The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 21, 1893, Image 4

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(Cbp-rthH 1S, by Anwrtvse. Prw. Amoct.
una. I
r atvji
7 VCtaK
"1 mat rreotamniil rh gotxraor to par-,
du Mm."
W'Ucu the door had 'dosed Mweent
thein and Clialuitirs funntl tilmtwlf asnin
in th ojion air ho flt himself in nosl of
physical action to rellve the nieutal
strws umli-r which n hud hcttl lumialf
so long. A walk would ilo liim good,,
and as he started toward the hold to
which he had scmt hi luas' h
definite satisfai-ttou in cruiiohitiir the
froiea snow of the parvutent UHttkty un
der foot
It was after midnight and the aspect
of the city had chanrd. llu' lij;hu
gleamed as brightly as ever in the till
towers, but the Merrymaker were sons
from the streets. Virtuous and respect
able folk had pone to their homes aitd
only the wayfarer and the guardians
of the peace remained. Acre and there
burst of light and noise came out
from the suddenly opeued door of a
drinking place, sa a titwy reveler came
reeling out. A brushed past
and asked for alms. lu the nure,
where had shone such a brilliant scone
bnt a little time before, tlie shadows of
the foliage now mode queer dickering
shadows on the smooth suow, and in
their half light a wrrtcltml uusvxed out
cast of the streets turkvd and leered at
him. "Poor devil," he muttered to biro-
aelf as he tossed hers coin, "we're all in
trouble together;" and his thought were
Of bis brother, in his narrow, cell, and of
liimself, and of the black haired woluati
whom they both loved, lint wlmiu now
neither perhaps would ever wed.
Having put hi hand to the ta-k, Chal
mers now shrank from nothing that
was needful to further hw purji-we. Hi
first duty iu the morning waa to see Mr.
Rodney; this be preferred to do at that
gentleman's hon.-e rather than at the
bank, where he was so well known and
where he felt that he would be stared at
curiously. The bank president wiwctmr
' teous, but firmly negatived his pro
posals. "I am sorry for yon, Chalmers, he
aid, "but I can't do a thing to help
you. No, 1 can't recommend the gov
ernor to pardou him. It wouldu't be
right. No, 1 don't care alsjnt the money,
the bank can stand that well eiaxtgh:
bnt it's the principle of the thing. Lota
of young meu right here iu this town
are following in George's footsteps, and
they've got to be scared out of it. It's
the only way to stop them."
I did not understand, Mr. Rodney."
said Chalmers stiffly, "that stock gam
bling speculation we'll call it was so
wholly opposed to your own practice."
"Speculation lie Mowed!" exclaimed
the president, with unfeigned astonish
tnent. "I hope you don't take any stuck
in that cock and bull story your brother
told to JliM Tennant. I tlmti;;lit that
waa only for the purpose of 1 'ing her
down easy, so I didn't saj "fc word
though it was mighty hard wrk to keep
till when she came here to me with
the deeds of every Messed thing she
owned and wanted to sqnare his ac
counts. That girl's a tramp, I tell you.
Chalmers. But do you suppose 1 would
see her little fortune go to replace money
that had gone into the rapacious tmiw
of this Mllo. Leouie, as she calls her
self? No, sir; I ain't that kind of a man."
"I presume you know what you are
saying, Air. Rodney," replied Chalmers
with calmnnss, startled though he was
by the president's implications. "But
remember, if yen traduce my brother
needlessly or attribute to him matters
that you cannot substantiate in his
present defenseless condition you will
have to answer to me."
"Look here, Chalmers," returned the
other; "neither you nor 1 are fools, and
we both know something of the world.
Now listen to me a minute, if George
bad bought stocks during the slump last
fall (as I understand this story goes),
when certificates were selling for alxmt
the value of waste paper, ami had got
hold of more than he could carry, and
had come to me and made a clean breast
of it, don't yon snpose 1 would have
helped him out, even if lie had been dip
ping into the bank's funds for the pur
pose? 1 wish to gracious somebody had
bad the sense to go in then, and to drag
me and the hank after them. But we
were all afraid thought the bottom had
dropped right out."
The president ended with a sigh at the
recollection of the lost opportunity: the
sight of Chalmers' white face, pale and
fixed as marble before him, recalled to
him the subject in hand.
"No, sir," he resumed, "that wasn't it
at all. I don't want to hurt yon, but
you might as well know the straight
tory now."
He looked at his companion interroga
tively, and the latter nodded to him to
"The thing had been going on for
three years, and might have gone on for
as many more, or until the bank was
ruined, if it had not been for one of
these government bank examiners, who
are always poking into other people's
business. He saw that things were go
ing wrong, and told me so first. Then
we called George into my private room,
and he owned up to the whole thing, at
once. You see, it had gone so far he
couldn't hope to cover his tracks much
"How do you know where the money
went? What proof have yon?"
"Everybody knew that but ourselves,
and we might have known it if we
hadn't been blind as bats. Hit hud fur
nishqtf a suite of rooms for this Lunula
within a stone's throw of the best houses
on Euclid, They iay she has everything
nil IS"-"
titer that money can any. vnxr money,
too, mtudyott," he added quickly, "And
! as for tliauiouds and other claptrap of
that sort, he gave her enough to net up
"Cau yon give uie the exact amount
of my brother i defalcation!"
"Yes, lr, I rati, of course, Hut
would rather not, YVs specified, certain
matters, sufflcttmt to Insure conviction.
lu tht indictment, but we didn't tell the
public the whole story, V havs per
sonally made good the entire low to tb
bank uow, and we dou t pare to publish
just how badly we were hit through our
own stupidity,"
"As you please," answered Chalmers.
"1 only asked in order that 1 might re
imburse yon. I have instructed my
bankers iu New ituk to haw auftlcient
funds ready, and tf you will name the
amount 1 will give a sight draft for it.
"On v word," said the pitwideut,
more kindly thau he had lust spoken
appreciate your otter, Mr, Chalmers,
and the motive that prompts it. 1 as
tare you I do, But we cannot accept
your proposal. I presume ytt will m
deavor to have jour brother pardoned, 1 would wish not to put
straw iu your way, hut 1 can't look upon
tills as a personal matter, and tf we Us
thla money, allowing you lo square his.
account that is, so far as money run
square it--the nest thing would lie that
sums of our weak headed directors
would sign your petition, and so the
whole moral effect of the affair won!
be list; and it may sound liarvli, but
believe what 1 ssy it will be better for
ihe youm? umn to let htm serv out his
term. If you get him out now he will
likely go to the dugs, but tf yon let him
stay until the end of his time ha will be
aolwred down by that,"
" 1 on are stueere in thatr asked
Chalmers. "You think it could do any
man good to Send ten years, ten of the
best years of his life iu stu b a place!
Aside from the necessity of punishing
crime, yon think that sort of punish
Dient ran have a salutary erfoct? lou
you know that prisons make criminal!.?1
Mr. Rodney would have been glad to
avoid further discussion of the subject,
but there was a unlet insistence iu the
others mauuer that forced him toau
"Really,! don't know much about it,'
be replied; "it's mostly theory with me,
as with Uie majority of pecple, I pre
sume. Maybe there is something iu it
that hardens a man.
maimers aggressiveness had van'
islied as quickly as It apta-ared. There
was no reason why he should quarrel
with this man aliont his theories and be
liefs, much reason perhaps why he
should not do so for Georgu'a sake.
There was really no reaaou, either,
why he should doubt Mr. Rodney's
statement as regarded George a affairs.
He reflected that since they had both
reached uianhood they had not known
each other intimately. Thev had not
been much together, nor couiided much
ID each other as to the mltiutittt of their
lives. So much as Chalmers had seen
of his brother outwardly when thev
met, his life, appeared circumspect, if
perhaps a little less serious than might
have been desired; and he waa sort!
ciently versed in human nature to know
that a man is seldom just what he up
pears to be upon the surface. During
the morning he received sufticieut con
Urination of this to have convinced eve"
a greater skeptic, hut It did not serve to
abate bis leal iu his brother's behalf,
but oo the contrary rather intensified it.
"I would torgivt him everything.'
Mile. Letmle, the queen of the city's
half world, had evolved into this sphere
from the obscurity of a small Ohio vil
lage solely by the force of some degree
of physical beauty and a great degree
of audacity, As Laura Leonard she
bad been unknown except to the rustics
of her village; as Mile. Leouie her mime
was on men's lips as a wonderful siren.
She blazed out in her firmament as a
sudden flame, and men rather flattered
themselves than otherwise that they
snotilil be scorched thereat. To be knowi
as a habitue of her house served to give
one a certain standing among certain
circles. To be privileged to bring hor a
jewel, to send a statuette for the adorn
ment of her rooms for Loonie had de
veloped luxurious and expensive tastes
that Laura Leonard could never have
known and to have her say, "Lookl
this is from my friend V ; is it not
Hue?" was almost glory enough for some
of the callow youth who worshiped at
her shrine, for Leonie was exclusive.
But this was not enough for Genres
Chalmers. At heart he was something
of a Bohemian and he despised loa con
venances, when he had first met
Leonie he had not only been enchanted
by the bold and brilliant aspects of her
physical beauty, which time and the at
trition of city life only polisfied and
made more perfect, but as well by the
irresistible dash and go of her personal
ity. She was neither dull nor course of
mind, andHuew bow to rotuin as well
as to attract the admiration of men.
Bo, as their intimacy grew, young Chal
mers cursed the puritanical sentiment
that hedged them about, and strove by
lavish generosity to make np to hor in
some measure fur the loss of those things
that he could not do for her before the
Ho far as bis relations with Lina Ten
nant were coucerued, of Course this af
fair with Leonie would be over some
day, and he expected to settle down
finally Into the substantial, niattor of
fact citizen. Then he conld not hope
for a better wife than Lina would be,
but he wished she had something more
of Leonid's chic.
Leonie did not mean to harm the
young fellow. She knew that he spent
a great doul of money for hor, but it did
not occur to her to question iu source.
Perhaps it would have made no differ
7 tJ I
ence, anyway, , remap sua woum nave
let hliu go on just the same, But, again
Derhsns aha would not, for she really
cared for him. In his treatment of her
lie had been different from other men
the had known, tie never seemed
ashamed of her friendship, tie eeened
to recognise her right to a place in that
torld, Iter right to the very plaoe thai
held tf that waa the one place to
Which she waa beet suited, Hooiety had
no right to proscrttie her llnea. How
could the world know whether she
would At into any one of IU dull, accus
tomed grooves? How can the world
know that of any of us? He would
have been glad to have fewer line him
(To be eoatliiiiedj
ow Owml Hatlsr tendlta4 the Vse
Uasaajr ef a Caatfastesv
General Butler m coudmI for the
plaintiff in a damage cam agniiutt
one of the Boeton itreot railway
eotnpuiiic, otiie years alnco, turned a
point in liia client's favor and won but
caw by au adroit and original move.
The accident in question bad taken
place In a crowded itrcet, and the
testimony waa contradictory and
confusing. The conductor of u car.
on the witueea atatul, awore point
blank agalnat the plalutifx ilia evi
dence waa concur, and he claimed to
have soon all the txwirronoee of the
affair and deaorlbed thera mlnutoly,
disputing the general's client at pvory
tutu It wa nmtilfeet that if the
conductor told the truth the plaintiff
had no com.
The gouoml took tip the orte ex
anunaUou, but the wltnesa atuclt lu
hie atory.
"What to that f" anlil the (ronwal,
pointing to the bull punch uhhuuUhI
from the wit turn 'neck.
"IM1 punch," waa the anaww.
"And what ia a Ml punch I" inno
cently inquired Die lawyer. And
then followed a lengthy explanation
of how tho tnwdiiue rang the boll to
attract the jiikH'tigvri' attention that
the amount waa Mug recorded, by
the machinery on the inaido. The
wbya and whornforea, the notity
for the thing and the company
mice wore gone Uito until Uie court
waa wolj tii'h out of jiaticncw and
Uie jury were plainly wearj'tng:.
"And what do you do if a m intake
la iiitide and ytm conio out abort whim
you and the machine are at van
auci't" waa th gwncral' qtiory.
"ihey make ua pay Uie differ
n, waa Uie answer.
"Won't they takeyour word for it f
"Well, If tlicy woui take your
wonl for a nickel they needn't x
t:t thia jury to believe you," auid
the general, and thuy didn't, for they
gave Uie plaintiff a eulsttanUul ver
I would not have my readers Uiink
the gvucrul inU'tideil any slur upon
itrtx't car ooiiductora, who are as
hoiieet and houorable aa the rtwt of
us. 11m gouond hud a way of 'gt
ungtiiero, no matter who waa bit
Boeton Ulolw,
rieltUaaw, Tli Nam Is Maine Olrll
The othvr day a Lewiaton young
lady mmlo an agreement with one of
bur admirers to go out walking that
eveuuig. Later she mot another.
wiiom sue tnviUHi to call that name
evening. Khe hud forgotten the first
Then when a third one of hor beaux
unido hia Mpp'unuico she agroed to
go walking with hiin. In the even
lug the llret young man came for
hor. IS lie wont and soon the second
arrivud, aud being told that she waa
out he auid he would go aud umd
YVhoneho anw him coming, she re-
nicinlx'rtHl hor engagement, excueed
herself from the first young man
and walked with tho aix-ond. They
came to a confectionery store, and
she rciiiuini'd outaido while he went
in after chocolates. The third young
man came along while hIio wniUsl,
and slit) grm ioiiHly prommiwlod ofl
with him. ow alio says alio will be
more careful of her appointment.
LewiHton Jouruul.
I'lns Trm mi Volesniwa.
Every one who admire true must
be IntoroHtod in the result of Proton-
or Heilprin'a studios of the piutw that
clothe the alopca of the great vol
came mountains of Mexico.
Those huge pcuk scum to have
pierced thmr way upward through
mantle of pino forest, which clings
to their sides up to a height of nearly
8 miles.
The vertical range of Uie pine In
Mexico in romurkalilo, It Is found
among the sun loving palm trees at
the foot of the mountains, and it
stand defiant of tho cold close to the
perjietuul auowe thut cover their
summit. - Youth's Companion.
Columbian Stamps Fur Rtlqustt.
An elderly liuly in a modest man
ner loaned over the counter of a
west end drug store, and pointing to
lottor wttn a Columbian stjunp
asked: ,
Will you please tell me if those
stumps nro gotjd for just common
use!" When assured that thoy were
so Intended, she bowed politely and
remarked asshe left: "I didn't know.
I thought they were to be used per
haps for etiquette," ,
"I have to answer that same que
tion 10 times a day," said the clerk.
but I wonder what she meant by
etiquette." Baltimore Sun.
a Mttla Act of Connlrieratlna Won
Ulsllnotlon Fur a Traveler.
An Engludiman making the grand
tottr about the middle of the last cen
tury, when travelers wore more ob-
octs of attention than thoy are now,
on nrrMng at Turin sauntered out
to see the plum
He happened to meet a regiment
of Infantry returning from parade
and took a position to see it pass. A
young captain, evidently anxious to
tmiUe a display before the stranger,
in ciosHing one of the numerous wa
ter courses with which tho city is In-
teisoctad, missed his footing, and in
trying to save himself lost hia hat.
The exhibition waa truly tiufortu
nnte-- the spectator laughed and
its iked at th Englishman, exiaxitiug
to see linn laugh too. On the oon
trury, lie not only retained bl com
poMure, but promptly advanced to
where the hat tint! rolled, and taking
It tip presented it with an air of un
affected kiudiiVsa to It confused
The ofllocr nwalved It wltli A blush
of surprise and gratitude and hur
ried to rejoin his comimnyt there
waa murmur of applause, and the
stranger pushed tut Though the
scene of a moment aud without
word sjKiken, it touched every heart,
out with admiration for a mere dis
play of .oliunoM, but with a warm
er feeling for a proof of that true
oliarity "which never faileth."
On the tvglnieut'l being dismissed
the captain, who was a young tnao
of cousideraUon, In glowing tortus
related the circuiiisUiiiee to hia colo
nel. The colonel Intmediatoly men
Uotiod it to the general In eouiuiand,
aud when the Englishman returned
to his hotel he found an aldlo-cmp
waiting to request his comiwny to
dinner at headquarter.
In the evening he was carried to
court, at that time, as Lord Clitwtor
field toll us, Uie most brilliant court
in EuMpa,
Of course during his stay at Turin
bo waa Invited everywhere, and on
bis deimrture he was loaded with let
tors of IntmlucUon to Uia different
staUw of Italy - Philadelphia Time
Leaving Portland, 8 '45 a. m.
" " 7:30 p.m.
7 Hour Quic t i to fct. Pi ul,
23 Hours Quicker to Chicago,
40 Hour Quicker to Omaha
and Kansas City
For rsiHt an auiicml inlurnisllon. mll.ou
ir sildn-M
W. II. Iltllll.lll'ltr, Aaal.(le IW Asl,
i,l Wsolotisiam irel,Mir. Third,
itai.A.NH, m
if hii.ii-l'rH. (limtitehi In ( 'riiwultts.. mImi
ill Ifcift mitl tt miMtUi rttrfirrKt4tr
iinrrntti.iiuii.i. nr hhrnitK,Mi HiitK.chmti.
tn, rvrviti, nr tiiri'tltir) iMi Htitt inHuy mliif
llW'IVKW Mtltl Ullllif Wt"HPfcM, II 111 AlWHft
iwiivifVMl mtttlltlt'Urtjr'iMhrliiaf nntiiwr.
'him tvtlt&tiV lilaa liai or latwll at IhlM n ttt Isall. l
t b.,tt ft-r muti lv inittl, VV tiy nultcr rmn.
,hl u frittt' ihawMM wht-u h written uuHrittilw
Kivi'ii W illi fl imm In n-lniHl H.f iinun-y If
tot iwl, 'iiit wUmti fur wtiiitlt liiittiitn.
it UiiPit hy tt'cKHinrii.t'tftrHe Ac u., whn
lUt'ttiin rt'tiiii tirutniitf iiiti..lnrtuiitl,i ir,
K-r kulv ii l'H(uru I In. iuiU bn-ior A
en a ihhhu
III' vviinii
WhM s ohllS si hows, stothvr rnsSs ma tk m t-
poonl of onion oyrup ol olsht. Iho nott morning
ByooticSwts S"no. tor Croup II h4 no oquof,
V ohlMrim mint upon Sivlns Dr. Ounnt Ottlos
Srmpwhloh lo slrw.Sy rvi,ira. moro plooo.iil
ss4 wiikoul Mote or iuoJ f ol Ik oulwu. SoH si too.
HoldhyJ H. I'UOII.
great um w kwm
.Mitri'r l .nill I t ailfTlHfft
(Wtt e 1.1,1 i ,
flrt I... . i, it...t..
siiu ivMifi Hir iiiMivriuiiy
i mi sir tti.ila ait. I 1ih i ....IA
j vi mtt "WW iu saYUlU
Hiiknc-iaruldltciHci, Museum
' i i .i i
enm uca w in HKHi-aiitiioi new
olllf.rlll Ailmtasiftn M s t .
men: Iflctur. l M at manhnoi1,dlictuiia of tt
kliiftud klduuyg M'H''lr rur.'tl without tht
tin of morrury. TrtMlmAiii mnanaii k.
bttor, Btna lor book. r '
Whftn a oh lid, mothar rava ma onion aymp for
nnnirhat. fin Ida .nrl (Irnun. tn turn 1 aTlva IttOtnV lit
tUon, Ttior m nothiug io lmpl, mm(m and sura,
Dr. uunn'a union nvrup ia an narmioH una piemm
a tit tn I ha tival aM hnnav. Thia in motlipr'll noma
raattdy, wn,y not try ItF Hold at M oauta.
Fur mile by J. H. FUUH.
"jtits ros, ou ftTMoawi-Tiut toti au ssoit
uno iH'9uiu(niAiisjoain. i.ajoiKi
OX 31. NO IV (J'IjIU
,TTTrT OWianrT-tOHJ " PMTatBIffn'rl
flNITH Pu UJ0J IMA "Wrt 08iA
Tin i it m (iiibiui uino 'tiowadtJ8d axit
viniHiou njkuan gnu PNIH0J.J
- I B
World's "Faro"
UHt,, liiili'is'ililiMimi, (lrK'"i.
A wnll isNiksil anil nxrvrit ntcHl, hihhI as ynu
Mil "l " lli'ln, S,f Jnivnlo, l.tliiuhnl, i'iiI'
Awsiiil liri'ml, III ix uln.
I'oiMM ii;
Is the lino Ul Uk
ll Is tlia DINING-CAR ROUTE, li
runs Throtign Vestibuled Traitit
Evsry Day In the Year to
(Nui'lmiissiil osrs)
Cu'iumiwh1 uf WXIMJ CA1W uu-
aUI'IIIWrMHl, J'ltllllhlll I)'i,willg
Kihiiii Miii'H'is ul Intent
Iltwl. liml fan U tHuislrtii'ifd, and
In wlihdi iMTomiiiiiilii imis ar
Imtli IVi iintl liiniislitHl for
lniii-l ul rat. nr hWv
llllll :KH ticki'ls,
1 Continuous line, Connecting
with ill Ones
Allnritili itirml aiiil uiiiiilfrriiiilixl wrvliw
inllmnn iiI,'.i.t r,.vwii,im rwii lw wHiiirwl
iu mlvmiiv ihrousli sii.i nmm i,r ino n.l.
mi all
lOiiulttlnl mid
I.MhilHMnll ih mm hi mil' I t'nti! olYlm
ul II i i-iMinmiiv Hill liiiorninl urn n-snnt.
rum. r ttttiit., n.iii., mnl uihirili
I L, Itiriii.lii'U ii i n,ili,miMii In hii )r nfu!,ur
AhlHMl tlt'iii'ml lnMiiiif Asnl,
,Ni, Ul lr .irwl, nir WaahllialliU,
r, InrnrmsittW snd fnw lUndbaiik nio in
Ul (!.. l Ill-AI'1T. S YnllS.
?ld,4l iHirwu Mr..mii (l.nlo in Amotion.
tttf imimit lkn mil Ii u. I lmni.ln bot,.r
lb. imiuic by s wtK.os it on irw ot Muuss la UM
S ricntifif mcrirau
tsrrat lrKilllna f tnr riMitioc pvr la Iks
orl4. Si'lvli.liilir, ha luiolliiroM
thnuul tw aiihuut H. Woollir. S I. 110 s
tmrt ll r,..riHo SriSrvM ut'NN i ixi
USUUIltu. JIMi SroKlnar.Aov lurSUI'.
Ctrnt sml Tnnlt.M ik.ohi.lnod, snd .11 l't
U Im moocshtc fits,
Ous Ornet is Ossositc 0. S. S.tint ornct
and w on sx-ui . lu urn Um. Ut&u Uium
romut. Irora W..hinion.
Siuit model, di.wmj or photo., wllk dvrlp
Ikin. W sdri, II mient.M. or not, Iros ol
cSrs. Our Im not du. till paimt is Ht urod.
s n.wm. "How fiimis.'' wllh
m ul wo. In th. U.S.U 1 loiwua ouuuin
ON. ATf NT OfriCC . WAaNtNQTON. D. 0.
iatMeru ee!ir.
With Patterson Bros. AmtHcaa
11 w a w m aw aw"
I ! IJJ jjjj
we lisve a relief and cure
In your ignorance of effects
and vitality which is
system the elements thus
strength and vigor will fL
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
after all other treatments 25
testify, end from many of Vfe
ll S complete galvanic battery, made Into a belt f ni to be easily worn during work or at rest, and It gives soothing, prolonged currents
Which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Eleetrie Suspensory, .the
Srcatcst boon ever given weuk men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or psrts, of
loney Kofuntlud. They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cunt
th3 worst ciisoa In two ur three months. Address
H orsemen,
PILOT Mi MO ST will uiskuttissrasiiii uf 1HW at Cuih's slahl, I iurf wIiioh,
mi Kill It A V and HATL'HDAYof vaidi wmk.aiid at lln fslr Kruunds,rlalui.
l-ILOr LKNONT la a dark ehtwtiiut In color, with small strip In lacs; Mt frout
fisit aud Isitli hind onus wlilt; stands It) hands Itlaf I. ; wuIkIis 1, f (Ml pounds.
. lily wors 6 oumw slna-s wlieo be tnads his present ntmrd of 2:i!l j. His
ooltsars all g'xsl sImi and silorand ara wry uulfurui lu auilou, with tins
llsHlll(iu aud lssl tog snd foi't, 1
NKKVICE KKK -tM.nti fur (liv skuwhi, payable on or ls fiir July I, IMi.l. lusiir
, anoe f.iu.00, (Mi.vsliW wlin nmre pmvwi to 1st iu foal or by Maroli I, 18IH.
Uood pasture will Ui fiirnlslifd at t'UM iwr month. Will not t hnsii.lil
fur swiiltfiiU ur MiaHs.
PILOT LKMOST was si nil hy Uim.iit 1271H, slrcnf llluiiiif 2.114) (!', 2:1.)), Udy
Alsvk 2:j, Lwona 2:i, ami otlmni Just as tast. Ursi dam, .Villi' Mack, hy
iX'ailslmt, son of Akwle timt). hy Mamhriiio Chli-f (11); wsiinl limn Vaiims,
liy I'usl llaiiihltiluiilaii, sun i if HuinhHiiiiiiliui (lo). Third dniii, Carvliiml
hy Duval's ol Miiiul-rlno Chli f (IH;fuiirilidiiiu, ly J'l r,
sou of lilacklmiTi's Whip, Homi'df
PILOT LKIOSTK inlts will Iw IisiiiIIihI Ihissfitson at Hiilvm, uln-rf Hwy usu
lai smm during the siiuimir, slid llicy sru kishI i iiihikIi to it rniiilsiil l
any hrtfdi'r. for any Information call on or uililrw
SAMUEL A. CROW ELL, Salem, Oreg.
Independence Marble Works
Marble and Granite Monuments
Headstones, Tablets, and Curbing.
,'". " : . '
A new and iimiplt'te shK'k of Marble and (lrsnlk Mnnumnits tn arrive atma,
wtiloli we will furnish at low prices snd at short imtlt. We huy hy
the (iirldiul and csn ulve rustonit'rs siIvuiiIsks of low frvliilit.
Shop on Raifroad St. I. tl. IMtas, fa).
Carry a
Saddles, Whips
Robes, Oils, Brushes, Etc.
The Butchers
411 1! sini't,x ImlcrHiinUiiu-e, Or. -Tim
rhniifxt of I'md! and wilt, meats of all kinds are kept constantly on
imiitl. Also KmiM!e of alt kinds.
t'ity. Ilifrlii-st casli price paid for
Our Stock .Represents Over 1000 Styles.
Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings.
Prices $5 to $50. Qft&eM
Rules, and Tape-line m first street,'
Mailed Free. portumo, ohiook.
Sleeplessness. FboRMEMORVs gemerau IllHealth
the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. For such sufferers
In our marvelous Invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical,
or by excesses, or exposure, you mny have unduly drained your system of nerve force
lootrlclty and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. It you replace into your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, snd health,
low at once snd In a natural way. This Is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Hend for our Illustrated l'amphlets, free sent by mail, sealed,
RaII. ta nn vnrl,vii.rit. ni wn havs rMtnrsH thniiMnda tn mhnat. hsstlh anil vtnmH
-v taiien, as can tie Shown ny nunnrecis oi cases inrougnoui mis owe, wno wouia giaai).
5 whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt
Attention !
f wit Mas ef
& Knott
irFr delivery to any part t( the
fat atock.
who are debilitated andsuf fering
from Nervous Debility! Seminal Weak
ness, Losses Drains. Impotency or.
i Lost Manhood. Rheumatism, Lame
Back. Kidney" Troubles. NervousnKt