i r f i. 1. T 'f. ft- f WAKE UP! SANTA CLAUSl Or there will be nothing at all left for you to do. Our Big Holiday Stock has Gome And shrewd bttywa ar jretthtjr lh firwt pick from our stroml inutility. Everybody lit il8od who jiurcltttstw from our vliolve select lotm In Toys, Books, and Novelties Fancy Goods, Notions, etc. Cotnc in tuul lwvrn what plotusitro, satlsntetlim unit wamomy tluve is in buying your holiday imwnttt of W. H. WHEELER, Independence, - - - Oregon. CALL AND SEE US. We buy for cash, and we buy to sell. We buy direct, and we buy in quantities. You will always find our stock complete. We sell at one price, and that the lowest. We treat vou courteously. A satisfied customer is Our coiustaut aim is to $rjv "ow tl' l)tt K001" "fc lKtu,,a prut. We make your inUru ours. ,, Vnnr ohilif will lu Horvdl Irt cllOllldV Mill iHlllttMV tW YOUrMlf. A compiridon of our styles and price.! will convince you that you should trade with us. L. KELSO, Independence. If you Furniture Paper or Picture Frames, GO TO w. o. He has the best and most complete stock his side of Portland, and will always treat you right. Wall paper trimmed free of charge. PIONEER MEAT MARKET F. B. LEWIS, Proprietor, 0alr Choice Highest market price pork, etc. All Open Sundays Free delivery to all Main street, ' - THE The Fair has a fine line of Chriatmiw pnwwits which.owinj,' to the close. nnunf mmifiV. will he Hold Oil a HlllilliT IHill L'ill r Iran Hindi L'OOlU me cvci c.i.i fv.iii'in tnl tu'fi our (liift line cases, (lolls, and toys. Also wo have i lino lino ! IniucrchMs, towels, tal.lA linen, snarls and stilnsln'iw. iit'ck: ics, colhirs, culls mid luitny ollici optuiloH wliu'li wphiLvci no snaco to Second door south of the First Xal iomil liank. G-EO. '"W. I3SBD, ' 3Prop- 1EPE1EIIS STABLES Stylish Turnouts Alvays in Readiness. Hivinir liitdv piiecliiised Dm entire interest in Din stitliles of J. N ... iik. ii., w l,,.iier iii'eiiHied a, i.ni.ii,. .,-.. !!! io,w miiliiii'i mI..,!..!.,!,! ir.iiif.n, nu. 'IV;i!iK I riivi'iint; men ; sp'M l:utv. Cfll rrJl STAirir-W'i'.i.raii',iil,illv Ktiiv line Iteiwi-fii Hiilem nml I'nlMl.lly. -Hivw eWliTllvRtVlmleitenein,, al a m.: Ni,i li.eifn,lece a,r hijlen, ul a.m. Hi. f ,r Iii'i' iUi.l..m-.-. itaw 1 P m.i ) lioleKmlcnee ft.r fH City at 4 p.m. PETER COOK, Prop. Li U D- TAFT'3 l&fihl M: D- TAFT'3 Instead of living to the door gasp ing for bi'Kii'i, sicming as if each onlv tot-lkea few tbses Asthmalsne when easv and vou feci as if an a if?:! of mercy nnr wnn J 1)2 vour ia:.i, V'iu unvc totakeaiewoase ' and you feel as i nf fh.'The haenlcst mr ment of V0- r I;' r n. T.,r'. ACTUlf at ftlf and It ha cured Asthma. W mail to any Mhma tuftortr a tria l bottle toid by a-ranuu. Or. Taft Bro$. M. Co., Rohiovr,N.Y our best advertisement want In IVieats elik Carpets, wal COOK paid for fat stock, beef, mutton, bills must be settled monthly. veal from 8 to 9 a.m. parts of the city Independence, Oregon FAIR. of iinimricd vscs. illinium, loilcl ini':ition. Coin,' in and lie tionviiiccil li nn ever to meet. I' e (IcmiiukIs m an ! ace. urciiuriiiif to tunko luitny 'iiKij'ib'il I iv the tiny iir iiiiiniii Hlaai. Kriiin :X W. 'J mi '-.i("i' MM SIP the pasmls bmken.thebreatldnn: becomes Its 1 unloosed tlie Iron Kraspr.r the W : V II le When von liave.iseuait.w '. U or and pern that It don Cure Hslhml Vrtmiimiwil MhiwIvm, Vet Hdvml. r'roui h letter written by Mm, Ada 1C Iturtt of Umtoti, R 1)., we quolm "Wa taken wllli almd cold, which nettled on my limit, cough net In and tlntdly terminated In coiiauiuptlon. l our doc tor gave me upwtyliig I could live but iliort lime. 1 gave uiyaelt up to my Navlmir, determined ir 1 could tint alay wllli my frleiida tin earth, I would meet ms alent once aUiv, My Iitiland wan advlaed In gel Dr. Klnu'i New IMaeovery fiiroutiauiiiptlnti.oough aiitl cold. I gave It a trial, Uk In all Iglit laiMlre; It Ium cured (no and thank, that 1 am uow a well and hearty woman," Trial bottle fret at any ttrug at'.tiw, regular le, ftOe and $1.00. A llerahl ul 111 liifonl , t'litt the lut thirty ycare or more from the century, aud the eegnieitt will represent the term of the un bounded iMiulnrtty of Utadeter'a Htoin- arh Hitter. Tttti opening of the year I.Hikl will la alguallaed liy tin appear ance of a freah Alniauaeof the lillter,ln which the ue,derlvatliutaiitl admit of till world-famou medicine will be lu cidly act forth.Kverylaaly lioold read It, Hie calendar and atroiinntlel enlctila- ileum to bo found In Dim ImH'ltura am iUway aatonlalilngly accurate, and the alalia! lea,lllulratloii, humor anil oiluT ivmllnif uuitur rli h In Intorwt and Ml ifrlU. Thtt HonU'ttwr Company, of Plttahuritb. l'a., intbllah It thtmint'lvw. riu'y cntiliiy umr than alxty bamw In mwliautoui work, and uioid thai) eUmtii monllw lu tlwynar aw con nuimtl In li irtiiaratli)U. It can tw iliinlntxl without dt of all druuuUlu mid wmiitry uValfra, ami la prlnlwl In Kiiullali, (larniaii, Kri'iich, Wt'lah, N'orwi'Kian, Hwwllnh, 1 lollnnd, lli- uilnii and HomuIhIi. Tli lit aalv In the world for nila, lirulm1. Don, ulwro, tall rbcum, ft'wr H.in. ti'ttor, tmpHHl Imiidft, clilltiltthia. I'onw, ami all oklu rtiptlnua, and pot (ivi'ly curwt plU, or uo jmy riMiulwl, It I Kunrantwil to give -rffvt ail- ftu tlmu or nioiu-y rvAinl'l. I'rUw, ii& eenU Hr bos. For ! by any drug. IjWI. H Vou Hnl a Hup Vnr.tt Tlit'n buy a of laml of vlijlil tn avw bli li w for hI, JimI al liillir IlHll'U'tllll'IKV, CllllVt'llU-llt to a'IuhiI ttiiu cnuri'u, rnr i iovohuhj ii, value, r or pi ln amt o-nim call on folk 10. Und fo, V, A. I'titUixin, niaiuiKcr. II I. IUln. A houof nix room, nice larjfc lot HkkI nurnunclliii all n-mly to inuvr Into, liixt four lilovkn fmi n a $),imiii IiikI houw, ami you can buy It for $i, by applying to tlm folk Co. IjiiuI Co. V. V. faltfixm, nuna(pr. No iimtU'r alifllioryou want to- buy for a honii or to NiMt uliilo. U w Ml l.V you to call itinl lit u ohow you Dial III' iirrii inn. it w worm your noi io itivmtluaie, folk Co. I.mii.I Co. r. A ilU'rwni, uiuuugi'r. 9 ; it. j am i A cnEvr turn 0? tgi: Mm'wI ' I ,(,n t ear-nr Wll (!' ... t I f - ... I 1 1.... U.I... I v.u nun 1 iuii )nu te nu.lo an. I bow tutvtiki thfitnl diwi, Mueum rnU ljcd 'ih lliouMmltof iww !jtci, A.lmn.i.in 25 cu, I'rltal nm.'K, 1 1 fitwrjr at. IHm-i ul imn, : .trtrliiri.,! mi n( mnMhMt,itlMiiu.iuf tb. I n.ii'l klilnty. ii,ii kly curil .li uilli. ivr. snu lot oui. MUSEUM. CURE 1 i... .ml ('iiiiiili ii'Tr..aliiii'llt iv.ii.l.llli. iirHiiiiiiiiirli', iniiumnil In fanli, Imi hi lun ami rill.; lllve cum mri-iic uu, n.i..riiul liliml.or lilnxlluit.lli'liliiv.eliniii. nxvni.nr hi'n'illlnrjf illn.imt iiiBiiyolle-r aiM'llw "H It'll, l WfllKllt'Wt. 11 IP lll, . a urt'ul li. ii. lU iti 1 1) iti ht'ml lii'Mllli. Thrllrl iiisivpry ul B iiifllrl run. n'tnl'rli ,i "H'f. ..turn wlih tlit, kiilfl, lllillttttitiiry ili'n'iiflrr. l inn rt'ineilv hiw nt'vor i ii am-wit I" lull. II Ihi, H (i.r wni lif mil. W hy milli'r Imm llil inrrlliln tlliK'luw wlwii wrillt'ii nuitriiiilw laHlvrm wit), H lX(H 1.1 riilioiit Hie umliey II in. 1 nn.ti. Kmiil Iiiiiiii fur KMiniilo, Hiiiirun. u, liict liv W'iHliiril.( lrki A ('., whnli. nlt'Hiitl rt-iMil lrnmi,iMil'..l'"rtl'l.',r. Kur mill' liy I'ullt'intui limit, mitt llu.lt'r 4 Slirlley. Mr 2r 0 0 -ijt.M't,inConltnt I'ure llbn.K HmiiHHiui. nsnilttoo Co. 0 Jun im. One botlli) at Tutor KcnUl'l Norr. TanlO eartKl UK rnllruly, Hilar piy.lalMn hud trlud unanooeiiifully lur ( mauUi. to mllxT in. ot D.rYOU. dnblllty. W. HUKN NK.FEl.D. A hll.l'e Mfn Narotl. foi-Ltl OtMRI, Hunt,, M.roht, 11. My llttlti tfirl, II ynnra old, lil St.. Vita. diuiM a wtmro tlmt iliu wa. imrfootly balplma, lying oa Ilia bl and orylng wtmn awak and hut to uk 9 or 1 aiuuiiiu lo een .iienk or .walloe. our imy.ioiau w. ia aauy aiwuu.no., oai .a. eoiuliiORil Ui aruw ournti until 1 Iwkmi to M I'a.lor Kwnltt NrvTuiiloj tliiui aim lui jiruvl raiililly ami mm alia In pnrfnotly wnll. 1 am uuiillilaut my dill'l llfti waa .nvwl by tlili timll oiik. and 1 rtniiuiinoiiil It to all who bav. n.rvou. trouble ol any klud and do oho mn My too iimub in pralw ot It. , JUS, L. UAKHU. FREE -A Vatualile Tlonb an Kervnita IllMinamt wtit Itoa to uny aililresa, UK, poor tiHtituiut r.n .tan omnia tl,l liuiillt Ine Ii e tif uliiii'u.. ai. w.n.thaa liann nrtutarad by tlm Hnvnnind i.ior Kiwaia, 'l Fort W.vim, lad., atiio. mill, and i, nuw eriiCuiKd uuilor UU dlracUou by tlia KOENiU MD. CO.. Chicago, in, mid by u isb :'.. I i-arltuiilc. r DECISION. Hpenking ol pntunt nieilicincH, the Jinle any: ''I wtah to deal fnirl) cud lionoi iilily willi nil, nml when I find mi article that will do what it, ia recommend ed to do, 1 am out nalinmed to ny no, I am ncquidiitod with IJr. Vnndcrpool, liiiv nig been treated by Ium for ennoer, iiiiJ hove tiaed h.a blood medicine, known u the 8. U. Heiidiiohe and Liver Cure, and while I am seventy-five year old, and have imed many pilta and other remedied for the blond, liver, and kidney, I miiat ay that for a kidney tonic m HHkU's diHenae, and fl au iiltnralive for the blood, or to correct the notion of the atomuob and bowel, it ia a very superior remedy, and bent anything I ever tried, J, U. NrcnHON, Yakima, WiihIi, At RO cent a bottle. It i tlie poor ninu a trienil ium inuuiy upctor. 9 . e MO MODS A V.liliigli.,i Hour Hunt. Eiirly una iiioiuIiib not loii ago a lilwk iKiy ifolnit to bU work wiw pc ln hIoiik tlia V lurvii'i Mill Mad, tU'r Wanlilmilim. raying little uttwution w what wan Ix fnif lilni h mulilniily found lilmwlf eonfrontoj by a larua grlndy li.r, Tim boy iltil what alumat any una wonlil Imva dona tuiiWr tlia ams vt- caniHtaiii'i'a ha tui iuMl ami ran a fimt k lil h'K i'oulil carry him. Luckily tha ln'io- did not follow, and h raachwl k Iioiim hiiiI gave an atiirm. Tlia unwa wion (pitmd that gruxiy Itcur had wi,n'l from tlia aoologlcHl limli'ii. It would I hard to toll how Ilia mw got abroad, tMHaua avory on wan afraid to bo out of (loot. I eoplo bttrHeudod tlilr (ItHira ami wludow and kupt their tdilldnm til tha liouaa. Tlia dclwola In tha nulglitmrlioud wre with out pupila. Tim tiMrintiiitnt or ma knuouicm Knl,' licafd. at any rale, that hla loat Uar had n awn on tlia rwrcaa win Mad. and acwauiMOiloil by mvral well (rinml voluutcora lifl (tartud In purault of tha animal. Tlwy caiua utHin lilm not far front Hie plaoa whore tlia hoy had aon htm. Tlia Imar riKttnlcd lit punuiura indlf- fumntly. Tha (UHirtnttidfnt waa Icit to Ihih that ha mllit tie captnml allva. "Let a aurronna lilia," aaw waciiinr of tlia huutpra. Tlicy piMcwdtxl to form a ring about tha yriMly. Thta pm'wHliim Inf uriatvu liiiu at once, and ha mada a fitroclota irtUck upou 011a of tlia liniitcra. Hut Mora h could r.ncli mo man an the uthwr huntcra rudiad bravtdy to tlia aaaiaUHca of their tlrn'tiid etiiiirail, wh.'MiiiHn tha itrtwly, awiiiK blnwdf otitiminbtwd, tuniml tail with a growl nmt run to a trtHi near by, Onoa mora tha crowd crept njam tlia bear, and then tlia nuiuial ruonwl va llditlv at thatn all. Till time aoveml man tired at onoa, and the young U'ar'( brief iwrliKl of liberty waa brought to bii etui, Wrtuhlngtoti Letter. "t4 SuuH" t 'leitni. le Ttr There were trace of im w mingling with tlwae of haitWiip and age a tha face of "Old htwt C'emtatim aa na made hla cuMtuuiary roiimU of the t'latk (tmet rnrta yeetenlay. He did not tmh the le t.f hi tixk of chewing mini with hie wonted activity end per. iintelicy. Uccaololially lie brtlMimj wy tew from bia eye wtih hla nrngli and wrinkled hand. Tear are not rare with "Old HiKtrt." but it waa evident that thie he eaa brushing back ytwter Jy were diicere, VVIiat'a the timtter, -Old Hiiorlt"1 more than tme of bin ttMoiuer kt. "t)ld Hlwrt" placeil hie tH'k of gum en the aide alk He Or. w a Utile nnu. die of teier from one of lite ixkete, and carefully unrolling It drew frmu li fold bit of yellow piiper- flipping from an eejtteni ili journal. It told of the and'ten dewtlt lu Urtlgeiort, Culm., of Alexander t ampniia. auly live veara old. lie waa "Old Hmrt brother. tf hi death the veteran lie deatrUti knew uothlint until ha waa linudtHl the clitii'lim yeierily. No arave wa ever ilamiiied by warmer or more lovnig teura then tlnwe lied over the bit of yellow paper t.iat Ootiveyetl the tot-Nirfe of anrruW to 1hh "t,)ld Sport, tiilcagu Trtiiitue. ll.rM irrm. la l'irr Munri. The txxwlliility of bifiH-tion lietng eon rcyml to a lnre number of tieroua by mean of paper umuey ha often Nn-n imiii'ied. and an utiiniimlioii of the note, of the ll.ilik of Hprtin current lu Cuba ali.w that thin form of currency U indeed liable to uontain aeptlo germ, The uotea cliimen fur their experiment were aoiue that had been in uxe for a gold while, and were anclt a repra nliled value of a few pence only. It wtuteitliiiiHtiHl that two imiea, weighing altogether alioul Kfleen grain, con taliitHl more than lU.W germ of vari ou kinds. CuHuru were made in broth, gelatine and agar, and Iheae were Injected Into Ihe mritotilcl cavity of rata and guinea inira, miwt or which iliwi wit mo twenty four hour, the iit tiiurtem cxamiua- ttoit khowliig tKii of perltonitia and congestion of the liver and kidney. The blood of the heart and peritoneum waa mnde nw of to tuorulnte olld media, in which colonic developed wr rapidly that It wa iiiiiiiil)le to deter mine, their prwlae nature, many dilTer out form being Intermingled, .Londoi Lancet. Tlitt Hue I'rep la Waattlnitua, Waahiugtou hop are of a high grade, and the yield, averaging l.Oou pound t the acre,,! ttlmoxt tiirt-efold that of the Held of England, llermauy and New York date. The hop luumi ha now lliitde It devaHtatiiig prcaruca felt In wcatern Wanliliigton, and uiut be foiiuht there im It ha long lwti fought elsewhere. On account of thla peat tha Puyallui) yield wa reduced to 60 lu cent, of what had been expected liut year, and aince the price waa low, It waa thought that the revenue from hop would not bo above l,(KMl.ooo. li hare fetched more than a dollar a pound in the mutt; of late the price have rim front twenty cent to thirty cent. To produce thctn cent lea than ten cent a pound in vi aaiiiugton. juiiiiu iieipn in HariHr'. Mr. llaKKartl'a llullday. Mr. Rider lluitganl haa lan work lug hard all the year and ha jtwtatarted for a holiday at Homlmrg. itie novel lat haa idvon tin his liouaa at Earl' court, flmiitig London life niiiuvoruhla to hi literary work, Willi the excise , ... i.,,!,,!,..,,. Mr. Iluirunrd n tend to atiend all hi time at Ditching haul limine, a very pleasant reHidem on the border of Norfolk and Suffolk, London Blur. No Sunday Wrh la tha Tranavaal Tha Boer have enacted a law which atotm Sundiiy lalair In the Transvaal, The gold output, it l declared, will be reduced by one sevimth, meaning a loss of ,U7S.000 a month, but President Knigerreplieathatlie will notaullthe I.nrd'a day for millions. Aaaeaamttal Itull fttr I ami. Kollowlng la the roll, incltitlliig nil protH'rly In I'olk county tlmt la iimmcnhciI nt over ri(Ki, niid which will .be con tinued from week to wwk until tin inlicd; McLiiuliiln, lUV f l.RW McLniiglilln, A M 1 , 15 MeKown, Jtlttle 1,815 Mitrtln, E ..: 6H Moiitgoincry, 8 M O Mlolndl, J H W'4 Mleholl & Hawtcllo 2,010 MontKOincry, J I Montgomery, II 8,.,. McCulidi, I) K VlcCnlch, H W.,.., ... McCulidi, John,,..', MeoNiiiitii, Otto Miller, A M Miihoii, UK MuDoiinld D8 Mort'lMiii, M McCnrter, Henry Martin, h 11 Mctiriickeii, T K Miller, W W MUlor, W P.... Myer, (I W 2.3N8 8,4-18 6H0 l,7ii5 1,4114 550 1,1)21 2,452 11(10 1,1)04 1,015 000 700 2,180 1,875 8,57.'l M(,nli.!' 1.W10 4,ia 4.9W. l.Ht a,n70 Mil 2,7iMt 2,il71i l.tllio . 7il i.noa im fiN7 !l,l'-0 l.tM l,if (l,7."S) HHU fl.ooo 2,713 11,000 1, JOO tloft (MKl 2, UI I1 6711 1.SS4 1, (HJ fXMI 000 K7fi l.OSV 1,07ft !,.') 600 e,K'l tm ft, PHI 11,111' T.7IV. 2,701 2. HI2 a, it.' SSI H. tJi I, 13) S4.-I l.UHi - ins 1,20.1 4,Klo 4,121 Mclmnh t IIOHIIHIf Myer, lie Myer.J V Muiiln. 1)L... Martin, J ll Myer, Anaiu Myer, V t!...V Motaoti, Mr4 Vf... Mitrlln, Mr I".... Morrow, M ...... . A Aiariiu, ii, u.iriiiii t , Miller, OA) MclNiitlcl'A NVhllu. Maciiulay, K t IIIIIIMHM Mart III. tirin'.u'i" wcArinur, m i II It Mllwip, J A., Morrl, Joliu ! Mt Matheuy, 1) I kttMt'M MclHiwell, J W Mitt tin, Joliu ,.Y Miller, Kdtia.,.'. Mcllurncy, J Murray, Hlua..JI Micliellaaik, M" tltltlHMI Mlltllll Mutt, W H I- Mutt AWeven'.. McArtliur, L li...... ....... .... McCain, r'CJ.l Mitchell, W.J Mitchell, J M, Miller, I A.....V Mitchell A Ihihannuu,.. Merwln, H..,' Mutilixm, L,,,V" ............. Mllchcll, J M HtttilliMI I Myer, V P...' Murphy A IV McNary, A ftf.-MeCulha-Ji, Ji'hn. lt.tli)it( Mcl'lteieon, M J McTliuiiioiide eate Moraii. J ii,. I t(M.ii.....t Murphy, 11 h.f- Miller, J K Maaott, W M.;. Mmirehead, W At, Mulkey, V J..,., Murphy. John V ..!. l,iVV. imitiMitt mid Morrl, I? It... Mulkey, J It.. Mix, M W Martin, II 11... Mtirtlu, l'avlil., 640 1.4W D70 7,W Mulkey, F Mwtctwiti, J V... MaillMUi, Win,... McCoy warvhouee 1,100 8,uO0 SIcKce, J W Metjitetry, ISaiah,.... 3,000 .Mctjurrry.Johu M1"' Miu'Mu, V McKlitnotilielra ,ooo McKlniioti, A V . .'" Matthews V H.... 2,Oil Magee, John l.'l'a Mann, M V 8,27.'i McLeiich, Maty fi.TOu Mefcll, Hllale l.Kl NelM.lt, CJ NUS J 11. rMtrt it aua-ai.tttea. A I mr! of 100 aerea itcnr Indem-u - d, liiv which could lie ulfdtvliled Into teu-ncro IrHt t niuKliig lu'im-a mr '"'ii ..ililentctt mililllea, . ottered for wile 0 Ihe I'olk t'ounly 1-aml t o,, r. a. i -d ixiii, tuuiiitu'-r. tl U Fur aula. We advertlTfor the public, tmrgalna lit real-eelate, and the pun haer of the neat collage we oiler tliUwwk will get more than hbnioiiey'a worth. Call and gel latrilculnra of Polk t'o. Idiud t o. I1'. A. l'uitcrwui, inaiiager. .. - lliijr a llnui. Why pnv rent when you can pur Im- a nitie eollmte, alx hHiina.riaviitl) hullt, all ctunplete, lu a gtd Ita-ullty, near the depot, for only tywi, by- ap plytuK to the I'olk Co. Laud t'o, r. A. S'altciwiit, niuuagcr. rrttlt IUI.lt' win i'y. You cum biiv a nice or hard of 400 i iv.. nml w-vi-ml aen of bind W illi , rtt.,1 uiui liititri.. ami outliulliliiura, very rh.-itp, liy culling ami getting pr me oi I'olk fonuty l.timl t o., r A. l,ttUr- am, iitioiiigt'r. A t'eanlry Hm. Why pay r-nt lu town when you can buv a hotwe, bitrit, etc. wltll several I, .r,.. ,1,11,1 ii ou- town aottial yon can live Imb mimleiiil.v.nnd only a inlnute . . i i ..rtii., di u alep trout town. ioiuin' ,.t .... t'o. Laud fo. V. A. I'utteraoti.iunnager Arr Vtui Lmiklna fur a Hornet AhoiiMcofaU nanus, all phialered, ,..,i,v,.,il,.i,l lu liiiHlite. two Iota, liarn wnrni, dry otdlnr, iiimiollntc poaxeiwlon, I . . lu. ,111 .,,lli,tf,l.l lit aim on nwv uthh, h , ...... , I'olk futility Land t'o., i A. liitur-j son, iimiiu'r. ( all Mrly. A well furnished dwelling hoiiao In Ihe heart of Independence, aiiltalilt lor it Imaliiea Ituill' family ladiigcloac to bitalueaa center, la for aale by the I'olk fo, Laml fo. F. A. l'nUeraon, uniliio'er. If You Think anr kind nf a rren will ilo. tha miv klnii ot a ta will .It. 1 liut for tlm btMt rtmida yl aliuiiltl ,ii..tit FERRY'S SEEDS. Itttj mitiiui.ru ovvrywticiif, FerryM HvfA Ammnl (n tho monk UnHti(iiu tHitiK tit 1 no Kinu puu- IIhImM. It in liivnhiutiin iu tli tiiutiti-r, wv Htftid it Irro. D.M. rERRY&CO. DETROIT, mien. DR. GUNN'S IMPUOVID llCD 9 UlfL.il M nil i o rlLLO OHLYOHE r FOR DOSE RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL Wo mi.ranlpn that cmaot lhaae Jillla at . joa, will nrmrmia IikOit rmnlla In Hi. our. ot Htwdaiili., CoallVBiiMB, Bouraiomaiill, BartBrnath and Illst , Mian Iliri'Olii flv. nf any olhor niaka, anil (1c i It welioiilrlpln aiirt aliikanm.. Tlialr wonrturful anllon mukaayoii Ibi.) llkaa uw halna. . a Ihj. Jji u.gl.n or wall, aoaauku Mod. Co., nma., fa. Hold by .1. 11. riHIII, HASH AND POOlt. home"builde rs Will commit llieir heat 111-tt-reHta hv puri'linsiiiHt their SASH AND DOORS of the reliable manufacturer, M.T. CROW, Independence, Or., aueeer aor toFeruiiHon Vnn Meer. Huitnr pine and cedar doora, nil aieuM, 011 hnnil. SCREEN DOORS. , "... , N M PUT. Mt ....... F. DCALCR FSRST-CLfl Wc have established a Meat Market in the stand formerly known as the People's Meat Market You can depend on always finding THE VERY BEST Of everything in four line. Our 'market will be kept, neat and clean, and patrons can de pend upon courteous attention and fair deal ing on every occasion. Our Market is always stocked with the best FRESH and SALT MEATS, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, etc. "All Goods Delivered Free To all Parts of the City. W. H. CRAVEN & CO. Carry "HARM Saddles, Robed, Oils, Brushes, REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. GROCERIES are needed bv everylmly, and the place to my tlie elieaient and ImmI, the trebet aud the irl)nlit), w WALKER BROTHERS', lndeieudenee, ()reipe, ueeeawira to llenkle & Walker. R e carry a com plete line of the flue table Imuile, canned gd, fnjta, veKctable, croekery, ami (jtamtare. We make a iectalty of handing the very beet GROCERIES LITTLE PA1ACE HOTEL, Independence, Oregon. flrit-ole In Every Reipcot. Sfpl Roema for Commaroial Traveler tree if eherB. JESSE T. VILKINS, Prop. Rates, $i.oojto $2.00 per day. -THE- HDEPEHDEHCE IE 0. .1' , ,lk n L V 9", ) r t Huh now iiiattick and m iitiuintlly of all lll'itlllllllCllll-iUL' tili Kl7.es for drain tli'itimtgo, me: 1 (If H Mt .t r. . -t.-.Tw I JNCCURt' -s A 1 fcjf MOHliM we have a re and cure In your IcnorJe of effect nd vitality which U tystcm the nents thu itrencth and fior will fol. cure or nuw refunded. refunded. Jf Electric A-jf 5,, Dr. Sann't after all oar treatments tcltlfy, anOA'om many ol yiHiJS "'1I.JT THB h a complefcalvanle battery, made nto a belt ar- as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and It gives soothlnjr, prolonged current Which arc Aantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5.O00. It has an Improved Electric Vu.pe1i.ory. the greatest bli ever given weak men, and we warrant It to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enhiw hmt n.TL TTtV or loney liluuuud. r tTcae nfJnths the woi -tliscis in t .vo cr ELSL.CTR3C CO. MEALE, IN SS QEflT full line of Whips, Etc, HOTELS. The New Holton House. M. A. Dudley, Prop. Ccr. Fourth and Alder streets, Centrally loroltst, NVwly rnrnlKliwl nml nv mini. Kino litia l ami fnnii all tralntiaad Uamera TRESPASS Notices for sale at the WHY ARE YOU ? AND SUSPENSORY FORi SBACK. KIDNEVTrouri f Mfpvoi i.;mfk !1MSLEEPLESSNF55 FfSoDMFMDDVjt fFKIFDAI ll I HfAITU iStWAVWl ' .m, P ,..ff-rt..,f.lt In our murveloM Invention, which require but a trial to convince the most skeptical, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your ayatem of nerve forca electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of fnrce. If you replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous streneth, you will remove the cause, and health. low at once and in a natural way. This Send for our Illustrated Tamplilets, free! by mtll, sealed, Belt Is no experiment, as we have rstered thousands to rot r 11 Ti c'" "tiii wo tm . t . iiuiiuimuvt whom we hvo strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our DR, SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT Addrcfs11 1 meet aU ,nfi'" of weakeaa i 179 tTI rcf C4- .. n.t on(ru(iiy,uu. WiC ItAILliOADH. I'rom TKKMINAL or INTKKIOJf I'OJN'IH Xhn U U I R. I. 0i Him Oi lake It ii th DINING-CAR ROUTE. . It run Tlirougn Vest.buUd Train Evjry Day in th Vear to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (Nn iana nf turn) tkimjHiHtJof DIN1MI ('AIM tin hlilpiteecd, l'tllllimtt Dlliwiligj ituom Hlct'M-ra ol luteal C)lllllll'llt, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, licet Unit cm la) iiihlruclcd, and in which mcoiiiiiiiHlit'iiiii are Ixiili free mid liirnlNlietl for liulilcin of flrat or oik chvw ticket, Hilt) ELEGaftNT DAT Gil ACHES. 1 Continuous Line, Gcnnectine with all Lines, ,ffrttii dim ita umiilil4 mtvlrr. oullmttii l'ipr rtrvaiem. t:a imwitrtiQ la aitvaaeo tlimutli any a in ol lit. eia, THROUGH TICKETS SSffia l.ui..', mn l lain lil at any t itrl urtue ,,( im. .,iiiaii full Itili.rni.UJ'.n f.rcl. In rnte. linn.,,! iraiiii., mtii.-, anil llir d lail,lurul.liMl on " " to bu)' iminl.or A. D. CHARLTON, AI.lanl (trnrral I'tuttrttaer Htvnt, u, M Klral .liml, oir W aoltluglen, PORTLAND, OR. tAil AND Sw'JTH The SHASTA Route r th Southern Pacififi Co. lipfMi Txlai Um PortUod Dtl, 0. ; l:a r. a. ia a, a. 1 1'onlantt t,, AILtlHf I Ar, Hn fnmcitMW Ar, 1 1 . M. Ar, a, l.v. I'.tjnr. a. Aim, tr.'m Hnp ntilr al fnllovlu .ta'li.n. I h '.f MuM'Inlrf : tt fmtlalt l, iiiH I W ht!ltu M rtll. Alli'r. 'lati!(, Mir.ul. Il. lUirirtum, iiuniiuB (.It,, lnli'i and Rosebury Mail. Daily. Arrlr. Itiwbtir.,.cr. M, lttlanir ,...4:VA. a. tVirtlanit ftllA.K. tiMliury .,, Tmi a. m. Albany Local. tally eiwii eund.y. Tav. trlland ..lie p.m. Allwnv li.dn.in, Arrive A many mo p.m. IVtrtiHiid ... la.m. I mm MMMHg ra.LMAN BL'FKKTT HLKKPERS . - - 1 and HccomMliia Hlecplnir Car attached to all tlirttul train. Wet8i(lDlTiiilon. Between Portland and Corrallla MAIL TRAM DAILT (Bzeepl 8aailarj I;Ma. . 111. Portland At. IMp II II a. a Ar. lt.iwaieoe Ar. I p. m. Ultra. U turvallta Lt, II p. a. At Altanr tad CorwtUI. OOBDcl wl trail ! Onna C.rlllc HalUi4a. EXPBCSS TSiOt BAJLT (Except Snnd'y) Iiv. I ArrlV PorOnd ,4 r. . I MeMlnnTlll T. B. McMiunitlll I 4 A. M. lorUaud JI-JB . H. 1'lir.(ili :e lu nil p,)iiit In ihv Kalvn sii. it , ' itiiMila, mill h,nnH.l catt l iilMjonmt mini 1'. M. iii a hit, Aut, lmliN!n4eea. tt. Kt't;ill,Klt, Kf. liiiilKlts, MaintKi-r. At. Ii. P. A !', Al. I'utUl.AMI. olttAioN. ONLY LINE 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8 45 a. m. " 7:30 p.m. 3 I DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO. 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEP- ERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIP CARS, DINING CARS. For raltw ami general luRirmaUon.ealLnn orailtlivHa W. H. llt'Ul.tlt'HT, At. (Ion. Pass, At. 2il wililnglun tureot. -r. Tlnril, rtillTl.ANO. OR. man: 0 WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUfTERING from Nervous Debility! SeminalWeak ness, losses, prains, impotency or, Lost Manhood Phfi im att ! a ktp Ul IWIU u yiblVLIVIU IkkltulLIII j - Is our plnn and treatment, and wa guawuitee a stonat uiuusiuuis 10 roousi neaun na vigor, 1 .1 , . . . ... , vv iiuuuKiiuut tin. citato, wno woutu ladly elt. young, middle-aged or old men, and will cure Or1 riTI in a con.