VOL. X. $2.00 Ter Ifcar Independence, polk county, Oregon, Friday, sEPr. is, leoa Fivj Cents Per Copy. 4a: 8KCRKT 80CIKTIK8, A O. U. W.-INDEPENDENCE day alght i I. -O.K bull. All "h"ro. T i. 1 $ brother, i art IN tlUOI Id 1 Kennedy, W O Wok, KeCvird'', BANKS. THE; INDEPENDENCE Bank ! Capital, Stock, $50,000.00, ALLEY LOIKIB, NO 41 I. d. o. Me' in V ndujn hall every faartday evening. Alt (KM MU 0w- dxtly invited to m witbut. Hubbard, N. 0, W. H. Crv, J. K, Se. II. IIIIHt HIIKHU, VlinAM NKt-MON. , ris.vwar Ytee Prtet. :, . CMfetar.l Lxoh lodge, no. . a. f. & a. 3!J eora'inie'oua nnlur before full moou ea.h UuDth end two weeks thereafter, Stmw.W. M LwCk BH, e.- a lRml bkmi 4 uui metne lrnwll; hwtw nwrte, Mil dlw.iuMted.eom. ni.rviul ,-ee.tiu nuud: depotiM received w -urrmt awouoi nuhjert to oh. lulerert BM n uni t)MwlUk W IUHWTOIOv ftf.HmKh, A, Netentt, I. A. Allen. H, II, Jlr.n, K. J.UwHlmen, It. W. Sevan, II lllmlllnrn. fi7Tn II fmNall 8mni Jrrv Ml M t tiwtn LODGE. M tnn Wednesday evening, All knight re ewdiilljr invited. W. H. u..i.,, a a M. O. Putter, k. U. A il NO. 45 K. of P. CommBncod Business March 4. 1889 lUutt.llehed by Nikttnaal Aulhorltr, -Tim- PHVSiaJLN'S-UKNTWTttY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of ludepeoWe, Oregon, Capital Stood Surale. - D. BUTLEH. i'UMICIAN AN I) I I ........ Kt. It. 8. Board of Tdul Examiner. Offloe In Opera U.a.t'OoriSR. Hoot block. $80,000.00 $14,000.00 u w, W. a HAWt.KT, CMblM ROBICRTHOS, VlrorMliitk EL. ketchcxi. m. i. orncE DIRCCT0R$. U. W. WklUwkw, W. W. CtAUat, DKJ. B. JOHNSON. KEH1DENI DeotitU All ork wtrranlwl U giro the lxt f MiafMlio". ludepn doioo, Or. A lenrrm! bwiklm buliM InntwIM Huyi nd vlU rl)Ui on oil lmrlt point. IWwIU rrlvl tutijwl to pii-k or on cmv llfl T( J'l't. t ullr'lt.4 irnul. umit iMMtra; I . m. U) p. in. I J. J.ll ARKIMA. THOU. KKNNKI.l. -U. A. B. OILLUS,SPKCIALISr L Ev. tr. Nw. n lirt. vr- fled over Bush's book, Salem, Or. Harkins & Fennell y-nIW. LKE A BABBIT r, PHY81- L clan and 8urnoiia, iHeclil tenUn paid to dlm of wonten . Of a. nr I nlfwniliHW NatltMial Bank. t I !.... b. W. Babbitt. M. 1 C." M., Fellow Trinity Meillcal Otllege. ATTORNEYS, GEO. A, SMITH. ATTORNEf AT Will prootico id all aod fedora! eoarto, Ab-lmcU of till faroiobed. Offloo ow ludepoodeoot Hatiooal Baak. DALT, rilBLET A EAKIN, AT ow al Uw. We ba tbo oolj mi .f obotraot book la I'olk ountj. Boliablo abitraeui farowbed. Money lu looo; noooanilMiopebargea oo win. Offlo. nJ 3 1',luu', ,,lock Dtl' l,OrPCOD. AM. UUBLEY, ATTOBNEY AND . Conuwlor t Law. Offlee. neii to Indepondenoo National Bank, InUe feudenee, t)r. BONHAM A HOLMES. ATTOn oy. at Law. Office in Bfb block, between Stale and Court, on Com mereial etrwt, Halero, Or. HASH AND DOORS. BLftCKSf.llTHIIIG Malu atrfet, Ideitideiio. I At the old ttand of K- . Krengal, wbere you an gut your sffffn or Plnif Hnairn HBVM l U" fUMVoj or other Iron work do uo. HORSESHOEING done In the moat approved manner. At a Horsehoer. Mr. Harkmk Is Well Known Througout Polk County. A. VRKSfOTT. J. A, VENFW. PRE8C0TT J VENE88, Proirlor ot MITCHELL A BOHANNON. MAN ... r. nr iitih and doura. imZ anrnil iowids. . Main atreel, Inde pendence, Or. VETERINARY 8UBOE0N. nU. E. G. YOUNG, late of Netar, V-t-rin.rt Hure.jn and Denti'i k.. In Independence, and opened o office over Hie Independence Nation al bank. TAIL0R8. WO. 8HARMAN. MERCHANT Tailor, 0 afreet, near poUillloe BoiU in anr atyl made to order at rea tonable rate. Manuruturanof and lalarylu FIR and HARDWOOD Rough and Dressed LUMBER J. A. WHEELER, Maniiger. The Rector of Abernthney. Sarsaparilla 8, p. (tjntn, of TownI, Ft., whoa eonsUtutioa was eomplntoly broken down, la cured by Ayor'a aamparUla. He write: " for otiibt yeaia, I waa, not ot the. tints a (rrt attlfDrer from conatlp. tloa, kidney trouble, and lndbjee tloa, to that my eontlllutttm aoomml to bo coranletal brvkoa duwa. I waa Induced to try Ayort Banaiianila, and took nearly eervn bonlna, with imk, woUent roanft that my etcnaaeh, buwobi, and kidney ar la rrltwl eon dltlnn, and, In all tbolr funollona, M vognlaf a eloek-wnrk. : Al Ike time I began taking Ayef Raraartlla, my wlgbt waa only I'JD ponmU 1 1 now can brag of JW pnumU, and wa never la to ; good hoalth. It you could tee m bo fun and after wing, yon would want nit fur a traveling odvertlterarot. I believe thta preparation ot Sartaparllla to be tb beet In the market to-day." Ayer'sGareaparllla rrtptrWtiv Di.J,CA7t(V,Unll,lliit. Cure othort.wlll our you THE innEiiiE ci. 3l .4 mis'- (lua now lu (dock ami In conliuuftllv iiiuuufiu turlng tiling of nil biun for dniiim ftud ' JruiniiKP. C. G. Gill, i.in BRICK. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of Indcnemhince. bavinir 8tam eiii?iiip. a brick miu'liiiioand wivcral rtcrt s of fiint clny, In now prepared to keep on hand a flue quality oi lirlck, whicL will be sold at reama bid priixw. , t FOK" MONMOUTH DAIRY B. F. CHURCH, Prop. Will deliver milk In Monmouth and Independence every morning ror S Cents a. Qiiaxt Twenty -ticket for one dollar. rMivo ordcra at Walker Bro., Iiidr- pendence,or Mulkey A Hale.Monniouth Fine Photographs Crayon Wor -Learn Telegraphy- A. TRADE It Pays ::: Success Sure. AddreMJ. 0. HJCYMOUKi OMtonian Building. Porllan4.0ron. ling tsromers Meat Market PBALBB IN Choice Meats Biiiheiit markut price paid -for fiitstock, bt-ef, mutton.veal, pork, etc. All bill mind ! nettled monthly. ; OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 6t. m Free He! ml W Malntreet Independence HOME BUILDERS Will eonwlt their beat in- ; tereat by parobaaing tbelr SASH MID DOORS of the reliable manufacturer, M. T. CROW, Shoemaker . , ... P-H. Murphy, Practical HhtH, inaepeuu"""". -t i . maKer, Main Hireei, inoepen tortoFergnaon van Meet. , i I rtttnee, op poult tlio opera houae nrgr pin" "- . i TlMflnetitor .Uonband. UlrCnCli Calf - .mm-m.. rxArtno iikmI in all the letter grade i f SUhttlN UUUnO 1 ,hoe. Every pair warranted, Pastelles India Inks Watar Gclors -Go to- Dl. CRAVEN'S Photograph Gallery Indepond nc Or, FIN ERiSEV f., STOCK 0- i Threw rwriuiiia who deal re 'to lltVI' rcrtM'VHtiick in tliolr ht-rdn are Invlteil to InrfiKHrt the llioroiighbred bullowned byT B. HUNTLKY, two miles eoutli of town, on Buena Vista rond, s I'RHM tK SRRViriK TWO HHI.I.AH With rrlvllrgo orniaurn. T. B. HUIITLEY I aliall nirer forget tbt tun nion wblrhmyeyeaflrat fell upon Abornth. i ney Ball Tlte ctage bad put in down ! by nook In the high way. I felt weary ! and wtoitod and Mtd inyaulf npon tli trunk! which the driver lutd but a tuc ' ment before mutrappod from Uw boot j But th wvariiiM all lft in, and tha aietteuient ebangod to a qntet oaunnaaf M I gaaed on tli leene befor m. Bout AO yard to my right, ani bo wared ' among IU UtU world of tree, itood tb uianae. It wa a beaotlful building! tlutft was bo dflidBa abont tb ttytt of awbltenture It aim ply teemed ton the erwttlon of an eiqulalte tatt. There waa noUdng abont It ugireuv oi roru- Bontlon ami defvuae, Ilk tbo or tue Tudor or Elbutbetban ityleat It wa iwt. ther of the open Italian order nor yet of Dm modern pointed gotuio. It wa a tort of ountprotuia between tb latter, probably what might be called tb An-glo-lullan, and a manna peenllarly adapt, d to ti artificial lnmWape gardening In the fnmt and the natnralneM nr uw dunky wood and the frowning hllU In tbo bnckgriHtua. luoro wa no aeenmo. laUon ot bnttre and gable and tor ret and uch other conceit that lower tb dignity of a houaot true, there were terrace, but they wer ornamental no- couipnliut-Uty Imparted an Un. noaing breadth to tbo wbol poup of btdldutf. ' The annmach to the bona wa tnrouKO a broad, eitenalv avenna, ttued on either aide with a variety ef tree planted with tlte moot dntkiit attention to n'. i ititrtTtix! the ailverv areen of tb whit poplar ntlugllng with tb dark green of the native oak. blended hr and then with the abnormal tint of the eyratnor and tlio purple beech. The garden glowed with tb earn inapirattoa or beauty ana tame, rrom wnere i wm iuv ova enuld not critktiee their reguUr. Iiy. but I aw tb otttlined hedge or MKMHimtim hawthorn, thetlowerbetbien elnled with tbelr ribbon of bitiwood. and the gay petunia flaunting beata tn hnmble violet and the be haunted thrum. . ... . a . I felt that the plrlt whlcn preeioeo over that estmlatte blending ot nature ihd ort wa tboronghir an arnac, not iHinl of tbo aunmUUve but of tb mtiva aohouL, lie waa mor of an artiat than the painter on eanvna, Tb Utter eomraema witn a unuia raaai hi pencil l vubject to hia will; be putt down a rot k bttre and a brooklet there and work in hi building and tree a ttmy ugget or the law of per. tpectiv demand. Then he can remove with the earn ranuiv who wmco iw matea The Unflwaii gaMener mnai accept ktcalltlr aa b find themi h moat conceal aerormuiea ana nw beaotiea. The greater and mor numer ous the dlffltmltiea he ha to tunnonnl, the mor upcrlor to th landact painter i hU taatn and genlu. Be rare of the man, aaya torn one, who luvea nvlther flower nor children. Ther I (imply a tpeciouaneaa about thai remark. It la tn emnoauuent oi trnth. We are conecioa of th weight and Importance of tb caution, no mat terhow limited our eipenence. a gated npon the acen before in 1 felt convinced that th proprietor of Ab emtbney Hall loved both flower and children! that h wa a gentleman of re fined tmiaibllltiea, a ChrtaUan ana a acholar. I had com to act a governeaa to hU children. I had mutKlvlngt in reference to my new bom. My conjec ture of harabnea and a want of appre ciation at time made m Imoal ahrink away from duty. But I waa aetlefled and Wholly at eaa a 1 mere upon the baggage which mad np th aum of my oartiily poeaeaalona And yet there waa mocn oi rrgnu wm nected with itnot on account of my- ..lf. but on account of another. v rwul ttiot William Morton. Rano menu nil eoninanlon. itood alon when b guml npon th nnfroen Polar aea (urg ing and rolling beneath bun. The tout of Do Hoto. when he flrtt beheld Ui Mla- laiilplii, waa not touched with half the grandeur and sublimity. Tb dream of phlloeopny wa a reamyi we wuocuuiw of mienoe a trntbi th open Polar tea wu found! Tha ehillins trrandenrof theanow, to palaoet of ice, ideal Alhainbra gUMor La ilka a thouaand itari, tlie gigantic Stairway of pearL urmountd by th brilliant arch of th aurora but, abov all. the oppreaalvenea of that hour of ..litiula and ailoiue tirrd hi oul with a thouaand kindling (motion, aui be stood there alone; be had no friend nullu with him that half awakening ii if tain of niamlflcenoei to whom he nld rliv bia iurohurged heart by tpeech to whom he could point out this or that object of attraction. The op- prewitvene of hi lonellueaa waa ux a despair) it wa tb itruggle of longimj uui reimit! he would ven have graetied Irreverently at th ghostly hand of Blr John FrankUn bad he com out from his icy tomb to stand besiue mm mere, tt waa aiimethlnir of this regret that 1 felt In my toul. My wind went back to the cloeoi crowded city, with iU ea of heated roofa, noiey factorlea, dusty treets and interminable walla of ma- aimrv. I thouuht of my Hater Alio, with her dart spiniuai eyea, onguwr than the hectio fluah npon her cneoa. P. bivalld chtldl How I wlehea tww h was standing besMo me, feeling the eixd lireece fanning her brow and gnxlng npon the same changing vista of scenery; standing Doawe me o uun i oould talk to Iterl But h wa nottliere, and the tear cam into my ye as I thoniht about it; the silver abele grew IndUtinct, and there waa a abadowiness about the bloaeoming lllao. I waa aoon atarted ont or my reverie. 1 heard voices in th avenne, and m a moment afterward Mr. Ashley reached ont his hand to me in hi kind way, while the servants ihouldered my trunks. I read my employer at a glance there was not much lnuivniuwny ncoeaaary to do that. Hi temperament wu san- mine, with enough of the phlegmatic to rive him calmnos and dignity. He wa still a young man, woll formed And with olutr of china Iliac a beautiful child of 10 Mtntinen, Bh had an abundanc of dark hair, with (yea from th brib llanny ot which nothing oould detract but their sliyiteaa, whil her flgur waa th very peiwiulftcatlon of grace. Bh anrang forwanl and caught my hand. "Ohl I shall Ilk yon very much," aha cried. - . My heart throbbed wildly a I stooped down and kitted her white forehead. ; "I am glad to hear yoo aay that," I r plltl "Carrie ia both warm and impuWv m hot frindlitps,H (aid Mr. Aahley. -Ther wa a calm, steady look in hi gray eye. "1 tlimwht von wer a great, tank wo man, with such ya a maka on abnoV COUNTY FAIR NEXT WEEK An Interesting Exhibit of, the County Resources. TIm rttwM Umno la arawM Will U-iu - CHtMti-Tke Hotrlra are foa. . ' lag l Napltllv. dr and with a mole on your no," oun- tlnuod th child, v I laughed M that and patted hot owta eheak. Mr. Aahley led the way luto th dttinf room. Canto atul clung to ma. t. wm,k the artUt of the Wkrt HlitH dnl aome very fair work lu tbow- lug aome of mm iiiietiiig waiunt tiimeiiwd a lib our eounly fair wblob ha-flum .ui tVrdn.alnv. Among mint of lit moat eitiiiiiiff of lb mite at the June intfiliig or me year were iue trotting race, ami Ibe coming trotting ovente will proiwttly exoel tbe of uiw latt. - Cmrlaeitlleleaotewa. - "What l yonr nmr aba asked. "Jenny Gray." "Hot 1 like that Von won't mak m call yon MUa Gray, will you? But I muitn't ask to many quoatlon. Only I want you to Fred." bh left th room, returning tn a min ate or two with her brother. I wa on npon social term with him. He closely ratembleil his father-had the earn light, ourlln hair, calm gray eye and preaatv lip. H wa not ao talkative a Carrlet be wa mora thoughtful and reserved, mora obeerving and Urn tin puUiro. I was in in time thoroughly Installed fas mr nw home. I had much to blea my heavenly father fori my line war tat In pluawtnt idacea. Tha anmrner went by, and th winter, in the nam nuint. steady, happy way. But I do not intend to sneak abont my duties at Ab- (rnthney Halt, my tnUiwmn of ta lovely children, and how ia beaotifying their lives my own grew beautiful It I with tli new awakening, th new El Dorado of my eompanlonahlp. my inti macy with the rector, that I have to do. Ha wa standing at on of th win dowt on tb morning that Mr. Aahley Ittirednoedmetohlm. He turned round, needed gravely and then gated ont of tha window a abatrat'todly aa tf or. wa not Dinned at that 1 am not proua and fan mv friend tell me) put too low an estimate npon myself, though hi aurvev of me wa not a leiaurely one, 1 knew that bo bad already www a much of my life and character as a bw penetrating man would have lenroea m a week. It took m that long to engage htm even in the moot Incidental conver sation, i S M. . f 1 : v. i B waa a sedate, area tampered man, Ra waa often given to fit of abeeut. ntndtdtteas.hnd from this 1 learnel that there waa tome irreat Borrow In bia toul, It waa mdv in th uulult that lie proved hlmesir mor tlmn an ordinary man. He wu an analytical reaaoner, ubjert to burnt of th moat captivating elotpienoe and skrong In tba yearning for the salva tion of hia fellow men. The light seemed to go ont of hU eye and th plrttnal lnrv out of hit face ao toon a h de scended from tb pulpit Fw stepped Into th able to graan him by tba nana thav iiimlv liowwl their head With th memory of tlio recttbtly tpokea word of truthfulne in thrlr tenia and a ort of tympathy for th secret torrowfulnes which raised btm anova uie piano oi tKalr oomnanioniluo. But there came a time when tool a deeper intereat in met when hi yea would neglect hi IMoK 10 lotiow me around th room; when ha would meet inewlth a nosegay, or ask me to (troll with him throuuh the gardens. I found him a more agreeable companion than had suppoaed btm to b. He would ootii out of that half dreamy lemargy which h Boomed to (it and convene as If be thought aud felt like other men, muHt aav that he even Uecaiue eomniu nioativo. He pok 1 retervedly and tee (paamodloally. At flrt I convertno, and he listened, but by degree and un annsciously, aa it were, our poaltion be eame rovereud. Tlion it wa that I stood npon the confine of the new U Dorado In the world of thought It was some thing grand to alt at hi feet, a quiet, Imprest We pupil, v i i I nuwt aav it (ooner or later, and so will aav It now. I loved him! ye, - . .. . i j, i Warmly, fcrveutiy, paaatonaieiy. i uiu not know whether my love wa reclpro eatod. neither did I care. The knowl edge of the deep love In my own heart waa ennnirh for ma to aweu noon at anv one time. To bt (ore, bis eye at timta warmed np with a beautiful light, and kt would txhlblt th most earnest oiu" tudo for a temporary ach or illnes, but beyond this I obstirved nothing. He did not speak of love. What I had no ticed might hav been meruiy cooaeunwu by his strong friendship for me. . i wa one aay roouuiK vum tung nnd Wahrhoit" 0oetry and Truth). Mr. Jackson observed vnt wor m wj hands. . , Ia Goothea favorite or yourw n eked. : .; - ' '''' . ' -f (Very mnch so," I repuea. "Hi worka have never been faithfully translated, and least of all the on yon are now reading, i It w not oven second. k.n,il it. ia what Mrs. Austin called 'a bad tranalatlon of a very oau renou OBIRBISliLf "aaaa , AT TDK FlBtrr QtlAIITKM. Tliere la never more Interval taken by .ioUtont In a running rat than there la lit a liotlv AnnleattNl tnittlng Conttnl. Not ouly I it a bmgfr rw. but the ehauor of il bvlwg a change iu the win- aliig lion on Hie aecotia mtti at lb tteopb'exeltitl 1 Iat June there were nver 1U0 boraee In lite ttable at the rtuwtrw-k, and yet nu narade waa ever Hiatle. it la 10 M boiK-d that title year ail the Ua k will. ou a certain day. be brought out and narattetl U'fore tlte graitd aianti, ontv un ami nope I jack aualn. to that the - ...... ......... i. into may mv auiue atw-a, iu picture reprt'atnt the If Hlghett of all In Leavealog Power.-l-Lttett U. S. Gov't Rtpoit climbing the gruaay i-oln wa a fcature of every fair, and why uot liera. Tint BrmiKP HoRnm At lite Talmage track are at-wmnda- tlona for nver on hundred head of hot-He, and our artlat iwn dipicte Rilry CooKr't Black I'luinoiid, taken in front of hi stall. i I Tn Machiwkrv Exhibit S Machinery for the fnrm, and labt ttvlng appllancr are always being pat ented and at the fair la the ptoce to go and tee lb LiU-at Improved maebinery Our dealer In agricultural machinery will via with eadi otner in ahowlng the r14! ix'luU of their spec- altic. BltH'K Pakadu Our reatitr abouUt aak the mauage- mni tiiaild the aUive fixture lo the teoond day. ihiit intellectual expression npon his faoe translation.' Two element enter -into Which oomos to men who reivd and think 9Very translatlon-t-th author and the Independent Oregon much. His Hps and eyes betrayed ms reuial nature. They would bav giwo their Impressions or geniauiy w vwjr anna, .... Ho chatted gayly a we walked to ward the bonne, ne did o partly to re lieve me from embarrassment and part lv liecauae it was hi nature. Perhaps v . . . , . ... , ie noticed, too, inai i nan uwu r na. I alrendy , folt as U t nao anown iim fur veara. There wa no atmos- tilwreof mock aristocracy about him, .. ,j lJ.IMifnn riTHMlOnl DOOftllHBHUIKJUUVluUUIMJ j.v... ! "Carrie," said Mr. Asnioy, ore . ruached the hall door, "this i yonr new I..A..N Ml rpo thetf earn qon oaunn translator. , Thua, Hoole ;atioo u nearer to Hoola than to Anoaio. do ui 'Hnmar .' The Greek is nothing, ir.ninhman everything. Transla- u. hnvi han called Dressed flowers. If you want to enjoy uoetne in an n frenhnes and fragranoe, you mnst go to th original. In no otherway win yon k ! thnrnnurhlv to anoreciaie mm. 'Tin von understand uerman, mi, Te.Vann" I aaked. 1 . , .4 1 ' l "I hava been told that 1 am a perreon naatar of the language. I have uoethe s work in my library., Yon mnst study ! TiibCampy Stand No niibllo gathering would be com- ttleto wttliout the candy stnud. and tta luixittiuiln ami tba aotla water, ao of counte all tbnee will be on the grounds Thk Fat Stock. i All the grades of ImporM cuttle are hmd bv our entcririnlwr fariuera, and will be on exhibition. (VxiKisa Exhibit Nothing appeal ao forcibly to tha av i uraxe man as an array of good thing , Ui rat, and Polk county ba good cook , and they are going to bav an exhibit at the fair next week, and yon want to ' be there when the judge ask your ' opinion on tha cake aud pie aod pronervea. .. The Columbian liberty bell, which ' waa cast fMin the pennlea of children in tvery part of the country and from hiatorluttJ trinket from all parte of tba . world lias started on it Journey. Th bell ia valued at 110,000, and contain 78 per nent of copper, gold and Uver. It contain tome of tb oldeat coin ia exbttonce, two of which were In ctrcu lalion during the time of ChrUt, and . , one bearing the date "181 A. D." Tha bell was rung ix tit flret time on Grand Army day, September 9th. at the Warid' - Fair After tha t fair cloa a, the bell W.ll travtl , Uck toWufblutton, where it will ba , cuutf next to celebrate the aunivenary of the ratllloatlon of the constitution ' of Georgia. It will then be-sent to New Orleans to ring in ttiemory of Gen eral Jackwm's groat victory wer tha i lirltiah. It will be rung again at the California nildwluter exposition. AT- . Ur that it will take a voyage acrasa the , ocean to England, aud will be used lu-" celebrating the ' aunlveraary of the battle of lUmymede aud th granting of the Magna Cbarta by King John, f It will visit Pari aud ring in tba oele- , lirai Ion of the fall of the Bastile. , StroagMt Ktad of Evtdeae. A robust woman waa before Judga MoAdam of tha iuperior court of New York recently, asking for nap aration from an evidently nenpockod husltand. While the husband waa timidly giving evidence that ahowad the true state or anairs me wue . scowled ominously. Aa he left tha atand she went for him. A court at tendant who waa about to restrain her was called back by Judge Mo Adam. The woman, who charged , cruelty, bit the little man a blow that knocked him over a chair. , That will do, madam, aaid tha judj; "your physical evidence at much stronger than the oral teeH- mouy. Your case ia dmiaiea."rT Exchange. , -, Rabbi Laadaa'.Wtfc . , ' Ei:ekiol Landau received hia call to Prajjue while he waa atoll in early manhood. Hia appointment evoked aome jealousy on the part of older aspirants, who had aeemea : uent selvt better fitted for the high ap- pointoient When he took hiaaoat for the first time at a gathering of the notablca, on a raisd daia, one of these disappointed rivals observed ironically, "Kabbi, -it aeemt to me that thy chair ia aomewhat too high for thee," Landau, turning to him, answered with a good natured smile: Friend, thou art mistaken. Thy tabto is too low for me." Nineteenth Century. , , , , , Bicvci.8 lUca It might add to tlte Interest If such a nice a una were w uw n nmn tliHre are a iiuiiiIht of riders lu l'olk Oounty and sullitble puna could lie had If tnfflelenl lutereat were mnninwou ny die wlwelrldum lii Polk ' county. Bay the raw be bent two 111 three miiea, oi e race to be run each day uutll deoiueo German, ' CUMMNQ THH P0I. The people mut be amused as well Conolnded next we s InsUuoted aod in the old couutryi , Fl)I.t-BI.OOPKD POULTltY Our readers are familiar with the various strains of Imported chickens, ducks, geese, eta and will view with Interest the exhibit made by local breeders. .. Odd LifhU In aa Eating ftaoa. ' I have aten a Frenchman clean hia !;, teeth with the watof in his finger , bowl and then produce a tablet of BOap trom a pocKeuatse wiui mo ui- Umtion of vjasiiuig ms nanaa jjui the liiont exti-aordinary of all in this line was the conduct of a Russian who removed his coat aud vest and then deposited his collar and necktie on tlio table. Not knowing whera he wou u enu. iitisioucu vu iv uun tw im wiui not in a lavatory, where- ... upon he replaced his garments in the same grave, quiet manner with which he had disrobed and left without grv ing me anything. -London Tit-Bit , i A SoraSlpa. v : Hobbs He'a madly in love, . , ) Cobbs Why do you think sot , . Hoblw LOOK at .tna -variety oi neckties he wears, Chicago Robord. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alunu Used ia-Millions of TTnes 40 Years tie Standard