" ",,'Z ... v . ... . y r f ; wear ;m .Vest Side Gives a Silk 1 Hat to the Most Popular Bachelor. ON fUTCS. l Anvanrt. Thru aw" ,.-V. WW KYKttV MID MUM'KI HKR A HO. U. W.-INDEI'KNDKNOK fk , iKHltfi, No. S3. nisei try Moll-1 way ni(i)i m MSMiniO null. All ijru- Init brollier are IutuwI In allend, W. t Wllklnn, M. W. W. O, Cook. Itsoordar. ALLkf L01K1K. NO. 42,1, 6.0. MNK8. Tliw la Nu Limit lit Mutubtir f Vnln tfcal, Uw Van arc I'ald MHlnwrllwr. . All maj-rtnteand death nii,va not wV l v Una will b luarrtml to. All vr v Itnea will be rlmmwl Ay. wtiw per Una, Aw at Uie raw oMv wi pwr lluv. Keaiatwred a tn. iauriw In lndenen wwv, v-.."M, mm avmutWUMa mailer. FRIDAY, FKMtUARY 3, UN. i v. a. V. w. Msota in M.aonia lull vr VIITKH. Thursday vrtiuluu, All Odd folluwa oor- aiauy turned in mm Willi na, ralrf Cook N. (. J. UylrWiw, BecroUry. LioF'LoBoE, NO. SI), A. F. A A. M. Htatd oommnnioatimia Hatiir tiny Tiniig nu ur before full nioon eanh muulh ml Ima iwh tliaraaftiie. I). W. Now, here wer wdii.aftoroiirdla- Mlntio, W. M. W. P. Ootuiaway, Heoy. wurwring contest on ui m.wi popu-i IJOMER LODGK, NO. 40 K. of 1' Mr iuy, wun a popular nacneior con- a 1 Moot every VYwiHwMay eveninif. Uml. 'l ntahw are cordially invito. W.N. Inn-Inn the Knnilnu tour Imiim r th Mawlsy, U U, Wkst 8iuk, coupons will tat printed Till: INUKl'ENDtNCI. National Bank Capital Stock, $50,000.00. It. HIIWOMIIKIUI, AUHAM NKIAON, W. P. OONNAWAY ' PtMllleuL Vim I'rmldtml, (ehlr, All ktiltthti ri tHirillnlly invibsj. V K. ( ilixlfhllrf, K. It H. iniil fcwiuiit ul(Jm't ttivliwili, lulvrwil puld A tnri lmnklii ml clmnt bunlnnw ImiiMHMoil; liMh mmlp, ttllla dlmuuill(l,i)in- mmvMl vrvilll mnuili dnpiwIU rwlvd no - Th k Sand wich Munds ar k nock ing ft.r fttlmlfwiou to our Union by juuexatkm. If by tweeting pro . UH'tomto over her we art) tuumiiig ulw bunions, let usbocluury nkmt lUvoring tho moveuioiit. Why would It not be good pfun to lot the Stindwloh Ishinils come iuto the t)nion aa a haven for thotte iiemoiw who believe la the single-tax Idea, Let tlie laws lie made with that ob jeetiu view, and let the adherents of the Henry George idia all emi grate to the Baud wich Islands. Here la a chauce for stntwnmushii), If monopoly of land is a bad thiug here, it is a bad thing there. If It is a good thing when tried in ltd practical worklrgs there it will lie bo also in those Uuited States. With M such an otuft iu view no doubt hundreds of pVruous who are now dissatistted here would go to the Islnuds. which ra pIiUoh tlokoU. Kvvry con-1 pon prluuHi In the whole edition cun be voUhI, even by one iMrnn. No limit to tint number of voIm you ohmU INitie a voIit you iiuikI I preimld on your itbmvi)tlou to iIhUl r.wry wwn tn vote win i mi- nnunoeit thntiiKh tliw tmixr. Imuoa of Februnry 3, 10, 17, and 24, IIW will eonlMlu couKitm, and the iMiieof March 3 will contain the name of the winner.! IMIYBKHANS DKNTISTItY. OIX DCTLEIt, 1'UYSItMAN AND , lurgwui. (tcy. U. H. Uoartt uf an Uin dvpiMlw. lUKKinXlllN. Jwhua MkIUuiIkI, It. It. Jmimndh, A. (I.Hnlnimi, 11, Hlrwlilwm, A, NdIwh, T, J, I. A. Allxu, Uoune blix'k Oniee la Opra L, KETCIIUM, M. P. OFFICE . ... - - - - . . . - - - - ............ --am mm mninivn v 1 1 . ,n .-nu ve your omiumie, and neiul thi'iti ud Mouiuoulli ale., Indeiwudenea, Or. Iu at the laxt of the nioiith. Commenced Buslnesi March 4, 1889, KalalillnlHHl hy Nalkmitl Aitllmrlly. TUB FIRST NATIONAL-BANK. of liiillwnilonce, Orin. I'l T Tlim UtT. COST POPUUR fiCHL0R; IN POLK COUNTY. Capital ttoek, Suralua, $60,000.00 (14,000.00 rR.J. B. JOIINHON, IlESIDEN't LJ DimiIkI. All work warraiiM to viva the I ml 'if aaltBraplion. lmlfiwti- Jouoe, Or. I, a, onopicn, I'rwhlout, W, II II A WI.KY, t'Mlilvr, U W. IIOIIKUTMOM, Vli frmlitiml. Cast Tlite Vote For DIRCCTORS. J. a. n.wr, U W, IUib.rt-111, UwU llulmtoJki U. W. WhllMaw, W. W. C'ulltna. - iiikkk tuts probably Imtii no legislature which excites ao little interest as the one now in sc&iiou at Salem. It is generally conceded that if our legislature could meet o lialloli will lie rtwlvwl ail twimttHl that are not alguwt by iwrmiim who are lrv(wlj huIumtIIkt. Any Hron uot a jmld aubaorlbercan have tbeir omoii votml by tome one who baa mld In advance. The "Julia Marlowe'? perfume U all tlie rtttfo. I'mIIitwhi Itnw. ami Hhel ley, Alexamler A Co., our drugitlata, TJ. LEE, I'ltYHU IAN AND HUH . koii. U. H. oiauiluiim auiuiiMiH. OdliMonvr IinlKooudriioe Nalioual Hank. rR. C. E. BOYNTON, PIIYHICIAN LJ and HurKwiu, tlncna Vuta, Ore-I lion. A filrrl luuhliia bualnmi tnniuwlrd Huya and Mil ivltiuia' oil alt liuuurtitut ixiliila. iikIkmim rrcwivM auniawi in riiw nr on un.i.mii,ii. ixiiiwiiuna mad, urn.- iHiurm a, m. i I p. ui. GEO. A. HMtTlt, ATTOHN'EY AT Ijiw Will prauliow in all tnl a imrlli'tilar friend that from one ailvi-r- d fwwat wiiiria. Al-iraou of title itirniantHi. imiiw omr i uiifniiriir Nalioual Hunk. ....I !!.... .1 1.1 L ....... ... .!... ... T . . ell H aim theotnerdolleuaiaporftiiuwl iv4KH!ij( wr uu. m i v of Korthrup, HlurKla A IV. too mucn nuKcring wiiu logum Th.e tlrnw adwrtlalng their warw. tion, too many f.l.0i worth of in Uia WKarHitusare theniatllnn, go- stamps, ptmKnives, and pretty lauy annul, ami ruiiaiiie on or imlepen 'dorks votwl for. and not .nouch donee and vlelnliy. Oim iiiercbatii told law iniiiln to Dim liitxrivt uf lh niui. , iii tlM'tnciit ill tlil iwiwr he riHvtt ; 7." ........ dlrwt return of mien ainouiitluir to leu wexpext out Ultlo, u is proiw- lu oneday. Sill) mi men are ble that little will be Uie result of I not witUilwl, Uits legislature. e Sincerely Itofw A June, of KllenaburK, Waalnng that our ass(ssmeut law may be ton, has rt-utwl tlio Llttla I'alace hot amendtHl, and our road laws f'r one yoar, with prlvllego of extend- changed. Lees attention should lie ln" N'" ,l,,Uf f"r u'nu wf if,'ar, paid to siiepding the public money, K,,och 1 l'uwlalii was In town ,nrlw. fa. .llw.t. H, un JWrterday. Ho llkw aMKb-rkllng but v. .t ... ! fearful of a big MckkI. aiiu ivu iuv fivui luitii un tn vm- case now, even here iu Oregon, Tlie Douver Republic aay: "Tlie silver quostlon la the numl Importnul question of the world, and the world ouirht to be mora disturbed over the faottbutat the head of the Kugltah pemlenoe llirtih I he wilomua of your Bovernmeot la a man who bus not ob-1 lIH r U' leave lliul place on UlnndanewldeaMiu.lSl,V and nttbe m,u"t of K"U "al la attoaU If head of the American government there llml Umi ,KW'" ''i 1 ou'd have aurely wllllwa mini In hit wei-ka who Uw .v' "'ere. A little HlKirt vn tie lieves It is a shame and outnoit. to eon- "'Kl'od to bo otiielhliiK awful. alder allver aa mouey at all. The world 1 ''"htleai.y I took a hand In what Is ahead of the world'a govern men t, "'" vt l,r"v,! hl.'tliig lu dlagulao, and the tnim of the iople have a f(,r " y f" e to aeek a cliarorldeaoftbe truth than the ao- home where I could have tha eomforta called 8talemen and the ao ealled m-len- of "rw lovl"K I'arenU to pnitect me. title writera. KCOMOUTtO UNOER TNI ItWt Of ORC60R. FOLK COUNTY El ATTOKNKY8. MONMOUTH, OR. ,Vln.'mL .l'aliUT I. A. M Ai'ltt 0, UCAMOIIKI.U, IKA C, IMWKl.L PAID CAPITAL, $25,000. OIRECTORS. I A.Mw-mm. I". Ut amnlmll. I. M.MIiiuwin J. II. V. Ilullnr. J. H. luni., K, a, I . well J.aMll I Town A iKiivrttl haiiauix ami . hanan liiulm.aa lrnw'lrU; limita Hiadi; ,Ioimmu rtHt.vtl uiijmi in .'in- r mi wrtinmiu( il iu. llitrri paid nil tHH ilMMiia, -Kln inr vault ami bunilar nnaif ante. 'imi j mi iiinv .itr. villi.- iiuurat a. in. i 1 1, ni. c learance Sale. SOME PEOPLE WANT THE EARTH WE f-ALY. HIHI.EY WJ lomoya at taw. A EAKIN, AT-1 Wetiavatbaonlyl el of alaitraet book lu l'olk enmity. ltnlial le atailraela fiirniatieil. Motley tol loan: no eomiilaaton cliaruml on loana. Otilty. looma 3 and 3 Wilaon block, 1HI- laa, Oregon, HEAL R.HTATB, - THE - An KipUnatlo. Willamette Real Estate Co, t .1 ... I 4 Mrs. I.ulaM.Wh!tekerwiiueUthat A XV7A III thefollowlnKbepubll-hiHlaaltUwrlt- u uerml.ntw Nalioual' Hank, imla- Traiiaarla a gonoral lt.nl VM Hind ten to him MtH-r: "I wInIi to inform the people of Inih- ueiuliiir, Or, in, buys and avtla rmuorty, elteota inKuninoe and Uoen a (rt'tierul Couveyauoe IIunIiiim. B ONIIAM HOLM Ert, ATTOlt- rarlle Having ney at I-aw. OMUw in Hnad'a nuil II to tbelradv block, Iwtwivn Klnle and Court, on Coin niereml atrwt, .Hiilem, Or. SASH AND 1H)0R8. Year. i j Tha t'arinair aud Um,mrtliuilliHi, IN CIIICAOO MAltKKTH, Hilver Cotton Corn Wheat p'r o. pt;r lb per bu. per bu. Cut. Yr. I shall write to the party who ahould iiBve seen me in rorttuiui, aa want aa I lind where the oomimny la, and you Will prnUbly bear what ho baa to any conceriiliiK my trip to Portlaml " I he whole ii llii I r bus been exattuoN nler with a view to gelling money. I made two huudred dollars, or over, lit 1.32 the store lantsumuier,and I am leavhig the firm without a dollar and would 1.27 not accent It If offered. I have rtttimuul 1.24 home with the mime elothea I left In, l.ld having been made over and ivimlreil 1.20 until there la llttlu left. Hut I am 1.13 buppy to get home, no diiTcreiice what 1.12 the altuatlon may bo. I am willing l.H for anyone to mureh my record through 1.J3 lire, for I have lived an honorable life, l.ld ami I know there la not a tieraon who 1.11 cun uy othorwlse and apeak the truth. 1.01 "You can publlxh what you think IM test of -th Is, and accept my heartfelt .1)1! tlmnks. "Very Hcxpectfully, .07 "Ll'LA M. WlllTKAKKH." ""I I.1T1U 0.1 i.i.. i,,iii.i.i U..M .,..(.. ..i.... r I iwi uj niiiiiiug in reguru to my I hiji ui iiuuiiy. rirni. 1 weut U The above table Illustrates the relu- vWt my aunt, as Mr I'oiu-r knows. tlonbetweortthecuraMit price of sliver And the last tlmej well, I never would and the market price of the staple pro- have went hud not H. F. Wbitenkor Tir ITCHELL A HOHANNON, MAN- IY1 nfimlurera of anali and doors. A Ian, aoroll anwttig. Mmu alreot, luilo- pondvnee, Or. an luge to List Their Property With this Compniiy, iu they arw dally semung uataoi mini iwi, tnua plac ing iliwlmlile t)Mierty before the real delilsoftho I'juit, JAMICH (11HHON, '.W. KIRK LAM . 1'resldetil. Hn'retary. 8 AW MILLS. 1872.... 1D.S .70 1.47 1H73....18.8 .62 1.31 1874 16.4 .72 1.43 1875 1.1.0 .85 1.12 187S....12.9 .(17 1.24 ld77 11.8 .54 1.17 1878 11.1 .51 1.34 1879.... 9.9 ' -.47 1.07 IB) 11.5 4 1.2T. 1881 11.4 .55 1.11 1882.:....ll.4 .67 1.19 1883,. ..10.8 .(18 1.13 1884.... 10.5 ,1 1.07 1885.... 10.8 ,54 M 1880 9.9 ' AO .87 1887.... 9.5 .48 .89 1888.... 9.8 .50 .85 J889..., 9.7 .47 .IW 1890 10.2 .49 .83 1891 6.0 .41 .85 V ETlSHlN A HY 8U HU EON . A. 1'ltKKi.WT. J, A. VKNRKH. DU. E. (1. YOU NO, late of No vberg, Veterinafy Hurgmin and IVntiat has moved lo Iiidepoudetioe, and opened ao ofllue over. the liidepoiideuce Nation al tiank. 8UHVEYOH. PRESCOTT X VENE8S, IE 1 MILL. ROSENDORF &, HIRSCHBERG, tior great Iniliicoiuciils U) ciiHtomors. Do voti want nood irooila CIIKA11 Call on us nt once. For the SKXTaO DAYB we will sell goods to you at glint ly reduced, PRICES. ('heiiper thiin (hey have ever lieen sold for in lndcpcn ilonco. YVa have oiilorod a largo slock from ,,M 'riinH!iaiitlWgotil( of I ho giw Is we have coiicludod to si ll them at a ACRIFIC ! .!. l . . Himior inan curry mem over, Talk about your H.iloui iirlw. Albanv f ar I ttnil wo will convince you (hat you cm M a ouy as wneap hrom Us as From the Cheapest House In PORTLAND. We are dofot'iuincd to do the lnisiiHWH in Imli imudoncc. WE HAVK IMXK If! VB CAN DO IT? WK WILL DO IT! No misrcpnw'iihili.m of goods and no eshnrhltant profits, la our motto. If yon have ever trndisl with us then yinj know we trade Faim and Bl'AKK. If Jou are a inw coumt ami never Iradod with us, cumo and try us. it coats you nolhiug to try us, and w will las pleaded to give you our prii"es. AOSEHOORF & HIRSCHBERG, - l ilTEH The Lightest, Strongest, Cheapest and best Fencing in the World. 90 lbs. to loo rods. jf.1' Only want to fence it in With the New Waukegan Steel Barbed L Fence Wire. MADE OWLV BV WASHBURN & MOEN MFQ. OO. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE mo 10 pink TRirr.! Sola Agent for Polk County. J. F. 0' DO HELL. r INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. mm or- Dress Goods AT- j. Li. umwm Successor to SHELLEY & VANDUYN. -THE OLD FIRM OF BUSTER & SHE LLEV HAS BEEN SUCCEEDED BY -I'mprliiliira of HP L 1 , toyor and Civil Kiitfimwr. All tills iiriniiiitly at Dallas, Or. BUTLER, COUNTY HUH- auaworoil. AtMrean m Mamiiaeiuriira of and Di-nlrra In FIR and HARDWOOD, HAHUE1M. ducts of Ihe farm. The figures given are the average quotation for each yenr. They plainly show the cnuae of agri cultural dcpresHiou, and explain the burden of rural Indebted iichh, with In , forest exnctloiis and mortgnge fore closures that ure fuat changing Ameri can farm property into tenant hold ings. The table also explulns the con dltlons that have blighted HkiuhiiihIh of prosperous and happy homes, and aislucvd the liumites to wretchedneas and want. TWO NIGHTS ONLY And two of the greatest nights ln your city's atnuMemeiit history. TUESDAY EVE., FEB. 7th. THE COMPLETE CORPRAY THEATRE DRAMATIC CO Will appear in Fred Marsden's greatest laughing hmccchs, in four acta, entitled, ' H "HUMBUG, Complications and entanglements ' Bupreme, WEDNESDAY EVE , FEB. 8th, John A. Stevous'8 latest New York Buccess, in four acts, entitled, -"WIFE FOA Prices 25cts., OOcts., 75cts. 8eahi rscervedat the usual place. told Will that I hud "run off' with the doctor; thin was on my flint vlalt, sol thought I would aliow them 1 could go where I pleased (wheu 1 borrowed the money to go on, from the bank, and gave my note for it.) I old uot go to Albany to meet any man, hud I wished tosco the gentleman I would not moot him In the town I wua born In, and could not walks block without mooting someone I knew. "Take from this what you think best, and oblige, "Lt'I.A M. WlllTKAKKH. "Ywjulna City, Fob. 1st, 1893 ET. . o dance, Oregon II EN RLE, THE HAHflF.lt, nppnaiU) opera uouae, ludepen- Rough and Dressed LUMBER. J. A. WHEELER, . Manager IUI ITU EY, fv vvy All Drass Qoods Reduced to 11 Following Prices: TIlPV Fillet (Ifl Tn floro Pnnm Ur Tha iiiwj ihhwi uw iu iiiuivu iiuuill IUI I lib Spring Stock AUCTIONEERING. TRUCK AND DRAY. "7 II. IIOHNER, MONMOUTH, OR., C.. ii slwiiys rnndy to do nuctiuii work, either iu the eity or oountiy, at reasonable nitns. TAILORS. Weak Women 0w. to thaiitlv a dntr t Uka Rood's ariaparllU, la view of th. trait rell.t II haa (Iran tbot. whs lOlTur from allmanU pwullar to lb. lat. Br purlfjrlni th. klood, ragnlatlnf lraponaut orjana, trcnithenlni th. narvei, aud tonhi th. whol. aratara, l raiturea th. debllluted to health. After IS Tears. " For U ynara mr mother haabeaa trou bled with milk !. She went to Siirrent pai iaoi i aiiiornia, an perauna nilil Hie oil XT O. BHARMAN, MERCHANT V V . Tn nilor, (J street, neur DoHtnllloe Suits in sny style made to order at res sotmble nitea. HUBBARD & l'HOi'llIKTOIW OK CityTruck and Transfer Co. Hauling of all Kinds Done at Keiwonablo Itiitca. Agents for the 0. P. Boats. All hills must be settled by the 10th 01 eacn moniii. Independence,. Oregon. mat. in lih I help her, but It waa nt no vail, and I, belli, a drumrlat, thought I would net hor to try llood'a Hurxi.nrlll He (ore the had taken half a bottle elie aald he waa Imnrovlnr. aoilieonutlm'ml um II alio tonk half a doinn butllca, and now ah. la perfectly well, for nearly fltieen year, aha waa nnahla to walk aroiinil, lint now aha ran walk u well aa ever." T. r. lli.ika, Smi Kranci.co, with 0. V, Klcharda A Co. Wholatal. UrugiilnU. . ' Like a New Creator. "I bar. been for yeara trytn to Ket bela for that terrlhle frimifral debility and weak nna ao torn mini to women. Wltlilii a year I have taken ten or twalr. bottle of llood'a Saraaparllla, and I am now feeling Ilk. a new creature," Mae. I. B. Eoaa, Marlln, Teiai. Hood's Sarsaparilla (old by Drnretita, 1 itxforlt. Prepared only hy C. I. UuOl) A CO., ApoUiauarlea LowaU, ataaa. , IOO Dose On Dollar HOTELS. HRICK. CHARLES HOTEL. PORT land, Orouon. 0. W. Knowies. proprietor. The lending hotel of the northwest. Fireproof. Hydrnulio ele vstor. Newly fnrnished. Good restaur, sill oontieoled. 180 rooms. Cor. Front and Morrison streets, BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS Germinating Power. PUREST STRAINS, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Wtm, Can ChrroH WALLA WALLA, uoui uiuiiuii) yASH. Of Indciiendonce, having a steam engine, a brick machine aud soveral acrea of flnest clay, is now prepared to keep on hand a line quality of Brick, which will be sold at reason able prices. MlEfi a iAi 111 WHO WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. ALL ARE COMPETENT DRUGGISTS, BESIDES All $15 Pattern Suits Reduced to 12 - II 9 "8.75 - "6.75 - - 8. 6.! ii Henriettas Bedford Cords "I. AN ::: EXPERIENGD ::: PHARMACIST -1 i ti it it From New York City, WJ. MULKEY, MONMOUTH , owns the Old Rohnble grocery nnd provision store. Come test our prices and quality of goods, and be s nred that we sell as aheap as the cheap est, and will deliver your pnroliasas in tiny part of the oily FREE of charge. Don't fail to outl W. J. Mulkey. II iniHD TO III I Plfffllll DOTIK. THEY CARRY A rULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Fresh Drugs and Patent Medicines SHELLEY, ALEXANDER & CO., Independence. - - Oregon. 90 Cent Suitings 55 Cent French Flannels 50 Cent Grovefand Meltings J IT HALF PRICF . i mi w Wlli3l