The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 21, 1893, Image 1

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- 'is .
$2.00 Per Year
Five Cents Per Copy.
, Lodge. No. SI wl avary Mon
day night In Maaonio Dull. All tokvun
Ins brother arc Invited to attend V. I
WliktiM, M. W. W. 0 Cook. Bacorder.
aTlky LODaRrNaTToTo.
F.-MetU to V.nduvo hail ry
Thursday evening. All Odd Mlo cor
dially invito! to meet with im. Peter
Oook N. 0. J. Irvine, Heeretiry.
lw M. Staled eommumostion Satur
day tveuing on or before full tuoonesih
Month nut two weeke thereafter. II. W.
Hhioo, W. M. W. P. Oonuaway, Htey,
HOMER LODOR. NO. 40 K. of V,
Meet evr Wednesday
All tuuitat m cor.liaily invited. V. II
Haaltj. 0,0, U K.Oiodfeller, K, It S
, anrgeim. 8eey V. 8. liosrtl of
Medical F.isretnera. Office In Opera
Houat block.
. and reeMeooe, corner ltailroad
aud Mouimmtb at., Independence, Or.
DentiaL All work warraulinl to
tv lb boat of eatiafaotioo. Iudepeo
deeoe, Or.
DU. A. B. OILLIS, SPECIALIST, Kr, Noee, ami Throat. Of
fice ovar Uuah'a bauk, Halem, Or, A-tia
rs.ekTba biht r," miy'si-
elaua and Hurgeoua, HpeeUd at
tention ld to dlwann of women . f
lira over Independence National Hank,
T. J. Lee, M. 1. W. Babbitt, M I)
C. M., Fellow Trinity Medical College.
DR. WM. TATOM, ENTOT, IN-dupa-itlenoa,
Oregon. Office In
WbltaaktrbnildiDit on "C" meet (up
ttaira. Gold work atpeeialty,
Law. Will praolioa in all tUte
and federal conrte. Abntracle of title
fnroiabad. OIHoa ovar Imlapeadfiice
Nattooal Baak.
toroaya at Law. Wabavatbamily
aet of abatraot buoka Id I'olk euuutv,
Baliatla abairaota faruiabad. Moury to
Mo; no ooromlaKio cbaruad on lunua.
Offloa, looma 2 and S Wilaon a block, Dal
, Connwlor at Law. Oftica, next
to Imlapandnnm National Hank, Idf
pfniltMii-a, Or.
naya at Law. Office in Uuab'a
block, between State and Coart, on Com
mercial alrxrt, Salem, Or.
. nfacturara of atali and dnora
Alan, aqroll aawiug. Main atreat, lude
pendence, Or. .
DR. E. O. YOUNG, late of Ne tber,
Veterinary Burgeon and Dentint
baa moved to Independaoce, and opened
an office over the Independence Nation
al bank.
, Tailor, C atreet, near poatofllce
Haiti in any atyle made to order at rea
aonabla rate.
-Learn Telegraphy-
It Pays : : : Success Sure.
Aillre--J. C. HKYMOUH,
0rnonln Hnlldlng. Portland, Or'ifon,
Will eonanlt their beat ln
tereata by purcbaatng tbeir
of the reliable manufacturer,
Independence, Or., aucnea
aor to Ferguaon Van Meer.
Sngar pine and eedar doora,
all tizea, on band.
W"U improved farm of 2l afirea, wore ,.r
Iran. twii tnlliMK north of IndMi'li'luiioi', on llic
Hiilfni roarl, for mh lifPip, 'lv-iMi"Hart id
tiiui) Ui null pumhaMr. For further purtlcu
Ian enquire or M. A. Diea, inaepeaaenoe, ur-
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $0,000.00.
M. ttlH ltllKmi,
Vice I'rmlilonl.
4 lnral bunkoia and aachaua bualuvw
imiiNuMwi; hun laede, bills illw.mill,o,vm.
luarrlal rmliu amnlwtt depnolta rwvlved oa
umnl atwonnl tuivieot MtotiiMtk, Inlvml ald
m tlmv depntlla, ,
H. f. Hitilih. A. NoImhi. I. A. Allril. It. It.
J.T,l. K. J. (ItHHllimil, i, W, Hear, It.
Commenced Business March 4, 18U9
Katattllotied by NalHtaitl Aulliotlljr,
of lMdvwudiaa,tlrwu,
Capital Steak
I. . HX PKK. U W, Hi illKHTKON,
PiiMtJvltl, Vhw l'rrldl.
W. II tlAWI.KY,t'hlr.
J. H. VVwixr, I. , lUiberuuin, wla llvlnilvk
U, W. WhlHwker, Mf. W. Ctlln.
A a.'111 iMknaiiif auiUM tmiiMwvd
Bnt d m-lin mi all lmrmul
IVlHwIla iv.wlvd uMt l eliw-k t na tut
ilrl.-ip.r itin i, r,ilr.'ii.ui. tumlv.
umn noun; a. in. 10 1 1. m.
Till. rKNNKU.
Harkins & Fcnnell
Main ata't, liulrH iiiUiico
At the old aland ol IV II. KrtiiKl,
wlnre you ran ift-l jour
Wagon or Plow Repaired
or otfuT Iron work done.
(loiic ill the moat approved nuiiitirr.
As a Horseshocr, Mr. Htrkins
Is Well Known Througout
Polk County.
l'foprletor of
MnnunvTlnren of and 1) nlerv In
Rough and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, . Manager.
H.F. CHURCH, Prop. .
Will ilfllvcr milk In Motiiiiniitli mid
(li(li'pcildriir i-vi-ry liioriilli( for
S Cento a Qtjiart
.Twenty tlt:ki-ta for one dollar.
Leave ordure at Walker Jlwa., Imll'
H'ii(l('iice,or Mill key A IInl,Moiiiiioutli
Sperling Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
HifrheHt market prlcp pnld
for fat Htnck, lioef, inut ton, venl,
pork, etc. All IiIIIh nuiHt be Huttlrd
monthly, '
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to fl a. tn.
h Delivery Ml pi of tisffij,
Mulnatrcot Tiidcpoinlcnci'
P. H. Murphy, Pmvllciil HIiimj
maker, Main Street, lii(lepen:
rtoiici", oppoaite tlieojieru hoiiHi-i
The tliiHt ol'
roncli Calf ,
uned In all the better Kiwh'K 1 1
ahoea. Every pair wurrunted.
I j ES
a T. Smith, of Towmidn, Pn,,
whtwto tMinatituttoii na completely
broken down, la cured by Ayar'a
8nriipurlllH. Ho wrltea:
"For llit yir, I ivi, hiiwt of the
limp, a rtt atitferwr fitm roio,ll
tlun, kidney trtHl.l and lMdlw
tlon, ao 1 luii my (Mii.iliiiilmi aenurd
to Im rtniiiinlv broken down, t aaa
ludtuwl to try Ayera 8waparllla, and
twk inarly ava Krtllmi, Hli mrh
eacellent reanlta llmt my t.,iim, li,
bnwela, and kidnxyn ara In wrfwt eon.
illtion, and, In all ili-lr tiin,ilim, aa
reular aa elwh-work. At Hie time
I brgiMj laklnit Ayer'a Kinwwrllla, my
wnttibt waa only l.H .mn.l; 1 now ran
bratf of Ilii) lamuila, and raa never In mi
jhhI hwalili, It ym -..otd are ma be
fore and alter Mitn, ymi would went
nw lor a travellug advertiaenient,
I livlivva ihu ir rn.,ii of Hrartlla
to be the Ikxi la the market UHlay,"
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
I'npuvd fcy I r. 3. ft Ay A N., UmM, Uwak
Him now In Mtock ami Is coiitliiuull)
iiiiiniirui'tiiring tiling pf all
ai,i8 fur ilraitm ttni
C. C. Glfl,
- llIttCK.
Of llHlepemlelli'O, lltivltl( it Htl'illll
tiCiiii', it lii ick nmcliiiit'innl Jtevi'iiil
mt of fitM'fd (;litv, isi now pii'iuin'il
to kti p on Intinl a lino qn.ility ol
I, rick, vvliicl will 1hhii at ioiikoii
ilil prim.
Fare $1. Meals 25c.
Sleiuner KUvood itlTivca lit Inilepeii
di'tict! every Hominy evenllitf imil
Itmvea nl (J o'eloek Monday iiinrnln.
All oM er trlpa Inivo been dUcontliuioil
for the prewnt.
JUT It It A 110 Jt HTAATf,
Indepeiiileiiee l''relht HolleltorH,
At- llUhltl.S, . 15, F. Hill, MAN,
Hiileni AKeuL Portlmid Agent,
D. H. Craven
Clin bo found at Wlillenker'aOld aiimd
mid HolleliH your piiti'otiiv. Ho turna
out only the
Best of Work.
(ilvo I1111111 trliil nud you will hu con
vlnoed thnt IiIh work Ih llfwt-o'imH. IU
Prlncs urn very reasonable,
lileato's Oii SW. .
Indepandanee , Oregon,
lipvrlitli, IMM, by Aatlmn' Altlaoee. All
rKltu rmrtwl,)
"Tell ma, Miiai Walker. Yon know
how tlilnira aboiild be. What would yuu
aay waa a good oMfmaliin (or a young
man uf M who baa bad bo education
worth akliig about and who ta not
very quick by ntwr The apoakr
llnirlimU'uOninili ..,(
tbla aame auraiuer ewnliijj In the teimla
Mnn,l II, n,.,. I, I.m ul,..l,.u,. l..l full.... I
now and the K&:ua bmn atiandoiiad.
The girl Klanced up at blm, aiuuaed
Mid aurprtawL
"Do you mean yourawl fT
"Hut how could I tellf
"lliavenuonetoadviaenia, lUtlleva
that you could do It bettor tlian any one.
I fuel contldvnoe in your oplnliw."
' "It ta very AattoriiiK." Hue glanced
np aiialu at bla eameat, queatlouiuK face,
with Ita Haxon eyea and droopInK flaxen
uiuataebe, lu koine donbt aa to whether
be might ba jol.njr. Chi the contrary,
all hta atteutloa aeetned to be concen
trated upon br anawer.
"It depeuda no much upon what yon
can do, you know. I do not know you
aulHek iitly to be able to aay what.nat-
urtU gtfta yon have," They were walk-
Ing atowly atiaa the lawn la the dlrw
tion tf the bouee.
"I have nonethat la to aay. none
worth mentioning. I have no memory.
and 1 am very alow.
"But you are very atMngr
i u. if ,i.. ... 1... ...... 1. 1...- 1
lt nfa lit.1ra.l.,,,n,l Itll f,ivllr
order, but wbataortof acalliuif lathair
t calling I
Home little iolte alunit being callixl to
the bar flickered up in Mta Walker'a
miud, but her companion waa in aueh
obvioua earueet that ana Ufld down her
inclination to laugh.
"I can do a mile on the cinder track in
4 ;fH) and acMea country In ft:;il, but how
ta that to help me? I might be a cricket
profeealotutl, but it ia not a very dignitied
Maiitton. Not that I care a atraw Uut
dignity, you know, but I ahiiiild not Ilka
ta hurt the uia laJy a lerlliiga."
" 1 our aunt r
"Yea, my auut'a. My twrenta were
kilhxl in the mutiny, yon know, when I
waa a baby, and aha aa looked after me
ver aiuce. Hhe haa been Very good to
me. I'm aorry to leave her,"
But why ahould you leave heri"
They had reached the garden gate, and
the girl leaned her racket ui'ii the top
of It, looking np with grave tntenwt at
her big, white nauneled comiwuiun.
"It'a Itrowniug," aaid he.
"Whatr '
"Doii't toll my aunt that I aaid Italia
aank hia voice to a wluier "I hate
Clara Walker rippled off Into tu-h a
merry peal of luughU'r thut he forgot
the evil thing which he had euffered
from the poet and burnt out laughing
"I can't make him out," aaid ho. "I
try, but he I one many, No doubt
It la very etupid of me, I don't deny It,
lint aa long aa I cannot there ia no uae
preteu.llng that I can. And then uf
cotirae alie feela hurt, for ahe ia very foud
of him and likea to read him aloud in
the eveuiiig. Hha ia reading a piece
uow. 'Ilppa raaaea,' and I awtiroyon,
Mixa Walker, that I don t even know
what the title nienna. You mnat think
ma a dreadful fool."
lint iun ly he ia not ao tncoiiipri'hen-
alble aa all tliet?" ahe aaid aa an attempt
at eucourageinent.
lie ia very bad. There are ame
thing you know which are fine. That
ride of the three Dutchmen, and 'Ilerve
Kiel' and other, they are all right. But
there waa a piece we read IM week.
The ilrxt line tnnixd my aunt, and it
tnkea a good deal to do that, for ahe riilea
very atraight. 'Heteboe and Setobo and
teboa.' That waa the line,"
it aouinla like a charm."
No, it la a gentleman a name. Three
gimtlemen, I thought at find, but my
aunt any one. Then be goo cm", Think-
cth he dwelleth in the light of the moon.'
It waa a very trying piece."
Clara Walker laughed again.
"You muitt not think of leaving your
aunt." alie aaid. "Think how lonely aha
would be without you,"
Weil, yea. I hail thought of that, But
you miiHt remember that my aunt ia to
all intent hardly middlo aged and a
very eligible iieraon. I don't think that
her dielike to mankind extend to indi
vidual. Hhe might form, new tiea, ami
then I ahould imathlrd wheul in the
coach. It waa nil very well aa long aa I
waa only a boy, when her flint husband
waa alive."
Hut, good graciona, you don t mean
tlmt Mr, Weatiiiaoott ia going to marry
agulur gimiH'd Clara.
The young man glanced down at her
with a mimtlon lu hi eyea. "Oh, it ia
only a remote poiwibllity, yon know,
wild he. "Still, of courmi, it might Imp-
IM'ii, and I ahould like to know what I
ought to turn my hand to."
"I wlah I could help you," aaid Clara,
Out I really know very little about
audi thiiigi. However, I could talk to
my father, who knowa a very great cleat
of the world." '
"I wiidiyon would. I ahould be aoglad
if you would."
Then I certainly will. And now 1
muat aay good night, Mr. Weatmacott,
for papa will be wondering where 1 am."
"Uood night, Mina Walker." lie puiiou
off hia flannel cap and amlkod away
through the gathering diirknoH.
Clara bud imagined that they had neon
the hint on the lawn, but looking book
from the atops which led up to the.
Mrunoh window alio saw two dark tig-
urea moving acroaa toward the houae,
Aa they came noaror Bhe could dlatln-
gulah thnt they wore Harold Denver and
her alator Ida. The murmur of their
voices roae up to her ears, and then tho little childliko laugh which ah
knew 10 well. "I am ao delighted," She
hoard hor aiatcr aay. "Ho plenaodaud
proud. I had no Idea of it. Your words
wore audi a mirpriuo and a joy to mo.
Oh, I am ao gladl"
. "Ia that you, Idar
"Oh, there la Clara. I tmiHt go in, Mr.
Denver. Goodnight!"
There were a fow wliiiuHirod words, a
laugh from Ida and a "Good night, MIhb
Walker" out of the darkness. Clara
took her sirttcr'a hand, and they pnssed
together through tho long, folding win
dow. The doctor had gone Into his
study, and tho dining ropm was empty.
A Binglo small red lump upon the side
board was ri'llectod tenfold by the plate
about it and the mahogany beneath it,
though its single wick oast but a feeble
Ubt bJ$ the, large diqjljf.jliftdo'w
ttMk, Ida danced off to the big eeulrai
' laiiin. but tiara nut her band noon In
j arm. , Ml rather Ilka tblaqulet light,? aaid
I 11UU ma ...,t I,... A,
Hbe aat in Uia dmitor'a lwge red Hindi
chair, and her alater cuddleil down upon
the f.KiUUad at her feet, glani'iug np at
her elder with a nulla upon herllpaarut
nilachtevoua gleam in her eyea. There
waa a ahmle of anxiety In Wara'a fa,
which cleanxl away aa the gaaed Into her
tttater'a frmik blue eysa.
"Have you aiiythiini to tell uie, deaif
the naked.
v i,
"ice ta nnylhlna to trfi m, (frorf
Ida leave tittle pout and ahrog to her
ahouMer. "The anltcltor general then
fl"'" thecaae fortheprtwecutlon. aaid
k. "Vott are going to eroea eiamiua
. Clara, eo don't deny it I do wUh
' T wo",t, ,my " a Iln ooiaw
i of your tloue up. w tin a little trtiiv
' '" n,'w '1 w1''
look aa uihm! na hew. ami it U roallv verv
dOWdV. . ,
"' t l the lawn."
aaid the inexorable Clara.
"Ye I waa, rulber. Ho were yon.
Have you anything "to Jell liter Hhe
broke away Into her merry, niuaical
"I waa chatting with Mr. Weatata
cutt." "And I waa chatting with Mr. Denver,
By the way, Clara, nuw tell me truly,
what do yon think of Mr, Denver? Do
you like him? Honrwtfy nowT
"I like htm very uiueli Indeed, I think
that he la one of the mmt gentlemanly,
modeet manly young men that 1 have
ver known. Ho now, dear, have you
nothing to tell mer Clara emoothed
down her aUter'a golden hair with a
mot herly gtt ore and stooped her face to
catch tbeejiHtlcotifidenc. Khecould
wie'.i nothing better than that Ida ahould
be i he vruV of Harold Denver, and from
the word which alio hail overheard a
they li ft the lawn that evening ah could
not doubt that there waa aome under
ttai:diit)f In'twei-n them.
lint therm came so cotifoaaion rum
Ida, only t!to eume miothievoua smile
and Hiuuae.1 i;!.niii in her up blue eye.
"That gr.iy fiathm) dnw" he begau.
"Oh. yon little tcawl Come now, I
will iuk you whnt ynu have jnt aekett
me, IKi you like Ilamld Duverr
"lib, hw a a darlhtgr
"Well, you akd me, Tliat'a what I
think of him. And now, you dnr old
liiipiisitive, you will get nothing more
out of me, ko you umet jul wait and
Hot be loo rurioua. I'm going off b aec
What papa la doing." Hhe apning to In r
fe?t threw her anna round her ainter'a
fceck, gave her a Una) aipieexe and wna
giiie. A cliorua from "Olivette," sung
in her clear contralto, grew fainter and
fainter until it outbid lu the statu of a
dUttint door.
But Clara Walker sUU wit in the dim
lit Mom with h'r chin u)on her hands
and her dreamy eye looking out into
the gathering glooiu. It waa the duty
of In r, a iimi'lcn, to play the jutrt of a
mother ti guide another in path which
her own atop had not yet trodden. Bine
her mother died uot a thought bad been
given to henwilfi all waa for her father
and her aUter.
In her own eyea alia waa hnraelf very
plain, and ahe knew that her manner
waa often ungraciona when alio would
luoet winli to la grwioua. Hhe aaw her
face a the ghuia reflected it, but ahe did
not see the changing play of expreaaloii
which gave it its charm the iufliiite
pity, the sympathy, the aweet woman
iineaa which drew toward her all who
were in doubt and in trouble, even aa
poor, alow moving Chariot WeeUunrott
hud loon drawu to her that night. Hhe
wua l,i i.ti'lr, ahe thought, "ontelde the
(mil) of love. But it was very different
wit a Ida. merry, little, quick wittcd,
bri;. !it fiu'iil Ida. Hhe waa born for love.
It wmt hi r inheritance. . But alio waa
yomt'4 cud innocent, Hhe muat not be
allowed to venture too far without help
in tim e diuiproiia water.
Home nndiTvtundliig there waa between
her nnd Harold Denver, hi her heart of
benrta C lnrn, like every good woman,
wo ii timtchmaker, and already ahe had
chow n Di over of nil men aa the ono to
whom nho could meat safely confide Ida.
Ho hud tallied to her more than once on
the rei lotia tuples of life, on his aaplra
tlotia, on what a luiin could do to leave
the world Ivettcr for his preeoiiue. Hhe
knew that ho was n man of a noble na
ture, high minded and earnest. Anil yet
she did not liku this secrecy, this dlxin
oliiuitlou uixin the part of one so frank
and honmt ua Ida to tell her what waa
panning, Hho would wait, and if ahu got
the opportunity next day ahe would lead
Harold Denver himself on to this topic
It waa pondblo that she might learn
from him what her sister hud refused to
toll her, - : . . '
It wns tho habit of the doctor and the
admiral to accompany each other upon a
niorninjj rmublu between bronkfiiat and
lunch. The dwellers In those unlet tree
lined roads Were accustomod to see the
two figures the long, thin, austere sea
man mid the hort, bunt ling, tweed clad
physician pans and repass with such
regularity that a stopped clock has been
rt.unf l,v tlintn. Tim nilintenl hu)i twn
steps to bis companion's throe, but the
younger man was tho quicker, and both
wore equal to n good 4 miles an hour.
It watt a lovely summer day which fol
lowed the events which have been de
scribed. The sky was of the deepest
blue, with a fow white fleecy clouda
drifting lazily across it, and the air wot
filled with- the low drone of inaeotaor
with oi.1,hm aWm,, nntn as line or
blue fly shot past with ita quivering long
drawn hum, like an insect tuning fork.
As the friends topped each rise which
leads up to the Crystal palace , they
could see the dun clouds of Loudon
ttrotchiiig along the northern sky lino,
with spire or dome breaking through tho
low lying now, the admiral wnt in high
ipiriti, for tht pornini post bad urough
'WU Uvwe Uia aon.
' 'H la wonderful. Walker " he waa aay,
hig. "txnitlvely wonqVrf nl, the way that
bov nf mine hM uiilia klitmit iltlrliiv liia
three yeara. We lieanl from 1W
totlny. Pearaon la the aenlor part-
r, yon know, and my boy the Junlor-
Paraim A Denver the Ann. Cnnnlng
M d'g la PearMiu. aa cute and aaSreedy
m Bl" l'rk. AM he K'e off for
(ortnlglit'a leave and put my boy In full
1 charge, with nil tbnt tuitmmae bualnenw
' hta hamU. and a fre band to do what
h likea witii It. How'a that for coiuV
dwtieo, and he only tltree yeera upon
"Anyone would confide lu blm, Iltat
face ta a iiiri ty," uid tlio doctor.
"Oo tin, Walker." The admiral dng
hia ellniw nt him. "You know my weak
aide. HUH It' truth all the aume. I've
been bloaecd with a good wife and a good
1 ..... ....... 1 . 1 tt.t..
Wfl, .M .TO H Mn
for hevitiK brnoi cut off from u
! long, I have much to be thankful fin','
"And eo have I. The lamt two giria
that ever etepped. Tbere'a Clara, who
haa learned aa much medicine aa would
give her the L. H. A., aimply In order
that alie may aytnpnthlxe with ma In my
work But, hullo, what la thla coming
"All drawing and the wind aaternr
rried the admiral. "Fourteen knota tf
it'a one. Why, by George, It la that
A rolling cloud of yellow diwt bad
atreemed round the etirve of the road.
I and from the heart of it bad emerged
hhrh tandem tricvele flvinu- alotnr at a
breakneck )ace.. In front aat Mm. Weat-
;uicottclail In a heather tweelpiaja4.kt,
a iktrt which Juatpawied her kneea and
a pair of thick galtwa of the aame ma-
, teriai. Hhe luxl a gruat bundle of red
I paiwr under her arm, while .Charles,
waa aat oeninu nr cuwi in norioia
jacket and kiilckerlax-kera, bore a simi
lar role protruding from either pocket
Even as they watched, the pair eased up,
the lady sprsrtg off, Impaloil one of her
bills upon the garden railing of an empty
houae, and then jumping on to her seat
agtdn waa aUmt to hurry onward when
her nephew called her attention to the
two gentlemen upon the footpath,
'Oh, bow, really I didn't notice you,"
aid ahe, taking a few turna of the treadle
and steering the inachiue acroiwto them,
"la it not a beautiful momingr
"Lovely," aunwercd the doctor. "You
term to be very busy."
"I am very buy." She pointed to the
oolored paper which atill fluttered from
the railing. "We have been pnshingour
propaganda, you see. iliacle and I have
been at it aim 7 o'clock. It ia about
our uieellim. 1 wieh it to lieagn-atauo-ces.
KH!" Hhe eiuoothnl out one of
the bill, and the doctor rood hia own
name In great black letters across the
"We don't forget our chairman, you
tee, Everyliody ia coining. Those two
dear little old maid oppoaite, the Wil
Uaiuaea, held out aome time, but I liave
their promise now. Admiral, I am aura
that you wish us well."
"Out, Aiilhi, irhol la thl eoinlnff nlmnf
"Hum! I wish you no harm, ma'am,"
"Yon will come on the platform!"
"I'll be No, I don't think I can do
"To our meeting, thenr
"No, ma'am. I dou't go out after din
ner." "Oh, yes, yon will come. I will call
in if I may and chat it over with you
when you come home. We have not
break fasted yet, Uoodby!" There was
a whir of wheels, and the yellow cloud
rolled away down the road again. By
tome legerdemain the admiral found that
he waa clutching in his right hand one
of the obnoxious hills. lie crumpled it
np and threw it into the roadway.
' "I'll be banged if I go, Walker," said
he na he resumed hit walk. "I've never
been hustled into doing a thing yet,
whether by woman or man."
"I'm not a betting man," answered the!
doctor, "but I rather think that theodds
are in favor of your going."
The admiral hod hardly got home and
had just seated himself in hia dining
room when the attack upon him waa re
newed, He was slowly and lovingly un
folding The Timet preparatory to the
long read whichled up to luncheon, and
had even got so far as to fasten his gold
en plnce-ues on to his thin, high bridged
nose, when he heard a scrunching of
gravel, and looking over the top of his
paper taw Mrs. Weatmacott coining up
the garden walk. Hhe was still dressed
in tho singular costume which offended
the sailor's old fashioned notions of pro
priety, but he could not deny as ho
looked at her that she waa a very flue
woman, In many climes he had looked
upon women of all shades and ages,
but never npou a more clear cut, hand
some face, nor a more erect, supple
and womanly figure, He ceased to
glower at he gaxed upon her, and the
frown wot smoothed away from hit
rugged brow.
"May I come in?" said she, framing
herself In the open window, with a back
ground of greensward nnd blue sky, "I
fed like an invader deep lu an enemy's
"It is a very wolcome invasion, ma'am,"
taid he, clearing his throat ami pulling nt
Ws collar.
Try this garden chair, What
is there that I can do for you? Shall I
ring and let Mrs, Denver know that you
are here!"
"Pray do nottronble, admiral, I only
looked in with reference to our little chut
this morning, I wish that yon would
give us your powerful support at our
oomlug meeting for the improvement of
condition Ot woman,
"No, ma'am, I can't do that, Ho
pursed up his lips and shook his grilled
"And why not?" .
-"Against my principles, ma'nm."
"lint why?"'. ...
"Bocaiisii woman hat' her duties, and
man haa his. I may lie old fashioned,
but that it my vew Why, what it Jh,t
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. & Gov't Import
world coming to? I waa aaying to Dr.
Walker only last night that we shall
have a woman wanting to command the
Channel fleet next.
"Tlmt la one of the few profeaaloot
which cannot he Improved, aaid Mrs.
Weatliuiv'oU, with her twee teat trail.
"Poor woman muat atill look to man for
protection." ;
'I don't like those new fangled idea,
uia am. I tell yon honestly that I don t
I like discipline, and I think everyone It
thelaitter for it Women have got a
great dead which they ha 1 not in tht
iiayt of our father. They have aiiiver
title all for themselves, I Mil told, and
there are women doctor, I hear. Burely
they should rest contented. What more
can they want?"
'You are a aallor, and sailor are al
ways cbivalruua V you could tee how
thing really, are you would change your
opinion. What are the poor things to
do? 1 hero are to many of them and to
few tilings to which they can turn tbeir
band, (iovcniewx.-s? But there art
hardly any situations. Music and draw
ing? There ia not one in fifty who hat
any SH'il talent in that direction. Med
icine? u ia atill aurrounded with Aim-
oultie for women, and it take many
year and a email fortune to qualify.
Nursing? It Is hard work ill paid, and
none but the strongest can aland it
What would you have them do theo.
admiral? Hit down and starve?"
"Tut, tut! It Is nutao hades that."
"Tha pressure it terrible. Advertise
(or a lady companion at 10 shi'.'ia. 1
week, which is less thiiii a coo- J
and toe bow -many answers you
There ia no hope, 00 outlook, for Uwm
ttruggliug thoiiwmU, Life ia a ttcll,
fordid struggle, lending down to a c'-.w:'-
leaa obi age, et when we try to bring
tome Mttle ray of hope, tome chance,
however distant, of something better
we are told by chivalrous gentlemen that
it is agninat their principle to help.
The admiral winced, but shook bit
bead in diaaent.
There are bauking, tht law, veterinary
surgery, government offioea, the civil
tervioe, all these at least ahould be thrown
freely open to women if they have brain
enough aocuipet successfully for them,
Then if woman were unsuccessful it
would be her own fault, and the major
ity of the population of thla country
could no longer complain that they live
under a different law from the minority,
and that tbey are held down, in poverty
and serfdom, with every road to inde
pendence itenled to them."
"What would you propoaa to do,
"To set the mora obvioua injustices
right, aud to to pave the way for a re
form. Now, look at that man digging in
the Held. I know him.,. He can neither
read nor write, he is steeped in whisky,
and he haa aa much intelligence as the
potatoes that he it digging. Yet the man
hat a vote, can possibly turn the acalt of
an election and may help to decide the
policy of tills empire. Now, to take the
nearest example, here am I, a woman
who haa had aome education, who haa,
traveled, and who ha teen and studied
the institutions of many countries. I
hold considerable property, and I pay
mora in imperial taxe than that man
ipenda in whisky, which ia aaying a
great deal, and yet I have no mora direct
Influence upon the disposal of the money
which I pay than that fly which creep
along the wall. It that right? Ia it
The admiral moved uneaeily in hit
chair. "Yours is an exceptional case."
taid ho.
"But no woman ha a voice. Considc;
that the women are a majority in theiia
Won. Yet if there was n qucntion of lc
udatlon upon which til the women wer
agreed upon one aide and all the mo
upon tho would appear that tk
matter waa aottlcd uni'.iiiuionsly whe
more than half tho population wire o;
posed to it. Is tUt rig'.;:';"
, Again tho udiiiinJ v:: i :;;1; I. I; v.,
very awkwurd for tho ci,'iia::t tc
have a hnudsome womr.n opposite u
him bomUardin ; him with questions to
none of which he could tind un answer.
"Couldu't even get the tompions out of
his guns," aa he explained the matter to
the doctor that eveniuir.
"Now, those are really the point that
we ahull lay stress upon at the meeting.
The free and complete opening of the pro
fessions, the final abolition of the xenana,
I call it, and the franchise to all women
who pjiy queen's taxes above a certain
sum. Surely there is nothing unreason
able in that nothing which could offend
your principles. We shall have medi
cine, law and the church, all rallying
that night for the protection of woman,
It the navy to be tho one profession ab
sent?" Tho admiral jumped out of hit chair
with an fcvil word in his throat "There,
there, ma'am," he cried. "Drop it for a
time. I have hoard enough. You've
turned me a point or two. I won't deny
it, But lot it stand at that I will think
it over."
"Certainly, admiral. We would not
hurry yon iu your decision. But we still
hope to see you on our platform." She
rose and moved about in her lounging
masculine fashion from ono picture to
another, for the walls were thickly cov
ered with remiuiscences of the admiral's
"Hullo!" said she, "Surely this ship
would have furled all her lower canvat
and reefod hor topsails if she found her
tolf on a lee thore with the wind on bet
"Of course she would. The artist va
never past Gravesend, I swear, It's thi
Penelope as she was on the 14th of June.
1857, in the throat of the straits of Ban
oa, with the inland of Bunca on the star
board bow and Sumatra on the port He
painted frotij description, but of course,
as yon very sensibly aay, all was snug
below, and she carrkd stormsails and
donblo roofed topsails, for it was blow
ing a cyclone from the sou'enst I com
pliment you, ma'am, 1 do indeed I"
"Ob, I buva dime a little sailoring my
self na much at a woman can aspire to,
you know. This is tho bay of FunohaL
What a lovely frigate!"
"Lovely, OAsajl Ah, tftawaaloyelyj
Thai (a tbe Andromeda. I was a mate
aboard of Iter aublieutenant tbey call
it now, though I like the old name beat."
"What a lovely rake her maat have,
and what curve to her bows! Bus
must have lawn a clipper."
The old tailor robbed hia bandt, and
fait eyea glistened. Hit old ship bor
dered clone npon hit wife and hia ton In
bit affection.
"I know Ftnchal," taU the lady cart
leasly, "A couple of year ago I bad a
T-tou cutter rigged yacht, the Banshee,
and we ran over to Madeira from Fal
mouth." j
"You, ma'am, in a 7-tonnerT '
"With a couple of Cornish lada for a
crew. Ob, it wa glorious! A fortnight
right out In Ike open, with no worriea,
no letter, no callers, no petty thought,
nothing but Jhe grand work of God, tht
tossing aea and the greet silent sky.
Tbey Ulk of riding indeed I am fond of
bursea, too but what ia titers to com
pare with the swoop of a little craft at
alie pitches down the long, steep aide of
a wave, and then tbe quiver end spring
at she ia toeeed upward again? Oh, if
our tout could transmigrate I'd be t
teamew above all bifdatbat fly! But I
keep you, admiral. Adieu!"
j The old sailur waa too transported with
ympathy to aay a word. He could only
shake her broad muscular hand. She waa
half way down the garden path before
ahe heard him calling her and saw bit
grixzled hoed and weather stained fact
looking out from behind the curtains. .
; "You may put me 'down for the plat
form," he cried end vanished abashed
behlad the curtain of hit Timet, where
bit wife found him at lunch time.
! "1 hear ttiat you have had quite a long
chat with Mrs, Weatmacott," aaid the,
"Yea, and I tlunk that ahe ia one of
die moat aenaible women that I aver
knew." .
"Except 011 tht wouian'a right ques
tion, of conre,"
i "Oh I ,l,,n't know j Rh hu m. annA
deal to aay for herself on that also. In
fact, mother. I have taken a platform
ticket for her meeting."
Continued next week.
Among Live Butlneaa Men.
Geo. A. Hit-lth, the attorney, ba.-. bis
office In the Indetudlice National
Bank building-
Daly Sibley A Eukln. at Dallas, have
a complete set of abstract
J, B. Cooper hat plenty of brick on
hand at low prices-
The Little Palace Hotel ia recognized
by business: men to be the proper place
to stay
Mitchell a Bohaniion have a very
complete planing milt on Mala ttreet-
Dr. J. B, Johnson, the dentist, bat
hit office on the comer of Railroad and
Mouniouth street V
Dr. . Q. Young, veterinary sur
geon, attend to the diseases of hortea
aud cattle '
Dr. T. J. Lee hat bit office op ataira
iu the Independeuue National Bank
Dr. E. L. Kctchum haa hia office tn
hia own building, on Monmouth atreet
near HailMacL
Subscribers wantlug help or any
persona deelriog employment can use
tbe "Want' column or thla paper
FREE one Insertion, not to exceed Un
words. Fach additional .word one
W. H. Craven A Co. are turning out
tome fine seta of harness which are
warranted to give satisfaction
The Independence Tile Co. haa
faculties fur turning out, on short
notice all sixes of tiling,, from the
smallest to the largest -
L, W. McAduins , is prepared to
furnish you an elegant monument
with which to mark the lust resting
place of your relatives
0. A. Kramer still keeps the watches
ticking, and has new ones for sale
Lumber of best quality and from
mountain logs is sold by Preecott A
D, H. Craven still turns out those
beautiful photographs, rain or shine
Hubbard dt Bleats are busy doinir
all the drayiug henn-
Five ceuta ia all It costs to travel on
the, motor to Monmouth and visit the
Normal school '
P. H Murphy keeps pegging away,
and turns out boots and shoes for hit
Interview M, T. Crow when you
want anything iu the sash and door
There ia no place lu Oregon where a
better meal Is served than at the res
tauraut of 'WeutaooU a Irwin, 271 Com
merclal Btrcot, Bnlcm. (Yiurteous at
teutlon, a fine meal, and the popular
price of 25 cents, have made this house
the headquarters of everyone who has
ocemdon to dine In Salem.
Dr. Win, Tat 0111, dentist, 1ms neatly
hUted offices in the Whltcuker building
on C street, up stairs
A. M. Hurley, the attorney, has his
office '' adjoining the Inilcpeudonce
National llauk building -
Shelley Alexander & Co. the drugg
ists, have a complete stock of drugs,
paints, oils and glass; also a full line of
school books and stationary
J.F. O'Donni'll carries a large stock
of, agricultural machinery, and hit
shelves are laden with the beet grades
ofhurdwure; a. tin store and tinning
department adds to the advantages of
( .