The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 20, 1893, Image 2

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V . j V t?
I?r'1- V"h i ,w,t.
g"Wjr oMiwn rwMitithma will beVtiamtt
tor M Uw mu i f Ave wnta iw line. .
. BlairJ m th tWuf In
arAxaixQ ms crop,
This is H good ttmo for determin
ing nt season's work. (letter
ally it is bmt before duckling whut
b to le doiitt in the future, to go
awfully over the past season's
,worlc Hiul ascertain as fully its pos
Bihle where the profits have wine
in, It cau hardly be considered
good farm management to lie con
tiunully olmuging from one thiuu
to auother, eapwhilly wheu it is
done with a view of growing only
Bnch products as bring the highest
prices. Hut is it good economy
to persist in growing products tlmt
r- are evidently unprofitable! With
most formers a system of work tlmt
enables them o feed out to thrifty
vigorous stock the greatmt rt of
what is grown on the farm will
give the best results. Specialists
realize a large profit when the eon
aittous uutler which they are at
' work are favorable, but the major
ity of farmers will find diversitietl
forming the most profitable.
This implies the keeping of
few sheep for. wool, mutton am?
Iambs; some cows for milk, butter
and calves; some horses to do the
necessary farm work, and to raise
colts, that at a proper maturity,
can be marketed; some hogs tor
meat and to market. Ity keeping
diilerent kinds of stock the var
ious farm products are ushI to bet
ter advantage, while growing a var
iety of crops will lessen the cost of
feeding the stock for market, af
ford a better opportunity for keep
ing up the fertility of the soil, dis
tributing the work more evenly
throughout the season, and in this
way lessen the cost, liut in all
this, as a rule, it will be found
lest to make some one product the
leaning crop, aim tue ot Hers as
aids to it W ith sheep, this may
be early lambs for market, choice
mutton in the winter, or au extra
quality of wool. AVith cows, it
may be good cattle for lHcf, a large
quantity of milk which will yield
plenty of cream, from which a
good article of butter can be made.
In either case the ground should
be carefully looked over and the
conditions under which the work
must be done should be well con
sidered in order to avoid mistakes.
With good management there is
always some part of tho formiug
either crops or stock, that pay t
fair profit, and the farmer that
grows a variety will be more likely
to have some of these than the one
who makes a specialty of one or
two things.
II ! Mb M lk Sailor tWinui! I'n.MefM
titi IkftliM wIIIOm vara H Kill
Yala Hit Kvilrvu,
C '
The man who buya land, or gt-ts
land, whether he buys it or not,
arid holds on to it, Is the man who
has a monopoly, and he can let it
work ftr him day and night, lint
an individual is unable to do much
harm as a monopolist of that class,
so syndicates ami corporations are
formed. Of the extent of these.
even in the I'mted States, but lit
tie la kuown. That millions of
acres are in the hands of sueh cor
poratioua, is known, but we are go
ing to give some figures here to
show not a few million, but hint-
1 ft A .Lit .1
urns oi millions of acres uro so
owned. Areas etiual to w hole states
lu fact.
The time Is eoiuing.and that very
fast, w hen our people will see that
a giave mistake has lcen made.
There is only one remedy, and the
people as a mass, will uot yet ap
ply the remedy. The time will
come, howevei, when they will do
so, lieud thnte figures of
No, Al'HIX
Illinois ,,,. S,uc',ivs
MIUspl S,tri2,ito
Altthnnia. , , , , ., , , . . tUTil.iyi
Florida 2,:iii0,U2
UuiIniiim l.STSJAi
ArkuiiKi.H , 4,S7s,H,s
MUwiurl , S.Ws'i.lW
bwa , O.twT.Aili
Mlehljjatl 4,712,-ITS
WUviiMia 8,7's,4:l
Mtunenota , 0,y,tUl
Kanatw SlI.HlA.tMMi
To t'utim IVIile It. U liuuu.uuu
tVtlVl-r Pllt'ltlo, t,IMN)tlk)0
Ontrul IVIllo... 8,mni,iki0
Sxiixt'lly htollle uo.rtw
N'orthtTM IWitle , i:loui1(o
Duke of Rutland. , .,..,.,..,.,..,
Lidy WtlhrtiRhliy,.,ii,i,.,,
Hlr W. W.'JVynn...
Ksrl of YrlMruii(l,
a prlii
TO,ai vale ownership of hind as
W oipie.
HI, (M.I W'l,,,,. twinnlit fnllv iiiiiIhi'
' stand the situation It will not be
Total . it!i9SA4 long before our free people will
Here are 0(1 foreign corporations mabe themselves free and trample
ana individuals who own more untior foot tills gr itt muiopuiy
land than there is in the Btato of Make thwo lands pay all over taxes,
Indl it a by wio.&U) acrc.or enouirh thon the time will come when
to give Il:,iilft American cltiKciiahlio only limn who can proior is
each a farm of MOaercn. "'O who lalniM, either in field
This list is UuHiniplete, comirls- N,'ll or bushiest There will then
Ing only 53 corporations and indl- i o dromw suckiug the life blood
viduala ow ning uu aggregute of 20, ft'0,u l",Hri 'd trampling it uudi
Ji:i,:Ot acres. A full list of the
fiktUIirikall'U U llA liittu ukltluiil liktiil I '
in this country' would show an g- MOST POPULAR LADY,
grcgato ot holdings of not less than
10,000,000 aeres.
This dtss uot ineludo the forms
taken by foreign loan companies
ou foreclosure In the United Wales
Our Subscribers Coiiimt'iicc this
Week Casting their Ballots,
(Hunts, which probably aggregate j l-.lV RM'KIVI Mi Til K MOST Vm
more aeres than nil the atajve large
liol.lings, It wusstatHl in a roll
ible paper alMmt a year ago that
2,(00 (arms in Northern Kansas
hud passed to foreign loan ctiu
panics, by foreclosure,!!! 18 montlis.
Neither does this list include the
it t s. cMmi ik ai rH" '"' i )'
4rKii, Sn Mallrr Wklkr khH
0W, lutiaa, larrlnl.ariilaal.
ruuvrvilh! Siti-rHitH-nto,., im,t(i
Onuuii limui'h (Vti. Pat?.... 3,ui,u.i
Oregon & i 'ullforuln. a, .'HMi.iMtta
Vtliiiill' A Piicille. , . 4-.',ini,ik()
SouthiTU 1'nellle U,.iiH,ta)
StiK'ktou A ('oiK'riipolU....
Oivkhu IViarnt , ,
The tendency of organized labor
to look toward the government for
mLvos ia those dyJ wheu the few
are fattening oil' tho rich of the
land, is illustrated by these words
of Grand Muster Workman I'ow
derly, who said, in au address to
the union carpeuters: "I am a
socialist and I say it without blush
ing. If the avowal brings con
demnation, I am willing to take it.
I am one of 05,000,000 socialists in
this country. I believe the rail
roads and public highways should
uo iMuuuwueu, mm uhu u.u me- sUmmti Land Co, Heollniul. ,
graph system should be owned and itoi.-rt 'iVmmnt, ..f ..union.. .
Totl, ....ll'l.lXti.H.".?
lu the above there is enough
land to make homos for
families, eaeh having IM acres.
In addition to the above i. tu.y
!)Sii ucw have Imvh given away to
aid canals.
In addition to the above 12,'Jii.V
5!t;J aeres have Ih-ch illegally in
closed by cattle, and other syndi-
atos, largely wmposed of foreign
It is a well knowiU ict that the
bonds and stocks of these railrouds
are largely owned by foreigners.
This amount of Ian I is greater limn
the combined area of the six Neiv
iiglaud stati-s, and New York,
Vow Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, .
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Imliun.i, Illi
nois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa,
ami Missouri, ami till the states eat
of the Mississippi ami uorth of the
Ohio river.
The vast area is owned by syndi
cates and coiiiorations, in the
Tinted States, and they are con
stantly adding to it.
The following foreign individuals
and syndicates own the amount Ul'
land set opposite their names:
Kii(fllnh fynilicutoin'lVxiw H,mi,M)
ilollitml I.iukI Co, X, Mexico.. 4,in,iiiio
(Sir H. Jtwil, ayiollniU'lii I'lu,
KiiKlih ayiKllciile ill Mlwt l,HU(l,(Hii
liiiron I weiiliilu i.ToO.IMKt
i'hlllliw, Murlmll & Co Ijiii-
doll 1,,'IOIUHM)
Ueriimn sytnlieiite 1,1uo,(khi
AtiKlo-Ainerican ay in) lea t e,
loiMltiii T.VUmio
The pcopui of America hobl ns nsml
Mtrd (he rlnht of millYuKo, ami o do
we. Ill sll llieae Uulltsl Htuies Iml
lot ima m iMM'iitliir IWlnulloti for uvurv
euoiinous laud values in ml ilea and ttti ,, amtt the Ulh.u prlnu-Il
mining stock, right of way of rail- lu this paper will mum inuuya hesrt
roads etc., owned by forelirners. 1 1 palpitate, as llw returim come In
AM KliU'AN I.ANI) OWNKIW. r!?. , '
I 1 UM eolileat ImwnVKr la it uovel ntin
II is generally thought ot the hmamuch ss thseus hatluiwl for muat
.viuoiieau muuioiti mat, ue is a iw a woitmu, nun n miwt live lu or
very harmless, inollenslve sort of nvnf Intlepcudonee. V nmk till
au individual, when, in truth. l, 'w oMi-r tlmt the vok-a muy not iw
Is just as bad, Just as greedy, Just
" T v r f Ul'lh fill i,ivitlTivd
US lnean and iintt a ilniiL toinm um .. . . .
, - vnuy mm uniyiiiii nevoitm lor hi a
ills twin iirottier across tlie wuter. tluw
He is simply a separate link of the The lady mu4 llv uenr lmlopeii.
samesaiisiige, made out of the same oene.
Iojj, lite imnte of too peraou voIIiik mul
American landlords also hold "7 ml !" ,B wm'mu- ' ml
' "I1"' hIJ to April lat IsiiS, or vole cannot
ulative purposis and to grow rich be counted.
from rent. Here Is ft partial list All votm mvivtil will pnwrvrd;ae.
with the aniotint owned by each: repted vote pliiwl on ou airing, sml
Ai ttt. rwjw UHl on the oilier.
K fN'iintor fkirwy, In Nw ou can vote suvlltm' ta'tweeii now
Mexico ,,. "d rVbrtmry 1'iul, st main, and your
I'oi. 1. C. Murnhy .w.ww 'Kli will U coiiiiUhI.
Cul. t'liuivh, of .Now York, 1st) You e.i vote iw urn ny time sa you
fnrinaorfriiil LMU scrm to can get coOtUi.
flno Mcrvs eacli, la all atmut 00,000 " ! y""f CHHiain, tillc,! tint,
Mr. ('lurk, of New York 80 ,w iiuiwlcr will forward mv-
.Stitmliird t Hi tiiixiiiy, in n'V, 'r"' Ketlier, at your rXwiiM,
nd (ntt ....I.Uio.tMio li yu do not ma, the w(im, cut it
Dr. (ilciiu, of ('BllfoniU,,.,.,. tio.oou ""t, sad nave it, you may want to um
K Mariner, Milwaukee 7o.v " 1,,,,,r 'e iuiU
(Ui. I Unity. WIncoiihIu ai,l Ui Huatt a.pulir lady will rect i w a
luvld N-laor. Ohio !iVW I l,r,t ' sunouuctHl Inter. It Will
Maurice IttiUdjfli, N J Wl.tkat ' H worth ntvlvnK.
Malana. p
It Mlt?ml In Iwi'aiiwd hi p.. iitimia ait
Mm ailnlna limn In, mui.liy laurl 14
(miu tlnaylnii vuavinblo tnlii.r, an4
whlnli, lnuatheil Ihl.i Urn imiita, (mr an4
NilHiiit tin IiIixhI, tf a )pIUiy niuilltlug
Ot Ilia IiIiuhI la tiinliiiulml h iaklh
IliuxJ'a HnriHrlll, toi In aitti'h U llahla
Ul Malaria, anil llinnl'a Nnnaiiarllla hat
mr.l umii). navarauaMxiil OiiiiliniMilua
A WiMitlurftil Metlieln
" Kut malaria I Uiluk llixul'a Sataarlll
liMUiMUl. Il liaiiHnirtihliattiuwU
mmIu ilinninU ili auuiiiutr, and w Una lu
miii ul Uia wurat fur timlarla In
Mnr)vllli. t laka II.kmI' katM.arllla fur
thai all auiia limliiia, Willi trial twuvdl.
ilu S. r. 1avi, Marravtll. CaJ,
llicak Hone I'ever,
11 M) daiiitnlDt I'narl lakvii llh dna
t i ! U.un, luVBt 11 two, aai', auil
uir Oluii'la 111.. mi, 1 1 wi,lil !.,. I.r. I
ha 1 aintiM ill. 11 ui uiW until lm Iwaan
lu ikv II.hhJ . MiM,arl)la. Hlie Umk Imir
UjiiIini iu 1., in in, .nil.,, an.! aaOiixl
iuni..U, I lliauk II.Kid i Har.aimrUla lot
mviua iml Iw. b lu inv rMiurml lu haaiu,
ami aimugtU." juu A, kiau, aliaiwaa,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
,i.i In iliiiiiai'. ,ilufW. ivian4
' 'I, U) V. I, IIUOU to., AbulbaiWlwa,
WMuil, HtHM
100 Doaoa Ono Dollar
W. H. Whoolor,
Mil, ma, etc.,
Which h banning at
Reduced Prices.
A Tine Line of Choice Cigars
and Tobacco.
Confectionery, Nuts
tropical rnuiT.
main Street, Independence.
: I . ,1. f .,-4
11 .ii.ji.imi :,'.
r'or aiile ly J. H. I'l'OlI.
c?fifi GRASS and
.'V. w.niiiMciirj
' wstsrsnwws.
i ) iw.tiiiut
The tmrlnendilp heretofore nxlatlng Iw
twvcii J. F,0 Don iivl! andJ.D.IrvInt un
der the firm nniiieofU'Donnell&Irvliie
Iiim this day heeii dlaaolvitd by mutual
I'luiwiit. J. I). Irvine rtttlrliiK from
tilt firm. All note and atnstuuu due
the II rui wilt I ool lifted by J. D.
Irvliiu at the Independence Nulloual
ilitnk and all bills ntfitliMt said Arm
will Ui pithl by O'Donimll A Irvine.
J. K. O'Don.nici.u,
J. D. Ihvimb.
Imo:i'kmikni b, Oh. Dee. Slut, t92.
1 lie buaiiuMH will be continued by
j, i, u iioiiuelland wetakuthUopixir
tuulty of tlinukluK the public for the
UiMiral patronage kIvod un during th
put car, und aoliclt a ouutitiuaui of
the anltie to our aucceawir.
Notice la hereby given to every body
tliiitowea the firm of O'Dott nell A
1 Irvine for hardware for the year 1HB3,
to plinuut cull at the Independence
uNiitloimi Jutnk and make iuuoodlate
! payment to J, D. Irvine, who la uth
1 nnsttl to give noi'lpta, Itemember we
muat have our moiiey luiinwllntcly.
O'DoNNKI.I, A laviNK.
IM.KI'KNIIKNCK, 0. Deo. 28, 1802,
K. I . SltriiiMlit 111 tMtVMftll aattatitak fUilllllMl
I, !!!, HKI j V. A Iron Co lOOum
t"ol. Myent, V4ctiniiiu .W.ihhi
T. xn I.aihl nudCaitleCo. ... S40,Huu
'tVjuet funic t'uiid (owned by
riuir men.) S.ueo.uoo
A New Y.ayiidlciite In Texan ,Hon,ui
Mi l.iiiiKliliii, tf Ciiliruriilii..., ni,iai
Win, H. ( Iiuiuiiuu, in t'allfor.
Ida am.uoii
Kx-f'ule kimeyor.lieu.lloiiKll'
ton, t.f I'allforula. SAJRW
On. Heals, exulnU'KUrveyor.. WlO.UHl
Miller A. I.tis, Shu Krioiclco. , ,i's),uun,
John W. I)wllit, of IViiimyl-
vuiilii, owns in North l)u
kotik a f irm iicuily im hirno
iw the stttte of Itliiulu f... ,
. ,ll0i, nillen..
"Illxliy, Flint A Co.of Nm Fran
ITT Till Ot T.t
I film! tntf titln thh Ihirli rnlh tiny
.AiH.Kiri, ts;, fur
Sijtutl .
E.C. PENTLAND, Manager.
By rmi II Kvurm, Iondon,,
Duke of Sutherland Ij.lioii
lirillli i.iiml Co, in Kim .'t'D.lKMi
W. Whnley, iiiciiiIht of Piirlia-
liient for IVIcrnlioro, . ,.
operated by the government."
1 Many a business man cuts (low
t his newspaper advertisiug just at
f the wrong time. It is not the
, return from one advertisement
j that brings success. Jb is the
I cumulative eflect. Watch the
. business of two firms, one a live
I presLstent, aggressive advertiser,
; the other, negligent. Which
' becomes the leading merchant in
j a few years! Buy a space in your
I paper and see how interesting you
I can make it and dout begrudge the
i money spent. It will pay. The
paper can live without your adver
i tiscment better than you can live
i without its effect.
' A recent decision of the supreme
court of the Btate of Oregon, in the
i cane of John Savage vs. city of Huleni
f Is of interest to all members of city
I councils. The council guve hi in the
, privilege of erecting two water tun kit
Vn the-streets of the city for city
i sprinkling purposes, when a succeed
; ing council ordered them taken away,
I he sued the city and recovered dimi-
, ages, in lie nrw piuce, no Minium nor
have been sjan ted the privilege, but
having been granted It should not be
revoked, to his damage. In Inde-
t pendence are several buildings, sheds,
ietc., erected In the streets. If the city
council had given permission for tlioir
erection (which It did not, although
asked to do so several times) it could
not have ordered them taken away
Without paying damages to the owner ;
I, ninI Co Siotluiul.
D11 mil
Lord lliiiiiiiore.
Bcniaiiiiii Neugaa, I.iverpool. .
Lord Houghton, lu Flit
Lord Dunraveii, In (Jolo
KiikIIbIi Liindt'o, Flu...,
" " " Ark
A. l'ctd, niumberof l'lirliumtiiit
for Leicestershire, K 10,(HKl
Hir J L Kay, Yorkslilre, K . . . 0,000
Alexander (Jriint, of Loudon,
in Kansas , . , aooo
F.iiglish syndicate, Wis H0,lMKl
iVI. KllerhioiHen, VV. Vu liiKI,lHHI
A Scoteli syndicate, Fl-, rillll,lKK)
A. Hoyscn, Danish Consul Mil
waukee i r,d,iKH)
Mo. Lund Co, Kdinburgh W,m
H. DIhsoii, in Flu y,(l()(l,(loo
Baron Win. Houlley, in Illinois
und KuiiHiis,.,,, ,, ,
Ulcliard Hy kes ami Mr, Hughes
of Kiigluud, iu Dakota
O. M. Beach, of London. lu Da
Finlay Dun & Co, In Dakota..
MarijtilH Deniorcs, lu Dakota
und Montana ;.
Close Bros ,. i7(,Ml
Mariiilsof Aylesbury nr)m
Duke of Beuul'ort M,ur
Duke of Bedford 87,507
Eurl of Bronlow 67,7110
Earl of Carlisle
I'-arl of (;uwilor'W
Duke of Cleveland KKUIfiO
Karl of Derby fiO.fiUS
Maxwell Lund Co ,.1,714,W.4
Duke of Devonshire MHli'O
Lord Iteconlield 00,101
Lord Londosborough fi2,0fi5
Earl of Lonsdale. (I7,0fi()
Duke of 'ortliuuibcrland 101,480
Duke of Portland 6f,2fil)
Earl of l'o wis 40,005
A Miut Lllwral Offrr.
The piilillshent of thia paia-r have
,-Iho .., , aoo,ui l,,mw,l n elenant alik plush and silver
U. W. Holier!, of Sail Frnn- nioiintett nod goi edxitl, lmii,liiiic.
Imi Hn,()ly niilhel 114 citliluel photoitniph id- Ciilifornla Kio.iMm ' ". wludow of Miss A.
Tlir.a kuii.rtou, of Cullfoi uhi. . 1 W.ono "'lettuiay stow, wiilcli ia to In- given
Murphy family, of Snnla Clam. IM.OOO rr"'- la ilw '"dy receiving (lie meat
TIkw. Fowler, lu California... li,(a) v"t,m M"K Ipular lady
Alad Stems, of IAngell'... aV '" ,",,,'l'-ilenet.
Plilladelidilu drill hi Catlfor- I M we " lo ,rw "ve vnUn
nla 2OU.0O0 navewwi reeeive.l:
Mrs. llislglna, 1,
Mrs. Felitiell, 1.
Ill view of the evident reluctance of
rsona to vole, we have inadti Inquiries
of our readers " iv do vou noi
vote," and two answers greet us. "We
uro afraid to algu our names on ait-
ooiint of some trouble arlsliur" mid
We want to know why you are so
In answer to the fecund otii'slloii we
lealre to say that wo get our pay out of
the auliHcrlitloim we get paid in, ns our
Watchmaker ami Jeweler.
The annual meetuiir of the Ind
udeiiee Water aud Wectrlo Light
('imilmiiy, will be held at the Inde
pi'iiilciiiw National latuk, on January
30ih lsti;t, at 1 p. ni. for the purpoae of
electing ollleem for the eiuuilug year,
und aiicb other lniUiics aa may oouw
before the meeting.
II. If. Jasckiwon.
With Patterson Bros.
Poland China Pigs.
Prieea fjoia f.1,H0 uiiwarda, according o
llii-lr nun.
Tlie (una r in Mil reapetta llral-chuta,
aud M,rfiHl lyit of
flieir breril.
J. E. Davis,
ttifi"ianaiiii aniTMuHMauutk Mutut LIh
lavra lavaa
Iiiilreouilouoa. Muuiuuulu.
T) TrlB
: line
il: l-OV
ttll in
.i .m
UM lr Tei" utaa a.aa kr
lintlm t"ai'oo"i. au iaiiw hoiiu
- w.n ,, form tun auiifo,
lll.l ItOR I TH
on. bo us a 01 li atiiroT,
. i.' d,PWM1 t"a el4.
PILES r...-Tn.;i"r"- t,",vi"'ais
m. iif, aao.rnii.4pfc"
Here we have '.Ml American cor
porations and individuals w ho ow n
l l,0;ii!,ooo acres, or a good deal
......... ,1... a .
more imiii nun lis mucil III ml as
there is w it h i it t he houndai lea of the
Slate of Indiana. And thlsisonly
a very small part of the nnmlierol
Aimiicau land owners who hold
from 5,000 to 100,000 acres each.
" hy," iiMk our readers, "do
we pivethisarrayof flgurest" We ",1,,r ' vlrl,m,y 11 1"" to our suliscrll.
L-ive them to convince our readem. r1 lu Uml rw,"cl " l"ul ,H',,n vw'
. . ' i MIIIUtaHtatrill
il iln.iv lift, niif I
m 4 i f ia.. V M 1 11 trdvr to lu'wmmwiuto thiwo who
U,rir W mM'U 4,1 W"IM5 WUh to Vlt hilt t.l.Wt to Mliftitiiir
oi uio ni.i;wsujraiiisi, tno ifieeU of iiaines, wo will mako this proposition
mis class. ton may well look mrtliu coining two weeks:
auuized; but the uuiwllon is this: "Vou may vote for any married lady
Are you the rem- 1,1 ""f"n.leiice, wlmse husbaml Is in
. - . . llllMlllMfclA III, I'll f.l. tl... ,.f It...
CI V'T lllili t lint iu I., ,..,.1. .. tl...u. vl"' '""" " "it
, . , i . , , lartu slready voted for, und need not
w ifiii (iron. iiini.iT.oi til ui w ...... ........ . ....
. ; j,',,, iiHiotj. ieinoillg to tins
iieuiniK "leirs una our ow u those who are not nreuald snliscrlliers
II' theNtt lnnn were owners of our
bodies, h slaves, they would not
.he more, musters over us than in
owning the binds,' provided we
want, the; land, lly purchasing one
hundred million ticres of land,
which cjtnnot; run away, and does
not need to bo fed, clothed, or edu
caled.tbey cim in twenty years ( iml
the twenty yours is about, here) have
one hundred thousand full-grown
Americans ready to give them half
oi all that, their labor can product
on this land, for the privilege of
supporting themselves und their
luinilies out oi the other half. This
gives him more of the produce of
labor than ho could exact from so
many chattel slaves, And tw time
goes on and American citizens be
come more plentiful, und these syn
(licatos control more laud, this
ownership will enable him to got,
more Americans to work for them,
and at, reduced rates, This specu
lation in hind uniKiiiilH to a mort
gage on the coming generations of
iiulaiided Americans. These men
Will be tho landlords, and tho com
ing generation the tenants, just as
it is in European countries today.
This question will enter politics
mid stay there. We are just be
ginning to Mm the eyiis of the pri-
limy vote us well as those who have
Conimertclng In February we Intend
having a voting contest on the most
popular old bachelor In Independence,
aud the prl.o will be a silk hat, Only
prepaid subscribers can vote.
To aid T)lirl Inn lake one fiimill llllti IIin
after trnl lug, Whj, .ur Uutile.
I he partnership heretofore existing
between It. Hhelley & J, M. Vamliiyn,
ureter tne linn name of Shelley a Van
diiyn, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, It, Hhelley retiring
from the firm. All notes and accounts
due them will lie collected by the firm,
either imrty being authorized to re
ceipt for the same.
It. Himr.i.KV,
J. M. Vanim'Vn.
Independence, Jim. B, 1811.1.
Prm-Kiit ini.l mirn OnimllpiiUon lludSluk
Hiiuilttiiliu, AhuiU Mile. Uuaiia,
- - -4. .
The school tax of scIkmiI dlstrlot No.
21), Polk county, Oregon, Is now due
and payahlu to J. D. Irvine, district
clerk, at the Independence National
Bank. Tlie Name will be deemed do-
llnqnent unless paid before March tho
12f,ll, 1803.
J. I). IitviNK, District Clerk.
Dated this, the 11th day of Jan., 1803.
Onn Small Illln limn evi'ry nliilit, fnra'
Wui k iiiiiiiau'J'oi ulil 1.1 void. liic. pur buttle.
Tlie new resident dentist, Dr. 8. A.
Mulkey, bus Ins cilice over O'Donnell's
Hardware store. All kinds of work lu
Ills profession Is done and guaranteed.
Well, Well,
il y il i
It Just Makes Me Laugh
c;.d best
Q Only want to fence it in
J With the
Hr Hew
i cncinjj
ia the
f o lbs. to
i oo rods.
IU Fence
Solo Agent for Polk County,
j. F. O'DOKLL,
Successor to SHELLEY & VANDUYN.
All Drass Goods Reduced lo the
Following Prices
Tbey Must Go To Hake Rcan Fcr The
111 Oyer,
Hum eonie Imrk iikiiIii to Indi'penilenee and opned asture. Now,
we II K"t rihiiIh iitfiiln aa elit-ap here m miywhere. und If tliere U ft clmnoe
for liliu to iiiIhm tliu prion of our
You lift, he'll do It. I le always did aell olieuier and pay more for pro
initio than any nirri'haiit lu Ort'Kou,
Honifl of tlie (ild-tline fiirniern, and all we have to wiy Ih, we will try
to keep up our repiitiitloti. We have bought out Zed ltonendorr
Mtoek, anil aa we desire to put lu n
111 SIS Patten Suits Reduced to
" l
II -
8 - -
" 8.75 -
" 6.75 - -
Bedford Cords
-We will Sell the Entire Stock-
Greatly Reduced Prices
Itenieinlier, we never iiilHrepreKent our (ooiIb. Wetflveno bulls, hut we will
ditplleiite nny bill at Portland prlees.
STOCK 90 Cent Suitings
55 Cent French flannels
50 Cent Groveland Cettings
And if You Don't Want to Buy, Come in Anyhow
and See How Cheap We Do Sell Goods.
Remember Our Store is at Zed Roscndorfs Old Stand.
ui m rates w iiu fit.