VOL. X.. $2.00 Fer Year INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, ORfeGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2P, It!93. Five Cents Per Copy. 24 KKCHET fWK'lKTIKR AO. U. W. INDEPENDENCE , Lodge. No, Stl meets swy Mon day night In Maeonie bull. All ij; ru ing brothers are Invited to attend, w.l Wllktus, M. W. W. 0. Cook. Recorder. VALLEY LODGE, NO. 42, 1. O. O. F,MmiIi In V.ndityn ball svr 1'nnrsdsv eventtm. All Odd follows cor dially iuti(k) to tueet with Ma. VvWt Ouok N. 0. J. D" Irviue, BeoreUry. T YON LODGE, NO. SO. A. F. A. I M. olaled communications Matur day evening on or Mum full uuon eatb month and two wki (hereafter. (). W. bhino, W. M. W. P. Uounsway, 8cy. HOMER LODGE, NO. 48 K. of P. Meets amy WelnHUy vomtiff. All kuUhts are cordially luvUed. W. II. Hewley, tt a C 15. Olodfelter, K. R 8, PHYSIC! AXS-DENTISTRY- O, D. BUTLER, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Beey, V. S. Hoard of Medical Eiatninera, Office In Opera Hones bluok. EL. KETCH DM, M. D. OFFICE . and reeidence, corner Railroad nd Monmonth at., Independence, Or. T"K. J. B. JOHNSON. RESIDENT LJ Pentiak All work warranted lo kit the beat of aatiafaotion. Iudepee deaoe, Or. T 3. LEE, PHYSICIAN AND KUR- i , geon. U. 8. examining iiiriteon. OQIm over Independence National Bank. I-Mt. WM. TATOM. DENTIST, IN J depe-ideuo, Oregon. Offloa In V biteekrr bmldmu on "C meet (np stairs. Uold work a specialty. ATTORNEYS. Hfi i SMITH. ATTOItVET AT VJT Law Will practice in all state nd federal eonrie. arwiracu or nue fnrniahed. Office over Independence National Baak. DALY, MBLEY A EAR IN, AT. tomere at Law. We bate the only art of nhatraet book. In Polk Count). Belinlle abatracta furniahed. Mutiny to Joan; no commlion chnrged on loans. OOlee. tooma 3 and 8 Wilson's block, Dal las, Oregun. AM. HURLEY, ATTORNEY AND , Connector at Law. Offlee. next to Independence National Bank, Inde pendence, Or. BONHAM ft HOLMES. ATTOR neya at Law. Office in Bnab's block, between Rtnte and Court, on Com mercial street, Salem, Or. BASH AND DOORR. MITCHELL ft BOHANNON, MAN UfAOlnrtira of db and dnora. A lao, enroll sawm. Main street, Inde pendence, Or. VETERINARY BURGEON. DR. E. G. YOUNG, late of Ne-vberg, Veterinary Surgeon and Deutiel Vina moved to Independence, and opened an office over tbo Independence Nation al bnnV. BAHBERH. ET. HENKLE. THE BARBER. , opposite Ktat Nntioiiil Iv.nk, In dependence, Oregon. EB. CAHE, PROPRIETOR OF , the Little Puliioe bVber .Shop, J street, Independence, Oregon. Sliav ioif, ShnmpooluK, Kingeing, und lluir cntting. TAILORS. WO. flflAUMAN, MERCHANT . Thiior, 0 Hi n ot, iier wtoll!ct Hnit in any stylo miiile to cider til, rea sonable rule". MILLING 1,8. Mr. E. 0. VnnMeer Mr, M. Cntlln Main itrnnt, ri)(l'nden MiMfiwora to Mm. K. Wlnnull, Imve a wrlt-aelt-uUid to'l( of niiaKooda. Cj-H and examine gouda and yrlcen, BANK& THE INDbl'ENDENCIi National Bank Capital Stock, $50,000.00. H. HllWltllKHH, HRAU NKI.SiN. W. r. CONNAWAY tiMl(lnt, Vlr t'rtolUoiit, IfMlllMT. A genaral hankiug and exehauj bnalnxaa UrniMUtiti Itwtn made, bllli dlamunM.oom' mwliU (imllu imiiUt). dHwlt rtvt on nuranl awuunt uljwl to cliwk, lntrat paid n Unia dixita. DtHKtTWHH. ItMhna MetUinlet, II. tl. Janiwnon, A. i UwMtman, It. Hlrwlttiorg, A. Nolnoa, T, 4, IrfW, I, A, Alln. Commenced Business Mnroh 4, 1 889 KaiblUlid by NlUnl Authority. ' : TtlK- ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of ludxpettdroce, Orofoo. CaplUt Stock Surplus, $90,000.00 St4.000.00 I, a OHH'KB, U W. KOIIKItlHON, Prmlttvut. Vka Prealdonl. W, II 1IAWI.KV. ( .hlr. , DIRECTORS. J,8.0opr, U . ItotmrtKiu, lwl IMinlck 0. W. WliltmikDr, W. W. Culltu. A cvnonU banklnc ImnliMwi tnuiwlmt Huyi Mitl wll oxnliMiiin on all !ui.rllil iioliiU. H'(U mwlvvd milywl torhm'k or on wr Ulttw huurK a. in. lo 1 p. m. HCOHMIUUO UNDER THE Ll$ OF OREGON MONMOUTH, OR. J. II. IUWI.KY rrwI-W P. UCAMI'IIKt.li Vlr.l'rt. IRA V. I-OWKI.U m.CHIr Paid Capital, $30,000, DIRECTORS. , 1. H. ttiwlrj. I. I.CHlliplxll, (.M.HIllllMon J, V. . miller, f. n. mump, . r. s rowu Agrnrral tianklim and einlmiiK btmlniwii Innwrlnl: Umitm iiihUos dp.iii nwiv4 4iili)r'l lo ohn'R or on rtlni)nttf di'ptMlk interim tuna no iiioi !imwiu, inr vault mul kurvlar pruol t. wt'iirvm ujr 1 uii titon mm'v. uoin uourw a a. ni. 10 p. m. HOME BUILDERS Wltl conault ilii'ir txwl in tereata by purettnimig thrlr SASH AND DOORS of the rxhiilile manufncinrer, M.T.CROW, Indepmidmiee, Or., anrcca tor to I' ersiiaoii A Van Meer. Hngur pirn ntul ceduf tluorit, nil j'.i'i. on liKiiil, SCREEN DOORS. & I'ltUI'HIKTdtlH OK City Truck and Transfer Co. Hanling of all Kinds Domi at J('llh011!thl(! Jtiltl'H, Agents for the 0. P. Boats, All bill tnuallie wailed by tbo Kllh 01 eucli tiiontll. Independence, Oregon. -THE- I Ins now ill Mlock and in eoul,iiiti;ill, nrnmifai'turiiiK tiling of all rtizt'S for drains and li'u initio, C. i Gill, wiif m co. jA ... pi I, A. VBNKMa. PERSCOTT I VENESS. Proprintom of- wmm m oil atanuAMturara of and Dralanln FIR and HARDWOOD, Rough and Dresiod LUMBER. J. A. WHEELER, . Manager PIONEER MEAT MARKET. , Hl'ERLlNU BUOH. Props, Choice Meats Higlimt market price psld for fiit atiK-k, beof, mutUm.vcal, jxirk, etc All bllla oiuat be svtUed monthly. OPEN PUXDA YH FROM 8 to On, in. Fres Seli?7 to all parts of tlis (Sty. Mailt street Independenov. Tha New Holton House. M. A. Dudley, Prop. Cor. Fourth and Alder streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. tYnlmllr limtlMt. Nvwly nirnlihtd and re Ailed, Vrw bua to and from atliralnaand ntuiian D. H. Craven THi" PHOTOGRAPHER Call lie found at Whlti'iiker'aOld stand mid willrllH your iutroimgc He turns out only the Best of Work. (live liima tibil mul you will lie con vinced Hint hla work la flint-clans, Hie Priws ims very rvHwmablu. Whiteaker's Old Stand. Independence Ore gon MUCK. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of Inddtxindtinen. Iiavinir a stant uiigino, a brick machine and several acres of flncst (day, 1h now prepared to keep on hand a tine quality ol Brick, whict will be sold at reason able prices, RAILltOADH. TIME TABLE. intiHiil(oiiiii ami MunnioMlh Mntur l.lni' Ijeavm Indeimmlence. lipavpii Mouinniilh, 7:(HI Hill) It iM MO 7:80 lll:KI lli:!l 8:15 4:lA (sir. Shoemaker P, H. Murphy, Practical Hhoe niHker, Main Street, Indepen dence, oppoHlte the oiwra house. The finest or Fxcnclx Calf used in all the better grades of ibqej) Kvery pair warranted. A, PRKHOOTT. J. J. HARK INS, TMOA, FKNNKLL Harkins & Fennell B L A C K S r.1 1 THING i ' Msin strtt, Imlvpstideno. At ths old sUnd of E. E. Krengel, whers ymi cau et your Vs6!i or Fb li;mi or other Iron work dons. HORSESHOEING dime In the most approved manner, As a Horsoihoer, Mr. Harklna la Well Known Througout Polk County. Thd Imported dydesiUk Q A L L 0 V A Y Will make the season of IHU3 al C'orvallls, Mondays and Tues days; Welts, Wednesdays and Tbura- ilays; Ind.'eiidfiiw, Friday and Hatur- day ofeai'k week. DESCRIPTIONS OAI.I,OVVAY U a hand- aonie dapple brown, 11 yeara old, 16 liaiida IiiKli, ami weiia i.wio pounua, He rMMwwi cxivlli'ul tiwllty of Imiiic, tt"tK imiM'Iit.wlih a Rrunil ooiiatltutloo. lis waa linporU-d'by Jettlry Briw., and waabred bv Jamw Kerr. Kmu Itavln- atnu, ScoUatid. He was foaled In July, For two vra In auoeenalon Uslloway haa eapturwl Hie blue riblMtu at ths Onwon Hut Fair, over all oomplliig Clyaesdalt. nil f fiU A V ItWiw tmiy(l wn mraA by Iah Ryan (H7.1), he by Vanqulaliar (H). Galloway's dara waa Mollis (lt)7) Tcims: InaumncetJI, pavable when mare a known to lie with foul, disponed of or removed from the county. HUSTON & NICHOLS, Prop. J. T. CUSTER, Keeper, Independence. AUK YOU THINKING Of Buying a Watch? IFSOGKTritlCESOF O A. KRAMER, MONMOUTH DAIRY B. F. CHURCH, Prop. Will deliver milk In Monmouth nnd IndcnriidHiice every nmrnlnx for 5 Cents a Qiart Twenty tickets for one dollar. Leave orders nr. Walker Bros., Iude pcnilcnce,or Mulkcy &lIiile,Moumnuth World's i,Faro,, RESTAURANT, C St., Independence, Oregon. A well (vwikml and anrvrd nicnl, Knd an yon nnn got aiiywlini'o, for 'iUonln. Liiik lnw, i'o. fee and brnnd, 10 cimln. MRS. M. DEATON, Prop Mrs. L. Campbell Lti from KaniM City, Mo. Din GimranUien a good (It anil ltiat.", work, Cor, Riillroad and Uonmoutli alrouU, Indsnftdsno, 0rs9n i f3.Z Will ORIGINAL AND SELECTED Interesting ltemi From Every- whcreAbout Everything. WHAT THE EXCHANGES SAY Always Fresh and Boiled Down, and Sorted up to Suit- -ThoM Hema Art Carefully Soiected. A harbor generally llluatnita hia atorin with cuts when be gela warmed up. Ex president Harrison Is In de utand among the ooUegw of the ootiutry. He is now to be tendered the presidency of the Indian state university. In the yards about town may be seen fine collections of pansies, violets, hyavlutha aud other choice flowers in abundance, while our Eastern friends are not yet put of bliKards. Few ofwliataell as kid Rlom are really ntatlo of kid skin. Some of them are manufactured of lamb skin, and the more expensive of the skin of young colts, aud the price asked is generally a akin. People who come to Iowa and South Dakota in the expectation of getting land, and fluding none, continue on their westward course to Oregon, where they can grow grain, stock aud fruit too. One of the exchanges haa it that a certain lady in Dallas la the proud possessor of a hoop skirt outfit, but as she is afraid to tackle the street in it she occasionally dous it In the sanctity of her own chamber. If it could be thus. Independence ia the city nf mt. tgsY She haa mo pietty and homelike cottages of modern make than any town of her size in Ore gon and what is more these homes are owned mostly by the people who live in them. The Oregonian says, from much of the talk going one might sup pose that the progress and pros perity of Oregon, its very salva tion, lay at Chicago. A saner idea is that the developement of Oregou lies at home, not at Chi cago. The more of the people, iherelore, who stay at home and mind their own business the bettot for Oregon. Halem is preparing for a great big Columbian-Exposition World's Fair bomb-busting Fourth of July celebration, the same lo begin Juue 2?th and holding over to the Oth of July. The capital city is getting as rantaukerous as a full grown chip munk, lately, and does notliing by halves. We'll all help whoop'or up boys. Dallas Tran script Men often suffer for gaining a prominent reputation. The crooks of the country are now being put to a disadvantage. The Chicago police are securing photographs of the prominent law breakers in the priuelpal cities for use at the World's fair. The field of their exploits will thereby be considera bly circumscribed. Eugene Guard. Moral 1 Dou't be a crook. Strango that au Indian dou't know when a skunk has got the drop on him! Wednesday morn ing as Justice Itobinsou was lead ing a hot skunk across the church house bridge to be shot, tin Indian stole up behind the animal and kicked him. The next momeut the Iudian fell with his wet face toward the cold North aud his heels toward Siskiyou comity. Ho is unother unfortuuale who didn't kuow it was loaded. Klamath Falls Star. After July 1st, South Carolina will go into the saloon business and no liquors will, bo sold except by the stale. What the outcome will be it is hard to surmise, but us it has been decided in the courts that (his law was constitutional, I he present saloon keepers are mak ing the best of the situation while preparing to retire from business, rite question is will the slate be able to willmtaud the temptation of going on a glorioui drunk now aud tkut Highest of all in Leavening X The few miles of road to the Wallace place In Polk county are the only bit of good road in this vicinity at present. It has been good all winter. Our roadmakera should study that road. A shaft weighing 89,320 pounds has been shipped from Bettileham, Pa., to Chicago to be used on some of the machinery at the World's fair. It ia the largest shaft ever forged. If anybody is troubled with squirrels, and our farmers mora or leas are, d-n't depend on shooting, trapping or strychnine, These methods are too slow and expen nive. Phosphorus is much cheaper and fully as effective. Take car bon bisulphide, though, put it in the runway of the squirrels and stop up the holes, an 1 the-gas that is generated is fatal to the penUs. rnmUni rutura MlMry. If there b, in this vale ot tears, a more prolific source of misery than the rheumailam twinge, we have yet to hear of h. People are born with a tendency to rheumatism, Just as thoy are with one to consumption or to scrofula. Hllgbt cauaes may develope tills. As soon as the agonising com plaint maulfmts Itself, recourse should be had to Hoatetter's Btoruach Bitters, which checks Its further Inroada and bnulahcs the rheumatic polaon from the eyatm. This statement tallies exactly with the tmtlmony of physi cians who have employed this Que blood dvpurlent in their private prno- wue. ' Tuere la im v wuawr ii- feNsloiia! and general testimony as to Hie efficacy of the Bitters for malaria, liver complaint, constipation, indi gestion, kiduey trouble, nervousness aud lone of apietlte and fleh. After a wetting", whether followed by a cold or not, the Bitters Is useful as a proven, live of the tnital attack of rheumatism Children Mart Sleep. There is nothing that little folks need to much or that helps their physical development so largely a plenty of sleep. Until they are 15 yean old they should have at least 10 Hours or nature s great restorer. An authority on such matters says that they never should be awakened, but allowed to sleep until of their own accord they are ready to get up. School and household duties, how ever, make such a course impracti cable, but If they are put to bed early enough they will be quite ready to rise without calling at a rea sonable hour. Bedtime can be made pleasant by the telling of a story or a few especially loving ministra tions and caresses that will make this hour a period to be anticipated rather than dreaded. St Louis Re public. " ' ' Wliat a "Tlnah Cat" Haana. Talk about the "Queen's English t" Men get up some perplexing ques tions. Here is a conversation I over heard at a theater the other night Two gentlemen were back of me. One said to the other: "Just look around. You cant see apluBh out anywhere." Plush cutt What did he mean? Hooked around also, Evidently there were none in sight His friend saidi "That's so. You don't see them much now. I presume they will come back again soon. They come in fads. Oue follow who is popular takes it up, and the others are sure to follow suit" Curiosity had opened my ears at first Desperation was straining them now. "Yes, generally one bright fellow leads the style for the swim, and the fellows in othor cliques take it up. A year ago in any auditorium in the oity every fellow that pretends to keep up with the day wore his hair standing up in the most decided pom padour. Now they go to the other extreme perfectly flat" And so "plush cut" means hair cut a la pompadour. Chicago Tribune. Do Watar Wlieali Hun fatter at NlghtT For years the question whether water wheels run faster at night than during the day has been cata logued among the things which no man can find out They do if they are so geared as to be affected by the varying fullness and speed of the current in which they are set. There is no doubt that all streams are fuller and all streams cany more water at midnight than they do at noon. In the first place, the increased coolness of the air pre vents evaporation and subsequent drying up of the smaller tributaries, and, in the second place, the condensa tion of the mojsture in tiie air in tha Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report. . r-s . e-isx - m m shape of dew la always sufficient to add something to large streams and their branches. Heavy dews are often so copious aa to be almost equal to a small shower of rain. We often hear dewdrops falling from the overloaded leaves and find all exposed objects aa wet as if they had undegone a shower during the night A large portion of this moisture must get into the mi nute channels, which of course con duct it to mill streams. "Often," says Humboldt, "the ef fect upon a shallow stream' la very noticeable indeed." If it is at aU "noticeable, " a wheel turned by such a stream would "go faster by night than by day.1 Indianapolis Newa. tae Vaa ef St. Barbara. The feast of St Barbara, like that of 8t Martin, ia a soldiers' fete in Italy. The heroio jrlrL if we mar believe an old story of the tenth cen tury, waa an angel of beauty and vir tue, born in a fortress where her father, Dioeooro, was the governor and also aid-decamp to the emperor, Maximilian. 8t Barbara first saw the light in Italy in her father's beau tiful villa near Scandriglia, a gift from the emperor to his general, rich with mineral waters, marvelous plants, statues, etc, where she passed the first few years of her life, and whore she became a convert to the Christian religion, ' , . , . The-beautiful afrlwaa hunted to death, taken prisoner, her breasts were out off, and she waa exposed to brutal soldiers, who took nnsnamlon of her, fastened her to a stake, covered ner witb quicklime and burned her to death, and this she suffered rather than renounce the religion aha had embraced. This, at least, is the leg end, and the artillery and the eagi- tron, to whom thoy show much re spect and gratitude, especially aa they have half the day free and dou ble pay. London Society. : Pur Flour aad Biaa. , , Those who mistake the flour of dirt for a natural characteristic of flour are not likely to be safe guides in anything relating to flour. Unrefined sugar is noted for its "flavor," but the flavor is merely the dirt or extra neous matter in the sugar. So it is with unrefined flour. The stalk of the wheat, is quite as digestible as the bran and is quite similar in com position. The bran faddists ought to insist on smashing bran, awns and stems all at once into meal Then they would have a meal in which nothing Is wasted exoept the con sumer. The consumer should be guided by experience. If bran Agrees with him, he is right in eating it If it disagrees with him, he is right in refusing to eat it The moraliters who are trying to make out that the millers are doing a great wrong in making pure flour have everything against them nowadays. Milling World. -' Whither the Wlndi Bore Him. It is said of an old time Maine preaoher, Father BkisdelL who was the pioneer missionary along the Maine coast that he would launch his boat and sail before the wind, and where the wind took him he would land and preach. At one time, so the story goes, the wind bore him di rectly toward laleaboro. Just be fore getting there, however, the wind shifted, and although he waa within a few rods of the land he turned his boat and with the wind Bailed off to another town, where he landed, held meetings and started one of the greatest revivals ever held under his ministry. Rockland (Me.) urarier- Gazette. An InTcntlon Suggaated. The Listener wants some one to in vent and construct a vehicle which shall have wheels and also a set of runners, and be furnished with a lever so placed and geared that when the vehicle to moving over good solid snow it will go on the runners, but when a thin or bare spot is reached, the lever may be operated and the runners drawn up, and then the ve hicle will go on wheels. Boston Transcript Management of the Spoon, Use the spoon only to stir tea or coffee i never use it to sip or drink with. As soon as the liquid is stirred place the Bpoon in the saucer and leave it there during the remainder of the meal If a second cup is de sired, pass the cup with the spoon in the saucer, not in the cup. Do not drink from the cup with the spoon in it Housekeeper. Doeu't Like Doctors. "I don't like our doctor," said Wil lie. "I went aud caught a cold bad enough to keep me home from school for two weeks, and the mean old doc tor cured me in less'n two daya,' Cinoianati Enquirer.