The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 28, 1893, SUPPLEMENT, Image 6

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    QTJ2II-ElvEiTa: TO
west axiom.
O. V. MURPHY, Kdltor,
pru minium of mWrtataiueiil 4 oeul Hue,
kr all ovsr it lluw.
Tkn United Btatea flag hit lieen
hauled down In Hawaii.
Pksidknt CiIkvklanu Iim. reoor
lilted the Justto of the claim to have
governor of the territories elected from
among Its eltUen, and to making bin
appointment accordingly. New Met
Ico vnd Arltona have bn thu favored
aud probably ll other will be treated
accordingly, excepting, of course,
AUvjka, where the coudltlou ar differ
ent. Mcppner Record. Thl U tln
proper ttiiug to do, mid hould haw
bceu doue long ago.
aj-.. '-' - 'J
Tin 'Southern fae tfto has beguu
fencing their track In Oregon. There
arrived tt Halem lat week nix ear of
lumber and three of barb wire. There
are about S00 mile of thin track In
Marion county alone, and It will be
fenced In at a coat of about W 80 per
mile. It I estimated that the expense
of feuclng will be covered in a abort
time, a the amount of money ex
pended In making good the low of live
tock U euortuoua, s
Thi noroiou proportion of the
rail way traffic of the county can be ur
mined, from noting the extent of a sin
gle point. The Itallway Review nays:
Nearly 550,000 car passed through the
St Clair tunnel of the Grand Trunk
railway host year, and the buslue for
the current year wilt probably reach
STA.OUO. The traffic eastward and went
ward la about equal, 111,UI3 freight
car having moved east and llu,0tM
west; the paasenger ear numbering 10,
758 east aud 10,801 wmt
L-. J V
Bi'Kcuu from Omaha and Denver
reported that a strike wa ordered
among Uie boiler maker, pattern mak
era, blacksmith and moulder lu how
along the Hue of the Union racifle, to
take effect aoon. The trouble ha arisen
toncernlug a reduction of atamlard
time of working day. Last year the
oompany agreed to o reduce the work
Ing force as to permit work nine hour
a day instead of eight. The company
began violating It agreement In Jan
uary, and the men have been uuable to
bring about a restoration. Fully 3,000
men are Involved In the ltoi at
Omaha, Denver, Halt Lake, Cheyenne,
Ogden, Portland, Kansas City, Raw
Una, Larniule,nd Itouud House point.
i..-. - i. ,
A reaction basset In against pugilism,
which will tend, If continued, to rid
the arena of flstio encounter. Two
death within a year caused by "pun
ishment," and the general disreputable
character of prize lights, with all the
accompanying Uoeuae to kindred vices,
Will cause public opinion to be directed
agulnstthcm. The great and glorious
nation can afford to lose this feature of
Its amusement. .
It to a newspaper' privilege and
business to express an opinion on ail
public Issue. That opinion cannot
meet the ideas of all, nd it is useless to
hold that the paper should keep still
because It does n't coincide with you in
your views. Were a paper to be neu
tral on all public Issues you would have
no reiect (or It. Yet some people do
not seem to look at the matter lutelli
gently. A good way to have a paper
express your views at all time Is to
own aud control one.
A Ilsby Dura In Ntw York.
A baby was born in New York the
other day. It was an Astor buhy, and
Is hulr lo 1150,000,000. Mr. Bellamy
New Nation thus figures on the wealth
and Income of this one baby:
At 6 per cent the Interest Is $0,000-
000 per year, or f.10,000 per day for, say,
800 workingdays. It, therefore, would
require 20,000 worklngmen at (1,60 per
day to pay the Interest, and somebody
must pay it Or look a little further.
When this baby Is 21 years old, the
1160,000,000 has doubled twice, and it
to $000,000,000. Then an army of SO,.
000 men must work lo pny this Interest
But we must leave at least $1 nor dav
for the laborer and his fumlly for a sub
sistence. Then it will take an army of
240,000 laboring men to keep this for
tune up, allowing each laborer to be a
man of a family, and Ave to the family,
it follow that no less than 1,200,000
persons are Interested in the fortune of
that 150 times a millionaire baby.
- i i
for Hals.
A house and lot for sale on monthly
payments, will furnish the same, and
sell at actual value. F. Anhtink.
Out of Right.
The traveling public are now fully
alive to the fact that the Chicago, Un
ion Pacific A Northwestern Line offers
the very best accommodations to the
public from and to Chicago, Omaha and
Intermediate points, not only during
the World's fair, but all the year around!
"Who Is the belle tonight." asked she,
As they stood on the ball-room floor;
He looks around the room to see,
And abe speaks to him no more.
In Hewitt's show window to a hip
bone of a land animal, The ball of the
hip bon measure nearly fifty Incite
around. It la supposed to b the bone
of the ancient mtutodou.
J. J. lVnloy, of Italia, wa lu town
The graduating el as at the public
school haw elected the following ottl-
ocr from among their number: Ml
Llnnle Murphy, president; Oscar Ku-
ell, vice-president; MlssOllva Howell,
seoreteryj Mis Lulu Mason treasurer;
Miss Nora Matt, valldletoriait.
John Miller gave the public school
children an luvlUtlon to come down
and drink oda with him, to which
they gladly responded.
Thel.O. 0. F.,of thl place, will
have a flue large hall fitted up in the
hunk building main, over Smith Jor
dan'. They will take It for three
Hoi. Htunip, of Huver, wa In town
Saturday with hi fast cart horse.
W keep the boat In our Hue. No one
can, doc,or shall undersell us. Come lu
aud ev mr yiiurselve Cook A Port
wood, Malu 8t
!x delegate were sent to the Y. P
S, C. K. state convention Thursday
which will be held In lHtrtlaud.
J.H. Iulow, our confectionery man,
aud Mr. Hdgar, our stable man, took a
flying trip to the capital, last week ou
J. II. Fraxler, our local dentist, went
to IVtlund last week aud hronuht his
family back with him. He wtll take
Moms over the bank.
Mrs. Nellie Craven, of Corvallls, Is
here helping the Htiillh sister who are
overrun with work.
J. R 81bUy aud Hhcrlfl Weil were
lu towu nut week.
Bupervisor Itutler I busying himself
snd other on the roads now. They
need a great deal more work thau the
taxes will come to. .
Mr. Mumper, oi thl place, visited
friends aud relative In Halem last week.
Mr Luul Hrlggs, a normal graduate
of '02, a teacher In Marlon county now,
wss visiting hi brother last week.
F.verybody I at work In the dmir
yards, making ready for spring.
At a regular meeting of the W, C. T.
V., of Monmouth, a vote of thank was
tendered to all those who took part In
the Milkmaid' convention.
The proposition I Mug considered
In Oregou City to pave It malu street
with vitrified brick. The bricks are so
hard that sparks will fly when steel Is
struck against them, aud It require a
good hard blow from a hammer to
make an Impression on them. They
re made of ordinary clay.
A town ihs not grow without help,
although there are hundred who be
lieve that a town grew Itself without
any aid. No matter, however, what
may be the natural advantages, the
town must be Ismmed. It advantages
must be made attractive, or there Is no
hope there. The energy and push of
the people ronke the town.
, As fine and as gmxl beans as we ever
ate were raised in tills county, and
enough of them could be profitably
raised wit hln our border to ten time
supply the home demand, yet every
year our merchant import thousands
of pounds of beans. This Is a hint for
the ladle and ambitious boy and girls
to plant a patch of bean for the market.
You will be surprised to And bow easi
ly you can thus make from $5 to $10 or
Miss Mitmmle Wan ton, an old Nor
mill studcut,wa visiting here last week
Mis Corn Dcuipsoy, of the Normal,
spent Saturday and Humluy at her
home lu Dixie.
The question of good roads Interest
all fanners, teamsters, city people,
bicyclists, and tramps.
Love In closely allied to war, and it
fullest expression Is an apal to arms.
"The air Is very familiar,1,' ald
musical young Normal girl us the ea
breexe twisted her hat off.
Buncay, May, 14th, Bishop Brayfogle
will coiicuct the dedication exercises at
the Evungciicol Church. He will preach
both morning and evening.
Mr J. L, Dlcus, who has is-en an
Invalid for many years, died Thursday,
April 27, a't 10 o'clock a, nt. Mrs. Dlcus
leaves a faithful husband and two mar
ried daughter one Mrs. Dr. Davis, of
Gcrvaia, and Mrs. John (Sherman, of
Heal Liu.
Misses 'Mackey, of Corvullls, verc
visiting hero lust week.
Dr. Maaoti of Dallas, was in town
A very pleasant party was given at
tlm residence of Mr. and Mrs. Prof, J,
M. Powell 111 honor of J. W. Dnwsou,
who will soon return to Hoppuur, Or.,
where he will resume his duties In the
law with partners Kills 4 Lyons.
Wlllurd Htoavens of Marlon Co., who
attended school here lust year, was In
town Wednesday delivering goods for
a firm In Nii.em,
The funeral service of Mrs. Dlcus
was conducted by Itcv. Hmlth, our
Clirlstlan pastor, at the Christian
church Btiturduy at 10 o'clock The
Horn! display was umisuully rich and
everything went no without a discord.
One week from Friday the public
school will bo out and the graduating
exercises will ho held at the opera
house. , '
Clrns, Wood, proprietor of the shoe
shop wus In Halem lust week having
his ears doctored for deafness, We
hope the treatment will prove sue
Mis Eunice Alexander of Newport,
a former student of the Nurnuil, wus
visiting her many friend here lust
I'rngrsuiuis uiuty tuhoul (JuiiumiIIou,
The following I th programme for
the Hominy school convention to be
held lu the Christian church at Mon
mouth, May 6 and 0.
10 o'clock. Devotional exercises, led
by Hunt, T. O. Hutchinson.
10: 20, Addre of welcome-rmf. J.
M. Powell.
10: 40. lhoneW. It. Duucan.
11:00, F.urollment of delegate; ap
pointment of committee; report of
orotary and treasurer; assignment of
delegate to home.
12; 00. Adjournment
1:30. Hong service,.
1:4ft. TopicProper device fbr ure
sting n Interest lu the Hunday school
-Opened by J. C. McFarlan. Discus
sion P. I Campbell.
2: lft. TopicAre w eurtug prac
tical result fittm our Bunduy ehsl?
0ieued by Itev. C. K. Craiidull. Dl
cusslon A. AmiMtrong,
8:4ft. Toplo-Programme for the
Bunduy choolOpenel by E. C, Pent-
land. Discussion led by L. Kuliert
8: 1ft. Itcports from uriuteiHleut
of the schools of the county,
8:00, Bong ervli-Led by D,,V,
Iture By Elder Ell Fisher, pastor
of Christian church, Dutla.
9:MV Devotional wrvliie Led by
llev. C. W. Cms. Boug service Id
by J a Hart.
10: 00, Tuple-personal work of the
teacher out of the Buuday tehuol
Opened by Elder J. W. Hmlth, of Mmi
mouth," Dlsi iisslon led by Mrs. F, H
10:30, Topic- Itewurd for special
work by do Oieued by Jus. 11
Hart IiIm'UhsIoii led by tiinirge Mc
11:00. Tuple How to raise money
for the Buuday ehool Owned by in.
I"arker. Discussion led by N. Gardner.
11:30, Committee' rejsirt of election
of olllcers.
1:. Bong service Id by Prof. J.
1:4ft. Topli Dutle aud nsiusl
bllitle of the uHrliitendeut 0ned
by D. L. HumiiM-rvllle. Discusslou UhI
by Prof. P. A. (Ictx.
2:1ft. Tupic -Mission work by Buu
day nehool 0eutHl by Prof, W. J
Bplllmau. Discusslou letl by J. L.
2: 4A. Topic Peraonnl pledge from
pupil to uwhent President 1. L.
Hulectlon of place fur next meeting.
Nnrnial Nl,
Prof, l'aliu, Uie from the Iron taU,
I now lu charge of the clnsil at
iiell us. He addressed the student of
the normal Friday morning. Prof. A.
i oul ltrlgg also appeared before the
students assembled in the chnKl the
same morning.
Junior work wa ably taken Up Frl
day niorulng;ln chapel by I'aaccll aud
Byron Hunter. t
W. W. Vainlcrpool was sent by the
Normal Athletic Association to confer
with (be association at the Agricultural
College in view of a joint tournament
some time In June This Is a good
move, and will be luMruiucutHl
bringing about the luter-eollcglale
Cronls A t 'mills are the photographer
of Halem. Nothing but first class wurK
done, satisfaction Insured. Cor, Mute A
High HI. Halem Or.
Halem Bteiim Laundry lakes your
clothes from Haw Icy' store Monday
and returns them Friday, All work done
well. 230 Liberty H.Hulem Or '.
Tuesday, Mr. Brown's I cum got
sway from Its driver mid made a run up
Main Ht from the bunk pat the P. O
and over Cupids knoll. Mr.J L. Murphy
who was at work on the knoll In try
ing to stop the furious team was pulled
through several mud holes, no serious
lujurlc however.
The Hoard of Itcgeiit met Thursday
and und acted as follows: Inferred the
election of the Normal teachers until
June, cut the sulrles of encli $J(HI. and
decided to erect a;traliilng school build
ing for the use of the N'or.u d lnutjlicr
The Normal Cadet Imiul of this plucti
will furnish the music for the teachers
picnic at Falls City May, 27th .
ii- 1
Among Live Builnes Man.
C. C. Lewis has the reputation of
doing good work, und his nhotogrnphs
give satisfaction.
J.Jordan, of the Monmouth hotel
In wanting to secure a first cluss man
to manage his hotel buslncw,
The Mlsse Conledgo have opened a
dressmaking establishment and a stock
of millinery in Monmouth, and Invite
the patronage of the ptihllc
Dr. D. M. Doty, the dentist, resides
In Monmouth, and Is a permanent fix.
tu re. Call at tils olllce when In need
of work.
Charley Taylor, who keeps the neat
fruit emporium, and candy stand, In
vite you to cull and try his line ci
gars. C. L.jluwloy, at the Normal hook
store, Is continually receiving some
thing new, and his trade is increasing
The Polk Co. Bunk Is ably presided
over by J. H. Hawley president, and
IraC. Powell us cashier.
Qround & Frawir, the hardware men,
are ulso dealers In agricultural ma
chinery, and have their warehouse full
of farming Implements.
Chus. N. Woods, the shoemaker,
will tell you a little secret about shoes
If you will ask hlin.
F, H. Nesle, th butcher, keep a
well tocked meat market
Otho William, tn Dallas tailor, to
an exart cutter, and Insure hi work
to be lirst-ol.
Drop In at the Elite and se how
neat, with stock complete, and fruit o
weet, cigar hUrd lo beat, nil thing
r there.
John Howell, th contractor, invite
your inspection of hi house plan aud
When you want to take your girl
outriding, or your plculo party out to
the Fall call on Fisher A Edgr fur
Cook 4 Portwood are veiling shoe
not only by Uie pair, but by th acore.
They are a stylish fit, and lit to style.
When you want to settle down to
live, buy a lot or buy a farm through
J. It, Morsn, the dealer.
F. Anstlue, the aixwrnodatlug dealer
n furniture, has beeu rtHxdvIng lot of
new goods, and he will sell them to
those who need very cheap ludced.-
L. I). June, the barber, 1 always
ready to erve "the next."
Jamt Tatoiu I one of the oldest and
moat experienced Insurance uncut In
thl wrt of Polk county.
Hmlth A Jordan are reoogulxlug the
fact that prlet are what tell and
a consequence they are selling their
gootl at very close price,
Ira Powell can loan you money, pro
vldcd you ofler the right kind of secur
ity.- .
Dr. J.M. Crow ley ha hi office at
til rvwldcuctf ou Main atrvet near Col
Craven A Fulkerson keep all kinds of
lumber shingle and lath constantly
on band.
Dr. Parrlsh ha hi oflk near the
Polk Bo. Bank, at hi residence on Uie
corner of Pine street.
Ir. J. M. Keene, of Halem,' to a grid,
uate of one of Uie largest eastern col
(Ill, Morris, the Jeweler, keep a
well (elected stis-k of gissls and by
selling at such rensonahle price, ha
been doing a fine buslnrss.
C. H. Morris
Watches, Clocks,
1 .
Jewelry, Silverware.
Repairs Wanteds
. From everybody
First H-las work at reasonable price.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
-Proprietor of
Meat Market
Keepn on baud
Choicest of Fresb Meats
Fresh - Fish
Knox street
Monmouth, Or.
Monmouth Hotel
J. JOItDAN, Prop.
G999 R99"y?
Monmouth, OiPgon.
Contractor anil Builder.
Monmouth, Oregon.
Careful estimates fur-
nlshed on all work.
The Normal
- look Store.
Carries a complete line of PUBLIC
- M'HOOLHOOKH and supplies
at lowest price.
Eischll tii
Itnis J:li:t.
Call if you want bargains.
i mi o sia
Monmouth, Oregon,
C. L. Hawley, Prop.
OaaUra In
General l.lerchciist,
Alrlla, Or.
Lwt Prlo.
Is-alers In KOt'CIH and
i ii r.ft r..i) L.uAinr.K,
Hlilnglea, Lalh, Mould
litmt. IWMint. Wmdnivs.
Olllce at corner of
ltmadstreet and Jackson (treeU,
Dealer iu
Foreign aud Domestlo Fruit, Nut.
Artie sod water, le mun sod oyattr parlor
in neiiaseiiou.
Charles E. Taylor
Dealer In
'IViplml Fruit In season. Botla
Water, ClKrs and Tobacco,
Dread, Pie and Cake.
ran m m m
Corner 8rd and WashingtoD St.
Physician and Surgeon.
Oflloe One door west of Polk Co. bank
Main street, Monmouth, Oregon,
Otho Williams
Fine tailoring a specialty.
Good lit GUARANTEED or no Ue.
Dallas ' Or. f
J. M. KEENE, 0. 0. S.
Office in Broymnn Bros. Building
Cor. Commrelal and Court St.
Tonsorial Artist.
Hair cutting, 2Tota.: Shaving, 15ct.;
iiiuns, zoct.
Comer Knox and Main streets,
Monmouth - . . Oregon
Loan on Imnroved farm, three and
Enquire at Polk County Bank.
Call and Euuains our
Id S
m or
Our senior partner has been in
Chicago purchasing one of the
largest and most complete stocks of
Clothing. Dry ifcgf
Dooto and Shoes, Etc Eto.
Ever handled in this county,
and the goods are beginning to
arrive, and we invite the public
to call and
We are here to stay, and expect
to build up
By Soiling
At Small Profits.
it:: s
Agricultural Machinery
; TTelilcleo
Monmouth - Oregon.
loniacio-atli, Oregon.
Good Grain and Stock Farm, and Choice Fruit Laud. Town Property Of all
kinds. WThm. who h.v nnuHii ft ul nlu nil
Proprletor of
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Monmouth. - - Oregon.
Flrst-cl rigs, single and double, light and heavy, to accommodate our patron.
Careful driver furnished when desired.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
, Dealers in
Gents1 Furnishing Goods.
New firm, New goods, and New prices.
No, 71, South Main street,
D M. DOTY, D. I) S
OBoowpr.Crowley',, en door west o
k, VAU the work usrantwd,
e rmv.
Chas. Wood
Makluit shoes a specialty.
Just now we have on hand
a large supply of material
for you to select from.
Jas. Tatom -
Monmouth, Or,
Fhysicias and lui
At Residence, Monmouth Orfon