The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 18, 1893, Image 3

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What Our Reporter Finds of In
terest to Our Readers.
Bamr t ik t Ik a Tr lj TH
u4 Cslleeted Mlf ltM tt Isternt
mo Ihwjssert,
Clauds HUrtmck, of Kolft, la building
Aim residence.
, Cads, ths Naaby of Buvsr, wu In
town on Saturday.
W. C. Heuibre U lying wy III t
bb hows ta Mountouth.
Rev. J. It. lUddwIn pnaehed agaJu
iu IVrtlattd last Sunday.
'0 L. Keyt and trail havs returned their trip to ths cowl.
Mr. Fmnk Ivy ,,J " lr
tul of ft tw girl I1uwf
Msniusl Yofiurn has bought out the
butchsr bualu of Curt Alfrey at
Mr. Helwlck, of Albany, ! visiting
with her on Loul and James au ths
; Mr. Lottie Stanley, of Taowiia, U t
DttllM ou vlalt to tier uanrtit Dr. and
Mrs, J. RBUss.
J. M. Vanduyu Mid J. K. Hubbard
with their wlvt, ar rusticating at tlw
FtuWy Springs.
Mi. J. & Miller and Mr. J. M,
Powell, of Muumouth, were vlsltlus;
frWuda hers Friday.
J. M. Campbell and whV, of Ialla,
have been vadtlng wllh Mr. and Mm.
L. B, Fraier at Bethel.
Mm. Sophia Conuor, wlfc of Kirk
Conuor, died at tlie family residence
Bear Ballalon last week.
IX L. Swann, of Lewlavtlls, ha been
called to CrwfordvlIle by the IHuwa
of hla daughter, Mia Velua.
Mr. Mayflcld and wife are at Dallaa
on a Halt to their coualu W. T. Shaw.
They came from Llnculu, Neb.
Be. J. N. Smith, of Monmouth, haa
been holding a protracted meeting at
Eugene for the part two weeka.
LMt week 1. L. Hedw to D. M.
Klemaen and H. Christian an-i fami
lies over to Neatucea to be gone aeveral
MlssKthel Simpson, of Eugene, haa
been engaged a niusln teacher lu the
UCreole academy at Dallas f.r thU
Mr. J. R. N. Bell returned from Han
Francisco on Saturday and Mr. Bell
from Newport where be went to meet
bi wife.
MIm Bertha Powell hs been down
from Lino county, on a vblt to her
brother J. M. Powell, and iter Mra.
B L. Murpby.
Jen Miller, living U mllea south of
Monmouth, waa In town Friday and
report everything looking well In hla
W. P. Murphy, of Salem, brother of
Henderaon Murphy, was over here last
week arranirlng to bnug some new ar
rivals Into Polk county.
J. B. Parker, Kara Irvine, Jake Fet
ter and Henderaon Murphy apent ev
eral daya last week on the Neat ticca
and leport a pleaaant visit
Janiea Alexander, living four mllea
south of Independence reporle a very
large crop of dellcloua each plums
which he U selling at 75 ccnta a bushel
te those who want to preserve thsiu.
When we get tune we Intend finding
out which are the people In town who
have uot been away to either Fish
Lake, Newport or Neistucca, aod form
home guard, a our town haa been
nearly deserted during the pant month.
Mra. J. H. Upton, of Portland, and
Mm. Horace Froiuan, of Linn county,
were guests of C. H. Irvine last Sun
day. These ladles are daughters of ex
shcrlfT of Linn county, I. C. Dickey, of
Although the tile factory has doubled
ita capacity for turning out tiling It can
scarcely more than keep a fair aupply
of tiling on the yard. Tf money were
plenty tbeir sales would oe very large
They are turning out an excellent
Don't beat about the bush, but come
right In and get thai coffee Douty 4
Paddock are making a specialty of Just
There was much disappointment
manifested out at the depot the other
day when It was seen that someone
had built a torn near the railroad truck
tbua shutting oil the view of the In
coming train from the sonth. What a
little thing will disturb people.
You will never get a better chance
to own a home than right now. while
nnie of those beautiful lota In Damon
4 Haley's addition to Monmouth re
main unsold, for their term are very
The county treasurer haa submitted
the following as his report of the re
.int and expenditures of bis office
during the year ending June 81; Re
ceived from all sources, n,.u.o;
tuttd out. $88,662.83: warrants on band,
$5,083,71; leaving a balance of 118,164.25.
Mostmeu are careful about adding
to their stock of goods these days, but
Wheeler & Clodfelter are receiving new
mods every day. Nice fresh fruits of
II kinds, ice cream, new every day, etc,
Quite a crowd was asaemhled Satur
day watching the testing of the work'
Ins of a new 86x66 steam thresher pur
chased by Murphy Mattlson, for this
o-raln. The engine W a siaw
burner of thlrteen-horse power, and the
main driving belt la 160 feet long.
Is a fine outfit.
It does not make any difference with
P. C.Patterson whether we have gold
or silver mouev, lota of It, or only a lit
tle, he itill keeps on band tropical
frulta, candy, cigars and notions.
In our Item last week about the hose
drill. It appears we were In error In
giving H. B. Patterson credit lor being
foreman of Polk floae company, as w
O. Cook occupies that honorable posl
tion and Ham Maxwell the asslMunt
W. H. Hawley is president 01 me com.
pany and M. E. Masteraon secretary.
Covenant nutting next Kalurday at
the Baptist church.
Mlaa Ota Itobcrtson returned to Iter
Portland home ou Wednvaday,
TIiojw children's hala on sale nl Van
duyn'a are In all sty lea and otilom.
Mra. M. K Young of Poitland, wsa
visiting her aMer Mra Win. Kedy
during the week.
Mlaa Huilth, of Monmouth, It'll i'dt
McMtnnvllleou Wednesday to visit I.
Smith, of that city
Ou last Tuesday evening a number
of young folks had ft Uwu party out lu
tba grove at the end of U steel
It. L. Hastings, of A I rile, waa lu towu
Wednesday aud la getting ready to re-
rleva wheat lu hla warvhouaa there.
K. 0. Merretl, who owns the eighty
aero hop yard opposite Iudtiendetu,
arrived here from I'uyallup on Mon
day. I
Mra. D.K. Emery aud daughter, of
Wowllaud, Cal., are visiting at the
home of J. It. N. Bell, having arrived
laat Monday,
Mr. I-un, of Kda, w as In towu
Monday, and luforma na ha la looking
for aomvoua to rent him a farm of
about two huudred acres.
Fifty cen Is will buy good pair of
panta for harvest wear at Vaudoyn'a
The Bering sea tribunal lin deelilwl
In favor of the Culled Htatea and pela
gic sealing will now bo no more.
The Northern ISiolllo railroad has
gooo Into the hands of a rewlver, aud
tb jtasaenger rata to Chicago la to be
raised from W to fito aliortly.
ate of '80, who haa bceu suecesafu'ly
teaching for several years lu Portland,
la visiting Mra. A. nl. Hurley.
Misa Dora Cooter returned home
from a visit at Mc.MlnnvlIle on Tues
day, bringing wlu u(r Ileudeifoii
alio will sud a IV'W days here visit
H. B. Thllseu, of Uiekreall, waa In
town Tuesday, and went up to Mon
mouth. W do not kuow that hla visit
had any significance In connection
with any railroad building.
A party consisting of John Miller
aud wife, Mr. and Mrs. lllltlbrand of
ttek-tuand Mrs, Dr. Parish siwut Pun-
day on tlis Lucklauiute and report a
most enjoyable time.
H, Hlrschberg, president of the linii-
petidence National lisnk, was Ukeu
very sick last Hntuway which con tin
ned with great severity until Monday
when tie commenced to improve and U
gain atteiidlhg to his business.
Mrs. . C. IVutlaud was called tills
week to the bedside of a very dear
friend Mrs. Harvey Bond, of llalwy,
who waa not expected to live w lie 11
he left Buutlay afteruistu lu answer to
a telephone inewwge from Ualsey.
J. L. Mocktou and wife aud two
daughters arrived home Tuesday from
their trip to the World's fair and to
tbelr old home In Pennsylvania. They
are all enjoying good health and have
had avery pleasant trip.
Mrs. E. P. Dove has our thanks for a
large bucketful of luscious Lawlon
blackberries which were so rlpi tliey
almost melted lu one's mouth. Mr.
Dove saya he has sold nearly ! gal
Ions. They are cvrtniuly Due.
C. Finch, of JefTuraoa, Iowa, fatlier
of II. C. Finch, of this city, arrived
here this week aud Is visiting his sou.
Mr. Finch cornea at a time of the year
when he can see for himself that this
section of the state Is the garden spot
of Oregon, aa the claim is often made.
Why b ister your hsuds wheu you
can ouy goai gloves ior ta ceuis ai
Vauduyn'a, j
Mm. Harvey Bond, of rVattle, whose
niulileii name was Mis Lizzie Jester,
of Halney, Is tying at the point of
death at the borne of her mother In
Kidney, from typhoid fever. Even If
she recovers she will lose that iiiugiilfl
ceut head of golden hair which reached
to her feel and was so much admired.
Chas. Irvine, I. C. Dickey, and H .
Ionian left the farm of the latter to go
to Allainy last week aud when they re
turned their hats were dented In and
their clothes covered with dust mid
dirt. They say that it waa canwd by
the horses and wagon rolling down an
Mubaiikment some fifteen feet high.
ft was fortunate no one was hint.
Vanduyn's Hue of Mlsws and Child
ren's iuuhIIu and lawn haU must go.
Cull and be convinced that the prliua
suit the time.
Henry Hill Is getting matt rial on the
ground for a new house about tllty rods
uth of his presitnt resilience. We
axked Mr. Hill how many rooms the
house would contain and lie wild he did
not know exactly but It would hove
lot of them. All the work will be
lone by the day. Perhus Mr. Hill
contemplates erecting a big hotel up
there Instead of a residence.
Four huudred select young nmti, com
posing Oregon's militia, are encamiied
near Oregon City, and nuving a very
enjoyable time. It U a great privilege
to be a soldier boy lu lime or peace, n
Is a safe experiment for the ladles to
fall In love with "brass buttons," for
they arc only civilians wheu they
break up camp.
You can get a crayon portrait of
yourself or any member of your family
by trading at Douty I'addocK S iuhi
using their coupon books.
Quite a number of persona have
made Inqulriis at (his office wanting to
rent farms, If there are any farms for
rent In Polk county, will the o tiers
leave word ut this olllce. One
gentleman Informed us he hud been
hunting for two weeks ami n nutty
went back lo Clackamas county and
rented one thcr1. being the bei-t he
could do.
No prices can compare with thereof
Pnntv A. Paddock.' the grocers, and
prices are what tell these times.
J, B. Knowles, the progressive fut tner
living below town, came Into the Vm'
Hipk office this week on huslnoas, and
on account of shaving off his whlstier
the editor did not recognize liltn, mill
he enjoyed our dlMcomlltura when we
were compelled to ask Mr.Kno ! his
name, and received the unexpected an-
swer "J. B. Knowles." Whllo we
were laughing over the Incident ir. H.
A. Mulkey camu lu, and he too fulled
to recognize him and udmlttcd having
passed hlin on the raid the day before
and not speaking to him for the same
Wayne Williams and family la back
from the springs
Mlai rAiisui FoniH'll accompanied
Prof, Miring to Welnn lt week
Miss Mattel Wells h gone to 'I'imhc
n.a to visit hor father HlohaW
K. A. Patteeaoii, wife ami daughters
aceoiiiMtulfd his nmther to tier home in
Hlllsooro ou Wwluesdav.
Chewing gum, ami candies fitsh flHtiu
the faetorlea, to be had of IM.Insou
ttohluson at the Hijoti.
Mra All.-e Adams, who ha bin
living lu tlie family of II. H. I'attersttii
received telegram of the serious III
ucm of her lather lu Latham, Kansas,
and ilt'iwrted for thereon Thnrmlay,
Don't sell your wheat tor 47 wnts as
It will b worth iiioiv. e will allow
yiiufiOcetila per bushel, and the rai
fur 80 daya on all our Utok aeciuuis, it
whwtt la delivered l 11 or in Hei
lulek'awaMiow, Itiend A Illiaoh
$1.73 I' HU nozts.
All those wanting line photoa cau olx
tain them at Prof. Kastinau'sctrat 1 1 .78
pnrdoHm, uuill Monday luam next.
A Polk (amity t:hlblt.
Jamca tllheon, of Portlaixl, writes to
the W'Mt Milne as folloasi
"la I here any clmitiv of the people of
IVIk county going together and send
ing au exhibit lo tint Exposition this
year. I think there might be an ar-
nulla aud furnish an exhibit that
would be ft eteillt to the county, and I
do not think you can Dud a time when
a gtaal show lug of I lie prtslncis of Polk
county w ill do more gwl for the coun
ty than this year. I have talked with
a nuiiiterof parties mid I think with
a little earliest ellort the matter can be
managed successfully, and If a if!
showing can tie made I am willing to
help arrange and also assist lu look
ing after the exhibit, aud do all I can
to make It asucctiM; but I think the
only wav lo uial.e It a aueev. Is to gel
jiartlea from all over ll.e county Inter
ested. I would lie glad to hear from
you aud know the seuthueut.
Murk Intrrmt Msnllvlrd Sbd t'nnrrrdun
MMI- Suuilj' Soiilw,
ThesR i lal meetings at (lraeliun'li
betwtH'U Monmouth and ltlckrcidl,
have awakened luueh interest In the
nelghlwrlKHMl, and a uuuiUr of cm
versloua have lectured, Jtevs. Wal
lace Htroubie and Wallace Hlckafoose
are In charge. The mw ilnga will con
tinue every night thla week. Au all
day service Is planuwl for next Huu
day, beginning with a fellowship m cl
ing at 10a. hi., followed by preaching
at II, and .reception of members.
Hhorl diseoume to ths children with an
otijeot lesson st 2..10 p. in., followed by
the ordinance of baptism lo all aim
maydealre II, and by w hatever nnsle
wished In the evening, beginning at
7-1H, grand Jubilee an I wave offering.
Everylasly Is luvlUil.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fuqua have re
turned from the World'a fair well
ploaMxl with their trip but glad enough
to get homo.
Hehulck llroa. are putting a cupalo
011 their warehouse, and cleaning and
repairing It for the sumuier run. They
will take In a (urge quantity of grniu
this year.
The school board waa fortunate in
agsln securing the iwrviws of Misa
Llbby Vaughn to teach the tall 111 id
winter term of school. There wore
seven applicant for the position.
t J ml 11 Is very good in this vicinity;
threshing com inelieed this week. The
hop crop la good aud no lice to amount
to auylhiiig; picking will commence
two or three week later than lust year.
Hop Pickers Wauled.
There are many hop yards In Folk
county and a great many pickers will
be required. Home of the hop growers
are getting uneasy bIkiuI the prospect
of pickers and are thinking of contract
us with Chinamen to pIcK the crop.
The people In Polk county need the
money and should got It, aud tt will 1st
their own fault If pickers are Imported.
Over across the river, nppnalta Inde
pendence, are two hop yards where
iilone st least, $7500 will tat paid out for
picking hops. The Dove Urns, will tay
out at least f.1000. J. II. IlurUin fKJ0,
and so on. We hope every person who
la thinking of picking liopa will leave
word at this olllce and we will then lie
aide to assure the hop growers that
they need fear no scarcity of pickers.
They prefer white pickers, aud will not
contract fol pickers unless they feel
doubts shout getting tlicui. This Is au
Important mutter for our people,. and
these several thousand dollure should
not lie allowed to go out of t tie county,
Hoinl i r leave word at tliisofllce If you
"even think of picking hops. It Is a
healthy occupation and from one to
three dollars a day can lie earned. Fif
ty cents a lux will be paid 11ml no pre
vious experience la necessary In pick
lug hops, The most money is earned
by commencing early In tlio morning
and not picking in t he middle of the
day, and then continuing until Into In
the afternoon. We bcllevo more per
sona will want to pick hops than can
get places, and It Is only a nmtli'i nf
buHlmiKS to have your name registered.
If you know 'of any of your friends
wanting to pick, bring their names
along also.
GRANT. At Falls City, W'edncwlay,
August 9, MIhh Kosa Grant, nged
tdiiatoen vcara. of coimumittlon. Tlie
funeral took plane .Thuaday al the
Smith cemetery, Ilc'v. Osborne olll
elating. Miss ltosa Grant was the only daugh
ter of Hobt. Grant and wife, of I'iiIIn
City, the four other sisters having each
died of the same disease consumption.
Mrs. Grant was almost broken hearted
at the Iohh of tills her Inst girl. A large
number of frlcuda attended the fuueral,
Of Interest U Sportsmen.
Mr. W. II. Hurllmrt, A. . I. A.,
Union Pacific system, Portland, Ore.
gon, haa Juat received a aupply of books
called "tluu Hub Ilitlea and Itevnaai
(iiinie laiwa," This" publication a
tain dhrcat of the laws relating to
game In llm Western states and territo
ries. Mr. Hurlburt will Im glad to
mall you mm of the buoka upou re
ceipt of two ataiii to cover postage.
w. a. Ht Hi.tii KT, a. a p. a.,
Portland, Oregon.
Purely out of curiosity, w liava count
ed the Illustrations, auuia of them full
paga, In thccurreiitissiMof Tm urn
mopolltani saya the Methodlat iUtcord
of Uudon England. They tiuuilml
l'.1tj but If t liera were none' Urn Dietary
character of the inagaxlnt would amply
Juftify Ita Immense circulation.. Home
ottue iwai anowii nsiuw i nswi'M
literature npiatarlH Ilia list each niontn,
laldea English wfltera if auob names,
ror example, as Hlr Edwin Arnold
From every jwinl of view, wt regard
the inagaxlne as". ,
Von can get tha t'osmoiolltan and
the Wm Hipk for W year.
nrisf llanlsMt Maslsss.
It la ft Wise tiiau who aska hla wife's
advice, but II Is a wiser mi wlw lul-
lowa IU
Faith laasneeeimary lu business as lu
religion; cotldcttre la the foundation
of credit.
Itlauotalaaya the customer who
buys ttHisl who best profits tha dealer.
It la rare man, Indeed, who la ad-
mlrwl by his as"Klatcsi respect la oftrii
a matter of distance,
Hla better to work today thau to
worry nUtut lo-untrrow.
All tlilug nisy be reuielkJ but dis
content, 1
The dime of to-morrow looks larger
than the dollars of to-day, I
The purchasing laiwer of a dollar Is
not measured by the u!a It contains,
lut rather by the sense of Ita pocsar.
1 1 la far easier lo criticise thau to per
Employer dou't put on ajoaeka to
search for uiroini) ent vmployeca.
No great iimm waa ecr achieved
without the force of enthusiasm.
The worst deceived ttiaa la the cue
who cheats himself.
There would lie little business If noth
ing waa destroyed.
Til El wixffoTlTiri'KNNOVKB,
lu the gallery of the liberal aria
building at the World'a fair tha central
I figure of a group lu tha educational ex-
h.bllof thvgou is a nnciy exeouieti
nbologrsiili of Uovcnmr IVnnoyer
This likeness Is shown lu tha tac da
voted by Oregon lo the state Uwrd ol
wtucatlou of which tv governor Is pres
ident. Tills photograph la the subject
of more remark, ncrhatta than any of
Oregon's sxlilblt. The multitude paaa
by t admire Uie likeness or to criticise
the governor. They are attracted to
the ajt, iiul because tha governor re
fit I to meci President Harrison at the
slate line not because lie would not
permit the state cannon to be DM ut-
ou Cleveland a re-election--not because
he told (irovvr to mind hla own bual-
nnui-liot M-ause ho received and wel
comed Aillal so pleasantly Upon the
vkw-presldviil'a recent visit to the cap
ital -but lcane he la to day the U-st
uIvsMImiI man In America and the
people waul to is "what he looks like."
Ta Itepulr The Sslrm Bridge., Or., Aug, ll-To the Hon
orubla t'oiimiltstiouera' tVurt of Msrlou
County, Oregon;
fletitleiiM-n: By direction of the
conmilwltinem court fr Polk county, I
will say that by the action of this court
this day f too Is gratifed for the purac
of repairing the Halcni bridge, provided
tinti mii'li Itlk) l considered lu the
llirlit of a donation merely, aud that
the llisir of said bridge be covered w Ith
three Inch plank, the rods tightened,
aud the bridge otherwise rendered ser
viceable within a jterlod of twenty
days from this date. Yours truly,
It. F. Mt i.KKY, Clerk
Tim above communication explains
Itself, being tlio Bctlon takeu by the
court at their seaslou yesterday lu re
gurd to what they are willing to do In
tliu wsy of reiMilrlng the orphan onuge,
It is estimated thut l2tK) will la) re
quired to put the bridge In the proper
shape, and Polk county has coins niv
bly to the rescue and given about her
right proportion of the atnouui. a uei
egallnn of half ft doacn of the repre
sentative meu of the Hprlug valley sec
tion were present and presented their
dejirc lo tlio court in the matter by all
milnir homo well pleased wllh the de
cision. If Marlon county ami the ulty
r,t Hiili-m will now stand In and do
their duty the matter will be settled In
ths siccllled time and the two countr
ie again safely (ioiinwti)d.-i,or. rmicm
A lllfliiroiioo.
A littlo hotol on Mailint afreet
bainta out a aitfn, "B..Ja, 23 nnd 60
oenU." A gucat walked lu tlio other
day and naked to ho shown a apod
men of ouch kind of bed. Ho found
that tlinv wcro exactly tho anuisuizo,
In 1 bo siiiiio rtKjm. mid iMith wnro cov-
with woolen comforts that
looked JuHt iilike.
Ouiwt Why do you clutrgo mors
for oug bod than tho othorl They
aro aa much alike na two leghorn
Luudlord (condescendingly) - We
nlinntrH the shoota. sir, on the 60-cont
bwk ouoe a weok, and on the 25-cent
Iii1h once a month.
Ouoat Ouesa I'll bike a 10-cent
cat by theatovoand nod. Louisville
Til SIM or th VjramliU.
Tlio largest of tho pyramids was
originally 481 foot hifjb. and 853 on
tlie aides, the bao covennK u c.
Thn atonic, which are in 208 layers,
average CO foot iu length. One ao
,mnr. savathat 850.000 men worked
for twenty years iu fashioning the
Titanic pile. Bt. Loum uepuuuc.
nuiurksbl Twins.
In Vienna twins havo Leen regis
tered as having boon bom in differ
ent years. The flrat was born on tho
iUf ,.r n,w.i.in1icr. 1892. the second on
tho 1st of January, 1893. Both being
boys, tlioy wiU have to do their mili
tary service in different years, as the
one will bo considered . to have
reached tho age of 20 In 1912, the
other In lQia.-fecobangg' ..
IuiK)'rtant H;iiK.'iiinKS
the Week.
What It t'u.t tit rivvsminsst Is Kslsrlala
Iks Ituks nl rss.
WAsiiiNoro!. Aug. ItL-Hwretary
(Ireshoui of the stale deMirlmeiit, mwls
gltKl.tXIOlo My theexpMiitMaof hlaofllcw.
A good part of this dcltclt la due to the
cxaus Incurred lu lbs entertainment
of foreign visitors, notably Hi Duke of
Veragua. While the duke was lu Ohl-
oago being luxuriantly provided for,
ha wrots to the president expressing
hla regret that he would he defciyed lu
reaching Washington to pay his re-.
apeeUlo ths chief executive, Ho was
informed lu reply that tha president
would release hint from any obligation
he might Ice! In thut direction. He
waa further advised that arrangement
had been made for Ida return to Hpaln.
Of course the duka was left to fix the
data himself, but there waa no mistak
ing tha anxiety of ths department to
havs hla visit coins lo au early end.
The expanse of tire entertainment of
ths duka will hot fall abort of 4n,0UU,
uot to mention tha entertainment by
private wroiia.
flunnes Ast"
Ihs t'"-
Wasiiinutun, D. C, sjf. I2.-Mad-
allus V. Pollard, of this city, has beguu
In l he district supremo court a suit ror
breach of prismas agalust Hon. W, C
lim kenridge, the famous Kentucky
orator, fur fAO,0iiu damagea. Hbe avers
that hs nisila lor acpialulauce 011 a
train wheu she was only seventeen
ycara of ag and a student of Wesleyan
female aemlnary of Clucliiuatl; that by
wiles he got her entirely under his con-
trol aud sKtiinplUneU hei ruin lu Au
gust, IHsu, and kept her uimVr his
thumb until July lS, during which
thus she became th mother of two
children. During i!" this time h was
a married man. In July imrj, his wife
died. II. however, refused after that
to make good his promise to marry her
after the death of his wife, lu March
imitt, she agalu became a mother. He
had acknowledged her a his wife lu
the presence of others and timmlscd to
marry her lit tha presence or witnesses,
but oil July in last he iimnisd airs.
,(mlw Whig of Louisville, The- suit,
It I said, promises to la' very n
tloiial, To au Associated Press rcatrier Col.
nreckeuildge sold: "1 have not had
time lo exauiloe the ss rs In the case.
I cau only ay al llila time, before I
have had a chance to kuow the extent
if the allegation made, that I hope my
friends will believe that these charges
ar the result of vliidlcilvcmss, vexa
tion and perhaps an Intention to black
mail, and I ak that they suss-iil
judgement until a fu I bearing shall
havs shown all that Is in them. 1 (to
not crv to say anything further unlit
I have had au opportunity to consult
with attorney."
Lutmr I'slniM ol Chiracs Sill Oil) IU...U
mmi I'st I'sik In t'lrulsiliM.
Ciiit'Aoo, Aug 12-TheiuoslluiHir-
hint step In the direction of relieving
the llnauclal stringency was taken lo
daytu Chicago by organlred lalsir.
Investigation recctil.y Insiuuiou oy ine
I nter-Ocean dischswd the fact lual there
was uot less lhail "itHI,00U locked up lu
tha treasurire of various braueliia of or
ganlxed trades lu Chicago. At a meet
ing held lids aftoru'ton liy a nuuiia roi
trades a full discussion of the situation
was had aud a resolution was adopted
provldlug for the wit drawal of money
lu safe deposit companies aud making
luvestiuenU in United Wales bond or
other safe securities, thus restoring the
currency to Its prejier channel. The
matter will now go to tlie haatl unions
for ratification.
IVars of lellow Fcrer In the South-
Nkw Vohk. Aug. 11-At 9 p. m.
Health Officer Jenkins Issued this bill
"At 4 d. m. Hires co-ie were trans
ferred to Hwhiburue lidund from HolP
mail Island aud at 7:1 two more caws
were taken to the same place Hie
first three are Ulovatil Laurie aged JW
s . .1 inii
voars. Italian, rernauuo inssm, iik
85 years, also Italian, ami Oeorgl t'r-
.tbis. sued Itt vcurs. UrecK. i ne oiuers
are Domlnlco Elclopite, aged 17 and
Antonio Plcrlml aged 21, both Kallaas
All "bowed characteristic ayumtoius of
cholera, A bactcrlolglcal examinitMon
of the cases removed today has not
been coninloted yet. The census of the
lirwnlllil shows tell tiatlenta, one of
whom Is convalescing. In three of the
ton, diagnosis of cholera ha laten bio
loirlcally confirmed. All are well on
the Guifttii'irla. Thus far all chcs have
develoiK'd within tlie jierlod of liuiucu
latino after tho removal of passenger
from tho steamer.
There Are Eighteen Cases of Cholera
In New York.
Nkw Vohk, Aug. 12.-Thl evening
Dr. Jenkins Issued the following bulle
tin: At one o'clock to-day auelcMslppI
Adiimo. aired 45 years, was transfened
to Hwiiiburn IslanU hospital. A ecu
sua of the hospital to-night shows the
number of cholera natlents to tie rotir
teen, convalescing one, sunpcuts three,
total elirhteen. All the imtlents In th
hoanltnlanrs Improving and I lldnlt nil
a.lll rnmver with the exception of
throe case. Bacteriological exiunlna-
atlons have In all cases con llrmcd the
dlaanosla of cholera. The following
cable mailed to Paris ami sent from
there was received to-night from my
rcnrcsontallvo In Naples: Cholera ca
ble from New York are frequently
confiscated by the Italian government.
There are elirhteen oases nnd seven
deaths to day.
Cleveland goes Home.
The president said tod iv, "I nru go-
dig back lo my sutnuiur bourn at the
sea short, because Tarn not auffloienlly
rested from lbs strain to which I Imvt
been subjected to since the fourth of
March lo III ins again to assume the
duties aud lalsir which await ins hers.
I have bm-u counschil by those whose
opinion I cannot disregard thai tlie
further rest I couteuiplats Is absolutely
necessary lo my health and strength.
I shall reuiaiu away during ths iiwnlli
of August, and devots myself kirest
ami recreation. My days' doings will
be devoid of Interest lo the public, and
I shall b exceedingly pleased If I can
be frits from atteutloua of newapaper
wiTwfii rigntT
Uwn Aug. ll.-Dlck Hurgs has
dcHtsltwl tm with ths Hartlng Life
to bind a match with Jack IK-iirisasy.
TIm light I to be for l0,000ft aids a CI ths
championship or the woild. It will
tak place III ths United HUta early In
Detaiulsr. Ths iiwtoh will laj under
Quoeiisbcrrv rules.
Out Oa Tba Lacklamute,
On last Wedncaday ws took ths flvs
o'olis'k niobtr for Mouuiotilh in order
to catch the evening train out toward
Alrlte, where ws had arranged to ls on
that particular sveulu. It waa our
ftrst rids on ths new standard gauge
railroad and aa Conductor Crocker
cams back lu lbs coach to chat with
th only two paaseugcre, young Tony
Nollner of Portland, and myself, w
reumrked on the great Improvement
In tha ease of riding In the larger
weh. He said we wars traveling at a
as mlleati hour late. Ths old swinging
motion of ths coach which waa so un
pleasaul, was abaent. Ws were let oft
at Hllllbraiid'a station, ami s short
walk brought u to John Hllllbraiid'a
new resident aud a very commodious
and couiforlabls one It la, and lis like
wise haa a new barn. Ws Informed
Mr, lllltlbrand of fheaad sveut which
caused our wife not tube with ualn
isiylug her ths promised week's visit,
and Ihen ws went over lo Mr. J. Har
ris' farm to see the ateftiit thrcshsr at
wmV under the able sutMtrvlsloU of
Kohl. Harris Jr.. who understand
Is doing admirable In the position. The
thresher hsd not arrived, but from the
elevated loctiou of Mr. llarri' real.
deuce w looked over ths garden, the
orchards and th tatunitful grain flelda
and w could not help but remark that
s mau who had audi aurrouudlng
should 1st couteuled. Miss Harrla vary
khtdiv Us.k u through their flower
aardcii. shk h haa alwaya had quits a
u ontitll. n for choloe flowers. A tli
the tbreslier waa uot to be at Mr. Har
ris' until next morning, ws retraced
our tep and dropd In atJaa.Htltl-
brand'a ftbers Mr. Itlltibrauo ana
dioighter Una, ths laiier receutly re
lumed frem attending school at naicm,
jsdntcd wllh anlonabie prlds to their
very fine collect Ion of bouse plant
which were then lust gorfceoua wun
blwau. Ml Lena lias been lamng
naiuting lessona and akmplesof her
skillful brush how conldcrable laWnt,
each ouc showing liupruveuwut When
arrived tan k st John HiltlbraudV
anics a arm supper waa awaiuug us,
and Oraudpa llillibrand who had
dropped In, gavs 11a many interesting
Item alsttit early daya In Oregon,
wheu boiled wheal ws the chief arti
cle of diet j and people were Just as hap
py aud coiiteuted aa now. Mr. Hllti
brand has a donation claim there ot
rich bottom tund which he has divided
between his two sou John anil jame
and daughter Mre Heraflord, In equal
parts, they each Jtaylng email reutal
until hi death, when eaeu will ueue-
IKertd the deed direct of their share,
John Hlltlbrat.d married Misa Ik-lln
Hl(s-lc, daughter of N Icholaa Hteelc, and
James married Misa Mna ruqua,
daughter of Wm. Fuqua of Parker.
Mr. Mart Hcrallord hu eleven acres
planted lu la-ana and they are looking
well. Al John Harper'a place, near
Suver, where the thresher waa at work,
Johii Hiltibraud Informed ua it aver
aged forty bushels to the acre, aud the
wheat was perfectly dean, having no
dirt of any kind lu It. '1 lie yield aim
quality of the wheat I reported very
IW10. We went dowu and apeui nan
. I.I. 11.,,nt
an hour .cunning uu
and his wife. The latter Inteud go
ing 10 the World'a Fair the 10th of
next month. Martaayahc Is going to
California to the niiu-wintor iair.
Mra. Hoaalt'ord was almost Inclined to
back out going east and go there too,
Mart ha aome blooded pig whlcti ne
exhibited on which he places fancy
i.rleee. At 7:15 in the morning wc
again boarded the down train, a whole
couch to myself and wain arrived at
Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. James Har
ris, we omitted to slate, are In Inde
nendeiice superintending the building
of their residence In. White's addition.
We are glad to state that the farmers
iu Lucklauiute all have prospect 01
goisl crops.
llii)iiiliiii lu.ikU
Tlie BUckoon Indian positively uh
sort that within tlio hint flvo years
they have frequently seen tumnais
which from the doaciiptions given
must bo niaatiMloiiH. While out hunt
ing one of these Indiana came across
a sorlea of large traH, each tlie ilia)
of the bottom of a salt barrel, sunk
deon in the moss. He followed the
curious trail for some miles, flmdly
coining out in full view of his gome.
As a chow, thette Indians are uie ora v
vat of hunters, but the proportions of
this new sitocieu of game tilled Uie
hunter with tmor, aud he took to
swift and immediate flight. He de
scribed the creature as being s large
as a poat trader's store, with great,
shining, yellowish white tusks and a
mouth, largo enough to swallow a
man at a alngle gulp. He further
says that tlio auimal was undoubted
ly of tho sanio iqieeies as those whose
hones 11ml tusks lie all over that sec
tion of tbo country.
Tho fact that other hunters have
told of seeing these monsters brows
ing on the herbs up along the river
gives a certain probability to tho
story. Over on the Forty Mile creek
hones of mastodons are quite plenti
ful. One ivory tutdc 0 feet long pro
jects from one of the sand flnnes on
that creek, and single teeth have
boon found that were so large that
they would bo ft good load for one
man to carry. I boliove that the mule
footed hog still exists; uIho that live
mastodons play tug with the aurora
every night on Forty Mile creeK in
Alttuka, Juneau Free Press,
Tiw only Purs Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No AlsflL
Ued in Million! of V "met 40 Years tht tuzl
Amsng Live ualnsss Msn.
Oso. A Hinltli, ths attorney, baa bis
office in Ihs Independence National
Bank building
You iwii get a nicely furnished loom
at tlut City restaurant.
Daly Hlblcy , rklu, st Dallaa, hv
a complete sot of abetrsots
J. It Cooper has plenty of brick on
hand at low prices
Ths Little 1'alac Hotel la reoognixed
by bunha uwtn to b the proper place
to ttay
Mludiell ft llohaniion have ft very
couipk'ls planing mill ou Malu treet
Dr. J. 11. Johnson, ths deullst, baa
hla otllca on ths eoruer of ltallnaul and
Mouniuuth streets
Dr. K. U. Young, veterinary aur
geou, attend to the diseases of horses
and ealUs-
Dr. T. J. Lee haa Ma office up aUlr
In the Iudewudeuoe NaUoual llauk
Dr, K L. Ketchum ha hi o tiles lu
hla own building, on Monmouth street
uear Kallread.
Mubacrlbera wftiitlug help or uny
person desiring employmeut can ue
th "Waut" eoluiuu of thla paper
KHKK one lusertloii, not to exceed Un
word. J'ach additional word one
W. II. Craven A Co. are turning out
some tins seta of harness whidi are
warranted toglvs aallsfinttlon
Th ludepeudeuee Tils Co. has
(aoultk fur turulug out, oil abort
uotlos all alaes of tiling, Irom thi
smalkut to the largest.
1 W. MeAdaui t prepftwU to
furutsh you au elegaut monument
with a-hich U mark th last resting
plai of your relative
Luiubor of best quality aud fron
oiouutalu ktg la sold by Preacolt it
D, H. Craven atill turn out thos
Uwutlful phonigraplui, rain orahlue
Hubbard A Htau are busy doing
all the draymg here
Five ceut la all It cost to travel ou
ih motor to Muiimoutb and vbdt tht
Noruud achool
P.H. Muipby keep pegging away,
and turua out bouU aud shoe for hi
lutervlcw M. T. Crow when you
waut anything lu Die sash aud door
There la no place in Oregon where a
bitter meal la eerved than at the rea
Uturaut of Westaoolt ft Irwlu, 271 Com
mercial street. Balem. Courteoua at
tention, a tins meal, aud lbs populai
price of 25 cents, bar made thla houat
the headquarter of creryoue who hu
occasion to dins lu Balem.
Mr. Iluchftuau, of the City Hestau-
raiit, makes a peclolty of a nice chick-
eu dluucr ttach Hunday for 20 eta.
A.M. Hurley, the attorney, has his
oftlcs adjolitlng the indenueu
Natloual llauk building
Hhelley Alexander A Co. the drugg
ist, have complete bUkK of drugs,
ItalutM, oils aud glass; also ft full line Ol
school buoka and stationary
J.F. O' Don ucll carries a large atock
if aitrlcultural machinery, and ui
shelves are laden with the beat grode
of hardware; a tin store and Uniiiio:
deparuueut adds to the advautagis o
"YoUNU blood,' as it is
tha life of the modern mumiess
world, mid is everywhere sought.
IWr in mind, however, that it is
the right kind of young meu Umture
wantiMl, and by that classification
is mennt youug men who are will
ing to work, and work hard Thr
day of the young man who works
by the clock, eagerly watching for
the hour wheu the office shall close
has goue by, eveu if it existed.
Hundreds of young men are ener
getic iu anew position uutil its
novelty wears off, and then become
mere machines, whose places can be
filled at a days notice. ;
A UOiunii neriut
While rjaswwr the head offlcta of
the telegraph department, St. Mar
tin's-lo-Oriuid. a day or two ago I ob
served large masaos of concrete do-
bris latiug CAnfully uulwuiod and
carried in. Feeling sure that the
neighborhood was unfavorable ror
the establishment of a rockery or a
garden grotto, I made inquiries and
was informed that the dobris was a
portion of tho Plymouth breokwiEtor
which had almost been eaten up by
the teredo. The teredo is a small but
offensive submarine worm which
annually causes many thousands
of pounds' worth of damage to
ocean telegraph cables. Two years
ago it was unknown in English
wators,imt now it is common enougu.
It will eat its way into any thins ex
cept brass, which is the only thing
that will stop it. The telephone cable
between Belfast and Glasgow is the
first that has been hud in home
waters with a brass sheathing to pro
tect it against this ubiquitous post-
London Letter.
Different KlmU of Oil.
A change in flagmen was recently
made at the Rocky Hollow rade
crossing in East Greenwich aud a
new man put on duty. He wanted
to replonish his stock of oil for use
in his signal lanterns the other day
and sent his order to the railroad au
thorities in Providence. The pra ties
who received tho order were some
what amusod at its contents, but
thought that tho new crossing tender
ought not to be deprived of his Btock
of blissful ignorance, tio they sent tlie
required oil in three vessels as indi
cated in tho order, marked respective
ly "white oil," "red oil" and, "green
oil." Providence Journal,
RPf 1..
v'.U O G b
' Frankfort, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1L
Mh. Nokn LtciiTV, UesMolnti, la.
Dear lr:-Ijut summer I procured
box of your Ileftdache Cspsulet (rein ft
friend. I found them splendid, but
have been unable to find them here;
therefor writs to you asking you to
send me a box a soon a possible, aa I
do not like lo be without them. Please
bs prompt and oblige.
Hoi 67. Ghacr Hakkis.
For aals by Hhelley, Alexander Co.
Terrs Hftuts, In4, Del 4, 1881.
MR. Lichtv, Des Moines, Iowa,
Kuclosed find twenty-five eenta, fur
which please eend we on box of
Krsuss's Headache Capsules. I havs '
used sum which I bought In Chicago,
but can't get them In thla place. I
found tbeiu quite beneficial. Please
send a oon aa possible.
Your truly,
For aals by Hhelley, Alexander V Co.
Commencing Wednesday, August 0,
and until further notice, the fol
lowing change will be made In the
running of train on th Portland A
Yamhill sod. Oregoulan divlaloua:
Train No. S3 from Portland to Airlle
will run oo Mondays, Wednesday aud
Friday tonly, and train No, M from
Airlle to Portlaud will run on Tues
day, Thursday and Baturday only.
Comuienclng on Monday, August 7,
im, and until furthei notice, the fol '
.owing changes wilt be made In the
running of traina on the Woodburu-'
riprlnglleld branch: Train Na 14 from
rillvertou to Woodburn, and train No.
11 from Woodburn to Natron, will run
on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays
only. Train No. 12 from Natron to
Wottdbuni aud train Na 13 from
Woodburn to Hllverton will run on
1'uesdaya, Thursday and Baturday
only '.
Messrs Geo rjkltitier ACo. the mili
ars, auuounee themselves ready to ex
change flour for wheat, and store wheat,
for tlie farmer of Polk county.
Krauss'a Headache Capsules-War.
raulsd. For Hale By Blielley, Alexan
der A Co.
People are foola to sutler when arenu
edy cau be fouud to cure them. Oregon
Kidney Tea is no experiment, aud not ft
fake to get your money. Why will you
liealutv, wheu we assure you that It la
absolute cure for all kidney and uriuary
JJ w. Siiuin,saiuluUtrsl.irutUMutlor
ivA.tmveli UH-nywU, has Sled Ins flnsl so
ooinil In Hld wlKM Slid bl pvtltkw lor fluid
M-iiH-uit-ai luerelii, sod Uist by uruer of IM
Ui.uorulneH. T. Uun li.muutr JuUfe of Pxil
ouutuy, orraoll, Monday, Oi-iolwr I, USM,
tlliv w.iu twiti Uurtii tli rasulsi' Or w.
uer K'fm o( wurl tin ttvoa Hud 111 Uai
u.r lintrina ssht (will km Ua Busl wtuaiuval
a nitid MUl,nd Hit urnuus are Svroby noil
dm ui smu' si Mid llius sod tbow csuse, If
atty Ho) usva, liy Mid iwoiiuu ultould uut
tw ttrwiled sild ssid aiUU tttisily clusvd.
8. T. Bcsxiu,
(VMinljr Jinltfe of PulX Couaiy uregon,
lat4 tin stu dsy o( Autast, leW.
JJN Uie underlued has lima duly su
uulnlnl BdmiuiMnuurirftlieastaU) ol Anion
A. Mubur, dwwHL by Ui Huuorabl CXiuuly
Court of Pol Umnty, Onvos. on Tuesday.
Ausust , ltwl, u Umllas In Mid couoty snd
uiuh All wrsuus Us? ln claims asslustMld
wlai arc Ix-rcoy nuutlvd lo prewot lb ssiu
auly verinmt, to nis In Uis town of Monmouth
willilu six inuutlis iruiu trw data hereof, snd
dll uvrwius kuowiu tbeuiMltw Indebted to
wld aslaut w III eaU on si and mIUs ta saai.
ISA If. Si. Ut-TI.SR,
lMted this IWU day of August, law. S-ll-41
Xl to paruien
iwm.ii tha uildMrHivl
lit paruioreliii) blrKlofonciUUni ta
bs uiidrattnd under Ui Srm nam
of AublMin A Itaniutgs at tbla day dissolved,
iwwn lbs uiidrat(
OI ACUIIHlll K l(ailuUK w wis uny,
A. J. At-blsnn bavins nurcbssed the Intsrast
of K. w. rtsKvintrn. a. u. At-tiinui.,
liiueMndvur, Or,
August ui, ittaa.
K. W. Uastih
POK SAI.E-Old pPr. lulUibl ftir plscln
onslislvssorunderoarpels, lor only s ball
of a ount sb, at tltts office.
FOR 8Al.B-8paw In thin column toadvsr.
tlM-r at two cents word first Insertion, four
cents a niouUi,
EL AS PoiSON-IVV PlLtS-A u "irs for
poiotninx from lylBt or Oak. If not im
proved in l DATS, retsra the bottle and get yosr
money. rUkVbv U Uruagtrts.
vyith the :nasu
of proflrSMlvs "
' - ' who ftrs "
lr" Just the Tfaiog
so'all aay
Who Have Seen It,
nd oeata vary little mors than ths
Old Style Tlokst.
We now have ordora for over 15,000
and would like orders for as many mors
before we begin to print them. You
will save money by ordering with .this
lot, whether you need 100 or 10,000.
We are now print
ing Final Receipts
and Load Checks.
Do you need some?