PATTERSON PROS'. SILVERWARE JEWELRY. THE WEEKS BUDGET. What Our Reporter Finds of In terest to Our Readers. THR LOCAL AJift I.KMKVI. NRWS, Marr f hl t Ua Wwk Twwl TU 4 CullerM U.II,-.ltM, .f UMwl r)lir. V IUIIIAV. Isreal littles how lit the eighth I Ilvlug contentedly lu hi (tanning year eared for hy hi mm David. A, K. lvl rveeutly foreman f th Wiwr uvit nttie la unw lu Topek KiUiuut where he la working "u new Bro. J. It X. Bell wtw Jt now y. 4ng "the demoemta did not eerry Ore gon therefore he will euitgfwUt to China." Henry Hill furuhdud the capital to thoae lui llmt did tuerchandl-dnn lu Independence, IVrty year ago, Hint he imv 1 1 it lrgct part of that capital i UitdUC. ,': Our lady friend are tending ' hi oon UlWutititi (or the January HouaehoUI. lieuicuibcr that it take many mituU to make papvr interesting and every few tiuihl, We eullctt iniitv hluta Heud them at onoe, WtllUni Cockle of Linn county ha puretuwd aou ere of the I,ock do uttiioii claim, t'urctuuM trU i-to per ore. He recently erected ulve cut gt tu Mountouih. IU will probably tuuvmou Ui land purehwwd In the prlug. lu 114 Ell Hedge, uu uf Ureal Hedge waa drowned while attempting tu ford Ui Wlthuuette above Indepen dence at plaee called the , "IVdly Funl ef li , mm " a highly nwpeoted ynUug num. and the ad (Meat ropto! of lite death u Uuk'uM by U euiu tuuiiity. '"-'hv.::.' U. A. Well Jr. and J, It Bedford, two of the leading ovlety young tueu of Bitcim VI$U recently Uild ft. ivpre eeutatlveof me Wrr 8uK that If It would bud them each a young lady who would do the prupiwing they would promptly it't, A uotlw in Uit jwpi'r bad th vtt'wt uf bringing In Un iropoahifruiu yuuug UlUw at tlui-ua Vit wltliiu ihrtti day. Vupn' w umy imnuls our tvadt-r a duubW wodldUig aoutt. Ir. K.11. Youug, ri-U-rlury aurgwn and dutit, lt uf XwUrg. baa lo cated jHTuiauuntly In ludi-ixmuloiuw. The diK-tor eoui bigbly n.ttmiiutnital. Hiii ottlw I over Ibe udwuduc NuUotml bank. UitUillmt U'iut ewn the rent cwl lector are to t lnd of liuxter & tb?lley. Tlic X'W Year call on you to have yourwtttili fti-am-d and tvgulated by O. A. Kralln r. 0r.T.J. ollUf U atUie eud of the ball, up ataira lu the ludcpeiidauw Xatioual lbtna building. Fur the nest two wevke Wielley Vaiidu)uuirer oiie hundred and fifty pair of pauta at -xot!y Untt wil. tbe Uriif Iiuh ai ready been tedueed un Jewelry and iilvrire whhh Buter A Hheltey will take pleasure In aiiowlug you. Anna Aduiua, of McMlnuvllle, waa 'vbitlug lur friend Ml J-i Tttlom over Minday. Hull. J. t). htaau wan lit town tixlay. Itohaobeeu vWling uillireut iKirtlon uf the Willi ty w ttb a vluw to the want of the ptvpte. Kloper tStttpellun paased thmugh town wdwy with their welHwrtiig uimililuery whieh wan gorgeoiia lu a freah cunt of rnl pniul. - Alias Lena Campbell," of Dallaa, who haa la-eu viailing .Mrs.V. V. I'ereival, departed tor her home today. She exprewieJ herself a delighted wltU her vlait ainoug frienda here. T. b Durham, who waa In the butcher bualueaa here a iew year ago, la now located at I'eudletou. He, wear ing a great wolf akin coat, baa been ahakiug handa with frlenda here. (Jw. VV bite, of Klekreall, who recently auHluined aucha heavy tot In the burning of the flouring mill there, waa in .lown.Uxlay looking very complacent. A larger and fluer will than ever will replui the old one. C. E. 8tauta, one of the ahluing ltghW of Alrli, C. J. Hiuith, of HlckrettU, mid M. Marilu, farming on hii place north of H. 1. Brunk'a, on the Bulciu rond, were lu town loilay. They find our merchant are ecllmg g""! remark able cheap. Will 11. Hoaler, who la acting county auditor In the great city of Hpoknne, Washington, cumo in yesterday, aud un,ried Ida frleuda. He attended at the lied ineii'a mawiuerade bull laat ..i.,i.t. 'I'hia la Ida flrat vlait in four yearn. He found many old acjualnt atiees.but alao umny new faaa In Inde pendence. A achool teaeherat Monmouth waaen U'trogntlug her clni'HofboyainnienUl arithmetic on which occupation i n.ied followlUK. OllB boy aald he wua going to be a banker, auotiier, a preacher, etc., and one lirlirht ved boy 'when Baked. "Whnt re vou itoliiK to do?" uld "Jm going to be a niurrled man." flour, bran, aliorta, graham, germea, delivered tree from the White Htur niilla Leave ordera at any grocery aUre. Freah Hah every Tuewluy and Friday Ice ever' Aav at 11 cent. i- B. Jkiyd- stun, opponlte l'te'i grocery. The Wliite Htur roller flour, maim- ru-.toied bv KUimeii & Chriatiuu, la guaranteed to lie the very heat. Kroin now to Chrlaliiiu la a ver !,(, time, lunl long enough to have your waahlng done by the Indepen dence atntin laundry, and be happy. e-r.un now to ChriMtinaa w a very abort lime, but you need only spend few minute t l'- --' J'atU'raou'a Ui aee that you cuu buy uli yf'r chiKlren tlitfr iireaenia there. J, l), Hurat, the well knowu miller of Aur M, who recently vlalted riklnne &CVa flouring-mill here,naid: "You liuve one of tlio ntoHt conipleti' and lam e.tuipHd nillla that I have aeeu any where; not a bit too much machinery and yet plenty to do all the work. I am not surprised tu lm that your flour I tear a gaa) remitatlon M (I. I Kelly, uf MitOtty.wa vlaltlng her Saturday. He haa recently bought the Abrauw nirin lu Spring Valley. Mlmt ltounl Swaim, MIm Anna I.uter and Mlw lMta siulth are prolU'Unt teaehem, and awm aiilmntiHl With deleniiltuHi apt ill to advaiuw the KhieBtloiml lntenta of thin under their charge at Mntuunuth. K. C. Vanderjaail, uf Well Mtatlon, llentou eouiity, In company with Henry MoKliuuty paid the Wmi' Httia ufllw a aoelal v lal t ttalay , M r. Vander 1I la the win uf Huvld II. Vamlerpoid. and nephew of Mr. F. A. Dotity, of thla elty. I'll varum deatrtnunl of tlia putille aehtxit lu Mouuiouth are all In condition worthy the eimiiiendutln of Ita laitrona, rmfeaaur Murphy ha now been prtneliad lu charge for the Itaai alx year, and haa given aueh aadafaotltin to the public that hla tn llimaiuv In that ptwltloti laawimM. There are ITt) atndouta enrolled, nt Mnii- muuthall hrlghta, nmy, happy youth Kindly regrd,and apeetliiualntnli ed Ih'Iwih'U leaeher and pupil, Mild the xeMi uf the aehud ure e-irrleAl on In imler decorum and puut'timHty, Wbllat vlaltlng Thunuluy the aeholar wore ralkdou to go through aouie of their varluuvKtrelaea,wl.leu exervlmw, if pantiibi would more freijueully attetul thwu, would beeniiw of more alworhlng Intereat In all eoueerimi lu the aiiece and proiarlty of the achool. l'arenta vialt yur publlo actual), ami by hi doing give encouragement to teaehera and aludenta. JimI atop and think, only fV H-r lot, fl down and f I per iuoiuU;mo lutenwt, no taxe. My lot are all cleared and levvl, and nut ten lulnutiV walk frota ih motor. Yea ean get wtr wllhltt J ftet, Ther w houae going up right a king, ehurvh, euouland atowo eloa by. Ihw't nr get that ywt bujf right from tb jwuef, and h will arud you niu and lufor mallon giving nameaof lNirtland bunt nea men who have lunghu Juat think, & lot for to. W. Kkiht. 4'J( Flrat street, between I'lue and Aah, rrtlaud, Oregtin. Ou Monday .January 2d IslUU Shelley 4 Vandtiyn wilt ehaat their tore -t an Inventory of atock. iteineuttvr that the children ifl-e bya and I'. C. 1'atteraon luw all klu4. lick V, C ratteratu' emifoctlm fitHii your Cbrlatuiaa lanigha, Hriug your eltlldreu to P. ('. rati" aon'a and aeettie pietty toy. O. A. Kramer dia not U g for tra he seta It throuuih merit. Fifty eenta will imy for the W SitiK to April ISal. Family waahlng la done at low raM by the Indepcudcnee laundry. j There I a uew atyle of piakellaaik at Hunter A 8beltey'a lore, one th it buya more than you thought It would . Their low price do the tuyrtleal deed SlT)AI. A t'hrlatma entertainment wilt 1 elveu at the Kvangellcal rliurch i n fhrlatmu eve at 7 o'tka-k, eonalatllig of Interi'alliig exereim and tnualc by the chlldivn and young people, fid- lottml by the distribution of gift fnmi the tree. Come all, rwh and piair. The imator will diaeouixe on Siiblailh evening a ('hrlatma m'nuou to the young people, There a III 1 service at the I'tvly terlan chinch next Bumli.y at the usual hours, tl a. in. and T p. in. Hun dnv M-luad ul the clow of the lliomil service. There will li Christum tree In the church Hattirduy eveulng l)iviiilar . 4th. Coniliiimli ii service will 1st behl ou the Ural rtimday in January, at 11a. m. The collection "u that day will be for Foreign Missions and Hunday actnad work. Servktr at the Congregational ehureb n Suiulav. were well alleudetl. I lie ereulug song aervlt waa a very Interesting one. The orchestar rendered a pleasing selection eutltlid "Savior Breath an Evening Blessing " tn next Sunday there will 1st peflal -r- vlw lu the morning ouly. The pastor will preach appropriate to the accaalon In the evening he will aid lu Uirisi- m sa eutertiUnmeiit at Dixie. Tbe Monmouth Baptist church waa dedicated laat Sunday morning In the nreaenoe of a large congregation, A debt of over MOO atlll remained unpaid but the amount waa all pledged before proceeding to dedlcute the church. Itev. J. W. Oataim preached the aer- mon, and IWV, uunaaaer aim ivojbi aatlstedln the aervlce. It la a very . i it. i ueat structure capable of holding about two hundred persona. Next Sunday morning at the Chris tnlu church the theme will lie "The human sympathy of Christ," and lu evening "The Iloy of Hoihlehcin.'ThlH wilt laj a Chrlatinaa service, aad extra music, consisting of mixed and male quartette, duett, nnd solos, will con stitute the progrur e. ine yooi.K people's society will tnwt In the even ing ot 8 o'chsk , subject "The Hnbe of Hethlehem." I-euder, Bessie Butler. Prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. . "Faint heart never won fair lady.' Don't lie afraid to call on her when vou have had your work dyne by the Independence steam laundry. Ilemeruber to oall at tbe Nurtnal Book Htore, Monmouth, ir yon owd anything in the line of school hooks, ouool sup plies, athletic goods, eto- You can afford to buy your mother-in-law a gold watch now, they are so cheap ot BusU-r 4 Hhehey's. The early buyer gets thd bargains In P. C. Patterson' holiday stock. I .lent. I'errv fulled to discover Santa Claus at the North Pole. The fact la the Jolly old patron has his huaii quartcr at P. C. Piitlersoii's. Will Hosier left for Spokane today. D..., A t Ihuiaaker left for Mc- i v. . v Miunville tmluy. J. E. Kirklaml of HarrWniig and wile, are visiting relative here, Unite a number of students at Mon mouth have already gone noine ior u.e Holidays. , ffi. (I. Shonhollster, of thl clly left r. irnMimi. Mn. where he will visit relatives. vr u 11. Ilorsloe. niolher of Mrs. ' I M.O.Potter, left for her old home In J Ji ebrarka (mlay Miss Cassle Wiley of The ltallm, who I a student at Mouniutith, left fur her home today to and th holiday. The first snow of la fell hslay. It w a only a few aeattvrlng flakea but It served to show that winter was close at hand. Henderson Hliiipaou tf IShi IV w a Interviewing old ftitmalutiiut'es here tslny, He I making preparations for logging on a large scale, Alon! tlurlaitik, ami or Aaron 1 - ... .. . . latnk, and nephew of Tom Bmhnitk the first merchant of Inile'ideueo, wa doing business tu the elty today; John llrown, working a part uf the Hiraebburg place iu'low towu, from a few rods of sorghui j made 61 gallon of flu syrup. He w ilt put lu one acre next spring. The cultivation ami pro duction of sorghum may eventually I a very profitable business,' U-l uiore try It, ' . Kugeiw Cat iron has gone to Califor nia to spend the winter. How butu nute the peoi'le of Monuiuutli ar that theyeati in ike enough money every auuiiuer to spend the winter In sunny CulltWula. H'uen he I not glng for tils health, and exist'la to come back and settledowu. If anyone tsiuld s rsitade a California girl to come up to Ihvuoii to live. Menu could d It and probably will. A small amount of money can la' made to go a long way wheu you nwy your holiday gisala of P. C. Patterson. Flv naistr I . no lotiuer worn, but Buster & Shelley have a neat line of eliest ptotwtor. A rt'iJffmr double team driver lu Jewelry and silverware at Buster A HhelleyS , TlKSUAt. The iudieailou of the weather ai Uiat It will snow tomorrow Copies ot IW.' BHrn-wiiieut Mil III elud. lug tuortgages, In pHiuplilet urm, for sale by V. P Flake, Italia, price 1st. There III be uo Christina tree at the Presbyterian church, but live will tie at both F.vauhvlioal and Christian ehurvhe. Contribution to the January iliuv hold Suppli'iueut a iv eouilug lu and we anticipate making lla very iutere.; lug iuiiiiUt, ifyouwaiita dwelling hoite, and a lot In Itueiia Vista for Ww, see the Polk County Ijtnd Co. and tin y will a ll It to yen. yulte a iiuiuta'r of our expert irt man will go down to McCoy and make It warm, If the weather Is uot tai void for the crack shots of Polk. Tbe I'nele Joh Comedy CouijMiny departed thl afleriHK.ii, for Italia, in iiigb spirits, to present the play ttiere, having U'ii Invlusl to do so. Ogonlsas tardea New Knglaud and Indian united, and twin' as lurc hi F.i gland; and If o'tlled asdeinsiy as uglaiid It would have i,mm,() habitant. F, M. (lab, of the Steam tjuiiidry llul no his own steam Isdler, (havliiK rmerly Miteil power of the water irks) and Is lu much lattter eoii.ll. tan than ever to give the public Mil. UkctloU. .ill the is'iMiu w ho lsrrowed the to from this oMcit discilhlng Cnl tionia. tireuoii ami asliiuuioii as ..i ...... stH'ti iy a uieiiiis'r ot mo .aiioiiui ....... I'.dllral Atsoiiatloil last May, please Midi Iff Tit Polk County Lam! Company hm jVt Mcuivd the wile of lihtieu acrmy.f tine laud atunstt w I J " 1 1 1 1 1 townjt a very tow figure. See F. A. I'mtii xt alsiul it. 'f hl ity of Muuuiouih held an excit ing cY'itou last Monday, and tht. result is the election of the following oftlcers. Mayor, ' It. Fulkersoii; n-vortie J.J. HigK'n; treasurer, Ira G. Poa I; marshal, S. 1), Coal;conn cilmeii. M, Powell, II. J. Builer, L. lteulli ) .nd 0. (). (irave. Durln the four year of John Wana maker s mnugeiiieiit of the pwt olllee departui it, $jtil,tXHi,miM has bts'ii hamlteilknd nut one cent ha laeu loat. It rem as though the system must be nrfect. The postmaster tleo eral ad several very radical change (1 make the service more efllclent.j 'vV'e shall give extracts from hi retail next week., 'the lair millers, of the United Slates, all Just uow of California, are alarmed ii the rapid Increase of the Mcdltteraiiu moth. It Infests Hour and break U pnslucU. It gather in the mill 1 clogs up the machinery and even disc mills to shut dou n for day toll them sclve of the pest. Tills last Mcalled ephestlu kuhnellla (Zlllur) ami Vine from Kurope several year ago, There well rumora " the street today of thoWchaso of real csliiU licre for the eilhlishment of a manu facturing Indilry which will employ twenty to thii'l men and cost from tityXX) to PMC The panic arc none of themVcsldonts of Indepen dence, and we Ito unable to And uui iiuytlilng ililliiV about the matter. It seems that uditlal Ions are uot yel In shape to allovAdctnlla to appear It) print. We only Ine the report may be founded on lit. We need more manufa'ituries. Hon, J. B N. Ill of Independence la in the city Hetu a former clerk of the Oregon ralli'll comiulsslun, for ten day owned aultereat in the Hold Willamette proper! has conducted many newspnper,lonie of tlieiu to more than local famhud some to an early grave, Is a PreA'terlan preacher second In ability onl to Father Dri ver, and Is evcrywlle mlstiikeii for CJrover Cleveland, tliAfh lie Is by far a better looking niaii.Uialem Journal. The most delicious IraUfust dish 1m the germea made by Hinscu A Chris tian at the White Star tier mills. Ask vour irrocer for it ami lllston having no other. The graham inunufalired by White Star ruder mills ll,f cxira ipml Ity. Try It. wi:i.m:sda J- S. Cooper left for J'orlid ou hds IncHHtouay. Wa are havlint a toiul of W. l Civssy's New llamshlro wilier. Mrs. E, K, Hewitt of PoVnul, ami, baby, will spend Uhiisiiinlvvllh her1 mother Mrs. Davis, ut Monituth. Tt, w.ii. a s-autlllll Blltni K)uv to see If we till yau an , fw ru It o, and It not Breve will be Tier MK.nni knt ar and wll maka It liehL the train come In, throwing doud of '' l" ft""' " '' f tliajtcjln. Miss itose Itaiiton, who lia M lv, Ingiitlt, Shelly', u'rthla elty twit for her home In Aiwa today , to seud (he lloltiiuys, Mrs. Dr. Futon, of Portland asni iwii led by her timther John (Aaiiter. ar rived today and wilt and (Christmas with their father J. 11. lioopet, Sylvester Uisalnlnht, uHy auditor of Clarke enmity Wah. "eilniimnled , "J" ' tltkl'y. "vl Ua, WK u-lll .,,,,,,.1 rl.rl.ln.u Uillh I ...... will spend Christina with,' ltllfu Smith of Monmouth, The Uncle Josh Company did mil have as gisid nil attendatnU t l)a a they were led to rxMk and a a cnuscmitmite the exptMiKfT were Sl.'l iiinif than the rtwtpts fm ciiim alone was M. H Is aalA that Ml toll Kills gave the word mid the people lunl l'i slay ai Home. i. -y f v, Last ulisht we wem lnAud toa win 1 stoiui and snow storm eouvhlued. Th. tliat Mew down nearly th ninth u uit lu town and the hitler eovetvl thcsurfiuv of the eiuih wlh how to a di pill iifaUmtsIx Im.iu, nd welghled the teiepieme ami Weotrjo Hjjht and and telegraph win mi Jtaavlly Unit iiu y iircnroKeii in an "iiWvtlon. Im de)smleee will Is Without liht tonight ou that account, nod our 'petml w ill roallce Ihiw Inconvenient it I tu use nuiy eisil oil. ; ' Kintileui .lim, eharnia aiid button, libit ptvN'ut for gent. At Patterson Bros. ; Are you looking for sommhlng niw for a gent for Xnm? See ttr silver smoking net. Ask tlie prtoe Patti sou Bnsi ., . , ; . , Ahamlmuat pluah box go with every ladle1 H' watch- today and toiuoriow. Pat lemon Bjroa, .. Flv feet of snow alOlyiupU, FourhstB lneheofnow lu Port hind. The tllnnioiid Held of Idaho, lately discovered, are very rich, Alf. Cnlklii", of MoMlmivllle, was a m tor to our elty Tuesday. A palile I fiart'd lu the lillleil Stnti a a result of the reeeut e lee lions. Our people wanted letw piotcc tiou and triey are to soon have n, A we go to pre the snow measure eleven inches In depth and still snow lug, The morning train old not arrive here until S u'ebsk lu the after- lUStll. Andy linker, a pioneer of 1K41, a resident of Yaiuhlll etiuuty, ald this city a flying visit Tuesday. He came to the isiast with Cot. Nesuiith ami in ly. He say Polk and Yamhill i mi nt Irs are the cream of the valley. The I in IM urns service which were lobe given by the Sunday school of (tie Christian .church will, un ac count of the Inclement weather he itespeliisHl with. Au eutcrtiduiiieut will be giveu the seliixii lu the near future which will partially atone for the Christina disappointment. Msrltsl llr(Mir. Wheat, 1 1,13 per cental. lla, 4U () 4;i iviit r busliel. Barley, i7,ao (-i 1H.8U per ton. I lois, lo u 1H els. r pound, Poiabs-s, ill (a- ".'let. I'Vifs. (iregoii3'M-U , luisteru 27J cU. p.r dtwen. Valla C lt. - Several of ur boy w ho have Iss'ii liuutiiiK In the liiouulallis lat wis'k returned lust Sunday and report hav ing seen three fwt of snow in the wood, tleer and tsur aiv,gcttlog very siiriv. Our literary club had It first meet ing lust Friday, The world docs uot need to U'siuprlsed ff Polk county will pn 'luce a secomt ih'inonllieues. the Is hem, nil It lack 1 the pro lutioiiliig and development. Although Fall City ha witnessed for the pasi few week a financial crisis, people do not lose coiilldeiice but liu- inwe their homes and plaei and pa tiently anil for Is tier times, which uiuloiiblcdly will si on collie. Huvr. Hev. L. S. Fisher la holding a revival meeting, He has several converts. Stiver will have a Christina tree. Everything Is being done to make It a sucoe, Mr. W. Miner and Mrs. J. F. Aldrleh left Saturday for California, to v Islt relatives, An opcrallou was performed ou Freddie Uulck, Tuesday. He has now an aiisess just umicr ins ncari unci tiiere Is but little hope for 111 rwovery. Hli'krrall. l;. met at W. (!. T Mrs. Stonctt'i Sitl unlay, There Is talk of organizing a Masoiilo hnlgw In town, Lewis lliili'oiub la still (julto sick with the lung fever. The liniid floiiccrt has la'eii postponed iniiill nrter the ho'lduys. Jennie .McDaulel, of Sliver, Is vlslt ng her eoiihlu, Mrs, White, Suiuliiy schiKil next Sunday at eleven j Xnnis service at night. Andrew McDaulel was up from Port- hind the Inst of the week, on business. Mrs. N. M McDamel, of Dallas, has been visiting relaives In this vicinity. McIhinlolA White think the grain saved from the fire will hiiiig about iiOc.ta per amount. bushel, ou the original DISSOLUTION NOTICE.. The ptirlnerahlpheretofore existing he- I ween J.F.O lion lielliindJ.D.Irvlne un der t he (Inn iiniiicol O'DonncllAIrvInc lias this day been dissolved by mutual J. 1), Irvine, retiring from I ho 11 nil. All notes and accounts due Hie linn will lie collected by J. t. frvlno at. the Indiipciiilence Nntlonal Hunk mid all bill against said firm will he paid by O'Donncll & Irviiit1. J. F. O'DllNNKMi, J. 1). lKVlNK. iiviiKi'UNDijNcio, Ok, Dec. Siat, IHU2. The IiiihIiicsh will Iki continued by V. O'Donncll and we take thlsoppor lunlly cf thanking the ptibliu for the lihernl p 'I'oiuigi' given uh during the IpaHt yenr, and solicit a contluuanco of It he Hiiinu to cur NiiccesHor. O'DoNNKUj & IltVINF, FROM CORRESPONDENTS Newsy Notes I'rom the Several Towns In the County. WHAT 01 R PKOPI.K AUK IKIIMJ. A fn$) Has! tlallaaTalh of OmsaUla Ms. soils tMt It KlflirMll.- (SrI.IMu Tw I Ik I'tsari t luHisnslk, tlHllas, Mainraay- Youug Shi Moore ha returned to itallii after an extended stoy In La (Iraude, Sheriff Well and wife are at Port land wliei he gs to attend the slier III'' convention, Henry Caiuphell ha charge of the clerk's olllett whllu ( brk Mil I key Ih it; the natros)ls on biisiiies, Llii'ime to wed was today Issued to II. J. Hvvt'usautl ami Miss Flla Stiny, of th Llickiauillle rttglou. J.P, Jtev n, witness, t SherlffWfllsauil Ih'putv Farley are busy on the ilelinnucnt tox roll of pet) and 1WI, The court hii ordered col lect s I Immediately. , The Dallas Lislgw A. F. k A. M. will publicly Install their ottleer on next Tuewiay coming ami wind up with a ftncupHrl the Hotel Holmau, A Christmas hunt will he Indulged lu by the ulinrodMil thl place with J. O, Belt and W. B. Davis tut captain on Thursday ami the loosing side to pay for a auppcr ou Christinas evening at ihe Hotel ilolmiiu, The nlleut uf Oerniantowu or North Dallas are eotisblerably excited over the pnwnce of a cruxy man In their midst and would like to see hlui j In eusUaly, He has U-eu hmiulhg! around for ouw time and ou Sutunhiy a vahse and oiue clothing was found slrewu around ami paper found among with th name of Buyer on them and It I upaised that I hi name. Monday- ; " """ Nina Ijitoiirette, of McMlnnvllle, Is here on a visit to her sister Mm John Clark. Sheriff Holme ami wife are here from Kalama. They come up to care for Mr. Holme1 brother Jim Smith, who I dangerously III of pneumonia. Misa Kiln Carpenter of thl place h finished herehsil at McCoy, and gave uch gisal satisfaction that she has las n etignKctt to teach six mouth school le- glnulug the llrsl of Jauunry, TheSitotch euterlaluiiivtit given by the Presbyterian lad lis under the mu i- agemeut uf Miss Lucia Hell was a grand utte and was far ahead of anything of the kind ever given in Italia. Theoftlee ( ehsl liM'rllltcudeut Hutchinson will hereafter la In Faul uew brick tiext to Yaugliu' Jewehy tore. He ha It titled up tn first els shape and will find It more comfortable than hi oilier nlHce have been, IltVOKCa (tOl'KT. Cora Bock vsOco. Bis k, granted. M. 1). Kills v Carrie F:ill divorce, granted. J, J i. La w ton va Carrie Ijw tou, ill vorce granted, Kd Shaw v M. K. Shaw, granted. KllAiilath .MeUiiislloii vs Win. Me IjnUUon, granted. The Mitchell v Mitchell camt was dUloiwnl, lilbUnu v tllblsins, sctlled. Thealsive are In (lie recent term of circuit court TuMdy- A. ShulU has moved Into hi hand' some new rcsldeliw et the end of Main street. .iara vapis issor tj niilic(el wltna ealiiiinclc, and J. It. Smith Is driving the Dallas-Sulciu sltigit. Iraiik Howell am! Will Brown, of thl place, have leased ten t.erc of laud uf John Brown, near Hallos, and will plant It In Imps. Mrs. Scott Kings, of Sulein, and her daughter Mis, Fannie Aititkcy.of Iude pciltlcnee, have been visiting their numerous relatl e here. The aeml-moiillily doiigliuut anil coffee social ulveit by the Kpworth League at the M. K, citurch for which they charged an admission of tcu ceiils wa largely attended on Friday night, While Win. Well, of Biieita Vlsl was handling some holmlesut the Did-1 la warchoust Satmday thej tu in hied down and two of I hem fe 1 upon him and painfully If not seriously Injured him. Jim Harris, uf this city, today sold tc veil ly dive bah of hop nt ISe. Several day iigo he sent to New 'ork over one hundred bale to lie sold ou commlsHion. Mr. Harris I of the firm uf Hums & Stutsman, who have a hop yard, near Lluclon, Wednesday Felix Nih-1, the miller ha been down to the inclropoll on .busine. Jiat Black, the other day,)whllo feed ing some stis'k from the hay mow fell from the door and suffered the fiacture of two ribs. While Charley McDonald, of this place, wtis assisting In killing a beef Monday In some way It fell on hlui breaking his leg and hurling hlui pretty badly otherwise. The city council at I heir last meet ing decided to fix Ihe levy for the coining year nl eight mill, the mtir slial to receive five per cent for collect ing the same. They also propose to lower the Hilary of the marshal Irom MOO to $250 a year. . The following are the few deeds recorded since last week: Fl. F. Burcli to Nellie Damon, S!U acres In Burcli' d 1 c, $700. W, J. Mulkcy ct nl, to John Jordan, lot In Monmouth, $l,l)!)D C. 0. liiigsdiilc lo J. S. Cooper, lols In Monmouth, S1 The court today appointed Walter I. 11 Or ford administrator of the estate of U. F. 11 osl'ord deceased, his bonds were llxcd ut l 1,0110. E.;sldniller, John Mor ris ami li.Cileiin appointed ii)prnlici of hi Polk count,vtiropei'ly and Dnvhl Buiilc, Josltih Oldean and James Har ris, of that In Yamhill county, Those who were bo fortunate 'last evening a to he able to wituiHstlie rendition of Uncle Josh Whltcomb by ihe ludcpciidunce iiiiiatucr (Irnniiillc talent at the city hull, pronniiuccd II an extremely creditable preformanoe showlugthat our si iter cliy Is posseHsed, CQMr IN TO -HAY " If"' ' for Xmaa. V W lr I C IIV l J UHI ataoh to lao (rem in the city, ami of fine talent III that linn. MiiiiMiiialli, Muloluy Mr. K.S, Call rou left tislay for Cal ifornia. Baby (lellsiill'eiing with pnetnuo u la I fever. Wo are Infurmvd liy Dr, row ley that Frank Lucas' baby Is very low with lung fevef, i The Norma! will adjourn for the lloild ,ys ThurMilay so that thetudeui may have ample lime to reach their honitta by Christ mn. Our Wly election today wa the oc casion of much comment ami excite ment. Two ticket were In the field nun gotten out by thucltlwii Ineoni. mon, ami another by the Last side of town, wlnwe di'ilru It wa to secure eouncll that would rtither favor smii uicaKunts a would bcllght themselves, but the West side decided that there siiould'lst but one ring and that It should extend all over, and so ordered by electing purely a clilzeu's ticket In. eluding Hiss! men from every (jiBirter of our cliy. There should U harmony above all thing among the of one town, Tuesday- Will Irelaiiti is building one and one- liulf mile of new plank fence. Several tueuiU-r of Mr. Morebead family are soiui aiuil Iinllip.w.d. Aiinoi olinun was In tow n Friday He ha a field of wheat the moil luxtirant of any we have wri thl fall. It 1 feared that IM1 Ireland since he returned from Pilnevllle, wljl capture the ladle, of Monmouth. Uo In and Will, Dell. The Normal and the publlu eh will J"iu '" 'Htpl'Oing a (iirUlmiis tree lu the chapel on Hie eve of Unit eventful day. BufuH Smith butchered a hog Thurs day, which be saywt lghel suiiids ami from which he rendered out loii isitiud of lord. Howl that for lard? J.K. Miller hut. concluded torejectauy ami all appointment umler the Cleve land adiiiluUl ration, unless it I Ui.U of Minister PleuliMiteutlary to St. Peters biiikh. Quite number mi tint sick lint this week. Among tlieiu Is Mm. O. Waller, who 1 wry much ilcbilltaicd. Souu- thliiiilike the la tirliuat .,.iis to la- prevalent. . The Mulmerlpllou list of the Wkst MPKla not greatly ou the tssmi, but slowly, steadily, and with faith in Its stability and sileccs liaiue are taing sildcd daily lo it atreudy extensive nill of suliserlU-ni here. lllliini Mason, a pioneer of 12, attained to the axe nfHO years la! iiiursdny, and said,"! cuu Jump upatid crack my heels together twictt before I toueii tlie grotiiul its well a any diiik." To display bis ability be cut double shiillle,cxivliing the micleul Jim Crow. Wed next ay Professor Duiiii, of the Nouual, addritMisi the sludcuisou the theory and protrtibilltis of Matbcmutlcs, this mnruiug. ' Iti'iircMcntatlve D. K. Itouglimaii, of I, inn county, visiltHl chapel this morn ing and gave thesludetits a short talk. He inxtliv Us he Is a faithful fi ielidof the Normal. Au ciiletiniumeut will be given III the Normal elutjKi, Thursday evening, by tlie sludenlii and for the studetils and friends. After the entertainment there ill Ik a gtsidtye stieial lu honor of the students Uiktng their depiirluiv houieward lor vacation, Ttiirti,V". Hectilar work of member of the senior class, Wa taken Up III chapel thin in,. niiuir by Mildred Jacob. Mr, Klrhy and Mrs. WhimU'iiy. Pinl'cssor S. Uisidulghland wife both graduate ftoin the Normal, visited chaisi thl morning Mr. tr,nnliillil is the eouiity auditor ofCbuk, county Washington. By a uiuiiilmoits vote of the student school wa adjourned thl niorulug until after holiday. Ilium VIIh. Ik-atitlful weather. But a dry inoou; We are having no rain, But will have soon. Mr. Shlvc ha Ihjcii ahlpplug wheat All the houses of our burg are occu pied. Oraudnm Fickle Is having her houe n'shlugled. M. K. Tyler hits live tons of clay to ship to Salt-lit thli week. Mr. Miller bus rented his hop yard to Mr. Powell for the coining season. Several Individual have sold their crops of potatoes for 40cls, per btisl.el. T.C. Jones succeeded In digging only 5 acre til'hls 40 acres of potatoes this fall. Mr. Itichardsoii bought 18 thousand bushels of potatoes last week, at 40et a bushel.. Jacob Nash Is Improving his place lu "Buena.i and going to have a nicely finished college. All". Hiirpool is in town visiting friend und relatives, ll looks natural to see our friend hick uuuln. Mr. Murilut Kiunions, an aged lady, being Hi) years old, is lying at the point of death at her sou's house. Harry Sttiire hud the misfor tune to lose a valuable horse, which received Internal Injuries hyiitlling In a ditch. J. W. and M. L. Baldwin killed twelve geese and six duckaou the river lust week and John Nixon sitccwded hi killing thirteen, but. got only seven of them. Our school is progrc.sln nicely un der the skillful management of Prof, Kiiimett, The number of scholars now unrolled is 70' and 'other oomlnir in very week. ' Our Columbian Literary Society ilia- cussed a very Interesting iiuestlou lust Siiliirday niwlit. Tlio tpicstlon was, IfcKolvfi. That money has more influ ence than education, Tlictjucstlon being decided in favor of tlie ntUr.i, alive. . Could lie Mili-dlvlded. A tract of 100 acres near Inilepen 'ivcc which could ho Hiili-dlviiled into tcn-inw tract making homes for ten onienteil lnniilles, iso leredior snle hv the Polk Coiiiity Land Co.. F. A. Pat terson, muiuigcr, Balem, Orcson. W. I. A lwu((li bunlniiM trlnln( r,tl. KiMlril Five Departments: Butinm, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmamhip,Englhh Irlioul In umImi iU miiiw yinr, Hiu.lm- admliKd si lima t'.nlifiiir.coni.liilin STOCKHOLDER'S MEETINQ, There will 1st a meeting of the stock holder of the First National Bunk of Independence, Polk county, Oregon, ou Tuesday, January JO, isn.l, ut the parlor of the bank, between the hour of 10 o'clock r. in. und 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, for the purpose of electing dlrmior for the ensuing yenr and tran sacting any other business that may eoimt before them, ' Datel this l h day of Dcccmls.r, A. I). INU2. W. H' HAWUiV, Cashier, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice Is beieby given to the sha-k-holder of the Independence and Miiniutititb Ibdlway Company, that the regular annual meeting for the election of officers of said company will be held at the Independence National Bank, ou Saturday Decem ber Hist, iKiili, and for the transaction of mnii other biislucs a may come before the house. W. P. COSSAWAV, bec'y. IndeiH-ndenee, Or. Dee. 7, 18i2. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS, Notice I hereby given to the stock holder of the I'olk County Laud Com p.ui v. that the regular annual meet ing for thc-elvcllou of officer of said eotiii any, and, transaction of such other business a may come before the meeting. ill be held at room of the indopeiideiica National Bank, on Saturday, December 31, 1HH2. D. W. Skabb, Sce'y. IndciM'iidence, Or. Iktc. 7, Wi, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The aiiiiuul niti'ltng of the 'inde pendence Water and Klectrlc Idght t'oniMiiiy, will be held at the I tide IH'iidciice National btnk, on January .nit 1 1 Nu;t, at 7 p. m. for the pui'i of eliTllug oillcers for the ensuing year, and such other huiueM a may come before the meeting. H. H. JabI'khkon. Secretary. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice Is hereby, given that the regular annual meeting of the stock holders of the lndesrudfuee National Hank for the diction of a board of director will t held at the parlors of said bank on Tuesibiy, January lot lr I8SI3, tstweeu the hour of 10 a. m. W. P. Con.naw 'AW Cashier. and 4. p. m, llUnolitllon Notli. Notice Is heivby given that the partner ship heretofore existing under the firm name of Conier & SIoiht, ha Istetl this day dissolved. Mr. Viol Sloper uc- WnU to tlie (Irui, who will pay all claims and collect all accounts. C. L. Cisn fcn, Viola Suipkk. Indepenijeiice, Nov. 30, lii 41 Administrator's Notice. Noilee 1 heroliy ulvt-n, Unit liy order of Itio I'iMiiiiy I oi un, i.ii, oi oriKoii Inr I'olk county, nmde sud t'litert-d ol riMiord ntt,iie .-oivfii.iier oriti uieniti a. ik in'-, ine itiidt'i-Kiiiiiril wiih iti'iioliitt'd ttiliniiilMimlor of tliiMxtlHteot K, ,, I, nivi-ii deffrtii?d, and Unit tetter ot attinluWtriitlon luivu Ihn-h duly iKMiii'd lo hlui ttien. in, AU pemotnt liavlnif vliilnis itsHttiKt suul rslHle. r lien'liy notl- M.hI lo pt'twiit ltum lo tlie ainien,iiiiiHl hi liidi'is'iidcnw, I'olk roiiiuy Oregon, willilu U moiolis Irom till' di herwit. 1. W , W AS, AdinluiMrstor, tliilod this Xny. 3D, ISM. lleu.HU A TnwssKNii, ' AU'ysl'or AdinluiHlratur. A Wimder -Wurki-r. Frank llull'iumi, a young man of Hurlltigtnn, Ohio, stales that he had been under the cure of two prominent physicians, and used their treatment unit! ho wa not able to get around. They pronounced his case to bo con sumption and incurable. He wa per suaded to try Dr. King's New , Dis covery for .consumption, coughs and colds and at. that time was uot able to walk across the street w ithout rest ing. He found, before he hud used half of a dollar bottle, that he was nitich better; he continued to use It and Is today enjoying KhhI health. If you have any throat, lung or chest trouble try It. We guarantee satisfac tion. Trial bottle free at any drug store. Cakes Without Eggs. Observing housekeepers quickly learn that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is far superior to other brands In the fact that they never fail to mako the finest pastry, and if they wish to be economical they can dispense entirely with eggs and can use a less quantity of butter for shortening purposes. The advantage is not alono in the saving effected but in avoiding the trouble and frequently the great difficulty of securing eggs that are fresh. This Is often a serious trouble. Cakes of various kinds from the informal Griddle Cakes to the stately Bride Cake can be made with Price's Cream Baking Powder, which insures light, sweet and hand some cakes; or when used for Griddle Cake3 to be eaten hot enables their production in the shortest space of time, always tender and delicious. Dr. Price's is the only Baking Powder that contains the white of eggs. None so pure ! None so wholesome ! '.',' -i ', Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any. other adulterant. In fact,' the purity of this ideal pow ' 'Has never been ques tioned. , i Y 30Wf Wt hv tht laraett Hnnn our price ara nuht. LJ2L2Ll ti . Prlmlnl by lh bualnsn nd Btulouluniil m.n of H.l.m. BUSINESS LOCALS. Don't full to read thl, and remeiu her Unit Mtocktou A lleukle have just brought an Immense hue of blanket and quilt at a big bargain, and art ready to give you the Pest bargain in that line ever nllered lu thl city A full stock of Iodic coat, underwear, dres giaals, uotiou, etc., etc Cheaper thai) the cheapest. i nere is no place in uregon wiicre a iH'ttcr meal is served than at the res taurant of Wcstaoott A Irwin, 271 Com ruerciiU Mtreet, Salem, Courteous at toiitloii, a line nutal, and the popular price of 26 cent, have made this house the headuurtcrs of everyone who tin occasion to dine lu Salem. Shs-ktoii A Heukle mil Sel.'s Schwab', and C M, Heudttron'a Chi cago manufacture of boot and shoe. Kvery pair warranted lo give satisfac tion. . . . The collar and cuff Urched and Ironed oy the iiide-iideuco laundry area wlilteaud glosy as Ivory. A well washed shin 1 half a niau's Ui ess, The next gentleman you meet Just looks to see why be look so neat and you will Hud that he get hi washing dona at the Independence steam laundry. The weary housewife should take the n tded reel this week by sending all her wasnlng to the laundry audsc how nice it I, aud so cheap too. There Is nothing ulcer than a nice youiigmau, aud the nice young man always gut bis washing doue at the Independence steam laundry. Happy Home and Brownsville cloth ing, ine best aud the cheapest iu the state, tor sale by Stockton & lleukle. Throe new The new pnsddcnt, the new customers, and the new good dis played at W. II. Wheeler'. Our new Christina goods are simply ravishing. - "Come and take a view." say VV. it. Wheeler. "Oh! Mamma! I want one of tlwsui big doll witn such lovely hair, at Wheeler's.". ' J-:y (10 for an all-wool suit of Hap py Home clothe at Stocklou &, llcn kk . The grand display of holiday goods at W. it. Wheeler ! astouishing. Sugar House syrup and Magnolia drips, ut the Bakery. Maple syrup direct from ' Vermont, at the Bakery. , (irubs seed of all kind, at the Buk ry. ;, New Oi lcans Molasses, at the Bak ery. Ambrosial drips, at the Bakery. WANTED. V..TKI.-lloy, ol Irani U to t jraraot sietii luura Ilia msrljla nj granite cuimm iHi.turaut, iu hii aiinutliw, hut Ujrin. and uu:.aiily lu L. W. AloAdoms, liidt:a- li.lKJ. W'ANTfcll- Hutwirlbeni lo examine the data after tlu-lr aninusua this ps.r and uu Uutt Umy are not lu amm. WAM'KU Merchants aud oihrrs to order lellrrlirndK, Unleineuw, billliesilK, and all their J.l work ut I lie W est elide ollnv. Kirl rtiMB sulk and low urictsi. WANTKU-Advsrtlwm In this column at two eenu a word ilret lunvrlliiu, four ceuU a Inunib. WANTIUI Sulswrltwin lo this atr to aeU tie all nrreurimiHi by January 1, Itmi. WAN TKI Uordwood on subscription, at nuncmre. WA'TKIi Purchaser for a luirnai-hlne. I'esl "), lnuew. WUI mill for Addrms X, care this uthee. ,4 FOR SALE. Foil 8AI.E-A good horse, hands high, icutle, live yenr old, well trained, and will Uisotd iorcati. or traded for wtsid, hay or oilier marketable irood. Apply for purlieu- nirn m i w. dicAuiuiiK, luueponacncti. FOB HAt,K-A flue Imported Kent"? Jack, ftnir years old, dfteen hand high, Hua In ood eondltlon for serviee. Will he sold on eiiv tcniK, ur trade for real estate. Further Information may be obtuluvd at this olllcc. FOU SAIiR Hpeee li this column toadver. IImts at two irnu a word first lnnerttou, four wins a month, FOU SALE Old papers, suitable far placing on "helves or under trHta, for ouly quarter ot a cent each, at this uthee. Settle lip. All person owing the late firm of Bcamer & Craven will please call and settle on or before Dec. 20, or the ac count will be placed in the hand of a collector. We must have the money. Be Amur & Craven. Lat, Notlee. All persons knowing themselves in debted to us will be sure and make set tlement by January 1st, 1803. If this ! not done, costs will follow. Settle with the undersigned at once. J. it. N." BkllA Son, Independence, Or., Dec. 2nd, 1892. n4:st (2v.; k