c:::::mammc::i C. V. MURPHY, Editor. MMMlllUHl ear ad eas are tinea. U MM a UH, FRIDAY, MAT 12. MM. . Fork is declared to be on whole MM by enemies of the hor, and sauiitary reasons Moses prescribed kor mat to the Israelites, bet Chinese vba consume gresU qnan titles of it are shown by statistics to be longer lived than any other nation, which taet is attributable to their abstentions habits and their remarkable freedom from phthisis, pulmonary consumption. because they consume little of the tuberculous meat, batter and milk of the bovine species. The meek and lowly Cninaman who can't thins: of some trick by which to evade the exclusion laws. must be dead. How quickly they caught on to the idea that the Geary which law required the hanii h merit of every mongul oot registered, wduld open prison doors to every Chinese convict, boost him out of the country on bis way to his native land. TJn fortunately for the -schema, how ever, the law beaded it dead off ' at that particular point. Aledo Record: Some newspaper sdcs are terrible prevaricators. One of tbem writes ;tboat a cyclone, stating that it turned wrong side up ia the state of Mississippi, turn ed a cellar up side down in Wis oun, moved a township line in Xebraski , ble w all the stares oot of a whisky barrel ia Iowa and left nothine but the bong bole, changed the day of the week in Ohio, killed an hottest Indian agent in the west, Mew the hair off a bald-headed nan in Texas, killed a truthful lawj-T in Illinois, blew the mortage off a farm in Kansas, seared a red headed woman in Michigan, blew nil the cracks out of a fence in Da kota, sod took all the wind out of a politician in Missouri. On May 1st the government will issue -40.000 souvenir quarter dollars for the board of lady managers of the World's fair. One special feat ure of the new coin is that it is the first issued by the government to bear the portrait of a worna Other -joins bear idealized represen- ' tattoos of the fair sex, but this the first to be honored by an authen tic reproduction of a particular woman's face. The fall, design has not yet been announced, but the obverse side is to bear the portrait of Queen Isabella of Spain. This coin is intended by the government to commemorate two important -events the aid given by Qneeo Isabella to Columbus which enabled him to make the voyage ofd. ery to America; and the first special provision made by the United States govern men t for the adequate participation of women in an enterprise of world-wide import- Uew iMm. C. C Lewis has the reputation of , doing good work, and his nbotogrspbs gee satisfaction. X Jordan, of the Monmouth boteL ' -la wanting to aeesira a first elasa man i to magc his hotel buslneaa Tts Mimes Cooiedge have opened a Tessmslring ftaKlafatnctit and a stock 'Oinery tn Montnoath, and invite mosge of the pabHtv MDety, the dentist, iwatdes ' and Is a permanent fix- office when la need keeps the neat J eiadjr stand, ia 1 try his fine ct- Tomal book "VL 3 aJsnn f Cttas. X. Woods, the snoeniakrr. will UrU row a little secret about ban If you will uk hltn. . F. R. Nk. toe butcher, keeps a well stocked Meat market. Otho WiUiatbs, U.e Dallas tailor, is an expert cutter, and Insures bla work to be nnt-elaa. Drop in at the Elite and are. now teat, with stock complete, and fruit so sweet, cigars hard to beat, alt tiling are there.-- '. John Howell, the contractor, invite your Inspection of his house plans and estimates. ' When you want to take your girl out riding, or your pieuie party oot to the Falls rail. on. Fisher Edgar for Cook k Fnrtwond are selling ahoea not only by the pair, but by the senra. They are a stylish fit, sad fit is stjle. When you want to settle down tn Hve. buy a lot or boy a farm through J. H- Muran, the dealer. L. D- Jones, the barber, is always ready to irr "the next." Smith 4 Jordan are recognising the fact that prices are what tell and as a eooaequenee they are selling their goods at very does prices. Dr. J. St. Crowley has his office at bia reaklenee oa Mala street near Cot lege. Crarea a Fulkeraon keep all kinds of lumber shingles and lath constantly Dr. Parrish has his office near the Polk Bo. Bank, at his residence on the feorner of Ploesueet. ' Or. J. V. Keene, of Salem, isa grad- of one of the laraest eastern coi- C H. Morris, the jeweler, keeps a well selected stock of guods sad by neUiagat such wsannsbte prices, has been doing a fine bnslniss if I TST CURB Batata Tiw fhafiasal ia Box aad tMJa: a HMM mferuis. aal. taterawLOUad. ar niea iHwa.lM tardea waw Ss. . or aerstfnar auaa. sad mtmaj odur aad lnui sritissi 1 1 Is ilmj, actsalteattOttaiAvgrsenuSealtli. Tttlnt u a sHdutesnnwlcrUfn war. xm ih Um kads aan mini sryStwansr. Thie rssMlT ina stnr Sccai fcaowa tn tut. SI abox.anrts acB.kr ssail. WtjtaArMa sa ks-vluie l.niii raa a wrttwa swaai ia WhS boaas m nniad Htm saoctey u a4rad. umlnrrfiiiL bam. Ua mnm Xnr arasdanLC a Oowsruate OtsM rels.t aVaxgwUjnlra.a.f'o.-tlactd.Or. For sia by Aums n, a4 Im n m a cveu::.ra onion srnup SYw miMBtf riWw- ecus juta cxacr. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. Hold by J BL FVGH. Vl CICYCLC llssafoa.siaoisiias.is Itut asa mi mmt Sw m ? t.S.a ...it i nyVsMkV VO. wkJQiW HC4XS0SnrJrOCSMaiOH. sa. jeasM a cw czat ruua cr uitczt ft sis isa SU so Tth Sis.) Co sad leant Sow woBderhulr yoaste Bade aad bow to avoid sickness and disease. Mawaa eajatgea was taoasaadsof aew objecta. Ad issioa j eta. asiaaaS tiawwtlrd wtoaue nw BTsSwrnmary. TvmMfkVhSOsV MMBsBBBkllV nr aasy o::sn:i 9 srnup IZfca cotrsia. C2J MX9 cnour. THZ CHILDREN LIKE IT.4 ssJwrfcnCotawfgwS' tWs ; L sTn 0aWwl TTmf M at ssSVsss. I - tM wnashsj s fctsmwy. ha :t For sale by J. H. PtJOH. V&7 gaasaasmCnl sf OBMsm spiu est Bafitssla UMSBssjna anesrrntfnsnj mW mrn'mtth-mmm list, fay Chymsrm K ekasl ma aansi. fjws sstaSirfS n ai-reailym o Tlluli O mtemzmuvctm an - v. m a. Ground s Fraser, the hard ware own. are alao dealers In agrfatiitural ma chinery, and have their waivhouae full of farming tniplemeula KMNUta mats the us of OhEcos. .ClROTtCri MONMOUTH. OR, J. H. ft AWI.EV. Vtea-Prea. IRA CPUWIOJU Paid Capital. 330,000. DIRECTORS. J. H- HW-r. f L. CimpMI, I. M. Slmpmi J. B. V. Boiler. J. 11. l map. V. S. Poll A general Sanklns aa( exebanr tulnss Iraniiaeted; hrnn. nuil dell melrad subject to eteees. or on eerttneeie of deposit; taiereat mm m Km dv-! crrm pmat raait ana fMirgur proof saw. ay 1 aae nme lura. Hoarse a. m. u 4 p. ia. NAVE YOU GOT laki tsrB svsd klUJaU. esu.4aauuaw rOToruia -rx-iv riKLlr AT 03C TO ML nW-wa-IMIwrS ML IE1K0T, mar nm 'psxtra ammm wJlMwtnsntnsiUwaTee-nsi , rMsaaWav DraaTtr'i TVwLeWO --timswL te. nsaanll.i. TMUAmk. tH ojn:sso. Oaalara ia Alriie.Or. GROCERIES awaayany ansnsns aannasansnai aBBBwaajgaBja nasssnnj JUHXHOWEI.L t::rdti tii C:i!.:r. Monmouth, - Oregon. PAPER HASOIXO A 6PKCIALTV. Careful catimaffs fur- . nisbed on all worst " ' Chas. Wood OOC1. Making shoes a specialty. Just now we have on band ahvgesopphr of material fcr you to select from. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. DENTIST D. . DOTY. D. D. S. omr Dr. VavtTa, 4m9r J as. Tatom Monmouth, Or. MENT WHY iLRE YOXJ WEAK? I " WLVsLa Mim 1 -aKtl-MiQVw ' i.w-.' aV.! . XeX 1 rjawaata. SrdT SaPw mMfW ' j ws ases s seScf sad curs la toot ieaoraaca of efteets aad vitaUtr which ia systaa the elements thus strcagtli and rigor win foi care or aasaer retntnird. Dr. Saadea's Electric 'after all ether trcataatat of XH B - fc S template gairaglc battery, made Into a wnica are Instantly leu throognoot ail Sraataat boos ever grrea areaii ss ii. I lfsasy sTeffaadefl They ar graded fas worst cases ia tww or three months. A faa oar mar r is wpi '.r. -i.v OAK DEN ELECTRIC CO., 173 First CU From TERMINAL or INTERIOH . POINTS the n:3TLEn:i pjlcific d.b Is IS Ha In laka ' lUill KUT3 liST td ED3T2 It is the DINING-CAR ROUTE. It runs Througn Vestibuled Trains Every Day in the Year to ST. PAUL CHICAGO (Mo eSaaca of cant Composed of DIX1XG CARS un surpassed, Pullman Drawing rUxitn Sleepers oi latest equipment, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be eoitrncted, ant) iu which accommoil' ions are both free and furnish! for holders of first or sec ond clxes tickets, and ELEGANT GAT 6'JlCiES. 1 fiet',,",,e I je Psanaaf i Ultslmasai Uof Uaunwellu fit!. & lia A0nrdtttff irad nod ntnlrrmixH wrrw. S'tiiimava mlti pmr wsMjftnttooe emm tewcrnrvcl tn SwdvBirtCSS Uuuah ftttJT ss. Of UM fUtMa. tc:::s3 tickets sutrl ttomm sVlt csnlnTji la Aoefl' cav KjuriABtl slid EtefrjML eta bs Bamtttsafd tkt slf ft ones of Usssi omfar. Full lafctuatnts rwrl. 1M TWrt. llffts Of 1FMIM, ffVm)U-t, fUK Motf (M A. D. CHARLTON, Assfeoant Osneral lssin nw aeraU Ko. m rtral. stTaat, cor tasauiuaa. . PORTLAND, OR TIME TABLE. adapaadsaaa aswl Masaaa(fc Max Laaraa Laavaa laflstjisailaaia. Moatnaaia. TSB T-m fcJO . rm -- IMS IX: w I- i-i 4 us F. R. NEALE saajK)nj!nri4fm njf Meat Market Kaapa ou baad. Chicest of Fresh LTsats SALTED MEATS Fresh - Fish HIDES AND PELTS. KaoianM . - - StOBaaoata. Or. ANDSUSPEnSOkY FOR. - WHO ARE a. NE55i L05SE& PRAIN5. 1MPCTENCY OR, J Lost Manhcxd Fifumatism I.amf fntsnsetsof abases, escsss tions iTeanon. which rernirsa or by excaasea, or eipoaore, yoo may ha andoJy drained soar STSteanof aerea tore alacliltlly snd thoseanacd yoor arraTi-s or tack of force. If yoa replace into yoor drained, which are required for rigorous snength, yon will leiause the cause, and health, low at onoa aod in a natural way. This is oar pua aad treatiaent, aad ws guarantee a Scad foe oar Illustrated FamphJeta, free ; seat by mail, ltd. Bett is so experiment, as we hare leatwed thnnssnds to robost neaha aad vigee, failed, as caa be saowa by hondrads of cases thronghoot this State, who would rjadla ws sars strong letters Searing tastlmooy to their racorwy after oatng our BSSL DR SHNDEN e Into a belt so as to be easily worn daring work or at fast, and h glres soothing, prolonged ctnrenM all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has sa Iaeprweavd lUaeSrio Ssnipaaaorw. the t, snd we warrsat It to care say of the snore wests ems, aad to enlarge ahrnnken limbs, or parts, of bck so at to be easily ia strength to meet all stages of Address ia ItAlLUOADH. East and South ' via The SHASTA Route of the Southern Pacific Co. California saprssa train ran dally. Nona US p. M. Wrap. a. a: 16 A. a. T-v. rWtiand At. , TaO a. a. Lv. Albaajr Ar. j -jt a. a. Ar. Maa Kraoeisco L. 7ui p. a. Usvt. i Arrlva. FtorUaud a-ao a. a. Rossoura ..isn p. M. . 7-aju a. a, J l-rund feiA. a. Albany Lsoal. Daily eept Sunday. Arrlva A tbanjr iH p. aa Pimiand lOJU aid Imiaod.. Aifmpy... friH p.m. A.m. ELnmng ClT Q FlTal PULLMAX BCFr'ETT SLEEPERS and gerond-C'laai Sleeping Cars attached to all through trains. Wesi Side Division. Bat saw PartJanal anS Camilla. Mail Iralo Satly (sxerpt Modal J 7 J m tit teiia a m I Ar.. Portlad ...Curvailt .Art S.b aa Lt I r2i& pin At At ban, aad nnrralll. eoanart Vila tmsa Urws Panne railiusuL Eipna I rain Sallf (axeapt Saaoay) pm I L. . Tspa ! A r . -PortlAnd Ar Mralnavllla I., I Mt as s-l&p m Swtlaaa A WlllamsrttVallay OMaisMO Narrow Guage Airll biaU daily (xrrp HoadT. a as I L. PorUaad. Ar ' &4K n m 3B psa 1 1- ... MonmrKttti l , 7 -A a as a pa I A r. Ainia I. 1 7s a as Tlmuab iwiaa to all sotaM ta lbs bam safaay Canada, aad Saropavoaa b ofMaiasS R KOEM1.CR. ar v. Rnntnut. Muwr. Ami. u. r. a t-aas. Aft. .; fLA.XD. oRtUJM. ONLY LINE RLmilitS 2 Lea v in 1HROUGH DAILY . TRAINS. Leaving Portland, 8'5 a. m. 7:30 p. m. 1 DAYS TO 2:CHICAGO. 7 He urs, Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker, to Omaha and Kansas City PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEP ERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIP CARS. DINING CARS. For ram aad cencfai tnturmaltoa. emlljrya or addrvM W. H. HrKt.BrtST. Aart. G. Pn Aftt. At a"aluctoa smet. r. Third, tlRTLAji 6. OB DEBILITArTED AND UFFFPIiMG. I from Nervous DEBiLrrv? Seminal Weak- i . ... DACK. KIDNEY IRDUBLES. NERVOl JSNEtt srerrr sad expossM. For toco snffereni bat s trial to coariaee the moat saxotieaL ELECTRIC BBLT yooog, middle-agad or old man. aad will core PORTLAND. ORECON.