crna emu o IX PKRCIVAL, Editor. FRIDAY. &EPT. IS, 1SS8. DESIRE. gbig glowing deacziptioa of oat at tbe "She in a mighty pretty sad wall behaved girl, and Btnne. "sad all tha beat people aaamad to Lml "What waa ft titer anted Mia. Brc na. who had beat kepta bonis by ajkeaaiea in tha family. I can tell tha color." arid Bbxna "It waa lika a sky blue pink, with a afcnAeref J i n lute that. Anyhow tt waa Hubbard" -A Mather Hubbard r - "Yea. One of those Chat tuck up ander the arms and fail aroond tba front like a floor sack, yoa know, wiih a tbingatnsjigger with arrfrna Hp the back.' "An empire gown !" groaned Mrs Binna. and Binna amid hesnppoaedaa. ntuaaetptaia Heoord. The ordinary stck headacfaa atone that cornea from a variety of and tba trnafnvpta are IP. ne n na- aoeroam. Bat nearly all of than have more or leas neoralxxr t and those can generally be treated vary effectosily with tba bromidea. Bronude of hthinra m especially good aad reat to tfaa brain whan given in very aniaU doses. Some inhale chlo roform, bat that ia too da i for any bat aa expert to t to handle. The ami chloral aad morphine. Tba aaa of they produce other daaaaaa far 'naageronm. Ca gain ia eery gwl, aad ttauu principle ta tea that makae tbaee bevaragi They will oftan rabe-va aa afc- : aa quickly aa aome of the more powerful drags. Yankee Blade. An Irishman who had thethoftut aa 8-day clock aad Mrr ral watches was moch annoyed at sight by tha dock's parawtant "Uck. At,niiimtii,nM Tee ten. mfclUl UpifUWKi TteMlMaMalkiinai kenA, TVae Hl .a-mH U I ilt WaA QM BeS. lgl lllll OrtMriR.tlnkaMM Wa petal. wM uij 1 1 ky the aS Clll la im aiVaaied. l-ark ilea anw emaan if - on.ein inMriiin taalnlegefiiM Tmwi TeeaeJeeekldeaawakB ftnil y Sup. Ml aU wafc Bona want alone to enjoy the re cepooa of Company H of the IM ragnaaat at its avnnory oa Wednesday ot. H erne dntsgassa wttn the c&sir. sad to afro. Diana was ptioa ' tick, tick." which hie distorted mv agrnartoa made him bebeve waa 1 "Pal, Pat, it waa yoa that stole tha . Pat threatened that be would break its back salens it deviated, bat the dock contmnnd its steady "tick, tick. Ia a rage he leaped oat of bed. Seized the clock and burled it oat of the window. The clock in its descent struck a polii aaisn. whom his agony yaued oat: Ob, you've broke my backf. "O-h. sore." aaya Pat; "Oi toold yoa Oi would r Dublin Journal. Tba ship Aimwdey was origmaDy mid tha Britiah Enterpriae. but v swilr'ly eoOiajoB in tha River ' ysa. ft f i said that aba was sold jtdet n T tar tXM. MdA t J att 'xatof 3,000 aad txe? 1 and resold for 'Oi .Carpet ag is otvtoasty X f 'y wr- iwLich a wml -y l. r-rr. r km M ' w tfeB two colore . ;sv asewlsaa biaat ir l, "Tw Cm of Um dim,w to which H to ad apted with th beat resulta, Haktattera Stomach Bitters, a fatuity medicine. oooaprebeuaiva in ita scope, baa never beau thrust apoa public attention in tba guiae of a oulvereel panacea tor bodily ilia. Thke claim, daily arrogated In the columns of toe daily pre by the proprietor, of rued Urine tar lufcriur to it aaapecince, baa In albuowid In stances disgusted tha pubiie Iu advance of IU abMirdUy, aad tbe prospect of other remklirs of superior qualities hava been handi rapped by tba preteu Uoua of their worthless prdecaora. Bat tha Ameriiaa people know, I eases they bam verified the tact by Um Mat trying tin, that tha H.ttera po- aan lbs virtue of a real apecifie In cases uf niajaria and liver daeorder, ooo- atipmtion nervoua, rheumatic, stooiacb kidney tremble. What it doea itdoea tbnroujrnly, for tola reason it ia lo tloraed and recommended by boat of Elizabeth, Peon . Aug. 22, V2. Noksam Ljchtt, Oca Moines, lava. Wt have a good sale for Kraaws Capsules, aad tboot who have tried them osa tham agaia. For ante by SbeUey, Alexander A Co. "In a literary and art iatietn. Taa CaenorouTAa ia one of the moat per fect prod uctioaa of ita kind pabUahed on either aide of the Atlantic; aays the Iriah Tinea, of Dublin. Extending ever 128 pagea of beantifoUy printed and iUaatralad matter, every ainrie item of whioh will be peroavd and stud ied adsh internal, the magaxiaemuet be regarded aa perfectly link) at-, and aoe wondeta bow an aoagninflenl a work can be prod need at a coat of twenty five ceo la, or a ah tiling. - Cnaniopalitaa aad Waar Srx togeth er for 3 a year. C3. JC3AM DR. GUNK'S nrtinn - srnup rcj town. at " Mtt CS9&. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. It .HIMWlHfX mm mtzmmk. r p8aaraf a4l mi Km. Sold by J H. FUGH. JAPANKSB 1mvm4 OeaiBleteTrai iteUnc ortMspaaMiarle. OlaaiMBt la la Box aad hJU; a poMttve nnhftlio. ami. Inientin4, or bioHUmtMeaiasiirnB. le.mcsl,or tamdlurr pnokead macroUM it aa4 farmeie ei Vnii It la elay Htteatiuwiiiiil aita. TbOnt MnfTaMIlenKiulliituoi. etVja wita oe knfie naaBMrr brjftner. Iba icmMr aa aenrer Ipaan kFKrwa io BaiL al aaoMfcrSinMk'aaa. war aa0rfraBi mi iotIpK liaeae wna .ntaaniiuia) a rtvea ttk taxaa) to renrad Ua Ttmy it awwia. mh aaap air aajspte. usma. toe kaaoea) by Woodara. Clarke a Co.. artwfct ale aad retail draasrMaeartauJyirUaBdJbr. Kor aala by J'aueraoa itne. aad Bueur DR. GUNK'S LIVER PILLS OMLYOME FORM DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, .ata I ted r aad Id OaaxfCaaaeaaBepa. a sfsapwsjwn, gsiug WTariae3 itanyss; V a V! asva 4tpatarJ M rwvta) ffisSi - a- asav asuwgrssl Sjaaga rsj. aVfcfys tfvsanaaj, aB if tskf i Tsitf4sw. rriowftOsj, XVv-tdW J an m 1 ATlMl !, algsmSaMk, rlSaslliai 9m. r - car tzzzi c? iiitt fr"l giineaxwsn. I T ii-asl geSrW Ona tt a7 gavy!Kyff XTRaaaV ajajnaj aaVWtffaT afL firani Bp tWi w lejfl n avrie dtaj ww"aasaX-. sVMOi aaast aTWlaT Ml IgsWSI Sir all Waff ITTlSI SaT" "Si las' aai asea "y fee eeveae earaeaaae vSmSkamSSSSl nanaeaai. Tlir palm menu. f-eg ' aageeae eaagjeViae VW ea.taear. raaOa3r.earcrteaavaue SM KmaieiraaaU. iiali ail Ce,ia,a. r- Forsalaby. H.PCOH. FOR SALE ! la City and Suburban Lota and nor IO Will aachange city and uburbon for good farms. Will also trade rood acreage near Portland for City property and pay differ- ence, in either case, for '' value. ADDBiXS: I. G. Davidson, 132 1-2 3rd St., Portland, Or. W. E. Poole, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON OtWee a art aeee ta Aaatiaa'a Faral- MONMOUTH, OR. J. M. CROWLEY Ftjilib id S:rp:i Office One doer weat of Polk On. bank Main atreet, Moomoath. Oragoa. " Otho Williams ryiEieniT tiilii ; rineUiloriog a specialty. Good fit GCAR-VXTHED or tte sals. Dallaa - ; - Or. J. D. ttEK. 1. 0. S. Office in Breynuui Bros. BaHding ' Car. Cam BAJLESf tial aad Ceart Sta. - OREGON. Fresh Fish Salmotn, CUuna, Oysters, Calfih, Smelt, etc, received by nearly every tiara. Leave orders at Fish Stand oo C siient, Independence. 0. B. ti, Ptxp. L. D. JONES I Tonsorial Artist. Hair cottiag. ffieta.; Kharinjt, IScta.; ; Jiauia, zaeta. Corner Knox and Main streets, Monmouth - - - ; Oregon EUROPEAN PLAN Ti H 0LT0I1 ISrl- O. ROCHE.Mgr, CftvUTCI FMIITI 110 4L0U ST POrOAID, JT. R. MARKLEY. R. R. HAYS, M IX ROCHE. FREE MEDICINE! (ialdea OaaartaaMy tor . ' BaSeriag HaauaHy. . . Fhftrtnmi fHvm IMr geai edfae e thaPmhUc C3 TG'J SUFFER? Write oe ato explKfnlne yoar trmjble. end wa vitl mn4 yon ntKC 4 otjr of speisily sri mttiffS to ytmr em. MCOMJOCli DAT 1 OK ertilaeadroa riH op- CMAROB a roll emme of epecriallr erepered remediee lawt eolted to yxiT tmmt. WI WAJTt TOll aaciMiun, tlOCE tbe anaet aoor Oor treetmeate Cnr all dliwin and lHifmlbw are BBOdern aad eeteotine. aerjalred br aiaar veare eaperu ia waim eneeiee ae w aaaraaiee DoaMSdeeaatr. IV: B. We Save me nnlr aoettree care triLxmr. r-rra aad catarrh, r. eaeea etvea. iannnanity kieeted. (Old ee- DR. WILLIAMS' Tiap r.flai' awa f reeCaasd aeaf f a a fumnr DENTIST D. II. DOTY, D. D. S. One over Ir. OrowleVa. one door west a beak. m i II (ae vwra guaraataaa. Chas. Wood aona Makinaehaea a peeialty. J uat now we have on hand a large supply of material Air you to select frona. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOXE. c.A.crJOWtico. a. . TIME TABLE. 7-m k-ie JO lit J VI 7-S -a tens 11 SI J VI The " IBEVMiiST.FE ..- 1 RalNeay." OOJfXEtTTXO WITH ALI,TRAX3- COJSTISENTAL LIXES. Ia the Oaly Use Baaaiar Deetrir Lighted Cars, Betwees ST. PAUL ASO CHICAGO, OMAHA and CHICAGO. ASJ The Fipreea Traina CeaeUt af Tertl- eaJes, JUeeaiag, IMaiag aad Park tor tr. CEATED :: OT :-W PnrniBbed with every luxtjry known to modern railway travel. Far Speed, Ceeafert, aad SaMy UU ; . Jatas is t, are, sales. Tickets oo asls at all proaalnent rail. rnao omeea. For further information inquire of any ucaei agsni, or C 1. Eddy, (reaersl AgL J. W. Casey, Trar. Pat. AgU Psrtlaad, Oregsa, TIIROOGII TICKETS GEKTEK. 8ILTUIL OH, MUSIS CUT. CRISIS, ST.IOMIS aad all EASTEM CITIES. DAYS TO CHICAGO. C::r$ w The Quickest to Chicago and the East I.::rs w Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN aad TOURIST 8LCCP- CRS, FREE RCCLININQ CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. eaUna W. a. a uhlbu rrr, am. oea. raea. ai. (plirEMl eslSMaaaiiiiiaiIWMetaeTa rvaa. Java eeeiee w eeeaeare a. a. e . 1 1 i oa.aLc ! ni f iVTfiii'iMi! lamiaiee f Seed eiiita. aaeaiea er pfceSy. mMh ISoa. We edetaa. M i in 1 1 m or am. trae ei icaesse. Oaeeee det i mie emeil I a raaeaurr, "llee aOeaa l-aneia. ' ertta COOTIUnD UIDU THE UM OF OUSOs. POLK COUNTY BANK. MONMOUTH, OR. 1. H. mwitv , , a i, P. UCAMHHKU. iBAaruwtu. -VlcevPree. ..CSabler Paid Capital. 930,000. DIRECTORS. 1. II. BalT. P. U Cunptaatl. I. M.SImpaoa J. B. V. nailer. J. B. Huimp, r. a, ftoaeil Joafli I .revea, A general banking and esrtaange bnetneaa tranaaeted: leie made; deptailu roeed aubeet to elierk or an eertiOrateof dentaut laurrret peid oa time dpoatia. e-rtrr prof reali and borglar srouf salr, ernred br Vale Uwe aack. oatee Uauir a. at. la a. m. : RAILBOAllB. East and South Ha The SHASTA Route of the ' Southern Pacific Co. CeJUorala ngnmm tralae res deflr Mrm n at all eteliowe betawm iVanlead end Aineef. " r- - -e. Portland A r. . 30 . a. " e. a. L. Albaar Ar. I a lfcUa.11. Ax. SaarraaeSaea Lr! i t. Si Rase as re Mail Oejiy.) PCtlsa4 .... at JO M. I Mfa dtviTtV. IV l Al V. 1 ForUmma .. . j rV a,. 1 Ew b IJjb Eni PULLMAN BUFFETT SLEEPERS and SecontKTasi gkeping Cars attached to all tnroagh traaoa. West Side Division. "' PWtlaiad aad Cswallla. Mail trala daily exoD4 Saadar J TJBe ta !- a as Uzlb a m L portiand Ar ar 1 -ain , iS; 1 IX D I 1 p I Al Albanr and Corrailte. enaner wlla traiaa Cxanne train daJI, ferret Sosdayi wrUend .pro Uf- -a-ainartile -1-T ! p lit Oregaaiaa Railway Dieialea aad artlaid ead Veasklll Ry. Anile ad Tn-weesir. ' eaaai naai pi 7-it a 1 7 a 1 TbreB to all pntate In Um Eaeura taiea.canala. and btive.raa be obtained Iwf. K- STlVkH. Aim; JadrveaSMMeT B. KOEHI.FR. E. P. ROOFIW. Jteaaeae. AMt O. r a Paaa. Aat. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR POLNT8 tbe armi mm b. b. 1. Ute line la lake WI&MlMd LOT It Is the DINING-CAR ROUTE. It runs Througrti Vestibuled TnUns Every Day in tbs Year to ST. PAUL and .; CHICAGO fXa cnaase of ears) Composed of DIN ISO, CARS tin- sorparnea, faiiman Drawing Iioom Hleepers of latent eqnipment, TOURIST SLEEPING CABS, Bent that can be constructed, and , in wbicb accommodations are both free and furnihel for holders of first or sec ond clmm tickets, and ELEGANT DiY COACHES. Affordlnc direct aad antntamrpted eervlea. Peltrnan .leaner feaenratlon. can beaeearad tatdiun Umub uruaaiirftiu a meiancmsess-s Enwioa. eea K. nawli. . . m.-i . of tbla anenpanr. Fall Inkmnalloa regard, tee raua, titaeof traina, mulee, and other de Inula ' J - . . .. , , w asy vi.csat-M WH7lsallr A. U. CHARLTON, i2"'!!?iimTa Pweer Agent. Mo. Ul Pint alreet, eur WaeMngtoa. . PORTLAND. OtU