The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 03, 1893, Image 4

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    1 mutareV Hie dean
iff I kh liHtfkiuNkHift lath
4 -B . K K. ...... 1 MhlJH JU ha
f"J' - vtW up Blt project
.vAjrll where hi iehouuer
" p Imllar flunr baaur-
jf towartt the clumncr
;Xf "d jUmnUI th spile,
" W W tun MvkMl
S . 111.
d? tapVn," Mid U newcomer,
-prmtw trtpf"
"Fair to Mtdillltt, fair wlroU Mtnatlr Mid
mrjt water," anawemt thktinr. "Notn
tn uauattal la the way of excitement un
bee U tn the tttilnK on ut grampus thai
I bljH4 In Philadelphia ou the hmm
rln While w wa Ut up t the Head
Itig wharf uitlnn with ewd an lrlh
wm walked aboard looking, for a lob, II
waa vary auxloua f work, ami 1 wm
ahorl banded, to I took him uu. U waau't
the llrtt time I ever shipped Rtwa lub
ber, not Jt lut Irlahmau, but It thai fol
low didn't know baa about the waya of a
teasel than ft wooden Indian Uieu thla
rlter don't tiiiclU ) worked nil ritiht lu
lb hold, hut when w waa muter way 1
had wind to try him on the lookout after
wa struck clear water, a hecoitldu'l tell
ft halliard from a sheet Una. There ain't
Kuril for th matt for'anl I" do hen we
waa outalde, but I innriteted Mm plain
enough what to do, and lie waa tickled
with th Job, 't.oim alaitit dark I atald on
deck, th mat at th wheel, a aa I eoiild
tell juat about what tl nr man waa
dtna and what h waa itoud for.
"Pretty aoon th lookout come aft and
aayi. There' tomethlMK furvuliwt th
boat, aorr.'
"'What l Itf I at the nam tlm
ttotloulntf to th mate at the wheel.
i don't know, aorr.' ay the mau,
'Well, go back and find out and report,1
I ay then, and back he tiuva, A few win
Ute and back h eomea aft.
" '1 don't know what It U yet,' h nays,
'but If comtiiK thl way, and w can Hud
out for eure lu a little while. '
" 'You ko for'ard, and don't com back
till you know what It fas' wya I, gettU
tuad. II itoei u aln, but la back attain
In ft minute and all anilllng.
'Weill' ay t.
" 'If you pleaae, aorr, I don't know fur
eure what it I,' aays he, 'but whatever It
U, It baa red Unlit and ft Ifrwn liuht, and
I think It must be ft drm aihore.' "-Providence
For Sale By
liny: Home.
Why pay rent wlitm you n "f
chaxe nce cultngo, lx nMmimnwvhily
built, ll wmplote, lu ,trKl tiHttllty,
war the iU'U for ly 'M ly H
tilylng to the lVdfc Co. 1-itiid C, F. A.
raUuraon, mniiHger.
rrU Raining Will fay.
You wm buy it nlou ortdmnl of 4ii ;
trw ami tvtnil acre or liuul wun u,
fttid alwi ItotiM itml luitlmihlltiK". vcry
cluwit, by ealllng nml gt'ttlng rli- or
l'olk County l.mtd Co., F. A. J'tttUT
oii, mnimKvr.
A Cuenlry Home.1
Why pay rpnt In town wlit-u you
aorc adjoin fh town xtthnt yun wti
live tniU-ieateutl,Hnt ouly nilnuti'
Up from town. liiiulre of the l'olk
Co. Land Co. F. A. I'atU'rmiti.iunimKcf
On Hundred Aeree Knough,
A Mimll furtn, two ami a hnlf mil'
from town w lih li l auituldo br fruit
raining, vejrctHlilo irnnU n, or p'licrnl
fiinnliin, ran lw uri'lml on rruwum
hl term, lniiulro of l'olk County
Ijtud Co., F. A. I'ulU rwm, umnnKT.
, Are Von Lo.iklng fur a Hoinel
v. AhoiiHftofHix roonw, nil jdnatfntl,
convfiih-nt to trtiniuow, two lota, tmrn,
- .,,, .Irriv.lliir llllllll'dilltl'lliwjo sslllll.
ftml on cnnv U-nim, tun l iiurclmwil of
l'olk County l4uul Co., F. A. I'uiu r
mn, iimnugt-r.
Wall Paper
'he mosftastcfully selected line of wall paper
this side of Portland can be
found at
In onkr to make more room for
the month of January,
20 Per Cent Discount.
Stylish Turnouts Always In Readiness.
Havlnir lately iurchnnw1 tlie entire interorst in the 8t4il)1m of J. N.
b i...f. ....,.r.,il fliun nvnr tn liil'id, t,ll (l('lll!lll(ln 01
J OIK, we are jn.-. - -
the Dublic, as we are now making ami are i.paring to make many
substantia! improvements. Teams boarded by the day or month.
rVi! J'l' MnitTAftHC-We!nIriit a dallv kIuko lino bctwwn Biilnm and Knit Oily. Htiwe
SAtLittf IvrnTcidi mwat "a'lii. Inav fur Huk.ii ala.m. Kroin
aiSSTinrt ,1 den St 1 P.m., laa'm Jiidaiamucno. fcr HWto Oily at i p.m.
fcai k
Instead of flying to the door gasp,
i. Ua.nrU cApminff AS ir eacfl
ine lor uicm"""
one would be your jasi, you n"
v and vo feel as If an anKel of mercy
easy ano y i ' .
easy arid you
. o deam. ne " ; ""' ;;
I . i J Mi i m
of Dr. Tan k ASInlttnt Hiiuii nas kuira y.
Asthma If mall to an, Asthma iuff,r,r atml Mth
uu i i7igg'.ti. Or. Tft Bro. M. Cq., Bocheter,N,V
t A ratbetl !. a
" A ywtnii Urrltr In hla llrak eaat wa
ftllet Uu (a defend ft cnunl of deep
dyed irlllalua for whmn tlier waft no
chain ut wm. M woond up hla ftd
drwa tolhejuiy aa tollowai "Uautlemett,
there la In th auuth ut Frann a aiuall vll
lag t wo luhabllftiita. In that villa
then tinl ft houeei In that houa tlier
lira an aged couile wRb thelt only daugh
ter, Th old mau I neruaiug tatMr with
ferih anxiety i th uld lady la elieildllig
tear over her knlttiugi th young woman
Itftftt th window gating wlat fully at th
ky, Xlieyar waiting to hear th rvaull
at thl trial, which will caua thaw lm
men delight or urutouud dealr, acoord
Ing my o la won or loat, for that old
man I my father, that aged woman I my
miMher and lliyoung pemw 1 my atatert11
llreen Itag.
Hefor Martlnf,
MIm Cwiwh-lok a-yer, l.lg, ha yo'
been ttravticlnP
Uiie Yen. Inleel, honey, I took two
bnxea o' Mr, Wlualow' ahwitltt alrun.-
Ulilncott' Magaalne.
RMfril After Maay Tear,
Tlia unearthing of it laix quantity
of nlolirn ailverwar, gold lltwd auutt'
b . ts.. In ft rave near Jaatwr, Tlin.,
ha creatnl aeueatton. Th ilory Ut
ftotioit long way. During th wltitir
of 1MHM th Flerl fcddler wer en-
caiiilK'd for mnirn tim on Haiti rrmk,
'all Karly.
a ...11 r,.rl.l,.l itwelllllit hoUMJ 111
the heart f lnn'ndnce, atiltahle
fur hualnoHi nmn' fanilly lwliigfhe
tobuelncMivnlfr, l for auleby the
hdk Co. Laud t'o. F.A. ratUTaon,
lb, Viiii Waul a UP Vardf
Ttin Imv a tdci of Inuil of fl(t''
. ..... u i,l,;i, I. for wile. Hi"t ml
Joining IiuU-iwiiiK'tiw. coiivtuilfiit Jo
L..k A ..iiil itl.itnll Hlint III IlLTTOl? 1(1
M. in nil t"i vmi ' ..
L. rlMtti ktid ttfriim mil OU
folk Co. lud Co. F. A. rattenwii.
Ilka llagaln.
A Iiiium of ix riMiiiia. nlco targe lot,
......I .,,rr,,HM.Iiiur' nil rvBllV tO IIH1IC
Into, hmi four block from a IM.m)
m IiiniI liouia', nmi you can buy it mr
tm, by applying to llio lNilk Co. Und
CO. r. C. I'ltlUTlMIU, IIIBIUlglT.
larn the ITactfc
o ntiiltcr whctltcr you want to buy
r... . I. ...., r I,, IMM'lllll. It Ml IHIV
you to call and Id tie altow you that 1 i
acre rnrm. 11 w worm your hhw
InvKllKitlw. l'olk Co. Land Co. t. A.
I'uttcnMiii, iiititiiiKT
t'uuiil l aub-divided.
A tract of 1U0 m rca mur IiiiIi h'i
ttciice which coulil I' milwlivldtil into
Icii-ncri'triicta nmklng Itimiin for ten
intcn((il rtimilicM, I ottered for anle by
the l'olk County Ijtud Co., F. A. I'nt
tcrmm, inaliiiger.
our Kpring (dock we nr? on'fiinj,', for
our fluo line ol wan pajier
COOK, Prop.
it I I II I
x r m
- "xin.l.Mi
had unloosed the Iron grasp of tne fingers
. , . . h . . w hnttlat
-.rf ;. vm haVe usTd tfeW boftl.
'"'"( '"' awava, wmu wmm and pmr.
d jproii
iCuft Hithml,
am vma itnfe k ttctir.wn apponroa n
th neighborhood ud told tit follow
ing lwyt
lift waa a meuilr of th Ohio mg-
Bient referred to, and In hi ini'aa waa a
eoldtcr who. waa born thliif, and who
never tat an uppurtiiutty wm to ileal
ftiiylhliig h could cany. Huiiug th
time they wer eucaiuiiea at inn uiouin
of Itattta cni k he hid hi atKallng lu a
cave, and o clover wm he lu hi woik
that no imnpu'ton evor foil Uxn him. A
ihort tlm ago th two uld comradi
were together talking over tliir expert-
uooa, when the alory ut the atoleu tt-
yrware waa told and the riujuoat mail
tlmt th gouilemuii refcriwt to vUlt the
locaUty, w-arch for th tv, and, If po
illile, recover the tiddcu llvrwre and
twUrn th article to th rightful own
er or their heir.
The old uldier who had eu umiiy year
ftgo gun wrong 1 getting aged and fee
ble, and to hi uoiiM lcuce ami iuak
mnaratlmi, a far aa In hla poivor, he
begged hi old vouiitmiidur to do thia for
hint, lie wa iiiccewiful In lludlug nt
only the place, but the plunder, At
leant StKl jiouml or aiiverwar or every
kind aluioat waa found In th cave,
ranging trout napkin ring toaolid ellver
water acta. Many of the artlo! Have
Die owner' iulllula on them, and all are
u a xtate of good nreaorvatlon. The
ytlcle hav Uh'u tnkeu toaNlor lu the
vlllag near by, and are being turned
over to thoae entitled to theui a rapidly
a ixawlble. Cor. HotuUm Puab
Aerial Turitu.
The Marine Fraucaliie piihliahr an ar
ticle hy Admiral Kevelllere, lu which he
mitre lit readcni that a rvvoluilon tn
f lUal Market Ml, .Nan t'lenetaeii,
11 "'' taw onilcrluily
If It you i mail and how to avoid
liwl V tkknrwanJ diuae, Muneunt
N I rnlatged wlik lliouMiuUof new
, olijccn, A'lnnwion f $ cu,
lrlvt flmee, 1 1 fleary HI, llew ol
Mftl. lllilurK, Ixataf mlil,i.illii( th
klaaud kldiicf iiilclilr eefed witlioul tl
ux ut nereurr. TrvaUtteul iwrcunally n bf
aHter, l lut hoeft.
a new and tiomilvleTnaliiienl eoiulnltug
UlKlllipiallorll-, lllllllllenl lU l -ii!ct1, ala
III IhiK atlll f III a plin rrv it pir-
I I.II...I ... I.Ihh.II.. II, .Itttli. l,rtt,.
IN,, .. , ,M
le, mnil,t hrr,.,lm,ry ilra, and many oilier
dlaeaM and leinnle .n. It In
a mtl briivm In llieeueral brallli. Tlie rlil
tllMWvry ol a lliwn.,ierrnHnM'Fini win.wr.
Hi, u wltti Hie knife uiiiKswwirjf hereafter,
Tl:l rt' Irna uevvr tn kiiuou l lull, II
a l, for tei eent by mail. li euilKr Inmi
Ihl. trrrlhln illaoMi wlim a rlllll ,miliiin
la given Willi boae uirvluud Ilie moony If
nuteured. ewtid imii Pir onile, tluaieii.
Ire lued by Womlnrtl, t larke A (V wimle.
ale and retail druiwUMaile4il..hirUand,H',
Cur tale by l-aitereon Hr.. and UiKier A
0 KrMi C
C ivi-
rnjirlaarlla'tCur IIIm.X
taonirti4.a, Umlltoa O. O., Jbm. IiM.
On twltl at I'm lor tawiU Htti Tunto
arl aw urlr. prralaliuu t4 UM
auoawMfiilif lor t a,Ui la rn ow ol
BTomd.wmy. W. ULHHHKIU4t.
A Child' 1.1ft .
rrt.a Caaaa, Muni., Hwti t, iaL
Uy IIUI trl. ! old, baJ KL Vltu 4mm
M tmn Ut ab u wrfaatlr BllaM, tjrlnf
UU M wui orylul wlwu and bad to
aiali of I uHt u tKk or ltow.
Oar pBralolw a la Unity ailndnM, bat th
toDilnuxt la n" r Willi I ttfn to
l'.l,w kuwlii Nrv I vuiln; itiim ! ImttriKwl
ni'Utly ku.l d ah l iwiavtly mil. I aia
ouufl.lMtt my chllil llf and by Hilt nw.ll
alu aJ I raroiuiuawl It to ail who ban ttarvoui
uouMaof anyaliij aud ou uue oan ar tuoinoefe
ib pratM li JOB. U UaaJUi.
ftTlllhl Itnok Ml Mrrmia
hauM aniil Ul alirad.lna
and tMMtr tio,nia ran aim utiuiB
Uiia oiwnctnn ft of olwraa.
Thu n-mi-dr ba ! Breiiali by Iba bwrlid
bu trnvuvd andai bit OirwUua by Uia
KOKNIQ MED. CO.. Chlosgo, III.
oldbrrrut-vlaUatWIPBrBollba. AS3.
a srurnv rnn r.wil OBEN.
n n iv . w. w.. - .--Whan
child at Boma. tnolhar mad a tiiuku l
apooiifuloloiilon.yriipalnliilil.Oia naal mornlni
ai o""l aa . tar Croup It bad no aqual.
Mr ahlldran inaial iiiioo Bavlnf IT. Ouiin a union
rnip which la alrr.ily iirfrirt. mora Ploaaanl
aa wllbout uaM ar aiuall ol Uta aatoua. Bold al aoo.
Hold by J. II. mm.
Cnnli, and Trarte-M arb obtalntd, and all 1'au
enl buainm lor Moocaarc rn.
Ou orricf I OeaoiTt U. . faTcaiy ornct
ami wa n at. ma iaianl lu leu Uui Uuu Ihoao
icmoulrom Wuhmnmn.
bend model, diawmf or photo., with descrip
tion, We adflna, II patentable er not, Iree of
chare;, Our toe not due till palent la aecured.
eMBHirT, "How InOblaln I'alcnu," with
coal ol aauio tn the U. S. and lorai.u euuBUlaa
ant dee, Addreaa,
aiai kaftUf Amrr WVllUIMnTAM D C
OuarftttUiod to cute Illllmt nttitckn,
Sick llimdiutho and CoMtlBatlna. 40 In
Cttch tiottlo. Price 25o. For gale by
Pletura "T, 17, 70" and nmple dn tree,
j. r. SMITH A CO., Proprietor!, MEW YORK,
"or Information and froo Hnnillionlc wrtlfl to
OliU'st luiroiiu for aetmrini; pntonta In Amiu'ioa.
Krery pntoiib lakMii out by un ta brought bofore
Uiu pulillo by a uuiloa given free ut obama In Hie
Lremt olrmilallnn of ny aolontlno papnr In the
worlil. ttiiluiiiliilly IlliintratuU, Mo HiKillliii'r.l,
tiuin ihould bo without It. WmI, a. a
Imrt fl.NiHix montha. Aildrflna MI1NN 9t CO.,
uauBuaua, am ltroadway, Mew York our.
"" i Solentlflo American
lirii l3 COPVRIOHTa. ato.
ftavaT affai U approaohlng not lea iui.
porUnt than that canned by th Intro-
dilution of armored elilp. Th gun will
oeaa II nouieat with tli aniior plate lu
the ii of wwklttK to inirat by lla j
thia'k, and will heucefurlh acatter dv
ttruotlon by launching etplualv hll
of larg capai lty at comparatively low
veloritlea, A hU containing 100 kilo
gram of pauclaattte would, h tayt,
be a veritable turiwlo, ana wouia tnrai
lihly deetroy whatever It fell upoo. Th
gun for thl lervtm would i a moriar,
urn a 1 uami tor military pnrpo,
and lu th admiral view a mortar of
oin. (H.6 Inch) would replace a gun
of U cut. (5.S luohe), and one of 17 cm.
ttu.t Incite) a gun of 10 cm. (0.1 Im hc),
wherever thee are found.
dun of high velocity, be ay, nmt
be reserved for action agaluat th lair
uiineli tliey hav henceforth no place
agaluat the hlp itself. Thl propo) I
but an extunaion of Admiral Keveiller'
project of awtft mortar veaael. ftnalo
gotta to torMlo boat, but ootiatruoted
for th lauiiciiing or aerial tttrpeuoea.
Tk Car el th ftoldler,
"Th five year now drawing to I
clue hav been marked beyond any
iiiitlar perlial tn the bUtory of th mili
tary eatabllahuient by leguiation ant1
nimllncallou of regulation calculated
to ameliorate the condition and Improve
the iltuaUon and urruundlng of th
eiiltttwl men." Thl 1 taken from th
report of the adjutaiit general of th ;
army. New quarter or me uuni un
pnivnd dtwlgua hav boon routed, tlm
pgnUhla compoimut of tlm ration haa
Ixwu lucrnaMHl, post axchangtHi liavt
btmn aBuiblUbad, tlm clothing lm bwn
iiuirvaavd, nw barrai'k furultura and
atltilpumuta haa tamn auppllBd, a
umtliiHl of prtajuring dlavhargwi by
pim-hawi liaa xu provldod and tlm
enlUtud uu hava tlm option at tlm
ud of Uirr year' anrrira of l
turning to civil Ufa with an honorahlt
dtauharga, and th txlattng tuatiiixla
of lighting, beating and vvutilation of
tlm quartor leav nothing to ba (lwtnHl.
It would aiTiu that tlm nliatd man haa
no longer raaaouabla grouud of com
plaint. Ilia material aurrouiidlugi ar
far In advanca of thiaw pravalhng tuany
EuMpoau army. New York Trihuua.
A ralltloal Club,
A good atory la told on one of th po
litical manager. U waa ppna'hd
aeveral day liefora wlet'tion by a young
matt who alatnd that lm had organlaed
ft club of ighteen weu and would
nam It after any proiuineut mau who
would fttrtiialt tlm uiiifiirina. lie did
not want uuu li Jut i'hihi dnatera and
ping hat. Tlm mauager aludietl llm
matter over, and Dually got llm dtwter
and hat and throw In mine nlo ram
for good un-aaiiro.
Thl la the lant that haa been heard of
that club. It haa not beeti limned after
any prominent t iti-ii o fur aa any on
la awara. It haa tieeii learned, kowevar,
tlial th young men hav organlaed a
tntiiatrel compaiiy, and am prepaid to
giv a nicely drown! alreet rad when
they (tart on the road. lndianapou
Tlm ttioa 'axpla ef t Hiaaaa.
Tlm aiuujillioeuiimt tlmt tlm Cowley
wainir Mtata, LUvItouliain, li lu tlm
niarkot nuiiindt a compiiiHliiit of a
ciiiaint aUry in conntK?tion with Uiubku,
amall vtllaga lying at tlm frlttg of llm j
iprorty, A worthy locum ttin j
thought to plpaao tlm good people of th
v illume, and gav out aa hi text, "Aud
mak all thy Chuaeu jw.p8 Joyful. "
A horny handed iwain, however, who
had wandered from ditaut pariah, In
terpolated tlm ejaculation, to the no
mall eoiiMernation of the aaid lotuut
teunim and the aintmeioeiit if IlieCliiawa
peopla theiimelve, "And what about w
poor lluiklecut folkr-l'all Mall Ua
sette. Aa Aiittiar lliaur4,
Tk colorvd woiiieu of New Urlean
hav lent Jldge Totligiw atlk laprobe,
of which the lualertul ha Ueu grown,
pnn and mal up aud detit'ately em
broidered by th women, aa toliim of
tlmlr gratitude for Judge Tourg' ef
fort on behalf of their rac
ntryrla Mall Dellvcrr,
In an Interview I'oalmaiiter Uenernl
Wanamaker, In th lndiaunpolU Jour
nal, aayai
Fre Kital delivery tn tlm rural din-
trtut li coining omfl time, llm gov-,
eminent due not giv th farmer hit
liar of tlm beueflt of th mail. In
another year, I think, tlm piwtoflU-a de
partment will be aelf luntaining, and 1
think the tim will then lm rip for the
Inauguration of the free delivery of
mall in the rural diatrlcta. The plan,
however, I fnaaibl only where titer
ar good road, becatiae it Involve th
una of hlcyrle. I am glad to know your
tat I begluuing to thow an internet In
good ronda,
Ititult poanlble, wilh road paana
bla at all aou of the year, to operato
the rural dullvery ytin. and alo col
lect th mail front the boxti placed
along th road. There re aoum part
of rural diaU'iuW near Philadelphia
which might hav the dullvery now if
there wer money to equip utdi wrvice,
Wa are naiug bicycle in Washington
with good mtuceaa tn deliveries a well
a collection. It is entirely feaailit
and a!no propor to extend every advan
tage of our mail service to the farmer.
llreklii Dp a u.oara,
A dUonsninnee)mtobo going on as to
whether an Infantry square can be broken
i uj cunrge oi men on loot or ou iioniu-
bni'k. To the nonmilitary mind this
would seem ImixwHlble, provided that
the square I properly formed. But I
read the other day that the French in
Dahomey cast melinite bombs Into an
Intrenchmont of tho enemy, with the re
mit that the tuwailanU theniHelvei had
to full back in order not to be destroyed
by the suffocating fume.
I this a fact or an effort of the jour
nitlistlo tmttgination? If the former,
what is to prevent melinite being fired
Into any donne mans of men on a battle
field, whether in nimira or in any other
formation, and emitting inch fume
that the square would ceuae to exist?
Admitting the truth of the statement, It
omns to mo likely to render war so ex
cuodiiigly dangerous a pimtlme that few
wine human beings will be willing to
engage in It. Loudon Truth.
ltoyulty'a Ilnonpt loll Iloouu
Tlie grand recoptiou room at Windsor
caatle is at present in the hand of the
workmen, who are executing a process
of redecorating and regilding. This
magnificent chamber is one of the state
apartments, but butt year it was used as
a greenroom for both opera comitate and
grand opera, when various companies
by royal cniiiintind gave eutortalnmonts
in tlm Wntorloo chamber.
There are six snporb pieces of old
Oobulln tapoNtry on tho walla, illimlrat
Iiilc tho story of Jumoii and the golden
flc'vco, mid in the fine gothio window
which overlooks the home park and Eton
colli'KU stiuuls a huge vase made en
tirely uf llusslan luuluolilto, which was
preueutcd to the queen by the Czar
Nicholas of RtiHHia. The ceiling aud
tlm cornices are richly carved and
gilded, and tho room is lighted by four
enormous caudulttbra of ormolu aud cut
gltt, Paris American Register,
Two Hundred Venn Ago,
There was celebrated recently in the
the town of Panver, Mass.. tlm 800th
annlveraarif of Hi dotitli 13 Tletieoca
Mure, who wa hanged In Salnui lu
1UUJ on ataHiuut of br rellgloiui wm-
vlotloii and beoaiin aha would not cm
few to lalng a wiicii. nor uuiy wan
atolen from the gnlluw by nnr ion anil
bidden tn an unmarked grav. It la
only recently that unit of her deacend
ante hav unveiled a memorial tahh't
tn honor of the forty person who main
tained her innocence before th Kiw
Knglaud court that tried br.-lliiriMjr'
Tli Advene ut CiwiliieallMM.
Dr. Cbaney, jiretident of ISttU col
lege, Uluatrate the prugrcM of ctaidu
cation by telling the atury of bow a man
in IMS, on being aaked how many tu
lotiUt were aiumillug the college, an
iwrd, "Forty llinw tiudcnta and a
nigger and a womun," and adU, "Now
her ar forty women In the chowo,"
kulU rrum Ilie talaeuniba.
Among the rhlladvlphia cuiiatllueiicy
In Euroie thl iimmer waa a large party
chanemued by Ur. William l. Hiuitlimt,
who now pride hlmnulf that the wlmU
of tweuty-four laiigiiiige imve wartod
through hi lung whl krra. The iarly
Included, among other, Lewi 10. Dott
ier, who 1 Mayor Hluart'a right bower,
and William II. Gill, who 1 th lotul
head of th Weetnrn Union Telegraph
eompnny. Deltleraud linallngaouedity
vlailtHl thecatacomlwof i'arla, the great
uiidiirgMuud graveyard where thoti-
aatui of corjuioa ren,
While lltero
Dr. HanUuirBtittii'Uy told tho aiiirlii-
tt'tulimt (lint IMllur waa Ibo man mat
tlm umyor In I'liilmli'IiiliU, ami llwt
guliln m mora limn grai'loim.
"HuiilHwa a fellow wa to tuek on of
tlto tiitilr Iti armr Bkl li lllur
ItMtlv!', Kilm(ng to one of tli Krl"
nliig ikullh. "If inimiiipur would lika
tlifiu w will winl lilm aoiii.M Bi'fora
they raatdunl lli liolid thti Itw-jwr of tlie
corjKoa had wrai'tHil up tlinw hiom co
vrvil alt ti lla and h-ii! tlnin to tha aillta of
riMim at tlm llotid Couilm-ntal wliiili
tlm travlir ofciiilHl, When Mr. Uiil
fiitornd tlm rtmm beforo Ui rtiturtiof
tlm otlmr lm miw tlm iui k(iK, and
Ultuklug It waa a nli-a prpmuit votim vt
tlm fullowt liad UoiikIiI Ii oimd it
and waa liorrllli'd at tlm commit, which
rolM out ou tlm floor. ll Hd in '"'
huale from Ilie room and could not be in
dtlittnl to(0 back BKliiti, llnaciit a U'tt boy
u to tlm room. Mr. dill byrliaH ia.
tlon butmum rcwmirilod to tlm nawaat a
ctxutiona to tlm tiarty and waa dually In
duoml to at'OPit oim of llm nktilU, which
h la having nionntwl an a toltacco box,
BltKr'i liaa Wn t hiuiKwl Into a drink'
lug cup, and Colon! Jlwiliuta' will d'
acrvlwaa a hairpin liuldor. l'hlladi'l
plila Itooord.
I.nrky Napa and t'nlurky Ah I'tni.
Wluo tlm rIHo Mai! aiftMimr City
of New York arrival from liiiuia, J
A. Mattw, a New York BporliiiK limn,
waa oim of tim pMriiRir. Wlmo ha
gut up lm rrgtit nino H"J bilU In a
timll K'kttxxk tlmt lm had pbuod
undnr liia pillow llm uiUt Ufr, and
when tlm tug came alongaidw, whilit tlm
lU-aumr wa at am hor lu th atrvaut, lm
uiada ha! to laud. No Kiiir had lm
roaidusl tha tlaldwlii liotol than lm di
cowrtMl hi luaa, and hiring a fui
tnadti for tlm r illi; Mail l'x-k, whlidi
hrvachml jnt a thenlrttiin-r waa inmla
ft, An itniulry tlm lont bill
provrxl that thy wun imta lu Captain
Juhnntoii'i liaiidn. Ah I'uii. a Chim-aa
( thtntoward'ii dvpartuifut, while uitik-
lug tip M:,'ee' berth, lud found the
bills and taken them to Hie captain
Mage waa bunded las tnoin'V,' and
Called for Ah I'tng, to whom bo guv
twrnty five dollar.
Tlm Chiuene had hnrilly tme toappre
Clut hi good liH'k when Chief 8lt'tt nrd
Cittrell wa angry Iibum tlm stray
bills bad uot Iweu tfWfn to bim to re
turu to the owner, iimtead of tlm cap.
tain, and onlennl that AH Ping nhoiild
be diMimriied. I nle the wratlty Blew-
ard I called down by aoin of the head
ofllr of tlm comp'iuy Ah Pmx will
bav to leave the steamer for being
honet. Had lm chown he could easily
have atK-reted the valuable pjijier billn so
that no one could have found them and
made away with the whole turn. Sun
Frain-iaco Chronicle
A rriauner'e Inrfnlloiia.
VWtor to the World's fair will have
au opportunity to jtnlgo of the merit of
out of the iuvculluti of Told Hud
sou, priwnier lu the Maryland peniten
tiary, liuiliuiii won convicteu or norae
telli!g til Wnaliington county, and has
two year yet to erve. Un U'ing crip
pled make it Impossible for him to do
the regular prison work, and lie ha per
flated a nuinlx'r of invention In hi
sjiare nine, iiiree oi tuexe a hck
which is used III the prison, au electric
lamp aud an electric bockei have Wu
tiatenteil for Hudson by Mr. Robert S.
Wleaeiifeld and Wardeu Weyler.
Mr. Wlesenfeld has 'ured space lit
the Columbian exposition for a display
of Hudson' electric lains, which will
be entered ill competition wiut the others
on cxUl'uiUou. Hudson say be tins
twenty-two Invention that he will
patent from time to tune, ntul ho Imixia
to derive a revenue from them that will
keep him In easy circumstances after his
term expire. Ho assert that he would
not sell his electric socket patent for hi
liberty and flO.OOO. Unltlmwr Sun.
A llerolo Daiti'vr.
One of thu dancers in tlm Black Crook
company, who is kiiuwu ny no otner
name to tho employee or tlm Academy
than Annie, or "Walking lady No. 17,"
was standing in the wing Friday night
waiting for her turn logo on with the
rest of the ballet. Bho wore a blond
wig and was costumed in the scant at
tire demanded by the exigencies of the
occasion. She seemed nervous mid looked
Dale and ill, but nobody noticed it, Sud
denly she reeled and fell.
When a doctor was summoned it was
found she wo siitleriug from lack of
food. It wa also subsequently discov
ered from other sources that the young
woman had sent all bcr wages away to
her two little sisters who were in wan.
nd hud reduced herself almost to star
vation. These facts I kn iw to be true.
Cor. New York World.
Sour Mni'lilii Ci'micm
If they ouly Lnew tt I'm Flurida grow
ers are hurting their market by smidinK
sour, unripe fruit, For weeks after
these oranges itpivnr in thu market they
areadisiiiipoiiitiiHiiitUi buyers and in
jure the reputation which Florida or
aiuros gained and can easily keep under
lultablo oouditloiis. Hartford Courant.
Ex-Governor Merryweatlicr, of Ken
tucky, attained the li),'0 of ninety-three
recently, llesiiles scrvinK tho Blue Grass
State as its chief liitiKistrato, bo was also
United States senator, succeeding Ilenry
Clay in that cilice.
Not content with achieving success In
literature, Mr, J. M. Unrrio is said to
have political ambition and to desire
to represent his native place in Scotland
in parliament.
Now that the inventor of the incan
descent lump has been named by tho
courts, the next big lawsuit In the elec
trical Held is aimumiced as pertuiuiiig
to the discovery of tlie trolluy system of
eleclrio traction,
Nineteen New York babies were
named after Columbus during tne week
following th celebration.
Printed in the
at the
We have established a Meat Market in the
Uand formerly known as the People's Meat
Market. You can depend on always finding
Of everything in our line. Our market will
he kept neat and clean, and patrons can de
fend upon eourt.M)Us attention and fair deal
agon every occasion.
Our Market is always stocked with the best
.11 Goods Delivered Free
To all Parts of the City.
Carry a
J o
3 O
Saddles, Whips,
Robes, Oils, Brushes, Etc,
lire needed by everilkuly, nnd the
ilnie lo buy the clienK"s' and tiest,
tlie trcslicst and the best quality, is
lmleiipiu'encc, Oregon, giieeeiisnrs to
lieukle A W'nllti'r. We esny a com
plete hue of the tlnest titblc liuniies,
citlllied (roods, fruits, refcetaliles,
orockery, and Kliisswiiie. Ve miike
speiuiilly of haudlitiK the very best
Flrt-elas in Every Rpct Sampl Room for Commercial Travelers
of charg.
Rates, $i.oo to $2.00 per day.
ill, Star ,jr
4? inc r.
k CPf iLLllFALiH
we liave a inlicf and cure ft In our marvelous Invention, which requires hut a trial to convince the most
In your Iruoi !uco of e ffects c 'ttiA or hy excesses, or expoiure, you nwy have unduly drained your system of neive force
and vitality which i Ms eloott'lcltjr- nnd thus caured your weakness or lack of force. If you replace inro pur
system the elements thus S ;& d'.ainecl, which nre required for vigorous strenRth, you will remove the cause, and health,
s!ie.;ti nr.J ljor v.ill foU sii'Ai- lw t once nnd in a natural way. This Is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
cum or money rtlumled, ?ij4ia Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free sent by mail, sealed.
Dr. Sauideu'a Electric j ?. LSi 1 i B "It la no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor,
after all other treatments $.Vi!jf failed, as can lie shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly
ler.t'l'y, and from many of ;Vfvai!'V whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Beit.
If a ;rai!ete jjalvante battery, made into a brlt &- i to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothing, prolonged currents
wl.:cl- are :a-itly i --It througlwiit all weak part, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Snoftenaory. the
ti L-t :vm ever Riven weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, of
J.'.u, -.V'-? ..iiAvMtfisl. I'liey are graded lu strength t' meet all stages of weakness in yewf. ' hlle-rg'-d or old men, and will cure
tlie woiat ..Mat '.a ta er thrae months. Address ,
nr. --'
Proper Form
full tin of
rxsa c - e d
Lrsi a n
V Li (. (. II" 1 -
Wk hlrlU u-),i- L1. J
S "tW the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure, for sttcli suffwar
n; ,v?. .
j l m a Clai
una tile co
f ' ' ' '1
t, - V S t " 1 1
I1.IM how ii.MiH-k ti. il i i.mii'iiiil'j
III4U..I il'llllll II, .1' "I 'I"
bl.cH for tli'iiitm mill
The New
U. A. Dudley, Prop.
Cor. Fourth and Aider streets,
OnirmlW liuulatd. Ni !y rimiol'-! and h-- t ier tioa to and friiiu all train, aiiilf
fcAbl AND bi,Jin
The SHASTA Route
of the
Southern Pacific Co.
tipiaaa Train U-afa Pnrttai Dally
K.wtU.l " ' T 'ar
lHr.'n.Tt,v. riritaiit " At. ,
Ifr'iit r. M. I.v. Altwoi A r. (-fl . .
S-.I4. . Ar. Sun r ohk-Imw I.. I Jn. .
M.a tra'iiif tt- "ii a' fntif.a,,, .la'ww
t,,TH ,f K".''xl'ir Ka-1 Crtr.laa.1. ilrxlt i in, a!t-m Aliai. lavjvii. S5ie.ia, IUI
hi , HairmiiirK. Jumiuiu t ilj, imif ami u
Poseburg Mail. Daily.
iav', ArrlM.
Wtliiml ... K:'l A. !. j It.Mhlirtf ... f,:l'iP. a
HoM'tmll; 7.U A. tf. i I'tllllMHi ,. IMIA. K
Albany Local. Iili r"nn lm
I Armf
All 41 V
I A tlvwnv : J v
1 l''"l iHOMl if . t i,.
it n n j
tf-; I r j t - (m )
i.uU , t 4 t.l 1 1 it 1
ITU M N I l"l t t T! r 11 I'! I:
rUiniid 4 i i-x "-lii'tmr ' i nt'i, 'ict'
l ail tnr-iiitrli rt , s
Vtt Pul I h vision.
Rctwi'u lrtltiMl Corvntj
HAtl, lavi lu:i.(MirTti!ainU!.l
f1i rtfT PofiisSaT it'T's - r
lllli. a , :. Iatciulrii At. . I . in
U tur, I at CuoaiUa tv. i 1.' A- p. m
sttant !tt Corvi'lt couaM with tiwuaol
OrrK'iu 1 aiUu: liailri'X
EXPRES3 TIU1.1 DAHT iKxwpt S.ind'y)
j Airiia.
rwoaiHt ,r. . MrV'nuviii IJSr..
tt-'i sr!ll. a. a. I forttaKt
riu .;. ..i tiiWi't :. .it; p..i it. id tn ,:.
lu.i--. v .tii.; I . .i!,.! :.ur.i . .-.-.n if ''.:i,..n-l
r I". .Vt. sl iVt-.t, Agi'ti:. ln,J.'i,-ii.tLuj.'.,.
It. KoKHi.Kil, K I'. iHxilvli !,
Munniiif. K.4 l'a;.. Att.
i'('l. uiu:uuN.
. DAILY r '
Leaving Portland, 8 45 a, in.
" " 7:30 p. in.
7 Hours Quicker t St. Pr.u!,
23, Hours lui katt Chicago,
40 Hours Qui.:k-r ti Om-th
and Kansas City.
for imit general tulorinntlurt, eull on
W. H. lU'HUU'tiT, Asst. (tell. I'ns-s. Agt.
i, Washington stivet, mr. Tlnnl,
iVft. imtitiU, V aaa.irfWaa1(
S tfte