The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 22, 1893, Image 3

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What Our Reporter Finds of In-
; v tcrcst to Our Readers.
at Ik Kwals sf Um Weak Tse l Tali
aa Call MlltMM f latarwt
: tnm Km??, .
Mr Franel Clevland haa usmtil her
M daughter Esther,
Mia Charlotte Robertson returned to
her Portland bout last Baturday,
: Ml Con Knell, bMUQ tick terU
part tlx week, but I now bl to b
out again.
Mr. F. M. Uodfclt r finlthed picking
Ytllow fever I again" prtvaWul lu
Lieut, IVary rejiorte hit Arctic, tipt-
anion a tuocve no r. ;
Tht Balem cannery I putting
(rult on thj than. .
Otho Willlama, the Delta tailor, wu
mad th raiher of a girl Kept, 14
John Campbell and Henry Butler
art to bav btw rwddenoee at Ballston.
Tht Philadelphia nilute gold bullion
was found to ba abort 1S4,00U last
week. ....
Thert la au luturrtetlon itdnit ou Id
Brnall, and tht now ovrnuicut la hkt-
ly to bt overthrown.
W. 1 Wright A Son at Dellaa, an
till at work ou th present ownership
couuty map.
Tbaatata lair lott near); $3000 tbia
yaar, ,
OmirrwtiUddliii nothing and tht
country atlll tuttVra. a
Tbe pavlllou at tint (air look quit
well filled with inhibit.
Thert art 180 students tiirolltd at tbt
Normal whool, mi Nr.
Hellolou fruit, ait tmlte. variety at
Itobiuton A Ituhtntou'. Candy of all
kind. . ,.
WANTKD. A Bvt or all room
bottt to rtnt. Inquire at WT Bunt
offloa. :
Portland txtxisltlou romnnuort, and
State Pre tuHxtrlutliiu l next wtek at
Oayl day 1 1 (leylll
At tlit Little Palec Hotel, thlt wttk
nnlv. dun. .nil lirlnv (Jilt elillitntn ' '
Tula la tour trli Mr, Uay baa niadt to
our oily. JSvta tiaiulmd fret.
jamra oibwn, of, la attend- Important .Iaienings
lug Ilia fair. .
Mr. Lena Howard rtturtii to Port-
laud tbla week.
Mm. Vanulin. uf ftkkretll, visit
ing Mr, J. W. Kirk land.
- r. . . "j .
Lew tiotwrteoii, or Portland, la up
attending tbt Mr and M Block, of
Corvallla, I Iter.
Mr. Ifov.Towuatiid ba been very
uli'k slues lint Friday and 1 aUU vary
III, althnii.h somt better. .
the Week.
THE lUriOMtl Mom.
lalaratUag riurMTkr "how tM ottl
Mat., la Italaaao, Vie,
Hherltr Win. Maeky, of Corvallla,
lather of Mra. Owcna, of tbla city, wa Cbtnamto art pour hop pUiken,
lu ttiwn Sunday, . I White ornut next, and Imllaua art
There waa auothw railway rol)ury I pick the oleaunt
iMt wttk, Ut amount tlui 176,000 and Itev, J. Krtd Jenklu, from Otey,
tbt plact lu Mlublgan. California, will ocoupy ttiw pulpit of tht
II.. O lk V It. I.... U.III ...-1. I.. II..
ur i.ii.... ..r n. u..iL.,u " wa
T. . lKJ,v..n,i.i .... IUJ l.....l. U.....U.
IK..I-...1-, ,111 .II....I U.I..Y..I 1 U..U. v.....a..v-m wvm
aav uvuvm vtaia !"' -urt -mw
mouth till wluter.
frluml of tbt rtpubllo and of tbt ptoplt
of Krauoe, jut aa In tht tama way,
during tbt American dvll war, aba
eut btr fleet to New York with Italtd
order, whloh wart to aupiort ttt
United Htale and plaoa btr flett at tut
dkwoaal of tht prtakumt In oaat Napo-
Iton III, or Palmtrton interfered In
tht war that wu tbtu going on. Tbt
tntliutlnam In Parte prooilae to bt Im-
iutiMt wbtn tht ituwlan fleet arrive
U Toulon, and uoboundtd wbtn tbt
lOtoera rtaoh Parte. Tha onlyfiNurla
i hat tbt Freuob ptopto way forget pro
knot and do tbluga whloh they might
afterward regret Krenuh tntbualaain
la unbounded, and tbt opportunity
will btaelxod for a great natioutl Rut-
ophite nianlfotUtlon.
Ito rttaed LtUn.
Llet.of uniilalntad tetter fftlnlog
In tha ludtpendtnda poatC-.Btpfc
IS, imi
WAaiiiNuroN, Ht'pt, 19. Tha net I
niorulug and twnlng at filik
Thrtt of Juhu Vernon1 tout bav
bren oainplng lu tht uiountelut and rt- gold lu tbt trtaaury tottey waaatated to
port dour vt-ry plKialful on tht btad I 87,0tta,0D4, ana tht nut oath balance
watera of tbt MoKeoxlt rlvtr, . ',. 9,027,240, aomuiard with a gold n-
K. T Heokte, tha barber, alU4 by wvt of 1118,000,128 and a net oaah M
nioriu,s7i,78T me nm oi mt niouiu.
U4nm$ by Hlfb OMear f Om
Mat Mek lb OMek
Waihikuton, Sept. lft-Anothtr
oanteunlal anulvaraary, that of tbt lay-
a..- . . . ii . .
Thiiv. h.,iM.Mli in Im Baothit ohureh um Hunday morning ..... " v.. m. ,.r n.. .v.r,nt n.i.llua of tba oorntrttont of tha oatlonaj
hteteaacmofhoiMandtbarttultwa. toM pagea. Tha mmm la flvtpagea M mtu. IltbiUltoT T mouth, p to date, havt btan WTW,. WH mmtmmwon tbla
. devottdtothtruT'aaate. r. Wtdmwi av mom hut It ra utnl Juat aa . ' ' -: OUOaud tha titwndltuiwa 118.440.000. !" wot nuoorw. -r
i i w w . ii ft. i til fiat ikaua nitw mkiM naaPtnBa i - --a ,
Um 11 A urn imibaa ha,1 a uw.m.1 a. I ... I .at it. ... it. I.. I
W " ava y. - MtV Mtr wOD nlOklllil U (HHltihU.
tTlklM ti..w tMM asjaatawaam- I "w vairei mhiw "I1' . ..... . , av
hi Uit.ya,..te until,, iTXt"!
playoaryblnl. at tha at.te t ZZmZ the up but ... rai. were KtSKK -M'itedup,,
?rt. , . ... . . Wctaf p.lpootd umllThurdy. d or au. tbla I. a marked Ineret KtoSSto t
J. A. Whoakr ha. Iht lumbtr ou tht t. W. MeAdauia oV Ibr aala at a Tht buy gavt "Pap" tMglna a roy kntl, ,ulll, Hit wtmt w what tht rtdtmptloua wtrt wvtral ' . ''" "
round (ura new ldt walk In fwnt of i.ii,UfM-i.i....1-i,-. ir .i.i alwud oiruuonbladenarturtlwtalon- ...kl. , wtekaago. nv yeaia uienauw grew iow
i tuiiwutvt
Tbt Exklblte at tht Fair.
On aivount of tbt rain notliltig waa!
T.rkft-oMar flyiteai.
ground (bra new tide walk In front of bntaln but nwldenvt bert. If not anld ofruwm hi departure Ia4 Mon
hi reildvnca. : hni. n. ii n h rniwl day lor Uhlcmto Ht ha eii aiwut
To tht wifa of D, W. Ollllalu, living tu Brr n -i.... In Wm tn' Or-nlu (or S3 ,vta.
nearHrldgfportaaon waa born Tburt-Lonnin haa couaumod aeveral million Ou aooountof hard lluiv and U'lng
dayof laatweek. . doiUm wohU nt tin.U.r v., UAI ttf overttoiiked. wt will aell Hit teteet
Laitt wk O. E. Slopr becantt tbt
father of a 94 pound boy, born on Wvd-
. - et & n '-- I v ' I Uleeuiklutai
new-, twin. io. on tht raoalu tOUCbtroktrlnaud ""-a- Jlu ..unolkiiia In IhleUu. TtMOlr-l WIIIImih V. IluurJ. wlm hu wMrved
Stephen tftaata Intenda coming up by Katurday uteht thert wart 160,000 M. T. K. Vanderurift of Iowa, and wUr wh, Uit oaudy nulli'r. tha not flva year of a tweutv-ttva yeara'
to rot county in a ww weta, rrotn I people in tha territory mtutloiied. '" w wffla art all thora. Tbt pool aeller I I aantenot.
dollar, worth of Uu.Uir over a .pai-t of lJ d..ntattba fair ground, until Tbura. of paroling prlaonra omihuod In tht mtrt villas, but aborted by a
t .quart mltea. JJ. "''
Lat Satunlay 78,000 ptnoua ttarted f r. J, lo-wnwrr unbte to glvt mow thau an ouUlnaof ual wt, la to bt tried in Uitwwtof toldtery, the (ktbtr of bit oounti
flv yuan UiertofW grew Into ont of
tbt moat niagniUoent atruotura tn lot
world. Waahlugton on that oocaaioo
wort a aaali aud apron, woven by Lav
' lliwrron. Sent. 17.Ti xtwrlmtnt Ikytttt'a wilt, Tht olty waa then
troop Of
oountry pro-
Houaa along
charx of the bunlneva (hi week.
Thrt whl bt a atatvd vmuiuuulcw-
tlun of Lym No. SO, A. F. and A. M
Roaebura?. vni... m. . i k B IOoorMl AllwMmtutey in Iht
, iji"iwviini uj wuuiuv rmttw i .... .. .
w t rvn... .KL.r nt TnH I ,...... tviik..!.,.. , . ...ii. i.... millinery uuiimn inoy a-umei
ptndeuoe National Bank, la again tuf- weak lu S.Oi California la breeding
ring from a felon on bit hand. aamt very latt bone.
Hank Merwln flotohtd looking Bat- Tha Kavahoa, (Amtrtoan) and Brit"
urday laat hka thrtt aorea near town, tan nla (EuirlUb) rac for tht Cant May
and tht yield waa a Um of bo to Um cup, oommeuoed laat Friday, The dl
aora. tanot I 130 mllwi, Tht Brlttannla wa
Mlaa Johann Rowel), of Slern haa tbt wluner,
been vlalUug Mr. N. L. Butler at Mr. O. C Bell haa been appointed
W. Ferolval admliiktratrlx of her deaMtd hit
band, and 8. W. PMcher, A. M
thert. A ateam tuglua and a thrtah-
lug machine may ba aean In operation.
lu tht vlllon I an exhibit by l)outy
A Paddock, out by Whetlvr A OMfel
tor, om very fine laot work, aoutt
Tht Cholrra la France.
oetded from the Whltt
Ptnnaylvaulaavanua to tbt taat front of
tbt caullol over tht aamt route taken
today by Prcaldent CleveUnd,
Monmouth and Mra. W.
ofthla olty,
at their biUI HaluMny vwuliig, 21 1 iwliitlnin. aomo wimtahkw. aomt tll-
lut. Work lu MM. d.g. All Ma- hna, aomo prtrvd fnilta, ome fancy
ter Maona Invliad. oullta. tta The exhibit will atioa be
A young lady, au fx tudrnt at lb ciHuptett and then w cau notlot them
Normal loklog ovvr ib crow d of wm mora axteuatwly, Down lu town la a
tudenta, wbrnn were nearly all young tall ladder, aud five wuta paya to
ladlra, wa kwl how hv liked their hit a Ivr and wud a wooden ball up
Pari, Sept. 27,Cboktra I epidemic
In tbt dtirtmnt of tbt Fiutetere,
which border on tha English Chan
nel. AtCamartla, a town of 1300 In
habltaut, near Brtat, thert art thirty
caaea. Aoutt caaea have been alao re
ported from Jaon, Plvliyen, Trlhoule,
and Pouarneii,
TfcTnltt tel Ami M
a cirrMc-rr wwt mum
. KMolttUoa. ,
WAitmToa, Bept.18.-In tbe atn-
ate, Btewart of Nevula Introduced an
amendment U the rcoeal bill autboria-
. I
Pirong anona are lmj l)a ,mdent to Invite tbt govern
.WnxMaand wlltart hp from HrU and i. aKelty ar, tht .TISt'L'S'S!:!
Dkt.a.. 'Tkuat at ava I hliibaaavl uvltk HK MM "a 1 ' f-" i J - ---r . - I
IWtTUUIKi M'J tww wvta wivj veiaaa I f ' " - i
lOttrpreaeni noma out aim enjoy rt- w. u. Niarman, tht Ullor, I ruu-
turning to Polk county
Laat Baturday an Indian war danct
waa given by the Indian hop picker
at tht opera houae. Tht adiulaaioo
waa 23 cent and a good crowd attend
Will tht
nlng Mr, llixlm-a ranch, out ou lite
fruit farm, going out In tht evening
and returning In tbt morning, Tht
dlatanca ta two in !!,
Mia Kiniiia Forduey, tht fifteen
VMirnlilllalli.lilttn.3Mn W
, . ... ........ v. 1, . ........ i .
. -.n la .i-.du.llv ml if I...I " "or" "i wt nuuumwo. um
r:z z " :l :.z ..: ' : . r.:: : counted,rtttheojM.nhigi)fth r,uir ot mt Poplt, but .till tht ftOr
Normal Mil year la n aa law aa laat
being mada to aupptaai tbt Catholic
pUgrlOMKra to Lourdea, In tht drpart-
meut of Hautaa-Pyreuue
Saort Hop la ttenaaay.
yvar by about tiKiity atuduuia, laat year
It belug S30 and tbla, only ISO, Hard
time art Ihetwoae. Many will cuter
later In theyeir.
Over at tbe Find National llntik and
Thar4a' Race.
Tht day wa bright and clear, and by
two o'clock lu tht afternoon tbt track
waa In Ant condition. Tht attendance
wa greater than on tha opunlng day
laat year ana the management wa
meute of Mexico, Central and South
America, Haytl and Ban Domlogo to
Join tht United Btatea In a oonfaranot
In WaaUlugton (bur month after the
paaaaga of tht act, to aecurt tha adop
tion of a common atlver dollar of not
"hawl loaf pleaw comt to Wnrr Bma pit are ahow lug tht family many t- , 7""u "Vi oorreepondlugly happy,
offlca, Claim pn,rty aod pay expen, tentlooa whUh art grateftilly rtorlved. ''J!! f W Wttf 'h "fk" vul l ,u
U ha. turned MULucy Lowe , who h been Hlan t
T. Jj. rnoe liaa aooui compieieo i imniui uie rai auniowr, munia weM
for tbrea
. In arh hih
i printed lu tha Waw Hid olllce. w,rt aevtn atartem. It. a Perklua of
W. L. Davla, ex tdltor oftlit Silver Portland, Dlvk Phillip of Amity and
Ion paper, niarrted Mia Btella Cn-nay Wiu Neemtthof lUckr.ll were judge
Aug. in at Newport, and lliey art now and J. L. Hjierry of Portland and D. A
proprietor tbt Crm-y Houat tb.-r. McCalllater of U Uranda wert Um
and take a much needed real, aha hav- , .,,d w, mBll. . . , ..,.,, lhi.' . . .... " , ... .
Waiiunhton. HmiL 14. An anor-
tuou will U rwdlxed In tbe hp "u 8.W,1 grain, nor room than
emu of Otmnativ tht mm. tiinaul 1 3S3.1S grain pur llvr to Dt Mue oy
0.11ml f.,., Vr.i,r..r, i.u i.,.laach Koverumeut. to baa legal tendar
ftirmed the atata doiartmeut thatow- foralltnmertranaacUonb-twtn
In. loth ahnurmal whlnh all otuiena of all Uit Amtncan wum,
ilated thla Mmm tha him oron will be that tha nudlng or tnt deiegaw anaii
lfi tNo axtiiuUrin twum.U it,.,, tut I b binding on tht government which
day proved toy,tlJ, i, ewv pmi1 tlieut them, and on an agreement being
iiiihui 1 11.. . .11.11.-1 n K.r.1 ft.- . n.n. 1 reacueu me govtrnmeuui reprenniou
ny WMnki Crti BallrwMi Laada Ibrart
h. Ik OavaraataaU
neat two at ry reudenct on th land at home Baturday. T. tt Lowe baa pur-
tbt north tnd of tht long bridge. It chaacd a farm on lactulna bay, and
faor directly up Main atreet of North will remove hi family there,
Independence. Mba Maggie Macaulay baa coma op
T. W. Mann w um nr. oi mm, . ow wmr aiioc, Mr, ta , miM wholouled M kM.ia.ra. It i.,k elht he.1. l ,m,U Wamunciton. Hent. 17Ho..n after
bla homt near Monmouth, and ha. ana uat a nn mmm iwjiMMf. bfBiwnj makt, IhkM ,he ,m U wlU bt nolkl that flv, U..demooraUo victory of lfWi It wa.
purchaacdanrmtwomlltaweatof8a- log bn untiring In her attention, to I ,,., .... ..Urn.-.., h.. ..u.w . k i atated that thaoouirulorbnth bram-hw
i . .mi-cik -..., .nJ .III m.U. her alator Mra. Wallr. . m-m.,uVw,m,mmwvBi - -.. -
nunnuio.wug . 11 ti'iO lli.l (li L.I I...... In 1 I lll.t tl,M Um. nt 111. Will ll. v.riMjl I OI OOlltfrOai aOU in tXBOULIVt mrlll
inainianome. i nt aetuer. in tht Uberoktt atrip art ,. ..m ..,,,..,. i.k . ... I..i ft.,,, mi.,,..- u p.,.i. ..j I thai au tlhtt woo d ba mute bv Uie
Laat Sunday the horatw, aide liow, I not tattefled with tbt oountry. A uycllat In a ran of about tweutv 0. Wood wer very ooaltlve It wa on I democratic party to furtolt all land now
. . . . I ....i -1 . J Ji . i..aij j I w ------- w . w . i . , i .. . , ...
wing, tic, rromiDt.iaia rair oegao ar. u.j ..jr .w,im mm two lik, (U,,rtv Bv, 0M hM h. ,ot thu grt,ut racing tveute of UK oiaimea oy raiuoaii oorapaaiea
ehall open mlote to tita unlimited coin
age of all vcr for tbt bencfl t of depoal tora.
1'eflVr rcaoiotlon of Inquiry aa to
whcllier Icslalatlou waa ntoeatary to
prevent the Interruption of InteratAto
train bv rubbem. waa taken uu. It
wa all 11 uiuVr conaliteraUon when th
aeuate adjourned to lake part lu the can
ionium cvrctnouiea.
llonea at Tbt Fair.
riving htrt and during tht whott nay come ooi agaiu. it laeaumaiea 0lu,rri) Inth.raca th liorat wa Paclflo cowl.
tbt atrcam of travtl through town u.i iieraon. navt eeiueo inert. ltomim ,ree uiluute', iht dlatauce be- Tht aummary of tht race. I a
mada It very lively. A n'n named Henry JB. Foulkt, Ingcoveredlnalxty-twomlnutcabyth kiw:
.. .... B I - ' I
A. P. Bonxey wa In town Monday,
having flnUhed picking bop In hi
yard Baturday. Th yield wa about
nfty-fl ve balrt on ten acre, belonging
to hlmaclf and Cbaa. Herreo.
lu Mawwvhuaette, claim to be the Mea-
alah, and that war and blood abed will
bt our fata In the troubleou time now
Tbe Henry Irving and E.lcn Terry
rlioclman. 18 14 8 8 7 1
i - - - - .
Tbt Dallaa Traimcrlot nublbhe. an Lillian MeCartv .A 8 6 8
Item from laat wwk'a Wkht Bihk,
without credit of rourac, In refvmiii-o to
the water power opptMltt Itucna Vita, Vucatan . 84518844
Lillian MoCarty .A 8 6 8
Ik-Lino.... 1 8 4 6 8 1
Ited Oak 8 7 7 t)
P..ulln . g 12 2 5 3
1000 home power to 100 hore power.
Hit TraiiM'ript aliould not hav
IcImnKtHl tht flgurtw, Mthey were cor
Now that the board of rgenia baa
Oliver Twlat 428818 11
TiMtt x( it Kiuirr it a ata
1 2 8 4
2M SM 2.33 2M
ft 8 7 8
2X'J 2:.'C 25 , iMl
Onnaiileriug the recent mini tbe track
waa raal, ana UHlny will bo In not
The next race waa:
Two yr old trot for Polk county colt
mi it, oral x in 8.
Kelao'aV VL, 3 2
Mwr'a Iaiiiiii F I 1
WO Cook' Whirlwind 2 8
Laat Monday fifty barrel of beer ar- engiigmnent at Portland, wa a wonder- aud changt tht figure of our Item of Molilalia . . 7 8 1 4 4 4 6ft
rived in Independence. It came by ml aucccan. 1 ho aalca of acala for laat
team from Albany 20 mile. Inateail of Tuewday night were over 80000. The
by rail, that being theebcapwr methwl. company coualai of 100 peraon
AtDalla. tht ateara wood aawyer Republican are taking advantage of
charge only 40 cent for cutting cord the rule of the annate, and by mfuiilng
ood for on time and 60 com for two u voie prevent tne repent or tht (Moral guaranteed MIhh Aytra, of the Nonnal
cut. The price here I 60 and 90 oente, election taw, ine atmocrata paaawi mIumiI, fifty dollar, a month for vocal
quite a difference "it bill, reticallng It without ftpubll. muQ, the tudiuU, w prcumt, will
In antlclnaflon ot tha fair Plok Pat- TO,w, have tht benefit of herein training lu
tenon ordered a large supply of frulte, A man from haatern Oregon wa In raualemt. Atleaatll aliould be an.
candiea. nute, dgara, etc., and cone- town laat week, making inqulrie for The tax payer of Oregon ahould not be
ouentlv hi itock 1 all tbt very fnub- omt friend In tht hop yard. A he called on to pay rnlarle for the beiicdl
- . i . . . .. . ..... i ... ,. . i i
Mt obtainable. " i iookou at lut ciouoy aay, n iu "l i iiw leacnrra aim a lew lavoriHl ncn
Frank Burch take, tha plate of Abe Plckl boua. men', children.
. . Ian.l.ta Tl,.t'....t b..... I am . . . a . a . a . ..
Locke In the hardware Ur of J. F. iu .w.,,,,., ine r ranaiort noiei, a nig mroe.iory
O'Dounell. Mr. Locke leave for Call- ,l,w P truciurticuated aero tht river at the
fornla tha flrat of next month. Aa a general rule, It la beat not to boom lownof Frankfort, oppoalte AU
wk.n iim .n h.rrf tend la elie.n correct citlveiie by tht uat of anllnt rla.wa burned to the ground laat Mon- Lyudcti 1
That I. why Damon Haley are aell- or raatio meaicint. wuen apurga- ay ...g italin .,. r. uauuoti ami ma ruim,
In. ao many lot In their Monmouth Uvt needed, tht moat prompt, oftVotlvt, wife and family were very nearly m.tat- nmi".-""" "'-J
addltlo Makt your aelection before Ayer'. Pill. Tlmlr ed In their bod. Th. building w. un- uZy :::"::::V.3.;V.,.:::::::'.6
tendency i to reaiore, aim noi wraaen.i iuiru uuu un iun win amnuni to uiullcig .0
tha normal act Ion of the bowela. I over 8.')000. It I not known how the lime. 0M
i... B..n.n. An. ,!.. llreorigmacd. - Hir iionry, iilack prluot and Pap-
J ""'"-r""" " I nn..LA .1
..1... I.t...l ...... I. ..I... I.. I ..i.. .. .... ... I". "-
, .w w . n... monuay, mra. ummu enme Friday' r. are-2:2S pace; thrta
do. It aearche out all tht Impurltle near meeting with a aerlon aocldunt ln.n.n..r mil. ,i.h. .mi flvwiirinh.
in tne eyiiem anu expeia ineiu iinnn- coming down tht Ireland hill near mnu unan or iwo yeaiMiKia,
lemly through tha proper channel. Monmouth. She wna driving alone There arn eighty horat on tht
Thla la why Ayer'a Harwparllla la ao ,nl u.e bold back of the harnra hmk Rfouud and two hundred horacmen
pra-emlneutly eflfbotiv a a remedy I and tht home wa thrown down m,H Tha pavilion la filling up with txhlblta.
for rheumatiam. .he out of tht buirirv between the
The big tent where the avangellal wheel. Bha auccatdvd In getting ex
Htmhle and Hlckaf.)Oiie are holdlnir irutaieu ana cut tue Homo loime with
their nieetliiK. I now In It necond Put n,ucn """"K9-
week, livery day ana eveuing ervi- J, W. Klrkland ha nl new house
Titers .m nwrlv una hundred hoiaet
wuuq i .... ., On Hund.V Um
had uol leneariud lnthatliut .peel- tUUU ,t tb tm,k wvr. M m ud
fled lu tht grauta. lteprewntatlvt Mc-L,,,,.. i i .i th. iimr. .t.l.l. In
It, or ArkaiMM, chairman or the com- .i,. n. numbered
mlt tee ou public laud, ha Introduced hw, ,,. h maA thara ftra ten
aoiumrtuiapurpoMi. u very anon, tUlll wtlhoul Dumbera. There are alao
ami ainoiKU ma rom-uure act or lhaoiat , .ul,. nvu. th n-vlhon. mak.
congnw by rimply providing that there , .,, Th, horaM , w.
la hereby forfeited to the United State L,i .. r..n,.w. ..!. ,h.n.l .ln, tha
aud th United Btatea herby reaumee I i.j
tbt1 tltlt thereto, all land heretofore
granted to auy elate or ourporaliou to
aid lu Uia oonatruuUno of a railroad op-
poaiie to and eotermiuu wltb tht
Uou of any auob railroad not construct
ed and completed within the tliuic
Iflud lu th act making tha grand for
tht ooimlructlou aud completion of the
whole of iunh railroad for tbt aid or
benefit of which auch land, were grant
ed. All auch land are declared to be
a part of tht public domain. Provtalou
hi made that tht right of way and t
lion ground (hull ba forfeited. It I
uouuiful lunch a bill aan got through
bulb bouava, though when tht tame
1 Ly mien, owned by J K Qar'la'n
ILeonaF, " JWFttaar
Tim. 94111. 'HY)
Th te.t . ,,r u,. ,iv luir Propoaltlouwa. up before all the dotu-
.. . . ' 1 , . u I . . ...r it 1. .. . .,... I
milt danii, nine atarter. u n, uu, nini, wui
more man naaiy tor tut poiiucai cap-i
Itat there waa lu tha move.
they are all gone.
Charley Bralthwalt ran a font race at
Balem laat Friday afternoon at tbe fair
and waa beaten by Eea, of Woodburn.
A great deal of money 0 .anged hand.
Bea made tbt 100 yarda In 9 aeoond.
Mra. Dawson of Monmouth wbo hu
been vlhltlng relative. In Montana,
Portland aud McMinnvllle returned
home Baturda. Mra. Oleon, of Mc.
Minnvllle accompanied btr.
Mr. Larrlmore wbo, haa been paint
ing for Geo. Bhlna thla eummer, left on
u.tnrri.v tn enter achool at Foreit
Grove wbtre, he will take an advanced ce re htld but th Intoreat I not lighted with electricity from top to liot
Friday' ltace Programme.
mile cIuhIi, puree,
Mr. Ed Owen and wife were agreea
bly aiirpriaed to receive a visit from
Sheriff William Mackay, Mm. Owon'
father, ber ister, Mlwe Maggie and
Easie, and Mewre. J. L. Bklptnn and J.
Patteraon, all of Corvalli. Tbey re
turned the same day.
That tramp you took over town the
other day hunting for a place to buy
' good, cheaper than at Vanduyn'i re
aulted In failure. The place cau not be
found. Comt and rest younelf and
buy where good are cheapest.
Down near Kola, a farmer living by
tbe roadside ha a very Interesting toy.
, It consist of a pair of aull boat mount
ad on a high pole on tbe end of a cross
bar, aud the wind take them around
rapidly Why could not the Idea be
utillxed in manufacturing a wind mill?
lu these time wbtn ' every man
think be ha a grievance against the
fate, It become the business man to do
business on the principle of fishing
with a fly hook. Have goods that art
anapped up quickly. That Is tht rea
aon Douty A Paddock the grocer, are
ao properou.
Mrs.L. A, Buchanan, wbo bassosuc
cewfully conduoted the City Rctuur
ant eold out last Saturday to Mrs. L
Campbell, who waa formerly in tbt
dressmaking buslnes. Mrs. Buchanan
will still remiiin In Independence,
Mis Clara ber older daughter Intending
to conduct a dressmaking huslnen and
Mian Lena learn the millinery business,
s We Wish Mrs. Campbell success In her
' venture Her Bon and bis wife will aa
lt btr.
growing aa wa. anticipated. Revs.
Btruble, Blckafoose, ' and Potter are
very much In earnest and It la to be
hoped that tbey may succeed here.
Three year ago tbe twenty acre
south of town furmed now by T. L.
Hartman was sold at f 16 an acre to
come parties who could not make a liv
ing there and traded it on. Mr. Hart
man bought the Innd aud this year he
will clear over ii00 and hna supported
torn, He has a meter to measure the
light At tbe end of the first mouth
whan Mr. Jnspcrson came around to
collect his bill the meter Indicated only
three cent worth of light. An Investi
gation showed that the muter hud not
been registering uiileaa all the lights
were burning. The meter haa beeu re
Next Bunday morning a memorlnl
programme will he rendered In the Bap-
. 1 , . 1 .1 .... ... j 1 1
m mm..y aim m ...r u muu ,., i m ohun.b )t Wlg f(,r the pufmo of
. . " T adding to a missionary fund tnrted
termineu enorrwm uo. several yearn ago by Alice Alexandor,
Jas. K Davla who lives near Mon. daughter of Jame Alexander, she hav-
mouth, haa again been successful at tht ing died Oct 2d, 1H80, and the fund
at.i. having imwIvmI flmt nv which she hud accumulated has been
'k.. i.rf uki .i.iiLn added to yearly and It now In the hank
mlum on hi Imported IBhlre talllon, ntrealld Sa(lh year the addition. are to
Imported from England. He also re draw Interest and the luterest be paid
celved second premium on his pair of out for mlHslonary work. Tha oxer-
farm homes, and aeoond premium on
clses commence at 10 a. m.
graded draft mare. Frequent contest
in the show ring ha proven hi horses
to be amongst the best on the contin
ent. ' r . .;, J , .
Th Oregon Merchantlle Co., which
I engaged In the grocery bust lies here,
consisted of flv partner. Last week
the partnership wa dissolved and Mr.
Tbe Oregon Pacific railroad will re- T. E, O'Bourke return to Portland,
celve at any of its stations and forward bis family leaving next week. Mr.
to Ban Francisco free, all exhibits of wm wtuuercooK, wno live nere, ana
grains, gruase. ores, woods, etc., from "L A. Mehiujiierau (pronounced Mo
il, .(ate of Oreson. deat ned for the a Reran now own an tue aioca or
Midwinter fair In Han Francisco. All good nere ana will conduct tne bus-
packages containing such exhibits
should be plainly marked with their
contents, and directed to the Midwinter
Fulr Ban Francisco, Cal., via the Or
egon Pacific Itellrood. The company
realizes the great Importance to the
sUte of making a full, complete nnd
creditable exhibit, and will co-oieruto
lilierally with all Intruding exhibitors
to secure thlt cod,
I news. Our people already know Mr.
Banderoock who ba made many
friends, and his partner it a bright en
ergetic business man, and besides
thoroughly understanding the grocery
business, will become very popular here
as he Is In Portland. We welnome Mr,
and Mrs.McEucberuu aud family to our
midst. '
lt Three-quarter
Bank Note, by F. Btrong.
Nipper, by W. H. Montgomery.
jAiuy iteed, ny j. j. uoiunger.
Hir Henry, by " "
IUI11 Drop, by J. Kay.
2nd 2:25 trot, best 8 lu 6; purse, $200.
Pearl Fisher, by J. Black,
ltlchanl Almont, by 1). Hhilllog.
HiutiriM'k, by McOulro.
Pandora, T. H. Tongue.
8rd Flvo-elglith mile dash for two-year-.iliH,
free for all, purse $100.
VanOe Van, by F. Btrong.
Verde Paul, bv Tarter llros.
Cora J, by McAllister A Jone.
Shakespeare, ly J, J. Hotllngor.
4th-2:46 class, trot, best 8 In
purse $100.
King Patehen, by J. C. Moslcr.
DomoiiHtrii'or, bv D. Hhllllng.
Multnomah, by llairow Km.
Bluck Diamond, by H. P, Cooper.
Puuline, by Tom Tongue.
Oliver Twiat, by T. C, Powell,
J, F. O'Donnell currlu a large stock
of ngrloultnnil niachlnery, and his
shelve are laden with the best grade,
of hardware; a tin store and tinning
department adds to the advantage oi
his establishment "
Moat of It Mm Umb Hamvaetd and l.r I
Is Kipctotl.
WasuiNUTON, Bept 10. Tht exact
facts relating to tlit reported loss of the I
gold but, Ion from the mint at Phlla,
dvlphla artfctatod at tht treasury de
partment today to be that ou account
of the demand for oolu tbe vault in I
which $16,000,000 wa stored lu 1887 by
Prestoti, during the term of Fox as sup-1
erlutendant, aud which waa receipted
for by O. C. Fobyaheil without weigh
ing, wa opened September 8. The bull-
ion wa weignca ny Morgan and wa
found to ba 80 bar short. These bar
were valued at $134,000. Morgan at
once reported the result to the mint bu
reau, aud waa directed to return at once
to Philadelphia to rcwelgh the bullion-
On the second weighing It wo still I
inunu snort, eunoe in is ouillou was
Btored lu the vault a weighing clerk, an
old employe of the mint, had the aolu I
cushxly of It, and tha olroumstaiioes In
dicated that he know what became of I
the missing bar of gold. Ht wa there
upon charged with having taken It.
He admitted hi gulltaud then furnish
ed Information aa to where over 8100,-1
000 of It waa secreted. This wu re
covered yesterday, How much morel
will be recovered can ant be accurately I
tatod, but probably between $0000 and
$7000. It I believed the treaiuiyde-I
partmeut will lose nothing.
ht b Fmparlnf to Olr tli RiMiilaa Offl-
ears Much a BvoapUon aa Kurop
Has Navar 8an. .
Pakib, Bcpt. 17,-Tbt enthusiasm tor i
4BlkDlam'nd "
6 Whirlwind "
Bpriugsteln "
7GoldeuBeal "
8 Yucatan "
9 Auult Lane "
10 Comb. Geo. "
11 Cceurd'Aleno "
12 Beauty "
13 Ada Lane "
14 King Patehen "
15 Chebalia "
10 Mary A "
17 Altawood "
18DocBperry "
19 Pearl Flher
20 Charley P "
21 lted Oak '
23 Bonner NB "
24 Demonstrator "
20 Noonday "
28 Hamrock "
28 Irvingham "
Hi Bonny Bella
,H1 Carl Uruey
Si! Oliver TwUt 41
8a Fura "
84 ttoyal Klabar "
ii I'appoose "
M ManuetU 11
37 Blk Prince
88 Funny "
41 Multnomah "
42 " Boy
43 Del Norte "
44 Du Linn
46 Minnie B "
40LavlllaK 41
48LIU'nM'Crty "
40 Buludrop "
-oOUudlne 5 "
61 Booklaud Boy 11
62Nehalem "
o4 8lrretta "
61 Bbakospeoro '
oOVerdaPau! '
62 Dolly Baud "
4 Pauline "
aa Kittie;ium
0 Pandora. "
7 Lola B "
8 Kitty P "
flOBoscmoo . "
70 Bob Daley "
BD Cooper
WO Cook
FP Norton
D Schilling
" 0 M Brown
" MoOulre
TO Powell
" Dr P Iteovea
W Qrlbblo
11 11
A E Strickland
" JO Thorp
41 Barrow Bros
.1 : ii
11 11
L Kelso
Dr Young
Wm Kays
A Mallei)
M JL Whit
II Tartar
F Rood
T K Tougut
JoDtt, Zavt
McN'eeo, Frad-t
Mtaoo, DrJT
Walker, W M
Olibreth, Emm
Oxbuu, KllaE
Hate, JO
MynaU, WJ
Walktr, Htnry
Wllka, Irving
trlylt, LIUIan-8
Harrle, Mra Id J
Mammlnger, Rev BE
E. 0. BoatcKTWoM, P. M.
" Jesse AVilklut
11 J Williams
Stall 72.Nlpper,owncd by WHumphroy
Kon sAi.R, at a bargain and on can; terms Russia Increase, every day in a manner
my riMldenoe on 0. Ht. Independence,
If not sold by Oct. lit will ba for rent,
L, W, Mo ADAH,
Krause'i Headache Capsules, unlike
many remedies, are perfectly harmless,
they contain no Injurious substance,
and will atop any kind of headache,
78 Billy Ayere
77 Van Ge Van
78 Great Fall
79 Cbampagu
80 Cora J ,
!. J Foster
F Strong
and prevent headaches caused by over
Indulgence In food or drink Irtte at u dm not hesitato a moment tewn-
lb 11 en 1 1 '
night. Price 25 cents, for tale by Bhel
ley, Alexander A Co,
Indeed, that give cauae for Inquiry o
the part of European politicians and
diplomatist. France hna good cause ' uu Johnbcn'b KTAiii.H.
to rejoice In this evidence of Russia Star, , owiuid by WAHow
good will, having been, up to the pre.- Billy O,
cut tlmo, almost Isolated In Europe.. Bt. Paul,
All horeflorte 10 maintain her trueao- Bonlta, 44 Geo Branson
slllon on the continent have keen Innocents Abroad " Tartar Btoa
thwiirled by the triple alliance. Jfti- " L " BusnellWro.
Tbe ttbovt U not s. complete 1 ll.t of
1 Lively Rtaaway.
Toasday afctruoon Hubbard A Bteat'i
ont hone dray vat tlanding untiea
Main atrttt. and r aomt raaaoo 1
bant took notion to ran away. A bt
cam. down th street Dr. Youog wm
itrivln. akin, and k no win. that deiav
wa. dangerous ba whipped up bit bone,
to keep ahead and both team, came
rfnwn tha street full oeL Th Doctor
turned op 0 street tx parting to get out
of the Uu of tb runaway bur, um any
bona followtd bin. At tbt bitching
poate by Vanduy n'a atore tood Frank
Lauaharv'i bore and ulky. Tbt ran-
awa horns ran over tbt bone, knocked
him down, and tht dray brokt tht cart
ail to peiots, Chat Btaata then Jumptd
on tht back tnd of tbt dray and atopptd
tbt bom, Dr Young drovt In run a
far aa Third street before bt considered
It ar 10 attp. Alatga orowa eon W. HuhbanI
Htaau will pay tha damage, to Mr.
Laughary't rig.
All knowing 'thtmatlvta Indebted to
A. Macaulay, pltaat call and tattle
Bbt will bt at tht (tore for thirty day
only. Fleaae call and atttte.
' Wasted
Hftesn hundred dollar on one
year', time, good real estate atcurity.
Address X cart Wawr Bide. BUte rate
of Interest.
Tbt aty CtmdL
Tbt council met hurt Baturday tren-
Ing pursuant to adjournment, Mayor
Vane In tbt chair; present Irvine,
Finch, Wilson, and Lock. Minutes
of tbt several prtvtoua meeting read
and approved. Tbt council then pro
ceeded to elect member to etrve out
tbt unexpired term of councilman from
2d ward, made vacant by realgnltion of
Let Bell. Mr. John Young who had
been appointed but (ailed to qualify,
waa again placed In nomination, on
motion tha rule, wtrt suspended and
tbt recorder inatructed to cast the
uuaulraous vote for Mr. Young, which
wa done, and Mr. Young being pret
est came forward and waa duly quali
fied. Th. mayor appointed him to
serve au th aamt committee to which
Mr. Boll had belonged. A proposition
from tht Electrlo Light company
read wbteh proponed to run light, all
night Tbt propoaltion waa referred to
committee on trecte and public prop
erty who were Inatructed to report at
next regular meetiug. By motion It
waa determined to appoiut thrtt extra
police to wrvt during tht (air. E. E.
Krtngle and Mr. Darrtil were appoint
ed to serve after night and W. H. Ke)
Icy during tht day.
Tbt following hula were presented
and referred to the fluanoe committee:
Hubbard A Btaate f 17 00
Whit Side Pub. Co 1660
11 .. goo
Tht following bill were allowed
without reference to Una nee commit
Preacott A Veneaa, lumber, etc, $ 10 88
A. J. Tuoper, ealary for Aug. . . 40 00
L, C. Olliuore, water for July
and August.
K. P. Mvers. salary for Aug....
Geo. W. Heed, (tea for July and
August 12 80
Kieetno ugh! uo., ugnt ror Ju
ly and August 167 00
100 00
35 00
Total, $366 19
On motltioo council adjourned.
Bla Ho. Baacfa.
port Fi'uuoo whuu the necessity comes, the horse In attendance at tJ fair,
(UU aue um Mown, beraelf true but lrjcjude. mfmt of, them.
I Pol
Hop picking In all ite glory la going
on at tht big Bnoqualmlehop ranch on
the Bnoqualmle river, a In all other
part of the Puget Bound oountry.
Captain George W. Cove, manager or
tha big Snoqualralt hop yarda, aay
that tht yield of the yard thla year will
be 1800 pound to the acre, now worth j
17 tent per pound and tbt company
ha 375 aorea of the finest looking hop
that ever were teen.
Tbe principal atockholdera of the
gnoqualmle bop growers' association
which owns tha big yard, are: Rlonard
Jefft, of White river, president; George
W. Gove, vice president and manager:
H. Dutard, ol Ban Franclto, treasurer;
Q. K. Baxter, of Seattle, Secretary.
The company began operation in the
spring of 1885. That year they planted
200 acre, to bops and now hav 875 acres.
They also have over 100 aorea of oata,
aa many aorea of timothy hay, twenty
acres of, potatoes, aeveral aorea of all
kinds ot vegetable., enough to supply
the farm all the year. They alao have
three acres of tobacco. Tbey have the
handsomest orchard In the state, cover
log forty aorea and containing apple,
peach and plum trees, Theae tree were
planted twenty-alx yeara ago. Tbe
company purchased 1200 acre. They
have a large part now under cultiva
tion. The average force employed on
tht ranch la from 60 to 100 persona
There are about 75 on the pay roll dur
ing the month of picking. There will
be over 1000 pickers iu the yard this
year, one-half of tht number being In
dians. !
'The Bnoqualmle hop ranch la situated
la natural pralrio surrounded by
detMA forest. The Bnoqualmlo river
flow through the hop field. Eight
tap hooaes and 24 kilns and shed are
distributed at convenient points on the
plantation .far shelter of Indian plokers.
There are 36 ihorees kept busy on the
ranoh, 29 bead t cows, hogs, chlokeus,
etc The hotel M a three-atory Dunaing
anrrouuded by bed of lovely flowers
and plants. Tht hotel la 60x100 feet
and hi plastered throughout There are
rooms fur 70 gueata, each room Is sup
plied with pure water pipe from a large
spring and lumea on in eaon room by
East of the hotel la a boarding hous
for employes of the farm. This Is two
storle, 86x70, with L 80x80 feet, and
between this Is the company store,
40x100 feet. The average stock, of
merchandise Is about $25,000, Aoross
the lane is a large barn. Near the
ceuter tr the form la another barn
with blacksmith, wheelwright, aud car-
Tauter thousand, iheda for threshing
-.'.. U v ,. ;.-'.
Y;i r- -!y fcrr! ' .
attbtC., .;;
Daty&HuUir: J,IDC-.,
aoumpltteaotcf - art-
J. K. Coopar ,t. . )ny of fcOi i
MitebtU !aiion tivt vr
oomptete planlrj; tU on IfaU '
Dr. J. B. Jobnatm, Um dao 1
hi offlo on Ui oorutr of KaUroaic i
Monmouth strtttt ; ,
; Dr. E. O. Young, vtterinary mxf-
gton, attend, to tbt dlanaatt of bontt
and oattla
Dr. T. J. Let ha bi offict cp ttalr.
Id tht Indeptndtnoa National Bank
Dr. E. L. Ketehum haa bit offlo In
bis own building, on Monmouth ctrett
near KallMad.
Buhaorlbtn wanting help or any
persona desiring mpkrymtnt can oat
tbt "Want" ooiumn of thla paptr
FREE ont Insertion, not to exceed ten
words. Fach additional word ont
W, H. Craven A Co. are tarmng oat
omt fine aete of barntaa whloh art
warranted to glv. MUiafactloD
Th Indeptndtaot Tilt Co. bat
nvcultiet for turning out, on short
notlot U uk of Ullng, from th
smallest to tbt largest
U W. MoAdams 1 prepared to
furnish you an elegant monument
with which to nark th last resting
place of your relative
D. H. Craven aUll torn out the
beautiful photographs, rain or shlnt
Hubbard A Btaate are busy doing
all th draying here
MtasraGto Skinner ACo. tht mill
ers, announce themselves ready to ax
cbauge flour for wheat and store wheat,
tor tht farmer of Polk county. -
Ptoplt art fool to suffer when a rem
cdy can bt found to curt tbem. Oregon
Kidney Tea is no experiment and not a
Cake to get your mouey. Why will yon
hesitate, when we aaaure you that It J.
absolute curt for all kidney and urinary
Five ceote is all it costs to travel on
the motor to Monmouth and, visit tbt
Normal school
P. H. Murohv keens nemrlnff awtv.
and turna out boots and shoes for hi
Interview M. T. Crow when yon
want anything In th aaah and door
Bhelley Alexander A Co. tht drugg
UU,bavea complete stock of drugs,
paints, oil and glass; alio a full lint of
achool book and stationary
There la no place tn Oregon when a
better meal la eerved than at tbt res
taurant of Wtataoott Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Balem. Courteous at-
fttnllnn . Ana i , i I .iwl th. rmnulF
price of 26 oenta, have made this boos
the beadquwter of everyone who has
occasion to dine In Salem.
Mrs. Buchanan, of the City Restau
rant, make a apedalty of a nice chick
en dinner each Bunday for 26 eta,
A. M. Hurley, tbe attorney, baa hia
office adjoining tht Independence
National Bank building
Lumber of beat quality and from
mountain logs Is sold by Presoott
Vtneas.-- - . "
Sow oT It Left Tat.
The actual amount of gold and sil
ver that is used tn a largo plating es
tablishment I very great, and th
most strict economy is practiced in
order that there shall be no watt.
Th extreme thinness of tha gold on
cheap Jewelry ba long been a ab
ject for jest by humorists. A party
of Boston jeweler wa being anown
through on of th great putting fao-
torlea by the proprietor, a man wall
known as a wag. Aa th visitor
stood looking into on of th rat
where different article war being
a ted with gold by mean of a ehra
1 process, a gentleman aakedi
"Now, Uncle John, just how orach
gold do you use her in your busi
ness f . ...
The old man looked up ud answer
ed, with a twinkle in biaeyet "Well,
boys, I'll toil you. When I started m
15 years ago, I put a $10 goldpieo
mto the Tat, and I guess thert' torn
left of it yet 1"-Boston Journal,
He-lent that tiger a beatttyl
Bha-Now, yon mustn't talk thai
way, we are engaged now, and yon
have no right to call anything beau
tiful except me, -Texas Bitting.
In the Justice Court of Justice and Ooastabl.
vuuriet, no. ive, roia tuunvji wragw.
vs. .
John Miller,
To the above named John Miller. itaAmrt-
11 t, you an hereby oanimanded to appear
and aniwer the complaint filed aialnst 70a
In the HboventlUed action lu tha uld mnn
on or benire the aoth ol Uclober, lwa, at tha
Hour 01 iu o'oioca in me lorenooa 01 Mia day.
or Air want tlicreof the DlalnUIT will ikm
Judgment agalnut you for the sum of trias
ana inienwi mira uiwnn xnui, in, ai in.
rat org per cent per annum and hliooaiaand
dlsburmmentaorthts action aa th asm I
demanded In the complaint.
TiiM summons is puoiiiinM dj order or H.
. Llnca. lustlo or tha Deaoe of tha luitln.
court of said district, which order Is dated
Sept. 61 h, 18.
uatea uus 010 aay or Beptemner, 189.
h. 11. Lines.
II tt , Juatlaaafthapeao.
11 the nartnarshlo hratoibn exlitlnv tin
der the firm name of webbr t fuller, In tha
blacksmith business In Independence, ha.
this day been dissolved by mutual oonaant.
Ueo. Webber retlrln., and aU account due
the late firm are payable to H. A. Fuller, who,
wUl pay all debt of said firm.
. VBO. waBHIR,
v H. A. Fnun.
Independence, Or,, An.. SO, 18K3,
NOTTCEL All Demons owlnr th shnv
firm will pleas settle their aooounu u aoon
as possible. Al-U
$10 00 REWARD. ...
Ttie above reward will be nald to anv nr-
tnn who will give me Information which will
lead to the conviction of the person or per.
sons who entered my melon patch laat Sun
day night and destroyed my melons.
I also s-lve notloe that I am mtahin .ho.
melon patch with two doubts barrelUnf .una.
loaded with buck shot, and will shoot th.
first person (sen after night la the patoh.