New erotjuet acta null tittup stool at Anstlne'a. Mif Crowd', from the East, in visit A few of our wheelmen attended the jfrunge lumc up llw nvvr rtatunlay Jt.-v. J. L. ru'reli, or tangent, wa in town I hi mik luokitnc over our surrouudiiig. V. 11. MaimtleM and 11 S. Durker.of the atate piloting office at r-aU-m, paid im a mil t-uininy. Mr. ami Mr. Wuj. Toney, f Mc Minnvillt, it- in town thia week looking for property. Mia Cora lXnipwy went to Dixie Tu aday to attend the marriage of her ttUter, Mary, to Mr. Willi Mimontou. K. A uhI ine baa a new atock xf haui cuocka. lk fail to get one to hang in your yard and to take to pivuics wi h y ou . Wiu. liooUi and family, of this place, left for the mountains ou Wednesday where they will spend a few xeekn rus ticating. Mm Marie Andrews, student of JSaieni, was visiting with ker friend Mian Conalauce liawiey of thfa) place tbia week. When you go to the capital call at the State street photograph gallery .and examine their fine work. Crouis & Crouis, proprietors. The Sum lay acltooi convert at the Christian church iat Sunday was a uccnav The proceeds went to the; luiiwionary fuuJ)-. Miaa A Hie IlaviH, of Kaleru, who has been attending acliooi here, went home Tuesday, and from there abe will at tend the World's fair. T. J. Tborp returned frm the Worlds Fair this week. He reports: very unfavorably of the pleasure of a riait to the white city. Salem Steam Laundry gives aaiisfae tiou, so the people who get itw.-tr wo.'fc done ttwre say. Ia,ve your clothes at the Normal book store. A large number of young people from liere attended the Y. V. S. C. E- pk-uic at Dixie last Saturday and re port a quiet but a happy time. Cliff Ball, of Ballston. who is now portal clerk on the Northern between Portland and Pendleton, wa vW'injr hat mother ben the first of the week. Ib-v StruMe pastor of the M. E. church at lonependence. rave the College V. M. C. A. boy here a very Inittmctive lecture on the two tables. illustrated by the Lord'sana the Devil's tables. Tle following delegates were elected last Sunday to represent the Christian cburvb at the Turner meeting next week. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith, Mr. Mrs. K. R Powell, Mr. R- C. Perdval, and W. H. Hawley. Prof. Hart, of Falls City, ws In town Suuday. He says that every thing is now ready to receive the pic- nicekrs on tne loth of June, and a very larice crowd is expected and a goud tine for all is insured. I.aM week our publie school girls challenged the girl ot tbe Fails City public school to iiM-et them on tlie dia mnd at that place on tte lRh of June, but tlwy, knowing then is no glory in defeat, politely tleelined. Our girls are ball players. The man a bo utoj an' rebukes the boy on the streets fir grabbiu his weaker playfeller's rookie, gfs tew his office n' studies how tew grab bis wraker ft Iter's brpaid, in a deal on vlnnt option!, fuy Farmer John. V. H. ltaldra.Uie dray man. will start a Mrwl sprlukler wn if he cn g-t patronage enough to jurtify him. He should native the patronage of every bufitie man and al from thw living along the duty treett. By all iiun nh'iul.1 north Main be sprinkled during t.Vmmeiicemt-nt. Over a hundred from the Normal atteuded the Inter-coIU-gistte onttoriral contort held at r!em lat Friday in the M. K. church. The contest was very iritervstittsf the competition bi'ing socle. F.very colk-i in the stale was tvfreetiled ty a compeditor for the ntednl and a number of deW-gstes. At the close the prize wm awarded to the representative from Newberg. To prove t hat the eastern people are green as well as we, out of their swtlou I will relate a true incident which happened not long sinoe. A gentle man who was headed for Polk County, Oregon, was asked: as I be train swept through a poled hop yard,' just after crossing the Oregon line, what was planted there; his immediate reply was "Beans." The whole car took him for authority and were perfectly satisfied. Home mumps in town yet- U. T. Waller visited the county seat Tuesday. C. L. Hawley has a fire-proof safe in bis place of bus! ties. K H. Hosuer sold his property lust week to Mrs. T. O. Waller. The class motto of the claw of US' I "The end vrowus the work." Mr. tioodmuri, of Nsshvlile, Iim-olii county was in town Tuewlsy. , ou can't tell wbitber a man was really great until a thousand years or no after he Is dead. C. C. Lewis. the Sooth Main street photograplier, takes special pains in pleasing his customers. Geo. Fisher started for the mines in Northern California Tuesday where his father Is at work. A silly oke is a deadly weapi D Satin keeps laid up for limes of deep eouvk-tion in the community. Air. and Mrs. J. E. Hosns?r, of the senior class, will teach in the Indep n denee public schools next year. Miss Elsie Hefty, of Drain, arrived here laxt week where she will spend her vacation with W m. Hoots'. Dr.Parrish has started a brick yard one mile west of town, where he will sisMi begin the erect ion of a sanitarium. One day last week there came a 'lit tie one" to the house of I. G. BingkHon, and on the same day one at A. J. Ship ley's. It. D. Perkins has purchased the bouse and lot next to Cook A Port- wood's, from J. E. Miller and is now dwelling therein. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Emmitt went to Eugene Tuesday, where they will spend two or three weeks with Mrs.Emmitt's father D. Til ton. John McCuIioch, of this place, who bastwen teaching at Stayton, Marion C. L. Hawley, at the Normal book county, n-turtied last week after a sue-; store, is continually receiving some eessrul year's work. j thing new, and his trade is increasing A day that didn't brin its npporta-1 'T- nity for dointt good, must have been i Groond Frazer, the bard ware men, one that stinued into th clendw whhout Providence knowing it, j i Lydell Baker, of Portland, addressed i the students Thursday, on the life of' Abraham Lincoln. The lecture was well attended and very much enjoyed. 'All the rigs at Fisher 4c Edgar's have been engaged long since and they have engaged several more from Salem for their customers ca the day of the teachers picnic Pies. Campbell requests the student to make themselves famillier with the college cheer and have the college col. m, "crimson and grey" ready for the commencement exercises especially for the at bletic tournament. N. A. Emmitt while working on Wru Smith's residence fell from the top round of a 25 foot ladder with haul of brick on his shoulder. While the fall was a hard one we trust the results will not prove serious. I Ji;ii:irii is afraid that some of the European, might spend a shilling or two at the World's Fair, so he is throwing jokes at it. He told a Swfcv journalist that the Exposition was got up by a number of Chicsig" bote; keepers. Bismark is talking through his tile- Farm work with A. B. Conley, of Union county, is carried on with something of a rush. There are abottt a dozen eight-liorse teams on the pSow.s, and the plowing and t-eev-ing of 120 acres is considered an av erage day's work. Last year Mr. Con ley sold 80,000 bushels of wheat, Bvin 7000 Ixi-hels lor seed. This year he will put in about 7,0H) acres of grain. Among Live Business Men. F. It. Xesie, the butcher, well ntocked meat market. keeps a Otho Williams, tne Dtllas tailor, is an eipert cutter, and insures his work to lie fint-clsss- Drop in at the Elite and see bow ueat, with stock complete, and fruit so sweet. ciHrs Imrd to heat, all thiii? are there. - John Howell, the contractor, inviies your fuspectiou of his house plans aud estl mates. When you want to take your girl out riding, or your picnic party out to the i alls call on Fisher Sc. Edgar for teams Cook A Port wood are selling shoes not only by the pair, but by the score. They are a stylish fit, and fit is style- When you want to settle down to live, bny a lot or buy a farm through J. 11. Morau, the dealer. shoemaker, about shoes if you will ask him. Dr. Parrish has his office near the Polk B. Uai.k, at his residence on the corner of Pine street. Dr. J. M. Keene, of Salem, is a grad uate of one of the largest eastern col leges. - ' C. H . Morris, the jeweler, keem a well selected stock of good and by -elllngat such reasonable priivs. has l wen iomg a fine business. riie Polk Co. KanK is ably presided over by J. H. Hawley president, him fra C. J'owell as canhier. 1 J. Jones, the barber, is alwavs ready t' seve "the next S Smith A Jordan are reo-gnizirig the! fact that prices are w hat tell and a f consequence they are selling their goods at very cloae prices. i Dr. J. M. Crowley bus his office at i his residence on Main street near Col-, lege. , i Craven Fulkerson keep all kinds of lumber shingles and lath constantly on hand. (.. C. Lewis has the reputation of doing good work, and bis nbotograpbs give satisfaction. J. Jordan, of the Monmouth hotel Is wanting to secure a first class to manage his hotel business. The Misses Cooledge have opened a dressmaking est blUhmi-tit and a stock of millinery in Monmouth, and invite she patronage of the public. Dr. D. M. Doty, tlte dentist, resides in Monmouth, aud is a pemianeut fix ture. Call at his office when in need of work. Charley Taylor, who keeps the neat fruit emporium, and candy stand, in vitee you to call and try his fine ci- gars ; 18" aetiiers tn agricultural ma- chin'r-nd nv their warehouse full of farming implements. . " " ONE ENGINEER'S EXPERIENCES. Has Killed Twenty-two i. bat In Beganlsd a m Safe Hu. "Lafayette Truman, engineer of the Erie train that ran into the eastern Illinois tram, has killed 22 men," said C R. McCullougb, a brother engineer of the Chicago and Erie road, at the Clifton, "but," he continued, "in no case was he to blame, and in every case he has been exonerated by the jury. Most of thee killings were at railroad crosBings and in other Kimilsr accidents where the engineer could not be held responsible. He is only a young man. but I want to relate two experiences of his which show him to be possessed of a marvelous presence of mind. "In October, 1890, he was engineer of a train tliat was dashing through burning forests near Lima. O., at the rate of 60 miles an hour. That night the sky was concealed by black storm clouds, and before the burning dis trict was reached the darkness from the window of the cars seemed im penetrable. Then, as the train pro ceeded, the horizon became hazily red. As the train sped on nearer, the blood red clouds appeared to be tum bling about tumultuously. as if it were a sea of fire buffeted by angry winds. At length the train seemingly plunged into the heart of this forest of fire. "There was a straight stretch of track continuing for seven miles. As the train dashed along, the fire sprang up in sieets from crackling, falling trees on either side, and above was a canopy of shifting, eddying red smoke. Down the trat-k. beyond the reach of the head lig lit. there was only a red blur. A bridge spanning a deep ri ver was ahead somewhere. Suddenlv, immediately in front. Truman saw a shower ot hi sparks fly upward. In an instant he was reversing his en gine, and the train was brought to a standstill j,st on the edge of the river. It hr.d flashed over him when he saw the sparks that the bridge was burning, und that a spar had fallen, aenditig up as it went down a show of bgiit. lie saved the train and tiie ti vt i f 300 iis.senirers. There is not onoen'r.neer in a thousand who would huvo arrived at the conclusion so quickly that the addiiionartransi tory light was from the bridge burn ing. They would have supposed it was an inconsequential lart of the phenomena and plunged on to de struction. "The other incident, while not sur rounded by the popular herolike aspect lent by the forest fire and the run through it, was no less heroic and showed a far greater presence of inmd. This was in Ohio, too, near Hepburn. His train this time was running at about the same rate, 60 miles an hour, when the rods on each Chas. N. Woods, the will tell you a little secret ErSOuHDS PEAZEH HARDWARE Agricultural 1 T7"Cl3J.ClCS LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. Monmouth - Oregon. Proprietors of Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Monmouth, - - - ' Oregon. Kirxt -l:is ris, single and double, light and heavy, to accommodate our patrons. Careful drivers furnished when desired. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. COOK & PORTWOOD Dealers in- BOOTS, SHOES, and nts' Furnishing Goods. New firm, New goods, and New prices. MONMOUTH - - - - - OBEGGN. J. H. MORAN THE GENERAL REAL-ESTATE AGENT MOXMOTJTH Good Grain and Stock Farms, and Choice Fruit Lands. Town Property of all kinds. Bj-Those who have property for sale, please ealL Jhe fJoRMAL Book Store. C. L. Hawley, Prop. Carries a complete line of Public School FINE ST1TI0KEBT, BASE Remember The Normal Book Store Monmouth, Oregon, C L. Hawley Prop. Call if You Want Baraains. L. D. JONES Tonsorial Artist. Hair cutting, 25cts.: Shaving, locta.; uatns, isx-ts. Corner Knox and Main streets. Monmouth - - Oregon slue or tne ensnne oroKH. msiaauv tilling the fireman aiid wrecking the cab. Truman, to save himself. jumped into the tender. And there he was isolated, as it were, the broken rods flying madly and beating deafen- tngly. and it was impossible for him to reach an airbrake with the train Soing at that speed- He is only a young man. but he did something then that many old ensrineers have since told me they would never have thought of. He got out his pocket- knife and cut the hose, thereby ap plying the automatic brake, and suc ceeded in stopping the train. I would rather ride behind that man," con cluded Mr. McCuUough, "than any engineer in the United States." Chi cago Inter Ocean. Many women read a magazine sketch or a novel in the same fever ish way in which they hurry from a committee meeting to a tea and from the tea to a reception. "Oh, dear, why did I turn to the last page?" ex claimed a girl the other day, who had spoiled a good story by her hasty anxiety to know the end It was one of those stories where the last para graph contains some charming and most surprising . revelation. Ex change. ' - Hard Water. Aunt Jane Is the water where you live now soft or hard! ' Wee Niece I guess it's pretty hard. The girl spattered some on th' lamp chimney the other night, an it broke all to pieces. Good News. DEALERS IX - TiSNJWARE Machinery OREGON. Books and supplies at lowest prices. BILL iKD TENNIS SUPPLIES. The Popslu Hotel of FortUad and tbe Most CeatraUy- Freo 'Bus to and from an Trmlms and Steamers EUROPEAN PLAN The H OLTON XI. IX ROCHE,Mgr. CORMES FOURTH AMD ALDER ST.. PORTLMD, f J. R. MARKLEY, Proprietors JR.K. HAYS. IM.U ROcHE. THE ELITE IXLOW & ANSTIXE, Props. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, CONFECTIONERY Artie soda water, tee eream and oyster parlor in cwnueetion. Monmouth - . Oreimn. J. M, CROWLEY Physician and Surgeon. Office One door west of Polk Co. bank Main Btreet, Monmouth, Oregon.