THE WEEK'S BUDGET. What Our Reporter Finds of In terest to Our Readers. THE LOCAL AX UKNKKAL NEWS, aauuwf tf KW of Ik Wwk Tnlj Mil M (XtwM Bllr.tMM f litffHl Ww lirorjakM, I RIO AY. A Happy New Year to you all, and ..... iJ.l. IK. WKhTKlOR during !. Nearly every postniter In lolk county has consented tu forward eou imiutothl paper, with th vote of MuiMcrlU'm, Independence uberlb . era mii btiiul theni to the postmaster here who will place them In Wvi Sinn box. On Saturday evening the 17th Inst the lyon Ittslge A. F. A A. M., of title city elected the following officers: U W. Shlnu, V. M.; Geo. A. Smith, 8. W, K. h. Kethuru, J. W.s H. Hlraeh- berg, Treasurer; 10. Dell Secretary V.L.Hodlna, Tyler.; III said that President Harrlaou ha accepted a proposal from President Jordan, ot the Leland Staufnrd Jr., university, to become a member of tlx faculty of that institution. HI dullet will comprise the delivery of a series ol law lectures, which will mil him t Palo Alto two or three limes a year, and It li probable that he will makt California hie winter nwidencw. Mrs. Dr. Eaton of Pwtlaud, m, Lily Cooper, while In California this uur luer ww presented with a horned toad which beeanw a great pet. About six wetk ago It escaped and the mounted It for but. Last week she read oft horned toad having been captured ai Buleui, and alio la going to try and prove It to be her property, which ht can easily do, for her pet wm marked. F.itihlein pins, charm and buttons, nice prcaeuta Aur geul. At Patterson Bros, Are you looking for eomethlng nlet for agent for Xuiaa? Hte our ailvei ainoklug arte. Ak Uie price. Patter sou Bros. A handsome plush box goes with every ladles' irold watch today and tomorrow. I'stterson Bros. The must delicious breakfast did) h the germea made by Klemsen A Cbrla tlau at the White War roller milk. Auk your grocer for it and Insist ou bavins uo other. SATURDAY. Mia Jeuule Booth, of Saleui, la vlslt Imr Mr T. W. Belt, The week of prayer, commencing Sunday January let 1H93, will be ob served by the churches In tbU city. Owing to scarcity of money every one admit that It b ncaree the Christ mas trade was not aa brink tbl year a usual Ira Clodfelter, formerly of this place, but now of Wall Waila, came by way of Salem today, to visit hla pareuU lu thin city. We omitted to uicutlou but week a very pUaaaut party at the home of M. O. Potter. We ahould be plnutl to have thoxe wKial I tenia bandtnl ua. A gentleman lu thlit city hita ititwr eated hluuielf la the building of a tlli-Uddt-rat Oregon City, antj alrtady ha aevvrul Ihoumtnd nntnua to pnwlit to the Oregon leglitlatut'e avklng that thr atate nniprlate money for lu It 1 a luuduble undertaking and we wlxh him auitxwi. It look atrnnge to go along our dark atrpet and aee our atorva lighted withlaniw. The Eleetrle Light com pany etHtiua to have found It a welcome ret aa they apimroully have bad bul little chance to put up broken wires, for the weather haa been too bad for any kind of work. The graham manufactured by the White filar roller mllla in of extra qual ity. Try it. The Polk County Land Compa ny ban Just eecured the aale of eigtiteeu aorta of flue land almoat adjoining town at a very low figure. 8ee F. A. Patterson about It. Ifyouwanta dwelling bouae, and a lot In Bueua Vlata for f3X, ee the Polk County Land Co. and tbey will sell It to you. Copied ot 1802 awtenHmeiit roll includ ing mortgage, in pamphlet form, for aale by V. P Flake, Dallas, price 13. HUSDAV. There were aervioea at the Congre gational church In the morning only. The morning dlncounte was baaed on the text. "Behold I brlug you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people." There will be service next Hunday, January 1st, 1893, both morning aud evening, conducted by the pastor, D. V. Poling. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, and at 8 o'clock all the rjuuday schools scholars of Inde pendence are invited to meet Mr. Pol ing In the church, on Important btial tusm. This will be the last service held In the M. 10 church, as on January 8th the new church will be dedicated. At the Chrlatian church next Sun day, Sunday school will be held at 10 a. in. A large attendance is desired, as officers will then be elected for the ensuing year. The Y. P. H. C.E. will meet promptly at 6 p.m. SubJecfWIII Ing offering to God," with C. P. Smith It leader. Prayer and praise meeting every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Ladies Aid society each Friday after noon, and Young Ladles Sewing Cir cle Suturday p. m. The pastor being absent from the city Rev. 11. L. Shelley will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. Delegates to the county convention of the young neople at Dallas will be elected by the Y. P. 8. C. K. in the evening. Services were held In the morning at the Buptist church by pastor A. J Hunsaker. In the evening the Baptittt Young Peoplfi'a Union held Its meet ing the subject being "Christmas." Next Saturday; afternoon is the cove nant meeting of the church and in the evening H. Y. P. U, meeting, The election of officers for the Baptist Sun day school takes place Saturday. A. S. IxKke the present, encumbent Is go ing away, so a new superintendent must be elected. Services of the week ft prayer will be observed. At the Presbyterian church Sunday there will be n rvleea at U a,, in,, and 1 ui. HechU coltwtlou In h morn ing for Foreign Mlwloux and Sunday achool work, Huuday ai'hoo) at 1U;15 p. Ml. Huemmeiil of the Iiord SupHr will beohaervvd at the morning aervlee, Prepaiatory aervlea Friday DiHviubr .'tnthatap. iu, Annual congregational meeting will be held In the church Friday January nth Hut, at 11 m. Hirvleea lu the Kvatigelleal church next Sunday evening only, by Itcv Copley. Sunday school t a o'ekK'k. Dr., Young, veterinary aurgeou and doutlat. late of Newlwrg, haa lo cated perniaueutly lu ludeiwiideuee. Tint doctor eoniea highly recommended Hla oWe la over the Independence .auouai oatiK. Dr. T. J. Lee's olllee la at the end of the hall, up stair In the iiuU ciil,mc' National Bank building. MOMIAY. Notraluahave arrived at ludepen dctuv aiuee Thuradny. JsiiK's (I.IUulne Is now convalescing, And htipea are luiertalned of his recovery, The Chrlatlan aud F.vaugellca) hurchca alone had ChrUlmas lm ihiayear,,. The Willamette Me during thepaai twenty four houra 41 iuetiea, aud part f the time three Inches an hour. Calling on New Year' day has gone out of fashion, Are iieople aa sociable uiyhow Jan they were lu days gone by? Tlie motor Una only mliwed a few trips to Monmouth. Tim railroad uauagemeut deaurvea credit for energy llsplayed. Twelve car loads of Kneyclopetlia Brittanuieaa were jadd lu Orcgnu, and the nnwt expeuHlve bindings wen mostly chowu. t. Preaeott & Vcneae make their "buy" while It rain. Thia freshet meau I0,twu,0t)0 fwt of loir out of the Litckla mute aud lent y of IuiuImt here lu 'U3. J. F. O'DouncIl suiHmhj O'Donnell k Irvlue in the hardware busineaaand it la rumovetl that Mr. Irvine will kgalu go Into biiMiniwt for himself In the grocery line. A few months ago nearly every peraon told you they were going U t:hlcaiHjto the World's fair, hut it If the cholera that will keep them at home Only that and nothing wore. The Independence IVrry laial wa broken from tlie eatde today ami floated quite a distance down the river. large drift log being the caue. N lamage done, aud all right now. Quite a number of teams were em ployed today hauling lumla-r from thr lumber yard of lnvcott A Veiiesa, and tortug it hi the new aud commodlout. theds, sheltcrwl aud atxive lilh water The World's Fair ImlWullars are selling rapidly at the prtewofone dol lar each aud the Columbian series of postage stamp wilt probably all be bought up by stamp collectors as only VKW.ttW Will be Uued. Hobt Johnson has sold tlie (Vn-allls rimuitoB. F. Irvine, We are sorry I to know that our must enterprising friend has retired from the Journalistic Held, bu be will meet with success In anything he undertakes. We wish him continued proaperlty. We extend our fraternal greeting to his worthy uieewor B. F. Irvine. The Christ mas exerelwa at the Kvan- Kidleal church on Saturday evening. Chrislmua eve, were of very entertain I iik nnt ii re although quite a number of the persona who were to Uki purl were atmeut on account of the Inc'ciuenc' o the weather. The pr.arnuuiiie as rendered was well done. The trues were well laden with present ami the little ones were supremely happy , Joint Vernoii is a well-to-do farmer llv- tiiK near Kleknsalt, the parvntof a lanre amity and he and, his extciuitble wife getting along lu yeara. Ou ChristmlM day a family reunion dinner was held, and a fact worth noting was apparent. Those present (the whola family) were Vernon aud wife and three sous (at home) and daugther, unmarried also A. Allen, wife and three children; Wilson Allen, wife and three chlldern . W. Buster, wife and two children; Johu Young, wife and one child. There were three generations represented, und no death haa ever visited any of the familfea, Aa father Vernon looked down the well filled table, he Jocularly remarked. "How long would It take our family to populate a county?" Flour, bfan, shorts, graham, germea delivered tree from tlie White Star mill. Leave orders at any grocery store. The While Star roller (lour, manu factured by Klemseu & Chrlstlau, is guarautecd to lie the very best, Tl'KSOAV. Albert VatiMeer la reported us being very low. H. R. Patterson visited Portland on huslncaa today. William Fuqua of Purker was looking about town today. Mrs. Ed Owens left today for Corv- allls, where she wilt visit her parents. People are preparing for high water by getting their skill's In trim. Mrs, Young and sister Ilattlo Jones are visiting friends In Sulem. Tlie Oregon legislature meets one week from next Monday. Do not forget the shooting mutch ou Saturday, in Hill's pasture. Ida Plates returned toduy from Stiver having been visiting Miss Collins. Mr. McEldowney left his beautiful residence to do business Jn the city today. The Congregational church Is Hear ing completion, and will be an addition to our city. Tlie usual grist of applicants for clerkships, will be at Hale in this com ing mouth. Frank Hull .formerly clerk in Stock ton & Honklc's, Is visiting his parents near uorvutns. John Vaughn Is spending Christmas week with friends In town. May he have a merry and happy time, Misses Maud and Dora Cooper are home from the State University ut Eugene, spending the holidays. J, E. Porterfleld visited the city today, He is making himself square with the world to coiumeuee tlie New Year. Professor Yates, of Corvollls, well known here, was In town today. He Is now a siicomiful attorney In Coe val lis, . J. KlKlrkktmi aud wife trl-re puaen gera on the iralu today, ; jntug from Dixie, where they spent Christina with relative. The electric light company' em ploye can lie seen erecting the wires which wore torn down by the recent snow storm. Mia Katie Wheeler, who ha been slopping In Portland for several month past, came up on today' train to spend the Holidays with her parents. Our merchants had quite a time dur during the snow storm, keeping the snow oft" of the roof of their dulldluga L Kelso's stock was considerably dam aged. ftir th UhrUtrn w tree fWlvtller last Saturday the friends of IUv. Copley aud wife came In on them beurlng gift of many kinds, and completely sur- prlsed them. It was a very happy occasion. O, D Hyder wa In town Tuesday report having brought hi &00 bead ot hcop and 2 head of horwa out of the bottom, safe from any possible lltsal A tlch In time aam wotd. Pftwolt A Vene' aawnilll preaeiitml quite a busy piearancs today. In eon seiiucniv of tlie high water. A large number oj team are busily engaged hauling tlie lumber to the shed lu the rear of the First National Bank build- ''a- . t , Sam Tcthciw In coming to town with hi sleigh, had the mishap to break down In the high water, south of Monmouth. Wading In tlie water waist deep, nd unhitching hi horaea, he returned borne. Hotter lock next time, ( H. Schmlilt, of Portland, has con tributed a valuable article on "Dairy- ng" which will apear lu the forth- oondng "Iteaiaircea of Oregou," The writer emphatically atate that Oregou can he made a very profitable dairy country: Ou Sunday . December 25t h Jtslii It, Ftshcr was married to Arthur D. Parks, at the rvaldeuoe of the bride' parents at Monmouth Itev. A. H, Copley oftlelatiug. Mr. Park la em ploy ml by the HtHithern IVuHflo rail road.aud the uewly WMldisI couple will make their home at Pleasantdatc, in Yamhill county. Just ship aud think, only o0 per lot, $1 down and fl per month! uo Interest, no taxes. My lota are all Wared and level, and not teu minutes' walk from the motor. You can get wnler within a) feet. There are house going up right along, church, school aud store close by. Don't for get that you buy right from the owner, aud he will send you ma and Infor mation giving names of Portland bust newt nam w ho have I ought. Just think, A kit for $V W. ItKIPT, 4WJ First trwt, between Pin and Ash, Portland, Oregon, Oct a cook book free, given away by the Cleveland Baking powder coin pany at Walker Brna. I'ae the best. tM Cleveland' Bak ing Powder. wcdm:siav. Snow all gone The river I rising slowly. J. It. N. Bell was a pasMMiger ou to day nurth-bouud Irani. Mlsa. Jennie Ifcstlh of Suleru 1 visit- lug relative at Suver. Mrs. W. II. Whltcakcr went to Al bany bslsy to visit friends. Mis Daisy Oravcs left today for McCoy, where she will visit friends. Tlie Independence laundry (a doing such good work that It Is ruidicd with businesa, The electric light were ag.iln In oic cration last ulglit much to the Joy of onr citizens. Drs. Lee Ketchum port D. O. Quick's boy Improving nicely aud all danger jmst Avis Christian who Is attending the Sister's school In Saleui, I visiting her parents here, It L. Williams of Alrlle stemmed the storm and came In Saturday to taku hla Christmas with friends. Wm. Sellers, of Uklah Or., a grad uate of 'hh from the Normal, I visiting with hi father A. N. Hal lock. IbiV. Sinllh, of the Chrlstiuu churql.' of tins city was a piu4suger on the train today, Ixiund for Port land, Itcv. Polling and Mis Kste will slu6 a duett at tlie Sunday evening ser vices of the Congregational church. Mrs. Geo. Claggctt returned to Port land today after spending Christina- with friends and relatives in the city. The shooting match at McCoy win- postponed from last Suturday until Thursday ou account of the enow storm, Prof, Wann, of Monmouth, went home during tlie storm this week, and was comiKillcd to wade in wider wulsl dec) ptirtjof the way, to reach Ballston, Dr. ('. A. Mulkcy the dcutlst has his olllcu risiuis nicely tilted up with the most Improved dental furniture, Be comes very highly reccomme nded us u skillful operator, Will Geo. McLaughlin, D. C. Dove, T. B.Tctherow, N. Turtur, M. Martin, H. McEltnurry, and 1). A Hodge please cull at this cilice and get their novels which have arrived. Itev. D.V. Polling received yesterday, from tlie Ladies Aid society of the Congregittiouul church of Ithlca New York an elegant sliver communion ser vice and baptismal bowl, as a present to the new church of this city. Our xislrnatcr Is soon to lose a val uable assistant, as a wedding next Wednesday unites In marriage Miss Minnie Johnson aud Henry Clodfcltur. Invitations are being Issued to the wedding ut the Presbyterian church. lh'V. Lyon Pastor o( tlie M. E. church South, of Carvullls, was fatally Injured tiy a falling awning Wednesday and died lust Friday. He was lute from South Carolina, and having no rela tives In the West his remains will be sent to his former home. The members of the Christian church after slating through these colums "no Christmas tree" changed their minds und had one. The exercises were very Interesting, but the attendance not as large as would have been, hud the public been better Informed. The Little Palace Hotel gave a fine Christmas dinner Inst Sunday, con sisting of several uoiirse. Our hot Wilkin Is giving exivlleut satisfuctloi a a landlord. Chef D' Lewis, who i the exrt provider from the kitchen ha been lu solus of the iet hotel on the coast among other the Hotel lad Monte of California, lie want some one to gives banquet and hit him show what he can du. By all mean let have a "spread" and see what the newspaair men can do too. There are four weddings on the tapis iu January, or they are lutll ol'load lug young ladle aud gentlemen In In dependence, Ouess who tbey arc? A very pleasant whist party was given at the home of A. J. Goodman last night, Among those present were noted Mrs, and Mr. Uotslman, Mr aud Mrs, Vandiiyn, Mr, and Mr. Pot tcr, Misses Maud and Dora Cisqs'r, Sophia (loir, Alice Macauley, Nettle aud Daisy Graves, and Measr J, H Cisiper, A. II, Cherry, Word Butler, II F. Burch, S I Jtuuliury, Wm. Patter- tohtou Blair Miller, aud also Mlsa Nauule Gilmore. The WkhtSihk ha npsduted quite A number of agent throughout I'olk county, and vicinity for the convex leiiceofit patron, U. S, Grant at Dallas has kindly consented to recelv coupou votes sud forward to this oltlce; alsoB. Cade of Sever; I) M. Calbrcaih of Parker; postmaster at Itiunia Vista U. W, Griggs at Falls City; J. T, la- ham of Wheatland; A. Cain of Crow ley; J. A Carter of Wells; F. OUoii ol ttlokreall; C. Y. Murphy lu post office at Monmouth; pttiuater ut King Valley; A. Strain Kola. Having business In Dallas a short time ago, the editor of this psiwr paid a friendly call at all the newspaper unices there. Each editor a he sat in hi ufuce wondering whether the coin ing year would Is a prosr.u a the last, luvarlably began hy telling of the progress of Dulls. Always loyal to their town are newspaper men, even when they sometimes rvcetve cutis aud neglect. Dallas has grown In all di rections, north, south, east and went They are proud of their twu and web come stranger to come and muke their home witli them. What I so pleasing to the eye of the good liver than to see a meat market, a model of cleaiillnes aud ncutiicaw, with fat and Juicy meat of ail kinds, hanging lu profusloti ou all !dt. Such a sight was seen on C. tree I hrlstmas eve at the meat market ot '. It. Nealu. Flesh aud fowl wer there displayed in dainty order aud tin mwt fastidious tale coulil have been satlllcd by a selection therefrom. Mr Ncale may be seen any day In the week astride bis mustang sKedlug away lu search of fat and healthy meats for hb patrons. He spare neither time uor money In effort to accommodate bis customers, and the dUptay uf meats be had on baud Christina eve. baa not aud imwr can be excelled lu Polk or uy other county, C, 11. Knott la hbt ex pcrieiteed cutur. Faint In-art never won fulr lady.' Don't be afraid to call on her when vou have bad your wurk done by the IndcKMideuce steam laundry. Itemvmber to call at the Normal Book Store, MouuHuilb, If you newt anything iu the line ot soliool books, sotiuol siip- plush alblctifl giMMts, te. Fifty cents will pay for the Wkkt SttK to April 1HU3. Family washlug Is done at low rule by the ludepcudeiice laundry. Cleveland' Csk tss'k free at Walker Bros, ' Cleve land' Baking l'uwtler lstilctly pure. Till IW0AV. John Bohaiiuon left to.lay for a visit to the iuetroHilU. J, K. Klrklatid slid wife left for their home iu Hari'isburg Uslay. Mrs. J. IIIimhUwoiHi, of Poitlaud, la lulling rvia.ive lu this city. Mim Minnie Wcboer wasa pusssuger oulhesuulh-bouiid llaiu today. Born DwemU'rilst, to the wife ol Kcv. Dr. i'owuseiid, of this city, a girl. Mlsa Ella Hiulth left lo day for Corv- ahU, where she will luske a short visit w Hli friends. U, It. Miner, tlie onion grower, of Suver, who has mauy tons on stoiuge heic, wss iu tow n today, tUlsHt'klna Isucoii Is now usxistlug MIhs EshIc lioU'rtnon, our potitiuanlcr, u her ollieial duties, Vice .mimic Juhu- sotl resigned. E. E. Hewitt, formerly thu druggist at .uonuiouth, but who Is now study ing pharmacy at Portland, was .ccu on our sti'utts this week. 'I'hu Itev. A, G. Boyd, of Dayton, w ill pr.-ach tlmo;H'iiiiig sermou lu the new Presbyterian church at SVhlieson ou New Year's day at II a, in. Mlsa licriha Catlruu, of Monmouth, who has been stopping In ball Frau- isco toi several nioultiN, arri 'cd Snlui- lay by way of Saleui, to her home in UOUIIIolllll,, Blair Miller, who has been clerking lor W, II, Vt heeler for the imst yeur or iooiv, resigns his posit loll tilereou the Hist of the year, having secured a posi tion a., salcsiuuii in Shelly & Yuu- luyii's dry gisids store. He will be uececded In the former store by Mr. Kllu Wlieeler, wife of the proprietor. Quite a number of business changes are lo lake place the first of the yeur. among which being the change of Zed ItoHClidorf's siore, "I'lie Wnlle House," he having dinisiscd of his en tire stock to is brothers, Mike lioaou dorf and Edlllrschberg, of Portland. The latter gentleman arc old resident of this city, having been in tlie mer chandise business here several years ago. Yesterday, at Wells' station, In Bon toil county, Ben W, Harris, of Suver, led to tlie liymcnial altar, Miss Ida M. Johnson, ut the home of tlie hitter's parents, llev. Dr. Thompson, of Cor vullis uiilcluliug. Tlie floral decorations were very beautiful. Those present were only the Immediate family und a few frlciids, The newly-wedded couple passed down on yesterday's train to spend a few days lu Portland. They will malic their home at Suver. May Joy uttoud them. Use Cleveland's Baking Powder once and you will use it always. Cleveland's cost no more tlian other powders and Is an cconmlcul luxury. Cleveland's Baking Powder. FROM CORRESPONDENTS Newsy Notes From the Several Towns in the County. WHAT 0IU I'liOI'I.K aui; IMIIMJ. Our ItormiNHiilriit l Simsintli t kroslrlM tk Wwk'i tl)Hvatu it Ihst I'luco lstntlni Mow rriiM Malln ssd UlS-r I'Imw. UUkroHll, All were glad lo see the train Moll day a ptir were getting scarce, Theie was no church last Sabbath. Church at II , m, next Halibut h by llev. Cross, Sunday sclusd Inuuedl ately after. Hcvernl tussoiis froni hem, with lady friends, attended the Instullutlou ill Dnllu Tuewlay night. JSo wdusil this week. Cora Denqwy, Sadie Sliiaditoii, Futi' uie ()i rand r'red 'i'hlclwm, all Normal student, art spending their vucntlou ut their homo. I'ho telephone wln-s between berr iiml Dttllo are very much broken, (J. F. Whlteud Mr. Snyder tlieinlll. or, VlsitiKl several mills on the East Ide luat week, "hey are nuiklug repurutnn ri'bnlld, will prolwbly la'glu lu February. Jim Klrklaudand wife, of llarrlshurg spent several days licit week with Win Klrklnnd and wife. Ihtllaa. MotuUjr W. tl. Harris, nod reldcnt of tills city, ha gone hijl'asndoua, California to rtsihlc lu the future. Win. Mump at one .time a resident, f I ).dlas, but now of l.a (Irainle, I low ii on Visit lo his relative. U. W. Snyder, lately editor of the Valley Transcript ha accepted a kmI- lion on the I'orvallln Ga.ctte. Mr. C. I.. lloi;, cuiim up from Portland lust wtvk to attend her mother Mrs. Harris, w ho lias Is en III. Will De Jeail.'her, sou, of Mill City, Is also here at her ImWiie. lllw tiraiti Felix, who loot Ihvii for the last eightw'ii mouths with her sis ter Mr Felix Nis i, left Friday for tier home In f ndlaiiupoh, Indiana. 11. Ibxqw, after sending about a ear here, Ims gone to Washington to reside. f ha. Paul ami family have gone to lukluud, ifciiiglu county to take I mrge of a, farm for Murk Holmes, HI ley Hubbard has changed hi dace of ftwidciice, from DalliM to Ills top yard near lndemdene, Mit Minnie Mag r Ims n-turncil to hcf home at Silvertoii, after a few week vtml w ith her lroi Iter here. Mr. 1 1. II Stevens, of this city, left Saturday for a vllt with relative in California, Itov. Gelllnple, pastor of tlie Printiy tcrluu church, has own over" at Vaqufua Bay. T. B. Bowel), aud Al CampMI hav returned from Sulmoii river with a big drove of cat tic for the Portland market, Decline to wed was today iucd to J, P Llnderuian and Miss EllierGil- liaiu. 1ac Fetitou acting witness. A shed on tlie farm of J O. Brown near town was too heavily loaded and killed lifted! line goats for blin. Mrs. last Crldcr has been ijuite 111 of late, her allincnl ts'lug quiiiHy, The memU'rs of the lluptlxt church cue day this week presented to their latstor Itev. lllnton imrw of tM to be applied to buying clothing of IiIiiihIi' and w ife, Mr. D. P. Stouitci biut tstn una visit to her uiollnr living in or Sherl d.tu. 1). P. Stouller now mourns (he lists of a Hue carriage. can'd b , the snow being loo heavy for the roof of his shed wlilcli fell In, cruNlilug' his carriage ahieml past recognition. W. II. laigiul and wife will soon return toMvMmuvilie to nwlde. Tlie Christ niiw hunt was Hximned ou accoinil of the trcliiclidlou sllow storm. The court hss ailvei lUcd i ,r bids for the priming of 1,5ihi hlnukH tola Issued by Hid court and county olllccrs. Only county olllccrs wil' lie elelghlc. 1 Mis Maggie Walker is down from 1'orvallix ft nillng the holidays will) her parents .Mr. and Mix. James Elliott Ou Sunday while leading an mirully horse to wuter Ncs, Dale, of this place, was badly kicked alsmt the face and head which rendered him unconscious for sometime hut a lot ace unit was resting as easily a -could la-Jcxpcclcd. llev. S. W, Cross, of the South Methodist church, will probably be returned to his former pastorate at Tillamook, I hey not having found a minister to lake his place, A gentle man from North Carolina will be scut here to take his place. The Dallas Lodge A. F. A A, M. elected at their last meeting tin Friday evening the following ollicers; W, M., A. ;B. Mulr; senior warden, li, C. Ciaveii;Juhlor warden, J. W. Orlder; secretary, James Mngrudcr; treasurer, W. It. Craven; tylor, 1) ri. McDonald, J. C, Proctor, a prominent rullnsid exxit motor of Kasterii Oregon and WuMhlngtoii, luis tui. visiting his liiuiily here. Miss Nellie Howe has returned home after several months visit with her relatives iu San Francisco Ben Dice wits liberated from jail Saturday and went on his way rejoic ing, The line was paid, but tlie costs are yet outstanding but thu olllclals concluded that lie could not be held for them. Born, Friday Decemher 23d to the wife of Wade Washburn, of Dallas, a daughter. The following licenses to wed were Issued Saturday by Clerk Mulkcy: O. A. While und Miss Hllltt Duvls, 11. G. Campbell, witness. Arthur D. Parks and MIhb Jessie It. Fisher, O.T.Murphy, witness. A. G. Culler, and Ella B. Lewis, H. L. Mann, witness, Edwin LooHe end llatlle E. Harris, II. V. Harris, witucss, t WeiltiuHdaj' The first annual convention of the Chrlstiuu Endeavor Hoceiles will lie held In (his city January nth. F.dgur Collin hit I wen apisilutetl guardian of Pearl and Dora Coo-r, minor heirs of (,'. B, Grave, deceased and a pctltlou to sell real prota-rty was . grauti-il. A WH'lal bop was luduhled in at the city hail Tuesday nlgbt by th Dal las young folks, Mnamaulli, MoiitUy- Mrs, Hat lie Whitney, who has been visiting friend and relative lit New port, returned home last week. Mm. Prof, B. L, Murphy ha been ailing the past week, but Is again tui proving. , 1 he Normal student took charge ol the Xmas tree this time aud sueocedod admirably, Tlie exercises were very gotsl, they consisted uf song and reel latlon by the little folk mainly. Nintu Clans w well presented by J. K Hoxmer. Tlie ctiapel was well lllhil. I'M'tween Monmouth and Dixie the bridge are being washed off, by the melting snow. 1 he Normal Cadet Bund will give one of their interesting concert on the eeoud Satumay evening In January. The sli k are Improving slowly. lbtlart Burnett aud Mis Lot is Ground, of the das of '88, are In out lty sis-ndlug vacation. Thu class ol '88 number twenty six. They are al resdy discussing a class reunion and llniier for next June, t'Mi,iy- The Misses Brown and brother, who have faen attending tlie Slate Agrl cultural College, took the evening train for Alrlle today. Among the passengers from' Mon mouth to Alrlle were Hon, I. M. Simp son, T. is. Williams, lllce Hasting aud wife, Mis Mluule Telherow and Mrs. W. F Dullou. It Is reported that tlie Luckiamute la rlscu four feet since morning. Tliarrtjf-, Mr. Kennedy, who has hceu living in our mhUt and wilding her son to schiail, returned to her home at Bum mil, Or., ou account of a poisoned arm. The Y. P, S, C. E. gave a jairly last eve tu break the muuuUiney of the va cation. A surprise party was also given for ltalph Butler at the rcsideuct f Ira F, M. Butler, ltalph leaves fur Nappu t'ul. today A protracted meeting 1 under pro- grow ut the BaptlHt church. Intercsi Increasing. W V.Y.K OF PKAYHR, TliMl,r..rnoii to lM-OI.rvcd la Ut Vart- uu ( hurvlim In Inili-iwuilruro. The week uf prayer commence Sun day .January 1st 1MW, and ends January Mb. Next Sunday each church will have Its own services, but the subject of the sermon will tie "The Exalted Savior' Gin for Men." lll'XIMATION AW TH ANKSOVINO, Moiuluy evening a union ;aer'lce will 1-e held ut tlie Evangelical church Iioum. Subject; Confession, of sclllxh ncMs and woildliucsa; of unfaithfulness to truth aud opportunity. The prayers will 1st for grace to put away whatever Dinner individual, family, or national blessing. Praise und Thauksglviug: For God's revelation of Himself; for an Increas ing apprehension of Christ' rclulh ns to nil human attaint. TIIK llll'Ml'll I'NIVKIUSAL. On Tuesday evening, In the Presby terian church, prayer for the mani festation of the spirit In power: for a more humble aud diligent study of the Word; for the increase of love and the pirit of unity; for a large r appadien- ion of t he mission of the church; for a more faithful witucss against error; for a more eager looking for Christ glori ous appearing. NATIONS AND Til KIR Kl'LKKU. On Wednesday evening, In the Christian church house the subject of prayer wilt be that all lu authority may reeognlste the responsibility to Gtal; that laws may Unenforced; that class and race antipathies and persecu tions ni'iy cease; tbut the liquor, opium ami slave triiffiu may be abolished; that druiikencsa, impurity and gambling niuy cease; that the relation of capital and labor may be brought under the law of Christ; that the "making haste to lie rich" and the love of luxury may he arrested; that all needed reforms may bu advanced; that the Columbian Exposition may lie sunctllled to the promotion of the Kingdom of Christ. KOHHHlN MIW8I0NH. Iii tlie Baptist churchhouse on Thursday evening will tlrst;be a praise service for missionary progress; for the "volunteers" In Institutions of learn big- Prayer: For Missionary Societies; for increased missionary spirit, co operation and contributions; for mis sionaries and their helpers; for native churches and their pastors jfor secret believers; for the conversion of Jews, Mohttmmcduns aud Heathen; for increased recognition of the oneness of the race. HOMK MISSIONS. On Friday evening, at the Congre gational church house, a praise meet ing will be held for increasing appreci ation of need and obligation. Prayer: For piistors.mlHslonarlesand other laborers; for tbti heathen at our doors; for depleted rural districts aud neglected city populations, that a divine urgency may imiwl to effort therefor; for Increased Christian comity. KAMI I, IKS AND SCHOOLS, At the Evangelical church house uguiu on Saturday evening prayer will be ollbred for increased sanctity ol the marriage relutlon; for systematic religious Instruction lu home and for a more general observance of family wor ship; for parents, childcu and servants, Unit in their mutual relations they may obey thu teachings of Christ. . For the prcservutlou and iuureused efllcl ency of our public schools; Jor the out pouring of the Holy Spirit upon tcitchcrs and learners In all schools, colleges, seminaries and universities, upon gujuiay schools, aud religious Hooletlcy of young men aud young j ft . l r u. t A lhofub buuitoM Ittlnln tchoal, EnSorwd 8lm, Onto, W, I. Brittr, Prlndp.l, Fivt Departments: Duiinm, Shorthand, TyptwrilinPcnmanshipJ-.ngliih School 1 llntl lhmlf ymt. Hl.idnu trlmlltwl l iny Urn. Cirtiilm, tnMahnU ltifmnHrm.ff "PM J ii ' i Ji ii. , I,,. .w. ,LU.iJl.-.-JB women, , 8KRMONS. On Sunday evening each pastor will address hi own church ou The Prom laed Outpouring. The Plain (Command "AkyeortheIord." MARKET REPORT. Specially lterariTEyrlirajti to tli Wl Sid, TburMay Soun, toy lb tuuimarulKl Kevlw, of I'artlvnd, Willi at At last we have the pleasure orrecordiugaclteik to the long eon tiiiuwl decllue lu wheat aud hojK the Improvemuut now taking place will be permanent. As to Inlluuuces which have brought about the retraction: probably the extremely low prices at which wheal was selling up to a week ago attracted numerous buyer who were satisfied that values could hardly go lower aud lelt quite safe in taking up cargoes ou speculation. Val ley I In light export demand and sales raw and far betweeu fl.lfi Is probably it market value. Oats The best that cau be said for oats is that I or ices have bcou main tained lu th face of a dull marketdlght deiuaud aud small oousuinpttoii. Per haps the Ntcadtnos I mostly due to cutting off of Nupplies which if tbey had beeu able to reach this market duriug the past week would have had depressing ctfect and certainly lowered values, We quote range of tlie market at 40 aud 44 cents fur fair to choice. Baki.kv Offering and receipt are light but are entirely dequut to meet the requirements of tbl market. ! Brewers have, no prcnsing wants and only purchase when attracted by quality and price. Feed dlscriptlons are wanted only In small quantities. Quotation are only reported in a nominal way at about f M jwr ton and feed fl7 and 1H per tun. Hoi The present condition of the bop market Udccidely advenm lo the selling Interest. Locally very few trans action have occurred as dealers are ludllicreut about operating on a falling market aud only buy wbcu tbey cau turu over tlte hop prom nil v. We mote to choice IS aud W cents per lb. Potatoks No material change In this market. Quotations remain about the same as last weck,0o A 7. ocuts ht bushel. Worn. One or two lots of Eastern Oregon wool received during the week for local house but the movement is dow aud but a small Inquiry exists for auy grade. Quote valley 15 sud 18 cents per pound. DlTTKU This market was quite bare of freah Oregon product through out the week owing to non arrival uf ouall shipments and tw conse quence there was a run on California and outside qualities. We quote fancy creamery 85 aud S7J cents per pound; choice dairy 80 and 32 per pound, fair to gotal 20 and 25 omit per pound, common 15 aud 17 per pound. Etiua Reccut supplies being quite large aud the demand having fallen oil' the market i rather weaker and !t- cents per down Is a full quotation for fresh Oregon ranch. The vigilante committee will com" tucuoe poislotilug all unlicensed dogs next month. The Albany Democrat Is advertising prlxe contest for a iocs, merchant. The postal laws are very strict in refus ing to admit papers through the malls Containing such advertisements. The weather data for Tolk county during the past year is as follows: General elevation of country, 800 feet; main temperature 5,12: bignest on record 08 degrees; lowest 8 degrees Mow xcro; average rain fall, 3U,25; number of clear day, 107; partly cloudy 133; cloudy 120; rainy 115. A Horalit uf th Infant Ver. Clip the last thirty yeara or more from the century, aud the segment will represent the term of the un bounded popularity of Hosteler' Stom ach Bitters. The opening of the year 1803 will be signalized by the appear slice of a fresh Ahnanacof tlie bittern, iu whloh the use8,derlvation and action of this world-famous medicine will lie lu cidly set fortb.Everybody should read It. Tlie calendar and astronomical calcula tions to be found In this brochure arc always astouishlngly accurate, and the stutistictt.lllustrHtloim, humor and other reading matter rich lu interest and full of profit. The Hostel ter Company, of Pittsburgh, Pa., publish It themselves. They employ more than sixty hands in the mechunlcal work, and more than eleven months lu the year arc con sumed In Its preparation. It can be obtained without cost of all druggists aud country dealers, ami is printed In English, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohe mian aud Spanish, . Etentrle IllUnrii. This remedy is becoming so well known ami so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. -A purer medicine docs not exiBt and It Is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver aud kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls, salt rheum und other attentions canned by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and preveut as well as cure all malarial fever. For cure of headache, constipation and Indigestion try Elec tric Bittern Entire satisfaction guaran teed, or money refuuded. Price 50 eta. and 11.00 per bottle at any drug store. mm The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of F ues 40 Years the Standard n . . . n , i , br lb bantam ml pt..Ulm.l mat of Sulem. BUSINESS LOCALS. Don't full to read this, and remcm bor that Stoeklou Ailenkle have Just brought au imuauise line of blankets and quilt at a big bargain, aud an. rcaily to give you the twst hurgaltu lu that Hue ever olll-red lu this city A full slock of liullcs coat, uuditrweur. dress goods, tuitions, etc., etc Clieapcr tliuu the cheapest. There Is no nlace In Orcaou where a better meal I served than at the res taurant of Westacott A lrwlu, ill Com mercial strwt, Sulem. Courteous atr U'litlon, rin meal, ami the nouulur price of 25 cenie, have made tin bouse tlie bcadtiuartcr uf evervoiit who has occasion to dine lu Sulem. Stocktou A Hciikle sell Scl's 8c,h wall's, aud C. M, Huiulerson' Chi cago manufacture of bout and shoes. .r.very imlr warranted tu uive salisfuc Hon, The collars aud cuds turcbed sud I run cil by the lndeiiulcuce laundry ureas white aud glossy as ivory. A well washed shin is half a man' dress. The next gentleman you meet lust look to see why he look so ncut aud you will Iiml that be Kcts bis waidiinu dune at the Independence suuiu laundry. The weary housewlfeshould take the n eded rest this week by sending all ber washing to the laundry and see how nice it Is, aud so cheap too. There Is nothing ulcer than a nice youugmuu, and the nice young man always gets bis washing doue al tlie juuepcuueuceaiuaui laundry, Haonv Home aud Brownsville cloth ing, uie best aud the eheuoesl in Uie suite, for sale by Stocktou A iicukle. '-!y f 10 for an alb wool suit of Hap py Home clothe ut Stockton A iicu kle' i.- Sugar House eyrup aud Magnolia drips, at the Bakery. Maple yrup direct from Vermont, al the Bakery. Grass seeds of all kinds, at the Bak ery. New Orleun Moltmsts, at the Bak ery. Ambrosial drii, at the B ikery. WANTED. W AN! fcD.-Uoy, ol Irom 15 to Is yt-itn ot i lra la.i iimritl., nmi grU culler bixluewi, aa an (ijrullc, Vut term u'J WUKUH KlPly IU Ju, VV. iluAtlBIUIt, lllUnlX'U UHll. W ANTKll-HutMerilxT to i-iamlne tlie dale nr Un-lr umt on inn (wjMir aud tee liiai limy am aui m rrur. WANTED Merchants and ottiMn lo order leiu-rliait, utau-nii-nu, liillhettU, aud all tliclr Job wurk al Uie Weal bide ollioe. FirnU cltta work aud low (irl, . WAMTKD.-A slrl rnr Kcnir! tiouw work. For litrtlicr unriuul upply l Hi In ollli-e or ll oil dour wtl of uiolor deuot, Muu moutli. WANTeU-A(tveitlM.r In IhU column at t wo ccuut a word Uri inscruou, four ctuu a luoutli, WANTKI-8ub'rtlMir u tbl pupor k wu Ut) ml arrcunujv by January 1, lmti. WAMTKUUordwoud ou ubacrlptlnn. at UilnoiUi. WANTED Pwvlmwr lltr a iwwlnxjnaplilne. Cunt .'w, In new. W ill will air& Addreit X, can? Ibis ollice. Hi FOR SALE. Will 9AI.K A good horse, ini hand bivh. kciille. Kve years old, well Imlawl, aud will fw m,d for chmIi. or tradud for wood, hay or uuiir murKi'moie vixmid. Apply lor imrtlcu- Ian to U W. MCAUal damn, ludeiendeuce. Wilt HAI.K-A tine Ini)ornd Kentu'ly Im'lt, four yrnrs old, llllei-n Imiels hl)U, ""d lu KtKul oondltlou for rvKo. Will be sold ..a easy UTnis. ur trade for r'l iwlaiu. Kuritier laiunnuilou niuy be obuilned al llil olllee. Will HAI.E 8pece In till column tondver. llm-ni at twooenu a word ami lutt-rllou, four cent a month. Will KAI.K-OM imiwre. sultHlile for placing on Iik1vw ur under i-arH-l, for only a quarter of ceil I each, al Hi l othce. Fronotmceil HnpleiMi. et Saved. : From a letter writteu by Mre.Ada E. Hurd, of Groton.S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough act lu aud finally terminated iu consumption. Four doc tors gave me up saying 1 could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined If I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones aliove. My h un hand was adviml to get Dr. Kins's New Discovery for consumption, oougha and colds. 1 gave It a trial, took in all eight botttes;it has cured me aud thank God I am now a well aud hearty woman." Trial bottles free at auy drug store, regular size, 5tk) and $1.00. Good kocik. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have u bilious look, if your stomach be disordered you have a dispcpllo look and If your kidneys be affected you have a piuched look. Secure got health and you will have gotal looks. Electric Bitters us the great alterative and tonic acts direotly ou these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good com plexion. Sold at auy drug store, 50o per bottle, A Wonder -Worker. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that lie had beeu under the cure of two prominent physicians, aud used their treatment until ho was not able to get around. They pronounced his case to lie con sumption and incurable. He was per suaded to try Dr. King's New Dis covery for coiiKumptiou, coughs and colds and at that time was not able to walk across the street without rest ing. He found, before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that he was much better; he continued to use it and is today enjoying good health. If you have auy throat, lung or chest trouble try it. We guarantee satisfac tion. Trial bottle free ut any .drug store. akin Powde