The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 22, 1893, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Hchool book cheap at Hawley's
The band furnished music for the fair
at Talniage.
About all tbe bop' pickers from tbia
city have returned home.
J. A. Dempaey aod family, moved to
town from Klckrealt laat week.
Ward Sittoo, from YamblU county,
waa op to aee the acboul com me Doe.
' On acoouiit of very low price there
is great run on tablet at Hawley's
Southern Oregon is well represented
at tbe normal daring thU ichool year.
Klder Geo. Myers and wife, of
Albany, are visiting relatives In tbe
city. ,
We bear that Joseph Craven will
move to bis farm near town In a abort
Tbe residences of 8ol Stamp and K.
E. Hewitt will soon be ready for occu
pancy. I. H. Haines, of Carry county, is vis
iting bis daughter, Mrs. H. 8. Port
wood, of this city.
Elder Smith departed this week for
rJalem where be ill assist in conduct
ing a revival meeting.
Wm. Blrka, of Bover, has purchased
part of the farm of his father near Ball
aton, where be will build a residence.
Bev. Arthur Itoyee returned to tbe
city last week and henceforth will bold
regular services in tbe Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason departed
Wednesday for Illinois, where they
will visit relatives, and return In about
six months.
Born- SepC 6. 1383, to tbe wife of
Bam Ho per, Beilvue, Of., twins. One
10 pounds and the other 11) pounds.
tSheridan Bun.
C I. Hawtey has secured the valua
ble servicse of C M. Bradley for clerk.
Cyn is always in tbe right place when
it comes to waiting oa tbe ladles.
Mrs. Dawson arrived borne last Fri
day from her visit to Butte City, Moo
tana, and at McMionville. Mrs. Mary
Glenn, ber granddaughter, accom
panied her to this city and visited
with relatives a few days.
"Rattlesnake Pete," who waa one of
tbe competitors In tbe cowboy race last
summer, has a suit of clothes that is
made of 125 rattlesnake skins, which
took him neariy four years to gather.
The buttons of his coat are rattlesnake
beads mounted with gold.
To my many patrons and friends:
If you are going to buy school books,
or school supplies of any kmd, come
and see me as 1 can offer you induce
ments, remember this. I have the
largest stock by far to be found In Polk
county. Yours to command. C. L
Haw ley.
Last Tuesday morning a large num
ber of students gathered in tbe .Normal
chapel to begin their work, and also a
good array of visitors assembled to wit
ness the initial day's work. Exercises
commenced lib singing by tbe school,
iostrameutal music, and devotional ex
creke by Kiev. J. X. Smith. President
Campbell then delivered a hearty wel
come to tbe new and old students, and
Introduced to the students the mem
bers of tbe faculty, and each responded
with a short addreas. Profesor Hitch
cock, of I dependence, made an excel
lent talk, and Judge Burnett, of Sa
lem, spoke a lew words.
Tbe school starts out frith very good
prospects and all look forward to a
prosperous and profitable school year.
The state generally is quite well repre
sented, and many mora are expected
during tbe present term. Matricula
tion commenced Tuesday afteruoon
and the students were assigned to their
places and tbe work is now going on
Tuesday evening tbe regular students'
re-union was held, where it is tbe pur
pose of all to become acquainted. T. 8.
Handaaker, In behalf of tbe Y. M. and
Y. W. C. A., bid tbe new students and
tbe new member of tbel faculty a cor
dial welcome, and was in a pleasing
snanner responded to by Mias Caaa
vanL A double quartette was next
rendered, after which Miss Grace
Smith recited Id an an able manner.
A piano solo by Miss Lora Butler came
next and was well received, when
President Campbell delivered the clos
ing address, in which here be gave the
student some friendly advice, which
then also would do well to practice.
He then announced the object of the
gathering, and judging from the baod
ahaklng and hearty conversation all
around, we conclude everyone voted
the re-unlon a success. ZZZZZ
A". iMtfasrablp brloftr exutlfuc itweeo
Ground a Prastr baa bn disaolved lr mu
tual consent, and Install wxss and mouou
due Mid arm are parable lo U. K. rrasera
Boa, L- aouu,
i.. b. rzu.
Monmouth, Or, Sept. U;lan. 4
Vttat Own Victoria's Bmw W
TaUU. aad Ha Baa Sam Ham.
"The most curiovw thing I ever saw
in my travels." said 8. C. Lillia, who
had just returned from Europe,
"was one day in England, right after
friend and I had attended a session
of parliament. We wanted to aee
the stables of Queen Victoria. We
had been told that there were some
splendid horses there, and being in
terested in fine horses we thought
we would take a look at them.
"So we climbed aboard a hansom
nd started. The cabman drove ua
Dp to a big gate, where there waa a
gorgeous fellow with a tail bearskin
bat on. We bad to give him a shil
ling, and we didnt go more than IS
feet before he handed us over to an
other fellow in need of a shilling, and
o on. I think it was repeated about
eight times, and I parted with about
8 -fining, before we got to the first
stable. .
"There were six yellow horses in
that and mx brown hones in the
table adjoining. Six of these horses
make tip a team for the queen. The
fellow that was showing as the horses
aid these were very fine indeed, and
altogether just the thing for her maj
esty. 'I took a look at them and couldn't
see a thing about them to recommend
them. To me they looked just like
so many common plugs about 18
hands high, especially the brown one
to which ocr particular attention was
directed. 1 said I thought they would
be gentle, and that 1 didn't think the
queen need be afraid of their run
ning away.
"Suddenly they flared around, and
I saw three of them were rattaila.
Then I was more astonished than
ever. "What,' 1 said, the queen sat
isfied to drive those ornery old rat
tail horses I This beats me.'
-Oh. we fix that all right. said
the attendant, and with that he
whipped down a false tail nice,
black and flowing as you please and
buckled it an. It was done so wfell
that you wouldn't know it was false.
Then be brought down the other tails
and showed them to us. That, sir,
was the strangest thing I saw in Eu
rope and astonished me tbe most. I
never knew they had false tails for
horses till I saw them on the rattailed
horses belonging to the queen.
Francisco Examiner.
Ksrtat aaS Saatfc Aflav Battta.
In the retreat the colonel's head
quarters wagon was missing, so they
were all without rations, save a stray
hardtack or slice of bacon that some
provident man still retained in his
saddle pocket. An incident occurred
here that I shall never forget, and I
should like to know the name of the
man and where be is now. As I lay
there, weary and in pain, hungry and
thirsty, with no prospect of anything
to eat before the morrow, if then.
some one bent over me. I looked up
and recognized ray captor, behind
whom I had ridden off the field. He
held in one band a hardtack en which
was a small piece of bacon, in the
other a tm cup of hot coBeet
As he handed it to me he said,
"Here, pard. you are as hungry as I
am. and I will divide with you " Was
there ever an act that more fully de
noted the true soldier f To deny him
self that he might relieve the suffer
ing of one who but three hours bo
fore would have killed him in the
line of duty or whom he would have
killed, but now, being in his power.
Bought to show him every courtesy
consistent with his duty I With him
and with all such as he hostilities
ceased with surrender. Blue and
Wkat Um Ftaoaaoajrmph Will Dm raw Mania.
Conceding its power of musical re
production by means of wax cylin
ders, which are both cheap and last
ing, the imagination may run riot
without exhausting the field opened
before one. Besides giving musical
pleasure past present computation to
the million, it will do wonders for the
musician. First, it will offer the
composer a means of indicating his
wishes concerning time and expres
sion compared with which the met-
ronone and all printed directions and
expression marks of the present are
but the clumsiest of makeshifts, sec
ondly, it will become agre&t teacher
of mueio, as even the phonographic
echo of the piano, of singing, or of
orchestral work wijl be sufficient te
tarnish pupils with precise models.
In the third place, it offers a mesas
far solving tone problems too delisate
tor ttte powers of the hum an ear and
heretofore beyond solution. Philip
Ulohert. air. la uaatary.
is the
Great Fanilj fapaper
Polk County,
and only
S10Q per year !
It contains all the
Lical and general lbs.
An interesting
Continued Story
is a permanent feature.
Always get your
J83 UMl
done at the
tibk d Wibz Frisid
at living rates.
. Queeziswaresw
Good Grain and Stock Farms, and Choice Fruit Lands. Town Property of i
viuus. as .noee wno nave
How many Ea in the first five chapters of the Gospel of St. Mark f
3 SOOO for first Correct answer.
I $3000 for nearest Correct answer.
$2000 for next nearest correct answer. vHZJL CQsBSS
4 320 each to 100 next nearest correct. I - V---"-" v v....
eiO each to 20O next nearest correct. . I will be paid to subscribers
-j5 each to 200 next nearest correct.
j 1 oa-aary n-jm. -rnm only. azM8iTaerawat.aaertaaf wwTI WTA.B.aa4ta. l-watrtamai
3 torTOraa1aait. X .VSSai.! CltCLK, tawtaa gmr lawn? 1y tm h mmi li -4 saonanj ia as-
TwavUl&irLU lift mttMamcmiviMS M
csTTa SO ,aailtt fcy mwrrtm Ex.aa-
if VDU CVS COCST, ion MAY wis a.
:i .ttoa ti.yp. Hanaa T3M
Among Live Basins
r Men.
la. D. Jones, the barber, is always
ready to serve "the next."
Otho Williams, toe Dallas tailor, is
an expert cotter, and Insures his work
to be first-class.
When you want to settle down to
live, boy a lot or bay a farm through
S. H- Moran. the dealer.
Chas. KV Woods, the shoemaker.
will tell yon a little secret about shoes
if you will sak him. ;
The Polk Co. Bank is ably presided
ever by J. H. Hawiey president, and
Ira C.Powell as cashier.
Dr. J.M. Crowley has his office at
his residence on Main street near Col
lege. Dr. D. M. Dqty, the dentist, resides
in Monmouth, and is a permanent fix
ture. Call at his office when in need
of work.
Ground A Son, tbe hardware men,
are also dealers in agricultural ma
chinery, and have their warehouse full
of fanning implements.
Dan GaTUBtfnt
The Union Pacific now lead with re
duced rates to eastern points, and their
through car arrangements magnifi
cently equipped Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, makes it the oest line to trav
el. Two trains leave from Portland dai
ly at 8:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The rates
are now within reach of all, and every
body should take advantage of them to
visit the World's Fair and their friends
in the east. Bend for rates and seed ti
les of trains, and do not purchase tick
ets until after consulting M. O. Potter
Independence, or W. H. Hurlburt,
Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, U. P. Portland
Oregon. . ;
Purely ont of curiosity, we have count
ed the illustrations, some of them full
page, in the current issue of Tot Cos
mopolitan; says the Methodist Becord
of London England. They numbed
129; but if there were none' the literary
character of the magazine would amply
iuftify Its immense circulation. Some
j . . . . i . i
or the oest Known names in aurniDu
literature appear in the list each month,
besides English writers of such names,
for example, as Sir Edwin Arnold
From every point of view, we regard
Mm muutm as uniaue".
You can get the Cosmopolitan and
the Wot Sidm for IS a year.
Is 'gift
I Machinery
- Oregon.
property ior sate, please
: .
to the Household Circle ! ! I
aInn a wiU ba yttfcllah i ffgr. acalar. All yrrai-
S0gKBIJ CIRCLE, aWrB. S-hror. W. t
Chas. Wood
Making shoes a specialty.
Just now we have on hand
a large supply of material
for you to select from.
No More Back Ache
OPEf Moxdat, September , 18th.
Just closed the most Drosnemm -tmr
In its history. Wide ranm nf cf urii.
Thorough instruction. Business course
aaaeo. luiuon tree. Entrance fee,
$10. Board and lodjrinir at reasonahl
rates in the elegant new dormitory and
ooaroing nan on the campus, where
students will receive personal super
vision. John W. Johnson-.
7-14-2m President
Of Interest to Sportsmen.
Mr. W. H. Hurlburt, A. G. P. A,,
Union Pacific system, Portland, Ore
gon, has just received a sunnlv of hmlr.'
called "Gun Club Rules and lie vised
uame laws." This publicaUon con
tain a digest of the laws relating to
game In the Western states and territe- ,
ries. Mr. Hurlburt will be glad to
mail you one of these books upon re
ceipt of two stamps to oorer postage.
W. H. HuBJLBrrpT, A.O.P.A-,
- Portland, Oregon.
f -aV