The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 24, 1893, Image 3

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What Our Reporter Finds of In
terest to Our Readers.
ftanaari f Ik toast f la Mt Tml Tslt
a C1IU4 Dll Hsm f Ularml
frasi timf siw.
. An Item iu Hit Allwiiy Democrat
Mate that then mt'iiii to be Indica
tion of somewhat of revulutlou tu
lighting by electricity at au early date,
fact thai apeak fur hort eoutret
of not over a year unwr any emuim
taucea. The. Hau Francisco Chronicle
toy, under new Inventions, small
caudle luoatuieseeut light, now wt-
lug $1.00 and 11.25 per monlli can be
furtiWhed for U10 aiuall um of 5 cent
ir mouth. TIm dotal It of the uew
luveutlou are not yet made public, but
U It probable that each residence will
be furnished with atoragc balterlc ami
hvyteu of Itaowu.
R IX Cooper brought several eau
of fruit which were put up by the lnde-
duihIuiios cauuerv. to thlt offloe lost
week and everybody, from the "devil'
to the foreman, had taste aud pro
nouueed It Mwllent. Over M.not)
can were packed but year and the
return ' were ao satisfactory that
larger amount will be prepared for the
market Uil year. There will be
market here for cherries, straw berrle
aud peart aud perhaps tome other
fruit. We are iilad to Ute that the
eauuery hat beeu to ueoesful.
QuIteauumberofQur citlacn were
very highly entertained at the Little
Palace Hotel by a traveling gentleman
by the name of C. La I'm, from ban
Francisco, representing L. Kuphlat A
To. He pemumted an Irishman.
' Frenchman, a Dutchman, aud several
other nationality to perfection. He
used the brogue to successfully before
Jams Talom of Monmouth, that he
ttlll tbluk he met a veritable sped
mail Irishman from the kwii We.
Now that the ladle have effected a
pcrmaueiit organisation of the Gym-
uaitiuiu Club, aud are bilking of tmv-
Inir a reading room, would It not be
good idea to get the uue hundred or
more volumet belonging to the circu
lating library here and place them In roonu for use. Thlt It a mutter
Umt should receive attenttou. A
lllimrv In a irreat beucllt to a town.
Let ut have a public library.
Frank Iturch lr., of Independence,
It In tlie city aiiUonutatiiplaieseiubnrk
tug lu busiuea here. itoscburg Ite
view. Mr. Burch It here at the bed
tide of lilt father, who It lu a critical
condition, to that we can ttate an a
eertanlty that he will not locate In
Itoeeburg jutt at present,
A teroum will lie dellveretl to the
children ou licit Hubbulh at 8 p. lu.,
In the Evangelical church. Come and
bring your pareuts and little one.
The discourse In the evening will I
ou a lulasiouary subject. All are In
vited. Art Armstrong, the young man who
loot a band In the taw mill here, In nu
elder lu the Christian church at Prlne
villeaiid assisted at the funcrid of Joe.
C. I'erry, a Polk couuty born boy, who
died March 8tb.
Thlt Is the last notice that will tie
given that achool taxn lu the Inde
pendence echool diatrict are now due,
aud uulesaj'ald on or before April 1st
will be turned over to the therlir for
Tliere wot a special tchool meet
ing Wednesday last at Lewlsvlllo, for
the purpose of tent lug the legality of
oneof the directors resignation which
It claimed by tome to be dormant.
Ilcv.Dr. D. M. Doty, of Monmouth,
will speak In the Chriitiaii church
next Sunday morning, and llev. A. J.
Hunsaker In the evening. Itev, Hmltb
It absent from the city.
Agent J. 0. White, representing
Pomona (Jrange, inform all persons
that If they wish to purchase goods
through him to addrcst him at Crow
ley. The West Bid, will commence
running a continued story about April
7th. Do not fail to read it us It will
be Intensely Interesting.
Amusement lovers will rejoice to
learn that the favorite actress Curoline
Ouge wll be ut Iiipepcndcuce in the
near future.
Dave Davis the Job printer ofihe
WtsiT Sjdk office, was called to Port
land un huiucH for a couple of days
this week.
Mrs. J. M. Vnnduyn gave a pleawviit
whist party at her residence on Tues
day evening. ' ' .
Mr. Bodle, of this city, is soliciting
our buslucse men for puirouagc to es
tablish a telephone system through
Fred Lucas of Monmouth accompan
ied bis brother Jay to his home lu Con
don, hoping to thereby Improve his
"There goes Annie lioony! Where?
To Pattersons, where are the most de
licious candies. H , , '",'
Call at Vanduyn't and see the new
iine of ladles', misses and children'
See the dlspluy of eggs In Patterson
Bros window. .'.
Childrens school shoe at Van
Menu' plow thoe at Vanduyn't.
Figured India tllk dres pattern at
Vaiunivn'a. "
A. J.OoiNUiiau bam III Portland ou
Fin creamery bulleralwayt un baud
at tlker llroa.
Monmouth grange meet Friday,
(today) at one o'ulovk.
Frank Kennedy ha an heir whloh
arrived lat Saturdiiy night
WantedTurkeyi and ehlckent, at
Oregon Mereantlle tVt. shut.
The Oregon Mercantile Co. will pay
one-half eaali for farm prtalum.
Mm tleo, lbtgera alater of Mrt J. L
HhH'ktou la Very low, and tint expected
to live.
Help needed to eat the ulee freah
orauget and other tropical rrullt at
Pat tenon.
''Wl ere can I get a giHal cigar? At
PitttenuiiiN; he keeit) the very beat lu
J. 8, Mayo, of the Nleamer Mauat-
nlllik made the tt ettiK oniee a
call laxt TueMlay.
Mi, C. K. MuUan, of Htoekton
California, waa the gueat of Mrs. A. J.
Cloodiuau thlt week.
A doxen chickens taken at the Wknt
8iik olllee on aulmorlptloii.
toll of hay wanted.
Mcm Patlertoii Itru are having a
new canvas awulug tireteuvd in rroui
of their drug attire.
Mint Maeauluy, tlie milliner hat en
larged her store to make room for her
Increased tot;k of goislt.
Jnhu Young ltsikt younger because
a young man came to tils house lust
Mouday, aud It was a boy.
"Hay John how inueh sugar have
yuu lu that package?" "That Is one of
Walker ltros. big dollar's worth."
hy is It that alker lm grocery
augtiu Is always going? llecause ttiey
are telllug every Ihtug way down,
Mrs. J, It. liurton, who with her two
laughter left last fall for a visit to rel
atlvMi lu Canada, returned borne a cou
ple iif week ago.
(. 0. Davidson, a eapltallst of l'urt-
laud, was lu towu Wednesday, and
D. T. hluuley of Portland, was visit
lug .Monmouth the tame day.
Ittehard I lamed, who was a fire-
iuau on the motor two years ago and
left to Join the army of I'nelo Ham,
I In town as a recrutlng officer.
Mr' M. 11 (iraves, bavlug pur-
chaHed the Dr. Jobnwiu residence ou
til U stmt, tiuying tUu thervfor, has
taken up her abode there.
J. M. Vnnduyn, probably t ratting
that the now irdluauoe would not be
repealed, bus bad the fence lu fruui of
bit residenee torn down.
T. A. Farley, of Dallas, was In town
Wednesday aud lliforiued ut Uiat he l
still deputy sheriff of Polk couuty, re
port to the contrary notwithstanding,
Willi Hill, the of the Iwnd
here, lu forms us that he Is vety much
encouruged with the progress the boy
are making and Intend giving a street
concert soon.
J. II. Pnrkcr living opposite town,
purchased the Jersey culf which lately
as the prosrty of the eilltor of this
paper, iiicciiium'u erieti, as it was
already their pet- ...
Mr. and Mrs. John Mctjiiery, of
McCoy, have reuted Mrs. Win. Join
mse ou 1) street, aud they will toon
tuke up their residence here. Mrs.
..Query Is the mother ( D. W. Hears,
David Juhusoii was plowing a petl
on this wcvK asking Unit tlie cow
ordinance be rvpcled. .. The eluati con
dltion ot our side walk aud the fact
Unit fences and gules are no longer a
nvcexsity, rendered his misslou a rather
fruitless iiiio.
MewliiiiieH auMeer 4 Catllll, tuc
tvmut to Mrs. Winuull, having received
their Hue stock of millinery goods, re-
quest the people of Independence and
the surrounding vicinity to call aud In
spect the same. We will imt say any
tiling lu their pruise, at the goods will
speuk for themselves. In regard to low
price they will not be out-done.
At tlie Congregational church
duy there will be services by D. V.
Poling both morning and evening.
Mrs. A. J. Goodman and Miss Lottie
Hedges will sing a duett at the even
lug services. Y, P. H. C. K. meets at
(1:45. The Hunduy school will render
au excellent exercise on Easter evening
entitled "King Immortal." A cordial
welcome extended to ull.
Whut is the matter? you hear the
ladles talk about nothing but
Hosendorf & Hlrsohlierg,
Itoseiidorf A lllrschberg, ,
Jhiscndorf & Hirschherg,
Ibisendorf A lllrschberg',
lUmcudorf & Hlrsclilierg,
lbiHcudorf 4 Hirschherg.
Well no wonder, they sell goods cheap
er than they were ever sold lu Indc-
On Wednesday evening Mrs. John
E. Miller of Monmouth, gave a surprise
party ut her home, In honor of the 87th
birthday of her husband. A very en
joyable evening was speut, refresh'
nients were served
The arrest of Charles Ulsnchard,
bov eleveu ieuit of tire, and the
attempt to have an examination before
Hiiulre Lillet for hit commitment to
the stale reform school, ennited eon
tlderably talk thlt week. There area
number of boy In Independence who
are a bad or worse than Charley, but
Jiullce Lines Insisted lu eonslderlng It
eriiiilual charge, which it was not,
and the ease wt dhuulssed, at request
of proaeetillou. A reform school Is
Intended to reform not tu punish,
therefore a orliuiial charge with It
atleiidaut ousts 1 not necessary.
When ft mau atU'iiipts to do good
deed for a aoiiimuulty he generally
gelt erltlclsed lor hl aelious, as lu I Id
The Transcript at Delia gets In and
kick liecnuse It did not get (he county
printing and then give the bids nuik
lug It own the lowest. The facts are
lh Wkst HitiK had the lowest bid
and we can take the bid as evidence
The Transcript hid m a wiuareorllW
for 5 liisertlons; the Itemlner iu or
U4easiuare, and the Wwr Hihh !Ue
first lusertlou aud lite each iuleiieut
uue or a total ofooo for five Ium-nIoii.
There I uo use kicking Uro. Hnyder;
we are not In It. If our bid had have
been 5c au Inch 11 would tiot have been
Also half gtveuu.
A. Nelson, one of our nnt progres
sive farmers, as well a ft leading capi
talist of thlt city, laid several thousand
feet of tiling on hi farm last full ami
he finds It la doing lu work In a splen
did manner. He had Mr. Wiley, a
practical tiler, do the work, and he
saved Mr. Nelson enough to pay for
the dllchlng aud his sen-Ices, Any
permit desiring tu know whether It
pays to use drain tiling on a farm need
only talk with Mr, Nelson, and go on
his farm aud see the remit.
The bunco men caught a man by
the nnme of L, H. Hkluiier living tu
Polk county, near . Kslem, and
"skinned" 'xhj nut of him, by getting
him to bite on a lottery prise, (let ting
Vkliiued" la worse than being a
Skinner, even when they are the same
(J. W, Whlteaker has completed the
renovation of hi rooms lu the brick
which will be occupied by the tattle
(lymnaslum Club. It a very plow
aitt room aud (1. W, Hlilun, who did
the papering aud painting la well
plvaaml with the results.
F. It. fowls, who has Just sold Id
butcher business to the Kjierllng ltros.,
dtlre that all persons owing him
absll settle up on or before the first of
Vanduyn't Is the only place In the
elty where you can buy the ahautoug
Wunled,-10,000 do, egg at l.Vt
pt-rdoteii, by the Oregon Mercantile
You canned get fine syrup at Walker
Bros, by the gallon or keg.
Walker ltr keew the best aUwk of
fancy can goods In town,
Twelve yanl of challle for one dollar
t Vaiiduyu's. ,
Fine co I fee and Uaa a twelalty at
Walker Uro -
Newsy Notes Twin the Several
Towns in the County.
Osi Crmiaiilst at Mastsaals ('kraslclm Ilia
Weak! Il)i(alai at Ikat Pla Ulrnllii(
Hi rrois tlallaa asf Olkar I'laraa,
There I no phue In Oregon where
better meal it starved than at the rtw-
taurantof Weslni-olt A lrwlu,271 Com
merelal tnt, Malcm. Courteous at
tenilon, a fine meal, and the poptilai
price of SA cents, have made till
lionae the htmdquarter of everyom
who has (evasion to dine lu Halem,
Mrs. M. Denton give an elegant
chicken dinner every Huuday forSQ
Wall pnjier 10 cent per double roll.
Hend 2-cent stamp for amplcs Ad
dniaj, Hcholleld A Morgan, 102 Third
trwt, Portluud, Ore. ' '
Tbe Holton House at Portland,
alway has Its "latch string out" to
residents of Polk Co., snd bid them
Mitchell A Jlohannnn have a very
complete planing mill on Main street
Dr. K. t). Young, Tetorinary ti
u..i, genu, attends to tlie diseases or hortws
ana cattle
E. T. Heuklc, the burlier, has a con
venicnt and well lighted shop on Miilti
street. Will shortly have lint li moms
K. H. Hosucr, of Monmouth, Is ft
competent auctioneer, and wilt sell ou
com mission
Dr E. L. Ketclium bus his office In
his own building, -on Monmouth street,
near Itullfoad.-
Dr. J. II. Johnson, the dentist, lias
his office upstairs lu the Hmltb &
Vanduyn brick.
T. J. Lee has his ofllce up stairs lu
the Independence National Hunk
Geo. A. Hinllh, the attorney, has his
otHce In the Independence National
Ifiink building. ,
Daly Hlbley AlCakln, at Dallas, have
a complete set of abstracts.
Subscribers wanting help or tiny
pesons desiring eiiiplnymeiit . can use
and some forty of the "Want" column of this paper
the Icudmg people of Monmouth graced tHEE, one Insertion, not to exceed
tlie 'occasion and congratulated Mr ten words. Each additional word one
Miller upon the arrival of another an- cent.
nivcrsury, finding hlni enjoying health
niid prosperity.
Peter Cook, our liveryman, bought
a new horse this week and took him
out for a trial drive lust Tuesday, He
balked, he kicked both feet over the
the dash board and Mr, Cook In the
quick turu made fell out Into the mud,
and the horses run tHtrlde of a tree in
front of the Oarrlgus house and one of business,
them sut down on the tongue of the
buggy breaking both tongue and har
ness, and tlmt ended the ullalr. No
further dumiige. ' It drew a crowd unci
created considerable excitement on the
street. .
It bus been decided by tbe Polk Co.
Fair management to have the spring
race meeting the IS, 16 and 17 of June.
Weather permitting tlie chances are It
will be a very successful allulr.
The Independence Tile Co. through
superior clay, Improved machinery,
aud a thorough knowledge of the
Is turning out tiling to
cheaply us to tie beyond competition.
The "HAH" cigar, for sale by lend
ing dealer of this city, Is a purehuvauu,
strictly hand-made and one of the
finest and choicest cigars manufactured.
Try them. 5t .
Musataulh. .
Mrs. II. L. Murphy It having siege
of the "grlpp," but we hope It may not
prove serious.
A gypsy carnival will be given Hat-
urduy evening Mar. til, at the 0. H. N
H. chapel . under the auspice of the
college V. M, 0. A, After the enter
tainment candy can be had for Sets
and fortune telllug for 10 els. Oypsi
Have been engaged for that evening.
Door opened at 7-W p. m. Admit'
tape 10 eta. Thlt will be something
entirely new; an enjoyable time la In
an reel to all.
I), T. Htaiilcy of Portland was In
Monmouth Tuesday. Also I, 0. Dv
Idsnn w vlsitlug relatives here.
Mr. I'M Huston a memtsir of the
class nl '80 was In town Mouduy. Ed
Ms au IriMiram mau In Allwiiy now.
Mr. J, J. ItusMcIl is oil the sick list
this week.
Hon. D. D. Earp, who has been
nmoiig us the pest few day went to
Amity Monday.
Dr. L. L. Itowlaud, of Kuleiu, syner-
luteiident of the stale liiaaue asylum
was the guest of Dr. ParrUli of this
place Monday,
Jame Dcmpscy of Itickreall was lu
town Wednesday.
County taxes wilt be delinquent the
1st of April. Taxed can be paid at the
Polk Co. Jlsnk up to that lime.
Mrs, lelicraud Mrs. Hplllmau who
havetasui lu California during the
psai month, returned home last wek.
Mrs. Lble Whitman returned from
Olympla WetlueiHlay, she n-Kirfs that
Heth Murphy (well known here) will
uot livelong. -
Tuewluy night some poor fellow got
very hungry aud broke Into butcher
Hiiilth'aainoke house and took three
aides and one shoulder of pork'
When you come to Monmouth do
not fall to ship ami compare the prices
of merchandise here with other trad
ing pot u t.
Will Ireland will mhhi move hit
family out to his farm, lie like a
goisl garden, hlch with bis urge
crop of wheat Inttine him a luscious
dinner and ft few lotw dollars to
glugle lu his (hk kef.
Home hungry dcmiM'rals are striv
ing hard for the aps)lutmeiit of pt
muster at this place, 11' have no
kylarklng alsmt It.
Coluuitiu Tcthcrow went to Dallas
this week to see slxiul his cluim on
"road laud" In Harney valley. He
will lose his claim but will receive the
money buck be paid tbe government.
Clarence i a boiiulu fair boy, and
he takes no exception to a Itouuy fair
Mr. Ileet, who bought the Madison
farm, Is putting lu 4.1 acres of oats.
list her warm discussion are taking
place at Hilly Mulkey'a head quarter.
Itro. Hmlfh't protracted meeting bus
set people to thinking. May It result
lu future benefit to ull. '
The editor of tbe Itecord has a lieut
little olllee; It Is a cosy place to aub-
scrllie for the paer, and to muke up-
plicutlon for Job work.
The Normal thlt year, will have the
largest clues applying for graduating
honors known to It history.
Columbus Tethero hud a highly en
joyable time at his residence last week
for the youngsters.' The Hpokaue
belle 1 endowed with hlli conver
sational powers, and contributed
much to the enjoyment of the even
ing. II. I). Htuute hut all of his son ut the
Normal. Henry Is a thrifty farmer,
ami the education of his tons will not
bo neglected.
Tbe people herd' look for proeierouB
times the coming summer. Hope they
may come not to part again.
Visiter to Monmouth remaining
overnight, should not fail to attend
the chapel exercise In the morning.
They will lie agroeubly and plcusautly
en lei till ned.
J. J. HukkcII 1m putting In quite an
area of land to gram ou the Craven
farm. . ,
Jell rycr wont south of towu this
week to care for his sheep, Put mut-
tou Is Jell's pride,
ToinWunn contemplates removing
to his farm In the Kola bills this full.
Mr. Hmltli Is erecting a new burn,
His new horse and buggy will be well
cured for. '
Now comes the question which will
Thlt life a bitter oiin:
How many hoop skirts will it take
To fill u horse cur up.
' First Gent: "A saloou In Mon
mouth would udd to the business
Interest of the towu.!' Second Gent:-
'Yes while our business meu might
make a few more dollars, our boys
would be subjected to a temptation that
Plight result lu consequences uot to be
computed tu dollars and cents, but in
lamentation uud learn.
Parents often criticise, their neigh
bors children ou account of their de
portment and UHHoclutlou. Would it
not ua well for these people to Inquire
where their own children pend their
evenings, ami what they do on the
atreel and elsewhere?
F. It Neale continue to bring I
good fat cattle. W eonlemplat
uttering the "blue ribbon" to his nwat
market. ,
Jonnv Htiiiiip I one of the farmer
that always ha something to sell.
A. W. Lucas Is appsreutly sinking
ruiildlv, HI friend have but litlk
hope of his recovery.
Mr Dleusl lll! lu feeble health
For the pust three moiitlw ah has re
quired the iitnnatl cure and attention
which the received from warm hearted
friend, We alucerely wish her
ajatedy restoration to health.
Nji lll.r Prom IUI !!,
To Tub Kin-nut: Not finding any
Item lu the W r Hi UK from IM hi
or Oak Grove, I concluded to try and
acini a few -
Farming la being carried ou with
veiigcucctn these pert at this time.
Home plowing and tome sowing; and
business moving right along. Mr.
Alexander, of Uvur Itethel, has plauted
about twenty-live acre lu fruit tree
during the winter and spring, which
arc ull looking well. There have beeu
aeverul meu lu thexe purl buying
fiult laud, aud we hear that some cou
tract have bveii already made. We
look forward to the time when, instead
if scrubby oak grubs, we may see our
bill covered with blooming fruit tree.
J. C. White, of near Crowley, cume
lu'sr losing hi house by fire a few
luy ago, caused by the stsit In the
chimney taking fire, which burned to
a cinder, and, being drnwu out, full
aud set fire to the roof. Hut for the
aid of the hired man w ho wo on tbe
place and pruning hi orchard at the
lime, hi house with all lu contents
would have burned tu tbe ground.
Member of Ouk Grove grange met
on lust Huturday at 10 o'clock. There
being a gsMl crowd lu attendance, It
naturally followed Dial good aud
prolllabte meeting was held. We fool
proud to say that this Is a live grange,
he lecturer, J, P, Kunuelt, had
good pMgramnie, whleli was well
arrled out, eoiisiatlug of a talk from
C. White on w hat kind of horses
are the most profit'thle for a farmer to
raise. Mr. White treated the grange
lib Rome valuable luforiuatioit on the
subject, after which J. W, Edgar took
up the nibject of sheep, uudcr the same
catling of horses, aud handled it in
masterly way, imparting valuable in
formation on the sheep question.
lieu came the question of the World'
fair, namely: "Will the World's fair
lie a bcnclll to t he stale of Oregon"
tbe leaders were J. M. lioucrtsnu and
luley Edgar. The question was well
handled and me very Importaut
point brought out, which were
claimed by mine had never been
ioiikIiI of before, Tliere were four
plications for membership presented,
hleli make a class of ten that are
now reieiy rr imriuiinu. Taxing n
altogether It was a day well ient and
long to be remembered by the grange
at Oak Grove. Tim grange at this,
place ha been meeting all w t utcr at
10 o'eis;k a. iu,, but hcri-arter will
meet at lp.m. Occasion a i.i.v
Mr. Graee Johnson, of Portland, Is
apeiidlug ft few day with her sister,
Mrs. W. J. Farley.
John Olseii, of Nc Hirt, tjient Hun
day with friends here.
J. 1). Icosca has told his house and
lot here to A, O. Harmon, , ami lias
bought the lsa acre farm of W . H.
Frlnk uear Bildgeisirt, for JHKX).
Mis Maggie Murray, win) hue been
vlsitlug her sister, Mr. Itaekein-to,
but gone tu her home at Albany.
The following arelhentnccr for the
A.O.W. ,V. bslge at this ptuce in
still led lust Friday evening: W, ,
A.V. It Hnydcrj foreman, W. I.
Iteyuolds; overseer, N, F. Gngg, re-
; oorder, V, P. Flske; ftnanoicr, J, Q T.
Haddler; receiver, J. E. Hmltb; guide,
C.8. Headlcy; I. W L.11. Martin;
O. W., C. G. Powell. r ,
The young friends of Miss Ethel Mc
. Kinney uiimUrlng uIkuiI two doeii,
; gave her a delightful farewell tur
I prise puny last Friday evening. Mr.
! MeKinucy and family will leave till
week for their old home at Wlientlutul
California, . , , -
Mis Ella Curxtnter has been en
gaged to leach a five mouths school at
McCoy, where the bii successfully
taught for aeverul terms.
The Prediyterlun Chrlstiun Endeo
vor society, will hereafter meet ou
Monday evening Instead of Hunduy.
J, li. Trtilllnger, head miller at
Grand Itonde, waa transacting busi
ness at the court house Mouduy.
Assessor Beckett and Justice Pcarce
of Spring vulley and Eolu, were in
towu Monday.
detained at the Lucklumuie bridge
last Friday by Mug the lugging from
the slide ou one of the crisis heads
A Mtudcul from the smart works ut
Monmouth, settled our hash on Chris
tianity last Halurday night, by eurly
candle light, and Hunduy morning af
II, JUH the good work o on.
t rank Ullatou was lu Portland over
Mrs. Ellis of Halem boa been visiting
her daughter Mrs. W. H. Kuykeudull
Mis. Henderson, of McMlnnvlllu, hut
been vWtlng her sister Mrs. It.
Lucas at Ull place.
Jus, Hliuontou vklted hi daughter
at McMlniivllle lust wwk.
R T. Hurch 1 vlsitlug his brother at
Fred Thlelsou wu home from the O,
a. N. H, lust week on account of lck
lies but was able to return Monday.
The t.wdiers assoclutloti will be held
at till place uex j (Saturday,
There w 111 lie it treipticaii show on
rrlduy nlgbt at the school house for
the benefit of the library.
Miss Naule 1 in rch bus Urn engaged
for regular asnisluiit teochci ut the pub-
lie NchiHil here,
Aioiue .inner aim Alton vcruou are
absent from the public tflioot ou ac
count of sicklies.
Mis Dora Williams, of Alrlle, 1
guest uf Mrs. LiiheTelherow.
Our new sehmil bouse, has been
christened with tbe unuicof FulrVlew
Miss Nellie Harris, w ho Inis Imi'u Iu
.Salem foi some time, Is home again.
Mr, Isaac Foister returned inane Hut
urday from Albany where be bus been
visiting his daughter Mrs. A, Hunt.
Mr, Amu llolman, who has bceuou
the sick list for some Improved
very rapidly this week.
Mr, II. Miner and family have moved
(oLisi Gatos, Cab, where Mr. Miner
will deu I extensively lu the fruit bur
law. , , , ;
Kssl-Mtsla TrH.l. r,
The Oregon Pottery Co's, oluy pit Is
being worked. They are very par
ticular which kind of clay they gcu, ns
most of it contains Irou, which 1 the
mineral that makes iu worthless, but
there are quantities lu sight (not gold)
that can readily lie reached by leugtb
Ing the Bwllch.,
There It a drove of shuriMin, green
good men and bunko steorers, that
ure flooding our town with glittering
promises, by post. We woulil love to
scorch the bark oft' a limb hauling
them skywnrd. ..,.?.
Al Bell, conductor on the 8. P
freight train, Is a loyal Irishman. St.
Patrick's day he wore a button-bole
bouquet composed of a corn cob pipe
and a slip of shamrock,
Mihh Llbblu Vnughnn is our school
mistress ugalu. ...-','
The cj. P. freight locomotive was
II t Ucveu to H H Martin laud in t
r8w; flnoo
George Williams to N E Tyler Kits
lu lluenil Vistu; $310
Nellie Damon to J 8 Coojier If) acres
iu I e r w ; fouuu
J W Crldcr to U II Ditmiilel aud W
ETowusend lot In Dallas; $1VX) .
J W Crldcr to George Joseph lots la
Dullus; flloo
Isuoe McKlmu rry lo'Miflisa Ma.ter-
soil lots In 1 udepcudeliceiU ,
Mallsu Vunborii to G B Contee 9
acre of Kllus Bucll d I c; f 2"
A Nichols to VlcUr Link 5 acres in
7ra wjfltai
A Nlchol to Victor Lluk W acres In
7 r 0 w; f'ttmo ' ,
U M Patty to E A Bewley, lot iu
McCoy; fl
A A Cattroii Ui A D Parks 20 acres
A W Couch to T Jcmiliigii land lu
J r 4 w; 1715 "
Hwruh Gillhim to W I) Gilliam 22
w iu 1 8 r S and 6 w; $330'
E E Gilliam to Sarah Elliott 18 acre
iu tHr6w; $o00
WC Brown to W H MeDuiilel lots
111 lhillun; $750
E B Frar to It M Smith lots In
Monmouth: toot) ;s
'Ilio Fennell toE E Kreiigle lots In
Indt peudeiiee; WlKl
Mury Itotranel to Oscar Clow 100
res In t 7 t r 4 w; flood -
L B Friuer to K M Smith 8 acres In
8r4 WjWlK) , I
L L ltullcr to George Cmilee 0 acres
Isuuo Vunborn d 1 c; $40
George Lice to H Montgomery 6
D W Hear to Abel Cglert 20 acri's In
Polk county land Co to Mary Buuls-
ter 12 acres lu 1 8 r 4 tu; $1200
Warren Trullt to J W McBumey
155 acres in t 6 r 0 w ; $1
DEGIImnn to J B Leasea lsa acres
ttr w;$U0;
Warren Frink to D E Giliiiun .IKS
ret In t 9 rd w; $1KM)
Wli Hawlcy to J HSumpter lot in
Independence; $100
J M Huinptor to Frank Alexon lot lu
Independence; $110 '
H H Grin iiold to Wm Fudge lots hi
Ballston; $1(KH)
Troulilv si IVnillelou.
i Catliolka at Pendleton, ,suy the
Oregou Ian, .were locked out of their
uhuich Huuday, and mass was not
celebrated. There hue beeu a change
In pastors, Father Hogiin having been
transferred to gome other charge uud
Father DoKoo, who luia recently re
turned from Koine, Mng reinstated.
Mr. Mllnrkey, one of the trustees of
the churcn uud the cusfndiuu of tlie
key, refused to open the church for the
uew priest. Archbishop Gross has
been notified and is expected to go to
Pendleton to straighten out matters.
Waieaiiw tfy
go the wheels
of our business.
to introduce all
these good
qualities in our
Opera block
0" PR CE'S
The only Pure Cream of Ti rtar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Ti'uues 40 Years the Standard