The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 07, 1893, Image 2

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mvm BY-
' Cd Sii3 Publishing Gonipany
On tw
Kit M.uillia
TUrM Mouth
All marrliur And death nitttaM uol xwA
lag flv Hue will b tnavMwl ftv. All nv
llv llniw will b hrtl Bv wnta wr lln
fcH'Wiv Hbitiwr rmnlmhuw will b ulmmwl
Mr At UM KM Ul 0V Ul V UU
Hltlm4 111 Ptwkorttoe In lud
Him, ukkuu, At aWOUa-UlftM tUAUVr,
FRIDAY, APRIL ?, 1893,
Wi publish ft tetter from lr. C, E.
Boyuton, of Bueua Vlta, addreed to
the Ohio Farmer inteuUug to come
to Oregon. Some of our reader may
think w u poor Judgement In pub
lishing uch a letter, but our solum
lire open for the exprwwkm of honest
oplnlout aud such dwm the writer
to express. The mistake the writer
niakeabtn confining hi erittotau to
Orvitou alone. The name eondltlou
whlob make the tot of the resident of
Omron a hard oue exist H over the
Uulted State. Complaint of the
auie klud come from every agricult
ural vtate in the Vulon. The meu who
"mieexe" Uie borrower In Oregon do
the same with the borrower hi the
East. Tbe laboring men of thl tate
are compelled to nutlVr, not through
any law of the state of Oregon, but
through the law of the United Btt
whloh effect air alike, whether 1
Omron or Muiue, The remedy lie in
Uie ballot, aud until that remedy
applied the evil will exist. Oregon
stand todty head and ahouldcre lv
anyatate In the Union for natural
rmmreee which have not been devel
oped. The eame reason why money
1 scarce, and scarcity of money to the
oulv reason why meu borrow, exUU
all overtime United State. In tbi
very Issue of the West Sidk we give
the name of man who came to Ore
gon only a few year ago with but
little money, and by Industry ha
made himself Independent of want.
and he did It to Polk county, from
Polk county' rich soli, and be bor
rowed money and paid ten per rent
interest too. We can give many ilml
lar Instances. Oit'gon is all right
Cheap land la what the Ohio forme
-want. That i one of the very bout of
argument why he should cume to
Oregon. If be were to come here and
find farming laud held at ieculutive
prices, then Indeed he would have
cause to complain. The cause of all
thl unreal among the farmers
caused by monopoly aud trusts, and
not by any conditions which exwt In
Oregon alone.
Gbovkb Cleveland' course in the
presidential chair la being closely
watched. He Is evidently taking
step to secure reelection In 1890, aud
his method evidently Is to learn the
very most he can of the People' Party
and follow their best Ulcus and thus
go into the White house again a a
compromliw candidate. The demo
crat can hope to succeed only by
fusion with this popular uprising and
Cleveland knows it, so be Is building
every energy to please this balance of
power fuel ion. His appointment of
Grtwhum to his cabinet, and Robinson
to succeed Dodge as the statistician, In
tbe agricultural department, point to
a new departure In politic, Cleveland
does not talk as freely as Governor
Pennoyer but he Is very much the
same kind of nmn. Governor Pen
noycr will probably have a chance to
exchange confidences at Washington
with Grover If be poses ns a champion
of the jieople of Oregon, lu capacity of
coniiressiuan, or the United Htutcs
The Dallas papers seem to liuve a
mortal cinch on all tin; legal advertis
ing in the :county, and that Is what
pays a newspaper. Two columns of
legal mutter In the little Oliserver
brings In more money per month than
a whole page of ordinary ndverHxIng
in the West Hidk. Is It any wonder
that Dallas has three pnpers. There
must be a reason for this stale of
affairs. It all lie in the fact that the
Dallas people will not allow any ad
vertising to leave the town. Tlicy are
loyal to those papers. The papers
stand by the town aud the town stands
by them. .
We are in receipt of No. 1 Vol. 1 of
the Perrydale Patriot. It Is a six
column paper, published in Polk
county, and In its salutatory Intimates
that It has come to fill a long felt want.
If Mr. Ryan, the editor, has the fin
ancial backing necessary to keep him
on his feet for a few mouths, we see
no reason why there Is not a demand
for a paper at Perrydale, Time will
tell the story,
much complaint na come to our
ear from those locating among ut that
we are not a enviable people, and that
it lo very hard to get acquainted,
It remain with the ladle to dispel
Uie evident error. The faet la how
em appareut. that our young folk ee
very little social pleasure, and the
married people are to blame, 11 us
haveruortof II to and Una sleep, more
euoymeut aud less philosophy.
Tiik director of Uie World' fair,
are not so sure after all that those 60,
OtX),000 ticket will all lie sold, but may
have the tut of the Souvenir dollar,
so circular are being Issued Informing
the public of the fact that pleuty of
water may be had on Uie fair ground
free, and that one price of admission
admit Uie ticket bolder to every
building on the ground.
A geutleman from one of Uie Hound
town spoke of the apparent criminal
neglect In our valley town of proper
sewerage, aud thougt much sicklies
must surely result from the vast pool
of standlug water.
There I no place In Oregon where
better meal Is served Uiau at the n
taurant of Wmutoott A lrwln, 871 Coin
merclal street, huloin. Courteous
lenuoii, a nne meat, and Uie pomilai
price of 2& cents, have made thl
house Uie headquarter of everyone
wuo na occasion to uine in emiem.
Mrs. M. Deaton give an elegant
chicken dinner every Sunday for Si
Dr. E. L. Ketohum ha hi office In
hi own building, on Monmouth street,
war Railroad.
Tbe First National Bank of Inde
pendence, pays Interest on Uuiedeptwlt
or receive money subject to draft
ilonham & Holmes, attorneys at law
are located In the Rush block, Salem
J. W.McAdams, tbe dealer In mar
ble and manufacturer of tomb vtoues
aud monuments ha a very large toe
which lie I selling at remarkably low
raiicrson urn, uie jewelers, are
constantly receiving the latwit novelties
In their line. They also carry a com
plcte line of drug and medicine
The Polk county Rank at Monmouth
does business under the law of the
state of Oregon, and has lately lu
creased Its paid up capital
O. A. Kramer, the Jeweler, doe re
palrlug, aud also ha an elegaut Mock
of cluck, watches and Jewelry
(i. W.rUlun the painter, will hang
your paper, , paint your house or
artistically finish a sign for you
Loughary Rro. on the Lucklamule,
have a large chicken farm, and have
eggs or imported domestic fowl for
A. M. Hurley, the attorney, ha hi
olTle allolnlng the Independence
National Rank building-
Shelley Alexander A Co, the druirg-
Ista, have a complete stock of drugs,
paints, oils aud glass; also a full line of
school book and stationery
J. F. O'Donnelt carries a large stock
of agricultural machinery, and bis
shelve are laden with the best grade
of hardware; tin store and tlnnlug
department adds to the advantage
of his establishment
Wall paper 10 cent per double Mil
Semi 2-cent stamp for samples. Ad
dress, Behofluld A Morgan, J02 Third
street, Portland, Ore.
Geo. A. Smith, the attorney, has his
ofllce In the Independence National
Bank building.
nr. Jv. u. Young, veterinary sur
geon, attends to the diseases of horse
and cattle
E, T. Henkle, the barlier, has a con
venleut and welt lighted shop on Main
street. Will shortly have bath rooms
The Holton House at Portland,
always has Its "latch string out" to
resident of Polk Co.. and bids them
The Independence Tile Co. through
suerinr clay, Improved machinery,
and a thorough knowledge of the
business, Is turning out tiling so
heuply as to be beyond coinpctjtloii.
T. J. Iee has his office up stairs In
the Independence National Bank
It has been decided by the Polk Co,
I'ulr management to have the spring
race meeting the 15, 10 and 17 of June,
Weather permitting the chances are It
will lie a very successful affair.
Daly Sibley A Eukln, ut Ihillas, have
complete set of abstracts.
Subscriber wanting help or any
msoiis desiring employment can use
tho "Want" column of this paper
HICK, lone insertion, not to exceed
n words. Euch additional word one
Dr. O. D. Butler has his ofllce In the
opera house.
Dr. J. B. Johnson, the dentist, has
his ofllce upstairs In the Smith A
Vanduyn brick.
Mitchell A Bohnniion have a very
complete planing mill on Main street
W. II. ("raven & Co. the harness
makers, employ skillful workmen, and
use only best materials In their pro
ducts. They have tbe confidence of
the public-
Sterling A Knott are the butchers
who give full weight, choice meats,
and treat all their customers with cour-
y. .. '
Messrs Wheeler & Clodfclter, are the
only exclusive dealers In toys, fancy
goods, books and stationery, lu Inde
pendence. Sulwurlptlon taken ft
porltallcul the world over. Cigar,
tolmoou and fruits.
J. R. Cooper, make brick, and sells
brick at lowust market prices.
Dr. Win. Tatoru, dentist, hit neatly
fitted oftlm lu the Whlteaker building
one Street, uptlr
Dr. H. A. Mulkey, whose OMlcc at
..,. v- .r,'....V,, ,F,, lt, WlltflWIII. , W U
aud drawing trndo. lie know how to
do both
David t'raveu, the photographer, I
adding dally hi hi collection of flue
When In Portland ty with host
Kiiowles,ttbtt SI. Charlv hotel
rtamuel A. Crowell I the owner of
that well known blub bred horse,
Pilot Lemout. See "ad" oa (rout
The Monmouth motor Hue chnrge
only nv cent fir a trip to or from
M. T. Crow, up near the depot, ha
faullltle for doing hrst-ela work lu
the manufacture of sash and door.
Uublsird k Staats do nearly all the
dray lug In the eitj'.a they are very o-
tKMiimodatlng and prompt.
E. R. Cose, the barter, make
spivluity of flue pompadourlng. Try
The Mttle Palace Hotel I recogniacd
by business meu to be the prucr place
to tay.
Mr. L. CampMl, of thl city, ha
opened a dicssiuaktug )arlor on Mon
mouth atreet
a. . uterry i a wry .kllimi re
pairer of watuhe and elm'ks
W. E. Goodell deal exeliHlvely lu
boot aud hoo, aud can fit all, both
great and aniall.
Purchasing gnt wanted in thl
towu for all kinds of eouutry pMilutw,
poultry, dressed hogs, veal, hides, pot
toe, fruits, etc. Address, Vancouver
Commission Co., SiJ Burnslde stn-et
Portland, Or.
W. C. T, I'. CoiikhUb.
The county W. C, T. U. eoiiventlon
met Wednesday morning, April 4th, at
Monmouth lu the Christian church.
Owing to the Inclemency of tb weather
but few delegates were present, but
what few were there went on with Uie
programme through the entire day. In
Uie morning tesslon several Instructive
andluterestlug reports were made. After
dinner thesnme line of work was taken
up and much benefit was derived from
the earnest dlseumlonseiigaged lu, MIhm
ib me Trumbull, of I j (iraude, look
active mrt whtch added greatly to the
Intenwt of the work, lu the evening
MIssTruinbull delivered nable add
to a large and lutertmtcd siiillence on
th subject of "Chooeiiig Life Compan,
Ions." The discourse was by far the
best we have ever heard along that Hue
After her tnlk she went through the
audience and iticoeeded In getting
large list of whlterlbbou signers. Thur-
lay will be the better day as there will
Ui more delegate present. Mrs. Anna
Kiggs, state president, will alwi be here.
Itlrl'-r VlfV of IntMiiilni.
lMy" VuTior.)
It I apparent:
That among Independence politi
cian "I bad rather tie right limn prral
dent" I an unknown legend.
That the adves-afes of luw and order
are more fond of talking than doing,
That the fathers and mothers of Inde
pendence have turned over the educa
tlon of their children to the saloon, the
street, and the brothel
That the alsive named educators are
doing their very best to fulfil the mis
sion entrusted to them
Make No Mistake
U yon decide, from what you tur hmutl ul
Its cures or road ol It merlu, that yuu will
lake HcxsT H.trssrllla, do nut b luthiord
to buy ioroPlliliij alts which msy b claimed
to b H tbout Uie mmo" or " Jtiit M lood."
Jttimembor that th mle temun fur ef orti I
i't yoo to purohiu iniiii iiibatltut U
mors prult may b mn.te. Firmly relt ill
IndusemeDt and Insist epon baln Jiml
what yua called fur, Hoixl's Barsaparlllsv
Then yuu will nut bs expcrltnrnilng wllh a
new Article, tnr ifmst'a H;uui,mllla li
Tried and True.
In one iture the clerk tried to Indue i
to buy their awn Inataudof Ilnud'i H,irnp
nll. But bs could not prevail on ni to
change. I told blm I knew Hood's
Sarxniiarllta was, 1 bad tukeu It, wua per
fectly sutliifled with ft, and did nut wnnt any
other." Mas. Ki.i.a A. Uorr, el Terrue
Btreot, Buaiun, Haas.
We Are All Taking It.
"We could nut be without llood'i Ram,
parllla. It la th boat medicine we ever
kept ID the nouns, My family are all taking
It." Mk. J. M. Bahiish, Ban Joaiiuln and
Fremont street!, Stockton, Cat
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by drumditi, flalifor. Preparadonly
ky 0. L HOOD A CO., ApotheoarlM, LoweU, UaM.
IOO Doses One Dollar
r-i n
Independence, Or.
Has Good Things
to Eat.
Can Tempt You
' Appetlto.
Hixed Pickles
Chow Chow
Canned Goods
Choice Preserves
Fresh Vegatables
Fresh Fruits
O'Rourke & Sanderccck
FOR S2.50
Dr. S. A. -Mulkey
Indcpendencr, Oregon,
The profcwiion prtutticcd In all ils
braticlxM. Gold and Hllvor fillings
and gold crownn a Hpoi'lally. Plato
work of tho bent finality motal,
rubber, and eolltioid alwo bridge
work. rJatiHfiiol ion guaranteed.
Teeth extracted without jmiii. ,
Olllce corner of Mam and Mon
mouth strcetej Independence.
Go To
G. W.Shinn
-For Your-
Paper Hanging,
Sign rork,
Re, Re.
Prices as low as the low
est, and all work
World's "Fare"
0 St., Indeponilonce, Oregon,
A well (ifwiked and iwrvnd meal, good ill yon
nn nt Hiij whori), for 'JC cent.
roo una Droua, iu ouuta,
Cunotioa, oof-
IIIJ1893 IllJ
fa 'I
In Leading Styles
J. M. Vanduyn.
rati d
Kext Thirty Days
I offer my entire Htook
of Boots and Shooeat
Ul; for Gash
W. E. Goodell
Tli Uln Tk UMllMf
OICEIT J. f. o'DdiJiiEir iiiiaiti
-CarHth largMt atoh f-
1 fc4s kts, iq h Ei d Ida,
fttdr. Drill, Chilled Md HM
J'lnw, Hiding nd Wnlklnx HI
vktor, l'lnt Jr. Ordo Drill.
Mulkey and (Jtuig Plow. Auu wall
I'oUlo I'Uiiter, Dlao, Levor, Mid
Hprlng-tooth barrow.
GuantnUwd th tt and lljrhlwt
ruiuilng wiroa md. Mr. O'Don
noli ta. by ront rntnnmiit tb
inaiiuMuivr' Dt,ua will carry
th lnrgMit and niont comitlot Una
of impkmianta aver brought to Polk
Ed hi, t3, fcp.
Thoroughbred Light Brahmas,
Bard Plymouth Rocks,
Silver Wyandottes. Brown Leghorns.
Wa haw welMvcted yard of the above breed. Htm hlgh-rad mala bird
for th aeaaon.
Thi la our third year lu thl LimIdom and wa now have egg for aale, and guar
antee Mtlafactury returm froro unit. jrPHICEH REASONABLE.
Fira-I miles 8. W. of Csnmouth. P. 0. iaressl::n
Independence Stables.
Stilish Turnouts Alwavs In Readiness.
llaving lately purchased the entire interest in the atablea of J. N.
J num. wa ar nnw ImliAr nmmnul than n . i. .1 i
the public a we are now making aud are preparing to make many
ubUntial, improvement. Teams boarded by the day or month.
Travoliug men a specialty.
.5Akfi.L?TM? L-opTf Ur btwmn Sln ud Falla CM, man
Hmxm r ladapaoduM, aM. M 1 p.m., Imvm ladapwdwo. r rUli ai VaaT
rirat-cla In Every Reaaeet Samala Raema far Cemmerolal Travelara.
r. ef ohara.
Kates, $1.00 to $2.00 per day.
Our Souvenir Tea and
Coffee Spoons will arrive
in a few days.
New and Fashionable
Patterns i 1 Sterling Silver.
The "PUCK" Spoon,
The "World's Fair" Spoon.
The '"Oregon" Spoon, In
dependence, Ore. etched
in bowls.
At Patterson Bros', the
Druggists and Jewelers.
SjaXJSduA ' Main Btreot
The Druggists,
They Have the Goods.
They Sell at Low Prices.
The Quality is Superior.
They are Accommodating
School Books and Stationery,
They keep everything called for.
They will fill orders by mail or by
telephone. They keep pens, ink,
writing paper, in fact, a full line
in that ''t" im
That Shelley, Alexander &, Co. fill pre
scriptions at all hours of the day or night,
and have an experienced pharmacist.
F. B. LEWIS, Prop.
Choice Meats
Highest market prloe paid
for fat stock, beef, mutton.veal,
pork, eta All bills must be settled
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 9 a. m.
Free Delivery to all parls of the City.
If o go to
Vheeler & Clodfclter,
-Suooor te-
W. H. Wheeler
Books, BtaUonery, Periodloata,
Hewing Machine.,
and other niUBlcal Instrument.
Independence. I indaaandanea .' Orean