The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 14, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
!?2.00 Per Year
Five Cents Per Copy.
, IahI(!i, No i!2, meet evurj Mon
day tiiiiiit in Mnifctuio linll. All sojourn
ii brother nr limitsl 10 attend W.I..
Wilklus, M, W. W, IK Cook, lleeorder,
A ALLEY 1.01X1 K. NO, i I. O. O
V F. Moe in V in! n hull v,o tv
'Umrtu.i evening, All 0M feltu tui'
dially invited to meet with ua. Peter
Cook N. O. J. I Irvimt, Secret try.
LYON I.ODOK, NO. 20. A. F. A
M, Htated tiiimmiiiiM'ntKiMK Sattir
day evening ou or before full mutiu -h
Ulutith nn I lo 'k thereafter. (1, W,
Stium, W. M, W, 1', C.ilunmiiy, Secy, x
HOMKH LODOK, NO. 43 K. of P,
Meets vry Wednesday evening,
All kuiulit are cordially invited. V. II
Hawley, U U, C. K. Olodfeller, K. H. S.
11 1 VSlCt A NS-mCNT 19 T H Y-
V. anrgmw. ftcoy t'. S, !hm vt
Medical htiiiiiuiur. Oltlce lu Opera
Mou) block.
EL. KKt't HUM, M. D. Olfunc
, nuil riiliiu', enroer Hmliotid
mill Moumuiith t, independence, tlr.
DH J. R. J0UN,SON, RllSlDl.Yt
J -i.t tst. All rk warranted tn
tt e l -at -f atifctin. Inilttti
dene, Or.
, (win, U. S, "Siiiiiliiinif i!ii.'c..ti.
OtIic met Independence .NuImjiihI Hnuk.
DU. VM TATOM, F.N"TIST, IS-dVpo-'denae,
Oregon. OBle in
S hitcitk r building on "O" Slieet (Dp
stairs. Urdd mirk awcmlty.
Lbw Will iiriiHice in nil Ktnte
and fpili'ral cimrtd, AlwlroU uf tillit
f uruixtiif. Oflic over liiili'iiiilt'noo
Anlioiiiil Xliiuk.
! i
kiriicyii nl Law. We !m lli only
pt of utwtrnol trtk Hi 1 ulk county,
lU"iiul,ln hlwt.iM'ix fnniixlipil. Muiii.y tu
loitti; no comiiilimiiiii rlifirumi nn loMiia.
Ollkr. niiis 2 and 8 W ilmui'ii block, tiitl.
Ills, Orrirou.
. Coutici.r lit Liiw. tlllii'i-, nxt
to I'liii prllill'llOl' Nllllnllal ItHIlk, Iiule-
jieuilfticp. Or.
ti(iy At Law. Ollimi tu Ifimh'a
blorfc, lx!wtvti Sliito hihI Court, on Coni-
Oieroial mifpt, Mult-in, Or.
TAr rn 'hell k uoiiannon, man
1V1 nfiirturi'in of i-.ihIi
mid (Inorn.
A Iw, w.-roli hiwiii((.
iwbdeuce, Or.
tri-et, Iiide-
DU. E. 0. YOUNO, Inle of,
Vtrilinry SurKWin anil Dantiat
hn moved to Iiuli'iK-uili-nco, and opened
nit ufllcf ovor tli Indiipenilcnca Nation
al bunk,
, oppiwiiH Mr lit Nallonul Hank, Io
di'iK udunue, Orctfon.
. Hi
e Little J'nlwia Rurber Shop,
(;tiiect, li dciioinlinpo, On-gon. Hhav
im;, Htnimtiooliitf, HinueiUK, nud Hmr-
(. Ml MM N. MEUn.lAN'1
T;,tlor, 0 Hiii'i'f. ni'iir ihIoI1Ibi
Hniia in any atj i- nw-'n i tinier lit ten
touiib'e ri'l-"
Mm. K. C VnnMocr Mm. M.Cntlln
Main atrn-t, Ind-tw-ndaneo, aiti-wwnra
1ft Mm. K. Wliio'-ll, liae wi-luaiil ''IjuI nbxik
i fine goods. Call uud eiumluo giodK and
National Hank
Capital Stink, $50,000.00.
VllltAM NKlJttiN,
Vt Pnwldmit,
A gwuiral twnkluf Mid Meliao bu.lnr.
trammeled; loam laatlts hill dlMmiuld, m
umtt-tal i-rvUlu granted! dopuaUa rentvvd on
mtiwul acomiut aubjwt to etatwkt, tutarwrt paid
ta Urn dvpwlu.
liua McPanlvl, II, tl, JtwtwrwHi, A.
Uuodmnn, II, lllrwlitwrtr, A. Nnlwn,
T. 1 I 1. A. Alton,
Commenced Business March 41889
KMubluiivd y NhUuiiiU AiiUiiully.
at Inili'tiiliiD, Itngiin.
Capital Stock
rmhlrnt. Vloa l'rilitnt.
W. It HAWI.KV, Cwttlcr.
H, t vh.r, U , lUilwrimu, lwli llnlmlck
U. W. Wlilif.kor, W. W. Colllix.
A ffvitnrnt txiuklittf IttiBlncM ImtiiMottwt
llm mi J eii'lmni ou Ml lmnlmil
Ih-HII wwlvnt lllij.f I In I'hn k or 00
Mil. ate tt Jf pi!t, I iilftvlUtus iniut.
limw Itmim; . lu. to i p. III.
tt, HWIKV ,. ...
, l-rwil-lmil
iiijV v. iv r.i.i. 1'iu.hiur
Paid Capital, $30,000.
I, H. Ilnwli-v, I. Ut'aiiiiMill, f.M.HImpmn
J. B. v. minor, J. ii, mump, f. . liwil
A mural Iwnklng Mot n.'lmnen biinlnnw
trntiMai-tivIj lwn mailt dfiMMiiu rm-wlvt
tililM-l to t-hi-ok nr on twrtillniUgnf dvptwltj
Ullrml Mill nil Hill ili-ntu,
-Hn ipmi( vault nial burglur proof taf,
M-rurwi uy 1 Air inn nirii.
tiitlm Hour: a. m, lo 4 p. m,
Will conmilt tlwir la hi-U-renta
by purrhaamtj tln-lr
of tlia raluiblt. tnanufiiolnmr,
ImlAptHliIf'DC, Or., lUI-OBI-
or to t'ciiitmon A nn Meer.
Hngnr iiii(i and cdr doom,
all iw, on bund.
City Truck and Transfer Go.
Ifiiiilintr of all KIikIh Done ut
Hoiiwoimlili ntcH.
Agents for the 0. P. Boats.
All bllla ttiiHtbe at-tlli-d by the 10th o1
each month,
Independence, Oregon.
:f nit
IliiH now in Hfofik and Is continually
iniimilitctni'ing tiling; of all
Misse i fur drains and
C. 6. EIF1, Witt
9 J v""""
J, A. VKNkMk
PluurMom of ,
XE El .:
Maanflwiturfa of aad bvalara In
' -a ,
Rough and Drossod
J. A. WHEELER, Manager
m bid mi
Tbi undpmliriMHl would rnv that wr
arv want(l to do all kliula of
At the iiitutt rataODftblc rata.
tucMon to B. I. Krtaglt
Independence, Ore.
The New
M. A. Dudley, Prop.
Cor. Fourth and Alder streets,
Oiilrally Inmini, Kvwly flirnlhd and r.
niou. nw tnu in and nuia all iraiiMand
D. H. Craven
Can be found at Whlleakcr'iOld stand
and atilHla your lmtroimto, IIo turn
out only the
Best of Work.
Give buna trinl and you will Iw oon
vlnoed that hi work la (Int-ola. II In
Prhwa are vry rt-nnonulilu.
WEiitcaker's Old Stand.
Ora gon
Of IndcnotuloiiOfl, Imvinif a stnn
engine, a brick machine untl wevonl!
aoren of flnwt clay, 1h now prepared
to ktwp on hand a fine quality ol
Brick, wliict will 1)6 anld at reason
able priceH.
iliipaiiileaoa and Muniiiuuth Molnr t.ln
2: III
P. H. Murphy. Practical Wine
maker, Main Street, Indeptm
denoe, nppnalte the opera hotiae,
The lliicatof
Froncli Calf
, iiaed In nil the better (trades of
iboea. Every pair wnrriinted.
Mrs. Campbell
Lte from Kaniai City, Mo.
(limrnntrsR a good fit nl ttraUolaHi work,
Oor. Railroad and MonniciutU atreeU,
Indapandanc) Oragen
Describing a Few of the Cities
. in the liast.
WKITIKM nV BEV. J. R. S. III! 1,1,
H Attended the Inauguration of Pres
Ident Cleveland -VIhiU the
Maionlo Temple.
Ciiicauo, lit., April t, lMia.
It la a aoiiri-eof (treat pli-m-un) to coin
niuulml with your friend, alatly
when you are very fur away and lone
ly In UiemldMt of "mirHlnit tulllliina."
Better be in a furntt aloua, for you iichI
not fear the Im "aatnlliiMfKliiic" you,
Chloairti 1 In inttn V nivU tin greav
out city on earth. It la wwlly ahead of
New York exiept In xiulutloit. The
ClikiiKiii biwit a (treat deal, but they
have that wvateru duah, and a touch of
recklt-MtieM aUtut them, whlt-h imr-
dona u aouio ili'uiw the blim-ltiR of
their own horn. The World'a fair
building ar tike a beautiful city,
"emiiiHiet together," and their while
neaa, and tall apirea and douiea, make.
one, when aeeiiin them lu tliediataiiee,
feel llkeenelalmliiK, "lk-bold the hall
waa not told me." All will 1 ready
by Uie find of May for the grand 0eu-
lug. Chleago haa the loftlrat eoinuier-
olat building tu the world. I thought
that the New York World building waa
grand, and It la, but the ningultlivnee
of the Maaoule temple lu-regnea eteor
beyond anything ever attempted by
man, except nerliup the tower of Itatiel
Thla building la m f.vt high from the
iiiiwulc HiveiiH-iil to the tiwwiliiled bor
der aurroundliig the a pel alx.v, The
building haa a rotunda or Inner court
from bae to turret. Ile-hlm the w
ftt-t or twenty-three atorlea, there la a
baaemeitt of tlflet-u fivt ami a ctiiola
and flag atalftweuty feet, timklug Hie
wonderful hellil of 31.1 fi-ct from tip to
bottom. It haa a fruulagt of 170 fn t
by 1 It deep The fl rat live atorlea are
if atone andPyrenn imtrble, tliereniulu-
lug atorlea are of premwl flrv-pnaif brick.
The very topatory la a coinmrvatory,
or the alm gnnh-na. It o much re-
m-luhlca the Imaginary gadeti of IMec
and ao fur on the rwd toward heaven,
that it la aald that a man not loiigalucv
when having aaoeuded to I his point,
knocketl ou the Uar diairand luqulred
If the Lord waa In, that he would
like to ace. him.". Without a doubt
thlala certainly the grcntet building
ever put up by man. Tim Odd Fellow
became jenloua of thia Mitaoulc tt niph.
a few yean ago nud began the founda
tion of a temple to be thirty atorlea
high, and thla Ilkewlae begut a aplrlt
of rivalry lu high bulldluga among the
eommerulal men of Chicago, and the
more level-headed cltlxeua aecltig tlie
extent audi folly might lead to, painted
mi ordinance agalnat any building be
ing ovor ten auirli high. Ho thia
bluated the hop of the Odd Eellowa
and leavea the Maaouln temple the
monarch of all. Tbeac high liuildliiga
are exceedingly dnugoroua, and peraoua
having pmperly near by cannot get
good rent becaiiae of the duuger of
higher bulldlliga fulling on them lu ctue
of a cyclone or earlhiUitku, Already
three high btilldinga have fallen, and
they did much damage In the wny
mentioned above. In cane of lire there
la abaolutely no way of eeiipe. Hoatoti
and New Orleaua eru two cltlca I do
not like. The airocta In New Orleana
are narrow, aome Udng not over forty
feet wide, and some even narrower. The
Ity la old and non-progreaHlve, aud
heir only attraction la their brutal prize
tight. Jlow glut) nil well-thinking peo
ple ought to lie to know that our slater
4ate, California,' low wiped from her
fair eacutuhenn the atolim of her former
ptlr.e tighla. The world movea, and It
movea In the tight dlivctioti, and the
Devil can't atop It. I ahoiild rather
have Wat of the Hookv nioiintniiia
ban all on thU aide, even up, Bunion
a a atiltcd city. The people are b(Kk-
IhIi, becauae of Harvard lading an close
BtippOBe, but they mc not practical.
I'lierela a great deal of ceremony and
etlcpuetto. ; There la a auperolllloUHUwa
aud a mil" runnel imoiiloumit'HH. anl a
ong faced neaa about them that mukea
onedltillke the ciiatmua or doubt their
iicerity. I urn truly aorry that Bun-
Kcr Hill wua ever locaU-d lu Hoatou. It
aa a great ndiduke, but cla-uiiiHtaiiwi.
made It unavoidable. If ilie pilu-rlm
Fatbcra biuUtuidetl at the Uolilou Oau-
orut thtj oonlluciiee of the mighty Co-
umbla, there never would have been
any Etct lu the United HtnteBof Amer
toi. All thi oountiy would htive been
here, but Ita relation would have been
like i bat of Alaska, The rlgora of cli
mate on the AthinUo alope are dimply
nbeurable, mil, bh the iicoulegel, uoinc-
what the nature of tliu Kaipilmcuux.
Well the liiaugui'iillnti went oil' all
right on schedule lime
The duy wua '
Himply well, 1 have no language to 1
tell It. Home s.iy that the Incandescent 1
and electric lights bin ned (or seemed '
to) all day, when la fuel the (Ivnumos
ere not running. It was ho Ul the
flume hud frown and remained ao all ;
uay. i will noi vouch lor 1110 irimi 01
thla however. The opinion prevalla
among the deinoeniU that when llro,
Ulvvelaud get through apHilnilng re
publican tu oftlee, that If there are any
.(oflUiea left, he will Oil them with dem
ocrat! who were not "active" in the
lual campaign, and who are not "new-
pater men," aud who "never held of
line under him before," and who "live
lu hi owu community," eta, etc. etc.
Well, my opinion U, Orover'a lo ad I
level. I have al waya had wnne uf tlx ate
Idoaa myaulf, and for tlie life of me I
could not tell where he got them utile
he haa been reading the Went Hide the
laat couple of yearn, or be may huv
read the Kim-burg Review a few ytn
ago wln n we were writing on that uh
javl. It laveryeaay tobepartliuii, but
lt reiulra quite a little moral courage
to be a pat riot. The Tammany brain
were at S aahlngton .11 full forw, Thar
truth la, and waa 'apparent, that the
hole i annually outr)i,lliludliig David
It. Hill, waa isiuipelliil tocomti to time
or how their color. To te 1 the whole
i.'uth,I verily believe that iheTaiiimany
orfciu, lotion hi New York city ia the
moat corrupt orKaniuttlon on earth, w-
lltically, wM'hilly, aud lu evary reHH-t
that gaa to makeup a body-politic,
Urovcr Cleveland did not ank Tammii.
ny any odd, and la not catering that
Wi.j now to burl anything, In other
Wonl, Mr. Cleveland knew Jut what
he waa doing, and Tauiimtuy knew
Jiml aa well Air. Cleveland, delicti at
Chicago at the ctinvculion lo June IHvi
New York' ecventy.two vota were
agitfiutt Mr. t'leveUuid mom than they
were or Diivld II. Hill.
Well I mut quit fortlie prvaelil, not,
wlthataudliig It ia real plvawiut to write
for your homo papvr. We uiuat not
lrt-ipaiiauMili Hro. Peutlatid too much
aud will auk Indulgence fur the publica
tion of theae few Itiiea, We xhould have
written a few 1 1 inn earlier but we have
been on the dead Jump evarainou we
left, and ho to get home by the flrat
of May or plhly earlier. Allow me
t aay In cloalug that I have heard
aome eminent divine and atatemuen
oil Dili trip aud I find that "dUtamw
leilil wouilernil eiicluuiliuent," mme
thuu you would think for. The dl vim
whom I heard were Weil, of South
Carolina, Southern Metlnallat, Dr.
Hunderland. who married Mr. Cleve
land, Dr. Holuiea, thke, In the Tut
mage taberuaule, Krovklyn,' N. Y
ItUhop Newman, Dr. Fredrick, iu Duu-
d, N. Y., and yealerday the n-le-
brated Prof, David Hwlng, who waa re
moved from the l'rhyteriau nuuinlry
for hi "progrealve view," "but," he
aald to me ycatcrduy at the clone of the
hauler acrvluc, "my Prwhytcrlun breth
reu are now, aome of them at U-aat,
ahead of me, and tlielr'pmgitwi'iH quite
marked." Thla Prof. Swing la a very
it rung mini and preached a newt excel
lent sermon from thetext, "He i rliten,
Helauot her." The Central iMuic
hall waa crowded. We hoH to have
tomethlng mure tu ay of tlnwi thing
when we ee you fai to luce.
J. R. N. Hki.L
Wounul't Oaward Maroh.
Thcro came a timo in the liiatory
of my life whon I middonly roaliaod
tliutlcan tell a briorwood from a
mocrachimin while it i bemg ainoked.
It waa boruo lu upon me that by
year of subtle training I had come
to know a "Perfecto" from a "two-for-a-nickel."
It flashed upon my
duful aoul tliat I, Sappho, the eoorner
of nioolino, waa tnyaolf a oonnohmur
of tlie delicate aud difficult art of dis
tinguishing even from the next
room the varying characteristic of
niffering kbitla of Turkish tobacco. I
fotiud, to my amazement, that I know
the perfumed Turkish cigarettes lose
thoir national characteristics coming
over hind and ata to Boston, and that
a Richmond cigaret te is more grate
ful (vicariously) to my nostrils.
I cau snioll this moment the peculiar
peanut nuttiuetw of an old clay pipo
and the almond nuttiness of a new
4fonry Clay cigar, find I Cf recall to
a wmrr uie experimental odor of a
corncob brimming with rank plug.
Yet I never amokoa but onco In my
life. Thon I choked on burning mul
lein loaves recommended for a cold 1
It is one of the rcsulte of tlie open
ing of modern occupations for wom
en that I huvo become so learned in
this way. I don't know yet whether
or not I am proud of my wisdom, but
it is certain that I have no vicarious
amusement more charmingly altru
istic than Minoklng.A . Woman in
Boston Trausoript. :
Th tla of Pontry,
Nearly all the other arts have an
oflleiiil standing. They are endowed,
perpetuated, made part of the appa
ratus of life. But we are as incredu
lous of poetry as of the sea serpent,
and the affidavits of those who havo
seen the ( hiug Itself do not convince
a sceptical world. Poetry's killing
foe is wealth, and wealth of late has
grown beyond the dreams of avarice,
Money, which can call into exietonco
many of the arta, which can ronr
architectures, lay out gardens, give
to household decoration a sumptuous
beauty impossible to poor nges, which
can even greatly help in the creation
01 music and paintingmoney litis
00 potency over the proud aud dis-
aa",ro ""WO. .-
mx "w mure r - P01? 19 irn'
"""'8U' l cuusow ien aomaiiraes op-
w-vi mi wm 4vm mum UQW
Highest of all in Leavening
we cry," all we need do ia to open our
book and without struggle to par
Uiku the atrifo. without effort to at
tain the en, without putting off
mortality to have part in the immor
tality of those eole thing which show
a aomblancoof otwnal life the crea
tion of tlie divine porta. Ponce de
Leon sailed fur for his fnblod foun
tain of youth, but the wiser man is
he who takes down hk Homer or
his RhtikesM-are and discovers there
in the spring the (Spaniard failod to
find. Forum.
A Stnuif Svlwilun.
It is an cany and wry profitable
business to smuggle rifle into Moroc
co. A wttapon may lj lnju;rlit in
Gibraltar for $10 and sold in tlio in
terior for five or six times that sum.
Fumxglers are continually running
over in feluccas and beachfng thoe
arms somewhere between Vum Kiiur-
tol and Tangier, and curious are the
devices by which they accomplish
uii'ir transport .
t)ne smuggler told a traveler that
he ran his cargo into Tangier bay
after dark and unloaded the rifh-s
on the beach not a quarter of a mile
twin Uie custom houao.
"Who assists you in unloading!"
asKoti tue traveler.
"I generally employ the Dorters
of the custom house," was the inno-
oent reply.
Tlicn, noting tlio surprise and
amuwment of his hearers, lie added:
"nicy are more skilled in onload-
tng tban other laborers."
It hail evidently neither occurred
to him nor to the porters that they
might tatray him, Youths Com
pauion. "
Hypnollam and HvnlUlrjr.
For a quarter of a century I have
been hoping that the prineinlea of
hypnotism as now devclojic! might
be applied so as to bring relief to pa
tients durwgdental operations. It is
with pleasure that I am able today to
report a pronounced success in that di-
rectum- a success that I believe will
continue, and the methods will be so
formulated that the art will be with
in the reach of every intelligent op
erator on tlio human teeth. I found
thut it was the opinion of writers on
hypnotism that jmin would always
wake a patiwit from the hypnotic
sleep unless such patient was In a
somnambulistic condition. I felt it
might be quite possible to derive dis
tinct benefit in the lighter stain if
they could lie kept continuous. I
soon belle vel it possible, und after a
uillgvut study of Bornhchn I com
monoed to hypnotic, and my first
effort proved a success. -Thomas
Fillebrown, D. U. I)., in Dental Re
view. (STOVES .NI Tl;!--:-,. ,
On ot tli AilvuniM: ,.i
men! ii,,-,.
One reiotin toi tu v
i-!v!c;v2! fi !
:Ii.-.i it p .-mi.,
cooking stov
'A home with
the largt teiicineut i .
tlieehmitiHtiuii of the
from etu-h liousluilik
out a stove! Iiiipofwililt!" I hear
many exclaim. Not in the lcst im
possible -and something fortho very
poor greatly to be desired. First, so
far to heat is concerned, in a tene
ment house holding fill or 150 families.
beat may bo supplied from a oentrai
source which would be far too ex
pensive in a small tenement house of
8 or 10 families.
The pooriisually buy fuel in small
quantities at exceptionally high rates,
and this nmoimt, if added to their
rent, would In a large tenement sup-'
ply them with beat by steam or hot
water, which would be far prefer
able for the fallowing reasons: The
storing of fuel aud the carrying it up
long flights of stairs by the hodful
would lie done away with, and the
sending children out to gather kin
tiling from wharves, streets and va
cant lots, with the dirt and sloveuli
ness and weariness which always at
tend such work, would lie abolished
No one who has not worked long
among the poor etui realize I he serious
drawback to good temper, comfort
aud cleanliness that the mere care of
fuel, the cleaning of the stove, and
tlie disposal of ashes involve with
people who must cut. sleep, bathenud
live around a coal stove three or four
flights from tlie cellar or ash ham!,
aa is the case in the majority of our
tenements The waste in fuel is of
ten appalling, due largely to igno
ranee about drafts mid to lotting the
tire go out during a morning a ab
seuce from home and then rebuilding
it to cook the dinner.
I once saw a child of 10 tu a room
strewed with shavings end ashes try
to make a tire by placing the coal on
the bottom of the grate und lighting
from the top the kiudlnirf anil paper
thnt were luid over it lu fiuiiilies
that were receiving coal giveu in
charity I have re icntodly seen red
hot stove packed full of coal, the
drafts ul) open and the bent going up
the chimney. The doing away with
the heat of a stove In the living room
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
during the summer month to no
small contribution to the health and
good temper of the inmate. Lad
True Ames In New England Magtv
ctne, ' '
Pip Snokan Paradlta.
In Washington a man may place
his good old brier pipe in bis shapely
mouth and walk around town smok
ing according to the dictate of hi
own conscience, none daring to make
him afraid. It ia not so in all part
of the country. There are place
where such conduct would bring his
under police surveillance and cause
him to be ostracized by sod sty.
There haa long been a deep rooted
prejudice against the pipe. A man
might appear in public smoking a
cigar that would cause horses to
swoon three block away and nobody
would say anytiiiug, but if he smoked
a pipe on the streets his social doom
was sealed. Reason, however, haa
resumed ber majestic rway, leveled
the barriers of superstition and con
quered the armed hosts of prejudice,
and as a result the man who smokes
I happy. - - Washington New.
A Conditional Karrtac Fm,
The following is told by a pastor of
a village church about eight mile
from Boston. He was sitting in his
library one evening recently when a
knock 00 the door came. He an-.
swered and found a couple who de
sired to be united in matrimony.
The pastor asked them into bis par
lor and performed the marriage cere
mony , after which the groom hand
ed him a sealed envelope supposed to
have contained the usual Compensa
tion The happy couple departed,
and the reverend gentleman opened
the envelope and found the follow
ing note:
"If she turns out as well as I think
she will. 1 will come back and pay
you tor your snmoes. "-Boston Record-
Borrowing Fro Valgkbora.
A little girl was sent into a neigh
bor's bouse the other evening to bor
row a copy of the paper. She depart
ed with the treasure, but returned a
few minutes later with the request
that the man of the house should
loan ber mother his spectacles. "Well,
by Oeorgel" ejaculated the astonish
ed citizen, "isn't that asking a little
too much? No, indeed, answered
the little girl, "mother say yon
won't need your glasses a long as
she has your newspaper; you can
spare them just as well as not" He
spared thorn. Richmond (Me.) Bee.
Rot Cllmaua and Long SlghtodBOM.
People who have lived long in hot
climates like India become presby
opic tour or nve years earlier than
they would otherwise have done, for
life in a hot climate naturally means
excessive wear and tear to a Eu
ropean. The ordinary., age for the
adoption of spectacles for reading
used to be DO, while it is now nearer
45. -New York Tribune.
Babylon' Hanging Garden.
The hanging gardens of Babylon
were terraces on columns. The gar
dens were 400 feet square and over
400 teet high. The ascent from ter
race to terace was by flights of mar
ble steps, and on the highest was a
large reservoir. St Louis Globe
Democrat Taut In Animal.
Many experiments have been made
In order to find out what and where -
the organ of taste is in the lower
creations; but it is easier to say
where it is not Crayfish and worms
seem to have very decided prefer
ences in the matter of food, though
no special taste organ has been
found. Lobsters like decaying food:
the crab is more dainty in its diet.
Snails and slugs show a decided
preference for certain kinds of food,
as gtu len lovers know to their cost;
peas and cabbages, dahlias and sun
flowers are great favorites, but they
will not touch the white mustard.
Some prefer animal food, especially
if rather high. Spiders have only a
Blight souse of taste; flies soaked in
paraffin seem quite palatable to
them, though one species, the dia- .
dema, is somewhat more particular
and refuses to touch alcohol in any
form whatever. Chambers' Journal
Finding Their Wajr Homo.
Who does not know that a cat, or
even a half grown kitten, taken a
loner WAV from homo in a hiitr. ncarl-v
always finds ita way back! When
living 111 nortnern Michigan, 1 bad a
cat we tired of. I took her in a boat
directly across the lake, about two
miles, and turned her loose. Although
it was about six miles around the
end of the lake, a circuitous course and
certainly unknown to her by sight, tlie
next morning she was back at the old
place. Another case is that of a cat
that was taken by rail fully 20 miles
In southwest Missouri, nud the next
day he walked in all right at his,
former home. Cor. Scioe, . . ,j