HE WEEK'S BUDGET. jit Our Kcpirter Findsjof In terest to Our Readers, LOCAL M WKSF.KAL JiKWS. art .f Iks Krt f Ik WX Trwl Till Ut MltrtMl Mlljllesu af laterwt I Vnm Kir !, Crowley report hi wife a ome Improved In health. krdUutleratulUeo, Hklnner took Vrttatid I twit Saturday. V hundred tra of hoe-lulf I al J. M. Vanduyu'. 1. 8hrtnn and mother apeut lay lu Curvallt Ut wi w am! wind ha vUlted ua, ami (Verage Oregoutaii ty at home. Charlie Staata, with her ftt hor Wheeler, ha two vtaltlng lu learu that Lyman Damon lm ila Interval lu the .lvry buslnes r. Cook. ue Walker, father of the Walker , left town Monday for hi home ashltigton. och Cbamberlalu.of I.ueklamute, : "Let It snow, we wen how first; forty-eight year ago." he cash ystiu being adopted by hofoiirlnlne nieu la the true jeiu to benefit all panic. lie Lucklamuter were plentiful on street Saturday. The old Weli or are nut hut up by uow. L L. Williams, of Alrllo, wa In ii fcMurday. Ye editor mllcd when tut the shining dollar In hi palm, ementber that Shut Ivy, Alexander o., of th Pioneer Drug Store gWt rial attention to all tmten rnt ly it. lM time. Kvr$t txalff rim ing. Hut J. M. Vanduyu' ihh;Iu1 of dres good, film, etc, in proving i evens. VIII Madison ha ld hit farm lying Kb of Monmouth for fliSO per cr. s a part of th old donatloii land Itu of S. Staat. kl Wood and wife came up from stern OrvRonlaat week. Mr. Wooda a daughter of John Way mire, de wed, pioneer of ls-t'i. IV. K. William, of Alrley, WMtep around town Hatunlay pretty llva , Bill carrie lila immense propor na with Imposing dignity. Sir. Dorimifeha purchased ten down chair for the opera bouae mt that r amusement-loving people will not ve to bring their chair after Mil. h'he false alarm of tiro laat week Jused Marah Mcrwln a pretty tore itu by the wheel ol the truck running Hr it. The horse were too fust tor lirah. LA young laly In Independence de le to work In a private family. Is ut of children; can do ordinary cook- ig. t'mi come well recommended. hiply tit the Wkst Situs ofllee. We buy our dnig a cheap a any buse In llie Wllllametle valley, and It. nil to give the public, the lieriellt of be aaine. Call uiul are . PnKM.EY, Al.EXAM'EH A Co, Kd Cook, of Washington, urn of O. Cook, one of the Hist nierehaula of dependence, wa in town Saturday' h Hrst vb.lt iiluce a child, thirty yeiir to. He nole greul ciiangemceinni I me. Mowr. Patteraon Bro., the nmu- era of the Independeiiw oera houwn, lave hail a boi ofllw window made at he ft of the lalr of the opera house t that the public can I belter ao iimmoduted. The Y. P. A. of the Evangelical Stiurchofthl cltv. will irlve a HHile k'arllng on missionary work at the Itiureh next f!alt)ath at 6:.t) p. m. Till kill la- followed by a nilsaloimry er- hoti to the young ja-ople. Hultable IiuhIc will be rendered. All are In- The opening of the new Evangelical hiurch at Monmouth will take place, Bie Lcinl willing ou Sabbath. Feb. 12. Rev. J!. Khupp.of Portland, will preach in Haturday 7 p. m. and Hiindiiy II n. and 7 p. m. ou the 11th and l'Jth. rhe eenlce are to las continued each Ivenlng ti e week following. Come to ilie boutw of the Lord. A. H. Copley, Pastor. Among the present given Mrs. laire Irvine waa an elegant cot, given by the following per-on: J. H. Cooper Wnd wife. T. J. t'rver ami wife, V. W. aviclval and wife, E. T. Heiikle and C. i,. ir tnu..mun uml wtn. W.Cmvi'll C1IC, M O " ""-- " n.l uib W. I'iMik and wife. F. A. uu ! " ' ' ' bouty ami wife. Mr. I. Claggett. Mr. IM. Hoeler, Mr. M. Tetherow, Mr. 1). Boydaton, Mr. VV. P. Connnway, Mix A. Muccaulay, Mis F.Hcoltond Muw M. Tetherow. At the Baptist cliurch last flahbath ill the service were Inten-sting. Bev. J. T. Moore,of Dayton, Waali., preached In the morning, and Bev, A. Kay, of Monmoutl) In the evening. Next Hub hath the pastor will tie In his pulpit. Young people' meeting at the usual hour, led by A. 8. Locke. An Inter !stlng programme baa been prepared for the occasion. Covenant meeting Hatunlay afternoon, and Young Peo ple' business meeting In the evening. J'tegular preaching aerviee at the Presbyterian church next Habhath nmnilnirand evening. At the even ing aervlce Willi Hill will furnish a kjornet solo with the orxan aceompaiil- ment hv Mis Wlnnull. Sunday school int 12:15 p. m., leson: "Dedicating the Temple," A review of the building of the temple will be given. 1'rayer meetimr Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The Ladiea' Aid Society met with Mrs J. It. N. Bell lattt Thursday afternoon. The service at the Congregational church were Interesting at lioth ser vices. The morning subject wa "The Claims of (Jod and Oawar." Mr. Lar rlmore and the pastor ang the duet, 'Morning Lund." The evening pro gramme of sonir wo well rendered.and despite the unfavorable weather, the ohurch was almoat filled. The olo by Miss Aver and Mr. Larrlmore were excellent, and highly appreciated. The instrumental selection were rewterea in an excellent manner, and reflected credit upon Prof. Hebrlng and Jilt pu nil. , An ipxeurslou party of idwuit 40 of whom were memlier of the iiit U'gUlaturv, came over to Moiimoulh Frhlay to visit the noimnl oltool. A aumptuou result wa wrvvd at the normal dlnlng-hall, afier which the building w Inspwtinl. The Joint eommltte pMdut'd liy I ho Unlahi lure to visit stale aehools wa also prv ent. After the vUttor had lnHted the building the aclnsd assembled lu the vhaiH'l ami llstemsl to a nnml'er of addreime by the vlslloi. AlleNpremd their aurpilw at llodlng aueli a lingo audience. Tlierv were studeni' present, Usldt those In the mod.l aohtml. Much elithulim prevallel both among th tudeuu ad the v Mt ow. The universal aeittlmeut wa Hod Ongon has reasou lo U proud of her normal itchnol, Hhould the prewnt ImUiueney of (he weather comluue thnaighout the wwk all Huuday ervltn at the t 'liria tlaii ehureh will be dUa'nmtl with. Thl I diH'iued but JuslU lo the aouw what w-alterxd niembeihlp, the walk In many place are uluawt im passible. Hhould Ihe Wealler iiioiler ate, however, ultleteui lo faellllale walking, the usual mrvliH1 will occur at the usual hour. '1 he public may l governed by the ringing of the ti ll. There I considerable excitement uwr the discovery of a Itox of ombutille fi.uod Friday in the agricultural ware house of It M. Wade Co. Thj Ux ha a short randle, volton Imtthig wi ll rat e I with eml oil, and a ipiart or oil no arranged that when the candle burned out It would tart (he tire. It i though! that it wa Intended forwuue other building, some y the city hoiel. Two men are ueted and they are liellig watched. Prf, HIlelHHK'k, princlMd of the puldlo aeluMila here, agisted by the other teacher, had a very hilerellng exhibit of the sehtsd work hclnit )rv Mivd for the World' Fair at Chicago, lie anticipated a visit from the legl lalor but ihey were otherwise em ployed at Nmtmouth, uml so he wa disuppoiuteil hi their not seeing It. The maimer of the opera hoiie are to be congruiulated ou having secured Conlray' eomplete company which appear hen' next week, Thl will be the Hrst lime hi uearly two year that the mple of Independence have bad a ehauev to mv a gisd theatrical com pany. Last wtvk I. Damon mlmd a hired man from hi premises by the name of Kiliimeruiau, also a valuable shotgun, a silver' -waieh ami a nr. Surx-b wa Inslltuted ami on Salurdity the mau as eupturtd ubuve AUsiny and 1 now hi jull at Dalhut. Frank D'llrlen and siter Anna huvc returned fnm a visit to Iowa, staying nuxt of the time lu Keokuk. He ay lite weatlier is list odd fr him there Ho will take Oregon rid lu pn ft rcmi lo the eld of Iowa. J. F. t)'lonnell my lie bin spoiled the land and the money mitstlun und ha made up his mind (but it' all the people kiiou what a lot of k.smIs be bus for ante cheap tin y uould buy and no longer complHlii. 11. Mtllkey, living near the Link In mute, south of town, mourn the b of bin soli i'yreiine, agtsl six years, who wa sick live month, and died lust Tuesday morning ami was hurled in the Monmouth cemetery ou Thursday. Homer llell Is president of the dij liotlng society in the public seb-sih here which 1 dnlhg some very co -lit- able work In debutes, They Ulei'l every Friday uii(lit ami are glad lo revive: visitors. Ilev. Melntyn, of Eugene, wa vis Itlug Bev. Arnold here this w(i k 1I. ha hud nearly two hutnlred a Idllloos to btschun b ther this w inter tMid the interest is still unabated. The Wkmt Hiiik jobolllivluis printed a tuiiiilier of card lsnrd signs " No Cnnlit, Do Not Ask It," and sells iheni ut ten cent each. They are meeting with a reudy sale. E. T. Heiikle, our enlerpridng leir- lar, lui taken up his new itiarlei near Walker Bros,' gnsvry store and Is III ting up a Itrxt-cluMN barlsr shop and bath room. Wm. Mudlson hu sold his farm, the Htephen HlaatM place, for 7,0oo to II. Best, of Halem, uud we understand they Intend taking up their ivaldcmv In tills city. James It. Blaine, one of the most prominent statesmen of America, I dead. He passed quietly away lust Friday morning at the age of lift years. The baud boy gave a very ptensanl concert last Friday evening. The ex ercise were Interesting, hut owing to the weather the receipts were small. At ilie County Teachers' Institute lust Haturday twenty-eight teachers were present In Hplte of the weather, and a profitable Hcssion was held. The musical concert given at Mon mouth last Haturday evening by Misses Ayer and Bruce Is very highly spoken of by those who attended, Mr. K. W. Cook and her son, K. W. Cook, a prominent stockman of Klli ta county, Washington, wu visiting M. W.Htowurt Inst week, M. A. Baker, the tiiilaiiiatlit sIkk--muker. has moved his simp next to I lie postoflloe. Mr. Baker Iiiih been sick nd Is Just recovering. A. B. Cherry tin been over to Hilver (on to renew old io'ii)alnlnnces. He Is ul ways In a happy frame, of mind when he return, If you lose $1'M) or any other sum nt gambling, and can prove the winner, you can recover every cent by law, O. A. Kramer has received some ycry beautiful designs of watch chains and charms of the latest designs. It look like a return to old time to have a (Irst-cluss theatrical company come to town again . Let u prophesy: The opera house will bo crowded next Tuesday and Wednesday night. We are having plenty of snow and cold winds and much growling by Orcgouitins. Geo. While and wife, of Klckreull, were In town Wednesday, braving the snow alorm. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mulkey were vis iting friends In Amity the first of the week. If you want a good, hourly laugh don't fall to attend "Humbug." I..V Itll.I.A WILLI VMS Lavllla William, now Mrs, J. U.i Cisipcr, was born Just below lndepeu- denev lu-lNttl, Her father, Leonard Wllllanw, wa the first merchant mid the Hrst postmaster In Independent "Old Town"- and did a thriving bust lies at that ilut. .iivlllu was united In marriage with John H. Cooper In tsit4, and Ihey Im mediately commenced farming In Cooner Hollow, that name having been given to that locality 111 consequence of the set I lenient there, at lib early date, of John H.' father, who ivas a highly rvieoied gentleman, and a woithy iohI prominent minister of the Huptlst church, Luvllta, or Mrs, J, It, Cisiper, has lout a varied exis iieuee, and, Well1 she so dlsHiwd, could relate Incidents MiiiuMcd with thenetllenieiil and growth of Independence thai iiiIkIiI Is' marked featureln Its history. John wa at one llniea"JollygtMtiger," and oflliuc have we net with him uiul hi wife hi the urauire hall and en- Joyed Willi Iheni the lal pleasures exH-rleueet at the Kulheilugof grang er. Their daughter. Lillian, was, a short lime ago, married lo F. II, Eaton, a prominent and successful piiietioiier of medicine In Portland, Her fullu r, John It, Cooper, I well known lu and about ludes'iulemv for Ills spiill of llls-mllty lu any vnierprtM wnduelv o the U( lulereat of the city. Ti e enstly brick bulidluga vrtvttHl here, ute a monument lo hi Industry and en terprise, Ibr he ha lavu for many yenr thu ole niimunietuivr of brick by which to build up the oily. J ib n ami hi w ife now see rather populous cliy, where, at the lime of hi wife's birth, desolateiieaa reigned u piTlue, May they laitli live to see lu dels'lidetue with a imnulatlou of Itl.tH!, and mauufaclorle of all kind lu opera- lion In every ipiarler of the city, HioiiImh" Aiu.Uier Vrk l ftlr)('. Hi great h lieeil the uws of Mr. Maraden't farcial rometly, "Humbug," at Cordr)' theater, thai Ilie maunue metit ha dtrldisl to kwp II ou another week. ItasUivvMM la due to the fuel that ll I one of the Ut comedies ever written, and the tk comtiuuy I do ing some admirable work lu ll presen tation. The house ha been crowditl at every sirformance, and long la-fore the rising t the curtnlii the tgn "Standing Bihuii Only," lui been dlwj playeil, Thl shown that I tie people of I'ortlnnd appreciate A ilml-clm llualri-1 cut ivrformauev. The Imdlng part lu "Humbug" Is thai of mi adventurer named HarU, the mi of a slimuiiuki-r Hart. n-nou the luuiieof Jm k Lutr, who Is lu In dia, and imiking lve under this a suitied lisine, the rascal niarrli eon-j lldlng wblow. Old man Luster (urn up uud Irani" that Hart is golua- under the mum' of Ills son. Jack, w hom be im discarded. Jack filially enters up. mi the aecne, and thtu add lo the emi. pllcalions; and to make mailer still more amusing, o'd Burl, the shia iiiuker, apN-ar and finds his sou mas querading under false iiilors, It will t svu thai the situations cannot Is otherwise than extremely ludicrous, jS'iplexiug and eiiilmrractog at limes, lly to Hail and the widow whom helms vtmi under futsc pretense The w blow , by the w ay, Is also t-iilliug Under false colors. Not Is lng Wlllslled with being wealthy, she pretend tit be long lo a very aristocratic English fam ily, when the fuel Is known, she w the w Ife of a mini ho made tils money in pork. Mr. I.ylell, the well-known coue .11:111 takes the leading purl of Jack Luster, a humbug, ami Miss Lleli, the lending lady, play Mr. Potisoby, thu widow; uud altogether they make a very strong icain. Mr. ylell bus a irt admlnibty suited lo liliu, and he mul.es Ilie most of It It is one of the Is'st things he ha done In Portland. Mis Lleb I a (Hie coint dleliiie, aa Is evident (nun her excellent (sirlrayal of Mrs. potisoby. All the other ehanic lets are well cast, and the performance throughout Is a very an isitlt uud hur uiiiulnus entertainment; and without doubt, "Humbug' Is one of the best comedies ever presented at thl bourn'. MWtkr:TltF.POItT. ifilslly Hcnirl.il li Ti'lKiti the Wr.l lil, Thiirsoajr Niiun, h Hut IuiiiiiutkIiiI ItHlI'lV. Ill t'lirllaiul. Whkai - Is airulti falling Into the old rut of Inactivity, uml developing weakness front day lo day, Locally, trading hii Is'cn spiritless, not from any lack of demand but entirely due to meager nU'erlnu. Thu most luiMr taut wheat sale wits a live hundred lot sold to an exporter on private term Values ure largely nominal, ami quot able ou u shipping basis at I. 17 and ItU.'JO for valley. Oath There I not much backbone to the iniirki.t, which sliowsiudlcalions of weakness owing to the demand lie iug restricted to local requlreinciits.iiiid us ofl'erlng much exceed tills demand. Prices rather favor buyers, We quote 40 to 1! cent us the uuirkct for fair to choice feed. Ibuti.KV Is 111 slow movement mid wlille uutslile stock uud ollerlngs are not tit all large, yet the few buyers ap pearing from tiiim have no diillcully In lllliug wauls without any disturbance. Uuotc nominal ut Ho lo IK) cents per cental for feed, and IK) to ft) cctitH for brewing. Hor Trailing during the week un der review bus been quite light; neither buyers nor sellers Inking much Interest in iilluirs, (iiiotutlous are to a ceftnlu extent nninluiil, namely! HI lo 111 cents Willi iMcenl obtainable for something very choice. PoTAToicHTho freezing weather of the pilrtl for liicbl. bus lull!; fcldd Willi deliveries, unit i locks are consequently very much reduced. .Many potatoes liuve been frozen uud are unsalable. Choice kiioiIs therefore comma ml very Very full price. IJuotu DO to 11.0(1 per suck, iSt'iTHit Owing to only moderate supplies of choice table article quulit l ties, prices remain firm nl from !W lo :Ui cents per pound for fancy creamery, and 110 to nai cctil for funcy dairy. Full' to good held at. 20 and ff ccnU, und common ut, 1 12 i to 17 cents, Eikih-In spite of the cold weather, Oregon ranch have not advanced, but the talk Is that If the present cold spell lusts much longer there will be an ad vuuee; iu ill Home dculm talk ,'15 cents, uIiIicukIi the iiiujorlly quote ;ii2J cunts 1 per (liwcn for fresh Oregon rniich, FROM CORRESPONDENTS Newsy Notts Tnun the Several Towns In the County. WHAT 01 It PLOPLK 'ARK WIS. Osr CurrMiiilKl t Muswoslk ( towslrlw thr Wwli't lli.i'nlii l Ihsl CIw-lulfrOu ni lullw ksiI 111 kef PUmi, falls i'lly. Of late our mple have Usui vety dlssatlslled with the present lale of atliilrs, and (he eoiwqKiudent lost all humor in writing any furl her Items lu the WkmI HinK. Now he ha relumed from a trip lo Portland, and llnd that our pe.iple are In Is tter elreumstauceii I bun the average worklugmiin In that city, Work there tvm to li very seam, and humlred and hundredii of men Hit' out of work, trumping the street from morning till nlghl, Imiking for it Job, They ranuot find it, never theless they have to live, they have lu I my Mil, and a H'rsoti really cannot Imagine how they manage to llud a livelihood. Our isople here have their (111 homes, llielr W ish! diss not coal them anything only he troubleof saw ing and splitting, they can keep their elm kens, their eow, their pigs; they cau raise (heir uwn vegetables and i ub, and If work I not very study or pit lillful they can easier manage to get a oog (linn a lalsiiiug man lu Pori land, or any other elly; but Ittukcaeeniimuy, industry, and energy fticllllle, which ought lo be more devclopiKl and exer cised. Hoiih' siple think they are Hsir, while tliey eat fresh meat Ihlw tluitady, have plenty of fresh butter and ctiipi. Lisik at the pisir ma In (he ijil and Kuriqai who are glud If they have dry bread and pntatmlhree time a day, not to am-ak about food which a liood many have to do with out, thoiiuh the weallier I extremely eolil. Tuklug all thl lu consideration our op!e oiiijht not to desalr iu Ore gon. Lt night our boy gave a siHul dunce lu the .MiiihiiIsh-s' hall, The music was line, ami every Issly en oye thclrselve till late ill the ulght. The ups'r served liy our restaurant ktsqs-r tavmtsl to Increase the ifssl humor and happiness of all who parnsik. : here U an old fellow In our midst w ho uvuis lo luke pride hi ridiculing uiul throw lug slur at hi fellow H-lll-eo It, neither IsHiune Ids old gc, lior (he M.sltioii he holds. The snow full Inst week wa consider- able, ihoiigli Ihe snow I not w d-ep a It wa a mouth ago. Tlfe reivut strike of uilneml clow to our elly has brought luck to the mem ory of our pioneer, the "day of 'W." The hills are alive w lib prnspcetor,aud a niinilier of gissl strikes are rtsirieit. Young und old iiinu-ed tliemselve till lute lut lilght wlthalolsigguuriile. oud laughter anil Joyful eric tilled the Isnutlful hIkM, tilt the Joyfulues wus rudely luteriupled by serious IM tldelil, Nune parties undert'sik to slide down hill on a broken loboguan, which wen) down the hill with liuus- uul rapidity, run agulust some olwta- eles, broke and threw (he mule and fe mule rider lu great confusion lu all direction. Charlie Mark u us so un fortunate us to sprain uud bri nk his leg, tuber pitrih escaped with more or li painful lnjury;hut, neveitheless, It was, al Hrst, a very pleulng sight lo see our tolsigguu llders Mlling (low u hill one over-rolling Ihe other till they formed a wild muss of rolling humanity. Moliltieulh. The coiisling Is floe no', and the sliideiits uiv Hot slow alsiilt biking ml- VlllltllgC of it. A very large lioiuU r of legislator visited the Normal Friday afternoon A Hue dinner wasawaltlug tlieiu at Ihe dlnliiit hull. After dinner Ihey all moved lo thecluiHd and favored a very large and Interested Issly of student und clll.en with a number of able ad dresses, The tone of every sswh save one wa very favorable. After ss-udltig alsiiit three hour In the cluqs'l Ihey returned lo the motor, uo coiupiinicd by the school and bund We earnestly believe they went away fully determined lo help us, , Our sick one are no worse; some me much better. The concert given by Mlsse Ay re uud Hruce (Saturday evening wu B grand success, The cluiiel wa well tilled, They Intend to give other such onnccrU In the future, Look out for posters. President Campbell went to Salem today on business. He will return to morrow. The Athlete met with fair anew at McMlnuville. "They never get left," The Normal plllosophy class went to Independence lust evening to see how electricity Is miimi fuel u red, The coasting on Cupid' Knoll Is get ting lo be quite dangerous, The sleds Ko wilh it lightening s'cd down the hillside, Among the huge number In- lured lust lilitht. Mr. Slncy, Ml Nel lie Murphy, and Mr. Cochrane, were hurl worst. President Campbell returned from Salem yesterday. 1 le says everything Is very favorable. Wo w ill get the biiver inirl of the amount, usked for, if not all. H w III probably bo decided to morrow'. Mrs, id, 11. Stout, resident of Now port, Is visiting her sister here, Mrs. Hattlu Whitney. itcsolullous of condolence have been sent fo Ihe piii'cnfsof thedlseahcd Mil lard Humpy, a normal student the ilr.4 term, from the Y. M ('. A., the Y. P. S 0. K., the Literary Society and the school. Mr, Humpy wa uu active member of each, Fully two hundred were uonslliig on the hill hist evening. Miss Caroline Young was quite severely hurt the wuiie evening, A few evenings ngo Miss (Iniec Hosi'ow hud her arm frac tured In the hiiiiio way. ,1. H. in low Iiiih purchiifod C. V Wheeler' con fee! lottery store. Monmouth Is very quiet this week. Itll'klVHll. Win. Kirkland wont lo Portland Monday on business, iiIho Kllw Simon ton to attend thu Business college, Sevunil of the young folks from thl place attended the uoncurt ut Moii- uioiith Saturday night and report a gisul lime. Preaching Sunday morning and even ing by Bev. Poling, Sunday elnd Immediately alter the morning n'rvloo. F. A. Koser and Frank OIImoii spent Thurduy In Sulcm. The hop Indu try I taking quite a rage around here. The following urn going to put III yards; Mr, Molsoii, to acre; F. A. Kow-r, l acre! K, Burcli, Ift aert; ami Mr. Orr, ail acre. Cuss OIImoii I huvlng hud luck with hi sbiup, Some dog killed fifteen for him last week. Muvor. 'l'liui are dull at present. A wH'iardaiiee w enjoyed at thl phuv. Supper wa furnished by Mr, D, Cade. A good time wa enjoyed by all.'-. Saturday I public Installation day In the grunge and a free dinner. Freddie tjulek I still Improving Iowly, Mini Luura Collin, of thl plicc, acted a bridesmaid at the wedding of Claire Irvine and Ida K(c., of yout plie. Ilusua Vll. Mr, Burgi, of Pullmun, Idaho, Im bought the Hueim Vista ferry and will hs tile here. Mr. It. P. Hall and daughter, Oraiv, are visiting relatives at Yuqul m buy this week C V. llerreu und family, of Inde- s'Udcuee, have moved ou the farm north of llucna Vista, formerly the Kirkland place. Mr, J, S. Itevell, who has been visit ing the bedside of hi mother, returned lasi Friday and report her as ilng some is'ticr, l.eltrr rnuu Itell. lUiliiui Wkkt ShK!I will try and give you a few nolo hum our quiet lit tle burg, F.veryihhig is In a gid way to prossrlty here now but I do not know how long it w ill vouttuue If (lie mow continues. C, N. isiuart, of Mr tirove, ay thai the Chiuumcn will now have to go, luce he ha got hi grubbing machine lo working. He I working at Mr. Ackerman' now, and pulls the grul for per acre, lie sa; he cau get more grulihlng than he can do. Iisl Saturday we saw two men from lndc'iulctice look inn for a man they said had sit.leii a sholguu and watch from M, L. Dainoo, hui we could not give them any clue as we had liot necli their man. Will and Fred Toutlliisou were nut vlsislug their parents at Well lust Sat urday and Sunday. They live In Al bany. H, W. McKlmary, of V ells, has tsvn visiting hi sister, near Monmouth, but ha returned home. Mrs, Mary Alptu, of Harney county, i visiting her purvul, Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph lbs'ker, She had Usui abaciil ulsiut seveli year. She hud lo come via Baker Clly ami The Dalle. She think that Ilie Willamette valley I iiiiu li nleei pUtvto live lhuu Harney vnlley. There I to Is' a concert glveu ut Welt iu ihe near future. It will he under the auspice ol the public schisd it tliis place. Now , boys, gi t iu and rustle your best girl for you know they want logo, mid it will eo.t you Ihe sum of only 21 cents. We are all watching the legislators now as Ihey have some very Important hills before them w hich should puss 'iImiiiImikm hi ritrHrj.i. M Cordray's theater, In Portland, "Humbug" bus proved such a gratify ing succc, and has 1st u drawing such birge iiudleiiec, that Ilie muuuin'tiient lui wisely concluded to keep the piece mi for another week, The house lust evening was crowded, Islng even larger lhuu Unit ou the iqu'liuig ulght a week ago Burnum, of circus fume, used to Niy thai the public thoroughly enjoyed liug humbugged; but al though the mime of Ihe stlccespful piece now running at llii tinnier re joice In the title of "Humbug," ll dis s not lu any way imply that such is tin intent and urK of the comedy, for il contains real merit, and -ilsmnds in secm-a rich In humor, while the dia logue is bright, sparkling, and ludi crous lu Hie extreme. The company seem to he perfectly suited to the play, and the performance goes on with a dusli and vim that Is really refreshing, thedillcreut members vicing with each other In making a complete and Ilie iuhed performance. Oregonluu. This play will lie produced nt tin1 osra house next Tuesday evening by Cordray' eomplete company. Tlir First l.sw ut Nuliiro, Thl Kolf-preserviilloii la iicknowt edged to bo, and people who adopt ugulnst the elieronches of disease a gen uine medical wife-guard, uceredlted by experience and the sanction of physic ian, ufl'oid u huppy lllusti'ution of the wisdom of the saying, lu I ho health Ihey restore and continue to enjoy Among mulidlcM, agulust thu growth of which lloHtetter's Stoniueli Bitter all'ords cillclent protection, diseases of the kidney und bladder are fraiigh with the turnout peril uud exhibit great obstinacy when opposed by ordinary nieuiiH. The bitter cun and will sub due them. No testimony Is stronger thun this. Csed at thu outset, and Hirslslenlly, the best result tuny lie expected Thl medicine also cnuli cute liver complaint, constipation, dysneysln, nuilaiin, rheiinuilisni and nervousness. Icli Mis ICssle Tittuni I" visiting in Del ia. The Must riipiilur l.mly. The total vote for the uiosi, popular lady In Independence up lo noon of Thurmlny, Kcby Hrd, wusiis follows: KhhUi lloberlson, 6 Mrs, Ilodglus - Mm. Fennel 1 Tolal... .... The ulbtini has been delivered to Miss FiOHlu Kolifflsoii, the poalnuwtcr hero ill Iiidepemlenee. The WKsrHllill lui 'dipt lis promise, Mild Im no complaint to ii iiiKo of those who have not voted, ft, whs their privilege to remain silent. TonIiow that we mo enjoying this con test we this week start another. ui mm nai The undersigned would av that we are prepuivd to do all Hind or BUCKSM1THIHG. UNO At the most reasonable rule, (Jive us a will. . PITTS & H1LLARD, (uiictMKir l B, K. Kwili Independence, Ore. SASH AND DOOJW. HOME BUILDERS Will consult their best in lefifils hy pureliiwinu their SASH AND DOORS of the reliable ntuimfiialurar, M.T.CROW, liidieiiileiiee, Or. iiecc or hi Ferguson Vuu Meer. Sugnr pui and cedar doors, all tine, ou biiini. SCREEN DOORS, DR. GUWS ONION SYRUP COLDS M0 CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In rimjf family of nitntfthUflfM., mt iw fti t ir C'dimti, (SvMa Mti-tl Croup -ot-au ay rut, It Jtit im fttMlv ta.Amv m a tM(unjr jrr , tltm if if tr!tptilt-rn 1k ttr, Ounii' Uitlon Hrrttp whi-tt Jr'-atlr pmjMir b4 Mori t4MMUl Itt Ut tt)l. tKiitl t BJ lM(ti, T1MK I AULE. aUeau"ir Muuiutiiilli Muior t.la. !ttVMI tint, iwinlriie. Monmoutb. 1.W k 111 :,tn II If. I .Vlf. jo M : ltli li ti Jl"! 5. If. ,m A. B. CHERRY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. With Patterson Bros. W. E. Goodell HAS IN STOCk A NEAT STYLE -OK- LADIES' : SHOES Which lie desires Hie hulie of Inih' Hwideucc and vicinity to cull and In sct. They are of the latest shaK', are well Mulshed and lit the lowest prices, current, for FIRST-CLASS GOODS. W. H. Wheeler, OKAI.F.K IN i, m. Wlili'h IkiIhsvUIiix at Reduced Prices. A Tine Line of Choice Cigars and Tobacco. Confectionery, Nuts -ASH TROPICAL FRUITS. Main Street, Independence. Fire Insurance Agency. W. II. .Murphy bus been duly appointed uml constituted ngeut ot tlie With power to write Insurance tind col lent premium now due the com pany. All hill now due tlie company -ARE COLLECTIBLE BY VV. H. MURPHY, I' ltOM Til IS DA'l'K Hy order of HOAIE MUTUAL INS. CO., W. IT. MUUP11Y, Agent. HAVE YOU GOT PILES r',.v;UNi 1'iui,a known hymotntura ti u, ,Mai-Jiil-ft:!yil,o:iiinft Ulleilio Uoluiif vtn'n Wiiviti, TUlii lorin mill ULlWll, iU til ElU N ul or l'itOTIt U D1NO tlLi.il Vll l.ll ATeseic TO DR. BO-SAlV KO'S I'lLE REMEDY, wlil 'U aoti dlivctly oil parti, ntWsd, iil'ioi'bi tumoi'rt, nllayDltolilnu.(.iriouii(f n n '".iiii'i 'nlimi'o, J'rlno M)o. DruawlMti . , ' '..,iii, rhiwiBlpiua. t. ESTRAY NOTICE. Two onlves Imve lieen tiikon up hy me nil my puuM, live iitlii'.' n.M'lli of bin n , Vlslii, lit ii I'llii'd u I. ll i; It i li jMii'linii- ,imi' UkIu n it, villi r itu li, iioliMiiils, uiviitM'B'iH im'ii i .lenie uml l;itni propi'i't.v of o im will bi sni lo p ij' expea-vs iiV uei'ii.iin aim e he fintier, Wa, M, l.ADiiiii.iN. lilil'llt! VUlu jiuiuiiiy at, mm a r mt -v- There Is'uo place In Oregon '... . belief nieul I wrved Ihau at the re tuuranl oT Westaeoll 4 Irwin, iill Com mercial alrwt, Huleiu. CJourieou t U'ntlon, a Him iiihiI, and the populai price of 'ih eeiita, have mail thl house the headquarter of everyuu ho ha occasion o dine In Halem. The collar and euffa starched ami I r omit by the Jtnle iideuee laundry are mm while ami glossy s ivory, A vi ell Hashed shirt U lmlf a luau'l drc. ';;j ' Hj , The rientKontlciimu you nice! Jut bsik to n' why he lisik so neat and you Will find that he gcta hi washing done ut the Independence steam hiunury. The weary housewife hould tuke the N filed rest till Week liy Heuillllg Mil her wiisbing to the laundry audee liow llliHI it I, ami o clienp loo, There I uotliing nicer than aiilee youuumau, and the nice young mau alwuy get hi washing done at the Imlcpemlenoe team laundry. Family washing la done at low rales.) by the liitleH'iidriice litundry. The young ladle are wanting an en gagement ring like those sold by O, A Kramer. Jewels that sparkle like the eyca of tlmt pretty woman, for ulc by Kramer. To slit l)itt ion lM' one NmuU Hi Si limtQ it tcr tstUug. ttsi, i Uuiikf. Just slop and think, only $.V sr lot, 1 1 down and $1 per month; no Inten-st, no (axe. My lot are all cleared and level, and not ten miuukw' walk from the motor. You cau git witer within 'At feel. There are bouse going up right along, church, school ami store close by. Don't for get that you buy right from the owner, and he will send you mai and infor mation giving nnniesof I'orlliiud bus!- tew meu who have touht. Just think, & lot for ffl.' W. Hkiht, liij Kirst street, ts-tweeu I'iue and Hhelley Vanduyu n-tjuest mi Im iinilliite selilemeut of all note and uiiMiiols, a their old book uiu-t Is' cloned. l"r mt mi run. Cmtl usttioil and Hit-It-tb sOm lii-, HlmiU UU 0 si. '1'lie (Inn of Hhelley, Alexander & Co. Is the siirci-ssor to Hosier A Hhelley, und their ad, Np-ii thi eek on the flollt page. j Cl.s ks that don't nc'd "watching' ' for wile by O. A. Kramer. Walacr Bros, are tilling gisids a cheupasthe chciiH'st. They have a large and well -selected la-k to select from. Hvverul of the finest style in ladles' nImh, fnMU.HMj.irH', HIV Worn by tluM W.,v U our M,lu.,ll..ra -l.-sir,. I,,!'" du !. PJ lu all U.'l)U.lllU said '-J " ' . ....... , -" lake the Iturul North went, of I'ortlund, lu eon licit lou with the V Hiiih. j We have made urrungeiiieiila, so that ! we can furnish it for twenty-five cent j a year above the price of I tie Wixr Si ok, and It I giving excellent Nitis faclion to our reader. I I km't forgi t that Walker Itro. will j sell you groceries as cheap for cash a any house iu I'olk county. One Small IU!'- I"n vverr nltlit fort Wiwk amuw Tutpid Uvera. C4c. yvt iHittla, Dr. T.J. I.n' otlht! I at the end of the hall, up stair iu the ludepcmhmcc National Hank building. If you want a dwelling house, and lot in Ituena Vista for I'Juu, see the I'olk (Vanity Land Co. and they will i between K. Shelley A J. M. anduyn, ai ll ll to vou. ! under the firm name of Blffclley a Van- The new rodent dentin, Dr. S. A.!d" - lM day Uii diolvel .y Mulkcv.h Ins otlh over O'Donnill's!""'11"'1 wnseiit, It, tshelley retiring hardxenrestoiv. All kinds of work In fr "" flrm' All note and account, his proh-ssiou Is done and guaranteed. ! "f ,,"'' ' "'"f Unn 1 .!.!,.. ...,., Mii,lir.pi-ufl In pu. Dl.l you not lire ihe triple-plate ware at . A Kramer? II will wear lunger llniii a tux collector' memory. Tlie folk County Und Company luisjusl wcuretl tlie Kale ol eignteen acres of tine land almost ailjolulnu town at a very low liguro. rxs F. A. 1'lltteOloll atsiul it. ISIg, bltu k, 'iirly dog, with brass license plate on collsr, No. 'i"i, and comes by the name of lrash. II. A, Cmidkici.TKK, ludepeiidemv. "WU for wir." Next Wcdtieeduy .evening the Hrst s rloiiiiiince of "Wife for Wife" In this city will he given al iho opera house. It was written by John A, Steven, the actor and well-known druiiiiiticauthor. M r. Htevcns has written several very successful play. He Is an actor of many yea1' experience, and thoroughly un- lerHtauds the art of plot const met lou a very necessary nuiilillciition for druniiUio author, lie tsulso a polished and forcible writer. lu"Vife for Wile,'' his latest production, he bus constructed a very Htrotig swiely mclo-driniii, based ou Incidents occurring dining slavery" day. There is a splendid vein of com edy running through it. Tlie charac ter are all strongly drawn. Tlie story of tlie play Is a thrilling one, the time of action being lu the slavery days, ' - -a-- - Notice Is hereby given that for the purpose of milking mi examination of all persons who nuty oiler tliemselve as candidate for teachers of school of this county, the county sclusil superin tendent thereof w ill hold a public ex amination at Dallas, commencing at I p. m., on Wednesday, Feb. S, ist),f. All persona wishing to secure state cer tillcutes or diploma, or slate life di ploma will please present theinnolvca at the win ni! time ami plnue. T. 0. Ht' iriiiNsox, - County SchiKil Supt. Polk County' The Secret of Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market. Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the dough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc. ' No agency has assisted so much toward perfection In cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro portions, so after use there is never any excess of either left la the food. Hence there can be no impurities whatever left la the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to It alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No Othet contains the white of eggs. furiU.. i "lllm. Koa i.itpltli'il whssl rliii qimlll, Alt" . W U 1 IfOU )AL&HiMlft lilts St" II.. I. hi two fstuu a first i.. wale muMttt, j ; i.,., KOIt MI,K-OI4Wr,ul,-,'1 on nlvmiwf under isrismi, tut o ul . nt h, alUilaoUKs!, , '- WANTED. WANTKtK Ailvsnlaera la thli enlania at iwii iwuui word DM huwrllon, Mir into a W A NTrHI-.HnliMirllior U this ipr lu ! U hII rriwriu;m Uy Jsnuarji I, Iswi, WAKTKtl-Cnrdwood on ulicrlitloB, at tills oltli e. WANTKIl-HulsMTti!- l MHniln (lis date alltt lli'lr umsiin ilil paper and msi that Uwy ara not in arrears. WASTKll-MemhanUand ottwra Hi ordor tlo.rtii'adst sUUMitmiU, liltiliea.U, and all liiuir Jod work si llm Wl ld uHle. Klrsv elaM work ami low .rlit. W A SfTKU- Purebiwr r a swlng.i,iaehln, I'.-l.'.!, Imrw. Wlllasll r.iS AddrM X, ears lilts faiw. NOTICE FOR SCALED BIDS. Healed bid will be received by the undersigned City Jteoorder, of the city of IiiiU'is iiilcni, up to 12 in., of Feb ruary "ill, XWA, to do city haullug within the city limit, at a stated price per lid. Tlie right reaerved to reject any and all bid. Uwi, W. ItKKll, City Itueorlei. Junuiiry at, 13. IHKit. All owner of doga are hereby noti fied to my the taxes to the city reconler, on their dogs, else they will be Im- . pounded. F. 1'. Mykha, Marshal. Independence, Or., Juu. 12, 1M, thtf ItH-muMi spisHlte, piirtfjr (aa whjki ajaleuiandaeluii tlsillvur, laic hwnaSmuJi. Ijr four Thm. The city taxi- of Independence for isie.', are now dellniUeut, and uulesa puld Inside of tw o weekf proja-rly will Is- advertised for sale In acoordunea with theeliy charter. F. I. My kk, Marshal. Indepeildenoe, Jan. 11th, 1.HU3. D I SIJUTION NOTICE. VtTt t tiiH-fii fflvnii thnt (ii Arm if Hi-'--lt llnw.t i-Mi.tfiM. in thrhliiK grmin. near nn, wa.nritai.., 11..UT. W. MTIKI.I. II Kuvor. Jueusry 11, 11. OuaranUssd to rurs nitsaw Attaekf and Cousupatluu, Umail Ulie Ifciui. H( IIOOI. TAX KOTIfK Tlie acliud tax of school district No. i), I'olk county, Oregon, I now due and payable to J. 1. Irvine, district clerk, at the Independence Natloual Hank. The same will I deemed de linquent unless paid before March the l.'th, lMKi. J. I). Ikvink, District Clerk. j Dated this, the 11th day of Jan., 1WW. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. j The partnership heretofore existing Villi. 1 ,,Hj .v w ipt for the name. It. 81IKI.LKV, J. M. Vamivyk. ; jlU,, ,M,mil.nP,,i Jan. 5, 113. Ferry's Seeds and ni a rich karrmt Tiwy are always rstlabls, alWHyi, In ilelliantl. always lire tss. I FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL! kr IS:I Hlnvaliililc'loTM3r PlaalMil if fx as rwycKymtta o, me laim nnsnif i luiurusuiixi imm iiMuiKueHauuiuauea, J maiim tree. tD.n.FERRYA. DETROIT . CO.."VMfl.. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICK is hereby given that the . n o liierHhin horctoforeexisthig between ! j, . isu,tcr and R a Shelley, under ,lrm U1(me ((f 1U)s(or & guely eu. gaged In the drug business in the city of Independence, has been desolved by mutual consent, J. W. Busier retiring. All account due the firm, will-be re celled for by either party. J. W. IlrsTEB, . It, S. Hhki.i.ky. ludceudence, January 80th, 18118. LAST OA IX. . All persons ow ing T. W. Estcs, on account, are requested to eall and act tie forthwith, and thussave coat. Thl Is tlie last call. J. R. .Cooper, . ,' Assignee. Must lie PaW. All aecounts due the late firm of I'.uster & Shelley are now due and Im mediate settlement I reu,ueeted. ' As Mr. lttister desire to leave lndepeu-' done the old books must be closed. lU'STKB & Shkixky. Fine Pastry.