowt of a
K.0 Merrill Moiidsy.
J. It. N. lull weut
Argo, by I trauma aoa cauaht in a around iwelL
onuuters Time, 0:41 It wa. to tell th truth, a fanny look-
were ull In charge of lraimer. The Ham Castro then trolled Ulieiiaiis one tof creature thia . Uttl baby, with
WkMT HiiiK J uli offloe furulrhcd the half mile, uu exlilbtiou iniwj. iju mf diVy hair lying is fluffy
score cards Friday and Haturday. J.I Titer were uo aouldenU. No run-1 hatohe over It pulsating Dead, and
It (at Uttl ohoeks au excavatoa wnn
' " " 'a-
, Youo" a iMwly furulMi4 i
attUC.-yi t '
DalyHlbleyAl In, at Pa'.-,
aoomplelesetef I 'ct-
J. K Ooofjr L . jnly, of brfci t 4
hand at low prkn ' .
Mitchell a auon L r vary
oomplet planing nJI ou Mai"
Dr. J. It Jobnaon, the dew
All knowing themaulve Indebted to
A. Muoaiilay, please call and settle.
Hhs will le at the store for thirty deya
only. I'leas call and settle,
priNtiM dlpple that a yet were on- bu offlut on Ul of iuilro.
aoquunwa wiui me eiuu,uK ,trwU . .
, " m rJ'T"": !' K. O. Young, veterinary .ur-
4 .,.ve n e. mournful 0I cattle
vu7 " f-- -r . - 72 rw. T J T. hum Urn nnl.. ,m mtml,
wall avurr tune aome roiMuuum via 1 -r -
lA, would trv to niraad a demon- " the Independence NaUoual Bank
r.tiv kls ail over tlie Utile face. I bulldlng-
rfhe and mnthnr cazod ddoo tbia m. 10,1 Ketcuum nas ui omce in
little newcomer into their honiehold hla own building, on Moamoutb street
Douty Paddoek, Hi grocers, are
deslriou of having all persniisludebted
totliem, to come and settle their ao
cuui ta.
Hublatrd A Hlaai had the ralu assist-
nor lliein si.r ukie lite ' streets mis
month. Thursday they were misty
at th World's fair worth liooo.
The motor Ilus did a g'xnl busluea.
Our DalliM frlemla were out In large
number Halurday, and enjoyed the
Portland wa well rcprmuteo: 1. 1 .
Powell, eouuty clerk and owner or
Oliver Twist waa there. Tom Black
th collector of customs at Portland
fifteen hundred dollar on on
year' time, good real estate security,
Addreas X oar Wkt Hi UN. HtaU rat with all that pride and Joy mat can near Haiiroaa.
or interest, . eome rrom no lount bvo u Hubscrtber wanting beln or any
love born or tnaoncf. uo wotuu wo 1 p,,,, jiriug employment can use
the mtlt bundle of hiflnitoairnal baur
and innumerable kirta no to bfc wg nrti.,n. n,j ,
ti; 11 1... T t Lli.L l..u I In a atnanrlv awVWBM BOR Of I ... . - - -
ii. innMiu i . j. I wuu. m n.-B" -jt - 1 I woMla. Faith aildltloual word mul
Until Is IMri,
W. L. Wells to C. W Hmlth, asslgne
J 11 Crowley, 1 acre lu tp 7 and
airow ISU0700
C C Mulkey to F Y Mulkey, lot lu
Moumouth 80000
Only two time up and down the ireet kud Umrah wer there, also It h Htauley to Hllaa Orchard lot
and it commenced raining- No wou
dor some men get rich.
C. W.Htump, who hss Jacob Pfau
farm near Fila rvntwl, wa lu lown
Thursday on busiuese. He says he for
0110 doe not I lev lu this country
having "cheap money," in other words
he opptswe free coinage of allver.
A I'nlversul Beaullrler.-Harm
eir.rtlve, and agreeable, Ayr's Hair
Vigor haa takeu high rank among
1 4let artielee, Thl preparation cause
thtu, weak hair to beeome abundant
strong and healthy, and restore graj
hair to It original color
Mr. I). It Tailor audMm. IVnlland
went out aud spent Wednesday, ou th
J. V. Masterson farm Her Is what
ihcy brought back to (heir husbands,
who wre not with them: Esch a
water melon, muskuirlon, winter ml
. . 1 . . ..1 -1.1..1.....
islles, pears, apnies, nm ui vummi
pclce of ftike Who asyi Oregoa farm
ersdo not live well?
Iu an age of fraud and adulteration,
It Is gratifying to know that such au
exienslvely used preparation as Ayer's
Harsuparltl msy he Implicitly relied
It never varies either lu uaii
a Perklus, the hotel uiau.
Frank Baker, state printer wa over
County Clerk Mulkey of Dallas, aud
Hherlir Wells were to be aeeu Ilia
. k '
Taken all together ihe fur wa a suc
cess) and yet U ailght be mad more ao,
We sea w no baloou asceuaiou no
parade of die flue horses, and no amuse
ment outside of th raoea.
In Dallas WOOOO
G W Johnson and wife to A Porter
lot lu West Halem 40000
Hattle I,ocke to Wm Cockle, 110.72
acrcsln ttfir4 w 00000
J Land C Courter to A E Nelsou
The Independence Tile Co. ha
I faculties fur turning out, on hors'
notice all Vse of tiling, from the
I smallest to th largest ,
L, W. McAdams is prepared to
Premiums' at the Cnly Fair.
Mr. T J Lea. isi or. Pastel and Uli
Mr. Wm. Walker. Hd pre. Pastel and
oil palutlug.
Mra W P Cuiiiiuwey. let pre. iJind
ecape lu oil,
Mia Kate W heeler, kVl pre. LauuVwpr
Mrs J E Miller, Irt pre. Animal painting
Mrs M O Potter, Sd pre Animal luUug
Mlas Kate Wheeler, let pre. Flower
lit ludepcudeuoe .......I 45000 ja way and look at it (or a moment, I
: inn uthit iih wuuiu an.T a at uvw a iLywj 1
Qpoo the soft pillow again a it he I W. H. Craven Vu. are turning out
,Lt it wnuld break if it ihould try some fine set of harness which are
any chance be Jostled against any- warranted to give satisfaction
tLlng to tangible even a a nnmg
current of air.
mm . -11 .Y. hm . . rrtmn
iaen, wnon au uw w vvj
the mother, in wboae eye now dwelt
that new light hitherto unknown
within their dectha. would gather up
wlthaconMentgTaaptheunieining furnish you an elegant monument
that wa all in all to thmn both and wth wblch to the ut reaUng
would Inalat upon cauini mo nuwr ... , ...
lot lu Buen VUU 100 00 1 mtia,Mcm for the four hundredth and r
O W Johnauu aud wftoE Porter. A Hma to the many and (ant tnulti- D. H. Craven dill turn out tho I
tract In West halem, ,11400 00 plying beauties at the little creature, beautiful photograph, rain or shine
0 W Job 11011 aud wife to Clara and would then be highly indignant if ublard 4 Htaata are busy doing
Putnam, tract liuWest Halem. .730000 if he did not repeat aw ume m uo- dreviue- here-
. ., ... ,, 1 .,..... 1 11-1.1 I i- tVm mlaalnn that It waa thel""
Wr4emigauuwi.ewvw- 7 . A.:, u.v I J.r.: Mhlnn.rr Ih. mill.
mn.i hAanttnii ana waauunui ism " -'- - -
the world had ever produoea. isneiers, suuouhuo mhiiwivisiwij w -would
catch the infant up to her change flour for wheat, and store wheat,
bosom and kias It little race unui it i ror the rarmer oi rout county.
caroeiy naa a lau-cnanoo w pwpl(j m fiX)(i to iumr wbeD arcta
ana tneni ine woau j . Uty can be found to cure them. Oregon
and moving allghUy away (east her R Tea no npvtimini, tadDott
SM fakelogetyourmoney. Why wlllyo,,
uTenSment borrowed &m bIUte, when we assure you that It U
T j ti"" , absolute cure for all kidney and urinary
""" ... i ji
It wa a common enough eon or a uw-
baby after all, but then it wa their j-)ve wuU u t costs to travel on
baby, and they thougM mere naa mutot to Moumouth and visit tba
never been a baby in the woria inai j,orauj uool
miM Wiut nna-half the charm that I
wore embodied in the little piece or r. a. aiurpny peggiug j'i
ra. lots In ludeneudeiioe,...., .60000 1
It P Hall aud wife lo E C Hall,
Lot III Buena VUU 600001
WL Wells to Wm Havage and
Hamuvl Coad, 74 acre lu 17 and
8srfi w 83000
Dallas Dots.
E. C. Peullsnd, of Independence, I
wa Jn iMlla Tuesday ou business.
A msrtlage license waa Issued to-J.
W. lliuhanlsou aud Xeula M. Bell, on
... ,j. ltl..d hot Isalwavsl MmTJ I,
v nr i 1 -" ----- -
up to the standard
. ...... i i iv... Itlaaaad lessoil to aaru wui-ii a
lliere will or no m-ri- ...
t.. "u. ".I... -.'I irviir.. Ureeallonal church Hunday. nor at urigiit young ...,. is. .,.,
o. ' l711TllH.Ivvi..,iii,,a,io For- UiiM.. addicted to lUpmr
h nnwnt there lo fullhl some engage est urove, to ge
The will of Thnc Bowie wa probat-
MraO 1) duller, 2d pre. Flower painting ta (,a gitni, Mr. Bowie, wife of de-1 s.nmgmitw thev callod their own. I and turns out boot aud shoos for hi
... i.i .. L-I....K. il.nliiu I . .... . . .. -i ...i ut a. I v. . . .... ....!.. .
Aia niuiaejr, . 0(Brj) HiMiiiueu esevuins auu n . n . i mhrht be many Dttuio wno customer
......... .. ... ...... .... ..... I . ... '
r.wmjr K'onhey, w. 8. rrinx ana A.B.nw tip the Deem or the grocer i
KabrlO imllltlllll I ..... .....n.l.r. l., . A ton nuM Ihin Interview
- I ft-.,. fMiH.v I 1 - " i gcSUeV UUUilU v. v i
their, and there might be a tnou-
ments previously made.
The big gospel lent was taken down
lst week as ihe meelinn were uot a
... IB .t. -
suoees. Messrs ntruuie ami nieaaitswi
are seia rated, the latter leaving soon
with his father for the Kant
C. H. Morris the Jeweler at Dallas,
reports business very good with him
considering the times, and we are glad
hi learn of his nrostierlty for he Is a
rustling bum ties man, and deserves it,
C D. Berry Is now conductor on a
West Hide freight and the expres sgent
Balph Donahue now hsndlee both ex
press and baggage on the passenger
Henry Muscott, of Dallas, ha Just
finished picking his 21 aerea of hope
the Lucklnmute ine
there a he will attend the
University this winter.
vfaiit. O. T. Caseon, of the British
Unpie, Cucupa now lu Portland, ha
been visiting the family or Mr.
M amnio v during the we'k. H vessel
hna lawn WallllW II IllCllftl niOUtllS M
a charier.
IUv. J . F. Groff.of Philadelphia com
menced a series of revival meeting In
the Evangelical church at Monna.uth,
last Wednesday to continue over Hun
day. He Is assisted by A. a Copley
aud others.
The new firm of McKaeherau A San
that he
lie from It eirveta, and lu an exsmlii-
stlou made of the stoinaeh of the de
ceased after death, It waa found that
Mr J E Miller, 1st
Mr II It I'altersoii, 1st pre. Painting
OU celluloid.
Mr L W Laughary, 1st pr. Craxy quilt
Mr J K Miller, 2d
1st " Oil painting
Maw Maud Pailersou, 1st pre. Quill by
girl under sixteen
Air two weeks nothing but pure aleo- Mlas Maud Patterson, id pre. Quill by
hid had kept young llayden alive, aud
Hi llnff of his sloiuaeh and his
lumrs wereeaien aaay. It Is a fearful
warning to our young men.
"From which slate do you nan;"
"What aie you doing In Oregenf
"Going to marry an Oregmilaii and
give him a tourli of Iowa life."
Have any of them prtpel.
mIv! in, .L.r hI 1.4.11. I .t
.. t .1..... i.. ..... & ini -
wrs v, ... J..V. -I .. . . ....
.I.UU1SI. ! I UI 1 1 luiasii'lH'i vJ tj t w
... . . I . . i . i i nv. ..!..
Mr T J Lee, 1st pre. Table spread wo, waa in we uuy i m-w,.
Mr MO Potter. Sid " " I A number of Dallas people were In
Mrs Llaxle MeUler, 1st pre, Collection I attendance at the fair at Independence
crochet work. I last week, aud report having bad a
M elite M Bonney, 2d pre. Collection of ,! prulluble time. They bc
cnx'hel work. rP n,u Inniliirlmi a oroam-rous
The final account of the estate of 8.
C. Williams to be heard October aim,
1K03. U. U. Blugbam, administrator.
Hherlfi Wells wa at Hatem ou busi
ness Monday. .
Mr. E. Havter ha beeu oonfiued to ( vn ol such a line of reasoning.
his room with sickuess the past ten I This waa their baby, their only baby,
and it was therefore the only baby
on earth (or them, and besides it was
their valentine. New Orleans Delta.
aand naren ts who thought they had
babies more beautiful than this little
follow, "but this mother and rather
were not ready to admit the possi
bility of the approximate correotnees
M. T. Crow when you
want anything In the sash and door.
line .,
. Shelley Alexander A Co. the drugg
ists, have a oomptete stuck of drugs,
paints, oils aud glaaa; also a full line of
school book and stationary-
There la no place In Oregon where a
better meal 1 served thau at the res
Uuraut of Westacott a Irwin, 271 Com- '
merclal street, Halem. Courteous at
tention, a Hue meal, aud the popular
price of 25 oeuta, have made thl house
the headquarter of everyone who has
occasion to dine In Salem.
1st pre.
Best oollfo-l
N. but one sm will. They are
dercock do not believe lu carryings big ml wlt M.W na ra.ily caught"
stock of crwkery on hand, longer than
possible, so they are making large
duetlon on price lo sell off as much
aa possible during Ihe coming month
"The mill makes them soft, F.h7
Mrs Win Walker,
tmii uiau Is.
Mis Glliuore, 1st pre. Beet cut Dowers
Mrs Wm Walker, 1st pre. Best variety
cut flower.
this week, on
yield was only about 800 pound to the Jf yo( wll cfiwkttf ou them
At the Bijou, next the poatofnee, sev
H T. Hatch, of McCoy, wa In town -nil boxes of the choicest of caudles or
M.tmlav. Ha sava there Is no place ,ivva 11 Weilnewlav by rrelsht 111
tike Polk county for a home. He left inu the J for 10 cent cigar,
hla oldest daughter at Kodlak, Alaska, I They are equal to many sold three f. r
where her husbaud has a position as , quarter.
deputy. Ll week M L. Byau aud wife, of
Word Butler has been studying and prrydale, arrived home from Call font-
practicing dentistry here uuiier it- i. Mrs. llyaii Is a charming
H. A. Mulkey for several montha ana
Intend locating In that business soon
In Ward ner. Idaho. Due notice will be
given when Word leaves town.
Two car loads (140 bales) of E. C.
Merrill's hops were purchased by J. H.
Cooper last week and this week were
shipped. They
run sain.
llniuanrnlniii.iomii.sll fttrnlnlifd. sImiIwii
.. , I.... i.i i . , i, . .u. mi . urau I. r.i,',,, i,
ul Mr, il, M. kl-iiiM-u,Tliun,ur si i
Hiin,ni, l"r terms.
sold for IS cent a
woman aud In spite of rain, Is pit ad
who Oregon. This weather will Jut
suit her.
D. Shilling, the owner of Dcmonstra-
,.r a 17MHI horse, ts tlllllkllllT Very MO
IihmIv of b-avlnir the horse In PolK
county next year. Thus II Is seen
ready the effect of our eouuty rmr
oound and brought Mr. Merrill nearly I ttrisotiiitr people to settle here
. . . . . . . i -
$5000, and arc only about nne tmra oi piuk ,,tteW(m llM n- ttMt e mut
his crop. Ii,i.i,tiiiulv arramted of any one In
Mrs. M. A. Dice moved to Halem last U wll t0 fn(.t It makes our mouth
Wednesday where she will make ' I watr iwt to look at them. And Pink
home at 806 Cottage and Central p-iiersou's sales are Increased thriugh
streets. She ha been living on her h in carefully arranging his
farm Just below town for Ihe past two gtjoAlk
year. She has rented the farm to moo- Mm CMu Mll MllM( Hui,nB0( have
ert Taylor ana ueo. i.Bor - ,.,. . .iressmaklini shop lu con-
year. , , 1 nectlon with the former's leading mil
Bom on from the country hail im,rv i)re and are nri'piiwl lo do first
dog cart tied at J. M. V auuuyns corner . trWHmuklng. Hatlsfnctlon guur-
last Frldav and a boy about rourieeui ,,, ,.r..n two dixirs wet or
Durlini the fulr Mr. F. P. Davis ran a
S cent lunch counter lu Independence,
. ... . I ..I...I ftA mI I.i
n ltchetl ine norse aim nn.-.i w no. ...
the cart when the horse ran off and left
him. It circled around by the Little
Palace hotel and back down B street
and flnslly ran across the long bridge,
fortunately meeting no warns. W. u.
Cook was just across the bridge exercis
ing his trotter Whirlwind In a suiiccy,
nd he knew ni thing about ine runa-
until his cart whs turned over and
evelilng.Hept. SSI, IHIfl, Miss Ikala
Durham was united In marriage lo
Wm. Elaenhlce; Bev. D. V, Poling
performing ine ceremony at oc mi
Mr. Elseiihlce Is Hie gentlemanly anil
popular engineer of the Oilmen water
worka. and Miss Durham is a charm
lug young woiuau, well kuowu in i oik
county It was quite a surprise to
even Mr. KlscuhlcVs most Intimate
friends, aa ho kept the wedding a pro
found secret. He will erect a resilience
at once.
eveulng, Hept 27, at 7 p. m. Xcnla
M.Bcll was unlied In marriage to
John W. Bluhardsou, at the real
dent of J. It N Bell, In Ibis city,
Bev. J. A. Townsend, olllcliitlng,
Only the Immediate relatives were
present, H uciug a very qmei weuuiu);
on account of the receut death of Horn
cr Bell, tue bride's twin brother. Bev
TowiiMciid united them with a most
beautiful ceremony. After the bounll
ful supper all repain-d lo the ready fur
nlslied home on Seventh una Mon
mouth si reels, where the young cm
MslUMMms f. CbabbbM, KaSaralUI.
There is an old negro in this city
who swears he has seen flics eating
.io Hla hhttia ts Melliferous P.
sneak for the InsUtuIlou s pmsiierous fn,nMlin.. Mli he lives lust a litUe Mrs. Buchanan, of the Uty Itoeuu
future. distance beyond the popcorn vender's raut, makes a specialty or a nice cnica-
M.tH.s u,-n. was eranted the I ahon. People who use the electric leu Oluuer each Huuday for 25 cla.-
Omt of the week to Wm. Elsenbioe aud light often find small holes ta the a. M. Hurley, the attorney, ha bis
Mis Docla Durham. glass globes, wuicn iney nave w adjoining tho Independence
KC.Keytwa.luDalU.Tued.y. jKTaa the o
The aMsessmeut roll of Polk county hmuu, fl. which often lxuwca off (or Lumber of best quality and from
Mrs A Nelsou, 2d pre. Best variety cut Uhowa a very uniform assessment I with hojiej mutton, alight on mountain log la sold by Freeoott &
nuwer. i throuuhout in county tni year. . one of these gioocs, cut a noge wiui i veuesa.
fl.-ltMTI. I ' I I. l.ln.4 1.IM Bn1 lllAII With I
" II) Bcrili - T I ir.,-.V H.1aM. Pi..l nnllka
... if..i L.uii ....... lii. v tiwth pt clear inromrn I - ,
rs 44 ush era, .v ,.. . - , UIIM, nli ut For Sale, ira " iVthon iroes inaide to see uiany remedies, are perfectly harmless,
Wheeler Clodfcllcr, 1st pre, Mhlne . . frulL th" "f, ,h iSn no lumriun. anbetanoe.
embroidery. I . . B . . -- - K Us ugm iuwu ia uwi uis .uuijj v. .
n f . t. Wl !.... l.l nr. Heat ills-1 Well leucea, near lliowir liue, is uuv.i-u -xbr- rigrljlea BUgar. He Bays MUM auu ui awV mu3 v. uonuvu.
u u I . . ...... . .,... IT . - . ... . i 1.-1 .J .
nlav canaries. iroraalOOU luslalimeuis Ol ouiy ej a I the fJV eats the nne glass aunt ana I auu praveui ueauaeue vauseu ujr
MrsFCooia-r. 1st pre. Display corset mouth-ur for ca h- Call at wmt bipb consider it an excellent surjsutuie (indulgence in iooa or anna law at
I I .... . . I . . VII. .. I , . . .... , r . r.. . I. .. i V. .. 1
fv-,viv I onlce auu gel address ot owuer. I for calomel m removmg uuo uvui uiguu i noe no oeuia, ior aaic ujr dim.
I .. . I H.. i.m CTni-wla TimAa.Uninn. ' I .... A X IV.
Lulu Robertaon. 1st pre. Best aieclmen r rj'"
cake. alter ine fair i -.s-h-. J . r. O Uonneii came a large siock
Pearl Perclval, Sd pre. Best specimen 1 1 aVsr vnu can slav at home,. Goto -"l-lii.s i....jLiW of ajtrloultural machinery, and his
Nelson, 1st pre
n ii
Chicago now and see the nusit complete w1(jh we wgar4 u essentially shelves are laden with the beet grades
and nniiriilllw nl exhlhllioii that has TZ! , w...n. t .m mmindad of hardware; a tin store and tinning;
Fall apples v r Uvn nuMi The VesUbuled Llm- v . on the crusadce which I (U-partment adds to the advantages ot
liwl train of the Chlgago, tulon ra- . t M veft grro, to our- htsejUolishment . .
twteru Line will laae - . . J', )t1to.
Mr I) J Whiieaker, 1st pre. Twuatoi clllc aud North western
1st pre. Largest pi-ars I J
ai "
1st pre. Largest pruiitw
8d "
1st " " cabbage
B Atkins 1st pre. Largest muskmelon
It H Mltldleham 1st pre. Largest union
A Nelson, 1st pre. Largest watermelon
' sqllHSb
T J Fryer,
Mrs B F Hall,
Obrlen Rrus.
Lou Oassoway
there with tlie least trouble aud
Krause's Headache Capeulea-War-
rauted. For Sale By Blielley, Alexan
der A Co.
elves. To us the honor or invent
ing or adopting that very disagree
able mode of punishment belongs.
Among the laws (or the preserva
tion of order when King Richard
ailed on his crusade was one that
Brooklyn, E. 8., N. Y., May 25, '9L
Mr. Noknan Licuty, De Moines, Ia,
Dtr Sir:-Enclosed please And 1.00
for wblch I wish you to send me the
worth of In Krause's Headache Cap-
Mrs C Leonard, 1st pre.
J II Burton, 1st pro.
B D Cooper, 2d "
Laughary Bros, 1st pre
Indep. Tile Co., "
Opening Day, SOth-SOIh.
Misses Flslier A Vaudergrif, succes
sors to A. Maoaulay, cordially invite
Chickens the ladles to call aud inspect tue
Tiling goods which will lie on exhibition rri-
Tlmnusjr, Frlilsjr slid NaluHaj t Ihs Fslr.
lutiounill, uy 4 inn. .
and it proved to rill a want here so he wm 01IW, oommence house keep- Mir Henry, by J. J. Bottcher
intends remaining permanently. Kvery
thing Is 5 cents excepting mciils. It
(liM-s not cost much to eat a meal with
P. O. Baughinan writes a postal card
..... .1 XT ..III..
h. thrown out on the ground. On at- to u.e wwr "' r
i ..i 1,. r....,1 hi. rluht wherein the mountiuns) telling or an
L ' J ...l .hi th. horse bail accident to Thomas Ravage
Hllrv uimi;ivi..i, w"- - -
tug. May Joy be wllh lliein linoiigli
life, Is our sincere wUli.
HAHT-HLOPElt At Dallas, Heptera-
lar 27tl. lH'A M lss l'earl Hlnpor to
Ezra Hart, both of Independence.
stepped ou his hip, bruising him con
siderably. He was helped by persons
there, to pull his leg back into place,
url al.le to imp around, ine
iMinv was soon caught. His horse and
cart were not Injured.
who was
.. . i i .. i r... .
up in a tree ami was iiiihuihuii ior a
coon and shot so that he could use but
(ion arm In holdlmr his place In the
tree. The wound was not serious.
That Hem about Mrr. A. J. Oontlmun
luiiniriin heiress is true. The land Is
05 acres In the heart of New York city,
IJAYD1SN. Hunduy, Kepi. 21 at For
est Orove. 1). Nesu.lth Utiyilen, aged
81 years, of paralysis of Internal or
gans caused by uu undue use of stim
ulants. Funeral ai Halem Thursday.
Deceased was u young null In-
. .. .. .. i.... it. 11....11.1
Last Biinutiy - ,... m.. ,,,,, . l.-illlui.t. mluri from his
well nueu wnn persoin at- r-- i . , hi..
now Siamis, mere are nutoiiu i miurr itoii hitoii.
and Mrs. Goodman'!
ehurcb was
t.n.iinir (ha iriemorliil nroitramme In etc.,
.. 9 ik ......II. nt AllnA Alnvunrlar hundred heirs
nonor V" ZrZ" :r: :. ,.l,er Is one of them, but the land is
"Cl,n'n was rendered, eonsmting of worth several hundred million dollars.
. ..ill. I,,., I ki,,.n lima.ul fur HI vears.
r. tAt ons. music, ana an aonreis oy " o.... .
M E. Masterson who said In substance, I Hunday night at wuiamina a very
hut ths exercises were In memory of strange tragedy took place. A young
au.. AUvntwIur who was born near man named lUilttehart, rroui r.nsuiru
Farmers aredmHy sowing siiihm ir fal
Hnhool commences next Monday
T,i,.nnrtnnna Januarv 2d. 1870. and at Oreiron. stopped at a house In Wlllam- with Mury Harper as teacher.
the age of slxtteu made a profession of na (the name of the family our corre- j Simpson aiidHngley Steele si artcd
religion Joining the Biiptlst church or sponilent tiui not icnruj over nigiu.
Iudedendeuce under the pastorate or During tlie nigut me youiigmuu
I lev. A. J. Hnadsaker. Ou Oct. 2, 1888,
she died At her deutn sne mrt a
small sum of money which she wished
to be devoted to missionary work.
Each year thai sum has been augment
ed until now, (including Ihe collection
of last Hunday, of ! 65) It amounts to
nearly $90. The Interest on that sum
Is to be used In missionary work. Mrs.
D. B. Taylor deserves much credit for
the beautiful floral decoration.
unstalrs to the room of a 14 year old
(latiifhtcr. and tiled to kill her, striking
at her throat with a raxor and then she
srabbed the razor, cutting her hand,
mul wrnained so as to arouse the rest
of the house. The young man Jumped
off the front porch and ran away
Bearch was Instituted for him and late
In the evening he was found In an old
barn nearly dead he having cut his
throat. ,
tbelr outfits again Monday to llnlsn
threshing sotnu late grain.
N. Mteelo has boen quite 111 for the
past two weeks and at present Is very
little better.
Hop picking Is over and the weary
hop pickers are wending their way
There was church In the F.lklns
school house lust Sunday, and meeting
continues every evelii-; during the
week, by a Presbyterian minister,
Dotty Reed by J. J Bottcher
Nipper, by W. H. Ilumpheiy.,
Time 1:17.
Tim 2:25 tbot MOT 8 IN 5,
Pearl Fisher, by J Black 12 11
Pandora, bv Tom Tonaue 8 8 8 2
Hammock, bv MoOtilre 4 12 8
Illch'd Almont, by D Shilling
Time, 2:20, 2aWJh 2:2.1, 2:20.
riVB-KIOHTIII) Mlt.R DAHU, 2-Ylt.-0l,t)
Cora J., by McAllister A Jones 1
Verde Paul, by Tartar Bros 8
Van Oe Vim, by F. Strong 2
Shakespeare, by J. J. Bottcher 4
Time, 1:07
tiih 2:45 TKOT, MK8T 8 IN 6.
Demonstrator, by D Shilling.. 112 1
Mack Diamond bv 11 D Cwi'cr 2 8 18
Oliver Twist by J. Powell., 8 2 8
Multnomah, by Barrows Bros. 4 4 4
Time 2:81!, 2:83, 2:81J, 2:30
Itockland Boy, by J". O. Mack ......
Lynden, by J. S. Garrison
Verde Paul, Tartar Bros 8
Glenelg, by H. Boisurt . 4
Funny, by J. fl. Thorp 5
Time. 1 KM
KKKH port Ai.r, PACKOiiTKoT nT 8 in6
have his head shaved, be stripped of
his clothes, have melted pitch poured
all over him, after this be covered
with feathers, and so set ashore at
the first land that is touched. Len
don Queen.
Tss, Sh I rrosa Bsn.
k mil. wiwl whnu
day aud Saturday, but owing to a de-1 wtoMmt ne away the night
lay iu rewlvlng goods, the display win . . down to breakfast quiet
be so great as iney nau wisueu. om d Mbe
Mlss Macaulay Insures her many "Don't you (eel well, my dear!"
- . .. .. ll A I . . ' ... , l 1
rrieuus auu patrons mav uuuer iu goVej her mother witn tenaor soua-
able maimgemeut of the Misses l isher tude.
and Miller they will be as well pleased i feel well physically," was we
as usual, and will be cordially wel
comed by Mrs. Vandcrgrlil.
any soldier oonvicted of theft should I sules. Some time ago my wife was lu
Hartford, Conn., aud stepped into
Sawlitt's drug strore, where they gave
her a sample box of them. They wera
Just what she needed, but we have,
failed to find them here, so send to you
for them. Will you kindly send them
at your earliest convenience.
rf ....
, xours truiy,
D. T. Hunter.
For sale by 8helley, Alexander & Co,
K.h.1 llrsillllaa Ylwt NUIl Threaten to
llouihartt Klo,
London, Sept 28.-l'rlvate advice
from Klo Janeiro say the sltuatlou Is
unchanged. Tlie rebel fleet mill threat
ens bombardment, though negotiations
arc still In progress. Business hs par
tially resumed In spite of the threaten
ing aspect, though it Is thought possi
ble, through the effort of the represent
atives or foreign governments, the mat'
tor may be putched up. It is uudcr
stood llio terms uudcr consideration are
the resignation of Pelxoto and rdon
ot the rebels. Pulxoto Is constantly
surrounded by body-guards, fearing as
sassination. It Is also reported the
bombardment was postponed pending
advices from the rebel delegation, which
arrived lu F.nglaud yesterday. If the
negotatlons full, it Is feared the rebel
fleet will lay the city lu ashes.
Failures and Resumptions.
DocHpcrry, by J. Winter....,.. Ill
nonncr N 11, by T. P. Norton.. 2 2 8
Hopcmou, hy,l.WilMiis 8 8 2
Comb. George I O. Hosier 4 4 4
Time 2:18, 2:18, 2:10
THK Mtt.K liAHIt-t-'HRR Boll At,l
Dotty Kitil by J. J Bottcher 1
Raindrop by J. Kys.......... 2
Washington, Sept 24. Statistics
compiled from official data show that
from January to September, this year,
500 state and private banks failed, and
seventv-two resumed business, In the
same time 155 national banks failed,
seventv of which have resumed. Of
the state and private banks, 28 suspend
ed in California and 18 have resumed;
lfl suspended lu Oregon and 9 resumed;
14 suspended In Washington, of which
one has resumed.
uinrestive reply.
It is hardly necessary to add that
this careful line drawer is amiss Bos
ton, New York Times. .
A Ssrioos QumUob.
Ten Books (confidentially) We
can Uve with vour (oiks in the win
ter and with mine in the summer,
Mabel (ftiouffhtfully) Xea, out
what in tjie world are we going to
do spring and autumnt vogue.
v Borax In ths Household.
It is the housekeeper who reaps
most constant benefit from the use
o( borax, and to one of an experi
mental turn of mind more ana more
methods will presont themselves. It
is in all cases asafer form than many
preparations of Boda, and the slight
ly larger cost would not prevent its
use rather than cheapaM, irritating
substitutes, the nature of which can
soon be judged by the effect upon tno
No less friendly in its action than
the forms of petroleum known as
vaseline and ita-preparations, It 1b
one of the gifts of nature, whose sur
prises in this direotion are but Just
beginning and whose resources seem
inexhaustible. Epicure.
" V
. Doa't Est Asparagus Toast,
Says an authority, "Don't eat the
toast on which asparagus may be of
fered to you any more than you will
eat the napkin when it appears ou
that article." The toast and napkin,
it seems, perform the same service
to drain the vegetable, which rarely
gomes out ot ths boiler entirely tree
trom moistm. , ...... ... .
lu th Justice Court of Jiiatlee and Constable
uiairici, iv o. ive, ro oounijr, unguu, .
L. Kelso,
John Miller, V .
defendant) '
To th above named John Miller, defend,
and, you art hereby commauited to appear
slid mmwer the ooinplalnii filed against you,
In Ui above-eolltled action lu Ui wild oourt
,ni or iH-fnr tlie )th ot October, lKttS, at tba
hour or 10 o'elook In the forenoon ol wld dav,
or tut want thereof the plaintltr will tska
lu tmnent asalnsl yon for th Hum of t!fM
amflnteretit from October tttih, ISM, at iho
rale ol 8 n-r ceul per annum and hlsuMisand
illhurminnts of Hits action as ths same la
dt-maudvd In the complaint.
'1 lilo iimimms Is publUhedDy order of 11.
M. Lines, lusltr of the ueaoe of tha lumln..
court of said district, which order Is datcnt
scpu nth, im.
I'aUHi mis oih aay oi sepieniiwr, issa.
,H. M. LINES. .
12 tt Justlcootthepeaoe,
1 the iiartncrshlp hcrotofur existing nn,
dT'V the ttnn name of webb,,r Fuller, lu Uin
blacksmith buslnws In lndepndnce, htut
this rlny twn dtsHolvrd by mutual oonstmt,
iico. Webber retiring, and all account dim
the late firm are payable to H. A. Fuller, who
will pay all debts of said Arm.
Obo. WibbsR, 1
Imlependenoe, Or., Au . 30, im,
NOTICE. All persona owing ths above
firm will please settle their acouuuu as sooix
aspuHslble. Ai.n
$10 00 REWARD.
The above reward will be paid to any ner.
son who will give me Information which will
lead to the conviction of the person or per.
sons who entered my melon patch last dun.
Uuy night and destroyed my melons,
1 also give notice that I am watching that
mi-Ion patch with two double baivelled num..
loaded with buck shot, and will sbool ths
Unperson seen after night In the paten.
laependne Or, Aug. lit, 1"'