The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 15, 1893, Image 3

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What Our Kqwrter Finds of In
terest to Our Readers.
S.iesrj tT k thesis T Ik Wt Tw.4)rTW
" IYssi Kvurjssws '
Mr. Ltua Howard, ef ItarrisUira;, I
VtitlUnc ftkutt
The public teh.aiU at IkittM will not
onett until Oetohcr aM,
Mr. T. W. Belt wn visiting friends
aud relatives lit Huver last ween.
Mr. W. M. Mnlenn of Derry fat euter-
Utulng Mm. M. 1. IVeay w wnmna
Mm. Hhangte, Youeolla, formerly
Mb Kve Locke, tl visiting relatives
here. .. .,
Bartlett near are selling la Ui north
rn wrt of the county at cents iwr
iw frnwlbnl ha rwi from. Zona
lo AHny where he k eugaged u teach
Uil winter.
MtsaKll Page and Ml Halm Wanu
oJ7Aiaacwroiull the party or x
curslonlst to Mt Hood.
A, McNeil,-the wagon mater, hM
been confined to hU home lor the past
week through Uu
T. a. Wann formerly of Balletou la
now ens-aired in teaching In Talar
eouuty, California,
The bet tympsthy It that which w
h. nnt hav to ask fur. but wtllvtl feelt
our need with w lattiuottve teusltlve-
Harvest I about done In the county,
ti kvttrinra vleld wa not a gd ai
wm txpecled, however none have cause
to oomplalu.
fjiUdnv was not observed In any
nr tha trn of tlM county; all of the
offleal oftfcwa were open an uual for the
transaction of business.
ttrtctt t.:-"-v-CWUlnm are of.
ten sent Wl I at tbe of v0
Who oauti ; well when out doors,
Mia quite . r'-Mi they fin take up
abonkjiw-y coot eoumiue 10 ri
mure than a f, r .luulw at a time, ami
are ofu rirJ 1 anil called tupk.
Such ohtidren k.'A enoiier or later beam
to ulnt, au.4 tUa parent wander how
It la pteaitue pat weir neanuy bub ot
beauumi aucvsr.. who nan pnwugr
straight eiea otly a lew usv ago, ever
littta taxssMVad. Tbewe eytubtoins
Imlloate one or more of the foilowtnf
troublea, via., Hynefuietropla, Myopia,
ArttimaUera, Ateltenonia, oi i rre-
byopuv m Oay at l'alaoe Hotel,
on 29 to 8S, Kiamlnatona froo.
U, M. Line of InuVMixhtuue wa at
DalbM laat week. ;
Twentv thtHitaud boiuiHitwken ett'
Urd toe Cherokee trlp taut tWIay
I. II. rttuiiMou wlft and family are
oampedoVerattUleiuatlhe etaU fair
L. W MoAtlaw. of MarfaW, faee.
nmita aoon to move to ttolitm for the
UlMtnrta llutler of WalUlmrit I
elattluaher father N. L. Mutler at
Work hat been oiuineuowl on the
(l.lhh to the atate refonu aohool
near Kaleui. i . ChHllUUf have an an-
nounwtueut thw weuk about auhool
book , ":'
Wlitn vuu think of ulre eandy your
mlml at ouoe turn to lloUuit h ltob-
luwm'a, next to the poet office. " '
Mm, Kkthutouil I having ereoted to
the memory of hw late hueband, T. (I.
ltU'hiuoud, a f 1,800 UMiuumeiit.
tVrvallU ha been hotrii a the ueikt
placw to bold the 8tte Convention of
the ChrUtbtn Kudeavor anetatln. '
The Midwinter Fair at eau Franeiieo
wniato bean awurml tuooiw. The
ex)ne are ettlmated to be 91,000,000,
MIm lata, a votmv wtmtao of Colium.
Lane oouuty, iMeuUy walked alt Uie
way from t'ortTowDacud to her home
MUb Lena Keyt of IVrrydalo will at
Umd the Utor' whotd at Salem and
h r brother Willie will go to the ,o
mat thw winter.
Mr. H. O. Jonrt of Hherldan a for
mer Normal iiutlent, thou Mom LuU
IWunett, wa vtnltlua frieud btfi
n u....,l.u U havtnir nuniiletvd
UIIU uaui-Mj w r ' r--- -i
.i.. i.rot hnn hotiMw. on hit lt iweuay
farm opnotlU liule)u(liHv1 In thlt The Uxe on dWUIlwl uplrlu etc., are
aeetlon. He ha forty aow In nope.
Robert 8tole who mn a thrmher
rn, ntr Suver I Brolmtilv the young
eat man In Oregon who own and run
to be luertmiwd to tlmt the rvveune of
the governme lit will be lunrvaned alKiut
Mtt of your damp and i-Uumiy noil
ei man in vii"t - i 1
a thrcehlng machine, he btlng 3) year cau be drained aud tirml until It will
0j(ji ,; v . I oe a goou a any on ine pume. t, nu
twi1 a nu.i..h hu been hav- UhI gruud la wtMrthlwu.
Ing the printing of the city of Portland The free coin meo have given up
for the gat two ytar, but now he
Portland Dally Telegram hat the eon
tract. ; '.;
Ptndlne-out about what oueer I
iKjiu.vofmitliiiian education. The
alt hoixM of lb ita-waiM of a free coin
apt allver bill aud It I thought out-
ftvm will adjourn October the Dret.
MIm Ethel Wllkln. a tlUr of our
townmnan w. a Wllkln, recently
Uie jr vi nu - - -
trouble with most of u I that we ao- won the iK-mormt metial ft excelling
. . . ... ... ..i... i I...,,.... ,.. r , in.i. r--!
ofpt what we eee wimouv iiinjr i u ikhuhuu m w
Mine Addle Clark will tmchthe Zena
aohool the coming winter, Ml IX'lla
Miner of Nebraxka will tench In the
Burley dUtrlot and Mi Ella PK' w"'
teach at Lincoln.
A man named Wheat In California,
married a woman named Ont the
other day. The ceremony wa per
formed In the church, and the choir
tang, . "What 8hall the Harveat W
Ml Viola Brandon, of Haley, who
ha been vUlting friend in Ponland,
wa a gueat of her coiMin Mn. E. C.
Pentland lt Monday and Tuwday.
She t attending tlie Btate University
at Eugene.
Ko penmn ahould travel without a
hni f Aver' Dill. Ah a wife and
apeedy remedy for constlpstlitn and all
Irregularities of the atomarh and bow
el, they have no equal and being klll
fully URr coated, are plenaant to tnke
and long retain thler virtue.
M. L. Itvau. the "lVrrydale Patriot'
mangled with the county clerk yeeter-
lav n addition to the town or tvrry-
d!e,eimprUlnga blH-k of ten lota
M. I Byau etlluir of the Perrydale
Patriot. ..wa lwt week married In
st.rkton, Callforula, to Ml RowenaF.
ilohlt-n of that city. They will link
their home lu Perrydtile.
M. 1'. Hhnw. Auiltv'a recorder, ha
tien treuteil to a ehower if rotten ejrg,
preauiimnly thrown by part let ou
whom he hud linpofted, a they thought,
unjust fine. Tliemutter ltbelovee-
If vou aw taklug the naper out of tb
WMttoffice you arcexiiecled to poy for It.
If the clnte on yoor paper I lu advanw
vou may know that it U paid for to that
time even If you have not paid for It
A "Jumbo" oartv ww given at tlie
homo of Hanker Cooper last Friday
uvttninir uiwl ft larittf iHiinlMT of our
young toolety n"ple tten.lel aud
Rulfurcr from dypepla have only jye, the gum and the refreshment.
theniHelvea to Wnme If they foil to teat
the wonderful curative qualltlea of
AyeM Sawaoarilla. In purifying the
blood, thl medicine atreugthen every
ormmofthe bKly, and even the most
abused etomach I oon restored to
healthy action,
n'f. V. It. Eaton od wife, of Port
land, are vWtlng their parent, Mr.
and Mm. J" R. Cooper,
a very larjfe practice
Blair Miller carried off the bmthy prlwi.
Mix Kate Patternon of Eogene, who
haa been vlalting the Mlwie Cooper of
il.l. ..Its fur a few dav. left for Port
land and Halem Tuesday of till week,
where he will vwlt until the oimntng
of the Unlverelty at Eugene, where the
will attend.
mi.x M.iinl mnl Dora Corner, afti'r
Dr. raton na indliirf their vacation at tneir no me
In Porihind In i,B wiu Blf,iin Rttnd the State Lul-
... . ..,- l r ... I ... i ,,, ,....
eve, enr tnrt thmnt compiniiiii!. mm. vernlty ul HUgone aim win ivo
Eaton la looking extremely well.' She tm,t plnce. to-d.iy (Friday) ttopplng
and the doctor intend pendlnj? the 0Ver at Sulem Haturduy to Uka In the
winter In California. Fair.
' A man by the name of A. Thorn A young lady want to know how to
from Corval i. with one leg mlwlng make "not enough" out of the word
below the knee, h. been paanlng a "enough". That I cany. Take the 3d
miner around asking for money with 2d and 1t letter of the word "enough
which to purchase a cork leg. HI 1U for the nmt word, and the 6lh, 4tli and
wa well filled with donation of from 5th for the teoond word, and you have
15 to 60 cent, and If ho I an Impostor Homethliig that "not enough" for any
he certainly make money at the busl- Indepedendonce or Dalli t young ludy.
n"s. ; Why (till your ton with good
( A mention was made In the West ftnj then keep dark alxmt It?
.,.m, weeks airo of a picture tt. routs money every day and every
, i.... . miraoa of n cltv on Ulscler i,r in fnrrv astock of good. Let the
iui,a Tt was then stated that noiilln know what Vou have to ell.
could locale the city. M. W. intcrcl the people. Attract them, do
..i.- riH,,iinn who has the ,w. niiow them to forget' your name,
XiTUIX, l"" i ..... - .
.. v-umii nnu In Portland. onl r,i it,, nn fhe tights. eHpecliiIly the .urn
iu.i. -...r tn Wnshlmrton. sav the city hunt for-reachlng light of advcrtls-
t... hix.ii locsted and i Bristol, Kng- in
land. He further ay that he believe E p jjoye w10 flushed picking
the picture Is a ruke aiinougn ne wn tweive acreS 0f hop lust weeK suy uie
. fi mola . ! . ..1 f If Rill.
Dot Know now m wno iiiumv. I yoiia mil ix'iow
Hop plUKin(f iu rum ; wnj wiiw r.w...a - -
MAWMAiiifiMWnAten(1olwUbUn nnrHon MomliiV eHtlinuteil the
UI0 P",H' wu M V - .
difllcuUie. .T. H. Burton started Mon- yiei, at 700 Ikixo and bud 1KH) boxe
day a week ago and so did 'ft. v. wer-i inotciid u is yei um eany, i
... ... ..... .ml nnlv a fw I .i...n... (ho hnn nrnn Is a better vlulli
fell, out mo rani" tuino - wucvuiu f - r -
. . ' nir.k.i fienrU every yard hn liwt vear or not taking the totul
acres wcio !""'' - - - ... .
In Polk county Is now ready to plok wei-age One thing i certain and that
hut the rain delays work very matorl- g there ore plenty of hop to make ft
- r... In .,... I.. .. Annum irthnV
ally and nop nce are micmin grettFuiniv" "ui
. .... m, nnnn hnfnre to socak I nnt ,iivt. 1 . -:
varus wiibio - -
I strange that we cannot at T.K uirriuV .was to have Isjcii
Vli " " , I a-"'" " -i , ,
least have a good hop crop trim year. ,, ttmog the Odd riow in
4 .4t voune lady dropped In J. M
trn,n' store Iwit Tuesday and after
casting an admiring glance about the
well arranged store and at its hnnd
tome attendant proceeded to atate her
..nri "lam about to be married
..i ., knaiium! und T are going to
Polk county as they were to have a plo
..i. ui. Moiimoiith. soeeches, eta, and a
.,.un,i iruod time. But the weutlier It
an uncertain thing In Oregon, mid the
rain descended and the road became
miinMv. and when the hundred or so
Odd Fellows assembled at Monmouth
my nuBuuuu "uu B r uuu Kviwnn nm-
lay in a year's supply of clothing etc., )lu)t Saturday tlicy decided to postpone
and everyone says that at Vanduyu's the picnic until next -May. Thoforty pld
Vou can save from one quarter to one wlllcn Mrs, Wayne Williams had
hslfou-' the prices" Who then laid biiked for the plo contest were voted to
down a list of articles and It amounted l)e divkled among those pres nt and o
" " i.,i....i..i inn, r.,.i,. u u d HHiiocared. The 20to
price at "
L,in make a good wtfe as she know
lowshlp lu. the United Btates, aud
! would be a proper aai ror we jiiuuiu.
Ooun fair next week.
aiwerClavUnd'i B'rt w,,,h
tdl pound.
The ruin art over and tht impmeu
re happy and to are w all,
The recent ralnt bavt extlnguwuta
rorttt Art In Clattop eouuty.
v.,...r.. imii and toel workt In
PUttburg returned 0raUont thlt Wek.
TWnu K.lfnvl of HauU Cruli,
whllt Kadlng lu bwl, w burntdtoa
olndwr, - :
Twante u.nai iokii III Georgia trlvl
fr-teolnagtoC tilver, aud werarrteil
MIm Edith llenuey ami Bird lUoh-
artktof Uethtl havt gone lo Kugetit to
atttnt nehool. :
Clilutimtelliigag.liwt Franot
aeiMMloui iu Blam and gun tiiwU art
Mng tvHt Imra.
Ttit leguiUturt oT WtHhliigUm I
likely to w ciUHl in iMftl Mdm to
tliet a sennlor.
144 Momiay theHkan Fulltexpo.
tltldn bulkllng burud to W gmunu.
It oot 1105,000 thrte J curs ago.
Polk county hat not a single exhibit
of fruit at tit Ml, outsliie or Hpring ai
ley aud Mr. II H, WIUh Wiiyi
wi.wt4Min VM lUvtr, Mn-t. art
returning opwathmt at reduction lu
wage of from ten to nncen per wi".
Hllev twoner" Hlaek Diamond , won
tht thtve last heal In a tro Uug race
at rhdwii Monday, wheu tLe pun wat
WW, Uood for Polk oouuty.
W nulv wrlh w had aitaot to hio-
Halt the mud letter written by T. T.
(ai.r. forTiH"elv,t Hinieiimn, la an
a wcr to J. C O-H'per' letter In a riuer
1,. M. IJuea. Ibu Jubilee of tho o
liaa aililwl a IhnieT dk U Ul iM,Mip-
piled who numerout plaon bole o
that he ha ample room r storing in
many lettl uair.
A. A. Ztmiuwrm.m nt Springfield
niitik broke tlie world' KtMW of W
nvnla rkUuitbul MouU-y by covering
on lullialu xtflJi. mlnuufa., iiiir
wa a flying one. j
n J. Harr QJf ha fitted ovr on
liuuilmd ua,.Ohi iii Poik eouuty with
ilusmm. He never give 8lc tod.
MtmA vw but tHud nih il for treat-
IIMlit. All luviltd lo cowc.
On Monday ts.l Block M..nmid wou
il.. ir.aih,a reiw at tht Hlatt Fair beat
time iWJ; J. H. Folgr't Pauline won
the three year old trot, tlnieSSU. J u.
Thoru'a Finny won half-mile datb,
time 51! taooudt.
A J. WolcotthMtwolargtbopkllnt
ou bl farm that art at nicely bulU and
.....ui.i a a rmlOMumi. Tii'V are
iiultt oruaiueubU.
MIm Nellie Hill, returned to Htan
fr,l ri,lvrattv totnena another Avar
lu teiiool. Mitt Auua Htm khm did not
to back with her
l. G Patterson believe in telling
i,u moda and buying mom. rathtr tlian
h..l,llntf for hliib Mice. Thtt tht
rentou hi frulU aud caudlet and clgaw
are always to freb
Bun VlUbhortly to hav a rival
town at the old Aveny mill acri
the river lu Marlon county. The wa-
h..., tha Hutitlam river are to fur-
II " M - -
ulnli Iw home power there.
Tbe big lentof 8truble and Slekaroose
la her and located near J. rJ. 0sper't
valdnutw.and every ulghl larg crowd
,w.i,,iu ilura and tht Interest It
pro.idlng lo enforce the Oeary law
ilmortlnBChloeerelot)e wyi
..,iiu u a.a.11 whether Cmiireie) will
i, ii .
iuatlie Kmmetl amendment extend
lnirthetluitoHei.tlst IBW lor regit-
tmtloti, v
rinTuetMlavat Halem, Del.lnn took
i,r.w h,.atsout of six In mil trot time
:5; purs taw), lo runnlug mile tlastt
U V..l,ln. l'slll t'Mik llrst
money lime 2:00 lu the tbree-elgbtb
mile dash for a purse of 1100 Cyclone
beat Fuuuey and Ory Cap, time 01.
Ifamiieof the famllle uow picking
hop and earning from ten to fifteen
lollar a day, would take tut proceeu
of their work and Invent lo tome of
Damon A llaly' towu loU tney
would t placing their money whtro It
would earn a fine I uoome.
Peter Cook brought lo the Wwrr
tiiu ofrtce thl week a doteo prune
that are Immertse. One of them meas
ured seven inches around It one way
nd seven Incbe and three-quarwrs
the other. Wby not raise such rrun iy
the hundred of bushels? Polk county
can do It.
Tha Wkmt Siiih I to be thanked for
being Instrumental In keeping t'uua
meii ont of Polk ciuuty. One hop
miser could have aavedthree hundred
dollar ou hi crop but we puded
him to wait a there would uroiy oe
niantvnf nlcken aud we were correct
There are plenty of picker
ir .f Hurrv Gav. the lmou optl
iwiioiln outlchm and optical siwclallst.
r .... . . . i . . ......
,m n.r.iln v sit independence, imvuia
iii. mne at t be Iilttio raiace noiei
mn, i,. o.'int Mr. fliiv ha done
much work In this secfioni iiall and
ultjuilil Villi need tlasses. or
m3 IIIII4 on""", j ' V
i,.mll vou need medical treatment in
ttead. He will tell you and advb you
what to do. . Consultations ana exum
atlon free.
Tru will look over the stock of
,.riBS of Dout v A Paddock you will
find that never before were goods more
.timMiva! Thev are better than nave
iun nfll-rod to Independence buy
ers who, are nil Interested in mowing
what they are going to do next. They
say they propose making their compeU
i,,.K. n,.,a ii r tnu nercu ana tney
accomplish It with their goods and with
their prices
t ii floiintv court lust week the final pro
bate matter were settled: In the mat-
nf u, dual mltlument of the emm
,.f W. A. Jackson, final hearing set for
October 0th. The J. P. Lludenuan e-
stmralscd at $4005.50 aud ai
miiilstiutor charged with same, Iq
.ha a. A. Hulmr estate the adminlstra
tor was ohiuiiod with WW appraise.
mcnt. A petit Ion to sell personal prop,
erty of children was granted, and helrt
were cited to appear uotoner urn vo in
fer objections, If any, to telling reel
tate, Iu accordance with petition Oo
toiler 0th was set for sale of real prop
erty of Fred Johnon, a minor neir.
A petition to sell property of W. E.
a.ii,t tMii.iirt or private sale wa
niiui. i Personal property to
amount of 24fl wo net apart
Wheat, 4H; iU, So, h.-si, IA egg, 19,
Fighting It .till going on In Buenua
Mr. I)r, Ftoa roturued to Portlanu
Bartlett peart wanted at tb Wtwr
Wilton Let o llrtdgviiort, was Intane,
Uiuporarly. butt week.
J. II. Towneeud the Dallat attorney
hat returned from the coast
Whv mn not our vouni fvlkt have a
theatrioal orgautaatloo thlt winter?
Are the ladle going to revive the
nastum clubT
T. C. Ollaiur and fkmlly will go to
the World' fair toon.
' Pap" Hodglut It going to Chicago,
.,.p"Hodg..,.itg.gng to , w WAtHirmi,Bept.T? ,
uaxtweek. nua raiiemon wiu gave oinn w a winy gin b iwi --. , , a...m
. 17 .. . . ...... i mate rrmuu ouiy, w wiv wit
dlhida..ypruuinsa. iMnareooingwe .. I uoum on d strw't IndeiKUideuce and
Mm Judge MoArthur It vWtlng her it wat over an nour iu,. w - , vu partaken
Isler Mm. MoUou at mtort V ZXm.
week. '. , White houte were aware . vnllnnu,j8. Th.v to house-
I M, laHtalti aawaiai batttf B AllMatl IMMiralK UDU " f --' 9 m
John Young baa been eleeted a wem wr":rrr".u.km0umoum.
beroflhecltyoouncll lu place of lm r.liryni wat max r' wltll ubi g tbelrj.
t . a. a.Baaaauani naa nniawi aauawiv aim i m m
. r j r:!r j .:d7 At 0,.c .y through i.f i. ti wish of m. w
K. W. Cooper and wife and Ml Pa- tll MWI WM -V,n out, and quickly 8o' j ".
tie Coojier returned irom wewpon, uatmA . dty. s oot It wat Hie
fel tar-Cat troo wedding, written by
friend retched thlt office too late for uee
N.ii Huudav I to be a are at day at
the Htruble aad rtloafuote gospel teat.
Mm. A. Wlutnra. wb) hat 000 Vtlt-
lug her parent In Moumouth.returoed
to PurUaod Tueeday.
Ur. If A. Wolf, of Fall Cltl. took
the premium at Ktat fair on packed
butler and Mr. May Carr, teoond
Haiti. Maahbruok of lUIUtou and
Nettle Berry of Dallat wM granted a
marriage lleenae Wedneaday.
Itallroad ageut Htlver of Independ
Important Happenings
the Week.
uiouth Tuesday Mept. liit i at liiui at
nt ilia krlilea mother.
Ml Bertha (!atl roii of Montuoutb,!
wa united in marriage to C. K. cioo
Mtor, of Indepeudence, iwv.
Hmlth officiating.
The Mlsac Ina Craig and Agnea Hr
ri. tiuha of the bride were brlde-
mim.Ii, atiit aroHt vurv tMautlful Indeed.
Tb bride I the aceomplUhed deugbUir
of mm., ha. fiiron anu wa
rmlilv and beonutliigty dressed. 0 E.
rn.uir..ui u a nwniber of tbe firm of
Wheeler A Clodfeller at Indiqietidenot,
AHr tha earsmouv an elegaut dinner
waa aarviMi. when (arrlages which were
u..... u-ni.ianii In walling conveyed the wedding
, m a...
or rr.t
rem a
We Olrl Ran at Mm While
Malkar ad CMM Wag Wtll.
(ubjeot of conversation In the lobbies!
H..aW. NigiVI t,VUWWItBBl"B
Wrmltht MHKKiut of U Clod- Lf aj th boWis ind nny prtvatt
. a ... . 1 ai .u 1 t...t Itaa a I i M t. 1 1. - - l.aa In t Itstatr-
boutea. Though Uie pre ha Intimat
ed Uiat Mrs. OUveUnd would become
a mothtr in time, tlie Urth of the baby
iA.da waa aoinswhat of a ur prise, and
Mn. Cleveland wa out driving last
evening, Hhe bowed frequently to
paaslng friend and aoquainiancea.
MituAeKU-UoiiKHTM. At the real
deuce of tbe bribe' parenU at Oak
rova. Mtas Edna Itoberui to Mr.
John Wchafer, of Kola, on Bunday,
Hepteiuber 10.
Malrlde of K. 0. Cochrane.
Last week Mr. Hubert O. Cochrane,
pasung inriniB au -""-" 1 - . , , ..... I
Wit amieared lu exoallent health and one of tbe most proprou of Linn
leountv rarmer. rewuiua mns
P"1 I' " I ,. lll I....I u,l.,l,la l.u I
1 1 I iruio neiwin'iiMi wtoiiiiwm v
TROUBLES Of LABOR. shooting himself with a revolver. Tbe
. I act wa committed beside lb spring a,.l)rM vnU from tbe bouse. Be
Fhmno, Bent 8. -A mob of six whit had gone to the spring before breakout;
L . . i-t tt ui.L..i. I luii Kla ivlflt alld him til break fast.
woramea riui n mwv . .... . . - -
vardlaatnlahLand orocweded to re-1 aftor wblcli b Immediately relumed to
4-uin-i. --. T, ,i- -,.1,,11-r. than, tha aud allot himself back of tb
oy appearing in a new nm. aim ... v, , -, M MIU,nM. I ball eouilim out back of tlie other ear.
rtotbee Tburaday. wnat it rang w IT ""tT ? T V", 7u ' T ,Z ,uU Ul. .orlng. Ml.
haniatiiT lney " wt i - -
. .' . ;.. hxH. without effect. They next tore Cochrane heard the report, and fearing
wmiu.j 4uu. , i"u- 7 .V . doT,n Uhj boo and brat the Cbloeee, the worst, rushed to where Kit found
thtt weak Uie Anal aeltlemeut of Chat V'T" . h,m fV butiMnd Mnit dj, bto he.d l
Link's sstste, and divided lbs prooeeo. 1 " rrtl lwo fwiof wtter. Jvuulce H. P. Bar-
f l,0 among we two neirt. a........ n.u. i.,ar.l. wlxtutwoof .rmtled a lurvand found according to
Tbe family of Oeo, W. Fordney, llv . wounm, CUnm m ,hautl, the fact. The evbleuce IndlosUsl that
and the raider dlsjiewwL At yet the Mr. Cochrane bad been ooutempUUng
.m la ika rfarii aa in who were I the dd lor a week or uiortfr He bad
Ulliwaw Ml " " -
in tti mob. Tlie sheriffs nirice I In re-1 uot beau exactly in nu ngui niiuu. ni
.. . m ... .L- Jkd 11. .4 ....JkLl.,ii..k hall lywll In liail flondltloO tiit
. I uwiin w w " ' i .
i -. fW.nMuMillnll.l .. - u. ..114.1. uu.u.ul I - 4I..W. fMiit llml nmvad nil Ilia
nvrvim ai mjw i rlq wa roaoe oir noiim mrji wim mi ,...v.
Churvh on Hundsy evening, oomiueuo-1 sn(j tw0chlues were killed, but do- mind. A brother was in tbe asylum a
i... .i i,air nut aavau o'clock. The ,-n- i-1- .i I vaar or tarn a4ra. The deceased wa 64
v tiara uf aim. and leave a wife and
Ing Ih the Hueler houe, are In desti
tute ulrou instance ou accouut W a very
sick daughter. Kindly disposed peo
ple should aitlt them.
WIU VM Aealaat Ike lawildaaal
In at half tut evu o'clock. Ih ,n. ... nt tit ha had.
pastor, IX V. Poling will alo preaeu at
Dlsle at 11 o clock. A eoroiai weioom
i tended to all.
The editor of tlie Wawr Kiob ba via-
Ited Uie boo yard about town and
picking w going ahead and the crop to
large one. Later on we shall puonao
list of the bop yard, about Independ
three or four children. Me wa a man
well liked, and hi death will be gen
erally regretted.
WavIIINOTON, Hept. Senator
Mitchell, of Oregon, hat determined
to vole agalnet the unconditional repeal
of tbe BberroaB law. Talking Uie mat
ter over with the pregoulan correspon
Oct of over 20.000 hop tickets
printed at the Warr 8idb ofllce all
but two thousand were our Safety
I l. aaallh tlssk I bMcIWVII 11 n IVWlMlllll I
Awe.kfhiuiieitundy.ltleprob. "'V.lZZZL LTa ,w h- Tickeu. and from alt the hop grow
ahia a minUufr-Mu California wllloe- .... a .h.i... .im ii I era wa hear worUa of pruin-, bocaufM
' i . . - . i
not conslsteatly do anything le. It ert we hear word ofprolH-, Oecnuw
waa hi belief that it would be extreme-1 tuey nil a long leu warn, tor a nca-
l,Jy- Jy dangeroua to repeal U Hbermao etthat may beeaaily oounled aud
U.Huuak.r, who It financial taw Wld j, nothing In the place of httVJ t on BUUiUtutlon or
copy the Baptist pulpit here.
lee Hundsy.
Bev. A
ageut far MoMiunvuie eouege, i U farther than that, ne eaia mat Lv.,,.(,
towu this week. He left for Southern LpUj Oregon were Ulklng v,ry I wUUU5rDunB'
...-- - , ........
1). V. Poling report a remaraaoie I sutsitllute for lot Biienuao w. newi now tuai mo evening m
ben. Blie hat Just bttcbed out hr I receiving many peUUon lo mat snew, I ng iong,r( why OOUld not the young
third brood of chlokeu during WW. and notably ene from Union eouuty, L orjwnM t dramutlo club aud
He thould exhibit ber at the fair next I containing over 800 naiuee, n wnicn of eu,er,A,nnieul8
-' . T"""" .rZLTrri." allow nritMiinirh the wlntoi!
Miaara Mvara A Ira. at Ttlmsge are man ww. twuaw I
getting tone on hm of wheat. They will do enythlugln the way of r loa,
r 4. r.. n -...I . ..ra. las h belkve 111 coluag at tht ratio of
UTI Wf winuuwa iii - - I " .
bouse lu lo wn, and have built two large 18 to 1, and, In fact, endoreet that po
shed roots out there, aud stilt it come, won ' ii" - -
w.-aaa a-.'. -0?
lai-; ,,,,h- IM, will b itnDf
i.iv bait iwenlv4o lioo tickets, and I
BL.a.arkabla PraMrvatlaa or CaryM.
la the time of the reign of Jamea
rj of England, a corpse, that of
Thomaa Oruy, marqui of Dorset,
waa mninvml from the church at Ast-
ttv l.t twnl.v4o hov tlekeU, and 4 "r "T " " 7": """" in Warwicluthiro. Ho had been
had a watch stolen. P" mMa un WJ ""T'. iZZi ther on Uie 10th of October,
bul j d(n,, m ny w,y ; .-a yeAr of
rviisa. lairiiaiii. aninf ui iiBnriiiBT auim i . a ji n - w i,.iii,i4. it ate a - -
" ....i. Hi preeen. oimcui.7. . yilL and at-
" " i r. . a .1 will nun ail .mi - , . .... o . i. n nvn. n, p titiiih i
I rsvi n . ,n . nMude. and that we Will reap nn I . , , i.-v, .M .. rrM,h as if thev
A imssenirer tralu. Just outside of i.nAu fmm It whatever. I believe In I w, k, iaflv interred, the
Chicago wa robbed on Tuesday by HO the rrre coinage of silver and have o jolnta evw flerilel St. Louii
persons, or ;ion(uuu irom me believed for many year. H iooki RepublUv
.u .....llull I .... . ... .. . ll.lllinl
oar ;o jumat'iigvia n. '""-"-1 me a u mere couin oe ou jawi'ij
One hundred detectives are ou their
trackjind Ihey willproliably beoaught.
a . J
They blew opeu Uie tare wun oyua-
Iloth the rtlate Insurauoo Ca of Ba
lein and the Farmers A Merchant' of
Albany have left the Iusuranoe trust,
ami now do busluost for theiuaelve.
The stringent rule regarding credit
for premium of the trust, may hav
bad something to do wttu uie cnang.
Miss Alice Macaulay returned from
'..rtland Thursday. Bhe aay Mrt.
Waller, ber alHtor.dled from blood poto-
nninir Liiad hv the txtracttou of l felter and Bertha
i.wiiii with unuean ostrumenu in ifouiko ana neme
hand of a leading dentist In Portland.
Her sister tuftereil for fourteen day.
The Wbht Hi uk force extends tbnnks
fortwoboxit of delicious cake. One
fmm the Oronnde Foulket weddlug
and the other from Mrs. & A. Uattron,
matter, I cannot vote for repeaL''
Dallat Loral.
of doing anything for sliver If the Sber- jj, tropical foreata ao large a pro
man law should lie unconditionally I H,.n nf tha obmta are of the Knsi-
ixi with mv noii vlct ions lu thl I m variatv that aumetimet the paui
of a traveler may oe craoeu vj vu
wilted foUage.
Tha rnoiish achool at Harrow baa a I
record which no other public achool
... iwui.t in mat it na orouuueu
five prime minittert during the prea-
ent centurv.
KoSAt,aiabriiloaiil on ewy trm
my mill (llCS OS U. OU inwiirii.
I If tint sold by Ool, 1st will bs r rnl.
AtturnovQeaS Fitestolie, of Vaf
valits was doing buslue here thlt
week. ' .' X
Hop growers generally, eominenwd
picking here Tueeday,
Marriage lloenas granted C. E. Clod
Cat tron : David
I, Ground; J. J.
McBee and Cora Hbewey.
No more dust thl year,
Piiimsu Bro. hav already
who prepared a wedding dinner Imme- boxes of hop picked and dried.
to the Juattt Court of Justice snd Oonntsbl
lllstrioi, . r ivw, ivia wm;iv..,v
UKsUo. -
diiitelv after the ceremony uniting her
daughter Bertha In marrlsge to C. K.
Clodfoller,t The cake was dellolou.
On last Tuesday afternoon while
Oeo W. McLaughlin and family uear
llueua Vista were away from norae
some persons entered bis house, and
" . . . n .. I.. 1L.
stole clothing, and other aiucie iu iue
bouc, leaving the house lu disorder,
taking all the mouey the)' couio nuu
which was only 76 cents. There are no
truce of the guilty parties-
Mrs. Nunoy Ooifls building an ad-
dltlou to her resldcnoe. The founda-
ii,.., .,f Henry Hill rusldvuce Is finish-
sd, M. T. Crows Ksldenoe I under
rmif. Junius Hnrrl' residence la ap-
proachlng completion, old Moore is
living In his new bouse, and hoi Biump
bus the frame up of hi residence.
Vmi nvr can find oromntor tervloe
more gditlemau ly clerks, a better elect
ed st(M of goods, lower price, a neater
bunt or littnr annolnted store tbau that
of Pattersou' Broe. Uie Pruggltt and
Juwelew. They are bound to keep up
with the time. They fully believe In
ii vine-and let live. They mark their
price down to the very lowest notch
snd seep their powder dry and trust to
providence. They never yet have re
torted to tricks ami they never will.
W. W. Smith wa the hrst to
menoe seeding summer fallow.
W. W. Line, the eontable of Inde
pendence, pawed through Eola wltn
two Balem lad woo trespasseuuu i.
W. Brunk'l term. Uoy use warn
ing. ' ,
Friend of Mr and Mr. Putroan
were thooked.and the entiro communl-
ulty etartled last Tuesday by the an
nouncement of the eudden death of Mr.
Piiiman. Th deceased was apparently
I.. nihii.t health un to the time of hit
death and hit tad demise cause ninny
a bleeding heart to throb. .
John MIIIM-,
IVtm. I . ... -i T.,lin Mlllnr. ilnftind. I
I Jfl ,n IWUTB w - " 1
snd, you sin nerauy wmiii iu ui "f
In ilifslxive-MlUtlwl action In Ihr wld eourt
,,n orbiftirthb ol iMolwr, WW, st lh
hour of 10 o'clock lu Uie kircnoon nt hmHI dsjf,
... ... Juni ,l,r,.,,r the n utltr will take
. i v.kii aip in. .inn ui a,
" ' i u .t .ueanmim unil ht iMMtssttlkd I
ir."L.r:. r.f'iT.l. a. ti,m the nam. l.l
dcinsnuua in iu """iii".:"..
Tills suiniiums
U I .Iniui. Illlttll
ponrlof said district,
Bent. Mn, imn.
,.. iihumi nf t.h. uiHtliie I
wliH'U oruer is umwi
This summons la nubllsliod by irdor or H
lni.iusii oi
tPVnin, ism. .a. . . ,,
U.MHI mis ou. u,., u. ....
" 1 ". 1
. t Jiullc0ftnwsica.
widow of J, P Lludorman.
After th Fair
i. nvur vmi mn stav at home. Oo to
Chicago now and see the most complete
and magnificent exhibition that has
ever been held. The Vestl billed Lim
ited train of the Olilgago, Union ra
ellic and Northwestern Hue will take
you there with the least trouble and
There la no place In Oregou where a
k,.ii. maal is served than at the ree-
teurant of Weataoott Irwin, 871 Com
mercial street, Balem. txiurteou ao
i.r.4inn a fina meal, and the popular
price of 26 oente, bare mode thl houte
the headquarter or everyone wo u
occasion to dine in oaieui.
u Ttimlisnftn. of the City Bestau
miiI. iiu.kna a iDeolalty of a nice ohlok-
en dinner each Bunday for 25 eta.
A. M. Hurley, the attorney, ha hi
office - adjoining the Independence
National Batik building- I
J V. O'Donneli cnrrlos a large stock
nf airrlcultnml machinery, and hit
.huivM are ludoii with the best grades
of hardware! a tlu shirt and tlunlng
department adds to the advantage oi
bis establiBhment ' . '
Lumber of best quality and from
mouutalu log It sold by Prescolt 4
IN the partnership bereuiniro Misting mi.
dr the r.n nam of webbur A Ku Her, In the
blUOSStnilll UUBIIIWtB IU lUWi'in-imv..,
tlili iv bm dlKsolved DJ mutual onnssnU
Stai.Vsl.bsr .tlrl..g..nd' sll wnu due
the Isle tlrm are payable to K. A. Fuller, who
- , H. A. Kuitta.
Indepondonos, Or., Aug. W, 1HW.
NOTICK.-AII persons owing th above
nnu will please iitU Uistr aeooonu as swrn
ss possible. l't
;";;.) LOST
fin nmilAmher rd. between Buons VIsU
and the Aue.u and Dallas mart, a gray woolen
li.w wl III a liars uorner. r mmi " "
suitably rewarded by leaving at this oinee
' Claw L Fawi Pmobwotb.
"siiipls of not lass Uisn I seres, ba. Oregoa sprtog wbsat..
. . u t a... r. 1 1 aw ntatLL .
1 bu. wlnlar barley.
1 mi, man oaw
Pent Poprnrn
I bu. oaoi uf any klod..
a I bU, sliellwl .....
1 arre bu. bin atioat.
ill.),!.. .lixiVMi f wluwr wbsat, tbras yarteUes, av saea.a. eava
8 lay enravas in oaia, w
e wra aanli varlaty..
nuiaii. Ave sons asch vafmr
Display six
f not hssi than sere
pleplsy iiia.t..w rsa,, aaeto vsrisjf samirteo art
Llsplay IV pscksgae hops, I lb. asvtt, esbll.lled by
Class H.-Onkoon Raihkd Bbbmi.
Ml.ll. luani
tlneilliy snnl
Clam L Dai hy Paoiit'crt.
Butter, not leas tbsn 1 pound
Clash I.-DoMwrric Woolbm MAKurACiras
Ten ysrds rsc rt "
, Dtttoata.
line istuiin iinii-ii. . .. ..
euufea tuokllui, uoma-uiade
Claw I.'-Dokkhtic Eoojiomy.
10.00 REWARD. ! -
Thsabov reward will be paid to any per.
1 -i.... , li,4..inintliin wlnell Will
"ad t "lie oonvtntlon of the person or per
tons win. enmred my melon niiieh last dan
day iilgbl "rt denti-oyod 1115 melons.
I also live nntleethatl wn waftdilng that
melm. piloh with two double Isjrrel led" .una.
U uded with .bunk shot, and will shoot tbe
fl?,rp"rso.. seen after night 'IIJ,.
1 " Independeni, Or,, Aug, i lW,
Slaltiislng bmat. .- -
lloprlsini eraa- -."
Uleplty ol lams, Bve variaHes ..
: Dittoes
Claw L Embboidebv,
lnnnil'sektrt,eaUo tlih..
4,1..... Ml,., ..1 III 4Tl ItTU
vi.i.wi.f'uuii iU rh.
Hols eusbkw, sailn eUUb.
ll.nasereniw c" - ,- - -
' run ni.1. . ...
Keel lanry Sm;n .-.---v-r.-"
S.IS eusuiun, ftwmaw ."-- -
lullet eeW.. -
Claw IL-BRAirnxo, Etc
Mlsa's dreas..
Child srliatk
Pillow eliaiu
y polnulacv bj1uu.-.
CLAW IIL-Hajcd Bewino.
Boy'e suits, made by a woman.
Lau.t'e draw
WIT W" '
ickcd skirt.
u mi. .iitrL linen Unuta
um1 quui,.iis iwwiiw.,.-, y ...
Bed quill, silk pau-liwork, craiy..
liMl U.IS W1WM4 fwwww.
BucksklU gluvai
CLASS IV. CHoCUBTINa and Knittiko,
lady's ehswl, emeheted--
hMM.-lllln oi laiai, owi.w.
Hpw-lmeo of laoa, kl.UUfd
Class l.-Fon Miww Ukdeb Sixtbus Ybam or Aoa.
a.n,uin. hnxl. br slrl under slileen years or Dtploms.
WT.i.rum. bread, by slrl uuder ilxlwn yearsul aae. ..
H,Hla blsoull. by sir! uuilrr sineen iy
lercaMe. n, fin "'"' J' r,JrVnTs
Huiuinnu.iv, si. "x si" -'"-T'"
ffito & Site S7e-re V-
Ciam II. For Boys Uktmch Sixtekji Yeabb of Aoi.
Class I Fauns.
civ. vsrlellM tail apples, not leas then Hlsaacb...
VWt tarieUee wlnler apples.
..... i iKui, .i x aaflh-
vi. varieuee i nin ,..' . .
Ksblblt .S nl t lhali'two varleUe. p.-acbes
12ftvZZ three.
..In,... .11.1 nnim. uil. IWlvu v " ...
Hlns.e variety i i"1" L , , 7 7 V r.. . ii-
5wMiUUe; largest snd beet exhibit of frutts
' Claw i VkoetablsS,
PuuuTialjrm " spee'roens each.
i. ..... 'la,..,. ihrM .iK"imens.. -
Wstwmelons. Uiree specimens
Onions, any variety -"Z ."
Onions jaUOW LTr in,..- imnh
routtoea. law, wirw, ai im..-, ... -i-
Diploma, '
Hiimi.liMi fiir lalile I specimens.
. . . . t.i.,4 .
Larse'it siuaa ui mj . ... - ,
1 Hill p. in., iwn "r1 ' . , ,
Turnips, sll epeelmens ol one variety "
Tomatoes, six speoiim-u. -r- . -
Lm specim. --1' o3U a oi MinueUn. la any ofttlS
LArseai ai.u uwi rM. -
foregoing classes, sweepstakes -
Class I-Floral Departmkht.
Fuch.lM,o,..beat WP-m'
&rr.rmm: Z '
Lllv InDlonHU. - - , a -..
Kiiiile ruolLls. white, lu bloom " .
white rose, in uiuwui a
Hed ruse, In bloom .... - - . m v
Yellow rose, in '"". ,. ....m.- -" " ;
jf.v. haul nt basaeieexn.nueu iu i-ruj-... -
Hi bloom, not lees tliso live varieties. . 1 .
Bouquet oi nsiee
UlHiilay of cut Bowers - . H . display of plants, sweepsUsesi
Clam I. Works of Aht and Fanci Work.
. ......... Diploma,
Landscape " ' ".. ... d .i, 1M by one Dersos.flveor
Largest snu ov uu-F-" - - ....
. M'?:k vr;rtan.7at slie. by oi.eperson....
rmi" i"5iThJ Y,.-.rtii
BW "'"''"'r .? luif tiTilur. bv a
by artist.
5 SaolminVrcelaln a
Hprnenollpalutlugoneaflu, by
oWiM tb. artlat..
Landscape in water oolors . .
in .riielns whleh the committee decide shall have merit, not Included ttiy.
derJieKh "
I on exhlbtlonat the Great World'
Fair. You ought to see It. This ta the
month of month to visit the fair,
pleasant days, cool ulghte, delightful
traveling weatner. - .
M.vinnim comfort enroute to Chica
go on the Vestabuled Limited trains of
the Chicago, Union Faeltlo & JNorth
western Line. See your nearest Union
FiMjlflo Agent for rates or other Infor-
ICrausa't Headache Capaulea-War.' -
ranted. For Sale By Shelley, Alexan- t
der A Co. - (
Krause't Headache Capsules, unlike
many remedies, are perfectly h armlets, (
they oontaln no lnjurlout subttanoe,
und will stop any kind of headache,
and prevent headabbea caused by over t
luduigeuce In food or drink late
night Price 25 cents, for sale by Shei- :
ley, Alexander A Co, ' 1 " . "
'Wheri to go for bargains,
J' . . .'.