s 7J IT HI. J t aHYAMCa. taa Yw top . tPf llSWS0 TVUaaa will Bt tern MaUaa talk netfcwa not m4 Mk lttartad fH& All over atuurgvd Art wuta par line frMtolf obUaarv faaoluMoa. IU ba barad ma m Bva wale pet Una. FRIDAY.BEPT. 15, US flfcLIC hTHOOLft. lnlarMt kit Tkaae ThU taw, iMaaalai iidWftt&v it to 6uWmM Au( tfwtm poktomaeMnert4ht grand mo- Mee power.Jtfaeat4fcwy. TAertfaM o4 way obtaining & lvuw,ylvania. -jHKrctfQy of OMwy Vom,i.- the West also mate up a consider in 11 . . a i r Vv-artiWfw.v-mowx. i ttbie lwlM)ruon of the number. Conukghs 1 talking, that is all, and not saying much either. "Rom burns while Nero fiddles." It will only cost half a million buikim dollars or so to deport the unregia- You can get a uh-ely furnlahed tootu twd Chinese, " hat Is the use of aty rattoumut- speadinc She money! A few Jwiy wWey a Eakiu, at Dallaa, haw month mnm nf 'thin adniiniatm- wmpleto t of be tlnn.,,,1 ,h Phi,,. will im lk J- " u a. .i..!..- it.. , Ihandatlowprfcea- .v,..... - MUolmll A IJoliaiiuoii liava a verv hard times! Even the Chinese complete plaulwj mill on Maluetreet- eannot stand it emigratiou, At the. offlee of the North German Loyd line it was said the flsrurea of tha Miulltnm. I riu at otan service showed an iuoreaM oi tow ir cent, ana those of the Bre The publlo arhook will open Man men amec"at lew 10 to 20 per Nay, Neptetuber SB, In aoeordaooe cent, over those of Immigration. wlu U aehoot law of Oregon child The Werm. which mui,ht Mfl " t be six yean of an before r.MHu ....w. 1 -in. WJ ha admitted toeohoul 9 Hi aTwi HTTV V, 1 llbrMy b. opn to aouolan 9J0, and loft 000 who oould not be ott Tuml.y J Friday things ftom acoommoilatwl. Kmil L. Bons, (Our ton ve o'clock! thltohaon la mad general pawmuger manager of the that It may be twty for tboaa drawing Uamburg American racket Cow I boo to kunw when tha book ihmild caor. said that whila Uia uuiuhN- turned. of immigrants oarrinl by the Hue T?,flrl woom!' n Mi hlh h..t .n .v. ..... l"" l owupy tba mum rooms at , w e.u,gr..ui .t m yr. Tlw (bird gr4de wlt Mcup, "uy w ymr una aouthwvat room on tht lower floor, mm Bieamer, ne said, carried sev- Ut UitU and seventh sradaa the aouUi era! huudred ou tlie trim outward. I wt iwhu on the umwr floor, and th He ascribes this nnusuitl olrcum- su gratis is norinewt room 00 uie alnmift tn Hin lttwl tt.... H, I "PPW wr. i I " r",OT,"r 1 I Thar will b no iueral ei0H on Z , imwnm m mm' " dy wd all Mholam will pro Many of those who are returning Ud to ths room to whloh tlwy havt are miners irom the coal regions ol ixwn algiid on the ringing of the Farm workers fioui I od bell. The nrat bell wilt ting at M and liluio o'ekKki tue iwwoiid at 8aatl I oVI.K'k. All perwina who expeet to atlnd aehool and have not attandad here be- fora ami who do not i (wet to attend the nrt primary, should the orlnol' Cieo. A. Hmith, the attorney, linn hli pa) Itefiira the aulionl eoinmanoM and office In tlie Iud,ixndtn Nalloual beaMlitmd llulr olama In tha nmiwr grattea. Ho can be tound at tho build' Ingorat hla liouaa, Tltla will enable wholan to take their places without delay, Hclmlnra must bniig their pmmiitloo certltleaU'a the flml day; thiy will be retind aflorwartl. llvlow will be found a Hat of the aup- plica tliat will be needed attlwo.uu meneeniant of the year for each grada, Anient Uve Bualnaaa Mae. Pbipt v. vhn KiiV thn ninnov is I MoumouUl tmta fir. 1. 1L Iilitun Ilia il..nll.l hiul . . . . . . . . . - - - t i miui I Hum Mnfililfl tut ninilul,M.f mi bbomceou Ueeomrof IbairoadandU, to Mhuut work may U(Id Z V. . I promptly and no Unit bt watted. Ink scarce ehouia have been at tne T . " win m rurnmuea ao uone need i Portland raeea and seen the monev fT'"7uu w w ft0W brought; a apeetal penell with . hard w 1 1 a raujHMi i i . . . - bet on the trials of speed. Nothing , T. 7 Lea baa hla oflloe no stsua i ! . .PT . likeithad been seen for years. It i the la,iH.d,n N.Uoual li.uk !Z,n! 'IJlSL!!! proves that the people are carrying building- L tlm ytM mA much nm(v t, weir money arouna wiu tnem, rna r ivbichoim hm ma omue m tory Wttrt jllk Hv.ttuuUiVlHwuiiuiuuuiauvi Mrat 0de-Blate wltb oovared uvr lUllniatt ' I rmiuit iutm.ii ni .. i.i .... .... wii vt" nv, 4 V. vn.n 4 f F r-- 'I-""" ' - M ww.gauitiuuuiuuKijaiuiiiu lh Waut" oolumu of Utla paw bltnk drawing book jsxposiuon at isan Jb raucisco com- MUCK one luaertton, mt to txwvi uu Show the I wtwi. i'aoU addilltmal word Wilt. are tempted to bet It ou horse race. nienoing next January. thousands of visitors our cereals, our fruits, oar Umbers, our hojs, onr bnilding stones, etc., and have them attractively displayed. Solomon, a wise King who lived ' in Asia is reported to have said. "When the righteous are in author ity, the people rejoice' but when the wicked beareth role, the people mourn. " Judging froaf the dis tress now prevalent In the land some awfully wicked men must be ruling this country, Whes Cleavland first was elected President of the United States, the surplus of " revenues over ex pen dltnres was over one hundred mil lions of dollars, and now under his , second term the revenues of the country lack 1140,000 a day of tie Hoeood tirade New National Itoad- out er No. 2, Language tablet No, 1, Trao Ing book No. 1, and ruled praetloa pa- W, II, C'mveu A t'o. aru turning outljujr, blank drawing book, elate with aome flue aeta of harnDM which are covered frama, alata twiivil and aminini. .... i . . aarrautea toglve aatlafaiHtou I aud ktt peuoll. The liuWpeodaae Tita t'e, ha Third Urada New XaUooal lUader facultk fur turulng out, ou ahort -No 8 hs Arlthmetle No, 1, Lan not lea all alwe of Uliug, Imiu tb UbU N'a 8, Iradug book N'o, t, aiuallwt to tba lartnut. I and holder and practice paper, bums drawing unik, aiata with cov- U w. aiCAUama ta premrad to red frame, load aud alaUi iwtioll. Uan. (UriiUh you an elegant uiouumenl wn'aplllng blank, witnwnicn to mars the lant rwtlngl J.urth Orwle-Naw National Reader place or your relative- No, 4. rtah'a ArltbmeUo No. 1. D. H. Cravau allU turns out Lo, larnca, Laugauge Lcafona, Part I, beautiful pboUajraplm, raia or abide- ""W book, No. 2, pan and holder, El. Hubbard 4 Btaat. are buav dole. Bw"w7 uv"rW al8 lead peuoll and blank tablet MeaaraCleo Hklnner ACo. Uie mill- Fifth Grade-New National Reader era, announce thma-lva ready to ei- No. 6, Elementary Geography, Baroaa' change flour for wheat,audlorewheat, Unguatra Lwiia, Part II, rTah'a for the farwera of Polk eouuty. - Arlthim-tlo No, 9 aud Urooka Mental People are fool toauflVr when a rem Arlthmetle, Manaou'i idling Wanka, edy can be fouud to cure them. Oregon ul"", ar1" wk and drawing peu- on, o. copy iiooa, pan anu noider Kidney Tea l no ex ocrtutotit. aud nut a lntr vreat enouirh. Then tlie c.rir fake lo sret vour nioncv. W'hv will vou n PetlOB paper, alate and pencil, was "reduce the surplus" but now hwltate, when we amora you that It In bknk nPlUn book and pencil. absolute cure for all kldncvand urlimrv Blslli Grade-New National JUaulcr ijin i rv im " itith list iiiiira miiiinv i i . . . , . dlaeaaea so. 6, run 'a Artthmetlo No. 2 and m . , ,. . Imwka Mental Arithmetic, Barm1 rivgixuiaiaaiuicnaiaio travel On Urnm Tnn ln Iir iv- ! l M..., I I ..l ... .... ' ' " ...... .M.ul w henslve Geography, Coniplate BpelUsr Normal school L,i ..,,i ,,...fc i,.L I ' Mama tr (Wn7tiiM MISUa VtMIIS P. II. Murphy keep, pt-gglng away, I drawing book and drawing pencil, No aud turna out boot, and allot fur blii copy book, pen and holder and mo- clpal wlahet to tee, lie fore tlx aubool commeDcaa, thiw who lulend to take the second year work, aud advlawi not to purahate the Phraleat Geography until the atartlug (r a Latin elaea la de cided. Thuee Wiahlug tha GeotaMtry muat Wake arraiisemauu for it with the book dealers, as It Is not kept In took. llrooklyu, E, H., N. YH May SA, 'Ul. Ma. Nohmak LtcuTV, DaaMoiuca, la, Dear Wri-Kiieloaml pbuwe And 11.00 for which I wish you to send me the worth of in KratWa Headache Cap- uiea, Woma tliua ago my wife was In Hartford, Uoan,, aud ateped Into eawlltt's drug at row, where Uiey gave her a sample bos of them, They ware Just what aha needed, but we have tailed to ttnd them hare, ao send to you lortueui, Will you kindly seud them at your earliest oouvoulencn. Ynuratruly, ' " V D. T, Huntkk. For sale by Shelley, Alexander A Co, $20,000 ii Must bo closed out In the next Qlxty Doys I hi nn nRfltifiiao UUi CLA'S lOlOHvlVV Pat-Aurt vur l-f sv toataasattaui litMis lvwvtstai a tistk. if mi iu DOUTY PADDOCK jlatsiMtt Dealers In GROCERIES Provision, Crockery, : ' Glassware, Flour, -Feed, Fruit, Etc. 1 Urp SIc:t of Fruit Jars. h) all Kinds of Poultry d Faos' Produce, Tke Ua4li l-flf.-I Dealer J. F. 0 DO.'JfJELL The UeStMg IUI31CE Dealee -Carries the leieetste ef- Bring your each and got yourgoodo for fall and win ter, atpricco thot will mQko ntjn you, happy. Evyllfflglk J. 0. There is no Reserve. 4' U0QD0VCL feeder, Drill, ChllM and Ht-el Ilowa, (tiding and Walking fultt vatora, Plani't Jr. Gardrn Drill. Hulkey and Gang Pbwa.Atienwali Potato Planter. 1I, Lever, and Hprlog-tootli barruwa. GuarauUwd the beat and llghteat runnlng wagon made. Mr, G'Don nell la, by a recent arrangement the nmnufaiaurer' agint,aud will carry Uie largeid aud iikwI eorniilete line nf ImpWiuenta ever brought to Polk eouoty. Will Indopondonco.l W. H. CRAVEN & CO. Carry Ml lint f t Saddles, Whips Robes, Oils, ' Brushes, !RCPAIINQ PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. BD a a mm, Mian cd The Druggioto, They: Etc. Give Ut i Call. : i.y. - There are fifty ways ef FiinilS CUT I FI Independence ROLLER MILLS, SKINNER & CO., Proprietors, Wish to notify the public that they are now Ready to Receive Grain in Exchange for Flour. Captions Stall hours of the day or night and have an experienced pharmacist. Have the Goods. They Sell at Low Prices. The Quality is Superior. They are Accommodating SchoolZBooks and Stationory, They keep everything called for. They will fill orders by mail or by telephone. They keep pens, ink, writing paper, in fact, a full line in that p- 1 mn REMEMBER That Shelley, Alexander &, Co. fill pre We have al put In a New Improved Cleaner and will do a General Wtirehoumi JIusIihms on the most favorolile term. I lie highest market price paid for wheat at all times. ' bet"' Hhuttlng your eyes U net one of them. DON'T' IIDB no Skat Yewf Eyas to the FOLUOWINQ FACTS: ine cry is "give us more money The people are undoubtedly in dead earnest now, Bora democrats and republicans are now looking about to find good timber for a governor of Oregon, since Sylvester Pennoyer cannot accept a nomination for a third term. Prominent on the republi can side are Hon. O. K. Denny and Hon. J. D. Lee, of Portland, Both these gentlemen are well qualified for filling the guberaato. Lhuol'buoka and stationary- run uuair. jio u. a, lienny ure- gon Is indebted for the introduc tion of Mongolian pheasants, hence he has some claim to the gratitude of this state, besides being a man of inflexible will power and great executive ability. CuMoimtra lutervlfw M. T. Crow when you want anythluK In tho suhIi and door line. Shelley Alexander A Co. the druira- tola, have a eomplote tk of druim, tloe paper, blank eompoaltJou book Seventh tirade Naw National Read or Na 6, tlah's Arlthmetle No. 8 aud Urook'a Meutal ArltliiiwUe, Kill's IW Ileal Letmoii in KnglUb, UoMiprvbau- lve UeoKraphy, Complete Hpeller and Maiwon's apflllng blank, blank draw THE SPEED t'OXTESTS. Entrtca I. Tl Mc Vat N.tl Wik Hae No, I Biianlna, oaaJiair mil, num.. ), w H AnaonMin'. .. i. ArriiKo, by WouS. rv W (ynllwll'.li in Paunxaui ho ll,..,ni. liioru. or. Hmny, unknown: K M Mi.rkM, . A well informed railrcad man InfApma no fhk 4f ia vtilcv 1HIV1HW ISO VUHV iV SO VISIT SSI 1 1 lTt ' I j . . ... . , v.. ,i i. ' J;ini,w Iwilli;yiVVIIIIiii'.r.l.B.., MUU VI UU1D W UvU VUIO KU VCJ U IIIU t .-'""V "7 three mlmtta dn, most own the railroads. Why? Because state laws on one side limit the earning power to the min imum and labor organizations on the other side make the expeime of I maintainance and operation at the maximum amount. If an accident occurs on the railroad it costs the comDanv thousands of dollars in damage suits. .The two elements 4-Runn,". "fourth .u.- fllrfnfrWnt finally fl, Z&f!jKr.rk onlv wnv the hondholdflr enn hnr, TMi lr" Vh"'" '. ..-r '.-""' """ ""rj ""Kliowui JUIJIl to vet, haflk his monpv in to sxll f a, . . .-.i n... . I RNo5-ai(3piice-nuri,.ila(io. me government, ine governmeui nwi' bin. u. i uimu, by Aiumonti w - i. i .'t. l-., .,?fcP0W,u,-inlla, two- i. a V ' kwronrt ah. h. Vaapa Van, to Van vuuiu uivo nwiucuia auu pay iceo damages. The future points to government ownership of railroads. paiuts, oils aud kuiw; alao a full line of 'nB hook and drawing puuetl, Ko. 6 copy book aud practice paper, pen and holder, ootupoaltlon book and panoil aud pnpor. Klghtb Grade FUh'a Arlthmetle No. 2 and Urooka' Meutal Arltluu 'tie, llaruea' Brief lftotory of the United Htatea, Bill's Praetloal Ltwaou'a In Eng llah, blank drawing book aud drawing pencil, pen and holder, pencil and tab- lot, MuiiMin'a spelling blauk, brlnv I lor if you have it. The copy book will be given later. All scholar In the fourth grade and tn gradiw boyond should have a amall dictionary, aa it Is of great amtlatanoe tu preparing leenona. II Kill SCHOOL. Thoee taking the high achool course will need the following booka: lrt Year Itoblnon'i New Ele- WIIKtLKK ( 1,0111 Kl.TKK Hava the Laigvt HUiok of SCHOOL BOOKS In Polk County The CANT Miir w viimii ii pei. siertnaca. tT-Q Q3gioj.11 ocr9St, LIHliRATl'S CELEBRATED MILITARY " BAND wiix ri'HNisiiTHBMtiHia ' A WORIO Or MECHANICS IN MINITURC. Hwlal Features Will Fallow Thane of Any Previous MADAME CIRIARO GYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Salem mfJDEfillDEIfLTSaK WALDEMAR NELSON, Prapriator. 133 CorcLmoxcIal Street. Eaatbllahed In 1NS4 I nteam ea ofaUkluila the atate. line fabriui Year. lied lu im with lb. niiutt cumoM and expi-iiKive plant In naolty. twelve borae-powrer. IKllea' and geota' clothing and dhjned and dyed. CarpeU, Blanket Flannela, Wlk I Uvm2T mil it . i 7 ,? V' l",rT nw'. dyed and renovated. Wlk Hata Lnvt ,"U,8Uir,U",'n,1Stfl IUU clwM,ed. dyed, blocked and V WHEELEB A CLODt'ELTER Hell their School Ihioka, Hlalea, Peuclla, Inka and other ai hiMil liecK-mrUu at the very lowest pri NTleave Ordara with IndeDand.nr. Mnnn mmk j r.n. :... . . l('un.UirtHttlnwliJIO,ugo.n.hmwliilh.mMi.dlUorw.iMlo.ilil,. ..lr. n,I..ji.u.:i ..t ' vuj sii(i unt- , - ... ... . ..,. w. , . v ww nll ur K KDr.ll, LARQB AQUAKIUMS CwnulnluK flat, of all varlvUM aunS la Uivgnn water, hav. bwn eonairuriwt .1 tnt I peum. thbartoallbry' w 111 witimin nuiw liiiii I i).lntiu "elwtl m.m 4. World'. Kulri Amona lbm Kilt I Hum . wMiratml liilln Cu.l.f. l-.l Nlit. To yl.li piU nwl Kxpntlllua ana vl.w II. wiindon 111 .v.rjr anrlin.m of Art ana Salvuoa, will be iu it lhln la a vlu tu tbe world'i Fair at Chleago. ' UKDl'CEI) KATKa OX ALL TUANHPOjtTATlON LIN FX ; For further Information sddrees t it. w.allun, I tl ' ' ':' :r ' . MHMMr,'MlM,l, A OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth. Oreaon. Leaiinf ..Derail School of tlie Kotatl ttlaeSaea by Capt. J.nk: Jum emut Oomplete Hpei o. h, H!lley Ayembyt)onnriJUMrlc ..in. ilf,1, f HIl liudl.tVf W II, A Vol', t. u i,. (, Race N. a-Tnittlnir. duiw. list). Mubr b. m. trehlnn, by Prtwhtnan: W Urnm Mk, b. MiinMna, by M, minim Wlk; Buori iim.'. b . UcUnn, by Miillnomah elf. b, . Oliver Twl.i by Uraduatei Ur, i K Young'. 0, ,11, Lltllun MocWly, by Mi Klin-nwrty, Hum No. J-Trnltlnir vu.rlin ip..il ty coll.) pum,. uo. ' ' " " """" LKlw'. b.r; V.V.I.., by Oneco! VAPat """'"'"' i,0,r r'1 t2I?.'h S! whirt" 1 iM.'ll1i by S""".' w 0 mmtary Algebra, double entry book br, t, Leoim K by Oinx-o. Fob the past thirty years Amer ica has been the Mecca of every ambitions person the world over, and consequently during those derhtlt; Tartar Bro.' b. m. Vuldn Pi.nl h u. rau i moAriniir jonor u, 1. Mauetta, byHt. rami No Name oh. t. Cnr .1 i,. n, li,.i lln((toiii J BoMenner'l br.e, Hliukoxpfiare, by Bane No. 7-Runnlnir,nve-elk'lH(u mil. duh by Il.nk ml. hv HI b. h, Hlr Henry, un. Bl .. 1 Known anirn, I keeping blank, day book, Journal and ledger, (the text book will be tbe latter part of the book ueed In the eighth rade last year), Steele'. Fourteen Week'i In Phyelca. Second YearItolilnaou'a Geometry, Steelo'a Fourteen Weeka iu Physloa, uuyoi's I'hyeleal Ueogmphy If aauilldent number desire It, a chow in Latin will be organized. The prln purie tl'ih rinii. nimiiu n. 11. i.iiii v rw mn. nota: Jartar Hro..' h. ,n. Vhm t,n.i u. p.m. r t ,i,.r. v. v r., ! .. known: John Thorn's b. . Funny, unkn John Kay.' b in, Hiiln mp, by (inhir: J; Nttfll iiinlon Hoods'PCures er c. U. Bllley AvHr, byC'oiii,r Andy " ' bf- ff'tlj.n(t Joy, by Mintuna; No ie b. h, (jleniilKfl, by (lln Iiniliov .1 it I vears our nopulation has increased Yr,? 1 "it AAl'.iln.:L v"uderbiH, w very rapidly. According to re ports the last few months has seen change and more people are leav ing than coming to the United States. Dr. Joseph H. Senner, Commissioner of Immigration at New York, says that for the first time in the history of the country the emigration , from New ; York greatly exceeds the Immigration. While the Canard, White Star and American lines, whose steerage passengers are mainly English, Scotch and Irish, reported that their books showed a slight pre- ponderance in favor of immigration, those lines which ran direct to Europe report a great increase in Bane No. 8-TrotMng, MS nlnuw-purHe illio, Moahitr'i b.4i. Kltnr Pataii. hv u.,ni,.ln, 1 1 If: W lyOtlli'. blk ll M11I1I.UI1 he M,..o.... j w .1 Ofirr. n. ir. Hari'v u i.v i rnM.v. Damoniitiatfflr. by I o. u. miiitno. Kli Wilt mam D Mohelllnir'. h. h. Walkoll PunoR: Huuorn. Iln. ' mah, by Allainont: Tom Tonaue'. Panlono not ajlveni U II Cooper's blk it, by lliwlmw; T .y.iriTcii ur, K, .II i'etr Dook'i b, i uuiei. 'Ilvnr TwIhL bv (Iradimla. . m, Uleo Mason, by Mason U-.ailkvl'iSS Bace No. t-Trottlnir, 2:25 claas-pnwe, 300. K V Norton's b, h, Kd Oak, by Bed Wood' D Hnhllllng's b. h. Hleluird Almont, by Almont Mediumj MdCuy.r's J Inn nock, not irlv.n' Tom ToiiBiie's br, m, I'andora. by t'laiiter wmviwu n , m, jyuny vyuuera, oy Aorodene. Base No. 10-Runnfn, one mile piirse.JiriO, Humphruy's b. g, Nipper, by Mason (llilet. J flottengnr'i b. in. Uolly Hiiod, by Leou; J ) 3 Bottemriir'B b, h. Hlr Henry. Kays' n.m. Haln Iirnn. bv ( g. m. Ulretta, by Joe Hooker, ...;i. .r i.i - r, uiikiiiiwii! .Minn Opbert J O Mack's Bae. No. 11 Paoe and trot, free ftir nil- pnrne, '2MI, Jobn Winter's b. ur. TleHnAi't'v. hv iiimvuuii. Frank ('raiser's blk li.Chelialls, by Aliemont: Moshor's o, h. Convention Geo., unknowni t1 P Norton's b. Ii. Jlonnle N. 11, by I'eyRiii Jks lie Wllkins' b. h. Iloseinan, by Uolmriiit; Har roui Urv.i' bl, b. Del Norte, by Altumonl, , Mr, Mdiemrd Prathur Complication of Diseases ."I wu t oiibl.d with ok biadubN a.4 palm In mj ..okandildea. I partially deaf, and my iieryoui synteaa tu all rim dowa. Finally, I wu islzed with heart alMua and thouglitmyilayi w.ra nun'xr.L I ni.4 Hood's Sarsaparllla and I am better In .very way, I liiv. gained la l.sh. aud my former good appatlt hag re turned," KnwABP l'RATDaa, Graften. OaU Kooil's Sai'iitparlllk la sold by aU druggliti. II ilx tor tfi. Prepared only by a 1, HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lnw.ll, Nasi, Mood's PHI. ara purely Tigetabl. Jit & .Are Leading Dealers In SCHOOL BOOKS ! SIlIIOIEflf Independence, Or. H. A. FULLER. Ptrong Irtifuwional and Academic Cuntea, and well v ihi iuihhh ociukii wr rracticHl Training of organ- Teachers. Hubbard & Staats, PIIOPRIKTOIIH OK CityTruck and Transfer Co. Hauling ' of nil Kinds Done Koasoiuiblo 1CiiUh. at HORSESHOER Agents for the O.P, Boats All bllla niiiMt be nettled by the 10th ot : earn iiiontn, Independence, Oregon THC And the. and BLACKSMITH; The Best Plain Shoer in the County CITY STABLES INDEPENDENCE, OltKlJOX.I i- MAKER All kinda of wood renalrlnsr dona on wngona, CarrlDgea, . and Machinery witn neiuuew and dlapuloh. Harklns A Kennell'i blaekiinltU .bop. INDEPENDENCE. V GEO. E. BREY, DGAI.RU IN hin, Zop WtoV Maioes, Ik InJepandenea, Oregon. 43 ELT JOHNSON, Prop. I Horses Fed by tha Day, Week or Month. Best of Attention Given Stock ! Left In Charge. INDHPENDENCJi, , OEEOON. CITY RESTAURANT j MIW..L. A. HUCIIANAN, l'rup. I , ...... , : . - , Meals, - 25 Cents EVERYTHING FIHSTilABH. ' WEST SIDE For $3.00 a Tear. .1 an ArtiS't? Son,i- nnslnm, Mu. bin r!,iAi ' '?!""". BrauiiniP and '""" file .Normal baa u.yM a stradr erj.wih ilurltiRtbe pail yro, iU.,.h nl torn. Tl iTiv "V" "PfW and tb, ,ur S liily n-viwd ami ireiitlWUml Tbe arado. at ara In demand l liTl M J Z,!L Tha liivl..ma,i,im,-, (he h.ler toffi' arTr o-uniy wlili.milUHIi.TM.lnu5i. ' .iuiihw: Norma .tu.2S rr t I. T - ' . ' " . ton -'k; lhisi ttl.Sfl perierm. llonnl at N.,rml l)lniK Hall 11.75 per (1...I .rnlsh.-jO l.tl and fl.BS ArnWird. W.0 1 H.W wwk, Tuition, board, UhIk'Ii.k and hooka ha thn iM pel Jem-, t miyi,(ory iifAiuslo-thorouBh Tho gratt illuHlratl ntonthllt have lu tho post sold for $4.00 a Year. 12 mllM from tha al. I cheerfully awi ton application 7-21 2m . P. L CAMPBT' wuraeaart. .dlbmllu Voal and Iimtru- iiiiiii sail nnpru -r , .....a. eanlUI f!fl.ii . ",D M;i Additws, -ttlillon. Sit) lur tar,,, nf Mmuiiimth is wwlly aeceas- ttie Catalogue .Till. TV.IO .m O CIlTITl . . LA. Independence Stables. in Readiness. the stablos of J. ff., ueet the dommwlj nt" '"is ana are piojiaring to make nnnv Tt.umsboardodbVularmS! The COSMOPOLITAN ia a monthly ll,n,r,,1ll,ii. mllK 1 1 n ...... ul .... . . .....Biw.i.,o, nu iu, jvmuf jood paga oi m . , , . v ..... ,, u u , hid smuni, wnusi wuiivn - UI HUULS , UIUISiib of the world, and 1200 IlluatmUoua by , nAV ik,i , . . " .,,Fv..w., vw., .uu you uiepuDiioas we are now nmLi,, ;,i . lv " ,n' "laaemandsoi nava Willi niriy palo ai hlirh aa. Ca lm I nhI.io..ni j... "'r. vwirfnrani.il niB,M,lno I n..i; L .r V.T1W' men a suocnutv. 5 1 SALEM RT4f.rw.... . . ..!; - un - uin .... . i inva. li'un. inA.'-'ir.y... " ."". nnnv slam ii ki n .... " - f i ivavva IDdnlwiuliin Friday, ontitHiua all the 1mwI newa aud sells for f-lOO a year. The total is $6.00 a year. We Cut the Price in Two Parts 1 To get bsth fer S3.C3 1 Tear. Send in your Subscriptions this Month Skill, DvIU. , vj t p,n PETER COOK Prop. From ajWSjaWJBSaWsss : Independence Marble Works ' GOSHOPOUTAH WEST SIDE M.iaearCL (In advanaa.) n u ..1 1 1 .. . . , . . Mce ana Granite Monuments Headatones, Tablets, and Curbing on Railroad St. L W. Kcldaas, Pre?