$2.00 Per Year. INDIU'KNDKNCK, POLK COUNTY, .OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, ltJ92. Five Cents Per Copy. NO. 0 8ECUKT BOCIKTIK8. HOTKl.S, WAT0HMAKEIW. TOO MUCH CONFIDENCE. A Handsome Woman Works a Profitable Scheme. SHE IJUUNM THK (OMIIIXATIOX. Highest of all in Leavening Power. .Latent U. S. Gov't Report A a U. W. INDEPENDENCE t Lodir. No, 83. mMto twjf Mitt-. ST. -CHARLES HOTEL, P0KT land, Oregon. 0. W, Known, proprietor. The leading hotel of th orthweal. Fireproof. Hydraulic ele vator. Nanrlv hirnmhu.1 iL.ul i.. mild nil- 131 m ay uigm in Moti naik ah anjonrn. tn brother ere luviled to attend Blair Mill, M. W, W, U, Gunk, Recorder. I'lwv tn ymtr twkpt, tttnl you will ttlw,v Iw VALLEY LODGK, NO. 49, 1. 0. 0. F.-MaeUj ia Mmmm ball amy Tbunnlny evening. All Odd Miami oar- mirp ft Bo on Time. anl connected, 1N0 rooma. Vr, Front and Morrison trel. l VOL. X. a. vi. w. w. wiiuama, weereitry t YON LODGE, NO. , A. P. A. H.MMUhiil HillltmitHWUlinHB Nknia day evtmiuc on or btfura hill moon ear noma ami two whi, inereaner. u. w. Wbmo, w. M. W. P. Oonuaway, fleey. 1TOUKH IntVlK. NfYM lf "H A! Meet every Wednesday nmnr! All knight aw cordially invited. U. 8. mwHKiwry, va va dim Miliar, . H S. PHYSICIANS) ENTISTRY. O IX BTJTLEIt, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon, nwy. i. b. noani or Medical Examiner. Uouaa block. Oltloe ia Opera T? L. KETCHDM, M. D. OFFICE ana nnlMi corner Railroad auvl Muumuutb aUk, ladepeudenoa, Or. T"R J. B. JOHNSON. KESIDEN1 J Pentsjl. All work warranted to tiv the m salis faction, ludepes deoc, Or. TJ. LEE. PHYSICIAN AND 8DH a geon. C. 8. examining ureoo. OttttM over lodepeudeuoe National Bask. D R. 0. E. B0YNTON. PHYSICIAN ami surgeon, Bueoe Van, Ore- goo. ATTORNEYS. GEO. A. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT U Will praoliea in all atato and ledora ennrta. Abftraota of title furninbsd. Offloa orer Indepandvooe Natxoal Baak. DALY, SIBLEY A EAKIN, AT toroeyiatLaw. Wbaalbaoiily art of atwtract buuka In Polk ouunty. Beliatla abalraou fnrnibd. Muny tu Hikd; bo oommlation ebarired on loana. Offlw. iooui 3 and 3 Witaona block, Dal laa, Oreiron. A M. HURLEY, ATTORNEY AND JT, tXnnilor al wiw. ura. or, tu ludependenaa National Bank, Inda peodvnea, Or. BON HAM A HOLMES, .ATTOR neyi at Lanr. OlBoe in Boaba block, belwern SUta and CoorU on Com mercial itrwt, Satom, Or. SASH AND DOORS. MITCHELL A BOHANNON, MAN nfaotarara of anb and doors. AIno, an roll Mwiuff. Main atreet, Inda pendenoe, Or. ARCHITECTS. FH. MORRISON. ARCHITECT and Superintendent All obargee reasonable, and flnt-cln-a work gnaran tei. Dallai", Oregon. SURVEYOR. TL. BUTLER, COUNTY 8CR . teyor and Civil Eoioueer. All call promptly anawered. Addrea me at Dallni, Or. BARBEItS. ET. HENKLE, THE BARBER, , oppoMte opera bonae, ludepen deuce, Oregon. WATCHMAKERS. AB. CHERRY. WATCHMAKER and JweWr,witli Putter.!) Broa.. Indepeiidence, Or. AUCTIONEERING. EH. HOHNER. MONMOUTH. OR., . i Blwftya ready to do unction work, either in tbe city or coniitiy. at reanonable ratea. TAILORS. WO. 8HARMAN, MERCHANT Tailor, 0 atreet, nenr poatnriloe SaiU in any atyle made to order at rea sonable rate. DRESSMAKING. MBS 8? 0. H ADLEY HAS LOCAT-edinMonm.mtb,wbere.bewill.n-duot a drW.mBkin tajiliahmtnt n tbe Polkwunty-bank building, wntneaaii corner, np nairi. W it , M I It I WJ. MCLKRY, MONMOUTH owne the Old liehableiirooeiy and prttvlsiou tire. tro teat our lirtMa an.l m...lilu ,tt MuuL h .... ! 111 imnn, film w nw- eared that mII hi clwap m tlwohmif uiu win yonr imnMionim 111 ay part of tt oily t'RKK .f oliuruo. Don't tail to will on W. J. Mulkey. RANKS. Commanead Business March 4, 18tt9. KUtIUhl bj Hftttonid Authtirlly, THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Capital Slaak, Surylua, $80,000.00 14,000.00 J. H. CWI'KR, U W, ROI1KUTSON, rrwhirut, VlvPrwldH(. W. H HAW1.KY, t'lilCr. 0IRCCTOBS. J. , Cooimmf, U W. KobertMm, Uwl tlvliult'k . O. W. WUIlkr, W. W. Cnlll. A MtlMl luMtklnv hkiHlna IrttntyuM Buy. utd !! .it'liuitfn tui ll lmlnui PolnU. IkipiMll iwv1 nihjmt In itliwk or on (wr- THE IXDEI'ENDEXCE National Bank ! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. H. HHKHtl. fiultlMit. BtUM MEUaiN. Vh I'ralileiil. W. P. CUNXAWAY tMhtaf. A inral Imnkuif and ! g biwlncw Iraniuu4d: Iimum aiut, bill. 1tocHiiilml, am maretat rwtiumnld: dvMall tweltud tin luiwl aenMint uhj to ebwk, lnlm.1 (will oa Urn dvpnalU. DlHElTUIth. Joaliua M(taiiltl, II. II. Jwran, A. J Uoodni.n, R. tllrwlilwrg. A. Nnlwa, T. t. Ui. I. A. A Urn, ICORPOMTfO UN0CH TNC UWS Of OREGON. polk nn si. MONMOUTH, OR. I. A. MAi'Hl'X Prwililrltl P, UCAMrilKLU Vi.-rw. IRA C. I-UWKI.L. r-:ii'r PAID CAPITAL, $25,000. DIRECTORS. I A.Mwrnm, I'. Ufnini'lM-ll, I. M.MIniMnn J. B. V. Buller, J. H. Hlunin, K a lliwoll JMwh I'ruvvn. A lDinl banking and h.-Iiuiiko liuahim. tranutrlxl; lMna niili-; ltiKH nnflvcil uhjwt ui t'liM-k nr in ntriinmMwr Upi"li4 lulrrml wld on llmi" 1.'(.-H. -t'lr prmr mult mt hurglNr pmi( ?, wriirvd by Yl- llm l''k. Ufflc llourat a. m. to 4 p. m. DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY) M.yl yon think hl la a iwiw biwlniwn, moUIuv out iMblm (j application : II ha. brva dona bafora, bowevar, but navar have lh furnhbiKl bwa to war the original .ainiilfiu) llila ana. Kvarvnoe will att'laim, " YVVH I thaf. tb i.mihI baby I ever I" Thla llitla blaok-ami-wniia engraving can giva riu but a falut Mea of the exuutoile original, ,4n.,.5-;f,."e.--:;im-l I'M A UAI.Y. which w propone to aonil to yon, tranM Utlon palil. The little darling nwtnagiilimt pillow, and U In the art nf drawing "ff Jl Dink Kick, the mate of which hun In'dii pullid off and flung wide with a tiliimplmiit cim. The flour, tint are rfoct, and I ho i;y follow ou. no matter whore roil itnud. Tlioe joiul. .ItDronroductloniiof thla groaiint pnlnllng ol Ida VVaugh (the mint ooii bmlod of niodi-rn nalntomof baby lino are U he glvon to thomi who Hiibuwlue lo Domoreat'a Kiimlly Mngiu line for WW. The roprltiolloii cannot be told from the original, wh ch o. l, and am the name site iHtW Inolion). The hiiliy la fiS i . and ahaolutolir IIMIUe. We have J.l.n In nnilMrHtlon. to prtwent to our aorllwr. during WO, nthrr grout iilcliinn lJ iih.irlnKlnr orof Moran.Maud lluinihioy, ipa, and otlinraof wnrld-wlilc tonl. UenohainiM, r-nown. raae ooir u "'"'Vr," " ,WI ,v, .If . I .In rin the miMt Vf'Mr. ' ii" and "A Whitn Il.mao nhll " by the wlfeof Frealilent Jliirrlnon, and you will what our nromlwM mean. lhiwnwhoiilH;rlboforT)einnret'ijriiinlly Mnirnlne for IWtl will noewwi n iiillt ry ot e. ,,Hlte wwrkl of art of Biviit vnluf. Inl"i M , nuine thut cannot bo efiiuliil I y miy I" t'le world for III beautiful llliwlrnllont, 11...1 Subject m:.tttr,lli..t will kiwimveryoiM ' ,' ed on nil Ihfl toplca of thn diiy, tit.tl ull ( r-i'ljiiiid different lU-in. of Inleient ill ( i t tin hoiiediold, henKh'a fiiruWiliiiT ""'vi ' t .mdiiig mutter, both irmvit mid W-J' 1 wliolo family 1 nnd while llcinni.' 1 11 lr t n f'luhlon Magiixlne, It fimhloii mp f M fo. t, nn 1 wo Klve you. f wi" "f ""'i I ' 'iT 'syoii wlh to iin during t! 0 yen , m j'l In line DIM yon clioimo. H ml l V 1' IpMonnt once, only '! 'on , j-foverMlnviiIui'. A.I ici'UKt.. J' JPJ-T-.niiiiii' Doinorert. I.r Knft Hi I' HI . I V If vou lire iiniieo,ii.ilnt.'d villi 1. 1 ii.,,.-.i?,luc. Kind lliiwiiin for ..1,1. I'-.i 1 "'!"' n in 11. . i.ii- TBCCK AND DRAY. HUBBARD & SlIS, PBOPBIKTOBH OP CityTrnck and Transfer Co. Hauling of all Kinds uoiie as Kcasonaoio ivnw. Agents for the 0. P. Boats. All bills must be nettled 1 by the 10th or eacn uioiHu. Independence, Oregon. ' . aA. I 4) - f I Ymt ean huv walcliiHi and pkieka of A, A. Kramer, al llu.ler A Hbelley'v reniHrHitiily eliepjiit now, thi not delay niuking a wv. Utilloti- bill GET THERE ON TIME. SAWMILLS. a. pHKxivrr. J. A, VKNUOi PRESGOTT I VENES5, Proprietor uf IIMD1E 1 III. Maminielurwniof and t. olrrn HI FIR and HARDWOOD, ami,. Rough and Dressed LUMBER. J. A. WHEELER, Manager. HEAL ESTATE. Willamette Beat Estate Co, , Iiitlopt'titluiH, Ori"iHi. TraiiHiifU a icoiu riil Rittl I'jdiili' llual niiat, liliyanliil atdla I'miH-rty, t'lli'oli inaiimiiiv and iba a (.'I'ln-riil Ctdivpyaiiw Jtualinna. Plirl 111! Ill'Vllllf Imh for Mill! Mill II ml It to tlifir mlVHiiUiKv to . List Their Property With thin Coiiipitny, mi they rt dully wniluitf IIkIk of IiiihI fiwl, tliim pine Inn iliwlmlili' inMrty ufon tli rl. tltmU of the I'jihU JAMOUISON, J. W. KIRKLANIt. Prildi.iit. H'ndnr.v. ULAt'KH.MirilS. NEW WITH III. Thf tiiiili-rnlitiit'il would i,tlml wv are pri'Nirwl to tin nil klixla .if BLAGKSMITHiN j. HORSESHCEING, . REPAIRiNG, UNO At thu miiet rt tiwniiil.il' r.iti'ri. (ihi- u a cull. PITTS & HILLAHD, Bucc.moi to E. . Kreng). Independence, Ore. DI'-NTISI'H. DR. 3. A. MULKEY INDEPENDENCE, ORE. The nrnd.li,n nr.l.'l I' l'.l In nil IIh lirnlll'll.'M. All Irrfif utttrlt l.-K nf Hie 'i'.'lli 'lillilreir In p.irlleHl.in given Hneelnl nlleiillon. (Inl.li. HII.VKH flllliigHiuiil Uii.H'IIOWNK.i.i'.'. iMlly. I Mile worn nl .H'.'i .ii.iiii.v nn.""'.- m Melal. Hnllnfiii'lloii gimninleed. 'J'KIOTII K.VmAUTKI) WITHKIIT PAIN. OlllceCnr. Muln mill Momiiiiiitli SIi-pcIm, ovur O'IIoiiiii'II'm HiiiiIhiiic Store. BRICK. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of Indopotulonco, hnviiiff a stcain engine), a brick Machine and several acres of fl nest clay, 1h now prtipared to keep on hand a fine quality ol Brick, which will be sold at roiwou able prices. DENTIST close r HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. r y V i The lime has come when we must make preparations iorour immense I lolitlay trade. Our storage room is '"chuck" full of '4 m HOLIDAY jOGDS That must come down and he displayed on the counters. We must condense and re duce our present stock. To reduce it quickly to induce you to immediate purchase we make liberal reductions in price that every person who cares to economize should profit, by these undervalue prices. Until our obji'i't it wiiiplt'lel you i. tu have pitipoHiiiimli'ly . frt'iiaiiiu f.1 worth of jjikmIh for 12 til ' jotir inont'y, BUSTER & ; sr'i' w'V"'a"'f ,B" Mow. f- W FAMOUS NOVELS. W i:y ('i:M:iiitATi:i) autiiuiis. GIVEN FREE AS PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. READ OUn LIBERAL OFFERS DC LOW. ii! Tt in ttw npimrtuutty of a llMimo lo aeeiire aoforffiii, of Mdini.'urrl M'ur'm anil nn excvtlctit iirrlmltviit lit n nominal eo. No. Aiiilwr, Tlilr. I Wilitic ttilmn-Yiirr Money, r Vour t.lfe. Waller l!i-ant 'I l.o IliimblinK o I ho Mem. bllni-.. 3 rtutrtr. liirliena 1 lie Mmlfng Trtper. 4 Willi.e ("i.ntiH The Mnwir S;i.-cun:i('ii, JCIinrltitte M. IlrurtiieA Hrl.lf.o ol t.ove, M, 10. r.rntii!oti ir'iricl'tn.l.icll,.J"urney. ; K. T, Culcriilyo 'I lie Kl.ynia.u( llm Ancient Mariner. 8 lljnrn.ljttrne rornv.n The Weildlntf Mnrrh. o IKant and I : u e 'J lr.1 Tr ii Venn .nil Tenant. io Cliiul.'. iJickcnn lilicidin. of Voutiif Couplt'.. it Mr. rorreHierlii a C.iiiiury llouac. in N, E. l'Vuiu'illfin i Hlh.rr'.iilnve, ij Kmile IliiliMriun Mux's Mnrrliifte. 14 ('li!ii'ieH(il)lmn.ln I'.ist'.i't'H C.n'cn. ti 'i'liiitu.iH lli.rily V, luL iln: Slirplicrd. Saw. 10 Mury Ceril liny In ilie I IoIicIjivh. 17 C.tptaln Murrviit T'he Tl'rce Outers, .S Ilclon II, Mulhcrd 'I lia Laml o' llio I.cul, No, Anlh-.r. Title. 19 Mha Miilo. k In IIonn Mnut. go M.. Illiplwint--Karllihnuml, ai OiiuIh l.inle (ir.in.1 and ttie Miirchlone.., n F.W. lol.ln.in-Tli Hiir-mul.l at llmtleinn ) Allrr.l Ij.ril Tennv'nThe l.ovcr'. Tali). .4 Mlu Tuekcray I iit of llie VV.irl.l. 95 Annie Thuma The Mystery, and other Stnrira. ad MlMMiilock-The Self Seer. 17 Mrs, J, II. Ri.ldell MiM Mnllny'n Mi.hnp. aS Katherli.oS, Maenuold Pour KnKr. .9 The "Uurhe" liowSnnokn Cut Out Of It 30 A Cnnan lioyle My I'rlend, The Murderer, 31 (.'liarleH llickrnTlie Ciilmes. 3a C'harl.itte M. Ilraeme-A Oil. led Sin. 33 rleaantilnd RiceSll.-ilierdiialUindMttl.lens Fair. 34 Helen II. Mathcni--As Ha Cometh Up The Stair, SOME OF THE A89VE To avary delinquent aubaerlber who 1, 1893 one book given for every montn over ant montna In arreara. TEN BOOKS GIVEN FOR ONE NEW SUBSCRIBER, Paying one year In advene. One thousand volumaa have been ordered from Now York and will arrive here about December 20, 1692. i V mm, !.; v i r ti if t i' r Li 4.1 SHELLEY Nn, Author, Tille. 3J Anthony Trollope Why Fran I'rohmann Kniwm tier Prins 3H Ciiarlestllrlten. Tiirrelleteciive Anecdote. 37 Violet Wythe A Wavering linage, 38 Mm, Furrcntur Thq Turn ol Kortunc'i Wheel. 39 T, DeWItt Talmnirc Nlifht Side of New York, 40 Mlm Mutoel(-fll l.lnle Mother. 4. KatlierlneS. MacpioidTlie Awnltenlnir. 43 Mary Cecil llay- Keapintr ih Whirlwind, 41 Mm, Kni-renter-Queen Klitaheth'ii Garden, 44 Charles lliclten-Thc llatllcol I. lie, -41 W.lkie O.lllns A Slmckinir Story. 46 Oulda lllmhl. 47 Mi Mulnck Th I.nt of the RiillivcnB, 48 Mot y Ceell I Inv A I.litle Avcrslnn. 49 Oulila The Little F.nrl, jo llcsant ami Kite The Case nf Mr, I.ucrnft, B09KS GIVEN AWAY will pay up between now and January Una a Mmllhr Hakr aw NobM Neieral llfrli. -No. had .a .rfiuaullw la Ik. I'rnua id. ll.a.lMiaia Iota Nail, Ton ynnm at?" In owlaln g4 1mkI town In I'fiiiinylvMiiU I here llve.1 a fuin lly wIihiii I will cnll Mlt. lmll. The fam ily i!.i.iji.tei of hiielniiid, wife and two ('Jill.lroii.Uin Lit tor ImiIiih a lxy aged five an. 1 a liiri or kwhii. m Uciioil waa a jm vnU liitiikor, known to U honeat, re- Im'Ui1i1m ami worth a clear 1100,000. I kii.:'v little or nnthliitf alxmt the family until I'ori.iln itii'l. Ionia occnrrwl, Ona iluy hi wife waa fatally Injured in a ruilKiiul t'lillii.lnii at a jKilut aUuit fifty lull.-, from I1.11110, Wlieii h rwtchml hr, In r'Kiiiati tu a htlcftrain wnt by a 1 ranker, In' fimnd h Imd boon r.'iiiovod to a Imtol and waa bnln tonderly carwl for try a woman who itv her name aa Mm. A. a Orny. of I'hiladolphla. Hhe waa on tlia truln, but aulTurad 110 Injury. Mr, (ir.iy, m 1 might an well tell yon now, waa (a'tito, Rood looking, a Kood tulkar and in a K"mral way captiva ting. Th fiu t of her taking rliarga of Mr. Mlli liell ua ahe bad done nruvvtl her tondor hoitrt. Him told Mr. Mlkliol) li Imd l . ii a widow eightMii numthi Hint wait prm'tli'iilly alone In the world, iiml thoiiKh he wim burdened with laiof niii! aiulidy, he did not forgot to thank hr for her ((rent kitiduemi and to tiiko hr nd.irwwi, 8h muiniHl her jonrnoy, nnd In' look hia wife home to die of her Injuries. It wiut throe week aftor hr .loath Unit t mme Into the vane. Aftol cv-orythlng wim over the hiislmnd mid dllly dlw.ivered that his dead wife', jnwuiry waa mlwliig. Bhe hail with her when the nct'l.letit Uak place, abont fl.IKH) worth of diamolnla. They had difiipja'tired, and when he came to run over evenl In hie mind he rmtld not ro uii'iMlwr that thy had cmne home with Iter, Mrs. Orny Iia4 turned over to him Mm. Mitvliidr purw and a few other IliinHs, hut a pair of diamond eanlri.tM, two riii( and a pin were miwiiiig, 1 wua vuiployetl to proceed to the aceue uf tin. latu a.'i lileiit and awk to trace the jewelry. The colliaion had occurred rigiiv at the doKt tu a "mull town. Peo ple, about thu d.'Mit and the hotel aaiure.1 ine that Mr. Mitchell had her jewelry on when taken to the hotel. The land lord's wife wna positive, and the iba'tur who wiut called in waa positive, and when I had workud the caee ont I rtv turned home to report to Mitchell that noUkly hut Mr, (irity could have taken the Jewelry. II waa astonished and in. .llgiiHiit, mid not only rigoroiuly re pudiateil the titipUctttl.ui, butdinchftrged 1110 from the caae with the aartiou that I wiwi a novice lit the pMfession. I went about other biislnewi, and it wa ulMiiit four luontha bt'fore t aaw Mitchell HKnin. Then he sent for me In an oRlciu! capacity agitin, No reference waa iiiiuIm to my prtivlrma work, but frtslier and other trouble had coma to liiin. A mouth after the death of hla wifn he had tml correepondciice with Mrs, (liny, ami Hie result waa that ah lni.l come to tiika chiirge of his h.mae. lie was without relative., or at leust without tlne.0 who could aid him in hi situation, nnd aim chiimed to be free tn her liiov.'ineiilH. Vou Will lliepect jut .is I did, thut ah had captivated him, Out he fought ehy of any acknowledg ment of tlio aort. I Imven't told you alxint the bunk. It .vim eiiimtptt just a aiiiiiro from hia House and cxiti'tly in the roar of it. The house fronted on one atreet and the Imnk .111 another, hihI t Intro wan no alley be tween. Indeed the rear yard of the li.mso lel rifiht up to the rear door of iiie lunik, nnd Mit.iiol) used to come np ud go tliroiiKh too yard. In the rear f the blinking roonm, divided off by the iiMial rniling, were the private ofllcea '.iiml thu vault. A burghir ahirui wua oi'imwteil with the front iIikim and win down, but none with the buck, A large uid tuiviiKK dog guarded the rear, having kennel cUmo fo the door. What the bunker wanted to ee toe nbout waa thiB: Ilu had not only miaaed money from his wallet at night, but on two occ'iisii.iia coiiHlilcritble euuia of timiiny had bi'i'p tuken from a miihU ufe which t. mil tu hia office outaide the vault. One of the uiysterir w In the tiikingnf tlio money. He employed a teller nnd it iMMikkcoper, neither of whom Iiml a key to wife or vault, unless it waa a duplicate luiula without his knowlod . Neither had the word of the combinu t inn of thu vault, and it teumed iiiiponai blo tliat they could have taken the money, t'viii if no inclined, Both were perfectly hom-nt, to far as anyone knew, and Mitchell wan all tangled np over Ihe mystery. He hadn't t.tikml to me live minutes when I would have taken my solemn oath that Mm. Uray wan the guilty party, but of course 1 didn't drop a hint of my suspicion", to lilni. She waa ehy, prudent and apparently all right, and 1 tiad put in it mouth ou the cttao and made no discovery when the ontalde safu was roblind ugaiii. A deposit and some bonds had come ill at the last mo ment ami hud been placed there for the night. The whole thing amounted to about !)l)(l, mid bonds und greenbacks were minning next morning. The Biife hud not only been opened with a key, but the bank Imd linen entered by un locking the rear door. No one could have entered by the front without mmnillujf an alann. No stranger could have entered by the hack on account of the dog, who was wide awake and all right. When Mitchell sent, for me to give me tint news J was perfectly satisfied that Mr. Unty wua the guilty party, i be lieved she had thu nerve to enter his Mom In the night, secure the keys and tli.ii slip through the back yard, enter the bunk and open the safe, When 1 " learned that tlio dog was a great favor ite of hers this belief was a certainty. 1 couldn't, fur reasons already given, aay j n word to Mitchell abont this. He want ed to suspect his two employees, but when he hu t canvassed the matter he was made to see that It was altogether unlikely that either of them was guilty. Indeed he wat alone in the bunk when the bonds and money came in, and he alone know where the deposit was placed. Whit diiLl. dor V again, ana ln'auout a tfeeK sometniiig happened to prove that I was on the right trail. One of tbe street car lines of the town ran down to the railroad dopot, It was Mrs, (Jray's habit of an ni'levnonn tn ride on this line with the little girl aa fur down as a certain park, and to tit near the fountain ami reac while th girl rompad about with other children. 1 bad closely watched her while in thla park, but no one bad ever coma near her and bar demeanor bad been perfection. On the third afternoon after the rob bery ilia occupied her usual seat for an hour without anything happening. 1 aat on a bench la the rear of her and about thirty feet away, and by and by 1 noticed that aha waa writing a note with pencil. 81m did It to deftly that one sitting In front of her could not have toid what aha waa at Betide ber waa a large shad tree, and aa near aa 1 could make out she disposed of the note, when folded np, souiewhera abont the tree. When she left 1 followed ber for a short distance, and looking back 1 aaw a young and well dressed man occupying the place vacated by her, An hour later, wbeu I could examine the tree, 1 found a hollow In the trunk just alxmt on a line with her shoulder aa she sat on the bench. One not looking for It would have sat there fifty timea and dis covered nothing. My theory waa that she bad an ac complicethe young man whom I had seen. Tb hollow In the tree was their poatoffice, Next day I was at the park half an hour before ber 'usual time, and behold! the young man was occupying that bench. A alio appeared he got up nnd took a seat a hundred feet away, and by watching closely 1 saw that the took a note from the tree. Before leaving she wrote and "posted" one In reply, and after she had gone 1 saw him get it I waa now certain that 1 was on the right trail, and I went to Mitchell to secure some particular 1 wished to know, 1 told him I hail a clew, but would not re veal which way tt led. I learned from him that the combination of th vault door had fonr numbers, and he alone knew It. It had been changed about a mouth after Mrs. Oray'a arrival, and he hesitatingly admittd that the word was "Aime," which waa her Christian name Ua would not, however, admit that this tact was known to her. For two weeks after receiving this In formation I hardly got sight of Mrs. Uray. For some reason she rcaiained very closely at home. 1 found out from Mitchell in a roundabout way that the money needed to pay the men at tin coal mine and also at a large factory waa deposited with him on tbe 14th of every month. It waa simply passed I" to him to be locked in the vault over night, as tt came np from Pittsburg by messenger. I reaaoued that Mil. Uray would work this information out of hlui In some way, or thut her accomplice would discover it, and that if she hud the combination of the vault she would make her strike on the night of the 14th. Un Aug. 13 she exchanged notes at the bunk, also ou the llith. On this latter date 1 shadowed the yonng man fur three hours and became satisfied that he waa from Pittsburg and a "slick un." Among the thing ho did was to go to the depot and inquire about various uight trains, and particularly one which passed over the road half an hour after midnight, 1 promised Mitchell that a climax would soon be reached, and then staked my all on what might happen on the night of the 14lh. At 8 o'clock on thut evening I threw a piece of "dosed'' meat to his dog from a neighboring yard, and at 10 1 softly climbed the fence to find the canine in his kennel and sick enough to remain there, i lay down within ten feet of him, hidden behind a bush, and it was an hour and a half before any thing happened. Everybody in the neighborhood was in tied and asleep by that time, and 1 was not greatly sur prised when a female figure, which 1 knew to be that of Mrs. Uray, suddenly appeared and passed uie live feet away going toward tho bank. she stopped at the kennel to speak to tbe dog, and then opened the rear door and entered. 1 did not move from my hiding place until she reapi'itred Bbout twenty minutes later. She carefully locked the bank, and as ahe passed me on the way to the house I followed quickly behind. The keys she laid on the bank steps, softly opened the side gate, nnd 1 lot her reach the street be fore I brought matters to a climax. She was only out of the gate when she was joined by a man, but when I rushed to seize them lie got tne ainrm ami was on before 1 could grab him. I get her, however, and she had a bundle under her arm which 1 took charge of a bnn- die containing about f 19,000 In green backs. What a nervy woman she was! She just simply laughed a bit as I led her np llie steps ana rang me oeu 10 arouse Mitchell, and when I had told him all and had the money and the keys to prove it she just looked up at him with Mime ami hskou: "Well, what of it?" The "what of ill" was a corker. Mitchell couldn't let the public know that his bank could be so easily robbed, and he couldn't lot society know that he had bemi dnned bv an adventuress, and after a .consultation he actually gave that little adventuress ta.ooo in cash to clear out. She wont, aud as I left her at the depot she buUI: "(live the old man my love when von get back to the house, and ask him if he never heard of Tony Weller advice," Columbus Pea - Killed by Wrlng-lnf Machine. Martha Datenrxirt. colored, twenty- three years old. was killed, and Daisy May Brown, also colored, aged eighteen years, waa injured, by the bursting of a wringer in the basement of the Empire Laundry company's building. The wringor had been In use about three years, but was overhauled and a new oopper "basket" put In about ten days ago. This is said to lie the first occa sion when any accident has hnppened to a wringer since the laundry was started, twenty years ago, and there are several wringers in the pluee which have been in constant 086 for over ten years. . The construction of a wringer is not intricate, and aa no steam can enter it there seems to be considerable mystery as to how it was possible for it to ex plode. It consists of a jacket made of cast Iron, about H inch thick, 4 (eet high and 20 inches in diameter. The copper basket is about 18 inob.es in rlianiHtnr and uearlv the same height as the Jacket, aud so placed aa to revolve1 Inside tbe latter. Small bolea In the basket permit the water from the clothe to pas out Into the jacket and thence by a spigot to a pipe, through which II flow off. The basket and jacket were burst into a thousand piece, but the post which waa meant to bold them in place was left standing, Ind although the piece flew all over the room and into tbe yard none of the other machinery waa struck. Martha Davenport, the woman who was killed, was about fifteen feet from the machine wbeu it burst. Baltimore American. A Pleoam oa sa llatbla A an old batbmsn my father and brother having kept tbe "New York Bait Water Floating Baths" at th Bat tery and at the foot of Desbrosae street for half a century, and being myself on of tbe first superintendent of the pnb lie baths of New York city I cannot refrain from adding a few word of ad vice not only to surf bather, but to all who bathe, either at the seashore, in the pond or even the bathtub, aa there i danger in all to an Inexperienced person. In the first place, never bathe after a hearty meal; always before, and early in the morning or late in the evening U possible. Never go in tbe water while perspiring freely; cool off a little and be lure to wet the bead first. Dive in bead first if you know bow and the place is suitable for so doing. If not, wet a towel and use that on tbe head, aa it drive the blood down and not to the brain, and above all do not stay in the water over twenty minutes, and your bath will do yon good and not weaken you, aa it will if you stay in too long. As yon truly say, the good swimmer ia apt to be reck lest and careless, for getting th treacherous "undertow," "sea pusses" and the fatal cramp, but no man should go in bathing while in liquor, Every one ought to learn how to swim, for It is an accomplishment and very handy to have with you aa yoo journey through life either by wind or by wave. Cor. New York Herald. AkkKsmMKYT WILL FOB 180. Following la the roll, Including all properly iu Polk county that la assess ed at over loiKI, aud which, will be con tinued from week to week uutil fin ished: Neemith, W G ..f 6,687 Nemitlj1.JB 8,850 Nelson tutttte 1,000 Nance Mnry J 1,488 Ncwbill, Wru 710 Newblll.WA 2,004 Nlphong, Polly 675 Nelson, .NF 1.045 Nelson, Alio 8,320 Newton, K A 800 Notson, T T 8,030 Norton, Wiley 800 Nichols, M 647 Oregou Pottery Co , 8,520 virr, c?uiuuei O'Brien, J 6,720 Oregon Land Co 1,000 Osborn, Mrs Harriet 1,350 Osbornj John 4,850 Osborn, J W 3,130 O'Doiinoll & Irvine 2.500 Olmsted, H , 1,805 Orchard, P 1,125 On-hard, Bllas 1,070 Southern Pacific 235,409 Telephone and Telegraph Co . . 1,400 Porterlleld, J F 6,350 Poppk'toii, K It 2.165 Pmther.JM 1,713 Parry, J M 805 Price, Larkln 1,315 Peuuoyer, Mrs A 800 Porter, 8 B 1,270 Pettyjohn, J 8 1,464 Purvine, Cyrus 2,512 Pftin, Jacob , 10,055 IVarce, Thoa 1,420 Putnum, Newton 1,632 Putuuni, W P '. 1,737 Porter, MP , 600 Patterson, F A .............. .2,447 Perctval, W W 2,222 Polk County Land C . , 2,025 Price, Mrs O E. ,..,.. ,....... 1,000 Porter, K A 8,425 Peteus, I 625 Price, Mrs 8 C.,. A" 1,425 Price, Gil la estate.... 1,435 Phillips, Jaa 709 Powell, F8 7,473 Powell, J M 775 Portwood.HS 1,720 Post, OA 9,120 Peters, David 12,889 Phillips, Chas 1,225 Phillips, John 6,870 Phillips, J D 2,380 Phillips, Samuel 1,130 Pike, W A 1,220 Purvine, J L 9,051 Purvine. A J 7,040 Patrick, C 2,105 Quirk, John 872 Khodos,J12 : 6,850 Hlchardsoii, A J 8,155 Rlgffs, M St V 1,000 Rhodes, SE 1,605 Higgs, RI1 800 Rhodes J M.. 8,975 Remington, R C. 929 Rigg8,8T.., 10,392 Qlley.DJ 625 Qiley ADotul 1,456 Richmond, H...... 1,460 Raddlcapp, D 1,357 Raddlcaiip, Vm 2,193 Becker, W 1,214 Robblns, JR....,..., JUB5- KDbttimv, ai. KC500 Richmond, T O 17,012 Rigga. 8 A B 16,920 Riggs, Miss E nnnti.. , 1,000 Rigga, Pierce., 7,665 Roberta, AG ,. 2,552 Rogers, Allen ., 4,140 Rogers, Geo 4,072 Robertson estate, : . 3,954 Robertson, IM 788 Rowell, HC 2,320