The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 30, 1892, Image 2

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U. H. I'Mifl.AMhOwliU'f.
imvKi) mv
West Sid3 Publishing CGu.pany,
rtAL is advano.
On Yr
Kit M.wlh ' '
Tilt UHkll
All miurtnw nd AwU not M
liifMv UnoawUl k m.-riit IYv, All v.f
Bv Hum will b PhrHl ltv t I";'
fcwlny ubmiftr rwluilm will ehKwt
lor l ui raw t 8 f '
HwUOwd l INwrt-oWW l lnlFi
tne, Orw MnU-tl umilrr.
Wnx not some of our iihuUm
write to this pajwr telling ns what
they see in the teutUnwy of th
times, and Btijgt some remoditw.
Why are our people OissatisfiMl.
Every conuty in Oropnt should
call ft convention ami appoint del
eiratts to meet at Salem during the
coming legislature ami discuss the
present defect ivo road laws ami
prepare a bill for submission to the
i. . . ,
THE matter of better assessment
laws will reeeivo the attention or
the coming legislation. It seems
to us sueh au evident fact that our
present law is a fare and works
great injustice, that argument
seems almost unnewssary to con
vince any one.
In the total vote of the United
States for President Cleveland hat
received, 5,5rt,!HR); Harrison, V
170,621,; Weaver, 1,025,1X10; Hid
well, 2kS,3i;. Cleveland's plurality
is 391.379. The total vote oust was
12,088,00$. A mjority of all
votes east would have Urn, tt,019,
Tin: pressure being brought to
bear on the democratic party to
carry out its pledges to the people
comes from every party alike, dem
oeratre, republican, peoples and
prohibition. The people of this
nation are not goiug to lie duped.
They said tariff for reveuue ami
turiff for revenue must le tried.
The "landslide'' of November
8th was not a verdict against the
protective tariff but against mon
opolists. Free trade countries
have monopolies as well as we.
The superior intelligence, the in
Iwru spirit of freedom is what lias
aroused the people. When mon
opolies are crushed by law then
protection by legislation 'wllf re
turn. The party of the future is
the one that seeks to give wpial
rights to all. The republican pir
ty was a party of principles not ol
spoils, and before 180d it will have
confidence restored and will arise
to the demands of the people, ll
not, then goodbye duar old party,
another will rule in your stead.
The Wjst Side has been severe
ly censured by some for the stand il
has taken on polities. We are,
they say, becoming au "alui mii.t"
and predicting disaster when theiv
is no danger. We are said to lean
towards the Peoples party, which,
they say, is composed of discontent
ed democrats and republicans.
We notice that that party of "dis
contents" is assuming very large
proportions. The tendency of the
times favors a great addition to i!s
ranks. Labor should, and 11111.-1 ,
be better rewarded Protection
was not a panacea for all our ills;
much less tariff for revenue. Out
people are thinking deeply. Tin
w ill act as they think is right.
The party of the future is the one
that will protect labor, not against
canital. but against monopoly.
The people make the government
and the government must protect
the peopi.
The present uncertainty as to
what Cleveland (for it appears
Cleveland is the democratic pur y)
is going to do, will shortly he
known, for that magnetic personage
is preparing a tariff measure which
he will present to congress, and it
is to be passed by the membeis
without material amendment or
abridgement. Even in politic tin
one man, or trust system, is getting
to be the rule. We have generally
believed that our representatives
made the laws, but hereafter Cleve
land will make them and congroi
will pass them. All the brains of ti e
democratic party are in the herd
of Orover Cleveland, lie dare nt
trust his own party, for it is honcHt
enough to try and carry out lis
promises, which he is not.
A 'ew Yearn (lift.
What better present or momento of
affection and regard cun be given to
relatives and friends living here or In
the Eiutern states than the WkhT HiijK'
A years nubscriptlon to It would '1 u
Hinall Bum in eoinparrlson to the grat
ification thofse friends would experience
from gathering news and Information
from this to them-faroff Jand.
Hound as many of them are Iri the ley
fetters of an Inclement winter, they made aware of the fact that
here hi Oregon the "Frost King" bus
no terrors for the denizens of this bless
ed land.
Hend your friends In the Kiist the
West Him, It may cause them to
come to this fuvored land and renew
with you the happy associations of the
past. Bend them the Wlist HlUK.
V hwt I hi- sttinlvr tlvnont! Hurt
tlt MvU til the Hmili,
I Imve pndeftvoiv-l to lay before you
fairly an nwiimt of the work dune and
In pr-ntr., nut ntetvly hi perforniHU
of my duty, but that the public, no
elowly Idonlltied with this depart"
nieul, may Im umr Interested to give
to my suewwor Its eoiitltlwiio and help
In hl eltovlH to pnmiottt tli lniMnos
and social welfare of the country. This
Is not a partlnan work, and whatever
1 hava ieai ned In four yearn, I ahnll
alwaya l gUA to contribute to the
iieeewi of (be depart titeitt aud tut chief.
However distinguished or scholarly
the man who lake up thl work, the
Ik at result will come only by aland
lug over tt patiently and pnnlateiitly. i
Post oftlce buslnctw la lik any other.
It will not run Itself; It calls for a man
who U man enough to master and push
and popular! that w bleb concerns,
more or l Intimately, alxty-tlvo mil
tlonoof poopta, I it'ifrotj for your sake,
too, that I could not do more In this
platv, but htIihw It la enough that I
should Imve done the best I could with
all the limitations.
It would hav pleased ni much to
have seen under way a conipactetl
system, with the country districted
and under auHrvllou, The t'xtH'nm
would have lieeu lessened and the rev
enue Increased, and atimeof the dis
agreeable failure of (Hilltlin removed.
I wanted to see In operatlou the ptwtal
telcKntph and telephone, xtn deposi
tories for aiuall savings, free delivery
In all tow ns of 5,000 porwiiiit, and car
rier delivery In the villages and rural
conintuuttlca, and the commencement
'f covering the whole country with a
daily mail delivered at the door, or
Hems by uimiii the main roads, 1 11 omoI-
dile doxea, or at aeluailhnuww, lu r-
tsiona sparnel)f aettltsb Tluw things
will heaccomplUhed. Put few thtuight
(hat the lotteries wuld k excluded
from the mails, but such Is the fact;
ml these who have laUired forMMtul
nfrnu may well kep up courage.
Tlio lllage free delivery lias Is-en
ts-guu, sea post office are hi oiN-ratlou,
avail mails are umler tlia Aiiieriiiin
ilag, pneumatic tulica are now umler
.-ictual experiment, boose letter-tsixes
for the collection, and delivery of mail
re Introduced, a merit system of pro
motions from the lower grades up
through tlie railway pout office to the
highest jiIimts in oltirtu and in the
department la Ilrmly estahlishetl ,
Sim-ly these things may lnplr the
tint that elliirta in tlu future will
show nwilt,
I have had a definite plan In conduct-
ing the ixmt olilce dei4trtnient. It was
xaetly the opiMmlic of a narrow,
pinching proeewi, Ixi-aii-ca broad am
'tierous policy waa due to the people
iud o-rtaiu to proihuv tlie largeni rev
enue. Iu this I was not diapMiluted,
ui there was never a four years' period
chat produwil no iargi an Inereiw o)
it'venue. Hut I eotild not get frmu any
oongres the money or discretion asked
for to make the service adeijuate to tie
itced of the country. The pesUnaHto.
general low nothing but the disposal of
s(avltto sums voted by cougrcM for
--ptvlth! (lurjiosnt, and no iti-s-retiou
la-yend tlie old -time aumml appropria
tion $1,500 for inlMvtiaiicotis items.
ii'duced by thu prvwnt congrewt to
; l.ooil.
It is true that lu my last report, and
III tills also, 1 advert to the giaduut
disapS'arauc of the detlcit, but tills
is only for an argument for noire gen-
v-rous apph'prlalloiis, and not Iss-hum-there
Is the slightest truce of Just lev to
making the department aelf-stip)ort-
lug, w hile then; are sections of grvat
t ltiea w ith was only one malt delivery
laily, and largw slretelie of waintri'
willi mails only one, two, or three
limes nt wok. My polievhus hecu to
-upply needed facilities at whatever
prtiar cost, and w liere I, have failed It
it tatiiiK appropriations fulled, ami I
vas bound by oatli lint to create defi
ciencies. 1 1 Is a great injutli)B to hold
miy executivt nupoiislhlelorsliortcom
logs w ben be is without discretion
.iiid not even get a hearing before wai
tress, except through a eoimiiltlet!,
.i hicli, liuwevcr courteous aud kindly
,;iposcd to li i tit js'rsonally, may fwl
l idlueil to treat even qiietlolis of
. ppropriatloiis In a partisan way.
The poHt olllco department is hstay
..inch morea IiIIxIuchm department tlian
: veipiefure. Tlie institution of advaneu
.neiits for merit only and improve
ments In the eivllaervloe system as
iXierlelice may teach, will put the
j department upon a still higher liusi
i OexH footing. 'J'lie department should
be as much a IuimI iu-mh olllce as a great
Iml.k or trust .company, reviving tlie
di'iuisits of money , for the Issue of
money orders aud postal notes and the
payment of tliem, receiving the deposit a
I of mull matter and protecting, for
warding, and distributing it. Its work
should la- pcifoimed upon the most
c.aet IhihIiicsm principles, and with
very special excellence of method, as
tlie government liiHirlHcm exclusive
.My ideal for the American postal ser
1 ice is a system modlcd upon a district
plan, wi ll fewer olllces, and those
groujied around central olilocs and un
der tlioroiigh suiiervision. liy this
liieansnt least twenty thousand olllces
could lie aliandoncd that produce no
revenue to the Department, in the
place of every alsillshcil uoiimoncy
and nonrcglstry olllce might lie put an
automatic stamiwfelling machine and a
letter IsiX to reelcve mail. With tlie
money saved should lie Instituted a
system of collection and delivery by
mounted carriers, bicycles, and star
r Mite and messenger contractors, and
toe free delivery spread all over the
country. The classes of postiige slwuld
be reduced to three, and the rato of
postage the world over to one cent for
each half ounce, for the average weight
of a letter is now three-eighths of au
ounce. I would Indemnify, to the ex
tent of $10, for every lost registered
Tlie organization of the Dcpartm en
should I permanent, except iu the case
of the roHtiwiHter-Ueiicial and the
Fourth Assistant, and I would add
three new olllcers a deputy postmas
ter -general to bo stationed at New
York, a deputy poHtmaster-gcneral, to 1
he stat ioned at Han Francisco, and a
comptroller, to be stationed ut the De
partment In Washington. All post
masters, Presidential and fourlli-elass,
and all employe In all branches of the
IVpartment should have a ivclllc
Icriu of four years, on ipsid Isdiavlor,
and their reappointment should be suit-
Joet to t he conil prollcr of t he I Vini'tmout
Whose Judgment should ls Itaseil upoll
records. I would unify the work, hold
It up by a strong controlling hand, re
duce (he hours of laltor at almost all
point, eiptallw and advance the ay,
make the promotions In every brunch
for merit alone, retire old or disabled
clerks, porlmi 011 a pension fund to
bo provided by an annul Hyment of
one-half of one jr cent out of each
mouth's salary,
A postal telegraph and telephone
service, the postal saving depositaries,
pnouiuntlu tulan, or some electrical
device, to connect city aulailutlona and
main unices, ferries, and railroad sta
tion, with central ollleoM In all large
eltlo, should not wall much longer.
The erection of Immense costly build
ing for post-oftlec ought to Is' slopped,
and tbelH'mrlmeiit should Is' allowed
to expend a fixed sum of from one to
live milllnn dollar each yrnr iu the
erection of buildings upon a HxihI plan,
such a PtMluiiuiler (Jeuoral Vila r
oiihiiciuIihI, I would grant larger dis
cretion to I he hca I of the I H pnrtmelit
to exarluieut with jh.(I Inventions,
and llx Rtatinl pirtods lu the order of
busliieiMof the House and K'liale to
call uhiii the l'oatniater41eutral for
information and censun alike, at which
time, lis), he could have oprtuulty,
within right limitation, to prcscut
iHistal sulilcet. I would eudeavor to
modify tlie syslem of eonisoiaiion
ami establish a schedule based utsiu
sihhsI a twenty, thirty, forty, llfly,
sixty mile au hour rata. Ity thl
mean railroad eoms'iiitlou w'ould
not eot any mure and we should hui
tw running mall train Udwfeu New
York and Chicago lu seventeen hour,
and between New York aud lbiston lu
four lions, New York and Washington
iu four hours, and New York ami 1'bit
itdclphia In ohc-aml-a-half hour.
Mail trains may move faster than any
other Iridn. Tlunpicstlou of wy l
ail that i to lie considered.
I have only to add, w ith your r-
mtssioii, tlila word of grateful recogni
tion of the great stall' of assistant I
have had these four years. I appreci
ate the frttiillii)i aud rcsponsivcis'sn
ufthe (swlmaster, lns'ctor, carriers,
and clerks, aud particularly the rail
way mall clerks, than whom therw are
mute more self-sacrUlelng and devoted
111 anv service, I would like to assure
each one Msirately of my continuing
regard . While tlie power to bring
alsuit larger ttilnii for the iswial ser
vice rest with Congress aud the peo
ple, It remain for all faithful postal
sioploye to work perfectly every )art
of tlie system ill baud- I shall always
t) glial to be considered tlie franid of
tlie men to w lioui I owe mi much.
('tirlatmn Injriie ttullrr Matn.
A bappy gathering of friend and
relatives wits had at tin reMbtcuce of
Mrs. I-:. Itutlerof. Monmouth 011 Mou
day evening, Alsmt forty or fifty
were present, children, grand children
and great gland children ton uuioerais
to mention uotlclpNted In the Christ
Ilia festivities. Tlie uut pleasing lit
erary exercises were bad, some of the
cbibtreu rwitiug puts' very approptl
utt to tlie occasion.
K. H. Thorp, of Kastern llregon, Was
present aud performed ou the violin
w bile the youthful one displayed their
agility In thu Joyous mnea of the
dance. The violin used 011 thu isx-aslon
by Mr, Thorp was 01m brought aensw
U10 plains by J. it. V. liutier Hen. In
is Is, and had Iscii ow ned by htm si lux
IsiyhiMsl. An Inleri'hanee of prix nts was had
all around, and old Santa Clans was
therewith Ills Usual Christum dis
tributions. The Christina treo was
bandsomlcy adorned, aud the happy
youngsters gazed upon It with delight,
'Tw as truly a happy and Joyous occa
sion, aud when parting time came, a
Merry Christina, mid a Happy New
Year was tlie expressed wish of all.
AITI01 Normal Nrlimil.
The Monmouth Normal HcIkmiI Is
becoming known far and wide and all
part of the state are represented by stir
dents In attendance w hen tlie roll is
colled, even far oil' Alaska Is represent
ed in the person of T. J, Thorp, a sou of
Willis Thoro a wealthy resident of
that au noosed Icy reuion. It was
through tlie suggi-stlon and rcccom
meiidatlou of K. T. Hatch one of Polk
rminty's ex-state senators that In
duced young Thorp to eomo to Mon
mouth and 1 e fleet Ids eiblcutloii at tin
Normal. Young Thorp's grandfather
was Mortimer Thorp an emigrant to
Oregon iu 111, and who first settled
on a land claim about two mile above
liidcpendelics. Mortimer Is a brother
of Theodore Thorp now a resident of
Indeiiendciice and a brolhcr-ln-law of
)nvid Johnson, Major John Thorp
who first settled In the "American Hot
toin" abovo Independence In IHll, was
the father of Mortimer and Theodore,
and at one time was one of the leading
politicians of J'nlk, a man of a high
orls'r of Intellect and st rict integrity, It
was Major Tl orp who built the limning
mill on the head waters of the Luck
lamute in iM.riaor 'o;i aim wtitcii was
afterwards removed to Dixie, and was
recently destroyed by lire.
As we write these Hues and pause a
moment for reflect ion, we are sensibly
reminded that the old pioneers are pass
ing away, mid ere the lapse of many
years (lie lust one of them will be num
bered with tlie silent majority who
have succumhed to the grim monster
We are passing away, end soon the
Will fear no mote the winters blast,
Not Ice Is hereby given to every body
thai owes the linn of O'Dounell &
Irvine for hni'dwarc for the year IHliii,
to please call at the Independence
National Itiiuk and make Immediate
payment to J. 1). Irvine, who Is auth
orized to give receipts, Kciiielnber we
must have our money Immediately,
O'lllliNNKU, & Ihvinu,
Tniihi'i:mii;nci, Ou. Dec. "8, 1HHU.
Oii lluinlmil Acres Knoaifli.
A small farm, two and u half tulles
from town which Is Miillnhle for fruit
raising, vc;reahlc gardcii, or gi nil
funning, cun he purchased on rciiHona
bio tcniiH, Iiniulri) of I'olk County
Land Co., R A. I'liticrsou, manager. -
The West Side Offers Equal Suf
frage to All.
Til Nwl I'suslir UH) irap4ssr U N(ltt
I Ih) IUmiImimi en-nU) Kn
Coniiiienclng with tha flrst week la
January this pa pur will print tsiiisiii,
w hich are to all Intent ml pursaai,
vlMitlon ticket.
Kwry subwirllier hi the Wit Hum
IsiuiUled loa volcj provided hi sub
scription t paid to April lsn;i.
You win vntcjust as niuny time
you get coupons.
No vole will be eouiitial when
leMilttt by anyone not a uherltsr,
Isiug pa hi tli in mouth hi advance.
Any duly living In Iudcsutlciic or
vicinity, may b a candidate,
The list of all ladle receiving vole
will Ik pulillclic.! In each Iswue of tl.e
The lady rtetivlng the mot voli
will lm leelahd elected. Au elegant
premium will la given to the sueeew.
ful eaudblata, w hich w ill la'anuouuml
It fjoat you nothing to vote.
Kvery ot will t prnaerved In the
Wkst Hum olllce aud reeouubsl
February 1st,
Itememtwr that only IIhsw paid In
advance eau vole, l'ay your ulcrlii
lion now and I ready to voia with
the first issue In January, Examine
the date on your taper ami see w bather
you arc Indited hi a vole.
The most Hipuiar lady lu Indoan
deuce will be the fortunate w inner of
the prlxe
Tim vot( ofthe reader of this hit
will decide the Contest .
Heml, or leave, your coupon at thl
office beginning with the l!rl week III
You cut out the ballot, write the
name of the lady of your choice, and
sign your name and send It to (hi
Kvery eouHiii sent In by a alil suis
scrltar counts.
Kvery Issia? In January w III eoiitalu
a ctiiM)ti,
This Is a fair contest and I oni to
A throe month subscription entitle
you U vote,
Vote early and often a (hi contest
last but oue month.
All voting must I dime on coupon
taken from the Vt Hihk,
The returns of votea up to Tburstlay
noon of each w it k will ls published,
tot your subscription nixsamt lu
shnpe so (hat you may vole.
The printed tag on your iiais-r tell
you w bother ymi are a legal vuter.
K (bat you are paid to April li,1,
at least
A 1'1,-S.MSl HUHWM,
Oil Tuesday evening tlie local talent
of lmlesudenc(i favontl 11 with the
drama "Jooli Whiteomb", The city
hail was not unite as well tilled as It
should have Isimi, to hear this laugha
ble play ny tlie amateur from our
neiubts.r city. They ad handled their
part well and pleased everylssly pres
ent. The prlnciisil character "Josh
Whiltsimh," wiw ca-einlly well done,
and we would not siigg-sl any crlil
clsm to any, for ad were gtssl, Indo.
peiiileiiee eau Isstst of a gissl looking,
clever set of young HSiple, and tlie (Mi-
server I warranted lu saying that thev
will nus't with a hearty welcome at
any time they may llud it In their way
to visit I ml las, i lia clever prew-uta
tion of "Ciiiie Josh Wlilttsmib" by our
neighistr citv aiiiuteurs.w III Iw pleasai'it
ly reiiiemlsred by all w ho attended
tlii eiitertidiinient tilsa-rver.
v. t. a. c.
K l'invnllua Al lll al
fur one Is jroar Musotr eva t'lirlst inl ll
ye r brethrea.-Mstl, SA
ilrfiO, a. m. Devotional exercise.
Ix-ader from the llaptist ms-lety of In-
lt):00 Welcome addas,n. K Mulky
h):Oi tcsHiuse, Christian Hisiely,
10:10 ApMilutliietit of collimltlei'S.
I0:3i How to further the work ofthe
Chrlstlau Kndeavor, Christian Hocicty,
I'errydale, followed tiy dlscusslou.
Kli'Sl Iioeeptloil of lb legates.
11 :.')() Convention sermon by Ucv.
(illlesplw, Presbyterian church, Dallas,
12:tK) Adjotirniiieut.
"I wilt slnir eiaUit auto icy doit" I's. It s,l
1:.'W Hing servlcxi, led iiy Hev. Poll
lugs, Cong' I, church ludependciiue.
l;f( Hcisirt of committee on cre
1:M lloll C4ill and re(sirt of societies,
2:V l'aS'r on local unions, P, H,
Kulloit, Presbyterlau eliurch Dallas,
'Z;IH The model lookout eommlttie,
Cliiisilan society, Independence. Dm
eursioii ,
i!:ili) Tlie dulltit of the social coin-
niltlw First Congregational church In-
dcH'ndcuce. Discussion.
2: t'i Tlie "Iron Clad Pledge" Chris
tlan society Monmouth. Discussion.
8:M) Uucstlon Ihix conducted by tlie
8:15 Keporia of committees,
S-M Klcetlotl of tiftlccr.
8:40 (!oii!cratloii service led by
11K-11 1 1 H-r Christian siwlefy. Monmouth
4:(K) Adjournment.
"l'lie Uird wiiluli tiotwcim insaadtlirinwlien
wo ro alismil one from unolliur." llna. !ll,;in
Stray Sleer.
Ht rayed from my place, last Miiy a
black steer, three year old, marked
crop and slit In one car, uo brands.
Person knowing ofthe wliere aliouts
please return to II. Madison, Lewls
vllln, and receive suitable reward. M 4t
Itesl-ISslitln TraiiHlVrs,
The following are the late real-estate
transfers. The total amounts to $7, (Kl.
W L Lady to N L Hutlor, Interest In
A D liahcockd le;tl.
11 Christian to J D Harris, 10 acres
in t9 r6 w; fl.
L K Lee to C N Ziunalt, 107 acres la
tsar 6 w; $500.
Prcscott & Venes to W r Itevens, 5
acreslnt9sr4 w;fl).
W II Kuykendall to N L ltutler, (WiO
lien's near Uriuiil Hondc; .
t,'has IjOo to L K & Mary Lee, 11)7
acres lu t8sr(Jw; tl. .
A J Ulbson to Win Havago, 21 acres
lutOsrT w;$JI7.
Independciiee l of I to 1 Vanduyu,
lot In cemetcryi Jl'1, j
Mr. K Hblpley to K V Keyl, 11 acre
lu tfta r6 widup
W THImrtleirtoK I'l (lllilum. lot
lu Kail elly; fat,
Frank Yismiui to Win Knvage,4i!crt
in t Usrtl w; $l,'itl.
V M Collins to N Tarter, (IS aurea In
t sril w;fnou
Cha M (iraves hi (! II (J raves, lot
III Mi'Coyit'iO.
W McCoy to Hurali HI Joliu, lot In
Met Hiy; st),
John Query to II UK John, hittu
(1 It drove to Harah K Ht John, lot
In McCoy; toll.
Kllxalalh Miitiueslloti hi Cyrus Jones,
lot lu Moiimouthi'UHl,
K, A Thurston to l K (llllinaii, '
acre In t s t& w;l,5(KI,
VJ M11 1 key to Mary Amuold, lot
lu Moumotitli;lJn
WTHhurileir toj 11 Moyer, lot In
Kali City; f-'W.
Kllwt V Craven to I.uella J Worth,
10 acre In t 7 H rwiKitm.
1) LA I Co to 1 Its J Worth, ft
acre In t 7 A 8 r 8 w; f.VW.
W W Conkcy to Clara It Hursou, lot
In Dallas; (75.
. Martha K Htilesto John llammis k,
lot In Wt HaleniilliH.
I he subject of this sketelt came to
On goit lu IH4I. Hhe wan born lo Quill
ey Illinois, lieoenibcr astlt lH;a and
wa married to Wesley Howell In lslH.
tu early life she went with her father
from Illinois to Andrew, county Mis
souri, and froNi thence acrumt the plain
to Oregon. Her father, Wesley How
ell, with wife, six wins and one daugh
ter first settled In Howell prairie
Marlon county, and that name was
given to that locality in iimseipteiice
of that settlement, Mrs, Howell'
father, mother and buslsind, lie hurried
ill How ells Prairie, una of tliu r)cbet
and most Uiiutlful sNit tit Oregon
iurs Howell's mother wa a cousin to
Carey Kuiluveof Dallas, and he Is one
of the tw o mala surviving emigrant of
IHtt. the other oun llng David John
soil of Illiles-udellil- ,Mw Howvll ha
IHiswsl ibmugli all (lie changing scene
and vleUdlude of early life In ()reun,
and today is living lu eomiwrntlvo com.
fort 111 Oregon, fsiie can now attend
clmieb, and listen to the exH)Uiidlug
of llie Uosie wllbolit CHMyIng icr
sbis- lu her hainls In the church dis.r,
as slie ha In ploun'r yearn, to save
wear and tear of tlie shoe, umertalil
a to where the next pair wa coining
from. The early pioneer of Oregon,
scMtratcd from the alaslejitf rt vlilzai Ion
by (luaisai ils of mlh, si-euutl bois-bsts
of ever isiug 111 a conditloii to obtain
thisw comforts and netssnsarie of life
to which they had been seeinitnuied in
tliclr far Kastcru boinea. Yet tlie
lavue ha cliaiigcd. Tmlay we live In t
land uiit highly favored by pmv
ideiiis', and enjoy high stale of clvilh
(al Ion aud pris rlly, brought alsail ity
tlie and venlurtwiuie spirit
of ihe parly plonwr. We can now by
observation h-atlc what low Isin
brought alsmt ibirleg the last tlfty
years, but where Is the man who inn
picture to bis Imagination w hat Oregon
will ls filly year hence.
Peter Kurre went to Portland Tues
day to spend tlie holiday with hi
IjisI Tuesday evening Mr. tl. It. Sti
ver nearly severed his fisit w lib a shnrji
J. W. Hiltihraud has added new
veranda to the vast side of bis dwelling
Urandnia Smith, mother of 11. K
aud Marlon Smith Is ivrud danger
laisly III.
Jam Kltiott and wife of Dallas,
were visiting Itnlstt IStisde Wednes
day. '
James tetherow and daughter lama
returiibil from Waturvlllo Wash., Fri
day evening wheiethey have been fur
several luoiillis for thu benefit of Lena's
Henry Wants coutcmjilatea putting
nit a hedgu feia-s around Ids farm,
Mr. McKldnwue has made arrange
ments for jilantlug a mile or two 011 his
Mis Lena Hiltihraud of the Hacred
Heart Acaiicuiy is home for a week
Many times have we spoken shout
the condition of our roads, The roads
leading from hereto Iudc'tidclicc, iu
many places, are almost Impasslhle
We wld never have giaid rme.1 until
wa revise our system of road work,
What work was done on the rornls thl
season was more detriment than good,
for Instance wliere culverts should have
been placed, they have graded thu loud
bed full of dirt and, oonseijuoutly the
water has 110 plu:e lo escape, aud runs
over the grade.
That Is right. Nicuk out corres
pondents. We need belter road laws
Make No Mistake
If you decide, from what you hirs hesrd uf
lt ouret or road lit IU lnnrlls, tlutt yoa Will
take Hood's Miiraiiparllla, do imt lis Induced
lo tiny toiastliliiK elue which may be eliUnird
to be "about tlie menu" or "just at good."
Henienibor Unit lliu wile roimon fur effortu t
gi'tyou to purcluino loius tiitmlltute tl tint
more proOt mny he niitJe, , I'lnnly roilet til
Inducement! and Insist npoa having put
what yoa called fur, Hood's 8irsaiarllls.
Then you will mil ho eiiitrliu(ntliiR Willi a
new arllulo, for Hood'i HamspiirtlU li
Tried and True,
fa one (tore the clerk tried to Indue nit
to buy tholr own Insttuiil of Hood's Hitreaii.
rills. Hut lie could not prevnll oa me t
eliange. I told him I knew what Hood's
narsapnrllla. was, I had taken It, win per.
feetly iiiUsflcd wllh It, mid did not want any
other.' Mas. Ki.i.a A. Uurr, el Terrsoe
Btroot, Donlon, Mus.
We Are All Taking It.
"We could not be without Hood'i Siriv
piirllliw It Is Hi best medicine we ever
kept Id the house. My family are all taking
It." Una. J, M. minimi, Ban Joaqula aud
Fremont BtreeU, Btocklou, CU
Hood's Sarsaparilla
old by drnmrlati, llifor(J, Prtprdonlf
by 0. L 11000 4 CO., ApotliMsrlM, Low.U, Mu.
100 Doses One Dollar
ITOHINd PILBS known hjr molitor
lUii imi-i,plru:liin,ouui,o tnleuMa llttlilna
vh"il wiu-Hl. Tills ftirm and BLINO,
Yll'1.0 AT ONOK TO
wlil.'h amn illroolly on parto aNootod,
alHorhM tumom, ftllayaltolilng,offollnf
a Ifll'ttl'MllMHimi'n. Pl'lni, Rllo TlrtiDurl...
ii: ...jil. Dr. llonanko, Vhiladalvnia. 1'a. I
u-s 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 ; J. t
Ymir Villi h wilt ulllui unit
utenuliy wry tiyhievn j
mnnlh, if you ttiud prwrt ;
itntlmfkri'iiinfitiunlltk. (o- J
nUtiti In that tim Me hit-
rtiies whirl turn on it drtUnt
vut t!l,mi,m,m) tlnm; U dun
nut "tmt" lit tiifM, tikti oi (l-
nui'jf miifMnr, but brim tit lt
vwk uHifiininitj, You oil an
HHtlM, or a trwing mwliinn, or $
uu uthft tmtihimlinl wmlrU
turn, dull) or wwklyi but that P
drlimte imtrummd rfprwUtm
yuur mtti'ht allou'tnl to go J
umviredor unlit U t I'lotifd ft
with tilrt, mut lU'tm, The bmt f
of oil beaoim thlik Mil diftu ft
in Uim In thl poiutitlim It wmn
Ihr pivot, umt liftruy that
fj-t irlww itf thrlrlt In thujruwf
holt, which I wurMHfy to a
' oorrtet pirufmuim, , . 1M
im look nt jfour wntih-I wilt
Ifiif llui a mtuH'tmtlmitoiilnlon
11 to whrthrr It nrnl uttrntlun.
j Cemiwitnl Wsich rilrr,
With PatUrton Bra, j
Vt M f t t t I
The imrt nershl 11 heretofore ex 11 1 mi be
tween J F.O'Doinicll andJ D.lrvltietiu-
der the firm nameofO'IionnellAIrvlne
ha thl day becu dissolved by unit mil
consent. J. 1). Irvine retiring from
the firm. All note and accsaiuU due
the II r m will be eollccttsl by J. I).
Irvine at the Independence National
Hank aud all bill against said firm
will 1st (add by O'Dounell A Irvine.
J. K. O'Donkkm.
J. 1). IHVINB.
Inukckmikni k, Or. Dee, 2lt, istd
- v .
Tlie buslmws will t eoiitlnusd by
J. K. O'Dounell ud we take thlsoppor
lunliy of (banking tha public for the
llls-ral patronage given u during the
last year, and solicit a ouutluuaueo of
the same to (airsiiccor.
1,1 O'lkifiSKU.A Ikvisb,
There will be a meeting of Urn l k
holder of tlie First National Jtauk of
lni'leudeuec, I'olk county," Oregon,
011 Tuesday, January 10, iSi'S, al the
parlors of the hnuk, ls-twccii tha hours
of IU o'ebs k a. m. and 4 o'eba k ji. m.
of said day, for the purpose of elis-tliig
director for the ensuing year and trail-
;actiug any other biisita' that may
conic ta'fore them.
Iiatisl tills Hit) day of Ik-tvmber, A. D.
Isoi W. ID IIawlkv,
Nolle I hereby given to the stiak
holder of the lmlcandcucw and
Monmouth lUllwny I'ompauy, that
the regular annual meeting for the
i-Iih-iIoii of olllcers of said comjiauy
Will l held at the Indes-ndi'UW
National Hank, ou Halurday Iksvm
her 81st, iwi aud for the transaction
of such oilier business a may eouai
ta-fore the bouse.
V, 1'. t'oNNAWAV,
Iiule'iideuw, Or. Dee. 7, lst'2.
Notice I hereby given to the stock
holder of the I'olk County Laud Com
NiuVt that the regular annual meet
lug for the election of olllcer of aald
company, and transaction of audi
other buslnessa may come before, the
meeting, win be-held at nami of
thu Iudcs-udcnc National Hunk, 011
Saturday, lkHx-mlair 81, IHUi.
D, W. 8KABS,
ludeiamduiice, Or. Ix-o.7, lSi
The annual meeting of the Iudo-
pendemst Water aud FJwtrlo Light
Compiiny, will be held at the Inde
pendence National bank, 011 January
;mth 1HU.1, at 7 p. m. for the pur is of
ek-ctlng olllcers for the ensuing year.
aud such other bulsiiesa aa may come
beforu the meeting.
H. II. Jaspkiison.
Notice Is hereby given that the
regular annual meeting ofthe stock
holder of tlie I ndopendoiioii National
Hunk for the election of a board of
directors will lie held at the parlors of
said bank on Tuesday, January 10th
lSIIJi, lietweon tlie hour of 10 a. tu.
and 4. p. 111. W, P, Connaway.
. Cashier,
V "7"
Bi-imuIi 1 hn or Hend aohluir On or thus pllliww
llnv,,. d,.lrrlnlhlomohnrt turn hdsrisons,
on ssoh li la In for swwk wmlsni ihe nomsoh and
,u,lllo tli brsalli. TKey ln.ur rsirfsol dlg,llon,
r.'gnlAif ihe bowsl! tni oore ooiisllpailon. Thrr
t piomntly, yi mlliH.y.never np or meser. u
Urutiiiau or mall, lioaauko Mod. Co., fhila., 1'a.
ForsalobyJ. H.PUGII.
Administrator's Notice,
Nolle In Iwreliy lvmi, Mint liy order or the
Cnoiily Hie Htnteor Ori'Kon lor J , i It
eminly, nuiilii uuil eatemt ol reuorrt si ihe
Noven, Iver term tllellmf A. II. WH, lli(
miilersiinied whs Hmxiliiieil niliiilnlsimliir or
the entitle or H. A. ('raven ileeenseil, mill tliul
liners ui Hiiiiiinisiritiion imve nmui duly
lKstieil to him tlierelii. All rsoiis IiiivIiik
cliilins iikiiIiihI sulil iwliite, tire horeliy null,
tleil to ireenl Iheiii to Ihe iniiliirslaiUMl Hi,
liiileieiiileiiee, I'olk enmity Oregon, within
six iniiiillia I'riini I lie iluiu liermf,
T. W. W'ANN,
.... . Ailmliilsirator,
OiiIkiI tlila Kmu On Isll-l '
Ail'ys lor AOiiiliiiKi.nuor
nil,isii ilimiiu Mini lUoiiiuoiitii iiioiur
11: 15
l:Nl ,
p., 1 Only
and best
in the
90 lbs. to
100 rods.
Sole Agents for Polk County.
Hlii'JInj & Vatitluyo aa still giving,
Iliirgains uml will tnuiliuiio tu run
Don't iH'Iay but avail yourmlvi
of this IUr OpjMirtuuity.
. . Shelley & Vanduyn . .
Make thin an tWir Iitst iiimh to
, ' the - -
Sat-CLXda3T, IDecGin."bcr 31, 1S92
Glass Balls,' Clay Pigeons, and Rifle
A. 1). SLOPER.
In Our XVmdow when you go by
between now and Xmas. See the
New Goods; Step inside and ask the
Price. Store open until 9 p. - m.
We have in stock
J i BiMxilnlty of
S. TUN DOl.LAHrf will tmv a very- ncnt
tlinmonil rlni?. Wu Imvu tiiciu froui Ton
1)01111114 umvimls.
A Now Una of
We Imndlo the Sotli Tlumms Ol. oUs. We nre
oliwlnnout a few oilil clookHof itlltoiwit Makes
at low iirittw. None will bo lort utV-r Xnins.
Whnt linvon't we in stoi'ktliiit . vmi wnl? We
huve lioiixht tu'iivil.v mi hs to kIvo jou uii n
Hortnu ut to Hi'looi iVoin.
Druggists and Jewelers,
want to fence It In
With tha
: Hew
4 FpfWA
A Inw assortment of lioth Oi'tits'nml Lmllos'
-tlold Kit KM, Silver hiuI isilvorine. Y nmlui
I.nto Slylw t ltiht Pilot.