VOL. X. 12.00 Per Year INDEPENDENCE, -P()LK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1!93. Five Cents Per Copy. 19. 8K0KKT SOT1KT1KR A O. U. W.-lNDKl'ENDENOE t, Lodge, No. 91 PMk rjf Mon day algut In MaaoaM haft, All ojotni I nil DfuUMn ar luned to attend w. I Iklu, M. W. W. a Cook. Recorder. ALLEY LODGE. NO. . I. 0. 0 V F.-MtoV.BdDSballry Thursday evening. All Odd fellows our- (tinlly luvited to meet with hi IVter I Oouk N. O. J. Irvine, Seerwl try. LYON LODGE, NO. 2U, A. F. A M. Stated oomnmnicalions Satnr day evening on or befor full dhiod eatli month nod two week thrMrtr. u. W Sbinn, W. M. W, 1, Oouneway, 8cy. OOMER LODGE, NO. W K. of P. fi Meeta tTwry Wednesday evening. All knight are cordially moiled. W.H.I Uawlsy, U 0. CK. OUxhVller, 1C. It H. I PHYSICIANS-DENTISTRY- OD. BUTLER. 1'HYSICIAN AND , anrmuii, Becy. U. 8. Hoard of Medio! Eiatmnere. iluaaa block. Office lu Opera T? L. KETCH DM, M. D. OFFICE 1 . and maidruoa, eoroar lUilrtx ud Moomonlb ala., Indapvudauoat Or. T R. J. B. lAirL'UAU 11CuTrkEV1 U Daotiat. All work warranted to ariva U heat of aatlafactkm. alnuoa, Or. """ TJ. LEE, PHYSICIAN AND 8UR . mm. U. 8. fiamluinv auioon. Offloa ot tr Independano National Hauk. DB.O.B. BOYNTON, PHYSICIAN and boritaoD, Bucna Viata, Ore- on. VR. WM. TATOM, !ENTI8T, IN- Ls dvpaadeooa, Oregon. Offloa in Wbltaaker buildiog on "C" meet (op I ataira. uom wan iprmaity. ATTORNEYS. GEO. A. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT Law. 'Will practice in all atatr and Mpral eoiirta, Abatraota of titla tnrniabed. Offloa over Iodependsoo nauona. uaai. f"ALY, SIBLEY A EAKIN, AT- U toroaya at Liaw. We bava Uia only act or ahatraot booka in 1'olk oounti. Reliable abatranta tnrniabed. Money to loan; no Oomnlamoo cbRroed on loana. OfBoe. tooma and Wilaon'i block, Dal- taa, uregon . A M. HURLEY, ATTORNEY AND t. Connaelor at Law. Office, neil to Independence National Bank, Inde- naodrnM, w. BONHAM A HOLMES. ATTOR neya at Law. Office in linab't block, between State and Court, on Com- ffieroial attvet, balers, Or. SASH AND DOORS. MITCHELL A BOHANNON, MAW nfacturara of laab and doom. Alao, aoroll aHWtnff. Main itreet, Iude- pendeooe, or. VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. E. 0. YOUNG, lata of NeTberg, Veterinary Surgeon and Dental bos moved to Independence, and opened an office over the Independence Nation al bank, - BARBERS. 17 T. HENKLE, THE BARBER, oppoaii virat national Jtsaak, ln- dependenoe, Oregon. L7 B. CASE, PROPRIETOR OF Lm . the Little Palaoe Barber Shop. Cstreet. Independence. Oreoon. Hhav- )ng, Shampooing, Singeing, and Hair- ("Tf: . AUOTIONEERINpf. I? H. HOSNER, MONMOUTH, OR., u, i a.ways ready to do auction, work, either In tb eity or ooQntiy, at raawnaoi rat, TAILOliS. W.T. ailor, 0 afreet, near inadortloe. ' X )" made to order at rw- M1LL1SKHS. Mr. K.0 VmMwr Mm. M, t'elltn lo Mm, K, Innnll, have a well jwln in! ti-k I of n auud. tall and eaamm good anal prim. HOTELS. OT. CHARLES HOTEL. 1HMT O brnd, Oregi.ii. C. W. KtiowbM, proprietor, Tlw nudum hotel of the I t . 1 K.1 . 1 1 .. I , . I . .. , . I valor. Newly furmelied. Good reetaur at connected. 10 rtMii. (V, Krmitl and Morrlmo alreete. SURVEYOR. IT I BUTLER. (X)lNTY 8UH 1 Ttiyor anil Civil Ki'dii'wr. All alia tiruniptlr auawirmU Addrwa mt at Diilliia. Or. BANKS. THE INPEPHNDENCK National Bank ! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. It. HtllMCHHKIUI, ; IWdaot. UIRAM KICIU!4. Vloa CrwItleuL W. f. CONNA WAV a faral twnklnv and axi-hauio liualitMu miiMU'lt; Inana raada, bill dtaoHinOHl.onm niarplal ervdila arantvd: dilu rwrlvwj on I ourranl acowut aalUH lo rhwk. IntWMl paid I a Uma dcpoalU. KIKWTOIOi. Joahna Mnltanlid, H. H. J.wr.,n, A. Goodman, II. Illrwhlwa, A. Nvlauo, T.J. U, I. A. All.o. Commenced Business March 4, 1889 Katabllnhed by Natioaal Aulliorlljr, TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Independent, Oregon. Capital Stoek Surplua, $80,000,001 $14,000.00 I. a. cxwfKm U W. IMilKHTNON, Prenldent. Vli I'rmldent. W. H HAWI.KY.Oebler, DIRtCTOHS. I. B. Cuoper, U W. Rolwrlann, Uwl Unlmlrk CI. W. Wblteaknr, W. W. C'ulUna. A aenerml ItAnkltiff bili,i,iu) trAttuu't,.il Hun end ll en liiuin an all linooilunl MllllU. iwpoaiu reoeivea auiijvel to oherk or on nr- umn noun; a, lo. ui 4 p. m. ICORPOMUO UNDER THE LAWS OF OREGON MONMOUTH. OR. P. h. CA M I'MKI.I, .Vlee.ro. V tf II a Wl V U 1. 1 i I ha uruwisiiU ('Haiiior Paid Capital, $30,000. DIRECTORS. I J. H. Hawlpy.' P. Utieinpliell,. I. M.HIrnpnon 1 4, n. v. iiuiinr, a it. niump, r . n. t'owrii Ancni-nil hiinklim end exrhanvn bunlniw I irammrlMt; lon Miitli; dmiiwln rvcnlvrcl I uhjM4 U) check or on eurllllnala of d,,: IiiItiI nald on time depoll. mrrirm pnicn vyuii lino onrviHr proof Main, I leenred by Vale lime lock. (iilloe iioimt a. m. to 4 p. ul HOME BUILDERS- Will connnlt llieir heat in tereat by pnrchiiaing tln lr SASH AND DOORS of the reliable mnnufnolurer, M.T.CROW, tnuependeuce, Or., ticoea aor toFergnaon A Van Meer, Sugar pine and cedar doom, all eiaea, on band. SCREEN DOORS. HUBB1R0 & STUTS, I'ROI'niOTOIW OK City Truck and Transfer Co. Hauling of all, Kinds Done nil .Reasonable Jiitw, Agents for the 0. P. Boats, All bills must lie wl tied by the Hull or I eagn month. Independence, Oregon. J, a.vknkhs, PRESCOTT i VENES8, -lrtrlitn of. . WMM M 111. Manuniclurvnuf and IWaltnilM IR and HARDWOOD, Rough and Dressed LUMBER. w VVrlttLtn, Manager BUCKSf.:iTH FIRM. Tho miilrliiid would aav tlmt w atv im'twriMl to Uo nil klmla or BUCKEMITH1KG. HORSESHOEIKG. MO At tin- miMt itttMiiintilw hili'i, (llv ua a mil. PITTS & HILLARD. Iockwh la B. t. Ktn,l Independence,, Ore The New Holloa House, M. A. Dudley, Prop. Cor. Fourth and Alder streets, Itwniraiiy lomimi. Wowijr nirnUhod and re nurd. tu to ami rrm aiurainaaud Nvwljr ftirni.lird and D. H. Craven ' TH t PHOTOGRAPHER Can Iw found at Whltenker' and aollcIlM your (mtronnue. i Old aland I He turu out only tlie Best of Work. (live liiuia trial and you will 1m vlnovd tlmt lila work ia IUmIhiIiua. eon- lila i'llwa tiru wry rt'Hoiinllo, Whiteaker's Old Stand. Independence Oregon BRICK. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of Independence, hiivinic stenni engine, a brick machine mid several ItCreH Of flllCHt tilllV. Is MOW lll'Oliltl 0(1 f, L,.,.i, ,, l,,,,,,! ,1 lliin nlllv nl ,,' , , " " , ,mlM1 , ' ll"y " Hl'lCK, W 1)1(1 Will be Hold lit t'OIWOII- (,l,.. ....i.... W0 priMW. RAILROADS. TIHK TABLE. ilpeniliui ml Uoniiionlli Miili.i I, In A. I'HKMIXITT. Indnpniirtunne. Moninuutb, ( 7:00 T:ll " , ' H:iii man I, . i-.lh S:UI 11:111 Shoemaker I'.I. Murphy, 1'rnotlciil HluM) niiiker, MhIii Htretit, Indenen-. umico, oppoMite ino oiera nuiiHe. The tlni'Htof Fxoncla. Calf - v used lu all the better grades of elxH'H. livery pair wurmnUid. Mrs, 1. Campbell ttt Tram Kann City, Mo, UiuirmiliioH good St ami flmMlaHU work. Cor, itiillriiuil mid Moumontli xtrocU, lndpndnc Oregon TIIK HI NOLI! TAX. 0!t TRIAL. Wtuthliigtoulittm are wiitohing with lntitt the workings of anew i'Xit'rliiii'iit whiuh it) being trlfd at UyutlMville, JuHt outrildt the llmila uf the Dlmrlut of Columbia, . Hy tilMvillf ho fur wi known, i thi Unit lilitre in the warld to jmt the ningli tut HjMlem Into pittdtlcalojK rutimi. Of t'Mimi It I uot cojnilet evun iliorv, for the IlyutUvilllaiM arc Ml ill anhliu't to Lii'lfT tiini. iw wll .iMto the iwmeral tatlou of tbf l HtaU. Ilutallthe iotvit Uxee ol (he tow u are now WvUmI on land vuu.a, aJo... Irrilvi. uf lui. pravenimita.' The tlmt tn toward It.. n.l....iln.. nflLly .!.....,.. b.. two vin.m,. whou mwnul nrun. w r . " " wuiMMil, ami liaa workwl o well tlmt nohodv nroiHi u, ro Uk in th ni.i r..l. Hot ih iH imu.Moi.r liwt ywr dolei nilutnl ute an writ, thre waaa ro. The ....i...u. .i... - ... vacant hind in th twutHr of th- iriwn. U...I ,ui holilli.v It f..r . rU. ,11,1 out rtUlsh the Id, of M.VI... hk mnnl. In d,.;S fcHJll.- that hiul built eutiMMtoutl.. itaiu J itmouut of ground. An antl ainglf- (ai putty iinuitM) lately Hpraug Into t'xlNlfiut', and 1111 ludiguiiUou tuettt - intr waa called aud rtoltitloiih udupUnl rtHUnitiiig the tNuiiiiilwtioii- vra to irtniil or rlgu. Thoy de- ('IiihiI to do cilliiT, and proteHhHl to iHilln't the taxm uudur the uew avuteiu. ThM nett Hlfii of tliA ai.lk ' 1 " wiwaiiapinntl to the wart, and Ihlalaatill jHrnding, although the fl.-Kt ludM bo heu.,1 tlm ,,ou, ,lia. miHHHrtl.etH....pBit,nd the Vrm- lertaora reveraal of tbm d.iH.o., L.M .... ll.1Maa..t.,M U.aU..Ul.tl.a town ha h. ,1,M.rl.,Ir Mr buildinm have Un t,nt tin lit, i n ti,. wiv ,i,i,..ii,d i any Biuiiimi jhti ni ui ha umiiirj. ...... 11... i...t ..r i... li... I I ... Huuitnl reveuuca havetawu htrgvly ucreawHi, and at t he tutiue time the auinll hoiiNeholdem have found their luxe nHlueetl'by from 25 to 75 per oeuL liut the large laudowuere are mill uumxindlMi.anu are work tug iuduatrioualy to defeat the Bin gle lx comiuiwiiouera at the com- ing elwtiou in May. The aingle-1 taxere ate equally active, aud ilyuttsville- ir having a political campaign to which the presidential light was merely, an undress re henwl. Ootjuille City Herald. Latkr. The Marvland court of appeals has diHtidnd the siiiKle-Utx system unconstitutional, inasmuch as it oonlliutod with the bill 0 rights which providthatall classes of pitiiKirty are subject to Uxatiou. The suit wits brought by landowu- ersin Hvattsvilie, a town near WashliiL'iou, the only ulace in the (JuiU'd Strttes in which the single lax is said to have been iu force. wu'UAVyJrYMM-' To this Editor; ''Another lies- ideiit" hits expressed his thoughU, and opposed "A Itusideut" iu his ipitiloii of opening business houses on the 8itbbitt.lt, but I, a woman and niotlier of sons, will say a few words. 'A Resident" may be a parent, but uever a father of boys, is he could uot have wiitteu that iirtlcle stating thai it was right to let tint back doors of buIooiis i.a penod that they might emer there. Ahl no, we sny, if any door has to Ou opened Jet it bo the front oue, ilmt all may see the people who wans iu and out those places, and Unit the exnectations of a ov ntr mother shall not lie disappointed when awiiy from home and its preo- ions iiiHuciiccsj that a seuse of honor, or a thought of some loved one seeing them, may save them IVom desecruling IhoSubhath day. Uut wall the back door to be opened and closed silently, what an allureiuont to draw them on to certain destruction. "A Resident'1 5h'-"g3 could be affected with com is certaluly a geutlcmun, or he Pratl ease. Now, that the car- would never have been elected to the important olllce of city council, and J hope he may consider well these few thoughts aud be one of many who will hail the glad day when all business houses shall be 'lsed, and we shall have happy, qniot, pewHdul Sabbaths. As to dry goods, groceries, and hard- "" vvmjf iiKMigiiiiiu iiu luci I r,i.k n. I,.... ..,1. i j .. I c... ..I wislies for one day iiHhe week ot lest, and it would come to them as a blessing iu mauy ways. This I hrouly the oplulou of one woman, and may not bo deemed worthy of consideration, but we have ex pressed It from a sense of duty, and would like to know if there to any good mwo why business houses should keep open doors on Sunday A Motiikh. Iniwkndknck, March 18, 1892. Advert lalnf. tWs. mm at ,t V , a w nan (ua.; weekly au I I I... .11 I I... U"U"OT" " ? . vwo 7' . mwM two tt,loH wrgliomj three month one J"art s '"--invariably in " O UUII I, WlllOCt w im ",wve b,,t to pille, I i..... .i ll.l..J I.... .1 I I in ailuu.l.il... . ..... .1... 7 V" " '"H luc P" ' .. wuUuet Mih p. I11" 0,1 rf Mhange for n.r " uM.wre I j.litkK.liuM aA a...... ..ll..! I.. ...It ... lf e "T" THtl Wlu f wiMMigiiiM luiTcniBiiiK aiMtw lor ""'-r Ki """ w I"'" overy I ....... ... I I t ,nw,,'",t U,wn ouht Ui "B,v" ,M lotI PW,M aild JHtJ "Hlmendof the uioulh, for (he auiouut of hi advertising, II iwoet ertaluty to hla. iutfrwt u have a paper iu hi vicinity, aa it imbliwhuu toadvertiae his giHMht to other hiiwu merit, aud lieneflu hu town iu varioitH ways. If w wen 10 comiueiiee on a tnuie lwsin, we would flud it very hard Indeed u """" """ "n-wirear u.t..K. a .. ...i. ....!. !. a.... - 1 .11 ...i. ... .. 1 -. . auvenming ueiug ineo aew " m n" 0,u PN Paving the privily of puyinK su,h for 0,,r .! having WIVttliMMl UHI IW UHMH, AU- Ilk... nuU.tl....t r. it .1. ' A I "1 JWt much then-h'"""0 ,w 'baudi,., ami hhould be paid for ou a buitiuess I lib lv..U no mm I Tt. .'. iir . I 11,8 euiM,r a urn MaiMtm one; lie Uvea and lovt and Udievea, And wheu for hie toil giu nothing, He it Untukful for what be receive. The Knireae Cannery. 1 he fctigeue cannery la to be oj- eraled ou luiNineNa principles this Jrer BuJ t,ie luauagere have com m"omI work early lo insure a pros Pero,w i'mr' m w lu their Pwer' Tby " w'rmdy making rm"fe'om(,uW to .wtscure ait abnn- lui,t of lhe vegetables wauted.atiti tne prospects are that the fruit crop ' bo abundant. Iu this case we prwlict that the cannery will net a haudaome profit from the, seasou's oieratioii8. 1 here is no doubt thai U10lly be made in the fruit and vegetawo canning business, if con NucUh1 prosi ly, and there is no reasou why the busiuens should not PrI"' ?" M locality. It is very lirous bat the fruit industry be worked up to good proportions iu the surrounding couutry, aud there is nothing that will build up this industry better or quicker than a Nucooasful cannery aud evaporator, Wigene Itegister, A Car Ceupler. President H trrieon approved tl e tr-coupler bill. The car coupler uo ,u general use on freight cat w a VB,y primitive utialr, ami has tust more -088 0I" Uto aud maimi d iimbsMiati any other device known w railroads. There is tio dearth bt,tu'r 0,10S' wr a"ottt two thous- and pateuts have been granted in tl 6 Uuited Stales ou car couplers, The reason uoue of tin m have Iweu auopieu niriiisiies a comiueiitary Pn ll,e stupendous unigniiit lo of daily liusincss doue in America. To replace the old coupler for a new one would, reqtfire at least a day's 8luP 111 ireigui irainu an over uie Uuited suites. ' Of counto it, must bedouesimultiiueoiiHly. On pas "ger service it is dilterent, as each Hue owns their own cats, aud a ooupler bill bus become a law, an eu(1 wil1 1,0 accomplished that will a,kve 1088 or ,llu Aud lun0 beside inspiring hope iu the heart oloim 2 iuveutors, one of whom will snMouly mHke a collossal fortune. 'J-'1 DHes Chronicle. Good I'ronpiH'tti. in i. , . , runners oi juano county nave their crops in' good condition aw are jubilant iu the prospects of an abuudaut harvest. It is to be hoped Highest of all in Leavening Li W . AB5011TTELY FITJ3 their wishes will materialize, for on the prosperity of the farm depends the prosperity of all, .Nature is do ing her laat to insure us prosjwrous timos.--Kiiiretie Iteelster. A Uwtura for Young People. 'Yea, I'm In tba lector biuitnoaa." aid tba long hitired paaaetiger, "and I'm waking tuouey. Tv got a aclienie. 1 have, and it worka to a charm. Big botlao wherever 1 go." "A eelietiier "Yea. I alwara advertise that mt Iwturea are wpetrlally for women under thirty yeara of age and men out of debt l on jnt ought to at-e the way the people com trooping ln."-Eichan. Tadmna'a ludlrlUuallly. hi, Tadeioa'a carver has been marked by a vigurotia individuality. "One reaaon of my ucoea."haay bimnelf. "la that bava alwiy worked entirely out of my own bend and never imitated other paint- era. W hatever my aualitiee or mv fail lug hav been, I have alway been true to tny8eir."K-AUIanta, Kaaraaaa HaaildreiiMe, About HilU enormoiM headdreeaea cam into faahlon in Eugland. Franc and Italy. They had borna atatuting ont from the head aometimea more tliun two feet, and from thtw a veil depended Which floated down the back of the wearer. 8 1, Louia Ulobe-Dtwocrat . STEALING A TRAIN OF CARS, Railroad Maa'a Thrilling Kwapa ttvm Crowd or HnUleruv Tvugha. , "1 at4de a 20-toti locomotive aud fotir flat cars once," dd Irwin Dan iel, chairman of the Mulhattou club that waa holding a cutuh-as catch-can in the Lindcll rotuuiht. "I was at Miitfdolona, Mexico, shortly after the opening of the Sonora railway. The tooling against the 'Americanos' was quite bitter at the time, some of the railway ontistruction crew having Un pretty tough specimens 'of undo Sam a song mnw. I was quiet ly ptiHHuig down the street oue day hen a gang of drunken greasers concluded tlmt banging would im prove my personal apjiearauce, and before I suspected harm a lariat was thrown about my neck, and I was brought to earth with a jar that nearly drove" my spinal column through my tiroad brimmed straw hat - ' ' . - "The telegratib line was in course of cotiKtruction, the poles being up, but the wire not 3'et strung. To ward one of these poles with its cross bar the Mexicans dragged me over the stony street, while a crowd quickly gathered and began to pelt me with pebbles. I was rapidly choking to death aud realized that If I expected to coutinno to send iu fat expense ac counts to my house I had best begin to got a hustle established in busi ness. 1 managed to fish out my jack- knife and cut the lariat before it pulled my head off, and as I got on my feet I pulled my revolver and be gan to shoot In 10 seconds I had the street to myself, but I reahzed that the treacherous natives weuld soon begin to buslwhack mo and hurried down toward the railroad, hoping to find a mustang to carry me out of danger. I found no mu t&nir. but A, loonmntivA And fnnr flnf lcara loaded with telegraph polos stood on the main track. The en gineer had left the cab, and a lazy Mexican flreman was loungiug out of the window. I bounced into the cab and pulled, open the throttle. "The Mexican raised his voice in protest, but I covered, him with my empty revolver and ordered him to fire up.' It was 54 miles to Nogalee, on the Arizona line, and 1 covered it hi an hour and 10 minutes. Onoe across the lino 1 was all right, and as I didn't know the result of my pistol practice 1 ean toll you that I loft the laud of the .erstwhile Mootezumas with a profoundly thankful heart" tit Louis Glolw-Democrat . Too Many Sociletle. We asked an old colored preacher the other day how hischurch was get ting on, and his answer was, "Mighty poor; mighty poor, brudder." We ventured to ask the trouble, and he replied : "Do 'ciotios, de 'cieties. Dey is just drawin all the fatness and mar row outuu do body aud bones ob de blessed Lord's body, We can't do nuffln without de 'eioty, Dnr is the Lincum 'ciety, wid -Sister Jones an Brudder Brown to run it. Sister Williams mils' murch in front of de Daughters of Rebecca. Den dor is de Dorcases, do Marthas, tie Daughters of Ham, an do Liborian Indies." "Well, you have the brethren to help in-the church," we suggested. "No, sab. Dorp am de Masons, do Odd Fellers, de Sons of Ham, aud de Oklahoma Promts' Land Pilgrims. Why, bruddor, by de time de brai ders an siters pays all de dues an teuds all do meeting (lore ia nuffln left for M6unt Pisgan church but list I de cob; de oo'u has aU been sheUed Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Bating on ana rrowea to no apecgiea chick- Uitne Header. Testifying HI G rati tad. ' In these days of business women, as well as of business men, it is be coming evident that a readjustment of certain social and economio ques tions is necexaary. It baa, in fact, taken place in at least one family where each side of the bouse earns an Income. , The husband was ill not long ago. and his wife was his devoted and un tiring nurse. On his first outing upon his convalescence be felt that he would like to testify to his gratitude and aiipreciation in some tangible way. What did he dot Pick out a bunch of roses, a book or a trinket for her adornment f Not at all. Us bought a box of candy and paid the gas biu, which in the division of household expenses fell to her share I tier Point of View in New York Tunes. , . ..'. , SnporatltloK A boat Swallow. . ' So far as bus been ascertained birds return year after year to the same haunts. Swallows marked by Frisch returned to the same places, and this baa always been the case when ex periments have been made. The swallow has been and still continues the object of many superstitions, which, unlike most cases, have been favorable to the birds. Farmers in many places think that If the barn swallows are killed their cows will ' suffer in consequence and give bloody milk, and thus they have been pro tocted when other birds equally their friend have been shot without mercy. Mrs. J. & Southworth in Albany Journal ' . .A Daunting Thorn a. Little Son-Did it snow like this w'eu you wasaboyl Father I've seen it over my head. Little Son (after reflection) Was you lying down or sittin upt Good Nswa. Th "Changeable Roan" af Mongolia. une or tne achievements ox tne Chinese the one on which they pride themselves above all others, unless it is tie art of raising oaks in thimbles is the "changeable rose," a real rose in everything except that it is white when in the shade and blood red as soon as the sunlight strikes it The words "as soon" in tho last sentence above do not liter ally mean instantaneously, but one thing is sure, the transformation is rapid enough for the wondering eyes that are allowed the rare pleaaure of beholding such a wonder I til sight Alter night, or when in a dark room,"tbis curiosity of the rose fam ily Is a pure, waxy white blossom, the thick, succulent petulu much re minding oue of gigantic mandrake flowers, with the exception that even the stamens and pistils are of the same unniiiculate tolor. When tranKferred to ojien air, the transformation immediately sets in, the time of the entire change of the flower from a livid whiteness to the most sanguine of all sanguine hues deending on the degree of sunlight and warmth. First the petals take on a kind of washed or faded blue color which rapidly changes to a very faint blush of pink. The pink grad ually deepens in hue until you find that your lily white rose of an hour before is as red as the reddest peony that ever bloomed. St Louis Repub lic. ' r...a Vt....Vt.u In Germany when a girl is born her parents make her a member of a marriage association. The premium the father keeps up until the girl is old enough to "contribute, if neces sary, this premium out of her earn ings. When she marries or comes of age, she is entitled to draw the entire amount of the premiums, with Inter eat and any dividends that may have . accrued. In England and Ireland the daughter's dowry is not a pre-' vailing oustom. In the middle class, however, not infrequently the father insures his life for the benefit of his daughters severally. This sum they may receive at his death, or by agree ment when they come of age. , This form of insurance, it seems, is an endowment for girls that will ap peal most readily to the American mind. Here, as in Germany, the con tract made to run for a limited $me. an when the c-h-1 marries or comes or . c ago, would put it into definite shape ...! ....11...!.. ... in Laaam.. a V... . den. The American girl in her pres ent alert state of mind and body .. would in any emergency be equal to keeping up the insurance if it should be necessary for her own benefit Thus her father would be relieved of . the responsibility of her future, and her husband, if she marries, one may v hazard the guess, would not think of ber the less for her prudent dowry. New York Evening Sun, . ,