... - ' 4 Mi WEST SIDE. tmUKU BY Uest Sid3 Publishing Cenapany SUBSCRIPTION RATCS. Ous Your l Mouth TUnN Month t2.00 l.ttt SO A II ...t.M .ltd dUtlh BtttlOM tkOt ftXM' In dv Hum will b inwrtott fhm. All ovr Bv lliiw will h cluum-il tv ;r tin thwMy otntuwry rwolotlon. will l wrgwl lur at U ntMof ttvcuu twr Una. tUtftntam) at ths IMm til llldM ta, Unm as MKwud-iM uiattor. FRIDAY, MARCH 81, IW The work ot a uualoru printing iirnti la most womlorful. A It 1- prowd quadruple eyltmlor prwm, has Un built wtileu prtuta 00,000 copies it hour. Nltit'ty thousand opK of papvr per hour moans 1,600 enptat uttuuto, which also tku twnlyllve eoplM ewry second. ThU prww priuts, cula, partes, folds, count aud deliver 72,000 elghtpage papers, six culuuia to the page, each column averaging 1,800 wortls, lu oue hour, wblou Is equlva- lnt ti l "DO a minute mid twenty second. It dot' the same for ,000 Urn or twelve-pae paper of similar si' pase, also for 80,000 sixteen-page papers, or 24,000 fourteen, twenty or twHiitv-fuur tuiiro naiwra. Itofore till ... press wu built the fastest presses In the world were Hoe's tUatlruple pree which turned out 4S,UOt) four, six or elght-pnge papers an hour. Thkhi U deposition to "poke fnu" at the host of democratic otllce-swUer now in Wanhlnirton, because of the fact that the flntt limn appointed to mluor puwltlou by the Cleveland ad rululatratiou was a uogro. The negro lu question was apiHiluted door-keeper toUieoftlcenf the President' private secretary. He held the same position durluir the first Cleveland admlnis- tratlon, aud his reappointment to very cheering to the "back-uuuiuer," the applicants who held ofllea under Mr. Clevelaud before have been Jokingly named. They retort by calling the Hew atuilluauts "tenderfeet." The a crowd ban up to thla time teen In jolly good humor, but what It will be later remain to be seen. The naniesof some half-duswii per- aoua are canvassed for the district Judgeship of the United States, But there 1 one man among them who ought not to be considered at all. His name is R . Btrahan, aud hi ap pointment would be a scandal and nubllfl nibtfortune. The reasons for w this plain statement are ample. Btrahan' habit and practice are such that Preeident Cleveland, if he knew him, would reject hi name with lu diguatlon. OreKoulan. Is anolofflzinii fur niUtake in for- ruer lue, a Weatern editor say They are Inexcusable, a all an editor ha to do i to hunt new, clean roller, net tyjic, sweep the floor, fold wr, write wrapper, make paato, mall pa pers, talk to vlwitor. ditribute tyt' carry water, read proof, correct error, hunt up the clor aud write editor ials, dodtfe bill, dun dellniiieut aud take cussing from everybody, aud tell our subscriber thut we need moriey. ADDITIONAL I.0CAIA C. W. Mattoon wm In MoMlunvllle ou buluw till week. Mix Davit, t Normal wludent, left tor her Salem home ou Thu nalay afternoon, The frame work 1 up of J. D. ir- lue'a new house near the Preb) Urlau church. The railroad oomniliwlouor were very much pleased with the hoapltable treat ment they received while In imieea' donee. All the beat alugera ot Independence are luvlted to be out Monday evening How would a state musical contest atrlke you? . Hhlndler, the IVrtland furniture manufacturerwaalu town last Wedne- ilny aud purchased several car load of hard-wood lumber here. J, M. Mitchell 1 going to run oppo sition to l4ughary Uru. lu theolilckeu bualneM a he haa built uhlcken yatd ou the lot ()olnlng J. M.Vauduyn't rceldeuoe en C street. U. O. Strong ha been buily engaged during the past week guttiug aehluken yard lu shape at hi residence aud In tend, we presume, supplying egg for cookmg lu hi busiueaa of lke C. U. Urlflk left ftr PoHlaud TUur- day to buy additional machluery for the tile factory, a he baa sold a one-third intenwt to a geutlemaii from the Kast, and the output of tle work I to be largely luereaaed. Mix Alice Macaulay was looking her prcttlcat aud so were her aasisUuU, MUe Uurnette aud Itaouu, mi inura- duy, the flmt day of her millinery ou lug, Kueli au array of dal nty hat ana bouueU fairly dawsled the ladle' eye, and (conthleutliUly) are not k grettt a paralyser on the meu ptKlet might be x)eoted. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Hkvekal paper throughout the etate are advocating the forming of military companies In order to obtai some of the $100,000 appropriation set aside by the legiHluture. It is not claimed thut the militia 1 particularly needed, but on the idea "that if we don't, the other fellow will." What 1 the mutter with a etute militia con pany here? Onb of our exchanges says; "We do not feel able to carry subscrilter who do not pay In advance, mid must iimint ujkid prepayment or atop sending papers. Please renew or we mut live unto the advance rule by striking your uume ofr the lint." Tlione sent! inent suit us exuctly. Nature's Hurmt Ally. If nature did not truggle agaliiHt disease, even in weakly constitutions, ewift indeed would be the course of a malady to It futal termination. While nature thu struggle let ub, lest worse befull u, aid her effort with Judlclou medicinal help. Ex perience must be our guide In battle with disease, and thut "lamp to our feet" indicates lIotettcr' Htornach Bitters a a safe, tried and thorough ally of nature. I f the blood bo Infected with bile, if the bowels and stomach are Inactive, If the klduey lall toexpel Impurities of which they are the natural outlet a coure of the Bitter lathe surest reliance of the sufferer, one, moreover, thut 1 sanctioned by professional Indorsement and use for nearly half a century, No Ameiican or foreign remedy has earned greater distinction a a remedy for and pre ventive of chronic liver complaint, malaria, constipation, kidney and fbeumutlo trouble and debility. There I no nlace lu Oregon where ltur meal l served than at the res taurant of Westacott A Irwin, 271 Com merelal treet. Halem. Courteous ftl- i...,n..i. mm niMi. snu ui ooouiai price or J cent, nave matte mar house the headquarter; of everyou who ha occasion lu uiue in oaiem. Mr. M. Ikton give an elegant chicken dinner every Hunday fori cent. ... Wall pier 10 ceut pr double roll, 3eud2-ceut stamp for sample Ad dress. Keholleld A Morgan, 102 Third taet, l'ortlaud, Ore. tleo. A. Binlth. the atttirney, ha hi oflloe lu the Inttepentlence National Bank building. Dr. 0. D. Butler ha hi ofllue in the opera house. Dr. J.B. Johnson, the dentist, ha hi office upstair In the Smith Vanduyu bilck. Mitchell A Bnhamion have a very complete planing mill on Main street F. B. Lewis, who ha wild out hi butcher business to the Hwrltng liros. desire that all persons owing him shnll settle up ou or before the flmt of April.- W. H. Craven A Co. the names maker, employ skillful workmen, and use only best material In their pro duct. They have the eoufldenos- of the public Sterling & Knott are the butchers who give full weight, choice meuta, and treat all their customer with cou tey. Messrs Wheeler A Clmlfelter, are the only exclusive dealer In toy, fancy good, book and stationery, In lude- neiiclence. Hulwcrlotlou taken for periodical the world over. Cigar, tobacco and fruit. ' J. R. Cwiper, make brittle, and sells brick at lowest market price. Dr. Win. Tutom, dentist, ha neatly fitted oflloe lu the Whlteaker building on C Street, up talrs Dr. H. A. Mulkey, whoe office are in the O'Donnell brick, Udrawlngtecth and drawing trade. He knows how to do both David Craveu, the photographer, I adding daily to hi collection of fine photographs When In Portland stay with host Knowles, at the St. Charles hotel- Samuel A. Crowell I the owner of that well known high bred horse, Pilot Lemont. See "ad" on front page The Monmouth motor line charges only five cent for a trip to or from Mon mouth. M. T. Crow, up near the depot, has facilities for doing hrst-cluss work in the manufacture of uh and door. Hubbard k Stoat do nearly all ihe draylng In the clty.as they are very ac commodating and prompt. Pitts 4 Hlllard make a specialty of horse shoeing, but also do general blucksmithing. Prescott A Venes, the lumlier man ufucturcrs, have a large quantity of the very tlnest mountain log on nana They can (HI all order In short order E. R. Case, the barter, make specialty of tine ponipadourlug. Try him. The Little Palace Hotel is recognized by business men to he the proper place to Btuy. Dr. C.E. Boyuton visit the lck at Buena Vista, and vicinity. Mr. L. Campbell, of this city, ha opened a diessinaklng parlor on Mon' mouth street W. H. Murphy, the Insurance agent, Is perfectly reliable, and 1 always ready to fill out application for tire In u ranee. A. B. Cherry is a vory skillful re pairer of watches aud clock. W. E, Ooodell deal exclusively In boot and shoe, and can fit all, both groat and small. Gcrofula li Its Worrt rtrmlt"Ut4 awttttnit" Cared. ttis NMWksbl tff el Mood'l rM srtlt In tttt foUowlW mm lllwti t sown at thu dlla em U Uov4 al u . lun Aid. htd A whit tWti nm on kli right lr btow th kM, Klk iinutMtltad ths asolwsstkUhl IsgwsidrAwaaeslrlthlanfls. Far Utu Uuctd lb iwtuian wnisa sis AhAid ImaIt. bat did sot htkhMM tiaUy. IwMuldtradkM A CoaBrmed Cripple. I wm shMl tst htm Jo PlsclsaAlt M su spwsuoa. MpwlUwhti Inj would Mnod'i SArMtsAfllls la onlM Ion as hi suvusih, thrtilBSptosMis MM, 3 sons ! ej bum i wj d Jf.Xve t IraSo slsth soSS, sn'Slsehsff uinf simwiiiiiiin"i "" rrm th tut dow. Ihj wjtUn !r monthib hd i''" sh of his lHA I w Mw SMWisnUjr ss wU .,' niwvod, W. Vfc Hood's Sarsaparilla jtrot loot i AiothMO, IOO Dom On Dollar SHELLEY. Mil v TV T-T1 h FOR ) CAKE .it 1 RitskcU for tke, vfj' qutMlruplo plittetl, for p J" a null fomlliwi nd J. vjl'J Utrge fumliea, exquia- v h R)y tie eigne 1 mid Y benutifully ngmvl. .1 A pretty one for fl.00 W 1 a moat artistically de- fj I igiietl Ittwket fur 17; J llji'j midnmniflfntcr W Ration in ailver for f MBM BIOS ) W DrugglJtuiJowolers W r.l ,i !L Indsatndtno Oroon PIONEER MEAT MARKET. V. B. LKWIH, Prop. Choice Meats Hightwt market price paid for fat stock, beef, muttoti.veal, pork, etc All bill must be settled monthly. OPEN SUNDAYS FItOM 8 to 8 a. m Fres DeliTerj to all parts of the Cii?. Main street IndeHndence. UB11I -If so go to- Wheeler & Clodfelter, -Suoeossora to-. W. II. W heeler )nslir' Ill Book, Stationery, Periodicals, Sewing Machine. PIANOS ORGANS and other musical Instruments. Indopondsne ' Orsgon Go To. G. W. ShTnn -For Your Painting, Paper Hanging, Sign Work, Etc., Etc Prices as low as the low est, and all work guaranteed. WE ARE THE PEOPLE Who do all our trading with mu ft co 7 ... . v The Druggists, BECAUSE 1 They Have the Goods. They Sell at Low Prices. The Quality is Superior, They are Accommodating We do all our trading with s, HELLEY. ALEXANDER f; CO. DEALER8 IN School Books ?nd Stationery, BECAUSE I. They keep everything called for They will fill orders by mail or by telephone. They keep pens, ink, writing paper, in fact, a full line in that department. REMEMBER That Shelley, Alexander &, Co. fill pre scriptlons at all hours of the day or night and have an experienced pharmacist. 11EGGS! Thoroughbred Light Brahmas, Bard Plymouth Rocks, Silver Wyandottes, Brown Leghorns. We hare welUelccted yard of the above hrced. New high-grade male blr for the season. Thl lur third year lu this business and we now have cgn for sale, and guar antee satisfactory returns from same. wrPlUCEH HKASONABLE. Farm--6 miles S. I of Monmouth. P. 0. Address-Independenc Independence Stables. Stilish Turnouts Alwavs In Readiness. . , ... i....,,i ,t. o..tl,o tiiorar in the Rtiklllefl Of J. XI. llaVIIlK IIHiy uuiuiiamiu ww w.....v ------- - . .... :.Li..,t...,.i n.u,. nr tii ntMt th demands 01 Jouiw. we ure now urowr uirimi ....... .- - - the public as wo are nowjimamg mm v M T ir ubaUntiul, improvewentH. Tiiub boarded by tho day or month. Lm"J A TJX . ttn. h..w.n 8s.n .nd Falls OIV. . ot-Ti l.rffrr......'..-., J. in 'rt IuliHil.ui fi' SHlmsis.in, rruui S r.lB.'B W InU.iH.uUs.,0. ft,r Kail. Ultf st 4 p..u. PETER COOK, Prop. 1KB LITTLE PALACE HOTEL INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Flrst-ol.ss in Every Respect Sample Rooms for Commorolal Travolora JESSE T. WILKINS, Prop Rates, $1.00 to $2.00 per. day. AihnliilNtrfttor's Hale, OTK'B IH HEItKBY OIVKN THAT HV I virl'IIViil ru uium " ---- tvoourtoftho .tateof umiin tor 1 ;lk itv.ontlietliduy of Dsutniioer, iiw vlll -til. nt uulillo auotlon, to H) niuoi avr. OU HI. nriinnw. WWII...... ... ... -. ooualy. between the Ileum o!9 o'e ue-k, A. M., ft'l owTiia VbiiI pwiiwirty" U. will lleliinlii. FJ l5XriiK .utnoth . orlhwet eoritw ol iSi" jl.ln U)wn.hl.H..tl. of mnw J .wo.l of the willainslte murWIsa ornint of l'olk and luTleof Oremm, IhtinciowHl 4B.HU ulmlim, tlieniio nortU li i-liala t"m. wt ;ha In (Miin noun Hherir Sale Undor Execution, TVTOTtCK W HBHEBY GIVEN THAT BY HUBa Olll IU HIO ummiv ww. ... ..... ... Oreitou, fur l'olk onunty, on tlio 7tlidiiyof dnrod and enrolled aad diwketcd In nuld olr. liltroUUV nilllllf rnreunwHuwi w .,. OOlltlon 1 Hill Willi lllllliuuu KM J "'1 diiHurlbod riwl pfoportyof Hitld K,r.8blnn and HanillnsHlilna, lcln the eroiwrlf attached In mild anUon.orsomuiih tworsof M niay be .......... ... i. iA ...... (...nil. Th. nlu the I oontulnliiK im4 nuroH, more "''", A' e folKiwIng premium Ui will "''"nlii point iiio ,, , ,i" " front ine norniwiwi-"... m ... ....-. lot, In Hie town of Miminouth and run- n ull tiiHiKXi imroi . w Uimiiis Wt 17.W clmlil", tneims oath Kill .IthSted lu the wnulfo! Polk and ut ally nlu the anil .tale UI tho Mon m wild loin are numbered oh the BlaU of John IS. Murphy addltliin lo Hie town ol nninuth folk comity Oregon, Aleo the north Imlfol bltiok No.U, an Bald blonk l (ten. lunateu nu nuinuumu mi . - mouth county of l'olk mid nutte f uniia Htim of (fAM with Imoi'tmL thtireun at eight nor oont. pit annum from the 6th day of re- mwU Riitl rtlHlmrMinPhlH, and tho oohU oi and upon Un writ, nam pnnnj iniui wwiunu an follows. lo.witt LotuNo. 1 and 2, In b!ok No. 21, ol Hi, iV i norp iowuui iuutfwUUUUlHi ii. fiuun.ii aMuiKillnir in t.K nlu.t tir NHId town H. 111! ill. in nio v.vi.. win, m .eld ooiinly of Polk. Now, therefore, In pu mianosof ifiiW JlldgiliPllt (! Writ of exeou. t,o.iw.non at W &eopk at md day, at the frort doo of .i -.. . ....... 1 ti..ll,.n ..llr iutntu IIh not), 'tl at public autition. to the blvheNt bid- l'iirlil, title and IninreHt of Hfitd (Ifftmdfliiu.nr ..Yi. 41 ..lA I. riM t.i t.i uln. tin tin (111 III T I IillUlli 111 " W t il" K" THERE'S "REST" Fpr tho- mmi mum and all others who will look to their interests and buy their" Buggies Camagss Phaeton- tep hi lacks and Carls of- J. F. O'DOMELL Urn street, - tepfece, who, by a rcoeut ar rangement, is now tho Wactu rer's Agent and will carry the largest antl most comploto line implements ever brought to Polk Co., including Seeders, Drills, tied and Steel Plows, Riding and Walking Cultivators Planet Jr. Garden Drills : Sulkey and Gang Plows Ispeneall Potato Planters ' Disc, Lever, and Spring-tooth Harp . M I . The Celebrated BUSH FORD WAGON, guar anteed the beet and lightest-running wagon made. i i i You will save money by jwrchiuilng your agricul fural hupleinout of J. F. O'Donnell Independence, Or. 1