The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 28, 1893, Image 5

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Baking Powder Tests
The United States Official
Investigation of Baking Powders, made by authority of
Congress, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing
ton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa
tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report
Shows the ROYAL to be a
cream of tartar baking pow
der, superior to all others in
leavening power (SJXT).
Mwtcy Umlm In t'.tirtta ,
Tlx eouttnetitsjl intuit tic plet had (Mr
origin lu the Italian uiniiti di plvta, large
uuuilwrn of which ecrv rounded in lull
throughout th iNXtwiiliictuttiry.snil the
objects or which were, in ihrnrst ionium.
saoutlally churilnble, lh avowed pm-piM-
of th Institution twing to counteract the
Injurious effect of usury by lending monci
on deposits at an almost iiitiultesiittal ratr
of lutvrtsKl. Tb Frucican mouk Wrw
the Unit to lend money ou goods, iukI In 141
they were allowrd by th pop to rvceir,
moderate amount ox Interest; but In pro
cessut tim tli Italian muuU dt pleta b
earn extensive tanking corporations,
which went occasionally plundered or half
ruined oy forced tonus exiirted by tyren
Ideal prince, unit sometime bruught to
entire collap.te by Hijtitliiioii
illation. f.on.loo T-lev-rmh.
It's Just as Easy
Ti pot Ckolci Fliwirs tsRlstipi
caiioi im tf pi miT IIEIT.
Hhr tins or lit followint
RlllMKIOM U ft J
In llHf and yotir rtft I. no mnhu wlisout
thtn. Th r.ii basatinu ul evtlikwakis to
kit and lb plan n all aims, k Jlhy I
raws, and asai, post fr, lorUi trios uuti
CssruMs tt Mtrrael Tsvwa 4 Urawftuatt
Saris fA.rr Silt, era fWMMr
OW mm wittia mutd fm sal M esata
. Duaa Ml -alajr
19 Carnations l.OO'w '"
IS Pelargoniums ti.00
19 Chrysanthemums Si. 00
Fewer r rCCnCCkolc VftriHkwol Kitbw
Vsptsbll OLLU J or m aslastkM)
1 1. ttf. Sua . Ci Sh, Sai fftadsa U.
Ctnuit bottteof Swlft't Srdnt S.S. ?)
entirely clunwd my trtm ol eonugloua
blood pouon o( tlxi wry wont trr-
Wm. S. LooMia, threvpoft, La.
T had scaorvi A In and clinwd my
1 lystem entirely (rom rt by tuklnf aoa
bottle of 3. S. S. 1 ban not had any tymp
tom, iloca. C W. U ili ox,
Spartwiburg, S. C
Treatlw on Blood and Ekin DlmaiH nulled
tree. Swirr Sraciric Cq, AllaitU. (
William McKeekan, Druggist at
Bloomingdaie, Mich. " I have bad
the Asthma badly ever since I came
out of the army and though I have
been in the drug business Tor fifteen
years, and have tried nearly every
thing on the market, nothing has I
given me the slightest relief until a
fevr months ago, when I used Bo
schee's German Syrup. I am now
glad to acknowledge the great good
it has done me. I am greatly reliev
ed during the day and at nightgoto
sleep without the least trouble." A
ental col
Portland, Of.
ored fringed
(lie OOjiM
lri.'hM. tint
measuring fringe), which we will mall to you
for Wlcenti ent with 'ti cent for pontaiie.
It' lUKKeatlon from our houne-furniihlu line
lor making your home attractive. Oor apodal
oflern are not to get your money for the article
mentioned, but to get yonr attention to our
price) and ulltle. We know thoy'll convince
you that you are aiwured of honeat good and
honeit valuen from u every time. OurHprlng
Catalogue la aent free for the aaklng.
. Willi that few country
people know that we
can lit them vmrmnx
at a hundred or two
mile away; but Iwa
can, mnd for rule for
eif-meaiiurement, and
we nhall rtr you. Our
vaat atock of Clothing
U made under ourown
inpiTVlMon. Our f 10,
112 and IIAHultn have no equal. You aare money
by buying from ua. Try u ON'CK.
Strictly'.' One-Price V Clothiers,
Iowa, Knhfhta of Pyth
iaa and all other Rod
etlua ahould write to
ua for prlcea on anpe
rior tiadgea, buttona,
mcdala and watch
cliaruiaof tlialrrosimn
tlve aoclellcs. )nr
peclalty. FtlDIIHEIHI,
Flrat and Morrlaun
atrecta, Portland, Or,
Flan' Remedy for Cetarrli la tho f
Trt, Banlmit to tine, and cbeanc. j
Hold It druKttVou ur aent by matt
W K r Warren, "
We mate a
A kin b look ml a backward look,
And her heart grew suddenly liaiktan
A trtflas you mr. lo color a day,
t th dull gray tnoru seemed brighter,
for heart r iiirh that lomWr lunik
May baoUb a look of aad onus;
A amall, slight (lilitrf fan mak us slug,
itui a front will rkwri ur iUum.
Th rhrlMi ray alnm oor way
la Uw llttl act r alndnoa.
And tb kwtiMl atluti mm rarla thin
That waa don In a moment of blludoMa,
W can bravlr tor Mf la a bow wber
No (oothnld can dUoovar,
Aad b kvr Mill It w only will,
Tbottub roulh' brlifhl day arorr.
Ah. aharn a nwonU ml I be unkind word
That ar tar hr)xnd rwalllna,
Vbn a tan lla bid 'untlb a oHla llt,
And blilor tar arc falltant.
W fain would fl halt ih Una w lira
To undo ur Ul Mornlnc
Thrn 11 v not ml tho aroll and ktaa
Wbrn w part la tb Hitht of utornlnc
-Ulllan IMunkott In ttau rrancuwo Call
Rrtary Foitr and tit Mauuwmt.
When Swrotary rtMlr flmt rm to con
ITvaa Hi VVaahliiKtnn monmnvnl waa
literally tit nationnl laitchinii atock, look
lutf, a lutootl tlira,illt tha trunk of a
torm arYerH mat-!rently tli tower
wbleh lb parabla apraka f which th
builder cnnld not Hnloh icaiiM b had not
oounird tli oat. It waa th antvr of th
touriat and tlionhame of tha rmblrnt.
waa pTfootlyvldnt thnt It waa not going
to be Anlahrd with the content o( th
llttl oollrctinn txijr lalwlmd "For th
Waa)ilnntn moniiitM'nt," wbloh atarfd at
yoo as yon witerwl nntr puhllo building,
any mora than with tha "memorial" or
tout a tone aunt by prnitttiira, eltlm and
aoeietlea. It wn f)iilly rvdlent that no
other prlrnl inran would atiltlra, it
would ba to It comtlctrd by th (forwn
rornt If completed at nil
Samuel J. Randall wm rhnlrmnnof the
committee on appronrlHtloiia. of which
KiMter bH been mntla a menitier by
Speaker Kerr. Itantlall. who liked Footer,
Jokingly created him a aubeommltte on
monument, and turned orer u him a
uch lot of bill for nionument to thta
man and that nieniory. On day there
ram over from tha arnate a bill which
John Sherman bad gittn throiiiih there
providing for the completion of th Wanh
Ington monument by tha grtrernmeut, and
appropriating FJiO.aUO for thnt purpoee,
Koter ww watching, ami Juat aa Ritn
dall, wowlltig at It, waa about to plHn
bole It, baapoke up and anlil; "No, no, Mr
Chairman. I'm th auttconiuiitte on
monumenta; that hill belonira to me," with
that pemunalv anille which hn mored
mora oodurnt heart than Kandall'a
"Take It, then," ald lUmlnll, throwing It
orer tha table. Putter did take It, and
went to work atone collecting; tha .data
for a report on the aubject, which waa ao
mil and ao strong that tt convinced a ma
jorityof the committee then, and after
ward a majority of the boune paaaed the
MIL The work then begun never ceased
till the aluminum rap wa put on the aprl
of the pyrainldul top. . No wonder Potter
And ant lfact Ion erery time be look at
bla bandlwork.-Wwhlngton Cor. I'hll
delphla Kecord. ,
A City !troyd by Rllene.
Amyclia, If the old legend of Ita fat I to
be relied upon, actually periabed through
lleooa. Th legend concerning the unique
end Of this ancient city 1 aa follow: Amy
cla wa a town of Ijiconla, founded by the
Lacedemonian king Amyclm. It wa an
Independent city for many yearn, hut wit
Anally couqmrwl by tha Spartan. The
city had beau o often alarmed liy fnlw
rumor of a projected riparian InraKloti
that at lout, weary of tiring Inaatateol
,'"ol1u1t? Ur " w" ArA thl,i "
hould be made a public, offunte to reHn
th approach of aa enemy. So, when tin
Spartan at laat actunlly appeared Iwfon
the city, no one (lured to warn the offlvliil'
of their approach, and thu tlwy wen mIiIi
to take the town with aenrce nn effort
There la, It mint be admitted, another
"alienee" myth concerning Amyclie, Her
vtu ay that the city wa founded l)
Pythagorean, forbidden by law of their
order to apeak of or to harm aerpenta. The
remit waa that the make from th hlllr
ought the precinct of th city, and, in
one during to apeak of It to hi Delghlior oi
to harm the tlimy creature, on by om
the Inhabitant left, until finally the clt
was completely turned Into a make dea,
Bt. Loula Heptihllc
Kiperlnentlng In a Tank.
. One of the moat liitereating ntul valuable
feature In the ahlpbiilldlng yard of th
Denny, on th Clyde, I what Is known aa
the experiment,, which la 800 feet long anil
10 feet deep. In till tank are experiment
ally determined the ipeed, reaiatnnce aud
other similar qualities of all Teasels to be
built before the designs are completed.
This tank and the models which are used
are by no means toys, but are of valuable
assistance as mathematical methods of
cientiflcHlly determining fact of the ut
most Importance,
The models employed are made from
paraffins wax, and by au ingenious ma
chine are cut from this material to the ex
net form of the ship they represent upon
any desired scale. This mechanism Is
largely automatic and self registering, and
works with remarkable accuracy. It is
due to the experiments which ar carried
onto this tank and other methods of
similar character that snob successful re
suits are obtained In the construction of
vessels with excellent speed and sea going
qualities. New York Telegram.
A Big Game liag.
The total amount of big gome brought
to bag during the Maharajah's shikar party
was eleven tigers, three panthers, two
bears, two rhinocerl, eleven bufTuloes, forty
nine deer and twenty-one boars. The fol
lowing wore the weights and lengths of the
five biggest tigers: Length, 10 feet i'4
inches', weight, 403 pounds; 10 feet, 44!
pounds; 9 feet 6 inches, 457 pounds; V feel
6 Inches, 450 pound"; 0 feet 8 Inches, 45ft
pounds. The six largest swamp deer (Ku
Cervus duvacelll) were 570 pounds, 5()5
pounds, 600 pounds, 4U0 pounds, 400 pound
and 480 pounds. The two largest titmbhur
(Huaa aristotills) weighed (08 pounds each.
-Lsad sod Watar.
Ta Twrlbl niluard af IMI Res far
osbs f II Victim WUol r.lly
Which Frot to Death la DwmI Mas
Cwvw-aral KAVrt af a Molh.r,
"Tlmt Dead Man's cove right before
tow yea," mid tha old man at he point.
xltoa mim uf half mi kcr la extent
la th southern fuo rf tho Llttlu RK-ky
tuoantalna, "That Dead Alan cove,
nd you kin ic the iron work of
wagua lvln sbout when ys elt closer,
When 1 ilrat looked ta tiers thar was
flvs httiuan bodies lyiug tlesd In that
wagon. Ms an mj wr4 w dug a big
grave and buried em all together baok
gin that cllrr. tUar whar the rooks u,
W piled tht rocks thai way so th
wolve eonldui git at the dead.
"Out then ia no headboard no
natHe," I protested as I rods closer to
th spot pointed out.
"Cunldn t be no names, 'cans w
ooalthit find sny" b npllHl, "ami them
rocks la a gravsstun as will last furvr.
Well git off stid sit down fur a lutoka,
and I'll gin y th full jmrtU kler. I'vs
paMtnl here a hnndrsd times tn th lost
threw year, and It allns gives ui tli
bearUohe, Poor htu band poor wife-
poor children!
"It was this way," hs continued after
hi pips was alight "Ms and pard had
ottr shanty down tho valley about
mile, rttmty of emigrants In the'r kiv.
srd wagons used to cows by this trail
and turn south into Wyowin, or keep
west into Idaho. They'd coma flvs or
ail families at a time, and they'd corns
singly. Boms of sro would take alch
chances of injnnt, sick liens, landslide,
starraahnn and death as would niak
jour ha'r stand on end to think of, No
man kin begin togncas how many grave
tbar be of men, women and children be
tween ths Dakota litis aad tht west
branch of tht Missouri river. I've
counted a bnndrsd In a day's rids.
" sal, on DecemU-r nmmln tnt and
pard wok up to feel that thar wa a
blixxard uiakin rwuly to but on nt. It
had been coolUh but pleasant np to that
tiuis, Wt could tell by tht fool of things
what was comln, and began to git ready
fur it. It was jest artor noun when a
woman walked into ottr shanty. Bbs
was an tntirrant Right hers In this
oove slit had loft her husband and four
children to try and find soma help, li
bad bin tick for threw weeks and was
llttl better than a dead man, and tht
bad bin drivln tha team an takin keer of
things gener'ly. But ortr to her turned
back long before, but soma fool of a
doctor had told ths man he'd get w If
lhT kept on.
juey bad got scparatiHi irora ths
party they started with, and had mailt
ths lift hundred miles alone. They
war out o' grub, hadn't a match left to
build a fire, and tha woman knowod a
changs fur ths wnsa waa blowin tip.
Sim wat a frail, tails woman, and tho
had gone through with tiuff ti down a
man, but tht hadn't lost all her pluck
yit. Aa toon a tho told u the ttory wt
got ready to go bark with her an bring
In ths outfit. Wt made a start, but wt
never got thar.
"Tht bUMsrd prevented, thr
"Shedid. Bh cams swoopin down all
of a sudden, like tome great irirddroppiu
from tht sky. A tine snow begun to
fall, ths wind started rlghUIn to blow a
livin galo, and I believe tht thenuouv
ster went from 43 dega, abovs to lOdegs,
below Insidoof half an hour. Wt hadn't
any with na, but ths change was sudden
an atuaain. Yon couldn't face that gale
to save yonr life. It jeet stopped nt and
turned nt around before we had got fif
teen rods from the house. At to tht
cold, tt jest paralyzed yon. We had to
go back, and arter takiu a big drink o'
whisky all around and puttiu on more
clothes we tried it agin.
"Me and Bam wat as tough at b'art
them dayt and could her laid down In a
pond of water and let it freoae np with
us, but wt conldu't buck agin that Mix
aard. When wa made the second start
we got about half way np here, tht little
woman leadin the way all the Urns.
Then we had to stop. Ion couldn't tee
three foot from your nose, and all of us
was freeiin to death by inches."
"And you went backr
"We did, The woman was deter
mined to puh on, and we jest had to
pick her up and curry tier back. It wot
only by the Lord's Imud plntin tht way
that we ever reached our cabin agin,
We bail our ears, notes and fJugort frit.
and an hour arter we got back water
frix solid in our cubln within five foot
of a roarin lire, The woman prayed to
Uod and apieuled to us, but we knowed
It wat no nse. That wat the blizzard of
1881, and I've hoard mon say it wat 43
dogs, below zero in this valley that
The woman got nipped wust than we
did, bnt her mind wat on the family
back here, Bhe wat bound to come bock
alone, but wt ttood her off till about
dark. Then the made a bolt fur it and
got away."
"And went to her doathr
"Jest as tartln at If the had Jumped
off that cliff. Tht blizzard shot ut in
fur three days. . When we got out we
found nor within twenty rodt of the
cabin. Hlit had friz to death goln that
f nr. Of course we knowed how it wonld
be up here. The horset had been on.
hitched and turned out Thoy lay over
by that tree. The folks in the wagon
bad crowded together and kivered up
with all the blankets, but all war ttun
dead and at bard at rocks. They never
saw that fust night come down. 1
"Mo and pard overhauled the wagon,
but we couldn't find anythin givlnthe
name of the family, and to, likt hun
dreds of others out in this kentry of
mouutuin and valley, Injun and wolf,
we kivered 'em in to sleep till tht Lord
gits) ready to call 'era fur-judgment
Beemt awful that a hull fam'ly should
be wlied out that way, but they ar
aieeplu thnr together, and I guest tht
Lord'll know the apot even if thar it no
gravettun to mark it." New York Her
ald. .
The roe deer Is the smallest and most
nearly domesticated of the throe species
which Inhabit Oermany. It Is likewise the
most beautiful, and Its flesh Is the daintiest
venison known to tht epicure.
It would take all the Lancashire cotton
factories 400 years to spin a thread long
enough to reach tin nearest star at tht
present rate of production of about IM,-
000,000 miles per day.
It It a curious fact that mayonnoist
dressing will disagree with delicate people,
whereat tht same Ingredient put together
without an tgg (French d renin g) will hi
susily digested.
What Wat Ike Matter with the Cak.f
A ttwlnbty Inclined young con pi who
ar oouifoi tatily quitruml In on of tin
large apartment huinwt up town Invited a
few friends tot card party vne evening
laat wtHik. Owing to a uilsnuderttaudlng
regarding tht dat nut out of ths expected
guests appeared on the evening la ques
tion. Tti young wire was greatly vexed
Bh had prepared a tempting little sunpsr,
aud bet economical soul revolted at th
Idea of It being wasted. On of tbt fea
turn of her tabl was a large ornamental
cake, which th had purchased at a neigh
boring cotiteetloner'a Bit cut tht take
and endeavored to tniltlo her li unburn! to
tat a portion of It, hut he did not Ilk cake.
Bbo waa determined, however, that some
body should eat tt, end th offered It ta tin
hall and elevator boys, of which then) were
tour. They accepted it with tuthunlasm
and alcklv dlanoaed of It.
The following day every boy wa sick
very sick. A doctor waa railed, and Ills
Investigation led ta the tuspiolon that
something wa the matter with that east,
II said that tin boys had undoubtedly
been poisoned. Tht confectioner's tli
waa visited, and tht ttory of th mischief
breetlltiu rake waa told to htm. lie bud
vldciitly heard a similar story before, for
bt baatily exelslinedi "Oh, tt was part of
that varuiah batch of cake. I am to sorry,
You Bitiattxeuiwm, My cook put In a cup
of varuiah. That It til. You tee I hsv
been having tht woodwork In my stor
varnished, let, that wo it, us put la
torn varnish. Thnt I ail."
Tha boys got well, and ths atnry ef tht
"varnish cake" hs iwen repeated all over
th neighborhood. When the bidden gueata
who suul away from the card party heard
of It lory were glad that (hey bad misun
derstood the dute.-Nw York Time.
India Cheaa. '
Indian chea,or"clmturana." tt played
with a rajah, au leiibant, bora and
hip, and four foot soldier, eorrespanding
to a king, a castle, a knight, and a bialinp
and four nawns, tml there are four play
tra. Each player (ace hi partner, and
ntace his niece In the order of ahlp, horse,
tlephant and rajah, beginning at th left
band dirtier the four font soldier being
of eaura in front. Partners ar thusou
th opposite dlsgntitls. Th players mors
In the order of th sun. The tonic of the
gam, apparently from the "llhavlabya
Pursue," ar nut to attack your opponent
who has just played, as would be don In
double chess, but to obstruct the opiottlit
who ba to piny next,. The game Is dlt-
tlngulkbed from duubl cbcwa by marked
There I no queen, and the ship or bUhop
la "lame" n only move two square tt
time, though be ean hop over an tuterven
Ing piece if be like Moreover, a player
caii take bit partner's rajah if thing tr
not going well, tml to assume command of
both artnlca, and If both tide have lost a
rajah they can b restored by mutual coo
Th gam I thus pervaded by a military
spirit, though not so stiff but that the
opening move tr made by tht aid of die.
In thta early gam th rajah could be
taken, but he can always. If all th other
pieces are taken, retire with the honors of
war ana draw, txtmiiin npectaior.
rttaithatentt ta Mareems.
The notion of suiting the pnniohment to
th crime, however It may have found fa
vor with th great medieval sultans of
Cordova, dors nut occur lo th Maroquius
ofllelala of today,
A Moorish law court Is a parody of all
that K u rowans mean by Justice, fcxtor
tion la tb main object of the judge, and
th contempt for suffering la alnolute
The rich may ca with whole skins, but
those without "palm oil" have scant merry.
tor instance, th mer accusation of
paltry theft, If mails from tome favored
Quarter, will bring on tbt accused tht or
dinary punishment forturb conduct. This
eonslsta in breaking the ankle bones awl
elicbttitf tht tufferer Into tht nearest Ion
or ditch, whence bit relatives may or may
not remove him. Astheresre nosurgeon
and no medical appliance, the bone can
not be sot, and reunite so as to leave th
tors turned Inward directly facing each
other. At Tangier I have several time
seen ou of the poor creature-possibly
quite innocent of th ofTeus attributed to
blm UoUiillng over tin couniea alleys,
while the paasershy nudged each other and
muttered "Thlel."
In th prison men tnd women, chained
together night and day under every cir
cumstance of ludescribivbte filth ami hor
ror, wait until their frleuds, who bring
them all the foal they get, are able or
willing to offer a brlht tu Hideo t for their
release. Nineteenth Century,
Do Not HI en Tsar Left aid.
When a patient complain of a bad tast
In hi mouth every morning on waking up,
th first question I tsk hltu ia as to the po
sition he assume when going lo sleep,
An Immense number of people sleep ou
the left tide, and this It the most common
cause of the unpleasant taste which is gen
erally attributed to dyapepala. If a meal
baa been taken within two or three hours
of going to bed, to sleep on the left tide Is
to give the stomsch a task which it isdlf-
floult In the rxtremt to perform. Ths
student of anatomy knows that all food en
ter and leaves tht ttoinacb on the right
tide, and hence sleeping on the left tide
soon after eutiig luvolve a sort of pump
ing operation which la anything but con
ducive to sound repose,
The action of th heart Is also Interfered
with considerably, tnd the lungt art un
duly compressed. It Is probable that lying
on the back Is tin most natural position,
but few men oau rest easily so, and hence It
It best to cultivate tht habit of sleeping on
the right side, It It very largely a matter
of habit, and tbt sooner It is acquired the
better for the sleeper and the worse for tht
physician. Interview tn St, Louis Globe-
At a Quaker Wadding.
No clergyman Is needed at a Quaker
wedding because the happy principals per
form the ceremony themselves. This is tbt
formula repeated by tht bridegroom at a
recent weddlngi 'Friends, here, In tbt
presence of the Lord and in the divine
presence, I takt this, my friend, Edith
Mary II an bury Aggs,to be my wife, prom
Islntc, lu tht fear of tht Lord and with
dlvlue assistance, to bt her faithful and
loving husband." The bride repeated a
similar declaration, tho certificate of mar
rlnge was signed by witnesses, short ad
dresses from Scriptural texts were made,
prayers were olFurod, and ths ceremony
was snded. Exchange,
No Ihow with That Jury.
One of the old settlers of St. Paul, weary
Ing of calling and dunning for a bill,
brought auit to enforce its collection.
When the day of the trial came on the old
settler wat a llttlt late, and the Jury had
been Impaneled and tworn. He entered,
tat behind the Attorney, and rapidly ran
his eyes over tht Jury, When he reached
the last man he sprang to bis feet and, re
gardless of court etiquette and decorum,
called out: "JudgS, every man on that jury
owes me a bill. Dismiss the case quick or
I'll turn up in that fellow't debt" St.
Paul Globe,
Herbert Spencer is now a man of seventy,
though he looks ten yean younger. He Is
of medium stature and his head It bald,
except for a thin fringe of hair. lit hoi an
aquiline nose, a rnddy akin aud an Intel
lectual face. . -
One of the choicest relict In the fine col
lection of George W. Culldt, of Philadel
phia, Is a little green harp that onoe be
longed to Tom Moore, and which tht poet
earned into biindradt of Irish
Jade lleeliled la Fsver
tUllr-stslli V. Feolow,
Joha 1, tally vt, Ftcplt't Sank il Plaint-
III began this tult by seising a lottery ticket,
oii-lwnlleth of t whole ticket, whleb had won
llfi.OUO sad hsd been forwsrded lo th People'.
Unk fur collection, and lunhlrh bs claimed
ouMourth Inlet-eat ss owner. Hy eunM (he
ticket wst canhed, and Ih unclaimed three.
'planers were mi hdrswa, leaving the eon tested
one-quarter, which wst slao claimed by John
W, Feulow, under control of th court,
Th parties ilvt In tt. btuls, tnd bsv Iwen
quit untortuiisie, In WlFenlow, Kelly, Nurle-
man, U'Keele and Counurn for wed t quasi elub.
and ou ihrcaurfeur oreaaluua pure luwd Ave
fraction, of lottery tickets, ssld frsetluiis eosP
lug 1 each, sin) etb ninirwr.oonlri'iitln hit
proportion of th price, was tquslly Interested
In th winnings, Feuluw generally wm charged
with purehsalng th tickets, and held Ihew
until ihs drawing.
Th Members uaually t!d their eontributtoitt
befor th drawing., and t'vulvw paid tht lot.
tery ticket vendor.
In April, tea, they Inveated (t'omwra hsd
dropiHii nut). All paid except kvlly, who had
a rued la pay hit dollar oil tht day preceding
t.cww ,ia.
l it llekvu had been seteeled by Nnrlsmatt.
Titer aa no further liilvmiun between th
Hivmliera of Ihecluli until slier Ihvdrawlng on
Tueaiky. April W, when ll wa learned thai one
oi in lour iicama n.o won u,iuo 'I i, itekeis
have been paid (urhy Fenlow, sud lite question
Im Ih court 10 ilnctde I whether Feulow Mid
lor account of keliyll, or whether ll was tor
hi. own account,
The day alter llie drawing Kellv W:'.!ered hi.
dollar, 1ml was told thai hs was ''toe lata" and
inai n was "am iu ii.
The court rutirludm that Fenlow sav Kelly
,.. ,,', ni, m tun, p jri-ioowj wouoi see mat
aeuy. iiiicpmii in me llrket would lie Mid lor
II la llierelor ordered, ail) mined and decreed
list there b iudgnuiiit in l.n.r uf )ubn I.
Kelly snd ataln.t John W, Fenlow, dccierln.
sviit w narw iiwtii me owner oi an uiidlvtilei
olttf-fuurlh lllleirat tn tha lolterv ll, k.l .n,
thai plalullff receive ami eollvct rvpm
eiitlng Ihv oue-luurlh of Ihs procm-d ul llie
loiutry iicaei now on ucihmh, - M-w OrltfaltS
(La ) City Item, February ?.
Iiinii!i orilil t elirsn
which I know lo It rvlialile. UigwagVes,'
know lb kind -inKir but houeaL
UKAUtCMR AKU Jtt I'kl'tl A.
William K. Km .-knell, No. HZ Vi'est 6'
ttreet, New York, ssytt
" I have oetn a martyr to Ultuut head
ache tnd dytpeptla, Any liidiscretlon la
diet, overfatigue or cold brings on a lit of
Indigestion, billowed by a bead:-.1!! lasting
iwo ur inree ouvs si s inn. 1 1 till: st I niul
bsv tried over twenty dillerem remedlrs,
which were recommended as cert sin cure
tiv Invlna friends, but it aa no im At
last 1 though 1 would take a simple eour
of piiiKStioii with llstsi'St'ii's I'lLis. lor
the llrsl week I tmk two nil!: cis v iilvlit
then on pill for thirty nights: In that time
1 gained time pounds in weight, snd never
Have had sn Hie or a Ptlit s tie."
Dlarsno In one Psrt of In bodv will
ventutlly Ull the bole body wiiii dlarose,
Kvery year or Iwo sum part oi the system
grows weak, and begins to drcsy. eiuch
part should rritioved at om and new
mailer i allowed to lake lia place. There i
uo need of cutting 11 out with t turteon
sclwl, t'uig stray Ih old, disrated and
worn out pari wan I tssnsanra i'ilis.
A Kentucky Iriiilcnisn hsa heeneoiiArmedan
Mlnl.ter In Peru, ltr la l lie suhI uld eomlil-
i)llua ol wnity sua qutnlue over again.
As a cure fur tor throat and cousin
"frown's Itrmtthial JVoees. " hsv been
thoroughly tested, and maintain t good
She What', ihe mol sntmsiedaiswisrle oa
ever saw t UA Uoatoti girl chailng aireet
Our reader will serve themselves by
noticing the remarkable offerings advertised
In another column by the Sherwood Ball
Nursery Co. of Ueulo Tark and 8aa Fran.
dseo, who art loadert on tht eoast In far-
niahmg tvsryUiIng for th farm and garden.
A flermsniown iwt la writing a poem toll
ne uiy oi me aaaier g.
At mercury will surely dealroy ih ssiis ol
auteil snd roniplenly dcrsi g th whole ay.tea
when uleilns It the aaiiroita ant (aces.
Sucb srilclni nhouid never be used esiept ou
intacriptiou. front reptilalt ,n;.ielna, as Ihe
raasta Iher will Do u tee t, id to the soo t vnu
cau noasiblr derive from them. Ilnll'a C.Utrrh
t ate, Diauulavluiwl h T J, I. Iinnf A Ou., Id-
ieoo, u., niuisina no mercury, sua I. umn in
ternal. v. a. II in dlruetlv unou ihe blued and rail-
eouaanifaetaol the ay.teiti. Ill buying Hall's
Catarrh l air be .lire you t th sim uPjo. It la
taaon Intcrua ly and nia.1 In Tou-io. o., by F
J. Cheney A Uu. Imllntoulala (re.
tW "old by druittais; price, 7S esntt per
Suited Kaaetly.
A servant who had Just been eniinged hy
a Madisou tveuu mialroa was vuid hy her
mUirens that everything was to bt done In
tht house with groat punctuality. "I shall
expect you to get up at 8 o'clock, dlue at 1"
and go to bed at 10. "Tbat't all right,'
waa tbt response, "If I have nothing tlae
to do this place will suit me exactly."
New York Kvenlng Sun.
Slolllan women, two or three hundred
years ago, excelled In tht art of the drawn
work embroideries now r nopulnr. They
traced their pattern! on linen, then drew
tht thread! from tht parte that were to Im
transparent, and filled In the openinga
with fancy stitches to glvt thtm a lacy ap
Ur., CAurchtti
Ut, Vernon, Wash.
An Honest Mediclno
Rheumatism Cured Health Built Up.
Mr. Churchill, formerly of Churchill A Taylor,
surveyor" mid civil engineers, ML Vernon,
Washington, writes! " Houthtrn California
was my home for manv years. Whenlotmt
hero 1 hogaii tu ho ulllloted til avor with
And alao pains In my back and a general feeling
If being used up. My hii.ilueai takes me out In
tli clcment.1 til tht time, and I found my.
self unfit for work. Heading tn advertise
ment of Ilund'i Hnrnapaiillo, tnd learning
tlao that the medicine was compounded In
my own Mate of Massachusetts, I concluded
tills limy he nn honest medicine. I look
It and am to much improved thnt I o n out
Hood's x Cures
in all weathers and travel til day with no
fatigue snd tired feeling, To any one that
feels bad all over I say hike Hood's Nnisapa
rllla. It has cured me." lt.ll.CiiuuciiiLU
HOOD'S PILLS eure Liver Ills. Jaundice.
Biliousness, Blok Ueadsch and Coustlputlos.
I N. P. N. TJ. No. 490-8. F. N. U, No. 6o7
If Iter Is, In this vi of tears, t svor pieltlle
ariaros of tiisery than th rhautsaUv iwliis, w
nsv yet Ul nswroi it, rmtytm mm nuru wiin m
tsudftiey le rheomatl.m, Jusl ts th' y ar with
an tu eon.uuipiliio or le tciaf ula. slight eur
may a vtlop (his. As soon as th sgnnlilng
enmnlalnt sulfeals llsf,rswra should be
hail to llo.lclttl Bis bBltlers.whlcbeb rk.
Ita further ierosiit sn bsnlahm th t I sum sue
pid. n fiom in ayateia, Tula sistement talnas
vaartlywlth lh p-.tluiooy of phy.lelan. who
bav eaii'loyad Ibis fins bloM di plirenl In their
itrlvitU nrtetlm, 1 her la alao Ih aiepli.l pro-
lessloual sua gsueral f Htiiy ss 10 tnevnicary
of Ih" Hit-era lot w slaits, ll eoiiiiilalm, enu
atltnlh'U, liiilU.stloii, kidiiey trouble, awrvuos-
nM aud l,a of annellt an I Atl.r s wet
ting, whether foiiuwid by enld er nol. Ih Hn
ti la u.elul ss t prevcuUv ol tbeUilusi Hack
e rheuuull.m.
Asian feel proud when h ll working his
way up to the lop, but hs feel 41 fferetit u nil
list kiln undertakes to ao th asm thing,
Mfr-TUKa Ann riLast cdbro.
' W eoalUvsly eert rupinr, pile snd sll rac
ial dlseoss without pain of detention Inns busl
ne, Mo etite, ao pay. Also all frifmu dis
mum, Addrsss for psiapb!! ttrs. PorMitsld A
utsvy, s rti avrwt, saa STaacwna,
Hlehea may hsv wings," uld ths light-
naieu man, " vui mere ar no ais on
Tar OtaiiBA for breakfast
t'ts KusBellusatovt FoUsst ao dust, noitoell,
Prnstslrr's (Iregost Riood mrlflef It
th neat rainvdy lur cleanaliig your system.
tvitem after " La Uriiipt,
ts V. f rnsumonla, fever, and
CtXb'l StL , i a
t Olhar prostrating scut dis
eases; to tiuiu up neeom
flrah and strength, and to
restore awsuia ana vigor
wba voa faal " rundown"
snd ussd-up. th best thing
In tb world tt Dr. Ilonw t
Oikkta Mediral I)iscovr
It promotes all tb bodil
fuitctloos, rouse every or
gan Into beaiUiful acUon,
purlflet and enriches th
blood, aad through it
Clean, repairs, ana Ui vig
ors M ut euure system.
for the most stubho i
Rcrofulotts, Bkln or Bcslp fJisasuss, Hytitep-
si. liilUiusTitns, snd kindred ailmenu, the
Dlsoovary " Is Ui only remedy Uiats
evaraafeed. If it doesn't btustlt or cure,
you nave your money back.
Can vou think of anything trior convinc
ing than th promts that 1 mad by th
proprietors of lr. Hag Catarrh ltwnady I
It is Uilsi " If w cant cur your Catarrh,
w u pay you tow ia ouu.-
tl.OOpor IksHlaT
Tttti fltt.T OotmuT.'a pninpUyrun
Wbero all viher fad. Cou-lts, Croup, gov
Throat, HiiiMMM, whooping Ceugh end
AaUiRta. (or Con.uBiptlt o It las uo rival:
baa cured thousands, and will Ct'n ToU tf
taken la time, (told by Knugl.l co a guar.
ante For a lame ll-k or Ch-t, Ui
teed to cure you. )'rii,6JsU. Injcotorlie.
of treat in
Colds a
Coughs' were
based on the
idea of sur
prcssion. We
now k n o w
thnt "fecdincr a
cold" is good doctrine.
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with -hypo
phosphites, a rich fat-food,
cures the most stubborn
coujh when ordinary medi
cines have failed. Pleasant
to take; easy to digest.
Obeqon Blood PaRincR
1,11 VJ J r- t, 3a-sw itniiiiii.sai
bt not em thi aisMT
tisBrosatsirsTssoevi-Tsu vow auAeovr
t t a.ftht . .
Mabvm Bwtetat -PowTtAND OweaQN.
s.aisiwi imtrrwi
'( Kl-n sitowa bv wolatof
HU ft rmattontilra:leji,ouaoltoiao lleliir
Vnil iiLkumriiicr I'UoauuuiNarjUtil
Whrn witnii. Tula rorm ami
liLkumtlii or pttoTUUDiNO
W'tMi tft diroctlf on piirrts (lfotM,
htiorlw tumor. sUlayBltriltnr,tfleollniJ
Ml sfrt 1,
prnis.nruiriiru. I't iornxio. iiriniintfl
Morphine ITablt Cored In 10
In to Oars, no
rlo liar tilt eurwd.
, Lbna,Oti.
Sj-tJtTJ 1F
llsvevout'utai-rhl' 'Phla reruedv tenia ran.
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
K'lKr.MATIHM and my ymmgc.t
nil m !r,i a t ihm and m
MATIill when the ben
it doctor 1
And representing thera
"Vlotors," "Romblara,"
O , ' r '-I nv.lVMl tlllOQl It UIHB, KIO.
Send for ostaloguoa, elub tnd agents' dlicounts,
320 Washington Street, Portland. Or.
Three thing which all
workinfmea know glvo
the niott trouble In their
hard-strain work are:
Snraint, Bruises And
Three supreme afflic
tions, whic h all the world
knows afflict mankind the
most with Aches and
itnsore: Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Lumbago,
to do are simply these
O J) Buy it,
QJnnd be
lv and ocrma-
nently cured by ,
tiio use oi
R ode, Reele, Llnee, Hooka, Loaders
Ito of the ainett Quality.
, -sKNO TO-
tie 1. 1. huosox ar:js CO.,
03 first 8t, Portland, Or.
fgs Hend fore talogu.
A tfonmi of th bomlt mch ir to itwiiirf nr
Ivswtsil. Tb mile aupply tutf tlt yettin iokm Ni
of th twvnlt wtwt
gWili up)l ti
Ur. Tiwt our Mi
lat&ai It rtsTii sr. T tiso a
vawi sUBd otawr Hi Cnmnll!fa tt
HtMwn, vriBatvBi aas
titm, riw skof mnaif , neinr trrtpv w ic-eD
mi Mill dfk Ta oonviB. Hi of ihr tnnu mm
pilii do. To oont'tth
III awktantswirVu as s I
will maul sawplMrrMor .full ba fiwWtiMtM, aVoA
HerMalas ,
laslr '
Bark H a
w j J lnd for Catalogue.
Get ths Gtnoins! 1 (HINh
kah nuoLSKV, Agent, rorllanrt, Or.
Hercules Gas Enginu
luaa va uaavMsai
Mado for Power or Pumping Purposes
Tb Owspest Kellshls Os Xagla
os itesUtsat,
Out c tMomt Asia
roe aimpllolty It Beats ths World.
It oils Itself from a Reservoir,
Mo Carburetor to get out ef order.
Mo Batteries or Kleetrle Spark.
tl nuts with Camper Orsde nf Oasollns than sny
vinur Aiigins,
PALMER & REY, Manufacturms.
40a Uinaw StrtsL iu Frucms, U.
The) 8peolflo A No. I.
Cni i, without lull, alt earns of Ckisiorp.
ntrn ana wiwi, no nuttier ol liet Umg
auotdlni. Ptevenls atrlellire. It bel'is so lit.
teriitu n-mi-iy. vnivt ien creryUuns etM
hsv titlled. Held liv all UrlWtaia
tlauufuciurenu The A s,'litwiiliel,MHcta
Prlws ta.. vu., oaujose,ul.
Wg Q Is the seknnwlad. tt
Irsdlnt rsmedv tur all is.
nnnaturai Si.l-haraa a,i,il
Iprlvatedlaaaaeaotms. A
eerlalaenr for th d.j:
IsUng waakassa swaaiiss
lo NOffln.
.! r . Ipr cribs Used fwslarJ
TMltMWOsiWMtFt, la nnmnillii tt St
siii unwri
stl ruvi
I an au ifarsrm.
r DrsisrWD..
xt axs. ,
- JsnUW that bvtba
DV lltv bitaltnd .JZ. .1 1,1 "I
boy cured entirely ol INFLAMMATORY Riifii.
oould get did him no good. Yours in o-riitiwiA
to oe Just si good as
"Clevelands," "Rnlelaha."