THE WEEK'S BUDGET. What Our Kroner Finds of In terest to Our Readers. Harbin Cii,ar ha relumed to East ern OrcgtUI. C. M. llmwn w reported to I slowly Improving In health, Win, Madison and wife left Wednes day for Itoaebnrg whew they will now reside, ' Tim new Job Printer at the Ww Htu (illKv lina in'W price, new ttak NUll IICW t) K, Vniiituy n say be iiiun( have more Th new Job Printer t Urn Wm Hum will do your Job Printing iieully and promptly. Iteworvu your anal for III lecture nt the iiKnt house next Tuesday evening, Ailuilaalon free; reserved seat, 2fi cents. Cull Ht W, 0, Cook' and ar that elegant Hue of carpet, all shade and grade, all color and all price. Mm V. P. Coimaway and W. 0. Wharnian returned Thursday fhiiii FROM CORRESPONDENTS Newsy Notes 1'rom the Several '".Towns'ln the County. THE LOCAL AM (iKSkRIIi S K WS. I r In hi atnra ami ha decided to tttUmdaiiee at PPwbylary at Lebanon piUT OCR PHOPI.E ARE HOISO. Ktwantrj ef tk lineal ef ttik femei, Tulil aaJMbwted Mt)..trf latrerat Art you reading the story we are miming In the Wiw Him;? ' A lenmn isa gitad eld to Iciunimde and Patleraou keeps the very lln.ttt to h( had In town, Vanduyn say lie must have room, so he litis decided (o eltwe out his "tiM-k of clutliimr You want a gisal anioko and you win get wha! you want tiy purchasing yout t'lgarsnf 1. f. Patterson,.' "Mr. Grunt la a 'whole Chautauqua Assembly In himself, "Value Chimi ii(U Uecord, tMotwr S '. Loiighary Kru.. watch their poultry business ehx-sdy.ThU week tiny rv lved a large basset if tlueetrgs Irnm Pr Wlnt, Amet lea's noted lm;ifUr of cliuli fowl. i .Mr. M. fiiiwml.irf In mill at the M liUi.f hi uliktioy In Portland, mi.! very IKIlo hope ti.v enteitalwd of hls remvery. U, Hlrchtrg was dowt ; reral day last week, "White I Wan walking down the street the other day, I win. m-tiMid by Mr. Validity it who naked me to look through hi Mink i f chthli g, and I tniM eonus 1 .tiivtr MWdttifli tu a i iriita " It. L. Willrui'm and II. Tartar ol , Alrltc, wen in town l.iit M miii lay, and tv..rt their mttuiri of IVilk mjnyliia lt iisiiiil pnwjifrity ani liidn more an. .' . 1 hi ilxiiiil wirvlei will ImM at ,'lhe ChilnUihi ehiih'li next Suii.lay. hiimlay Mho nt 10 a, in., oiviiHiIiih hy tht- pastor at 11 a m. tun I 7: id u, in, oini) xi.jd.w .H-(it,v at A p. in, (oithl uiiHii) will ! n fcHtUM of then sel-via-. I'Kme out hla lolhlUl. 'When did you get that aprliiR milt?" "It U on of Vanduyn'i m auit t Umultt for Ift.SO." At Vaiiduyn'a you wilt Mud the best Uirjtiiiiia lu I'lothhi) tvr oltVrwl, aa he ia eloalni; out hla atoek of cloth. Iiitf auduyn haa Juat reeelvinl an Im A pleaaant whlat latrly waa irlven hy a & mi, aim nira, a J. UtaNinian to n number of Menda Wvdutwday wet). In. ' Kor ttfl.HU lu oath you nan buy one of thoi flue blaok elay Wnralinl anlt.l that have alwayaaold at LU at Van- duyu'a, ' Tb leetura, Makliii and Itivakiin ctplmrliiK imtli'h by the pqplla of the piihllo aelnMil frlday afteruiaiu, ' W. Jl. (Juhb, a ttrnet aollat of Port- laud, Iota Ih-ooiiiu k member of the lllekreall baud, W. K. (iiKMlell mid family . have moved bark U Itlekreall. Willi" HiiiiiiiiUni and C'lmrllu Hnillli were VlaUIng lit McMluuville laat week, ... A inavy halt torm privallid lu the vlelnliy of Hkkreull laat Friday even- In. . ; lUiv. Poling and Prof, Weaver, of your city, made our at-lion! t pletuuiiit Uu'lrrMwailrall auiiwuiilli t'kmalrlra Urlt'llll Millllhiy. air. and Mix Nelaoii of McMlnn-l nietiw llueofaprlii clothing, but he ofIt,0,mM whk'h w'" delivered at aaya it will all ! aolu at cut, Mm, Mi-.Niiry, of Hateui, eatue up rrmo iNilein Wodiieaday wveiiln ami will vlalt her daughter Mra, Ira Htultti, at Monmouth, Wedding ami nmiiriilng atatmiiary a H'htl:y hy the new Job Printer at WmtHiiim iifflie. Itenannable prttw and exwlletit work. Ira. Iax and Ketchuiu amputated the fiat of a uiun by tlm uauie of John Iteed laat Holiday, the Injury which led tht opera liouae nesl Tuesday tilght. baa been delivered before auilh noee if a.lkitl, In Hoatou.hy Itev. It. D.Uraut, Haaaralan at Uial Clwv-latarMltaf frma Ittllw tail OiWr riaom. Alrllo. ). A, Krnluer ntlll keeM the wak'hea ticking, ami haa new onea fofaale Luiiilnir of Inat imnllly ami from mounlalll loga la aolil hy I' 4 Veiiim (M your IdHckamitliiiig dune by K, K, Kretigle Call on hoat Dudley at the Ihiltui), when in t'ortlatid IJ, II. ( rnveti etlll turna out tb'iae Ih'iitiUriil idiol'rapha, ruin orahlue J. II Cooper haa plenly of brick w hand at low prlwja Ilublmrd A Klaata are huay doing all the dmying lutre ISUEI'EsT)K.nrrKEojl. vlllw, are vialtlug Mr. Lutof Derry aavar, Khowery weather, r'retldie Quick la Improving quite alowly. rkliiad la progreaeliig ulwly with - - Know atorm lu the fmit hill thla week Mia. It. I Wtlllauii la irwiUnif alouir Northrup aa U-m-ber. mianiiiiiu airmiug ami originm I uiwiy Willi tier aenonl lu theMoiitgom lion, I). O. Quick went iiieaa. not mil lu alteud. ery (llatrlot, , laat week ou buaineaa, ltaa,Hprllng,ofHwrllngroa., the W, R. WllllamaanilOreu Itauley will Ihtv. I. h Albuny ti Faher, of Allamv. blltohera. IfMa llimla ham.v II I ..I. ....... .1.1 I . ., . . "I.. """I; ... ., ,v mn rami m miiiiiH iuu apring i inriuCTi uere luai nuiiduy 10 a target H A llariitlua in Uhynia IkanrlMttK Oar CUjr"a AtvalaMi. (Hy Kiiitm KiKro.Uilriorn y run tit aifi., and . a pupil In tiio lii(U'ioiidtniai I'uliJk! Hvli.njla. Klliti (iraila.J i Vuu limy boiMUif jmurolilM, IUir amatlor llllllllillM., Hut MimoBMti roiiiiwni wllh Iiidi')tiii.n MliP'n lliu piltta uf Uia vatltiy, llm largunt to l'lk. a nil la Dirvlng alietut villi Brm atcady atroke. mm In nut a bourn toa. but I pai-manem hiuiiii. -' Wlmra liiijuatrlat aeUvlljr may alwaya tM v: The fitt nlttiro aud fixtures of ; , City Restaurant rnuay uy me arrival at uia uouae of a u, Mu. i . audleuoa. ...!... . u ii... i.. , v.... - Kwrnuan Z . ' "2.V. . 7 Z.UM " 11,8 UhW,, of h,,r ttt MUU, drain l.ka well lu tl.U. aeotkm and r, T , V , wholadangenaialy III. nudoubt will ralae a goldeii hamat m tSfttl ' "l.r- It. M. Cramer, dealer lu organ, et., for the eom.,,g,on, oi aiiinniiHiui, waa inroiigti iiero a few Air. iiayea of the Ktate Orange, lectured here Kalurday evening, to furnlah J. 11, Htump, of Kaieiti, la here look- liuudred cord ot Ing fur the IntercaU of hla fiirm. nrwiaa, i,i,7 ja-r rica un two Qulu, Uu.ulr of the young folka iivi i(K, win m now iniM- enoppiflg l, Thwalore Hurn died an the 7th lual. after a abort lllneaa, and waa burled In the Hmlib ta-meiery neat Lewlavlllc. He waa uumarrled and agil uoout year." II. I, Htaata and wife, of ewiavllle, iiitii mm i-Hieiny, iiip imm J wuil'll ei m i.. i, ,M. . . ... w..... ....... nm. hiiiikhii h ... having , twu year ISS daj.aagollnginatr ent, !T , , , ,t. llH('llfbr,.ia,umdJolnher,ueo. JVn''TTf W.O. Cook haa t-u t-dklug about duetlnir tin, r.tUr.i ''.". t". aeveral liuudre.1 the big Mock of furniture that would mieully ahe oin'm the bualneM for aale, he here In the aprlng. The gomla aie An .dv rtlaement lu another ihiIuuiu here and a.i I aprlng, VM and ace give particular of aate, "'''m' Another big hniiac greeted UoIhihI (iet your Job Printing done by the , urt M.r ,m j,v(uro oMttk. new Jl( Printer it the Wkkt Hit. hif and ltreaklng of Nation" It nilh. He la juat from the city, and WMt niaaterly efTort, and dlaplayed will g ve you city work at city prkm great rmeareh ami aual, The eiKhteeiHitonthieold child of ln preaentallon. The aubjeet la one 0f " over to the aunny aide f Luekl Wm. Mulkey, brother of W, J. Mulkey who U vlaitlng at Munmuoth, died i tiuraiiny moriiiiiir alter only two dan llllllNM, ()H'Biililiiii limy h eeeil-tmiK d to ruin but they grow nuilve tuul even retillieiia when the ruin ki-ejH ftilllnn end wTitiato have no Intention of quil ling. Ktmi ia ag.nnl thing nod , in auiiNhlne, but nu etui luive tifi much of even a pan! thing, tilve ita aomc eiuicl.liie fur flntnt.e. . . Miir,by the editor of the Men iiHHilh lii'iH fd, Informed u laat wwk Hint, he Ictl aIuiom( deeldeil Hint hi could imt niiik. uveu taurtlnt of hi pll-a-r iK imiih- hia pfitMys bad lro,.prd oil af r the tiixt liiiilillt', hut heatutetl tin eiluiiliiiii ti. ihun unil they came to tlu in- Mid now he ln'ialhe paper ma) twit uiong aa a iHirimiiH iii inatltutlounr the town, If he qui ilea iii timu the prin iit pir nit-e be feci eurehecau build the pejitT up to be a paying Velt-tuie. Mra. I Tiv kJ,estle'o I'lU-t lue.k ",Vri' Men I my IVivlei'' la not n innel. It la M tU t.f iit'lii lea rn cvcry-dny nt very well told, and iniauerliijf many Very iii ptntiiiit quealloiialn hitf own M'ny. Home .,f the aubjreta are: "Men AVomeit Adinirr.," "May Wom an ProH.?" "Art in Kia.ii" "Ati ge!a Ilin-e ltlol;de llnlr," "Why do We (jive t iilia " Mra, I.e-lie la one of lb, uiiHt aueeeairiil j, jourimlW ami her lioolt lieura the Imprint of ti woman .uf polive conviction, hut of lilwrtil Jnitia. itoluiid 0. (ii'int, who la to nddrttti the citizetixiif Ii dependftie- next Tutf -iluy evening at the oMra hoiiae In IIiIh city, hud Ih!i Invited by the Mon mouth faculty to dc ive'r the Iiiieciiliiii rente aeriiion tiiero next June, but he had already Ix-en Invited, and hud n M ited an Invitation from the IJnlvel aily of Michigan, to addrea the SV)ii HtudenlH there, The lecture here at Indcpenilenee will la? free, although S oenta will be charged for reserved aeatu The aubjeet for the Tueaday night 1; ""Mukng and llreuklng of Nation," ;HIkh very alrong lecture mid ia highly aijinkej of wherever beard. A woman in Port laud owned a hi. niii-tifl ilo which, while alie waa lead Imt It hy .chain, jumped on a t.1jre-ye:tr-otd child and elnklng hia xhnr leclh Into the laiy'a check inllieted wound which mu.y leave a ai-nr for life. The atraiiye part ot the incident Ik that the woman awnm to have no remorse for the deed of her dog, hut luelahi her eflectloii on the ugly hrute the ami aa (H.forffund rcftiwa to nil her chain or , tuke the dog out of town, We have n patience with people who worahipdog ami there arc many who would llghi lor n amirlimr uinngy cur, quicker than they would for u fellow humiin hcini; (. nmmcutlng upon one of Mr, (Iritnt'a let'turea the Kiilcm (Mima.) Newacald: "jMr. (imnt la a graecfii aim iincicNiiiig apciiKcr, never win k note and haa the happy faculty of no ictigioaaing (lie attention of hla audi- torn Unit, they arc perfectly loat to all nut tlic auiijeet hetore tliem, It Is no 'Xagirernlloii to any, too, that no finer or more Intereatlng leelure waa ever delivered lu town, even by French or Itagan. , Mr, Grant will repent the lecture." Ha me paper aaid on another occaahm: "llev, Mr. Uriint la well qiudillcd for the lecture platform, be canw! he haa the rare faculty of cloth ing dry facta with an oratorical garb that completely illaarnm the aua plcloua of hla auditor regarding tlic tiiitiire of til reinarka until ho hla given Kieui the Information ho do elrea to Impart." IVm't throw away your lime and fiaal ou acruh chkeii. Call on laighary llroa, and get aaturt In good Plymouth lhak, I.lht Itramaa. Hrowti Leghorn, or Silver Wyandntbi. Hooka, phaiuplelH, full alieet Mater, or anything and everything in the Job Piloting line promptly executed at city prliH by the new Job Printer I at (lie Wtwr Hi nit ofilee. J, W. Klrkland haa let the contract h Cnmpla II Kelly A Co, to erect for him a residence ou the corner of It and Itiiilrnd atrecla, which will be and wt about I.J. Work will cnmineiu'e nt once. Last Tiuwlay evening the Indepen dence cliond tiiiluii aiw fully organ Iwd and i. V. Poling selected aa leader, and the next meeting la in the Evangelical church Monday evelilug. All Hiiigcr are urged to be prevent. T. (). lIutchiiiMiu, aecretMry of the Polk Co. M, H, I'nion, mforma ua that their next meeting will la held at Mouiiioutii, May ot h and 0th, ami a full luteiidaucu la desired ami aullcl uitcd. tl. AI Powell, the geiitltirnanly purser of the ateainor Huag, Inform land ti that work will lai eomiiumoed ahoitly ou a good warehouau for re ceiving Irelghl on the river here. sTIie Albany la-oplo want Hie ateam bout lloajt walled the Albany, but the nllleer object aa (tie boat haa been eery aueecHsiui under It preacikt name. So there la aoiuclhlng lu a name after all. , III vine aerviee at the Preabyterlan church next Huhhuth aa uauul Sunday -rli'M.I at tiio chaw of the morning aer-vk-e. Kvciiiog aervh at p. iu. rruyennoeimg weilluwiay evening Ail eordlnliy invited to theaeaervhiea. A. H. I.tx'ke and wife, alaoMlaa Julln l.i nl. ii a to I Miaa MollleHcott ttaik theli dopui'ture for Houthern Callforulu lual Monday, Mr. Locke iuteud returning In u fo, week, but the others will probably remain away all summer, J. W, Klliott, living near Iewls vllle, wua In town Wwlnemluy.aud re port a the ikiptiat church building which ho bus largely built himself, alamt completed und the chundi gett ing ulong nicely. John McQucry and wife and their moat interest at tlie prtaauit lime. A greater literary treat la not often en Joyed, Albany Democrat, Coneernlug ItolamJ D. (Irani, thv ''an Francisco Under aa,v! "He la a wonderful combination. Lara' heat!, well stocked, great heart btibblliix with humor, pathoa and love, eloeu- mute one day this week to get thawed out, aa "Tarter" hill ou which he llvra was atill covered with mow. V. K. Htaata went hi IndtaiuV'nce .Monday last ami brought hoine a full bkaaled sheep killer. Farmers had lat Ut kwp their laiep In an hiehwure for a few nlglita for 'fiar the "dors-" at aaatHuhled at the K-aidence of Mr. Dearmoud'e ou laat Humlay evening and had a very pleasant time. Quite a number enutcmpliite goliiL' totue world' Fair from Stiver ami virlulty. TS-ere I talk of organUIng a baai liall club here. TIIKIIOOMVPKIZE. Am aoeount of lh. llrn'f llrlt Wkl.1 I'srty. One of the very enjoyable progrvaslve wlilat parlies of the season (a-eurred In this city hu.1 Tuesday evening uudei the auaphx of the Calljawla Trltte.i 'o III !,., 1 If l I.. . .. Slid Mirh I..I.I ft... Itohl .Trl..r . if kU. VIU I-..I.... . ' ' '.' ' P"""" ' .vi- -"vi ' UllliiriOttl lovililllooa ly. .1.1,. lea hi expn-aelnir niilnlot,. tmfhlmr cu'iuty, brought several ear IimmIs a L. i.. ....... ..... .. ' "1. I UllUUlia IIIJ11I 1 Illll'IMtllllHIIlW llotiary powera of a high order, ctear ,w"l'' "tear off" the wool. daunted If they strike Id hearers a lafcltl to Portland last week, and original; pec faculty for saying gtaxl I'"1'1 1,1 8 Tarter brothers a short vlalt a) things In a way that fore conviction Hda plawn He lived near here ataiut ou hla absorla-d liainera," On Tties- Iwetily-flvo jtrs ago ami noted many Jay evening Mr, (bant will deliver I change since theu, nr inniiy atlvanliurm by all may bs mo Mima ilarln, ru'ulv, till W lllainett qiians. Her vntiitn of trade will iniuiro with tlic IMII, III lni-1 in ahead uf nival UiWim In His Wnat. Ilr merelmia am atilv, nhtijtla, and !( Iiu i.i uw pwfir Mil aavvriuw. Mb lias fir groiinda slid tarlurliia and var. unit niniK. Ami ln r lutiiKa si aa firm s Uio neiyliborini litiu. Tlu Wkjy Wkst Hi usual avaiits a tlx ! and rhwo, itMbto(tu elaaa. Itar arOemanf wuter and llulitii anfnmmlt.1 iVawvu ly iliv gleitiii uf rli-ar lilil on erti ire'i. And arau-r abauiUtil, purs, isrkUni, and iliir (Nut iwamnd In BiH'h houMisvtry day in (tie aha ha niimemtia elditrlisa nt varliwa ereed, yuiitteiHi8Uu mieijiy an nur Hinrituai nt!, ( lie aw lilximl. toii-raia. n,i liiuulry .In.wn: Itli'li hurvwiu srr gallwnid irum Hcvda Utey tth UmnniN-ted Willi Momwmlli by s taut riinaltia imioir. And Uir ni .ii in world by a flu stream of wmer. Tl notion! te Wlllniiieliii. au buuaat and (n, p Ml Oi lowu In il wium- to Ui m. Iter rbil la her urlt. () you )ni ougbt U at lu tbr niisl, I know, that v?r fan Is; Ttii'iiuililitia Is newl.-rn, (iiinitimliitii and rtne, WalUujiplled wliutxinvi-nienra ul every kind. Hlli-talinled tnalmetiira, imilldlent and ainu, rrnii( In nminllu I hp Jtlvwill nilnd. With thri liumlivd childran la eonatiuil u tiiilnnw, Thin whiwi l th crown of luilrHndnc. congreKntttl 111 the hall and enjoyed I kn W,IH "' rlilldren, 1 nsn't mil them hugely throughout the hi lecture oo "AnaTli-an Hahait," on Wednmlny evening "Making and Breaking of Nation.' The lecture are free. Collection taken each night. Let US have a full hoiiae. ('Uy Council MiwOng. ttsllaa. An addition to the town of Pern tlnlw, comprising about ten lota, w rueaday Hlwt with the eouuty clerk by Julllor Ityati, of the Patriot. mlni. Kur Imw nmld they bo wlib ao many ro. alrahitii; IUU lliu I'lillilrTii that imnif tnnur school every dy Ara wurtby of prslant In (ry way, Atlrnllyii lo duty, ohedlent and luilllii, If nm smt tiiey ant uiidl of all thai l rutht. Hud hit, lb children, O bw auun sre titer net And au It will hs till eternlty'a dawn, Whits iiralnlnt lbs achisd wlih all f lis fama, I nan almost iiirjuiien our iih.,r to name; iw ,,n- ui ...e iiMiiies you win nnq ia uun in. lay, And here In ptiu for a Tin In my aona;, ISHKI-KMUKJtl K, April II, laiis. Council hi regular session, Mayor Yenea lu the chair. Meinla-N present, Irvine, lamty, Bcll.Wllsouaml Finch, Iita-ke being absent. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. The eommlttee appointed to see what Uaika were needed In recorder's ofllec reiorted that a cash laaik, silee docket an atistract of warruils were neeiieti. Ib-port aneepted and tsimnilt tee discharged. On motion the retortler day and Humlay lie Itev. tlould, The was ordered to eorns.aind with dllter- M. K. churidi South, will hold their cut btaik firms and ascertain the cost uf quarterly meeting ou the samn date the book. wm, Hey, J, O. MeFsrlan lu charge. The Finance committee aaked and 1U,V, (Mil,,,,!,., of Ulp prw,vterlan , , report on t.ureh, Is, t Ihanou alteu Miu Otlilna iH'tnr; the bills of Ketchum and June. Quarterly report of treasurer and re corder read and referred to Fluanec committee. On niollon the hunii whs allowed to mt In the city hall to practice, urovl- led that they keep the hall In proper i(uiie and be rcauialhlc forall tlamage J1111" aggregating 7(1(1.23 except natural wear and tear, and not Interfere with other meeting. It was moved and seconded that Mr. 0. A. Smith lie employed as city attor ney In accordance with the report of the committee appointed to see about em ploying a city attorney. 1 he motion waa lost by a vote of three against and two lu favor. A petition was presented signed by a number of person to build a sidewalk ou the war t side of Third street, com- nieiicliig at Monmouth street, thence iiictuaeivca eveniug. Mr. A. J. (limdnmu Is the tiniiid aattsor of the "booby prlrA" while Mr. J. K. Itubbanl, with A. Ii. Cherry aa partner, carried off the first nrlw. . "" eoitalsilng uf au ekgant silver eartt castHotitaluliig a line deck of card. The wimpsuy was regaled during the h.ll.,s ii..n ,.r ll.u ...,...!.... ....... ,, u, ... ... i - . r.rii.iiK Willi IV Itev. J). 1. Htimniervllle, pastor f y I,,,,, rlu , , the M. K church, was last FH.Ia.vL,,,, fnlju MoM a Ii Cherry, " a " """ s nrprim istny oy Krsnk Itorel. .....I l t- u.... j..i fiJ? "Am! Panted hil wHh t ihVT ,,r"Ud hy ,,H,h," "ft"r T" ttiZ ' " league, woo presented him with V comforts of the guesta. Mi.s,vaJei.n.arirri v"f ' ' "H The foliowlug were preaeul: Mr. Tom Morrison, of thla city, has lu and Mrs. M. O. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. vented a Imp -sprayer, and ha ex- Will Mndlaou, Mr. ami Mrs, Klrkland! hihlled it on the slntta here to the Mr, and Mrs. II. Alexander, Mr. ami entire sutlafitctlon of all hop men Hc Mr. A M. Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. will take It to Iudc!iidtneo Hatur- Oiaalman, Mr. and Mrs. W. H dl,y- ( Whwler, Mr. and Mrs. J. K The M. K, church quarterly meeting Hublmnl and Mr and Mra. 8. K. will he held at this place next Hatur- Owens; mimes Ktna fiaeon, lalv tlravea, Pearl C'taqa-r, Sophia Uofl. Laura Burnett, lltaiiche 0 round ami Nannie Oilmore; Messrs H. It Putter on, (1 V. Itutler, I). P. Patterson. ('. F CI.Hlfelter, F. O. Kerlaon, A. 11, ding to l"ry, a, Hosemtorr, I", 0. I'atterson aim era us iiurcil. On Main St., lodependeoce, . Ii olTerocI for sale at ft bargain. IJeawm of selling aickuew of Mian Lizzie Fennell DowluCulifonila. Tiie reNtaurant la doing a goodbn- Iiicmh, bus well furuiahed kitchen, complete service of silverware for the tables, and also bt Sis Ejjaaiiy yy , 3ES001-O.S. Tliia ia a splctidni purchase for aomeono, and should beinves tigafrd. For further par tictilura call on Miaa Kl lu Fenncll, on (lie pretniaea. 3t Dr. S. A. Mulkey KKSIDENT DENTIST tmleimudeufx, Oregon. The proftttiion practiced in all its branehea. Gold and ailvcr filliugs und gold crowna a Secialty. Plate woiit ot the beta quality uieUl, utXHT, hna eelluuid alao bridite work. KatMitotiun cuiiranteed. reeth extraotetl without pain. uiuee corner of Main and Mon mouth att-eeto, Independence. nrt, s yoniif lsd.v reniiwiiod tdupnllonat lis ItivpnllH acl.m.l And l"r.ifMKir Ulu-btHwk wliildn lhavxseullvv mis. lnd('t.tiitnoo ivi you know whsl'a ImuUed by this nsine? It IsmiiiHilniia lo dli-tva fur mors lban glory Thru 1st "lndiwndenis" yon ehlef motto ba, 't is a Scrliana won b the brnve and the Im, church work. Several young people are aftllcteil with mumps. Hick Fetiton and mother of Port laud, are her on a vlalt h 11. J Fen- were al- tewed by the eouuty court. COt'NTV cni'HT. W. P. Wright and ou, of Dallas, reeelved the contract for nmk ing a present nwnerahlp map fm running south four block hi the aouih son Dave Scars, are now resident of east corner of the blot of Preaeott and I uitepcmionoe. Air. Scar bought the Veneaa In Henry HIIl'i addition to the lowti of Independence. Petition re ferred to eommlttee on street. A peti tion was introduced praying the ooun oil to revoke or amend ordinance No, H7 commonly known as "the cow ordi nance" allowing the cow to run at lurge eight month In the year. Pet! thin referred to committee on street, The ordinance entitled "au ordinance providing lor the closing uf buaineaa bouse and places of amusement within the city limits of the city of Indepen dence on the first day of (lie week com- proeriy owned by J, Dornsife back of the Independence National Hunk, paying $l,.'liH) for it, und will live here. Nolaiily appreciates the saving ot money ao much as thoae who haven't much. In furniture, carpets, wall piqair, cte, Cook can save you money, You can easily find out by making CompiiriHoti that his price aru the very low eat. J. W. Klllntt, living utFiilrvlew, aear Lewlsvllh), was In town Wednesday and Mild he knew the Into 15. F. liurch vory intimately when lie was a pastor ""mly c,l,,ud S"'"'. "ame up for the of the M K. Church Hotilli lu Intlcpen deuce und he was a splendid worker lu the church and one of the beat neigh bors lie ever knew, Itev, D. V. Poling will conduct ser vices at the Congregational church at 11 a. til. and 7:80 p, in, on Humlay. Ho- aides other special mualo Mr. Poling will sing "The Miser" and will be ac companied by Prof, Hebrlng, BusloFeti null, Myrtle Lee, Frank Green and Mra. Ida Irvine. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to all. second rending, was read hy title and referred to Ordinance eommlttee. i. n motion Mr. Smith was allowed the use of the hall for two or three day in wtueli to take testimony. The following hills against the city were presented and allowed: F. C. Myers, salury, building crosawalks, etc, WiM); Proseoit dc Venues, lumber, 171,38; Independence Water Co., fit); Klcotrle Light Oo $75.25; A. J. Topper, salary for March, fit); W.O. Cook, mut tresa for Jail, fj.50; Water Unglue Works, note and Interest, f 185 87; Goo. W. Iteed, fee, 84,65; ft T, Henkle, fees, Use of tlie aaaesaor, their bid bellli; fliUS and the lowest of all Mrs. Young of Independence, a pint per was allowed 15 per month. The sheriff was allowed one per cent ou the fH),l)a3,ld he has collected s taxes on (lie original Mil, and five pel cent on $1850,85 aaaeaaed hy himself. The road supervisor were allowed further time on their road work. Id the mutter of the Hutouroad ohauge, allowed as prayed for. H. C. McTlmniouda, Lew llaumim The J una Kara. Aa the time draw near for the spring race tone held at the fair grounds al Tnhuuge much Information come t hand that the meeting will lie largely attended hiiiI will be satisfactory lu ev ery reeptajt. Those directly Interested and especially the olTloersof the Polk County District Fair Association art working hard ami honestly toniakethh meeting eclipse any held In previous year hereabout. Kspcclitlly Is this true of M. O. Potter, secretary of tht association, whole so faithfully dis charging thearduous duties of his ofths The advertisement elsewhere In this pa per will Inform all of the minute par ticular of the coming event. Ilun Hon Snelabla, There will tie a roclable iu the Ladles Uymuaaluiu hull Friday evening, April Mill. Admission 16 cents. Kuch one will receive a prize. There will be a lemons I fee iu benrimr. on exhibition and Anderson Taylor were appointed also a flower show. Lunch will be ... ....U.l ...l.l. ..... ... J I a ' inevii wiiu Buveyor nuiier uiianrviur. survey the lhmeo rond petitioned for In the matter of the Lee Howell road April 20lh waa tlie time set for view ing, and surveying samn ami T. I) Stone, 551m Ilonahuw and W. A lilulr were apiHilntcd viewers to meet with Huveyor llutler on thut date. I'KOIIATK. In the Thonius Pcurco estate, the Invention, of the apprulscrs was fllud and upproved. Personal property lim ited Man AtlonUiin Kegular Council of Cnllpiwla Tribe A1101TTIIAT TRUST. bt'iToK wT HtiiK! An article In the luat issue of the Wkst Hiok eu titled "Who iys the Trust," deserves a passing notice. Flctlctious In it aa auniptlons, It can not beacecpied iu its conclusions Hut with the politic of the piece I have no tight Tlie object of thla an Icle ia to attract aUentlou to the facta In the ciso. The idea of a "Flour Trust" Is the work of a conjurer und speak well lor imagination of your correspondent. One with such fertility of mind ought to write atoriee for the Youths Com- tmnloii. In fnct there Is no Hour trust iu Oregon, never has been, and the creation of such a monster la quite I in probable. The design of the miller' association la not to limit the manu facture of Hour and regulate prices, but to handle the surplus product of the mill ut the least expense to the mil ler. Fair minded men will see the need of such an organisation and wish it success. Under the old plan, large tinier were forced Into the hands of the great milling companies. For such trade the small concerns were power less competitor. P,y conibiuatlou the miller's association hope to overcome this difficulty. This Is all there I of the flour trust. ' What then about the advance lu the prloe of Hour? For this the uianu facturcr I not wholly to blame; he generally pays a little more for the wheat than can lie gotten from the great operulora for foreign shipment. Wheat goea Into the warehouse Instead DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTirK ia hereby alyen Hut theoo-pwlurr-tliip brrsHiSttv emming b,wn A. J. Pitt ana J. N, UlliarUuuUsrihenrui name of Fills lllllaril has been dissolved, and. all persona iiwliis Die ald II rtn tin re.iuta.rd to uiuta lu. nrltleiiient with M. o. IVtmr, at ih ulllcvuf J. W. Klrkland. A. J. 1'irra. J. N. H:LiAaD. Indi-pandenw, Or Apr. , m. A STATEMENT. n eltwlna uu the bnnlnnaanr I. u M..ti,n It wn. Iiiiiiul there was a larfe liaw which ba. in tinalilv lo ikssiunt fur 1 cbaraed to I). B. i iUflni, as b was rninki) 1 in the nuire. After a.-an-nu viumlaailon uf the books the ! lias hts'ii aetmunted f,,r. sail 1 Anur ate Mr, la lor nviu all aecuMUoni henttofor u; inn. It. MATTOOa, 7, W inUi-iH'Uilenef, Or., April 1 im. NOTICE. Uwlnt hi the tnelemsnev nf Die wnailinr th -Hll'iil i In, Mrs. K. W. Muruhv aauii. st Mniiiiioutii, by 11. W. Atinpliy, duiinlstia. tor. haa been ixwiisined until ihUir in Um year, dusnoiit-eoi which will be given. MUST BE PAID. All seeounla due tlie lain fir.n nt Tavlnr A W Una must lie luiltl. snd uulivu mm iihin thirty days onnt will be added. tMoua null tliM. This iutlie also appllea to tba account and neU-s due U. ii. Taylor. il 41 W. II. Wheeler, who has recently aold a half Interest In hla btialnnui lull K.,r u desirous of havJna all aenmnta due him, paid 111. itesaksalieiiltou to UilanoUoa, NDTll'K Ui all whom it mav onn,vrn- A. my vredlUira am hirelng lue lo pay debta, wliU-h Ut rliehl. on amoutiL of thiu innt 1 . fureed to lualsl that all tlawe ludebled lo uia wiueati at oiiee anu aetue Uielr b I'a. and In mi (liiluutlioy will aavemeeus.saud Unuhle. 1 luuw a sale of nroneru bv the aliaritt jiiaii i-eaiwt rully yours, u. 11. Lii ami peril MomI ivh lauideuee, Olfjou. he aUerlS, ues, luda. WANTED. p.m. Work in the Adoption and Hunter' degrees. A. 11. CltBiutY, Hacheni. Mark Twain while at work wrote lu tu the early hour of the morning, and then took his time about rising tn the hurtling. He could not do hi best amounting to $412,75 w8 set aside for work without he smoked a pipe. Mor- the widow. Total value of property al. Late hours and smoke a pipe and fUii. you can write like Mark Twain. The final account of tlie executors of The members of the Young Peoples' Union of the Baptist church were $2.00; total, 8490.00 very mceiy omonainea last eaiurtly. 0n motion tha ruhai wr animimov.H evening ai uie or D. U. anj reference made buck to order of luyior, iiio.unggoou oye to Mr. and now business. An ...,ll,,,.n,.., i,.,'p t u . ..1.- ei.. ...... . .,T....v ... ,. nun. t. n. i.ocnc, imss J unit jjoeae Frvor wns iireac.itn.1 for ..r un.i miss nioiue nni. uie iimepeil- (lie Su oon llconaa forinerlv i.-,.u,l ir. dents brass band under the leader- Uluva. Allen to him. On motion the a,: ahil) of Willis IIIII, gave a serenade plication was granted. Also bond was which was much appreciated. Mr. presented and approved. ami Mrs. Taylor will uot leave for Ou motion the council adjourned. ome week yet. Geo W. ItK.n, City Recorder. the estate of It. H. Wallace waa an- proved and properly ordered dcatrl- buted accordingly to the will. May 22 was (line set for the hearing In the T. W. Liggett estate. : Adminis trator filed his final account. In the matter of the sale of certain real estate in the C. B. Grave estate, confirmed and a deed ordersd exo cuico 10 ior. jviury 11, uraves, pur- ciinser. Itloliri'iill, Mrs. Ankony, wife of a bunker of Walla Wulln, Is visiting relative here, the Molsons and Nesiulths, Mrs, Kuykendall of this place, spent Hunilsy In Btilom. Much Interest was taken Iq the No. 10, Tuesday tilulit. lHth Inst at 7:30 of thenilller bin, aud he has to pay lor tue runners' tolly, The price of Hour Is not regulated by the variation forced upon the wheat market by the gambling fraternity, hut by the cost of production; besides, as a factor lu the market the dealer must lie reckoned with. A little investigation might have convinced yuur populist corres pondent that the meroliant, and not the manufacturer, deserve the larger share of his fuhtilnations. But this ia a side issue;. I write to assure the people that tlie awful spectre, know as the "Flour Trust". is not hovering over the laud, and ready to swoop dowu upon the ptxir. Among Live Builn Mn. W, H. Craven it Co, are turning ou Dome flue acta of harness which are warranted to give satlsfactlon The Independence Tile Co. has faculties f..r turning out, on hnri notice all sizes of tiling, from the smullest to the lurgest- 'Sterling & Knott are the accomodat ing bu tohors on C street U W MoAdams is prepared to furnish you an elegant monument with which to mark the lust resting place of your relatives- Samuel L. Crowell, the owner of Pilot Leinont, desires to meet all owners of Hock wood fllUes- W, E. Goodoll advertises a clearance WANTKD-m.OOO lb. mohair by Geo. B. Brpy, independence, 4-7. 6t FOR SALE. FOll SALK-Choioe baled straw by UeorM Broy, Win. Urahaui or J. 1), Murphy. FOll KAI.K.-Uioloe white oata and at sorted BurbauK polutoea by Una, K. llKsr. A twtv-atory restdonoe of ten rooms, besides halls, aitualed 011 a buaiiiess eoruer. on Kali risid and (J aireet, Independence, kor terma titiil prlee inquire ot J, W. Klisl.uid or D. U. luyior. 8i It FOll HA1.K lllit miners. aiOmhl. fl.r niu,,ino on alielvea or under oarpeis, for only a naif of a eeut each, at this office. KOR SAI.K HlKWS in thlannliimn mart,,.. tlaera at Iwooeuta a wurd Snu. lna.rti.ii. a.i.. cvubiauiouth. FOR RENT. FOR RENT An nfflee nun .,llnnn.,. Wsst Hi D uttle on Main street, also a lied. room auit kitchen adjouing. Rent $10 a mill 1 1 1) . Theolllce mm la H1B k... and diHirs, fourteeu foot eeiUna. Iiandunmuiv pHiwredi hedroo.n attJouliiE a liiilS with tooutMiteofhu IKunc 1111.. alar, imn h.y. meat! buse.nent ia lix 'i, with small wood, shed ailJoiiliiK, haa oily water, sewer and entrance li-o.n aireet M'parate, Premisea are lu nuod order. Apply al Wkst 810 oillce. ROOMS Ttl HCNT-Tm. .., ..,J1... nlshed u,istlr rooma, ln renldenoe of editor til tuts paper, will be rented with or without 1 i!.rwk J! ,WI or more yuu gentlemen, I iw further partieulmi apply at WsstSid oillce. 3" PRICE'S ifa3lil,Baking The only r lire Cream of 7 Used in Millions of v 1 -ir Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum. 3es 40 Years the St4 sale of his tnok of boots and shoes,