The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 09, 1892, Image 2

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Cat Si.3 FtMk(c:pr
rKHU IK AtlVANt'l.
0n Vwr . W.W
Hi Moulin . . , l.m
Tbr Miiuttu "' '
Alt mnrrliur nd dmth nftilr mil nw
ln Ilv tnir will b tntrtpvt rrr. All vr
flv Hum will ta ehaimd nv wula xr lli.
Hwlly obituary rwiluil will b vlird
r i ui raw or
Km a
ml of By wuu wr Ikno.
Menial wd -t ilia roai-n (", In ladeptn
aauv, iirqpHi, n mwuiiwouu uimwr,
Governor Penuoyer viWI to
appoint dtttegntM to the Mo
urougua anial convention t New
Orletuw, on the ground he ii
umUtorably opposed to Uie Inuuing
of government aid to any private
jeuterprlse whatever. Ibis ia. not
a suftioieiit excuse. He could
have instrneted.the representatlvw
to oppose the scheme for gnaran
twiugthe botnU of Uio Maritime
Omal Co. and work for natiohal
construction aud ownership, whieli
is compatible witb our trvaty with
Nleanuiiruti. It can not bo that
Governor Iunoyer'ia opposed to
national ownership of aucu an
important national highway, aw
it certainly cannot lie that he
views the construction of uch
waterway ;; , witb indifference.
There is no project now utootd,
not even the opening of the
Columbia river to coutiuuooa uavi
gatiou, that ia so importaut to the
people of Oregon as the opeuuig
of coiutuuuioatiou by vessels aerot
Central America, It would' give
Uie producer r better price... for
what he ships abroad and the
commuter a lower price for wlint
he imports, aud these two itenia
are the bulk of Oregon's trade.
Governor Penuoyer could not do
bo much for the people of this state
in any other way as iu finishing
the construction of the Xicaraugtia
II is reasous fur doing nothing
are not good, because aid to
private ctniphuy is not the ouly
way the object may be aeeomp
lushed. It is ouly a stepping stone
to government control aud future
ownership at Inst, aud the
gov eruor might advocate these at
Listen to what a prominent
democrat eaya "The democratic
party has finally gotten full posses
siou and the people are anxiously
waiting to see whether or not they
have got the "sand" to fulfill the
promises made, but which they
have heretofore claimed they could
net carry out by reason of a repub
lican senate or a republican execu
tive. If they dou't, then I am go
ing to change my politics, and I
imagine lota of others will, too.
You doubtless observed that in the
last campaign the torchlight pro
cession aud band wagon seemed to
have lost something of their past
potency and that's whnt's the
niatter with many voters. Promises
ain't agoing to "go" unless they
are backed by fulfillment hereafter
with the average intelligent voter,
very few of whom expect to hold
office. , .
Judge Burch informs us that
we were wrong in stating liirtt week
that the salary of the school super
intendent had been cut down to
any less than 750 a year. The
controversy arises over certain fti-s
allowed the ,snperinteiidwit which
the court considers belong to Polk
county. The county superin
tendent still gets his salary, bis
office expenses, and if Intitled to
them, all additional fees. We are
very glad to know that our county
court so quickly resetits uuy' insin uation
empitgning its motives
towards our grand publio school
ystem in Polk countvi
THE demand fot a fish ladder,
properly constructed, to allow fish
to pass the falls of the Willamette
at Oregon City is as great as ever,
and petitions are being circulated
and largely signed, asking the com
ing legislature to appropriate
money for its construction. There
are hundreds of miles of the very
finest of spawning grounds in the
many streams emptying into the
Willamette that should be made
easy of aeeess to the thonsandt-ilof
salmon entering the Columbia river.
A fish ladder would do it.
Several weeks ago the Went
Side advised its hop-grower read
ers to be sure and not hold their
hops too long, as rumor had it that
New York state was selling its crop
so as to leave the declining market
for Oregon and Washington. The
rumor seems to have had some
foundation. The cholera scare has
also had a tendency to cause people
to drink less beer, and consequently
prices have declined.
Undek the present tariff laws
our country has reached a position
where the income from indirect
taxes fails to meet the. demands of
the government, and as a conse
quence the democratic party will
be called upon to legislate so that
a greater revenue may result. How
this is to be done is the questlou
the peopto ate now asking the
leaden of that party.
Jay (loi'i.n, tueg.wt financier,
is dead. Horn on ft farm iu Ver
mont, educated at an academy, iu
early life ft surveyor, later ft manu
facturer of lumber, and last ft ma
nipulator of railroad mocks, at the
age uf ft? he dies and leaves ft for
tune ef 1100,000, 000. The severe
incut il straiu was too much for him,
and he gave way beneath it, ' ,
Si KscKitiK for the WkhtSiok.
Very fow of the tailing Democrat
In Wwhiugtoii pbuv any dupputUtu
to ttit Hiwrtliut attributed to Mr.
Ctevtilaiid that he will uot call an
extra wmlon. Heuatur CnrlMe, wlm
wm In th city, Haiti yenlvnlay that h
did t believe that Uie I'rwMitautmhwt
had reached any uVoihUiu , in the
mailer. A number of th opponrul
of the extra nciwlou Idtalisve urgod an
n argument tit unnirt of their poal
thai ttit (MMMiblltty of tli hmmk by
Uie Senate of the varlou Urltf bill
which have oven aviit over from the
Hoimq. Tlinra are tunny noti for
Mtovlug that this mult will not I
rvtti'htfd. The MiHNe of tlane bills at
tint iippriHiohliiK mwtloii of IViijrrvM,
would mean the Kmm of ao,iM.,uiio to
the Government. Iu the prvmiil ut
of the ttatloiiaJ fluaum, wltQ the ex-
petiiuw urn running ulieail ot the rv
oolptit, It will tie lnixnwllU for either
party to nvrloualy eonldvr iieh a lance
tilil racl lou. No nlsn of tarltt k-ijl-
lotion wh k'h makm adttltlou to the
free Ibit, even of the mwwnrlt of life
wltliout imivhlltig fr mittv eottiHu-
noting rtHvlpt from other nuutxx oatt
he nr!nuly eiiterlHlneil. Any view
of llie apinuetiliig niwlun, theitifore,
wlileli cotiHldem the pwuwe of Uw
Ituumt tnrlir Mils liy the Hetmte In
iimnlfeMly nUonl. In IhU slate of
(lie cnm the ueeemlly fur u xtra
e.liin li rceelvllltf more mrltilM ltell-
tlon tlmn It lM hitherto obtaituti.
The IK'iiitx rutle CotiKrewiiien who are
In the city nnliiottmtau vxtni mmIuii
would nienii the irvslpUilio of HMnk'
enilitp AkIiI and would oewutlon wuixlil
trrahht aniKiyauoe to Protldeut Clove-
Intul, to My inittiltiK f expoiuw
wlilult would be incurred. At the
mm time a lurltt bill niunt be framed
with due delilicmtlon mid rare, nud
thl work, iu the opinion of nmuy
vletiliH-mts, call not tw eulllinelietHl too
J lie outlook for toe tHHulUK mwlou
of (Vugrrwt In ttiut th miKreRHtw of
the appropriation will be coualtlontbly
In vxttiw of llml for the tirewmt tlid
yenr. Tliere will Ihj no river ntul line-
bor bill pnMti (hit winter, but the
contraiU already authorlxed Involve
an extwudituro of t40.tioo.ooi. Ttie
whole nuiii 1 projHTly eliartceatilo to
the revetiutw of the next fUeol year, a
other appropriation will Iw inado by
oilier CouKreBM-a, liutkliig Uie obliga
tion aooumulutive, but tliere may not
be mom than fl0,uu0,(Kiu aelually ex
mtHlett durltiK the coniliiir year. Thl
nwy atand a gitiint (he exandl(ur
for nui'U Itupruvetoeiibi thli year. The
penxion appMprtiitloii will have. to be
Inereiwed to aUut ls:,IMie,i)(H) for the
next rear, thin ntim to be provided
for' In addition to :i',0i0,ooo ck'fl
cleiiey for the prewtit year. Th of
routine appnprlntin fur the runnitiK
the governiiietit cniinut be cut and
there tire certalu to lie liu'reawn uecea-
ary in atidiUou to Hint for peiialona.
To place the approprlntlona to be made
at lliliwwlon for Uie next, flwal year
at $.Vi7,U0t).0ii0 may lie eoiMidered
low eatlinate. The nroniiertn art? that
to meet this authorized expenditure
them will ! a revenue uot at all In
exeexa of Unit entlinnle for llila year,
t,ri.,iNi0,lltX). The njiiiotaiice of Itu
portent to pay IiIkIi dtitleH wiien there
in a pnwiit't of a reduction will proli-
ally tireveni the twiinl iiiinaH. Thlt
prexeiitH the pnmpect of a duHcleney
frevetiuen aiuoutititig to $t(e,(HK),(KlO
next )er, to add U) that of alxiut
(HKVHW thin year, not taking Into ao-
0ou tit the Kinking fund for thin year.
Mr. Holmuti, elmlrniHii of the Coin
tn 1 1 tee on Appropriatlnua, intoudn to
put the Itepulilk-atiH on the ruck when
It comet! to the i-onxidcnitlou of the
Jiidltinry bill at the coiuiiiK mwhloti of
t'oiiKri'xN. It Im lila Intention to Htriku
at i he rlnuae In the Ketlend election
purt of the bill provldltiK for the ap
pointment of United Whites iiiiir!mlH
tit t e pullx nt gttneral election, and
elimlnittv the approprlnllou therefor.
'I'h ib lie will do by iiieana of a rider to
the iudii'iiiry bill, which ho can very
ciihIIv iiccoiijpliHli under the mlee, um
Ii will lic'ln the until m of a nil not Ion
:of exiiendituro. If tlie' Henate paHtu
the bi 11a nd (lie 1'renldciit ahottld
It with thin provMon eliminated, tha
ltepulillimlia will be phiwil ou record
ax renotiiiciiiK a tueuaure they have
alwayaatood. yp for. Huch a coiilln
ncncy will hardly happen, for it I
doubtful if the PreHideiit would aln
audi a bill, were It to receive the iitno-
tlon of both Ilouaea. Ill thla event
according to the frlenda of the Chair
man of the committee ou Appropria
tions, Mr. Jlolniun will hold up MiIh
bill und prevent ita piixauK. This will
of couraef leave' the judiciary without
the funda with which to operate, and
necessity will arise for the calling of
an extra Heaslon of Congress. The Con
grcsa then lailng In the bunds of the
Democrats, they would puss the bill,
end stump their disapproval of
the force bill by cutting oft' the pay .of
United Btiitea marshals at the polls.
At. tho Mime time the Initial' stcjin
could lie taken In the matter of arrang
ing for art expedition consideration of
the tariff measure that will come be
fore the '.Fifty-third CoiiKreaa. Tlila,
according to a gentleman who stands
close to Mr. Holman, will be his policy.
Tliere is every reason to believe that
the attendance lit the Inauguration of
i'realdctit-elect Cleveland next Muaeh,
will exceed any throng at any previous
similar event. The signs all point
thut way. Tammany is alreudy
pledged to send 5,000 braves to this city
to participate In the occasion, and It is
but fair to believe that those excellent
Democrats of Illinois, and Wisconalu,
t say nothing of the happy voters In
States not having so recent Democratic
; coords, will swarm to the Capital, to
assist in Inducting into office the Presi
dent whom their iutn.rags 1icIkhI to
A RMalUirtkrWMl t !
t'ourM of llnaliMM, SvaUa i Uw rot
bwliig Vary lamUM( Nut.
V vlaltwl Dalhw laat Monday, and
while there, met ami oon veined with
uuie of the old aetUurs of that vicinity.
We met our old and eateeiued friend
Cary Kitibre, who nettled on the
batik of tha l.a Cnxtln near here In
1SH, mid ha lived ehme by ever sluee.
He wna a helping friend to tha early
ImiuiKrnuta, noma of whom at III live
and bear In mind bin kladly aoti
toward them, I'uol Cary Is now
verging clone onto Uie "nlnettea,' a
apparently hale and hearty with a
poantblllty that he way live out Uie
oeutury, IU aud David Johunoii of
Itidepeiidetiea are the ouly an rv Worn
of the ImmlKratiU of 1N4I, who onine
to thla eoaat with ntmlllea. Mm,
Thus Hhtltjo and Mrs. America
Uraut, relict of David Omit are the
ouly two surviving women of the
liiiiulnrntioii of 1S44) who had the
care of fit nil Hen oil their hand while
making the overland Journey.
Mrs. David Uraut wna the dmnihter
of Denerwl Nell tillllatn, who waa also
an luimlurnnt of IHU. In conversing
with Joshua Mel)nlel, he atatetl tliat
be wan prenent at the marring of Minn
America (IllUnin to David Uraut iu
Andrew county, Missouri, tieiieral
Ullllaiii, Mitch and ltolx-rt Ullllnm,
and David Urantall aetllixl near where
Dalian la now located, and are well
renumbered by Uie early aettlvta who
uow survive them. IulSAsth writer
had occasion to cross the IM'reole
wbeuat a bluh alture of water. The
fofd had been washed out reuderlng
it iiimewbat dantreruiA to crowt, Mm,
David Uraut whj lived near Uie cross
ing , seeing un make the attempt, came
rualiliiy from the house with arms ele
vated, and Iu a high tout of voice
cried for ua to stop, and well for us
that we did atop, for If we had not
have done no, probably thene linen
would uever have len uned
A w itarted luto the stream, she by
vol. and gesture directed us how to
pruwiHl, and thus we etumwd the
stream In safety. In early days uo
brtdires were found to facilitate the
emaaing of streams. We have uimiu
mure than one oecanlou Ishii forced to
awltu our home serosa streams, then
cross a f'xil log to the opposite bank
retake our home nnd pMeeeil on our
We next met the Hon, J, D. I-ee
formerly eugaittsl Iu merehniidUbig at
Dallas, but now a resident, of Vm
Portland, where he la extenaively
en Knifed III mereautlle operrttlona. J.
D. b s) I a smi, of Melioliw Ittm
now dfceaseil, Mrholiut l,ee and tit
enough to buy two or three Wkht Huk
plniita are In arrvam. We know they
are jwrfeolly "g.aid," but we need
money, Now then we are going to
make nil such, thl ollor! F.vcry person,
over lit month In arrears, who will
nay up to date, will a lpt
forsulmenptioii Ntld and nlsobvglvru
FltKtC one volume, Iu pamphlet form,
of a slaudard novel, for every month
over six months tit srnmrs. Thus a
(itbncrllier one year In nr rears will re
ceive nix hook. , Thl oiler holds good
only a long as thin notice aptnam In
the paper, which will be to January int,
I sua. -
The Vksi' Sipk uow ha a bona fid
ulmerlptlou lint of considerably over
luuo, aud with our new features of
January, isua, It will reach l.vm. With
in three mouths from that diite delln
queut siilnk-rllx-rs will be a thing of the
pnal with un.
Circuit court enlivened to day atl
o'clock. The following grand Jurora
weredrawu: HamCinel, foreman, J.
T. Udy, William Gardner, C. Uuasey,
J. M. Cratou, J1, llartholcniew, and
Chan, IhuiHii, It. II, I'himuier was
nixilnted Imllllf of the court and Curt
Hubbard of the grnud Jury, The fol
lowing esse were dlapisied of totlay:
I K.Dawaoa viWIi M K Dallou,
acton at law; nonsuit,
J M Hear v I. II Martin, et nl, con
firmation; Continued.
AC M'xllu v Wm Davidson, action
at law; lion suit.
U W June vn K M A Kills T Young,
action at law; dismissed,
II Mliupann v Ira Miller, action at
law; nett led.
M M Kills v Jacob & litniua linn
mm, lureclosure; netthid.
John Vernon vs John Dyers, equity;
Inane Iveun vs , N4 Haruh J
V(xl, fohvliwure; dluilisl.
Dundee M TCo vs W II Kuykeii
dall, vtuitlruititlou; eoutlrtiuHl,
llira Ika-k v (leo A Ikn-k, dlvnree;
default referred to C W Hiiilllt.
Jas Crowley, nialguuient; coiilluued.
Jaasr Kennedy vs M K Daltou,
Henry Hill et al.fuivchsiure of miHdiati
le lien willed.
Joel Ware vs II M Dackensto, action
at law.settlixl.
J UW vnK V A.CarollneHhlnu,
ctlou nl Uw. Judgement for pbtiutlir
by default and order to sell altucbed
Hall AMnper vTho Pouiemy aud
J U Van Orxlcll.forcl.wiirvof mechuuli's
lieu; M-tllcd,
John lrf'lteh vs Dnllun wixdeii mill
Ciiluatliy, action, at law, JudgeUlelil
for pin lit 111' end order to well attached
D W Hlddotis vn Dallas woolen milt
wile Ha rah come to Oregon In 147, and cuiiiMiiy . Huiue asnUive,
settled not far muu Dalian, lie wan a
prominent minister of the M. K.
church nd In early time, astride his
spitted cayuse, III sunshine or In storm
lie wanded hi way to appointed hnitlb
tie to minister to the spiritual wants
of Ids flock. He was a man of generous
Impulses, of Indomitable wilt, and
true to his friends under all and every
cltvamatauee. HI son, J. D, Lire
.aided bis name to (he subscription
list of the WixtHihk,
Htepplug about the city we met with,
aud heartily greeted one of our old
time friends, David f ltitbrle. When a
few words had pansed between us, the
conversation turned to the first trials
for imirJur lu Polk county, the oon
net'tlou of the accused.niid Ills ,0ual ex
ecution, The criminal wax, Kverniaii and
the person who met with death at bin
bauds, was Cyrnus C Hooiasft It
V K Davl v Dnllits wudeii
eianiacy. Hame an alaive
II A Hugue vn IkdliM woolen
compnliy, Hume an alsive
C K Heiidemon vs Jeter A Alex
ander, action nt law; default Judge
ment for plalntllf.
J W A H I. Crbler v J C Proctor,
action at law; lion suit,
Catherine Ulhbnitn v ('ban (ilblaum,
dlvore;default,refcrred toD l'Mtolilfer.
V K Cook v C K Harris AC I
Howe, default; judgement for plaintiff
and order to sell attached proicrty
M C llobblns vn Dallas woolen rlilll
eoiupany, action at law; default, Judge
ment pliiliillir and order to wll attucbed
James Ullmon vs White A Mclsiulcl,
aotlon at Uw; settled
N M Mclhmlel, asnlgiiiiieut; settlixl.
Felix Nil vs N M Mclhuiltd, action
ailm of the estate of M K lilcbatdsoii
diHu-nmsl, fnrecliwure of niecluinlin It-iii ;
decree for defendant
M D Fills vs Ciirrlu K Kills, divorce!
refi-rrtKl toC Wnmltli.
V lirata v T J (.'rave-, act Ion nl law;
default and Judgement,
lanwa McDauU'l v N M and I'earl
Me Do ii Id and J W CrMer, a Igm-e
action at law; default und diKrts',
HHultervsW H Ib-txl, nptca from
Justice' imitrt; dlsndxsed,
ItMHinlih v Wm and Fllitls-lli
Mctplestlmi, act Ion at law; dcinunr
overrulml slid order to m il a (Inched
i K Mltlerasslgiteeof I. Ileutlcy est.
v 11 Ulrsehlarg, action at law;
reserved foraigiinient at .Chamber In
Haleiu InavinU'r asth at a o'clm k.
K K Httblmidnaslguii'icut; coulliiiii'd,
H It Patterson v Chas Jlcrrcn,
action at law; eotit luued.
J W Hilt vs K CHiultli apxiil; con
tlnuwl, Claggctt A Clmiuiicss vs It Hiiy'deii
appeal; ooiitlnitcd. ; ,s
OinhI twUt.
UinsI Icxiksnrw more than skin deep,
desmdlug iihiii a healthy condition of
all the 'Hid oriuix. if tho liver he
Inactive, you have n billotisliaik, If your
stomach i be diwirileretl you have a
dlspeiitlo look and If your kidneys be
ntlccled you have a pinched lixik.
Ketmre gis bes lib and you w ill have
good lisiks. Klcftrto Hitlers as the
givat alterative and tohlo nets directly
on thine vital organs, ("tires pimples,'
blotches, I miIU slid gives a good coitl
plcxloti, Hold nt any drug store, fk
per bottle,
III alii tlllha sail M HI C urliliin.
I bnv nil cXperletiiv of twelve years
Iu ditching mid laying dtnln (lies, in
the stale of Indiana, and I now oitl-r
my service to the toner of Polk
county. I nlso curb wells with drain
(ileal oue-liulf the exciino of brick
Address A, A Wiley, Parkers, Oregon,
or. lea order with independence Tile
Factory, , ia Ii
Nll, Iu Tnt-;a;r-
Notice I bereliy given to the tax.
pavers of the city of DideNudence,
(Irrgolt, that the assessment roll of said
city for the year A. D. him lavu
plxii d In (be band of the inandial for
collection, nud I but by order of the city
council said !XeS will Ixi-ome dellu-
qia-nl la-o Stttt, imy.
J. T. Font., '
City Iteeorder.
Ilatiit Nov. 17, I ''.', ,
ITN'HIHiI 11 1. M knim by noMn
Mast twtT:tua, evti intnw M'-hiu
wnM wri, flit ..n mnl i.iNit
Jai-tKuiN.- at riun'MUxiiMu nuti
vsv-im rwt k m
m. MMimoi nil f miov:
hi..H n.tit) tiisa4ty a rt4,
ml mm - se-.s, wwti iwuiini (unnHif
DIM A V t" iWlill enres lMi Mto f'rul'
kiftW riwil. Ur. tenka, rtiliU.tJ.4.
' ' '-'1
'J ft 7- VI
The imirexulmi iirsnllmtt tn sit lis hrntichiM.
AH lmtfiilrlt!i' nl 0i iwih M'lilhlren s In
iM.rilt-oit.ri sIvkii hiwihI siienilon. iiiihlr,
MII.VKK flllliis-sini iml.H I'ltuWNMnniwa.
Inlir. I'lslv 'r nf liiwl nUHlliy iOiiiU-r or
MmimI, m,ii.(im-iIoii siisrninwt, 1,KTII
Ofilee Cor. Main tni MmiiiiiiMth Nlrcels,
eier O'lhiiiiH-ll's Hardware Ktore,
A. ptttxiorr.
I'mprleUirs of-
lEPilE 1! OIL
Manurunliirt'n uf suit Otslvrsln
Rough and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, - Manager.
nl want to fence it in
(1 With tha
f IVIre.
I e ano 10 pinc tTRcrr.
Sole Agents for Polk County,
n u
The I
and Ijtt
in the
9oll o
100 r&.
Adniinltrlor' Notice.
Nirth l linmliii lveo. Ilisl li nrilir r II
Coumjf "1 UisMnleof (in.,n fur IVil
CHiniy, iiK.ii- sail vniHrnl ntunl si II
rt.ll.l.r l mi Hn-o-ii A. I, twt, tliv
iitl..ii;i,.-.l iie.,ii,ol sliiiliiliiraliir
UiBpltttf H. A. t'rsvrn ill-. .n-i, und llml
wn.r stlmliilalnilloii Iib Iimi duly
iwii.l i 1,1m ihi-ri-iu. All n-ri hsvini
IiiImk ntmn.l m nl mini!., ar ln-n liv null.
UihI .i iiiiiii il, i.,n i,, th ionliTlwnl si
liiilefh'iiili-iiiii, ' ly.enlr en(..n, within
pia iimmi, iiiin iiinaiii itrrtwir,
T. W. Ws.
. .. . AdiMluUtrslor.
An') fur Ailiniiiwimuir.
satxuaar, ijocomiocr 31,
Glass Balls, Clay Pigeons, and Rifle
wnn n cold tilissled munler.nud occurred t !: wuitliiuwl.
lu Kveriusn nt tlmt time
livliifc at Urn homo of Hnmtiel Uutf nt
the point between Moiiinoutli nud
Dallns. lle'crnwled on his hnuds mid
knee quite dlsutiuv to where
Hooker whs iotinliliif lu the field
nud n he reached the comer nud turned
blshnck, Kveminn, with dendly nlm
put a bullet llimtiirl) Ids IxkIv. tln-ut
excitement was caused by the act,
Kvcnnsn . wan tirrested, tried before
0. C.l'rntt, who was the tlrst nisiliitee
Jud(e for the Territory uf Oregon,
was convicted and exjilutcd Ids crime
at the huiids of the executioner, who
think was Builtli (lilllam, nlierlff.
This I think was the first luiimlng of a
crlmliiul lu Dregoti. Adam Wcinple,
for the murder of hi wife, was the
next which occurred shortly after the
execution of Kverumn. The writer of
tlicse Hue oceiiied the jury box at the
trial of Kveruiiin. Ilnvld (iuthrie
expect whiii to visit relative In
Missouri. Dave Is areKuarl old
Mliwmrlan, and can munch coon and
hominy with the best ofthcui.
In our visit to Dallu wa mis the
fiuulliur fuiw and kindly greeting of
our former friend T. J. ltiuhmoiid.
or ii. any year Unit ohui generous
bund Irns iM'en extended toward un,
and uow while deploring tlielosn, we
are reminded that niuuy, muuy of our
former assocliite are now Hlitcplttg the
sleep that knows no re-awakening to
pain, sorrow or regret. The memory
of, Tom, will ever linger lu the hearts
of relative and friends.
W. C. Drown one of the old tauduy'
is still doing business in .Dallas. For
over one third of a oeutury he ha
been passing goods over the counter to
bis waiting cutomers, and he yet pusses
them over with that placid smile and
kindly utterance for which ho la
maliilv distinguished. MIhh Ilattie
Williams, daughter of J. J. William,
with buoyant spirit, geulid disposition
and Iperfect grace, deftly passed over
the silks and sat I tin to tho lady ous
toiuers. . ' i '
We met here Llndwiy ltobblns, who
lti early year wus a mtislual hmtruotor
to the youths of our county, he having
singing Classen in every neighborhood,
J. 1.1. William stejis with haughty
mien, and giant strides about the city.
He Is evidently uo Wcaverlte, but it
I his proud boast that he cast one
strong vote towards the election of
Cleveland. We hope for his appoint
ment a minister to London. Jim
shake Jrf before you go.
Hmltli A Woods v Albert Hhlpper,
M A Dice v Mary K A ( Mueauliiy,
CHilillniliitlon; settled.
It Hultor v M Cwwley .action at law;
Phelsj Mcfirew v A J Hymn A C A
6ymn, action at law; settletl.
J A- Veiiess v Johtl Jhsllue, eon-
llrniitloii; isiiitlriued.
J J McDaiilcl v K M Melhinlcl, con-
llruintloii; continued.
The following new cusen have U-eii
mblcd mnking lu all 117 cam-n -on the
It L Knblu v JH Michel), suit iu I
J K Miller assignee of A lteiitly estate
vs II Hlrchbcrg, action at law.
11 W Murphy v Polk county, review.
Mtuie or uregori v lien v nice, as
sault with duiigeroiis wen ii in; verdict
of guilty of assault and buttery.
Huillli A Mule vs Irvine A Caw,
action at law; continued.
T. W. Kstea, assignment; continued.
It I Hid.ln vs W T Hhurtlcir aud F
K Hublmrd, net Ion at law; default;
you go by
Sec the
In Our Window when
between now and Xmas.
New Goods; Step inside and ask the
Price. Store open until 0 p. m.
We have in stock
DKI.INgilKNT HlHlrtCllllllillS.
The Wkmt Hihk ha In contemplu-
tlon some very decided Improvement
in tlie paper, and also intend to largely
increase it paid-up subscription lint.
In view, of this we desire that all sub
scribers uow in arrear shall cull and
settle. Many ku-oiis who are wealthy
order to sell attached property
Win look ami Herbert isiullh vs
Bums, llallou A Co,, action at law,
Hlteof Oregon o H P Dodgers,
violation long nud short haul clause;
T()iilK-ranou House vs Haiil'onl
Fowlo, partition: iiiiuidate issued.
N 0 Clodfolter vs J K O' Donald,
action at law; con tin ued.
W (J Nesuilth v W h Wells,
replevin stilt.
lien Windsor vs Thus Colllnson and
fsruel Itooth, equity; continued; V J
lllgger to report law mid fiicts.
A 11 Orlggs vs J L Duller, action tit
law; continued,
DT Stanley v W T Shurtleir, con-
lirnied.' - :
TetmaiitHtrtibbllng Shoe Co., as J
M Shirk, action at law; continued,
MlerA Frank vs W T Shiirtleff
and F K ' Hubbard; judgement for
plaintiff and order to sell attached
Henry Sterling v Frank Fililo, et til,
foreclosure,, couti uued, W M Kaiser
to report law und fiicts. -
John Walker V ' Dallas Woolen
Mill Co, action at law; Demurrer with
drawn, and judgement for plaintiff
und order to sell attuched property.
J : H Mluholl vs: Adella Mluliull,
divorce; dismissed.
II Pohli) vs Clisiro Siarbuck, fore
closure; dcfaulaiid decree. ,
Elizabeth McQuesI Ion , vs Win
McQucstion, divorce; referred to G A
E8 Deven vs J H Crowley et al,
foreclosure; decree ou jileiidiiigs'.
F Aiistino v O W - IllnhurdMon.
adms, of the estate of M L ltlohiii'dHon
duceasi'd, foreclosure of nicchanlc
lulu; decree for defcadaut.
LH Perkins vs G W Ulchui'dson,
A lann-a-sortmetit of Isith Glints' mid Ladles'
-Gold Filled, Hlvcr and tsilvcruie. We make
a specially of watches. i
i I in i m i ul ring. We I
Dollar upwards.
Ill buy a very ticat. '
have them from Ten "
iA New Line of Lute styles at ltlght Prices.
,i ....
We handle the Sclh Thomas Clocks, We are
closing nut. a few odd clocks or illllcrent nuike
at low prices. Hone will be left after Xnins.
What haven't we In stis-kthat vou want? We
have Isiught heavily so as to give you an as
sortment to select fi-oni.
7ft n o (oi n n n n rr
'anduyn are still giving
id will continue to run
(Khollcy & Va
IturgaiiiH and
Don't Delay but avail youroelves
of thin Iwiire Opportunity.
Shelley & Vanduyn . .
Make this ax their liiKt appeal
For the next thirty days dayH the
whole alock of giwerit Itelongiug to
T. W.Estes will be sold
The stock must be cloacd out dur
ing that time. Alt sales will be for
iu staple aud fuuey groceries, crock-
cry, glassware and everything kept
iu a first-class grocery store.
shooting mm
AT o
"I awwBl
ON 5 OB MOia: BE3VE3, AND 4 HC08.
l)yae.mniitteof Bve, the moat energetic men ot tbe
; who are going to use every effort to have a vum""r.
It ii gntteitpby
First-Class Time.
There will tint i..h . . .
snoces. It will be 8ilvrt.,i in f..,.. ik. "JTI
,i n .... . -, por"1"
mere will be a large, mbbW of -
bnH latuhill nud Beiitim eouutio.
Druggists and Jewelers,
lass Balls, Clay Pigeon!
Peoria Blackbirds.
Ibo soeral trap for Uotuo team, aud target for ritte team.'
Brum bad or Hc-nrt ohlnir One of Oimh pnurn
lle.rll.troMlnU1,,i(,n0hiia ourn liMilaonii,
on Moh niiht lor nyk wnatnui Uik k.1.1i and
purio I ha braoin riif j Inaiira parfrm itiatloii,
ruirulata Iha bow,,la .nil hum 1.1..'
aot promptly, yol mllillT.ri.var ml pi, or alnk'an. UM
UrugglaU or mall, Umuliko Hod, Co., riilla.. Pa,
For Suits by till Druggwis,
Subtorlba for THE WEST
SIDE, Two Dollar Yaar.
rXJ T r-
U V.. J o f"'w Huliaerlbera
JOUa, 7 J "- nuinoer. ait
' j" The Youth' i
f I
Cowcs AW II L-
a rc-rV' I -wim fMt4Q m Mm.
The cln uluUon of Tim Cohmkio:
f 9 "O'TOWlitOB wookly. Send farSnuolmub ...i .n . .
Lcaainj Fcatureslfor J891
tw benu stone. to Jn m., fitnrl
Over 700 larw PtcM. ft storlci of Adwnrnm '
Jcarly Klastrarlon. , f Monthly HocMn urninn
I Cbarnuae CUldrca! Paje,
l"0 Will nut ant nn.l .....1 ...
nuclreiw and 81.J3 m will
10 Jan. 1, '3, and fur
ntf. Inoludlnir I ho Doublo
hrlaima. and Now Year.
OMPANION. Boston. Mm.
TIM Youth Companion Naw lulkUm
. 1
i friaiTiiiiiw!