1 1 . m THE WEEK'S BUDGET. What Our Keener Finjsjof In terest to Our Readers. nit UIT.IL AMI tiESKRAI. NEWS. Itev, I, V. htlluK will hold service In thvCoiiKn'tiniloimlvliurvli uexlHun both morning kihI vvii Liiir. Htiliduy aehtad t la m. Y. P. a V, K. at :. I . A. Hitchcock leader. In the own Itojt ihe choir will render three excel lllt ahlllCHI, llUVIIIg- received KOIln? j vhIiiiiIiIu addition. Th oreheetra will fui n lh a wcred overture. The Mr.fii,, KHU,ril,WwkT,rw,,Tl,w tlu-.u fur diculou lu tltw evening 0.1 t.i-w4i .1 ...ti. ikn.1,1. tk. FROM CORRESPONDENTS Newsy Notes From the Several Towns in the County. H II AT OIK PKOPUS ARK IKHNU. Mil IVulwM Ult).eM r latemt treat lltery altera, Iiilum olimk ett Vandu,vn' IVlllthtnil weather and filoMly f , fall at Vuduyn' and examine the new dim ip xnli.. Street parade of mluatrcla balay ( Friday) Hi iiiMiit, You can iret any ante, width or kind of aline at Yndti.v uV It I estimated then, nr.. m-r m. hundred eiMeii of miim In town, but I u,,lt " ' U none er on. uemic nun reutivrcti 111 It L. Shelley will rent Die will be "For other' mike." II. K. Mercer of thla eliy, haa inveuled a machine for making; gita, wlileh lie claim I ahanltilcly ea'e.vcry litexpeiialv mid will bum wltlnml nnoke. He think he haa a fortune In the Invenllou aud Intend tMilcuiInu; It Nt ouoc, lie Una it miiiiII model at work, which laucee. Prof. Hebrlnu ho. d.a-hled to no.), Ith ,,hwr " .' pone hi recital which wa announced L- ""'BUNry wa doing twalne In In lnt wH'k' Wkht Hiuk. for FrkUv '"Hhtitd hl week. He retain hual mump e.. very iiK In the eliy elMw unable Mr. Miller of IJlu ' U viallinif her ' Haiiis-alan at laat rier-lalrall rri iuiiu uii outer eiwM, Luealaenula, Janie Tel hero w ha en led a hand oum leuee around hi orchard mid yard. Jidiu Ktirre U tiling- hl farm, mid will iurt 11 munll hop yard a tu a tit iM.r.tr.. II... k.til. II.. ul I .I.....I.I.... I L. K. hoiMl 11 v 1 """v ' pwHk imwii .ir. 4, r. iiiiiiiinii, m:. J. V. IhlHler VtAti III imln tn live " 7 ,WM '"'li Uwi .H.nn.i.nt In lil. t H.wlmrjt Why doe not oniMne etart trt teleidione exolmiiK-e here; could It not tm made to jmy? MliwtMn next Friday nlitht t Jnde- peudenw. Adiniwdou, ,V) eeiiln. xtr eliNrge for rwerved mhin. Hm Hnllle M. rnrrleh, the Helem liiKr, iu nmrrliHt to Churku II. Hlnp't rorilwiid Ituit week. Mlw Mnenulny, will Imve her KrHiul ft nl nK'iilnx, MNrvh oth, nd jiUt, h whleh nil mv cordially Invlled. Smmiil Johneoii, lieihw of Kill Johiiion, front low hiw lnvn here deeidetl to rendel 1 1, l'ruf. Wlimett, voeulM mid tem her of imwlo, who come very highly re- eomiiiemied by tlt r. of Oreyuu mid BliliiKlun, will ihllver free hvture uii uiunle lit I lie itmitim ehureh no 1 next Moudny evenlnu. lie will oryMit. Ue olntiliiK vhww l tlmt tlims When you come to Iudeeiulene uik KiMnudorf k lilrM'hberK to show you their iiimYuoimlU mid orKHiitlle dr timnlk Tbvy mv the exeluve nile lor IheM gooU. They re I lie Uteet unci tnoni beautiful dnw kmmI III I lie murket. ... ....... . . . . ihikiuk mniui iiu-e urewi k,mh1 nil trettt ml llielr iMintniiicm wllh coiim kuH.uy (iu.eriu., UniV. , ......... . w. ... ..... ui iwipn. onii.iaili.iH(, mid bi Um city only rxclulv dtklem In toy, Atney I hiii.ii. ttnd u tin- tui,n .'in-ini.iuy vt-w. ICtHMtn, bookHMUil Htm lottery, In Itide- ""imity otwervmrnt. The lawniirilmMiiiti. nendeiiee. Hubnerlnlloim tktt ft.r ,,M"" pul ih mtMtk.ii ul !,. wrliHll(iil the world over. Cl(itr, I toiwxo nd rrulln. J. It, t'HiH.r, iimkeK l.rl. k, mid wIU brlek Ht lowewl niurket irlmm. a.m. .;nerry w very nklllful re- imtrer of WHUdiee mid clock. fllHMiMiul UUI.IIMW lm kiwp ivii mi Ntinitiiy, nil urai auirm mill tUx,nt an nut union tli number nllnwctl Ui du bu.linw mi ih. h. Imlli, t xlii.ll tlmt tliM In llm Ihw, lu I whuI luwt upadulm tlmt utrli-t ulMurvnin-e r iii'h lr warlw tot Injury to the Ihi.Ih,... Hipr.t(.t tiiwtii It mi Injury 10 tlm mi.it In bualiiMu, mid ktn.iilil nut In. lih.'l. tiy llm iMIlllllnr Villi. WhHIl t ... MlVlt.l illuiM..iiiu Wi K, Oootlell llixtla exelUklvely In I iimwh llilni I am unn.. air a hard vara ImmiU and ahiHNt, mid eait lit nil, both M"1"'- "4 "uaday momimt a to.iihii.t great mid aiimll nn Ui my hmi. and akn that I nM.n tii. 1 ""v ..i... vu nun himi 11 l luir vl Ir. f), l. Itllller lllia lilaolll lu hr lima and h nmU llivm. ll la wnrkma all OfM-r Imtlw m M" Sunday In Ilia ttnld, x.rlia4, and only It. I,' r I..I..1 11 .m 1 ""IwM'iiaau.iualitow.ina hi t-.wn. Nliould W I1,. li, Ketehuui htta hla ottloe In o,, i . ,.,, 1 .,..., . Ill OWII bulldltlm OH Monmouth atreet, Ik 'wi, dum tli law uy tuft Auxin, II I keep my mint doiralMnluidy ha'kml. my blluda w.wn, ana ui an tntciila ami burin am EVE HiS fJOTSEEN EAR MS NOT KEiRO neither hit It entered Into I lie liturta of men (or women eltlii-r) wlutt we nave lu lre for you. PIONEER MEAT MARKET, i; F. H, LKWI8, Prop. ki.aa la : Choice Meats IIiKheat mnrki't price paid for fui all, bet.f, mutton.veal, JMirk, eto. All bllla moat be nettled monthly. ui-ar Ibtllroad. J'r. J. II. Johuaon, I he deutlat, ha hla otllee uwlitlra In the Hitillh A I Vanltiy n brlek, Mlaa Avla t'hrlatlan of liideiandeni, wa vlaltlitK her thla week. Mlaa Itiitiy Hum la eonvrnWetit, after a aevere aiUek of acrlet fever. The H. 1'. It. )t. eoniiiany ha taeii reiatlrlug lh treail near T. A. Ire- litlid'a realdeuee. t'haa. Weater, ot HaJUton, wa doing btialui'a herTueaday. Quito a nnniber of youttii twoide wi-re highly euiertalned at the real- lenee of K. Chauiberlln. Kaiurday event iif. r. J.Ue haa bla oflleo tin atalrn In I th ludeudideuee Nntl.niiil Hank liullillmi... dImhhI lu llm (.iil.ll!-. and I all.. a a tfw .rw.n. uiniii..lpimiilua my t'"U finer my uira nit tli Habiwlh day, niiiminiily i-alliil Bumiay, iwu tti law tui mat I uumtlun It vury nrhHily. I wan our a ineniear of tli oily niunHI of lndiiidi.nw, and hll a inouiliar had tmid ordorln all lli buiua liuuwaulthaktwaiHiMuiiday, ami al thoy Dr. ('. E. Uoyuinil vlalta the lek at hyt llwauM In.lmd o! IIiihi Vli. mi.. I vi.di.iiu inaamg 111 city manlial a tool brhlnd whlrli 1 ' tafurk kii lnlKr.i.iiii.ii..HIU.iMi...... . ... . . p. ..w WH-...VM ....... l.i tlMi, A. Hllllth. the atturnrv. haa lil '". euuui'llinvn our-lv, wvui oftlee In the Illdenuden Natlimul "-' m anq .M'ia.ii- m.it II....L 1...11.11.... uamia to tiirm, and wa fi.uiid thvm rfwt I ouiiamna in in r mwuiliiB ir ua i.i ...... iMly Wl.ley A Kkln, at lttllna, have .""j" " "iummi- m-reham. a emuplete t of abatraela. Kan Ton Seen our eiitnt amiirl r-1'l.llK MMia, .MHIIIIIK i' n una ever ueen altown i-eiore. Ol'KN Kt'.DAY8 FUOM 8 to 9. m. ,,,, frjjltli?!ij kill jdj'tfllfCly. Main atreet Have Kiiii Heard Independence. During the aprlng aeaaou there will cent. nunacnia'ra waniititf Help tir any fMii dealrlng eliiployitHut rait Uae the "Want" column of till paiier r Itr.r., time Inacrlloti, not loema-ed ten wnnl, Kai'h aldltlonal word our and left for hla home htat Tuedy R F. Hiireli, iiK.n whom Dra. (Iillla, Hlwehberg have the nlovat anil mn-l Ieeand Keteliuiu tH-rforuHHt an tiHra-ltrlkl"i( l"erna we have atvii Dili tlonaeveral wm-ka ai, la luiirovlng I vettr- It la worllt a lady'a Hum to gu nicely, lu ami at-e ilivtu, Ilev. Ilaldwln prenehed a powerful There la not a atore lu Portland that avrinon laxt Sunday In the Itanllat H'ter and nieer lot of tu'iiluwe We hope in. may Iw prevulknl ",1,ru "" tuM'3f brnaim ahlrta lliaii are mtiat admit Hint an far lii.i..i..rf "verm mile or iiimg mm in our viomiiy. j tie larmer nave 1 wen un'Jer the Impreaalon thai It it bat nine It, but by aittall learuiHl that It Ilia 11 expeeled. exarli'iiii they have will pay itiueh ittoie It haa Imm tleoldetl by the Ioik Co. ralr mauairemeul to have the aprlng ra.-e ui.rllini the l ill and if of June. Weather permuting the eliamva are 11 will be a very aueceaaful affair. to.... imu iiipu mi; (wwuHiinaoy nun a t'W. hmiwr la ih aim on Miimiay.and tlm Mliani wora nt diHrud ue MumUy, but thv truiii duor m liakpd, tha lillmla wore dimn, ami umw waa no dlmrd-rly nitidiii'l. W dmilil If thr a town In Ortun alirra tin. bual. arm mm, uf all kiniltjnv inure nf i.uih-mvn I and am nmrv willing tu k.euitb cmni m Ilia n.wii, uiau In lndH.ndiiiw, lt ut mil (tibn ftirliirnf..r.lnu. .irlcll law.wliMi, 1 wow, wa navr inlmidMl In wnrk an In Jury luiHirliimliiMlnutrMiii, A Itwoniiar, I'rubalo 1111H, tlmt we are nhVriotf thla i pnoc wuy down, the Very tneiitloit of which will nmke you think we hitve tnude a mlntitke. It's a Fact IW. E. Goodell HAS IN STOCK ,e?S : V.M i' ehureh. upon to remain In Independence. It. L, Shelley, of the firm of Shelley Alexander A Co., made a abort trip to Monthern Oregon on htmlueaa, leaving iaat Friday and returning Tttemlay. I'reaehlng next Sunday to the Ihtp ttat ehureh. I .ml lea Aid wa-letv Fri day aflermam at Mm. A. S, I.ia'ke'a. Hapllat I'n Ion at ::, Sunday even ing. Mlaa Mnenulay htui the large! and II neat line of millinery ever dlaplnyed here, and tuia and almdiv to aull the moat faatldliHia, and priei-a to milt the tlmea. tnetnilli haa iilrra.ty taken ate aay The Chnmlele, to ahow why It la the proper nlaee fur the Inaane aayluiu of KoMteru Oregon. Our vote will go for The Imll. E. II. StoeK.one of the lending aoel ety young men of lurvullU, waa In town Friday making arrangement for Ihe appearance In Imlepeudellceof the CnrvHlli Miiriiu Imnd aa mlnatrel cutntany. Four end -men, ut na funny ax they can lie, lu the nilnatrela, Friday, at Ihe opera limine, Iuile 'iidencv. A fill t band atreet parade nil orchfalr. The Uiyaof the Murine band of Cnrvallie, Cmie well recouiiiieudiil. It would v great ly apprwitiu'd by the pulillaher of thia paper, If you could come In and my your ulMcrl- lltiii to January ISM, We are giving yon full value for your money, and lute ml doing ho In the future. Mlaa Miicuiihty buy direct from the MuauMHlh. tiHwlllun exUla 111 M.iiiuimuUi In Ilia t cart Ud by lbindorf it Hlieli(K.rg, lu ehouw mehrr im bow. Two itovallhi tln Illdt'iaHldtimv, Attheaehiail meeting laat Monday, (. W. hhtun waa re-eleell director and J, D, IrWuc clerk. The two olhe dlreeloia are J. ikiriinlfe aud W. K C'rewiy. It may not la; generally known that I., W. MoAdaiua la Ihe father of tanincing baby girl, U.rn Tuealay itioruliig, an we huU n to aptvad Ibe uevt. .Mr. Helly, of Monmouth, rejoice lu the arrival of a nine pound girl on Inauguration day. lie will name ll Uuth, Ihe autuc a t'levvluud'a Uaugb1 ter. 11 . . .. . . . . . miaa niaeautay aiway ktviat U with the tlmea, aud xire no exciiw to make her buaiinwt a ucoa, and to pleuae her pitlnili. II. M. Adkllia Itifuriua u Hint Alt lliaa Haw been imoklug for wveml day. "U l him aitiuke, he I too big a ooy to put ouU" J. I. Steven, in the employ ot wklnuer 4 lU at the flouring mill, l the mi her of a ten pound boy, born March, iiud. Llittua cloth ha taken the place of challlea thla year. ou ran tlnd a ulce awairimetit at lloaeitilorf A 1 Orach Iwrg'a, A. ratley our tlllclent, deputy aheritr, waa lu town acrvlng puiiera lu the rSvullle liiHiirmut) Co. cuae V'elut- duy, Mlwt A. Macaulny haa uat rettirued front the eliy, where ahe baa been imiiiufiicturli a lu the I jtat, which attending the millinery oamlug. euahlea her to aell mticli cheuier (Iihii other placea of bunlucNt. So the pub lie will do well to trull and price her giHHla before puri'lumlng clHewherc, Perliatai after till we may not low A. H. iita ke from our city. Simw he m now iiiHtnlled behind the counter al j. r. i i-Kinnt'irn, 1 n may comcloi that Oregon la hh good aa ('tillf.irtiln any duy. Mr. Locke ia a citizen who i hard to rejilnce. When la the cannery going to com nieuce operallniiM? From inciiirii miKie, we team uiul unlewi ImJicatliina point to a greater nliundulice of fruit than lnt yeur It will not eturt We have cam t rie In Oregon, but lu inline only. C'ttlifornlu fruit mill controli- the tnnrket. T. II Scuilder, who hit la-en alck lor nlxMit live HiiuilliM, la iignlii uble to work, and he hita auch a rcputiiliou for honest and ellli'letit ai-rvlce, that he already hua eugiigetueiita aevernl wceka ahead. He Ih a trtiHiy iiiiin, aud dm tjiM work, no inutler wlmt ic la, In u skillful muiiner. Sunday morning ut the ChrlHtiuu hurclr the pieitor will dlacourae on "Anxiety," aud in the evening, "The Supreme Difilculty" will lie the theme. Sunday hcIiooI will be held utlOa. m. lind Y. P. S. C, K. ut fl p. in., aithjoct, "Neglected oiiortunitlea." l'earl Cooper will lend the meeting. The I, Vamluyn n'Hldcnce, which la now the property of the editor of thla paer, waa l.ullt inuny yearn ago. Thla week carpenter Finch wiot tear. lug out a plitMtcred purtlllott, and found the lathe to In; from four to twelve feet long and two niche wide, lie had never latfore aeen ancb lath. The building now occupied by the Wkst Hum (our own) did not coat over 8W0, but our aulwcrlierH, who crnne In U aee uh, are ao well plcnaed with It complete urrungementH, that tliey go right down lu their pnckcia And pay up to January IW4. We are glad to pleuae I hem ao much. Vialtor el way welcome. Cara ontiotuiclng the marriage of Mlaa Anna C. Oodley formerly of Jndc pendence, to Max M. Kiiillock clerk of the district court of Portlund, have been received. The ceremony took phuient Heppuer, Feliriuiry twenty eighth. Their realdeuee will be at SWi Fifth atreel, corner of Madlaon, Portland. Pay your achiail taxea and aaveiuata Only a duy or two left la-fore they are dellnnuent. J. I). Ihvi.ni, Clerk. Hun. Tony Nolluer, of Portland, wa utteiiillng the meeting of Uie Uiard ol regenta al Monmouth, Thuraday. A hiitiilMiiue Hue of Imlle'. nilnw' and ehililrena' ucketa will lai oamed oiital Validity n'. the loth. Meaara T. Morrla, J. F. O'Donuelt ami M, o. I'otier tmik ihe triiin fur l oriiund Tuemluy. Walker Jlnai, will aell you gria-erle ua chcup u any limine In the world uud don't you forget ll, A new line or ladh-a1 ami niena' alua-a direct from the factory, at Itoaendoif A lliraclilierg'a. I). It. Jiuydaton hua moved hla llah linn kit from 11 ill 11 atreet to aouth aide of C atn-ct. Die city council hua not yet grunted a right-of-way for a railroad to Salem. Jirlug your Jug ami getu whole gallon f ayrup for 30 cent at Walker Ilro. Vanduyn' la tho place to buy ludle mualin underwear, aproua, etc. Judge Hurley returned from Mo Minuvilie luat Wedueadny. A huiidaouie line of trimming allka. in all color, at Viiuduyii'a. Call ut Walker llroa. anil wimple that pure maple ayrup. M uah timber of all kiuda at Witlker Broa, Hall aalmoit ut Walker ilioa, urlini have hlr lent up rvady fur btul. DM, Our now paxr Ilia Hattian, haa mt with III appruval of nanrly all nf 111 hu.lnM. mm aud Ih rvmainlnf rlllu-n hmrilly nidunv thvir wmluivnia, ltb t'ary will ao-.mMiiiy hla niolher and Ulor In llielr bom at hHi nalay, hut will return to hIiwi, !' ball la bain Indnlim! In In lb roller rni.u,tnlvaly now, Tlm ail.clim an wnrklu! hard In lha yniiiaalum now, Tln.iiah there ar avvaral iliurt atrlnaauf aldr walk In luwn thalniuld b mailviiiurhbellrr wa can muiratulat ouraalviw un thua Irrady l.nlll. Mr. llaHharand Marl Merwln want ha.klng mund liar d.r a -.miii ufgrai ' yaatarday. A. J.Hhll, rnldrut of Munniutith, wku baa baan altrndlu lha Nnrnial, will bagln Itirae munlli unn uf . lio..l In tli fclklnn ulinol holiwon Munday nail. The mn I In In rhant uf Itav. Hiulth, b UII aun-aodln In Wliinln laiuta, l imvarl. an Hunday niht numbered ulna, Munday four, Tumiday U, In-fur the meetlliga ehaw The follow ing nrohatc liiiain... u N. traliaaeted la-fore Judge llurelt 'i'newlny : n me niauer 01 me ticorite Jilekauii etale a la lillon wa prvM-nteil naklng iiini rill 11- ailiiHt-tl loiiiluiloue over erave lowed and admiulHirutor The Independence Tile Co, through ilrlor clay, Improved machinery, and a thorough knowledge of the bualne, 1 turning out tiling ao cheaply aa to ta beyond eouiiatltloi! pft-eure a iiionuuieni I lu Ibe mailer of the toe iioiton iiieiae at Port laud. alway haa Ita "latch airing out" to rcalilelit of Polk Co., aud bid them welcome ii'..'.... .1 . . km uie goon. )oi) nuve Uie money. We wan 1.1 t-aeiinoim Willi vim ... If you will call at our atore e will olli-r you audi In dueeiiieiila tlmt you will be giau to mvt.pl our lerma. lirvM-liteil naklllg A lM'xr Cole ail ospeet tor authorld to W J. Mulkey, at Monmouth, la the leading grocer uf (but thrifty town- (l. . Shliin Ihe painter, will hang your wit, aini your liouae tir arllalleally flulah aalgu for you T. It. Huntley ha something b any about Jeracy Ua-k Inighary IImm mi the Liicklamute nave a large chicken farm, aud have egg of lniHirlHi domcatlfl fowla for aale SliM-kton A lletikle believe In letting the world know they are In buaiueaa, through llla-ral advertUIng t. II. Uwl of the Pioneer Meat Mr, Mm 1 1 1. wiii .H-k un the aiilijaet "Ainura.1 Market I Juat aa ai-coiuialntluii to hi. nii-nia, - 111a evening ,wii tm annuuneea ui llm. The it. H. M. H. biuird uf regrnu will meet In ktuiiiiiiiuth Wadiieaday t.i ilan Ihe x h.a.l wurk fur next year. Itev. Clarrne Hmllh m Initenradfur, waa In town today vinlilna hla father. Jaiuea Aleiander ami, our drutflali. have anld Ui John Miller a rrVdrlil nf Mnn- niiiuth. Mr. Alexander haa bought In with It. UHlielley at Indrpeiidmr. The Munmiiuth ware-hiiuae la hiinlng wverat cam nf wheat each day. Mr. ttrlnntild uur retired bla. k.nillh, la ulng hi ranrhlii In a few data. The manager uf the Mmimnulh Hawaii, will gladly ailctiil to the wanla of the wnnla In Ihe line uf advertising ur Job prlnllnj; llli-e o)mm!! the (it nrnie. Ir. I'arrUh and family are hume again, A. W, burae aiH-ma to be a little belter thla morning. Itl.krrall. Al the aehmil meeting Munday, C. A. iller wat reelected director, and Krank (ilbaon waa rveleeted eh-rk, Work waa la-gun 011 the mill lt Thurailay. TheatrutUiirelaluhe Jmi and four aluries high liii'liidlng the baaeiiunt whlub will lie ul brli k. Aultilerextlng pypherlnc mateh waa held In trhiMil laat Krldny, BUSINESS BRIEF8. many euai niera aa ever A. M. Hurley, the attorney, baa hli "w un atalr. adjoining liiiiria-u- tlettce i-Sallnnul llnnk blllldlug- Shelloy Alexander A Co, ibe dnigg lata, have a complete alock of druga, pallila, olla and glaaa; alao a full line of nduad laaik and atailonery J. F. O'Donnell Carrie a large abH'k of agricultural machinery, and hi ahelve are laden wllh the beat grudw of hardware; a tin atore and tluiihig department add to the advantage of hla cetahllahmelit J. W.McAduma, the dealer In mar ble and mnniinicturer of tomb atone and monument hua a very large atook which be la ia-lllng at remarkably low price t..n... ... i. .... . Biu-nam nrofc uie tewelera, are eottaUntly receiving the lutmt noveltle lu their line. They alao carry a com plele Hue of drug aud modlcluc - The Polk county Hunk at Moimioutl hoc buaiueaa under the law of tin atale of Oregoii, and hua lately lu creaaetl It paid up capital . a. uramer, uie ewe er. iha-a re our ana-it, and buv what you are in need of," ami we v. in imiiii Ik- nappy. John Aniln.ua I rainie J11I111 Ahlen Mua aiMiiutcd ad iiilnlhiriiior and I. M. limnerie and J N. Hkalf and K. C Hiculua uolntitl apirnlM-ra lu the matter of the S. 'C William I entaieueorge lllngliatu waa nplMijuled duilllUraliir, S. 1, Oilaa.ii, , lut 11 a 111 and 1. I.. M..I I. ...,.. ... I in Ihe John I'hlllliw wlntH a n.,.1 OTAA l,ti BV etileiueut wo made ami the adiulni- W I V V l I vJ IM rv- lrtor diachnrged aud lamiiainett leaia-tt. The guardian of Alfred Woaeley llled hi amiiml n-tant ami In. un. charged with st aud credited with 1 1.1ft tt'i. In Ihe T. W. I.Il-l-IU e.iHi.. u i-iiii,.,. for lliial aell lemenl w na renderetl and Ani il 7th ct for hearing. ill Ihe t lei. rife I lllo' twill IH.Jlll thu Kilmluiatrnlor praye.1 to la ull,.,.,i i erei-l a motiumeut to hi. o.,rl. which waa granted in Die matter of the William IVm elale the Inventory wta lilr.1 and tli'i admtuiatraior reoUlreii lo trim mi .l. ditlonal Uuid or Jltl.notl III Ihe Mr. M. J, ilnrrla eatitte ta llllou llled for ttit appointment of ml-tululalratur, III the T. (I. liiehilioiid elu(e iie. ion for dower, t-llHl ion ordered for n lr. lo apH-r April 4th, to aliow cum u0 aame ahuuld mil U- granted. In the O. K Montiromerv iiiil twv tltioli for tviillriunliou of aide of real proiierty. Colillruied ami u.lo.li.lMtru. lorurdenil to give deiila. Judge lltirch haa ordered the fluid hearing of ibe It H. Wnllu. lat ou ihe 7th of April. One civil pane emt, Ui la-fore Ibe count v tMtirl Monday, It Ulng Her man lliiynifiiaeii va. J. M. sturk; ac tion for money. Judgment for plaint lit 1 11 the ait in of fti-'i, A Neat Aekauwledgnietit. HENKLE, OPERA BLOCK, A NEAT OK- LADIES : STYLE ' SHOES Which he deain- the ladit of Ind. la ndeiiee and vicinity to call and !n-la-ct, They are of the latent aheja , are well 111 niahed and at the icw i-t price, current, for FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Go To. G. W.Shinn Independence Oregon D. H. Craven THE- PHOTOGRAPHER ("nil tie found Ht Whlteuker'aOld eland ami wiiieit your patronage. He turtle out only the Best of Work. Mia Kaalo Kolieriaon, our eltleleiil lawtmlnln-aH, received a la-Monul Ii r from PiwtniBxIcr Oenerul Wantmiaker nun m trial and you will lai eon- laal Tucadny, comiiieudlug her for her efllcleiicy, or which ahe lajually proud. It la aa neat an litatruuient 11a one would ...1..1. . . . . . . . . wiau to ue tne prouu ami .linppy k- at-aaor, uiiowlng la the letter: "I dealre olliclally to recognize Un important acrvlce you have rendered o Independence poatuiuater tinder the administration of President Itnrrlaoii, Whatever haa been accouipllahed In the ndvamvuieu vlnoi-d that hH work la tirati-laaa. i'rleea are very reawiuable. Hi Whiteaker's 0!i! Stand. Oregon fitted illlon lu the Whlteaker tmllilluir 011 C Street, up atalr Dr. S. A, Mulkey, whoae ollloe ate in tlieO'Donnell brick, I drawing tent I nun uinwiiig traite, lie Know liow I do both David Craven, the photographer, b aiiiling dally Ui hi collection of tim illotograplla When lu Portland atay with hil A Ladlitu' t'luli. Hi!veral ladlea of Independence have NturU-d lu to orgaul,e un alhleliu club, or aomcthlng of the kind. They in tend renting the room M) lately occupied by the Wkht Sidk olllce, and fitting It up and having licallli 11 flu, Indian clulw, horl.ontal hiira, wing ing ring, etc, and meet uud (Ifvelope tiiclr niUHcle. They feci mire they will be able to; curry out their plan. It la an excellent Idea uud we hope It liuty prove Bucceaaful, Already over twenty ludlca have agreed to Join, and the popularity nf the move ha cauaed them lo limit Ihe member. alilp to tweuty-flvo. No gentlemen will be allowed pruHcnt on training day, The wive of ihe leading hiMlneMt men of our city arc managing the matter which will prove a huccchh, for it will be nbly managed. There la no place lit Oregon where a t-tter meal la acrved than ut the re tituraul id Weatacott A lrwln,S!71 Com inciclal atreel, Salem. Cotirtcotia al tendon, a tine meal, and the popuhii price of lift etmla, have nuiile tlih hoiiae the henilipinrtera nf evcryniu who limt la-caaion to dine In Salem. The "118" cigar, for wle by lead ing dciilemof thla city, ia a pine huvniia, Mlrlctly huud-iiiude uud one of the tlneat uud cholceat elgitr inniiufiictured Try them, t "Old HiiiieatyM I the inline of the Knnwlea, at the Hi. Cliurle hotel- oeai iivw cum cigar moki in imieN!ii- rmmiiei a. i;rowell la the owner ol deuce, and o pronounced by all I Unit well known high bred horae, who have tried them. 6t Pilot Leniont. See "ml" on front W. H. Murphy, the Inauranee agent, W" I jierfcctly reliable, uud I always The Flrat National Hank of Indi ready to fill out application for fire In- pendence, pay Inlet-eat on tlmedepoalt aurance. or receive money mthjeut b) drart m. 1. i-row, up near the depot, haul Itotiliam A Holuica, attorneyaitl law, faeilltlc for doing firat-claaa work In are located In the lluali block, Salem ineinanuractureoraaab and d.air.- Mitchell A ilohaiinoii have a very Hubbard A Staut do nearly all the Complete nlnnlng mill un Main atreet draylng In tho clty.a they are very ao- Dr. K. U. Young, veterinary , , , , , - oven acooiuii iHtied in Uie lulviimvnieui pair ng and alao haa an elegant atiu-k ,)f lhu ,rv w , ,, ,' 3, D fmTf" n',U, :7'ly" t,,f'"" ''"'" -5 -a. tf , uae n , . i . , "iT fl' '' r," Mt' 'r TU -..Wtl will, the IWt..,a.erUe,.er.,. commodatlng and prompt. J it Ih & Hllltird make a amtclulty of liorae aliiH'Ing, but nn do general bliicknmitlilng, Preacott A Venea, the lumber man ufaelurer, have a largo quantity of the very nneat mountain lug on hand They can till all ordera In abort order- Tim Monmouth motor lino charge. only five cento for atrip to or from Monmouth. The Little Palace Hotel la recngntxed by hualneaa men lo be the proper place lo tiny. W. H, Craven a Co. the homea mukura, employ skillful workmen, and uae only beat material In their pro duct. They have the confidence of the puhllc.- Sterling Knott mo the butcher who give full weight, choice meat, In milking thla acknowledgment ot your valuable iuwIhIiiihv I U-g that In the future, whether in or out of olllce, you will continue your Intercat lu Ui poalal aervlcoaud study to promote in every puanH.lo way Ita cxtcuxiou am Improvement." Your Friend J. W. Wanamakkk, Pn-l mauler Ucheral Waahltiglnn, I). o February lo, IS1W a Hid Not I.Ike Hie I'rloe, tudepeiulclHH', Man-It 0, j-.tiiTiiii wkht Sum: In justice t tne traveling pin.lle I wlah to Hint unit, being aatninger in DalhiH. I called at the livery atahle of tlmt place am engaged 11 hack and driver to take myself and wife to Fall City, for three dollara, When the driver came to tin iiepot rortiH, lie informed me I would huve to pay for t he leediug of ihe team at fulls CILy, 1 told him 1 mu.lu no geon, 111 tend to the diwaaea of hoines Much tmrginn with the proprietor, nnd and cattle would a lilm. hi..ii r ,11.1 ,,..,1 ...... . - ....... .. ,,,,, ,,,, ntlPI E, T. Hen kle, the burl K-r, hit a m-l virtually lohl tn liulp myself which J veiilcnt and well lighted lum on Main lrlt'ii to do by looking f ,r nuotiicr con lltllt 1KB I t 11 11 . . ircei. niu anoruy nave iialh rooma vj". r niiicu in inat a he owns E. H, Hoaner. of Monmouth, la a tlle ""'i' two 'hlc In the place. See- DR. WM. TATOM DENTIST lnti-iTOili.)i.,.,tirt.Bi,, mUv In Wlill. eaker l)iillillil(on "l-"alm.t mpnialm) Gold Work a Specialty. ing 1 wa caught In a trap, I returned and told him I would be obliged to go wiin mm, Ho then informed me I could go by paying for the driver' dinner alao. Travelers to FuIIh City, lllm VOIir llvarir nf T.wt.,nt.,ln..... ....J Peter Cook In the Indcnet.dencn "" ' ";"' .1 " I fm ivgiub it M. M. Fry. I.lkeatlie Vt alilntn l.a. It. V, Wells, who now reside in Taecnni, where he haa been very mw iH-aaful in hlialnea, waa vishing hla fi iciuta unit relative here this week. He Is 11 brother of Sheriff Well, He say money Is plentiful in Wnahlngton ul eonitiarativelv low rate of iiitereal. Two Ion 1 is were made tho duy bi'forehe lert, on Pneiilfl nvciiue property In Tacoumat fl iiei-oeut Inteivet ami no oominlsalons, "Oicpon'' lie said "did 11 great thing when ahe repealed the mortgage lax and deductions for In debtedness law, only the legislature should have gone further and repealed Ihe usury law, Make money free to ne iiNtueti in your Mate nnd you will have plenty of It. Our people would not have the Oregon law for any con sideration." ' "1 sec you came nearly passing such a law" we said. "Yes. they had It under consideration but our iieoole are -Tor Your Painting Paper Hanging, Sign M, He. He. Prices as low as the low est, and all work guaranteed. FOR SALE. KOK MA1.K-M.wri i...u. ..... Kmnilreoru. f. Holler lour lull w,,IU of ... II v, For BALK: lli.lcil when! prime tUiiUt,v, Alan awd twin and wheat ' w Jl. MoiJkm, Klokrealt, KOH HA,Hie.-a In ll.la n.,l,,n.n t,,o.... Users at tw.uviiua w.n-it hnt iuu.ni., f.,I eviiu a moiilh, KOlt HAI.R I'hnlne lulnrf I.. Hrey, Wm. Umliiiiu or J. H. Muruliyf KOK MAl.K.-('lllllW While nul. a, ..I sorted IturbmiK hiIUh liy Oao, . DiotY. F(K 8AI.K tMrt pH-ni, sulinble fur niacin on shclvtn or uml or a cent twe r under nirpeta, for only u, ul llila ottit-e, WANTED. WANTED Advertiser In tlila n.inmn wo eenu worit rtri inArii.,.. r,,.,.. - ilinntti. " WANTKn-Anlisi.i.lu.ra i 1 1, 1 u .......... . tie all aiTTOiiiitwi liy Juuuury 1, tm. Vi A N 1 hD-Hulwerihers to enunliie the data iillei tlielr mimes on thin uuiwr and ate that tliey are uot lu arrmun. , W At-f-Jleivliuntaand oilier to order li'tlerheiuls, BtiiU-iueiils, hillheuds, and all ihelr Jon work at Ihe West .side otllee. FlreV class work and low price. WANl'KU Hundiaaer Miraaewtnmnaeliln. Ooat la new. Will aell itoriai. Address 48 X.caiu Ih la otliee. FOR RENT. KOlt ItKNT-An nlllee im.n .lll... .1.. Wkst Si o olllce on Main siiwt. bIho a ho.i. nsmi uml (ilichcn iiiljonlnir. Kent $10 a month. Tin. olllce rin.li. u liviii i,... i....... and doors, lourlcon fnot netting hniutsomely nmunillg . 1(1X13 wllh exll to oiiUsliluol bulhlnu un Hiso ,lto bade, incut; hiweiuent s rjxjj -,vnh snuill ww.d. shed iiiHoiiIng, has city water, sewer and entrance Iih.iii street, aepnmtc. Pnnnlsea are lu ad order. Apply at w kst Sins olth-e. competent auctioneer, and will sell on com mission W. G. Hhurnuin, tho tailor, bus plenty of work, fur he does it well and promptly auttne, Keep nrut-cliui turnout. He ftlao run atages to Hulem and Fall city dally The Indepeiideiioo National Bank of Independence doe a trenernl rxchuuie and bunklnqf hiisliKss - VunMeer A Cutilhi, the new milli ner, have ft nice well Milectcd slock of trowls, ttrtlatlcally displayed J. H. llurton now has over 40 nci-cs In hiH neiir ludepetulencp, for 1808, Mr K t. Pentland returned from Lililt county last Wednesday. P. 0. 1'niterson, who bus been eon lined to his room for the past three week, wllh the mump. Is eotiviiloso li but 1 unable to lie nut us yet. KOOMH TO ltKNT-Two oomniodlns fur. nlshed upsuilr nsims, In realdeuee of editor ot Ihls l.llDcr. will he ri.nn.il will, tx .oi...... mil, vei leuuy io unve Cillilllll Irom I l 1 V," : "r ll'i" voillnr u-entlHit.en. partlculnra upply ut Wkt8iu U54 Powder The only Pure Cream of T Used in y i ure Lream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum. Milhons of K ..aes-40 Years the Standard,