The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 21, 1893, Image 3

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What Our Kqiorter Finds of la
terwt to Our Readers.
mmmuj t Ik twtf U wk Ttnl TM
a fellwlwi pu.Imm f Istornt
Vraa W)kM.
Dr. Waller Babbctt, the partner of
Dr. T. J. Lee lu the practice or vhxII
cine, arrived her lt week aud ha
M one taken up ht work lu our
midst. Dr. Babbett in a handsome
nun, over six feet In wight, dark hair
and blue eye ami mi exceedingly In
telligent eouiiteuenee. He studied
medicine at Trinity college Toronto
Cauada, and spent year after gradu
ating tu th hospital of Loudon mid
Dublin. Ho come hers direct from
Kt. John, New Brunswick. He U a
general practitioner aud come lu our
inldat well reoonimeuded.
A circular bo beeu received from
Han Francisco which emleiiate from
tbe executive committee of tbe Hun
Francisco Unemployed, kud y:
"Do not be devolved by false reiHirt.
The city of Ban Francisco la crowded
with Idle uieu. There re thousand
of ut tramping tbe slrect hungry,
hopeleaa kud destitute. For God'
tkke keep away from tbla city. Ad
vertisement Air laborer, tailor or
mechanic are falsu. Place no faith lu
Uiem. There are ten men here for
every Job now,'
Week before tat 0. W. Leouard had
aome' of hl thoroughbred Gotawold
Iamb killed by doga, emailing a lu
of about ISO. Mr. Leouard happeued
on tbe doga at the time hi lamb were
killed, and succeeded lu killing mid
crippling oue and a neighbor killed
another. Mr. Jo. Craven bad tome
lambs killed the value day. They ueed
the dog-killer lu (he country an well
at In town.
Divine service, at the Presbyterian
church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. ni. In the morning there will
be a aacml cornet aolo furulshed by
Willie BUI with tlie organ accompani
ment by Mis Katie Wheeler. tiuuday
ohool at i be clone of the morning ser
mon and prayermeetiug Wednesday
evening at 7:30 o'clock. A welcome
la given to al 1 to these service.
Itoland D. Grant' lecture last Tue
day eveulng, In the owra house, was
well alteuded and bin bearer were en
tertained and Instructed with a moat
echolarly presentation of the facta of
blatory oo u net-ted with hi subject "Tbe
Making and Breaking of Natioua," In
aome of lila flight of oratory and vivid
descriptions he waa truly grand.
J. R. '. Hell, who haa Juat returned
from a trtp over tbe whole United
States, aay he heard the cry of "tight
money" every where. That we on the
Pacific coast have only to hold on and
wait not more than a few mouth aud
within two year we will aee change
on thii count we acaroely dream of
Jay 11. V. Duller Is Mud supervisor
up at Monmouth aud last 8uuday he
drove over one of bis roads to a fuueral
and fhe front wheels of hla buggy
dropped down lu a chuck hole aud Mr.
Butler went over headforemost into the
mud : He now know where aome of
tbe deep bole are In hi district.
A letter from Falls City Inform u
that tbe temperuiice element at Falls
City, having won the eleutiou, the
other side are exceeding wroth aud
bad blood la being created lu that
peaceful burg. An Indignation meet
ing, or something of the kind, waa
held last Tuesday.
Our correspondent at Dullas waa In
error In statiug last week that Mrs.
Young, of this city, waa being sup
ported by the county a a pauper. The
county court made a small allowance
for ber crippled son who la unuble to do
anything for himself.
In all the towns along the line where
Messrs. Allyu and Colon! have given
entertainments they are very highly
pokeo of. Tbey will entertain the peo
ple of Independence at the Presbyterian
church Thursday, April 27th. Admis
sion 20 cents. .
If you have time just step Into Vau
duyu's store and look through bis ele
gant stock of clothing, his price will
convince you that be I going out of
the clothing business.
Ged. Tatom, whose home la in Gll
liam county, brother of James Tatom,
of Moumonth, ienla day here this
week renewing old acquaintance.
Vanduyn says ull bis mens, boys
aud youths clothing must be closed
out. Ills motto Is "sell cheap and
close them out quick."
s Burglars never break Into Cook's fur
niture store because he sells his goods
to cheap that they come and buy of
him instead.
Do net fall to attend the concert at
tbe Presbyterian church tbe 27th Inst
You will be well repaid and highly en
tertained. Zed Bosendorf, to we are told, baa
purchased the Clodfeltcr brick on the
corner of Muin aud C streets.
J. F. O'Donuell Is having a mum
moth sign sixty feet long painted on
the front of his warehouse.
Vanduyn says be is not selling at
Portland prices, but prices that beat
anything in the state.
Any child can be fitted In red shoes
or tie at Vanduyu'a.
Men's spring sulta at Vanduyn' at
price from 15.60 to lak
Two brau new organs for sale cheap.
Enquire at Wkwy Hi ok oflloa,
If you want to know where to gvt a
good cigar, ask patroiut of P, C. Pat tor-
Tropical fruit at Patterson's a large
and ulce a can be found lu ludepeu
U. H. Wilcox aud wife took In the
metropolis this week, also W, U. Whit-
J, K. Klrkland and wife, of Ilarrls-
buig, me now once again resident of
Dr. Doty, of Monmouth, la Using
vetallaed air for the absolutely paiu
lea extraotiou of teeth.
How doe tha slove feel wheu full of
coals? Grateful. That la the way
Cook's furniture store teela, for It la full
Tony Noltuer, tho editor of the
Portland Dispatch, waa In towu on
aome mysterious mission last Wednes
School meeting uetTueday at the
public aohool building to elect a dt
rector la place of W. K. Creasy re
signed. "How pleasant you look." "Yea, I
have Just beeu presented with a but of
that delicious candy sold by Pink Pal
tersou." Dr. a A. Mulkey haa moved Into the
residence lately occupied by W. E,
Uoodvll, the later having moved to
Dr. Doty, of Monmouth, tbe dentist,
who la using vitalised air for the atwo
lotely pal u lew extraction of teeth, lu
vltea trade.
Mr. Dr. Lormar, Mm. McDanlelaud
Mlaa Walker, of Whatcom, are visiting
their brother, W. H. aud H. B. Walker
of this city.
An exhibit of the school work la lie
lug prepared, aud when completed the
public will be invited to Inspect It
Tiie exhibit will remalu at home.
RuImj Altyn, humorist and dramatic
reader, and Chsa. Colonl, base cantante
and guitar soloist, are apeciallsta In
their line, and give a flrst-cla concert.
Service lu Cougregatlnual church
next Suuday evening only. D.V. Poling
preaelie at Ulekn'all lu the morning.
Choral union meet Wedudsday eve
Mrs. Claire Irvine, Mlaa Alice Macau-
lay and D. V. Poling were delegate to
the Congregational H. 8. convention al
Corvallia this week. I). V.Pollng served
as music director and Mm. Irvine as
Mrs, Hnruh M. IUkhI, of the Vlavl Co.
from Portland, will give a free lecture
fortheladlva only, at the Chrltatn
church Friday evening, April 2Mb.
See bill lu store windows. All ladles
are cordially mvlted.
Quite a number of J. It N. Bell's
Intimate frlenda came In aud spent
the evening last Monday and listened
to bla graphic account of wlmt he
had seen and beard In hla trip through
the states aud territories.
Wheeler A Clodfvlter have Just re
ceived a large Invoice of envelope of a
Hrst-4'lasa quality which they will sell,
for tbe rciualuder of this week only,
for 20 cents per hundred. Hupply your
self w hile this sieclal ludutwmeut Is
offered you.
"Jack" Uitrklns, as all the horsemen
call him, hah decided to locate al Inde
pendence, having sold out his shop at
Halem. Wherever he liiUir he will be
found a fileud of sa-cd animals aud an
artist at treating horse feci. Tlie miwt
valuable aulmal is ierfeHly sufe in Jack
Hui kins' huudn iSulcui Jourid.
A. K. Hundcreock, of the Oregon
Mercaiillle Co., has brought his
family, consisting of wife and three
sous, from Alblua, aud Inis moved Into
the .Mrs. Joue renldcnce. Airs.
8uuderoock was the moving spirit of
the ltebecca lodge of Aloiua and wilt
miss tbe lodge here. Why uot orga
nize one?
J. J. Harklus, an excrt blacksmith
of Halem, Or., has purchased, In com
pany with Thomas Feuuell, the black
smith shop lately owned by Pitta A
Ulllard aud will endeavor to conduct
the business In a uiuunor satisfactory
to the public. They are both skilled
workmen aud have au established
reputation as such.
Craven Bell A Co. Is tne name of the
new manufacturing firm in Indepen
dence. J. Ii. N. Bell has Invented the
Bell self-adjusting binding strap,"
aud W. H. Ciaven & Co. the harness
makers, will start In this week manu
facturing oue to ten thousand of the
straps. This industry when developed
will employ quite a number of men.
At the Christain church next Hun-
day the pastor's morning theme will
be "Wtiut think ye ot the Hcrmon to
day?" Aud In the evening, by re
quest "Did Christ actually arise from
the Dead." Hneciul music cousisting
of duetts, solos, anthems and male
quartette appropriate to the services,
will he rendered by the singers. The
Young Peoples society, led by the
pastor at (1:30 p' m will take for Its
lesson "How to pray for friends."
The public, especially non-church goers
are cordially welcome to all services.
At the urgent request of his friends
Rev. Itoland D. Giant remained in In
dependence over Wednesday night and
delivered a sermon in the Baptist
church which was largely attended and
Intensely lutcrcstlng. Tbe speaker car
ried bis audience with him for a full
one and a half hours, and when he drew
tbe curtuin aside and depicted a sacra
Helal Hceue, the silence of the audience
was intense. Roluud D. Grant Is a
brilliant man, and It la no wonder that
bis time Is so fully taken up that he can
not answer half the calls made on him.
We were vcrv fortunate to get him here
to address us. Those who were not
prescut Wednesday evening missed a
l-rore treat.
Amant Lie ualnaat M,
K. R, Case, the barber, make a
specialty of fine iouiwdourlug. Try
W. II. Craven it Co. are turning nu
aome line set of harness which are
warranted to give satisfaction
The Independence Tile Co, has
facultlea for turning out, on short
notice all tlses of tiling, from the
smallest to the largest
Hterllug A Kaolt are the accomodat
ing butcher on C street.
L, W MoAihuu la prepared to
furnish you au elegant monument
with which to mark the last resting
place of your relative
Humuel L. Crowell, the owner of
Pilot Lcnioul, desire to meet ull
owners of ltockwood tllllc
W. K. Uoodell advertise a clwtraiw
aale of hi stock of Is sit and shoes.
O. A. Kramer still kcc the watchc
ticking, and haa new one for sale
Lumber of taut quality and from
mountain logs Is aold by 1'rccoU &
(let your blacksmlthlng done by
K. K Krengle
Call on host Dudley at the tloltou,
when In Portland
D. II. Craven Mill turn out tlusw
beautiful photograph, rain or shine
J. It Cisqier ha pleuly of brick on
hand al low price -
Hubbard A Btaat are busy doing
all the draying here -
Five cents Is all It cxsiU to travel on
the motor to Monmouth and visit the
Normal achtsjl
Mr. L. CauipMI la giving such
good aatUfactlou a dreasmaker, tltat
she will sikiii need assistance
P. H. Murphy keep pegging awuy,
and turns out tsaibi and sins for his
Iuten-lew M. T. Crow when you
want anything lu the sash aud door
Th Polk County Itauk at Mon
mouth, Is ably prmlded over by J 11.
J. 8, Cooper I president and W. II.
Hawley cahlerof tbe Flrt National
Bank of Independence
The following substantial men are
director of III Indeendeuoe National
Bank: II. II. Jaspersuu, A. J. thaid-
man, II. Hirschberg, A. Nelson, T. J.
I-ee aud J. A. Allen.
There I no place In Oregon where a
ladter meal Is served than at the res
taurant of Westacott Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Balem. (urUnaia at
tention, a line meal, aud tbe popnlsr
price of 25 iviits, hare made this house
lite headquarter of everyone who ha
occasion to dine lu Haicm.
Mr. M. DeaUin give an elegant
chicken dinner every Humlav for 25
IVlterson Hnav the Jeweler, are
constantly receiving the latest noveltli
In their line. They also carry a com
plete Hue of drugs and medicine
G. W. Hhliin the painter, will hang
your paNr, pslnt your house or artisti
cally finish a sign for you.
Loughary Bros, on the Lucklamute,
have a large chicken l.irni, and have
egg of Imported don untie fowls for
A. M. Hurley, the attorney, ha his
ofllce ailjolnlng the I ndcn-ndmv
National Hank bulldlug
Khelley Alexander A Co. tlie drugg
ists, have a complete stock of drugs,
paints, oils aud glass; also a full line of
school btsiks and stationary
J. F. O'Donuell carries a large stock
of agricultural machinery, and his
shelves are laden with the best grades
of hardware; a tin store aud tinning
department adds to the advantage of
his establishment
Wull paper 10 cents per double roll.
Send 2-ccnt stamp for samples. Ad
dress, Hchofleld A Morgan, 102 Third
street, Poi tland Ore.
Geo. A. Hii.lth. the attorney, has his
olllce In the Imhieiidciiec National
Bank building
Dr. E. G. Young, veterinary sur
geon, attends hi tlie diseases of horses
uud cattle
Dr. T, J. Lee has his olllce up stalls
lu the Independence National Bank
It has beeu decided by the Polk Co.
Fair maougement to have the spring
race meeting tbe 15, 10 aud 17 of June.
Weather iermlttiiig the chance are It
will be a very successful ult'ulr.
Daly Hlblcy A Kaklii, at Dallas, have
a complete set of ubstrac.ts
(Subscribers wanting help or any
persons desiring employment can use
tlie "Want" column of this paper
FREE one Insertion, not to exceed ten
wolds. Fach additional word oue
Dr. O. D. Butler has hla olllce In the
ojiera house
Dr. J. B. Johnson, the dcutlst, has
hla olllce on the corner of Railroad and
Monmouth streets
Mitchell a Doliannoii have a very
complete planing mill on Main atreot
Messrs Wheeler A Clodfeltcr, arc the
only exclusive dealers In toys, laucy
goods, books and stationary, lu Inde
pendence. Bubscriptions taken for
pcrloulcals the world over. Cigars,
tobacco aud fruits
Dr. Win. Tatom, dentist, has neatly
fitted olllces In the Whlteuker building
on C street, up stairs
Dr. H, A, Mulkey, whose oflleea are
In the O'Donuell brick, Is drawing
teeth and drawing trade. He knows
ho to do both
Purchasing agent wanted in this
town for all kinds of country produce,
poultry, dressed hogs, veal, hides, pota
toes, fruits, etc. Address, Vancouver
Commission Co., 220j BuriiHidu street,
Portland, Or.
Newsy Notes From the Several
Towns in the County.
Osr(srmsisSrHtt lsMilk (krastrtni tkt
ttwk'i lt(tw-lttm t thst I'tsm lslrMtls(
Ni f 0.11m ssd Otkff flsran.
Johnnie Richardson sod Rev. Arm
strong of lmlcueudeiico, took the
morning train north Wednesday.
I. Noltuer, of Multnomah, waa In
town Tuesday and Weduomlay hack
ing after the Interest of the Normal.
Mlas Mvtta James left for her East
ern Oregon home hist Tuesday.
Mcar Did! Knoll and R, Nelson
llarber, the renowned Facial comedian
comic winger, elisutionwt and planoM
howed here at I lie oant boiii1 lat
Wetluenday evening
Mr. Eddlemans family who have
lawn living ou Bert Luoas' farm, have
moved to town.
Mrs, McOiyw has moved Into her
new house that she purchased from
Mr. Ueacock last week.
Several went from here to hear Itcv.
Grant who ke at Independence
Tuewlay evening.
The Normal Is not much decreased
iu numlar this term.
The Dallas W. C. T. V. will I oril
wred a follows for the eunuiug year:
President, Mr. Blddle; nwrdlng sec
retary, Mr. C. W. Hiiilth; correHiid-
lug sivretary, Mr. M. F. Hcutou; treas
urer, Mr. Robert Howe; delegate t
county convention to w bcld at Mon
mouth, Mrs. Biddle aud Mr. Powell.
Mil Blanche Noel Is enjoying n trip
to Newirt.
J. W. Older will aism move to the
metropolis to nlde lu the future.
Mr, and Mrs. Hardy Holmau have
moved to Halem where he haa ecurcd
a sMitioii ou the asylum farm.
C C. Smith has gtme to Portland to
receive medical treatment.
Mr. Wm. Kisa-r, of Tacoma, Is here
visiting his brother.
Hon John J. Daly has len In Port
land some days.
In I'ulk t'ttnut).
McCoy Isiasts of the crack shots of
Pidk county, and they Intend entering
the June stale contest and win honors
for this county.
Fallnowu grain throughout Polk is
looking Hue, but where is the spring
K, K. Gilliam now handle the rein
on the stage line from luileis'iideuce to
Falls City.
Miss Emma Rlggs, of Halt Creek,
was recently married to A. W. Child,
a resident of Salem.
Pomonea grange meets ut Ihillusthe
first Friday lu May,
Enlahasa winter newspaper .called
the Enterprise' It is discontinued dur
ing the summer.
Tho present county court of Polk
county are conducting county a II j; I in
on au economical Un and for t he bent
intercuts of Ptdk county.
T. H. Burch lias been slek but Is n
ported better.
A. L. Foreman aud wife sctit Huu
day with relatives near Kalcui.
Misses Blanche Brousoli and Cora
Dcmpscy spent Hunday In Rlckreall.
The frame of the mill will soon lie
completed, the workmen being now at
work on the third story.
Arbor day was celebrated at our
school, there Mug quite a large
number present. Heveral tree were
planted aud expect to plant more, ' The
wild grape was chosen to represent the
schiKil for the next year,
l lroull Court Dmtknt,
The following arc the cases on the
circuit court docket which eonveties
May Htli there Mug eighty-three In
all and there has been tiled eleven mote
by the Hcattle Insurance Company, hut
as no money lias beeu forwarded they
have not been put ou record:
Jennie Belt vs J, H. Cooper, to recover
possession of real property. '
J. H, Cooper vs Jennie Belt, cross bill,
Jennie Bell vs George Whlicukur, to
recover (xissesslon of real property.
George Whlteaker vs Jennie Belt,
cross bill.
Eugene Hayter, assignment.
L. Bciitley, asHlgnmeut.
N. O. Clodleltcr vs J. F. O'Donuell,
action ut law.
Hmlth A Hull vs Irvine A Cuuer, ac
tion ut taw.
Beu. Windsor vs Thos. Colllnson and
Israel Booth, equity.
II, B. Griggs vs I. M. Butler, action
at law.
John Vernon vs John Byurs, equity.
T. D. : ucas, assign meut.
State vs John Btump, contempt.
Htate vs Jus Bobbins, contempt.
Tciinant Htrubbllng Hluai C . vs J. M,
Htark, action at law.
TennantSlruhbllngShoe Co. vsj. M,
Btark, action at law.
J. R. Crowley, assign merit.
II. C. Sterling vs Frank Flalo, fore
closure. ' '
J, H, Townseud vs G, B. Duvldson,
C. F. Webber vs sclusil Dlst, No. 65.
Tcma)raiice house v W.J Klrkland,
A. 11. Hlnisou vs. It H. Hush uud J,
W. Bush, nut Ion at law,
N. M. Mclhmlcl, assignment.
T. W. Eatoa, liwdgumeiit.
Felix Nisd vs N. M, MuDaiilel, aetlou
at law.
R. H. Ijowls et al vs W. L. Wells, ac
tion al law,
Hlate school (sutiiulssloncra v F. M.
Collin uud W. Tarter, foreclosure."
O. D. llldervs A. A. Bull aud L.
KcUu, actlnii at law.
Ed. Well and K. H. Lyou v F..V.
Harris, action at law.
Minerva Ann Dleevs Mary K. aud
George McCaulcy, eJiH'Imciit.
l'm.rg, ilackmau A Co. vs J. H. Ml
chell, action ut law.
R. L. Haioii v W.T. hhurtlllt uud J.
H, Mlcludl, action at law. .
Lev I Hlraiis A Co. vsJ. H. Michel),
action at law.
Bauer Bros. vsj. rt. Michel I, action
at l'iw,
McMiiiuvllle National bank va J. H.
Mlchell, act. on ut law.
Jame Elliott vs IudcKnlcm F'lrsl
National Hank, appeal.
O. R. A N. Co. v O. C. It It Co..
G, W, Griggs vs W. Hhurilitr, action
at law.
II. R. Patterson vs Chan. Hereon, ai-
J. W. Hill vs E. C. Merrill, apatd.
Claggctt v'hamues v lUm. I lay
den, aps'ul.
R. L. oaiilti vs J. H, Mlchell, etiliy,
J. E. Milter, assignee of L. Ikmtlcy
estate, vs II. lllrtichbcrg, action al law.
i, B. Hmlth vs Polk county, rcvlw,
L. Abrams vs 11. F. Walling, action
at law.
Alliance Trust Co. vs J. A. I'jutt, fore
clixtire. II. ChrUtlaii vs 1). N. Bum, action
ou note,
Oregon Land Co. vs Cragcii, Colfey,
k Htrulibliigs, action at law.
Will. YeutervsC.C, Ragwlale, ai-tlou
at law.
Fleekensu In A Myer vs Clma. Allen,
actioiiatlaw, '
J, D. l-e vs F. K, Huhlmrd and M.
M. Kills, action at law.
The Rosciitieldl Hmlth Co. v Chos.
Allen, action at law.
Foster Itolwru vs W. It Duvls, ac
tion Ml luw,
Martin A Handera vs T. A. Farley,
action at law.
W. It Davis vs T. T. Hliaw mid J. C.
Lewis, action ou note,
Cribls n, hcxton A Co. va W. It Da
vis, aiitiou ut law.
Mary E. Burvh vs G. B. Burch, di
vorce. II t'hri-tlau vs Wiu.Meele, cjwtmelit
H. P. Rings, guurdlau, v It ft Con
tier, E. T. MorrlMin, J. A. lluxtcr, and
Lealider ('on Iter,
lliunlltiiii Job A Co. vs 1). Gsqwret
al, action at law.
J. 11. Nunu vs Win. Grant and D. P.
Htouttcr, review.
W. II IKi'ih aud John Rolwcn vs II.
M. Lines, writ of uiaiiiltimus.
M. Flxk v J. D. Murphy, action at
F, K. Hubbard, assignment.
IuileHudeiice First National bank vs
M, F. Perelval, action at law.
Chiw, Black vs F, Wetmur et us, ac
tion ou note.
Hwcrtwr&Co. vs J. H. Mlchell, ac
tion at law. '
I'w l Kline Co. vs J. S. Mlchell, ac
tion al law.
Arl Armstrong vs IVescott A Vcncss,
Sydney Moore vs W. B. Davis, equity.
A all rir4iulK ttlek..
Kiiitok Wknt hiiik: WotiUl It not
be the pioH r thing for Judge Kicks to
rush dow n to New York and enjoin
iIiohc linkers from shipping nil the
gold out of the country? Can he not
see that this constant drain oi gold,
iiiiihi seriously Interrupt business,
put tlie people to great lucoimnilcuoe
and possltdy cause damage to property"
And, has not tills perjured tool of the
plutocrats Hssiimed the duly of check
ing Mich tendencies even If lie has to
Imprfhon hoiicxt working men for no
other crime than that of leaving the
service of their employer whenever
they cIiikh'o to do so.
Is not the treatment received by
those engineers at Toledo at the hands
of this judicial fraud, and the scheme
now being worked by Wull street,
enough to show working men how
little Justice they may expect,
they tlx tho bayonet and Uimhcalh the
The Impending "bloody revolution"
predicted by Judge Grcsliuin Is ptawtbly
not so far oil' us the Judge himself may
think, for the American flag must
cease to be u "Haunting He."
With th unilcr tones In nlutcy-slx
The I'opullHts will this matter tlx,
No longer Ihen with Brit lull gold
Will workinginen be bought and
l.ttllor Lint.
List of unclaimed killers remaining
In Independence postolllce April 15,
ISlCt. ,
Ames Grant, (2) Allen L. J.
Brown C. H. Clark Robt.
Cooier John II. Davis Douglas
Davis L. (Int.. P. A. '
llaullcmaii John Hall R.
McCurdy Win. Johnson John L.
Nigbtlngiilo Peter Pearl Mr.
I'rttchett Geo, Hmlth J. A.
HtcwartHuli. L. HjioldingC.
Yamyos E, L.
Ames Mrs.'N. G. Bcatifonl, Muttlc
Hill Miss Mugiflc Hiult, Mrs. Hulilah
Hcat.hcrliigton E. Martaou Lollle
Hlopcr Mrsltcliccca Hcott Mm. Estlo
Arbor Day April 14, was duly ob
served by the public schools., Appro
priate exercise were held In t he dUI'cr
ent. rooms. Hoverol visitor were pre
sent and expressed llicmaelvoa ua well
OwliiK l His liK'Iciinmi y of lli weallisr the
Hlv ni Uii Mm, W, Miinihy eiiiii,inii;rtf
... ,.u II U If, ik.. I. u u.l...l..lul va.
ML ,'iin"Miii, M7 ... " . ,.tt, w...,,
. , j ...,tu iufv (., (I... u,u.r
... .i i.u. ..r ttf lit,.!. ill Im. if l von.
In ..In .Inn mi III" liUHhH'X of I.. M. MiiIUn.ii
H IM IllUllll Ull'l'tl WIW S llU'll" IllM Wllli'll I'D-
Iu uuuiilo lo tMvuiiuit tur i I'lmmi il Va I'. II.
Tiillm, r lie w" fiiiiiiliiynil In tli nlnrii. Alter
,i, r.-lu I ni Hie lik llii' dio
luu ti.u lr. sum 1 licfi'iii n"pr'
um Mr, Tiiyliir (Him U seuiiiiiiii iMirnlnlurB
Hln'lt- Uy hid, : Jrrwiw
iiii'hiiiiU'Iii, Or., April 7, Mnt,
NoTK'K l homliy lvwi ilinnhtum-imrinpf-ilnii
lii n.Uilnr exf.Uiin Ih-Iwiwii A. J. I'll"
nil J. N. IIHIai.l inel.T lli.'llnn nnuiiHiri'ln
A llilliii'l l'n ik'i'ii tllMitvoil, sail sll iwruiu
im luu On- Mini ii i in iiin rimiiuatl lii mitkn Ini.
llllnlMUi WlllellltllV wnu at. w. 1-llHOT, i ut
uilim, nl J, W. Klrkland. A, J. 1'u rn,
4. lilt
IIMli'H.,lnl.,Or Apr. , mo.
W A NTKO-iilooo lli nmlislr tiy U. E.
Iirey, j uiuitfiimiwa. ( m
All ivinitiil itnf lite ll firm nf Tuylnr
U'.l.U.. ......I lu. ..ui.l ,.,( ii.,l..Ma ..ul.l U.lll.111
lliirly iln vim, win will l tultii'il, I'letus )inl
llll.. 'I hl IH.UrH uli ii.iUhi Ui IIiu fcV'i.iullU
uuil niae. Uue II. II, I n) i"l'. HI 4t
W. II. W ItiK-lnr, who htw mvitily Milil Imll
ll,rNI, III III .MWllH-n w.-., r.. i .ni,iH'l, iw
ilinliiuui uf Imvinii ll l due him, iil
illiinw. 111' Ui lllln ItiltllHt,
Nul'li K. io nil wlioiti ll muy itoiiirru: An
my i'ri-aiii'rii ttrs ftm'tii m Mi my ili'tx,
which in rlsln, "a mii.iini of tli f-i I sin
luriiHl tu lu-lol Uuil Sll lllllM! Illlll llll ll til II It!
nUnll t iitieti ami M'ttli. tlielr Ijillti. nml lit
mi duiiitr iliey will Mtii nii inwiii mid Irntiiili-,
tiiiil hiI)iiimu pultMif pniierly liy Un ultefUl.
.11. ..i r.miiMiiy jri.urn, II. Si. Liuva, liidu.
Iwikhxiijh, urraita.
ClIH KAliK-rituh billed lrr hy (lNir
Hit') . in. unttiHiti or J. Ii. MurUiy.
Kuli hM.K.-i Iimi while ihiI. mid an
xirteii IhitijiiiiK H,;iiiimi tiy tlso. K. Iiusr.
a ln..liiry rwldi'tiivof U'ti, Imldi
hull-, ull imnllira oirin r. oil Hull
rtwl mid U ulri"-!, tiidi'iM'iiditt'. rur leriu
uud iriuv liuiuirt ul J, w, Klmtttiid or 1. 11.
luyltir. 31 u
llurMi, litiriiiwii.siid it'""! iiid will Iw nold
tilnnii, tin ry lerinn, or w'll Uiku id milk
ihi lu imit hiniii. i- w . ai aim mi.
all ovi:u Tin: imtei ktati:.
j. II. N 11.. II Itrliirn lo!i
ml SUrU In MHiiilfii liirluii Ilia
I'Hloulvil Antrim.
There are gissl time III store for
Ort'Kon if she will omy tell her advan
tages ami let the nwt of the world
know of them" said J. It. N. Bell.
"Tlie people of the Kant have heard
uf California and WanhltiKton, and
are talkitiK alsmt them, but Oregon Is
not m well advertised. If Oreijon
will get lu now and do somethtiiK she
will rapidly lucreiwe iu smulatlou.
There is no doubt of It. I have beeu
lu nearly every larxe city of the
Culled Wales, and every state, and I
come back to Oregon better satisfied
lluiil ever. I wus iu loculllU where It
was too warm, and Iih-uIUIch where it
waa loo cold, but lu Oregon It in just
rilit. The people cannot stop the
tide of immiKnitioii and It will come
to Oregon as well as Washington aud
California If It lias a chuuee."
J. It, X. Bell traveled from Inde
pendence lo han Francisco, thence to
Sacramento where he was present
during the schxIou of the California
legislature, thence he went to Lw
Angles, where he saw oranges i u bloom
and being gathered, thence he went
down to New Orleans a treat and Im
portant commercial city, thence to
licrmlngham Ala., thence to Atlanta
Georgia, thence through South aud
North Carolina, Virginia and up lo
the capital, Washington, thence to
riilladelphla ami Xew York, thence
(o New Haven Conn., and Boston
Mass., thence to Chicago visiting the
World's fair trrouuds, thence to St.
Paul and Mlumtpolla, thence lu Cau
ada to Wluuepeg, thence westward
over the Canadian l'acltleto Whatcom
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland and home,
lie was gone two mouths and three
days ami traveled over ltl.iKKl miles.
Dining his trip he visited the four
leading colleges of the United State,
Harvard College lu Mass. Julin Hop
kins, Baltimore, Yale Xew Haven, and
Weslyan University at Middletown,
Oonu. While cast he had patented
mi invention of his own, consisting of a
strap for Fastening trunks, school
books, valises, light loads on wagons
etc, and hie purchased the material
for manufacturing them, We wish
him abundant success, aud lie deserves
it If anyone tltuis.
YtNlturiit Vlff.
I n a recent Issue of the Wkht Sidk a
visitor says:
, It Is apparent:
That among Independence politi
cian ''I had rather lie right than presi
dent" Is an unknown legend, lu an
swer to the above we wish to say, who
ever accused Independence politicians
of wanting anything but theolHcca?
Tlie wrlicr then says: "the advo
cates of law uud order are mom fond
of talking than doing." The entire
cnuiiuiiiiity Is like oilier people and
talks, nut one, r rami Myers, who wears
the st ar, Is the keener of order, aud gives
good satisfaction.
Visitor l lien gets on ims untrue state
ment: "Tlie fathers and mothers of
Independence have tinned over the ed
ucation of their children to the saloon,
the street, and the brothel." Visitor
ecu lain ly could uot have visited our
imtillc school, the pride ot our pimple.
Fathers and mothers hero are Justly in
dignant. Visitor should look for
churches and schools at his next vIhH,
rhere are people who do not rush In
"where angels fear to tread."
A Kkhidunt.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Atmuouia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of " " nes o ,Y?ars the Standwd
The furniture und fixture of
Ou Main (Independence,
h oll'crcd for aale at a bargain.
Itcuaon of acjlin sicknifej
of Miss IJzio Fenncll
now in California,
Tim rcKtiiuruiit la doing ft goodbuH
juchs, htot a wull furnished
kitchen, complete service
of silverware for the
table, and alao
Qpil; F.i SL
Thin ht ft Kplotulul purchiwe for
Hotncoiic, and aliould be invi-H-tinuted.
For further par
tlculiirH call on Mim
Kill Feuuell, ou
the preiuiHOH. 3t
Kings, for
for mi
b Lids.
Bsflgs &r lew;-
m z them.
Go To
G. W.Shinn
For Your-
Paper Hanging,
Sign W,
Etc., Itc.
Prices as low as the low
est, and all work
llll Local and Traveling.
U U To tvirenenlmir wttll.known houtte.
You iit'ttt nn rapllHl t" represent a llnu tliat
wiiriuiiu inimDry muck flivt-vlawi and true to
iiumi). Work all th Yr. u iwr
nionih to tlie rujlti man. Apply quick, suit
t"KK. L. L. MAY & CO-
St. Paul, Minn.
Nurseryimin, Florists anrt Swinmeu.
2ni (Tills linime In resiKinallilt).) 4.14
Wnrlil'i Fair Travnlitni Will Have IU
Tlie public demand through service
when travellimr. It is old-fashioned to
chunire cat's. Gn the through solid ves
tibuled trains of the Chicago, Union
t'aclllc and northwestern Hue, from or
to Chicago, Omaha and luterniediate
points, there is uo change. This la the
ilnest and fastest road.
Dr. E. L. Ketchum has his office In
his own building, on Monmouth street,
near Railroad.
The Little Palace Hotel Is recognized
by business men to be the proper place
to stay
A. 11. Cherry is a very skillful re
pairer of watches and clocks
City Restaurant