The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 04, 1892, Image 3

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III II 1.1 ii ii I I -ii I I wm ,i , ' 1 .. 1
What Our Kqnrter Finds of Ir
tetvst to uur KeaA-is.
Kr) f tk ttietttn r frlj TaM
ttdhwM Hull) Uwtf lnt
....... .V I
tltlltXl. I
INmUud to-day.
Mr. 1, (ipauldlmf , f CtrvHia, ww
vMtlng Mr. Vw to-day.
Mm V. 0. Rlehatdsott left for Ye-
quliia bay ft few week wl.vj'
K, . liwii lira i
rUit'omtU to attend the cimfervuoe uf
the Kvaugellce.1 church there.
IX Martin and wife, ol Monmouth
Umk tb uuwitlutj tmlu la Uotl th
k j. tk t t f .... ..II... I
fuuvral f lr. N. l' t r'rvUii,
Ml Vlrttli tKuHlvvm, f Hw
l t!ii unly lei'lu' of LHtrilunvl, now
l.Hi'Uui Ut St. lloWn' hull, l vUilliijf
Mr. l Mr. t. Murtlu, Mtmnmuth.
V i'kwlol ttit iwytpt of vsry
hamlucly RiH'-iti ttivtiiii.n t tt
til llw Uvrt wrtiaitiR f S. V. Smlil
ttml wllV, t'f VUl.rt, t take ltai
SntunW fvwituif. NitvwnU'r lUli. Mr.
St.iliU, b fttrmvrty nltWl In liutv
Mtulim. ul I mw Uwhnir uwr
cbHiit of Vtlllmris, haoour iwt wM
fur tvnilutwtl biy mnl prtMui.
Uf. ml uwy wv cviwlvt hu luvlualoii
to bt xKU!u wwUUim, wbew U
lim hU fn.
Tbvre tin UUtl Iww ntwut S3 loimof
h, Uhutth tli w lUi ywr
UttW dhort.
WbvtitUutl I lUtimtwl on the Wik of
the WUUuutt rtwt, about twit tuiK
Ulow Sak'iu.
Thl town fa not wry th'uwly 'u.
Utnl, but tlu-ro b rtin iilixuu to
tb 1-t.uv for viv-4 luow.
M. H. Hfulrltfk,wrtoruithewr
bourns lit lutleiwtutaiu, rvsttt" Ihw.
Ho htm TiM hwIi tm itwwlng.
Th ViTSti'titlli.gWfu'Uou
tit Yamhill, unJ aottvu cauvasmtr
ntlgbt gi" It eonltUrble Uu'ivwo.
Tb pubUi' MhwI ta In a Itouri-tilnR
comlltloit uiulor ta mtiiiK'"'"'"f x'
K HtrKUt, l mbotuw Ulutt la atu-u-
L. O, Forwat UU tbi mrk of
UittbulM with bkh be w ciiot b
(tt niunlfrutM oavaKo, white i'lt!
frni Califorriia In
SuiH'rlnU'U'U-ut J. H. SUUll, t.r
Yamhill county, vUttwl tbi arhool tbU
morning; alo Mr. Staata, of your
county, who oke a few worlfwtu
m to the at'holarw
M. B. Htfinlruk, who rutiathc wn
hou here, ha mlv WW hnh'U
if wheat tbkaaraiHiii. TbU i 'ul! a
hilnt! lt for prtaluot from
aurrouuding wuulry.
John It, Fumwt own a fliw farm ad
Jolulng tiwn from whteb ha tvMr a
ftUr iucutu. Heh a hydraulic nun
on the pun wbivb rai-a the wat"r
75 ft-ft, and tbwnconveya U l.WOfw U)
bU nwbtencv and bam.
Thk iHiInt U altuaU-d urar Spring
valtey, on of Ihe pr. ttbt and iu.l J
r..HiL vullwa lo tbcdliik'. Siirlug vl
ley wan th home of John lMillli, do
e nrn tt, who w an liuinigrant of 1(j.
Htf baxawii ln l 't M'- Hit'Imr.Uiii.
living in Imlnwudcnw. Thctlmt ft-ro-boat
that wa the tiu-wn of trmifll.
sen the Wlllanwiw rivn-r, waa built
Villa WatKoii, a iu r of Mr. John
Chamtajrlabi, ti opitnt'd a dft'mak
ing abop here. ,
County TrfaHitwr Cir lot" glvwi
uotit that ho will pny all warranla to
dom-tl prior to January Kith, IM'I.
The woolen inillit have l'ii atla lif I
for lndei tflnettaKgrfg:itliigfH,t',Hi1iil
will come up before the circuit court In
U'm. VhuII ACo. have moved into
their new buildiug.wbere they arei!lly
nettled. The bank building will now
be overhauled below ,aml occupied wh.ii.
nbtht ald to Wine
& Kcyt, of I'errydale, ) bah ofhopn
t a)l centa- -Mie town waa am
buyera, but all were twenty-cent men.
Mr r'l.Hi.. I'lteh.wlfeof thetternmu-
town wine tnerchaiit, had the mlsfor-
town wine tnercliaiit, nm (.llliri.,, , wl liviiell uext Sun
tunc to fall from her porch W edea y. u
miatalnlng a fracture of her Hlioiildcr
rm. .. .,..11 nttrrUr fill tint Dallas IUld
i lie ni
Fall City route bad a runaway yenicr
the cart cnntiderulily.
Mbw Hurrlngtou, of Fall City, w the
There bna U'cn a continued tendency
to iKiwel dim-awt hero lba '';;.
O W.Shlvcll, drugglat, Wlt'klille, Ky.,
"bihI an untiHiial demand for ( lumi-la-rlln'K
Colic, Cholera and Diarr oen
Jtemedy. Ibavo Hold four ".ttl.- (
it tliia morning. Home remarkublc
cur, have been cr.-et,,l by t ai n
nil caaea it lnw proven HUocwwml. I or
ttalu by all mcdielne dealer.
Hamembw to call at the Normal Jjnok
Store, Monmouth, if yon tmed anything
in the Hue of school bookn, aohool toip
phea, athletio gooda. etc.
Milwaukle, WIhcoiihIii, waa vlaltcd
with a ,(KW,0tO fire yeHtcnluy.
Hugh Iiatilwin, of Itucna VUto, waa
vlaitlng hlHHintcr, Mrs. Vciichh, to-ilay.
Hon. Hoi., lately mlnWcr to
Turkey, ban returned to hla homo in
Frank Enimctt, of Buena Vlata, la ao
unwell that he haa dlnmlHHcd thcacliool
for two wceka, and gone home to Mc
Coy. W. S. Wainwright, who Ih drafting a
....... Tii.kin liiMiiruiice mat) of the town,
. ... i..,i..iiiwik In hand tliia
waa ooi wini
K. Jl. Jeter, of fiuetia VlHta, low W'I'l
out hla drug hualuewt and wlltaram re
move to I'ortland, where he will open
a drug more.
Smith, the gentlemanly ad
vance agent ol the Klckapoo IndluiiH,
waa in town arranging for the appear
auce of hla people here noon.
The crowd at the railroad ileX't wiih
'......tlimiiuacd to-day with a dlaloguo
i......n inivelliiur man ami a farmer,
ui:ini." ,,,,
receiillyfrom North Carolina. I ho
. ......., . .I...I to nrove that the
tanner niiuu'i'"-" '
traveling man wum rohhhitf the farmer
mill trnvcliuir mmi ii..r.,i..i.,.i t.u
" " . mini liw
side of the question,
Mr. and Mra. J. A. YneM have gone
to llueiia VMrt, whet they will spend
a n-w Miiyii, mm itm. ,.ic will visit
her mother, Mm, Baldwin.
The Wltldrol) family cava a luirfum,.
mice at the ttam house last night,
which I NMkt'i) of by tunny n very
ervalltatuV, paitlciilnrly the recitations
of Jim young lady.
One itf the republican club lit Port
land. U'llli'll uui mil l .-l.... ...
IIU MK'rtkMlU III Snllutiiv Mil.. I. ..II l..
" ' "it
' '"-" ' ' l.H"llll,ll,V'l V,l.
and Portland.
The new Cougrvgatioiud church to
be built on D ltwt Is now In prtc
of fwiliw, The wHinnil for building
Mnnwiw j i, v ,rimpon, ana
wr IIMSIHIS r HI WUTM Olt 1110 lull till
Umi. The uutterlal I now mi tin
'Clill In II. 1U iUt tt,,.
ground, mill the contract, exclusive of
UITtUg Itltll IHItll(lllt, (kii m Ul
Mt.ilotlott i.ftlm lmlUliii on orbofiw
liifh .if ll., iiaiii 'in... ..i i.
IhobHUoflkwiulH-r, l'l Tbaohuivb
Win n oumiitvhHt will ixwt fl,iM, Tb
houtw will h given miacoat of paint
now and will be llnlolunl during nt'Xt
sumiui.r. Tim U.. i.fll will lu Hr.v i'i
In lln nisiln, and no pulnt will b
pnivd ttttttaka it a wy and comfort-
uia iiout nr worxhlp. The building
tHmmtHw coutilHta of W. W. WUHaiua,
Uim. V shlutt and C, A. HUohcHk.
Ml Austin, of Klluciie. la beta nun
visit to Mra. Shutt, bet daughter.
Ml MM Hutton. of Salem, la here
ou a vWt to her aunt, Mra, tstllea.
J. F. 1 1 rovea and K, 0, Klrkpatrlck
cut to Alitor yesterday, on hop lamb
MImA 1tttll, WUIIiitllM llim inillH tit
Tavtuiia to attend her aick couhIii) Mra.
Th xtii'liil lion belli lit lli elle linll
tajit evening waagnatly fnjoyad by all
l'o( mmili'r (Irani and altV returnd
yeaterday from a two weeka trip In the
i -..
t-ituiui nimiirj i
The lnll uranifo will hold a meet
ing tbo aecotul Sitturday lu Novem-
Iht. The Brat. hIihv their Ionic vaea-
tlon.'obb him i urvhied ihe majority
of the phuit of the lUilbta wagtu ahop,
ami vi ill hetYitfU-r run it, mrupylng
the mo in) building.
Tbo lhilliisi IawImc of MnecaU'ea will
lu about two wtvka pr eiit n drama.
Tbe.V ate now relienrxlllg a lid will lio
Jotibt Imvo it lu rue bttut.
lierhart liomiHl tliia week, U-fore
I'outilv t 'lerk Mulkev. renounced bla
Hili'tiliUiee to lUiK'lttiiit. and la now a
i ltit n of llut I'nited Statea.
Mim Nellie Howe, who went to
,-Hitticrn t'lilirnrniii two innutli ago, la
ntiw with her aunt lu San Fraueiwo,
w Itere he will m nd the Inter.
... .
iinrii i"t.
tieorgo HctHt vWtcd Albany on
. J. lUeharihem returned laol Frblay
fnaa I'orttautl.
l!ev, Ilttleulvn prtaelied Itiat Suuilay
morning to a lurgt nudieiHte,
F.. F.inumim haa lately uioveil lulu
Ilia new reslduiiee weal of town.
Johnny Tyler haa been (julte III with
Jiutili Modre, of Corvalliit, wan vlalt-
liii! hi dauahier, Mr. Win Davldaott,
in Tuewluy lnl.
Mia Hull, or Woodlmru, relumed
mill heraioter, Mrn. tico, Mcl.uugblln,
fntin the MpiMlilonlaal Week, and will
unike an extended vWt hero,
t'bmuliertulir I'aiu Iliilm, a general
family linluieiit andi'fpeelnlly valuable
ft.r rheumatltiu, tpruiut, buriia ami
fnwt bllt'f, SO cent (H'r Imltlw.
i-).,,.i,..i l .ii,' I 'a h mitt Skin Olnt-
nieut br letter, miii-rheiuu, acaldhead,
. lim, pile ami eiirt'tne tore eym
"uvula t-r box. For ante by all
iiieilielue dealvra.
It. M. Wade & Co. have Just roeelved
a large, tloek of guna from tlie F.ut.
Itev. I). V. i'oling will lead the Y. I.
a C K. at the Coiigregatloual church
next rtuudiiy. ami the Hiilijet.'t will be,
"Safety of Otal'a Chlltlreu."
The covenant meeting of the limit lat
chunth tukt nlaec next Saturday alter-
iiikiii at i!:iMi o'clock, when right hand
of followitlilp will ba extended to tlie
new membera. .
V. 1'. Hmlth, (ho jmalor of the Cbrla-
tehool at 10 a. in. jY. I'.S.C. K at (WW
. in.; prayer meeting Tuexdiiy evening.
jUtv, (leo. It. Arnold, paalnr of the
MethtMllHt Fplacopal church.will preach
it Kuhlmth moriiliiif, November Oth,
t II o'clock, lu the laiigelical church,
wbleh Inn Ihjcii Hci ured by the Jletn-
otltatH for regular Sablutth morning aer-
'I'lierii wim a larirc tttteiidanco at the
l'reniiylcrlan church liwt Sunday, both
mornlnir ami evening. Hervicea next
Kuitiliiv iih usiiul at 11 a. in, and HW p.
in. Mia Ayer will oiiig at IkHIi wr-
vlcea. Sunday ttcliool liumetllaUiiy alter
t lui itinril nu Hcrvice. A church aoclahle
will lie held at the rcHldcnco ol J
L.Stiaikton, Friday evening, Novem
ber ltd.
J)r. K.Q. Young, veterinary Htirgcoii i ML. Illie Ol .-(UWin-iK,
. . ... II . 0 h' I ill
catcd purmanently in Independence.
... .I ...... i.drlilv I'l'iiiiiiuiemlcil.
llieootTLUl i;i'im "f,."j , w ,
Jllaolllca i vcr tho Independence
Nullonal hank.
Chlldrcn'H union huIIh, all hI, Jiwt
received by Shelley & Vanduyn
Mia. J.ll. V. Ilutler, of Monmouth,
went to Portland on Friday' train.
Several of our Odd Fellow brother
vlHited Dalian lodge, laat Saturday
C. Delta, of Ankeny.a poatofllce op
poHilo liuetin VlHta, waH In town HiIb
lWeiiting Attorney McCain pnaaed
up on the morning train to. attend
court at Albany.
Geo. Itogcra, the road aupervlaor
below town, wiih In town to-day and
wan eiithtJHhiHtlc In apeaklag of the
work dono through tho UH ruined In
Independence, and aald the road wan
now bet ter condition after a few days
hniicHt work than with all the dlnlrict
iiHrteHHiiientHj untl that it gave him
picture to acc the Ktrlng of wngo.m
roll In, ach carrying a full load. Ho
uuw favont a caah ayntcin of nad aa
acamiieut, J J. Huwadl, of Mottmouih, wan In
town thl morning after the doctor, hla
Wlni being quite tick.
1 Simmon, recently ot Cotpilllc
City, haa taken up bin rt'tltlenec at
Hlckreall; lu tbU ivmity,
Mra. A. J, llmniuker MuiiiihI fimu
McMlnnvllle, where alia haa been tlnce
the death of her grandchild.
Hobt, F. Linden, of l'ortlaud, and
hla daughter Lily, K'iit Sunday vltlt
lug the Fnilneet, at Monmouth,
A iHiinhiiHllou wtMidthtHl la being
built hack of the Independence Nation
al hunk, where It. M. Mm will alto
tore good,
Tbo boy from Independence, who
vltlt.4 their brotlief li& Sak'ttt,
latt week, ay that they were meet
royally treated, f
luvltatlon ore out ft t aoclal rlauee
atjtbe elegaut bonia ofL. 13. lHlmnre,
on Tburmlny evening, given lu honor
of hi daughter, Mitt Mamie, Hli-tch, of Salem, nay he favor
f 100,000 lielng HppMprlutvd for the Im
provement of the Willamette river
alwve t)iigoit tlty. So do we.
J. It, N. Hell wrllea an lutentllng"
tetter to the Ww Sit'K, from Salt
l-ake cliy, but ue are uunble to publlth
It thl week, on in vim ut of Mug al
ready erowd.'d with mailer.
To-day Je T, Wlllklna, lain pro
rltdor of the MeClellaii buiite at Itot'-
burg, leaaed the Little l'ulaee hotel, of
ndeH'iidence, and takw poaaeimlou to
morrow. W e with luceewi ttt lint new
The linlle of McCoy will give a New-
Knglmid dinner ou Tbanktglvlng day,
followed by a free concert in the even
ing. Twenty-five wilt will he charged
for the dinner, but apeelal rale will be
given to fn millet,
We tmllce our Tratitcrlpt friend at
Dalla are atill running the advertle
luetit of the IHiftland F.XHttlttou.
Wonder If Superluteudeiit Mitchell
haa not Informed them that the ex
poaitlou la clotcd,
It may Hot be generally known, bitl
ludcttcmleuce 1 the wltchlug tele
photic atatloit of all thl avcliou of
country, and (H rtoii at Salem, lalla,
Corvalll, and Altiany tlml ring up
Indcpeiidemv. J, W. Ilutler now get
a nalary to witduct the olllee here.
W. T. lUtvena, living tlx tullea aniith
ottnwu, brought llieniue aaiuple of
llnrbaiik acedlitig ttilntiH'a which he
planted lute lu June, ami ou one ami
a half acre raited ISA btithel. and one
of theto wat twelve Inclie lit; ami
nine tuche In cireuinfeieua', and not
a tnil ou It. He alto had Dome llarlletl
l-ar which are a teeoiiil cropou a tree,
Ihe ltrt crop having been gathered
three mouth ago.
I'otuona grunge will on next Friday
veiling bold the flrt meeting, after a
long vacation.
riiolographer Cherrlngton and wife,
f Salem, ait'iit" Sunday here vWtlng
the family of S, 1'. Kimball.
lh)V, raraomt, pretldlngeblerof Ihla
dittrlct for the Mettmdltt church, tie-
llverwl two Interctling dlteouraea here
The fiaittwll game latt Saturday be
tween the academy and public achool
club, wa a very luterettlng affair, and
waa wltuewaiil by a large crowd, 1 he
academy boy were victorious
We are at latt hi ooumiunlcallou with
the outtlde world, the telephone Hue
lutt evening being lliilthed with their
otllceat J. 1. Hell' ilrugKtore. It l
thought protiidile that a city circuit
will in rntulilWii'd,
Itev. tieorgetiillltple will preach hi
llrtt aeruion for the I'ntbyterlan at
thla place, on next Sunday at 1 1 o'clock,
He will be tendered a reception at Hie
hurcb parlors next Friday evening by
the mciulK-r of bit uVk
Ihe Teacher' Attoclatlon held their
llrtt nii-otliig for thl year at the acad
einv.Satunlay, and wiwi an exceedingly
iiitereatlng ami Inttructlva iueetiiig,lie-
ug piirtlolpaUHl In by onie of the moat
prominent teacher In the county.
Deputy Sheriff Farley returned Sat
urday with I'M win Kellow, who waa
Indicted by the gnuitl Jury two yearn
agotor tne larcen.v oi "un. "'
. , .. i. ..ii ,
turcd him at Illg Netuci, ami now
lie In Jail awaiting the Deeciulter term
of the circuit court. The Jail haa now
five occupant.
N. Steele I reixirted pilte at
tlmn of writing
I'mf. Sebrlng, of lnilepenileiicc, wa
out here on bulne Monday.
Our school I progreaalug nicely under
thoublo management of Prof. Wetter.
Mr. Mary Miller, of Yaqulna City,
waaagiiettof Mr. M. Scrall'ord and
wife Sunday.
Minn Nellie Harris, who hn liemi ru
tlcatlng lu Oregon City for aoino time,
returned homo day.
Word Butler wii out In tlichc part
Tuctduy, looking after the Interctl of
O'Doiii.el A Irvine, of your burg.
Will Hubbard, ofDalliw, wi noticed
In our vicinity Monday. Ho 1 work
ing In the Hotel Diillat, and report
Mr. L. Outhouse, who ha been
stopping with her parent for evcral
iiiontliH.returucd tohor home In Union,
Oregon, thla week.
Some one ha taken the liberty to
break moHt all the window and dam
age the organ In the Calvary church,
We are Informed by good authority
that two young men living not far from
there are guilty, and will be closely
Charlie Stual ha bought Into tho
truck bUHlnesu. The butlnc will be
conducted In the future by. Huhhard
& Stunt. I
Ho many hop have been pamlng
through town during the pant two or
three day, being delivered to ptir
,'liiinnr at the train, tliut tho air 1 re
dolent with the very pleataut mell of
lion. And the money which Hum been
realized from thl crop during the pat
live year, lead mnny to go into me
bUHlncH, and fruit ratal ng Ih being neg
lected. While hop nrcftHplomlld crop,
it lu nlHo true that a few acre In good
fruit, irnv well. Take one acre of
ground, or 100 trees, and producing four
l.imliel to a tl't'll, WHICH Men mi oiij
cent o bushel, and the return I 200
au acre. Do not ucgleet tho fruit bul
netut. I'elcr Cook took Uwhiy' train for
Poi'tlund, nil butliie,
Mtaa Klla Smith left to-day to attend
her parent' silver wedding, Saturday
lieu Harris, of Suver, waa looking
down from hi superior height, upou
hi many friend here to-day.
Judge I, F. M. Ilutler, cue of the pio
neer of Polk county, but Mill bale and
hearty, wiiton lhc street to-day.
C, M. Brown U rejoicing, up at his
bonne, over the arrival of a daughter
latt Sunday, weighing night pounds,
Noveinlfr tl, 1WI7, wii I he dale when
Father M.narura was united In marrlago
to a W. Smith, uuw living In Walla
burg, Itov. A. J. Huiinaker united In mar
riage thl uiorulug, ot but paiwmage,
U. K. MuCslch, or Cooper, Hollow, to
Mint Kllia Sevier.
W. K I'erguaou, la ot work In tbo
tlmp of I'.. C, Vau Meer, making ft
very tine cabinet eae for tho ue of tlie
tint H normal school.
F. It. Neale, aay he la going to have
Thanksgiving turkeys for sale at bis
market In tpiantttlce to suit, ami of
Ihebttl quality. Leave your orders
The book ainl hulilcr eompany are
JutllcltHitly adveriUlug the grand ball
here Nuvemla-r U4, and now think It
will Ut the most ucceaful event of the
Coiitraclor Andy Wllaou In the eon
at ruction of the bridge south of town,
hn done a Hue Job; alto lu driving (lie
plica for the lumber shed of Preacott 4
Yeueaa' mill.
The W wt Sum la under obligations
to unite a number of ladle, who have
re pi lit I to our circulars, Making for
contribution to the household depart
ment of the wptir.
(leo. H. Mtillctt, the talented etliUir
of tlie Portland Telegram, came duwu
on Ihe train this afiermtui, returning
from Altiany, where he had lateu l
dntwliig lhe"lirethreii."
Mra. W. C, Finbree, of Monmouth,
accompanied All Lily Linden to her
home In Portland, bwhiy, Mini while
away will vltlt her daughter, Mrs. E.
li. Wheeler, at Itlalne, Wash.
J. A. ItoU'rta, who haa his family
lit aileiii, Vill have lumber ou the
ground thl week for a dwelling, and
natHKiuaa It I Completed Will bring
hi family here lo nule.
F.d. J. (iruhb, who attend to the en
glue and dynamo of the electric-light
company at night, ha been under the
weather for several day, and lat ulghl
II. II. Jii..HTt.ii relieved him until he
hall recover,
(leo, Le Burd, of Parker, took away
front the foundry to-day portable
chopper, one of Uolt rt'a latest, whlelt
he will use at Parker slatloii lo ac
comodate the farmer there.
t lay Foul, son of au old resident
of Whatcom, WbIi., hoee father Is Hit
old friend of A. Nelson and Jerome
Donmlfe, of ibis city, Inteuds entering
the Normal school for the year, euro
meuelng liexl week,
Hon. John White waa In town to
day. He Informs us that there will be
meeting of the Oak grange ou Satur
day, Novemlwr 1'th, at which Judge
Botao and M. Hayeo will be preacnl,
and ad.lrt'H the grange.
J. A. Ilolttrt, the fouudryinan, Is
getting out ft line of Irou cresting for
building. Several of our finest rcl-
d'ciice here lack llnlth ou amiuut f
not having an Iron cresting. It cau
uow t-e purebatetl at buiiie.
A. B. Cherry, the Jeweler, say the
young ladle and gentlemen who
placed Ida clock ou top or too inde
pendence National bank llag-po!e, did
him a great service, a hi advertise
ment I now seen to good advantage.
Monday night various parties of
young ladles and gentlemen were out
ou the sireet playing Joki ou each
other, It la'lng considered Ihe proper
thing aa It was Halloween. Hcmoving
of sign and unhanging of gate waa
part of the programme.
J. It. Cooit, of this city, haa made
arrangemeiila U) have all the return
from the presidential election received
at hla place of businesa on the corner of
Mul u and C stn-eta, and as each bulle
tin Is received, It w III la) read aloud,
umi then titcd on a bulletin board.
Just one week mow, and mlllloua of
Liallota will lie deposited all over the
C nited State, and the decision made:
between protection and free trade. If
the majority shall say tarlfl'for revenue,
then tarlll for revenue gH; aud we,
the minority, must be convinced later
The Wkkt Bum had Intended Itmilng
un Illustrated supplement, containing
. . , . i... ....ii....
(I household uepuruiieui ior mo iauic,
thl week, but no one outside of a newa
piiHir otllcc ha any blea of the extra
work required In a case of Issuing ad
ditional reudlng matter. We ho)ie to
be ready next week.
Mr. Mend, of Portland, a devoted
Christum worker from Uov. It. 1).
(iriint' church in Portland, who has
been attending the Baptist meetings
hero, loft for her homo to-iltiy. She and
her husband expect within a few
months to commence a tour of the
world, being gone live year.
W. E. Hosiucr and W. W. Curtis,
student at Monmouth, were billing
the town to-day for a lecture on Bona
parte, with maglo lantcru accompani
ment, which lake place at Monmouth
Saturday evening. The Eureka society
hn given a guarantee to the lecturer.
Our eitinens should try and attend.
A gentleman here In Independence
wants to see the Columbia river salmon
commence spawninguptho Willamette
umi Is working very energetically
toward the establishment of a fish
ladder. When the salmon come up
the rlvor aim ee what a fine country
this Ih they will want to make It their
home, and ns they are not "suckers"
they will not be Imposed upon.
Thl morning J. M. Mitchell, of the
firm of Mitchell & .Bohannon manu
facturer of sash and door, was so un
fortunate as to so mangle hi right
hand that the flint finger had to be
uniputntcd. Ho wu sticking; some
mhhIi on a wheel, which It seems he
ha done for year and can only ac
count for the accident lu that someol
the Irons became loosen. Mr, Mitchell
bore thenrdenl of having h Winner out oft
and sewed up without taking anything
to relievo tho pain, which shows him
to bo a man of decided nerve.
Orvllle Waller, tho ten-year-old
grandson of O. Waller, of Monmouth,
left to-day.alone, for his homo la Prlue
ville, aud Is ho said to bo abundantly
able to look after himself,
Wo bail a oalt from Dr. T. J. Ie to
day. Tho dtsitor has uow laxu a re
si lent of I ndeindeiioe for si xteeu yearn,
and during that time bo has built up a
lucrative and extenalvo practice, lie
(swell known In Polk mainly, where
his father In former years waa an ex
tenalvo practitioner of niedlolne. Dr.
I,eo returned Itym New York a few
weeks ago, where ho has been attend
ing for a number of mouths tho Post
Uradnato Medical College of that sUto.
Particular attentxm waa glvta m
lectuma and cHuleai practice to dlaeaso
of tbo lungs and vital organ, wuksn
haa since rttiiUred him a ouooewfu!
practitioner lu diseases of those organs.
Me otpoeto Independence to bo his
continued and permanent home. A
Itnlla. V
M. V. IUirk will address the people
of this place next Thursday at 1, o'clock
at tbo court house, ,
Deputy Sheriff Farley has been de
livering tho election supplies for each
precinct, to tho Judges aud clerks.
License to wed was to-day Issued by
the county clerk to C. K. MuCaleb aud
Miss F.llxa Sevier. John llreaslcr act
ed as witness.
Fred Wagoner aud bride have returned
front their bridal trip, and will make
their home here, be having purchased
Daniel S ton ller's residence.
John Masou snd family, who have
been visiting his rather It F. Masou at
Bridgeport, left Unlay for Tenuetsc,
their homo. J. T. Yoakum and Miss
Mable Hill accompanied them and will
spend tho whiter there.
Miss Iteed.of Ohio, who has been visit
ing Mia Georgia (lay nor, left to-day
for Itlckreall, where site Is spending
the winter with relatives, the family of
James Slmouton.
Mr. and Mrs. James Magers have
concluded to quit the hotel business
and yesterday gave their farewell din
ner. They will be missed by the
traveling public,
Frederick Lsmb.whobaa been living
all alone In the mountains, and who
was brought to Dallas by the sherlfl
some months ago aud has since become
a county charge, was yesterdsy ex
amined by Dm. Wotsls and Hlnes as
to his sanity. He was ordered taken
to the asylum at Salem to-day where
the sheriff took him this afiermtui.
riu n.
The Falls Cltv mill Is doing a very
good business uow, the lumber being
hauled awsy faster than they cau saw
Frank Butler, tho surveyor, lis
been busy lately enlarging our town,
by surveying more lowulote near the
Arl Armstrong, who has been so un
fortunate ss to haw bis lea hand, came
up from Iiidepcudeut to see his uum
erou friend.
Tom llollowell, proprietor of the
Fall City hotel, Is putting an additlou
to his house, not havliigsumclentroom
to accommodate his uumerous guesla.
The eltlsens of school district No. 57
bad a meeting Saturday aftermam, to
elect a school teacher In Mr. Purie's
place, who resigned, J. C. McFarlane
was elected. ,
The Wkkt Sum has made mauy
warm friend In Falls City, by doing
Justice to our little town, glvlug such
su Interesting account about our neces
saries, Improvement, doings, etc, and
the eltixeii will always remember It
Frank Kenton, a lawyer of MeMiuu
ville, and hi frlond, Clyde Apperson,
cashier of the MoMiunvllte national
bank, gave Mr. Shurliefl aud family a
call laat Saturday, and were very much
surprised by the rapid growth of our
a Rosa, of Portland, arrived In our
town last Saturday, lo assist J. J. Sul
II vau In decorating our schoolhouse.
Both gentlemen are firat-olasa artiste,
aud the cltiscus of Falls City feel as
sured that they will have a flrst-class
Job done.
The Falls City lumber manufactur
ing company, recently organised at
Falls City, has a ore w of men working
above the falls, who are putting in a
solid boom to hold logs next winter.
The boom Is strengthened by a solid
pier standing In the middle of the
creek, consisting of a wooden frame
tilled with rocks. The creek will lie
cleaned and blasted out next week, and
If everything works well, our sawmill
will have no more trouble lu getting
M. Flvnu has finished the work on
hi ranch, and Is supplying the Fulls
City mill with logs. HI stout sturdy
cattle think nothing at ail of dragging
a log containing 2,000 of lumber over
rough ground, aud set all tramway,
which we have had so far, In tlie shade.
Last Thursday evening at "the resi
de uce of Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin, two
miles from Falls City, the marriage of
their daughter, Maggie, to JredBund-
burir. was solemulxed, Itev. A. M. ury-
aut ofllelatlutt. The new couple will
move to this place next week, where
Mr. Sundhurg has already acquired a
nice residence.
Mr. Tom Hewitt, who arrived In com
pany with E.G. White, from England,
laat snrlntf. paid us a call last Saturday
evening, and reported that he shot his
flint deer lu America last Wednesday,
The young gentleman feels very proud
of hi r(K)d luck, aud says American
vonlsou Is fully as gixal as stall-fed
deer in England.
There Is some work being done on
the roads lu our vicinity.
Geo. Bolter and family were visiting
friend in the bum Sunday.
L. Hclmlck's addition to bis ware
house Is completed, with the exception
of painting.
A birthday party, and dance in the
evening, was greatly enjoyed by the
young people, at the homo ot Thomas
Calbreath the past week.
Our musical siesta Is broken. Great
gusts of muslo How from every window
these long evenings, and make we old
men think of the evenings long ago,
Continued on aeoond paxe.J
fifty thttuuiiirt Ihilltr Worth ut rrsfwrty
(Hip. up In MiiHika.
IHi'seiAt. Hspumt,
The mills aud warehouse at this
place were burned this morning.
The lire was Hint discovered by the
iiightwatoh slsiut 8:30, In the Uiwor
part or the mill, The alarm was given,
but the Haines spread with wonderful
rapidity aud within thirty mliiuUa the
warehouse near by was lu Humes aud
its nothing could save either one all
turned to Mr. Orr's house lu the west
and, Mr. Snyder's house and Ihe sack
house on the south, all of which by
hard work were saved. Nothing Is
left but two small mountains ot wheat,
the charred remains of the tlmlsjrs aud
old Irons.
The origin of the flr I supposed to
have been spontaneous combustion or
the dust In th lower story, " f
Tbo mill ui't warehouse were valued
atf.K,0tX), andiwere Insured for half the
value. There was about 70,000 bushels
of wheat In the bins, very llttie of which
waa InsuredThe heaviest listers an,"ig
the fartmtrs were; The lilgK few
alsnit 12,000 bushel; Joshua McDanlel,
7,000 bushels; I. A, Allen, 6,000 bushels;
W. 11. McDanlel, 3,000 bushels; S. On',
IVKK) bushels; and many others having
lot of front 1,000 to 2,000 bushels.
Those having wheat may get Hfly per
cent of the value from it. There Is
very little but what la damaged and
many thousand bushels entirely
There were unbuilding burned ex
cept those connected with the mill and
warehouse all of which were owned
by McDanlel ft While.
Mr. McDanlel has not come up from
Portland yet hut the mill will probably
be rebuilt .
The mill wss brought here first from
Kails City, about 1W3, by Tharp A
Dempaey, who sold It to A. Cglow;
Morrison A Young then owned It for
a time. Col. Mtmitti then nought
out Morrltou but after about a year
sold to Young who operated It until
Kratx tt Washburn purchased It and
built the warehouse alsiut 82 aud
alsmt'M put hi tlie roller process.
From these Morclock McDanlel
bought the mill and warehouse. More-
k'k sold to White and since then It
has been run under the firm name of
McDanlel A White. The capacity of
the mill was KM barrel per day.
The Dallas Are company came over
this morning, aud heled light the
demon. The eompany still owns five
dwelling here, the lerry warehouse,
aud a farm of 720 acre. Alsiut ten
men are thrown out of employment.
Ils.if HiH.alrra.
Wm.Tlinmnns, postmaster ofjlds-
vllle, Ltd., writes: "Electric Bitters
has done more for me than all other
medicines combined, for that bad find
lug arising from kidney aud .liver
trouble." John Itle, farmer and
stockman, or same place, says: "Find
Electric Bitters to lat the Uwt kidney
aud liver medicine, made me reel like
anew man." J. W. (larduer, hard
ware merchant, same town, says:
Electric Bitters l Just the thing for a
man who Is all ruu dowu aud do n't
care whether lie lives or dies; he found
new strength, good appetite aud felt
Just like he ,had a uew lease on life.
Only 50c a bottle, at any drug store.
TMWtrtn Itcmtuv.!.
MoMisavtumTsept 7tb, 1802.
This is to eertify tbst for the last 25
years I have been troubled with a tape
worm, du.-iug which time I hsve tried
several of our home doctors, and scut oft" ;
to the Eiuit tor medicines, but could not
get rid of the monster, until dually I
went to tlie Kickspuo ludian medicine
company' entertainment oue night,
while they were iu MoMiunville. Ihe
Indian doctor explained my ease so Ibor-
onglv, aud offered such fair In ucements,
I ooiild not resist (living the modiciue a
trial. The doctor told me there was no
starving process to go through, aud I ate
a hearty supper. Iu the morning about
7 o'cloox I took the medicine, aud lu one
hour and forty miuutes.pHssed the worm,
bead and slf, without the slightest un
pleasant effect Mas. 0. E. MoOabk.
A Muliinuiith Mliiltlor'a Ntntemxiit,
Monmouth, Or," Nov. 2, 12.
Gentlemen, sirs: I wish to testily to
the wonderful curative properties of
your Iudlau Sagwa, having suffered
for many years from indigestion, aud
having tried varluu so-called remedies
... V . 1
all to no avail, l was auviseu tour years
ago ttt York, Nebraska, to try your
Sagwa, which I did with the moat
happy results, using only one bottle
which caused a radical change in my
entire system. Since I came here to
Oregon,I have been suffering as before,
but thanks to a kind Providcuce which
ha brought your agent here from
whom I iiiimedhuely purchased a bot
tle or your medicine, I am happy to
say the results are as before-all that 1
could ask. So It Is wit h great pleasure
that 1 would commend it to tlie suffer
ing everywhere. Very Itospcot'y.'
A. BYKita,
For thirty years a mliitater iu the
Methodist church.
Mint Miit'tiiliiy.
The leadlny milliner, has Just re
ceived another largo stock of millinery
direct from Han Fraiicisco. This com
pletes the full llm; of winter tock, so
come early aud uvold the ruh and get
first choice in the new' shapes. As Miss
Macaulay is always up to -the times and
gets every tiling uew that Is out, the
public knows Just where to go to get
the newest and most stylish hat to be
bad. Miss Macaulay' lengthy stay iu
San Francisco, enabled her to master
the style completely.
0ifi'H limine.
The Kickapoo Indian medicine com
pany will looate id Independence, and
oommenoe giving their free exhibitions
at' the opera bense, Wednesday night,
November Oth. The object of their visit
is to advertise t e Kiokapoo Indian rem
edies, and they will remain for two weeks.
The company has been in the valley for
the past six months, having visited
Hillsboro, Forest Grove, MoMinnvillo,
Lafayette, Newberg, Dallas, aud Mon
mouth. We uotioe comments from the
local newspapers, that their entertain
ments are good, strictly moral, aud re
fined, and are attended by tlie best peo
ple in all the towus tboy have visited.
The company ooDSists of eight membera!
Dr. Leon Smith, lecturer; Happy Dick
Turner, Irish oomodiiin, vocalist, and
dancer; Mrs, 10k Turnei, operatic vocal
ists; Prof. J. 8. Hart, maglcinu aud ven
triloquist; Add 0. Brown, miiHioal direc
tor. Indians: Big Bear, Bean Fox,
Weeping Whiskers.
Union, Dragon, W, I.
A Ihaiuugh boahiMa training acliMil, Kndorc4
S Union, Omion, W, f , Stalk r, Principal, w y - -
Five Departments; liisiness, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, English,
QrhiHil In wlfn thw ititlm y,Htr. foii'li-nt mlwlouft at wny tlma. Catloft.ti.rontalnlng liifoiaiallu, frst
MMilMllr Knporltd by llrrHih to (lis
Wl Mills, TlmrtdiiJ' NtMtu, lijr Ilia
t'oiinnsritlsl Knvlnw, ol
Whkat Very heavy snd weak market
ware dally wired from the East snd Eu
roie through the week. Wheat is very
ohsap in the local market, ami buyers
leas active, partly owing to the lack of
urgent need of grain. Quote valley at
Oats The market is very Arm; receipts
are very small; reserve stock much below
bawl reipiiremems.and reserve stock srs
being steadily drawn upon, and are now
very low, ltinl receipts the pstt week
were lea ttisn 2,000 centals, while deliv
eries by local farmers were below the
svMsge. C'tiolos white are quoted st
47f(iao per bushel. Lower quotations
rsuge st iUfKio per bushel, secordiug lo
quality, - Holders are firm sud offer
sparingly, and Vfai tier cental for feed is
obtainabls, bat tew sellers at tbst figure.
Brewing nomiusl st VimiSLV) per
MopaHome business Is eoDStsntly go
ing on, but it w ihlUVtilt to gi t st partic
ulars us dealers are reluctant about sfitnsl
trsnsaotions, awl give merely msrkel
quotations. Quote W21o per pound,
socording to quality ami sire ut ofturiugs.
Potato Market steady, supplies
liberal, sud price unchanged. Quote
65?(7&c per sack.
Yv oon Lsaml trade I very dull, the
mills having all the stock uecessary to
carry them through the season, snd the
surplus having been shout exported.
Quotations nominal st 16m We per pound
tor valley.
HcTTKK No change from lust week's
prions. Quote fancy creamery, 8'2' jfc.3.rc
uer Donnd: ehoiiM dsirv. U0.H2ic: fair to
good, 'jmu'&o; oommoo, 15417j per
Euua -Fresh Oregon ranoh are soarae
sod very firm as to price; H0lt.i2jc per
dosen latlng quoted for sttrHCtiveiy
packed giKids,
Nell, tntdo, or 1-tMi,
"Tin IltiNTixoTON," a finely and
newly furnished hotel on Kallroiid
street, Iudes'liilelioe, Is ofl'ered for sale,
or will trade for other property ,or will
lease. PosmcmmIoii given when de
manded, Easy terms. Here Is a chance
for someone to do a gmal business. Ap
ply to D 11 Clotlfi'lter, ludependeuce.
friMt Kitt4riialiimtnt.
The KickaptK) ludian medicine com
psuy will locale their Indian village at
the Independence opera bouse,commeno
ing Wednesday, Novemlter Oth, 1802.
Their programme is strictly moral sud
instructive, consisting of vocal and in
strumental mn.iio, songs, dunces and
funny sayings, Irish, Dutch, sud black
faoe specialties, feats in sleight of band,
tunny, laiighable.aud sitle-sphttiog tarci s
by black-faced cooiedisn. Dr. Leou
Smith will deliver a lecture, sud explain
the medical virtues of the Kicknon In
dian remedies. The doctor will also ex
tract teeth free ot oharge.
Th Witli.lerfiit Kmkh.
UawBoHo, Or., July 28rd,18i2. "For
a u limber of years I bave had rheuma
tism. About a year ago I fell and hurt
my shoulder, and partly lost the use of
my arms. It gradually grew worse, ami
finally got so bad I could not raise my
arm or put my coat on without assistance.
I hsve tried s good many different kinds
ot medicine, but they did not seem to do
me any good. I was persuaded to use
the Kickapoo ludian Sagwa sud Indian
Oil. The palu haa entirely left my shoul
der and aim, and I can now put on my
ooat without any help, and I feel better
than I have at any time during tlie laat
Ave years." Hibau t ubt.
( lrvflnml nntl I.Hlnir.
It Is a singular fact thnt Grover
Cleveland has always, when in a poai
tlou to do so effectively, placed himself
III opposition to any measure which Is
really of benefit to tho worklngmeu of
this country. His advocacy or free
trade Is a case In point. Nothing pos
sible In tho way of legislation could st)
Injure the wage-workers of the oountry
aa a "tariff for revenue only" law. But,
aside from this, his olllciul record as the
opponent of measures for tiie benefit
of the working classes is a long one.
Bead it carefully:
While governor or New York Grover
Cleveland was opposed to me ioiiow
Ing labor measures:
He vetoed the mechanics' lien law
bill, making the wages or workmen
Aiiuuireil lii the construction or build
ings a tlrst mortgage on the property.
lie vetoed the me aim umo oin,
muktinr etniilovera reanonsihle for ac- Immmiiliiir from tmnerfect
machinery or inferior coustrucliou of
tin v,tiui Mm roneiiumt nouse ciL'iir
hill, forhlddlmr the manufacture of
cigars lu tenemeut nouses.
He veba'd the bill compelling ele
vated roads of New York to charge
onlv five cents faro.
He vetoed the printers bill, requir
ing all the state work to tie done by
titiliin workmen.
Hm t he bill ninkinir ten hours
a legal day s work tor an suvoi car
Ha vetoed the bill nbollsllllllf Convict
labor In prisons, ult hough this proposi
tion, Wlieu BUUiuiueo to me iiiiiiiiu
vote of the people, was carried by a
mi.lurllv ol'IIIIIHMI.
He vetoed thcchild labor bill, provid
ing tor the ni8ieu(.ion m meioiie
where children were employd, and
nmblbltlmr the einnlovnieiit or children
under fourteen yearn of ago.
lie signed a inn compelling mo sui-
ttllllHt-V lltl irlneem of New York cltv to
ni tiiviii''. m-r venrtothenoliee nen-
slon Hind or ne ucoarruu irom louow uig
lllulP Uflf.llt ll.ll.
11 uIlhii.i1 the bill reducimr the fees
of the New York harbor pilots, wmcu
will benefit only the torutgn stcanismp
. iii n, I, in Ion to t.hesin. while liresidellt.
ho refused his approval to a bill, passed
iitititmimiiM v nv noLii notitcH 01 utni-
iri-iiMi tn iireveot. the emnlovmcut of
f" r . - ,
alien or convict labor on government
work, ...
He vetoed the bill establishing a de
partment of labor and making the
Hooivtai'v of said denartiuent a nablnet
olllcer, Toledo Blade.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of tT ,nes 40 Years the Standard, Principal,
by Out kqaliMiM and ptolmloiul sms f talsa.
Huchlsa's A rains alr.
The best salve In the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, 26
ceiiut per box , For sale by any drug-
K'sl. h
NnUita ot tlMmulutton.
. Notice Is hereby given that tho
partnership between T.J. Lee and O.
D. Butler was dissolved on the 16th
day of October, 1802. All debts due to
the said partnership are to be paid
Immediately and those due from tbo
same discharged. T. J. Lkb.
O. It Bl'TLKB.
Trschrra' KunnlnaUon.
Notice Is hereby given that for the
nurnose of making an examination of
all istrsous who nisy offer themselves
as candidates for teachers of the schools
of this county, the couuty school super
lutondeut thereof will hold a public ex
amination at the courthouse to Dallas,
oil W'eiJueaday, November ftth, at 1 p.
m, ". .
Dated this 20th day of October, 12. .
County School BuperintoBdeilt Polk
County, fegon.' N,
P. C. Patterson, the popular confec-
tloner. a r 1
Buy your school doom oi iu
A full line of school books and school
supplies at Wheeler's. , r
For the most choice confectionery,
go to P. C. Patterson's.
There Is a beautiful line of children's
haUat MIssMscaulay's. V .
Call on Miss Mucaulay and price her
hats before gohKlaewbere.
P. C. Patterson has Just received a
big supply or fresh candies of all kinds.
We make a suecialty of school books
aud school supplies. W. H. Wheeler.
Oulv $10 for an all-wool suit of Hap
py Home clothes at Stockton Hen-
Candies, nuts, oranges, lemons, ba
uauas, grapes, cigars aud tobacco at P.
C. Patterson's.
The Indcoendenoe laundry Is doing
such excel teut work that Its trade is
rapidly lucreaslug.
Happy Home aud Brownsville cloth
hiif. the best aud the cheapest In the
state, for sale by Stockton & Henkle.
You will be sure fo ana among aim
Mucauluy's large W-lection of millinery,
just what you waut at your own price.
Do n't foraet tow to Miss Macaulay 'a
.... ft.l
for your fall ami school hats, for she
will be able to give you Just what you
Wby wear soiled linen, and a limp
collar, wheu you can appear to so much
better advantage by patronizing the In
dependence sUsam laundry.
The vountr man who wears the linen
ot suowy whiteness, furnished him
from the Independence laundry, can oe
said to be a shining young man.
Family washing is done by the Inde
pendence steam laundry at such low
prices that, quality considered, tt does
not pay to do the work at home.
Stockton & Henkle sell Belx's,
Schwab's, aud C. M, Henderson's Chi
cago manufactures bf boots and shoos.
Every pair warranted to give satisfac
tion. Indies sometimes feel a delicacy
about sending certain baby clothing to
the laundry, but when they can get
them washed for one cent each at the
ludependeuce laundry, they should
hesitate uo louger.
There Is no place In Oregon where a
better meal Is served than at the res
taurant of Weetaoott & Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Courteous at
tention, a fine meal, and the popular
price of 25 cents, have made this
house the headquarters of everyone
who has occasion to dine In Salem.
Don't fall to read this, and remem
her that Stockton A Henkle have Just
brought an Immense line of blankets
aud quilts at a big bargain, and are
ready to give you the best bargains
iu thnt line ever offered In this city.
A full stock of ladies coats, underwear,
dress gtsals, notions, etc, etc. Cheaper
thau the cheapest.
WANTED At onoe, U0 good oak posts. Ap
ply to A. B. Cherry, laitcpoudaiioe, Oregon.
""WaK'T KPoTiod marketable apples and!
pears on subscription at ml office.
VVANTKH -HiibBerlbers to examine the date
lifter tlivir 1111111111 on this paper and see that
tluy are not In arrears.
WANTKD-Merehantsand others to order
li'iUThotuK statements, billheada, and all
their job work at the West Side office. First
ohms work and low prices.
WANTKD Advertisers In this column at
two rents a word first Insertion, (bur eents a
month. j
WANTKI- Subscribers to this pnper to Bet
He all iirrairnttiw by January 1, 181B.
"WANTKD One ton of carrots or other root
crop for cow feed. Apply at this office.
WANTED Cord wood on subscription, at
this olllee.
WANTED Purchaser fbr a sewlngjnaohlne.
Cost tfifi, Is new. W 111 sell tor $116, Address
X, cure this office, 8
FOR HAIiE-A manufacturing business In
Independence for man of energy.whlch needs
small capital. Fronts In two years will pay
cost, Fur furt her particulars, call or address
A, U cure this office.
FOH SALE Hpoee In this column to adver
tisers at two cents a word first Insertion, (bur
cents a month,
FOH HALE Old papers, suitable tor placing
on shelves or under carpets, for only a quarter
of a cent each, at this office.