The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 28, 1892, Image 3

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What Our Reporter Finds of ln
tca'st to Our Readers.
r ! r m Trwij ti
UMisrtsw Ml) Itrwn or IsImwI
J.C.Miutu uow ha obnrw of
J. 8, Mitchell, of KnlUt'lrv, I u.
Ill KiigUud, vWllng rvltitlve.
. r, cviurcicH, ot t-ortiitiui. u now
with In family located. t Fall City.
u a, sawuu, r rutin city, i iu
IVlWiruU, wbvM ho has gone fur th
beuellt of his health.
the sveutul trlhe of MhivhIhw Iu
Oregon I ,tme trKHiilwl uud holding
mwutitfMM tall City.
Senior's mill, at tall I'lty.eiit nearly
i,a,wu feet or lumber this eou, mitt
yet th market I wily loet.
IVtlhvt oomidalu of uni.l m the imiln
street, although It was graveled this
Mtmuiter at heavy exten.
Mr. W tn. Join has timvwt to her
farm below lowu, hii.I her rvlthue is
mw wimbled by Shrtuttn talker.
J. l t'riell, formerly tf lYrrytliile,
w ttf NUvm, reeeutly married MU
Altoe Metaddeu, ttskterof Mr. K, H.
At the .Milton' convention at lit
lain! the following iVIlt tMutity miller
wvrv in stteiitlauee: Felix Nh1, ir
Italia, I). M. Klemsen, I UiU''UvU'iHv,
ami U. K, While, Itlekreall.
Tb editor uf the Itemiser rl(jhi
along hacking at hi wurk, aud uow
he Is among th substantial tiiluew
iiuhi uf iHtil, having mailt a sueee
t hi pauer. lisrd. work, nut luek,
J. K. Fetilon ami litw, ltolt, formerly
of thin city, but now hi Sxkan, are
liutb running for nitle there, and likelj
Uisueeeett, While mny have toft I'ulk
county una found iheiitMdve worse till
through the change, these buys have
made sueoe of it
it wa considered high irliv wlivn
It. C. Cruvi (wit! f 10,4tm f.r tfW m
of Unit tiear lKittoa M'Vi'ml j turn no,
but heia It for f 14,i. nmi now tin
liurt'baM'rtt liuve luirgitltiisl tlu ann-
fnrni for ilil.l.M. lxiU nrt ln j;limiiii!
tat thnt tl I 'oik i-otuu.v iiliotlli
The unty cturtn of IVIk bih! Mi
Ion Couuly linve "IitUIJ thai llm kWv
brulgw na uo niiir tbU full. It
port w true, the brklit tlm-i ntntl rt?
mint, but thevourtti are mch irytu to
get the other to jmy the bllla. It
there In any tiling iu a imint'.tlii' "Sjtli-iu
briJg" rcalnt hIiouUI lie jwiitl by Ha
Tlie IalUw t)trvtr eliwt an wUlur
Inl, tiuotlugouw WBanlliig J. It. N. Jtoll,
with thn frtowlly Him, wbtob we
uiuoh apnrvclate: Th Wwr Mdk'r
fintt Uutoti umter Im nevuiid maiumviiteiil
by Mr. IViitlaiid l bright and neway,
and la worth the ii'i'rt of the iilt'
of Polk county. The Ouwrver truti it
will receive that merited autwa
In giviiiK hop wtutUtiint the other
week.lhe WfXTHtliKsmld Kwotig Itiiidt.
C'tiliiaiiian, had m many am, ami I
Wunn, t'hinumnii, m many, my thr
Dtillaa ItemUer. rkaing hia mUtuke,
the editor nt Mr. Wann a U tter of
HloKy. The fiit't l that Ia IIioukIiI
It u pretty j;ik1 joke, tput they miy Mr.
IJIuj? la a mad it woultl nmke
(retitleinaii ,w to iluinit a red nit In
his fuee. He ciKilt m It nu Innutl t
be put dowu on a tovel with eoinmon
aeruti of a white limn.
Fourhuotlrt'il wbiaehlldreu irmltl
theatreel to-ilay in honor of the great
Coltimbu. The rooum of the flue. puH-lif-hciiool
biiihlliig here tastefully
dworateit, uud commeneing at 9o eloek
thla morning, literary exercise were
held, which were very iiitereatlnj,'.
Itev. R I). Grant, of Portland, dellv
ered a Burnt patriotic adtlrewi, In which
he pointed out the. lewton to the pres
ent ambitiou boy in the jwrm-verani
of C'olumbua. The eaker waa lialeiied
to with rapt attention.
Columbua dny waa appropriately
otxterved at Monuioutb In the normal
chapel, l'rof. Oetz read the procla
mation; Itev, Ilotwrt Whiteaker tic
llvereil the prayer; MImh Minnie Cole
man recited "Columbla;"j T J..Tat'kwn
read an easay on Life ofColumbua; Minn
Page recited "Our Country;" MIhh
Croeby recited "Columbun;" and Mr.
Mclobwli dellveretiau ewtay on "Life
of Columbiw;" and MIhh A unci Ualnl,
an "Ode for C'olumbua Day." Miw
Ayera Hang a aolo, and the American
flag, carried by Lena Hark, appropri
ately cowtumed an goddea of liberty,
waa saluted by forty-two young ludlt
repreaentlng every state in the uni
An wltlroMi wna delivered by Itev.
The on;ra hotnw waa tilled hurt night
with an nudicucc lurgely compow'd of
ludiea, to listen to the Democratic (Iimi
trinea of the candidate for prmideiitlal
elector, W M. Colvlg. The Monmouth
brawj band and a lion lire served to draw
a crowd. The apeuker talked of the
tarlir, and aaid that England wanted;
the producia of the farmer, and would
pay the very Ut price, and that coun
try manufactured the very tiilngn the
farmer wanted, and could furnlah them
at the loweat prlcw; therefore, the
farmer should work for free exchange.
He pratned the achievement of the It"
publican party, but wild It bad reached
it height of greatnoKH, and that the
promise of the Democratic party pres
aged great prerlty for the country
in the future.
Tlw Klekapoti hub an ,wll,,HB mu.
Iuy Wlllgtifmrnben u Monmouth,
next Tuemlay,
Mr.MiHW.aronwmnty, Iim lmn
hero for neveral
nwtetl with the wnoleiiuillla.
L. K. Huptetuu am) mm Mtnnlv 1'aU
ton, wore ytt-rd,. Krte,l a prmll to
wed by lh county rUrk, with Jaa. IW
gmva witmwt,
t . t Hmlth, proprietor nftbu Dnllna
wtiipto iwm, who went to hg
WKiuikIii home MlmH Mg0
aetvimt of hi. health, nHtrtett a not
Impntvtng imu-h.
Utten rHHlvtHl hi thl elty from Mr.
Cbaa, Dottenhod, of California, who
The abaft will weigh one and a
who, formerly Ml. VI u Khiiney,
inw pntoe, waa reported to bava tiled
aoine weeka agn at her home at Palm
uaie, l alive ami well, mi 1 that they
nav a new-iuaUe heir.
A telegram waa reevh-vd here by
Sheriff Well from th aheritf at l a
tirnotlo, thut young Moore ha Uen
wtiht at that plaw, aud Itoputy Hlior-
m rariey niarttnl after him to- day,
m thought that no evltlvnee eau be pro.
eurtl to hold htm, iw the youug latly
in ttieeiweotatea that ahe ouly went
of her ow u to attend the exptd
lion at me metropolla.
There baatavu a coiiiIiiihmI teudeuev
o oowci tiiM'UHe uere i i a muih. hv
t. n .mveu, tirtiggiRi, Wlealllte, Ky
"and anuuiiMtiai 4emaud for Cham
IvilaliraCotto, Cholcni and IHarrhtea
iM iocily, 1 have wild four bottieatN
it this inoriiltur. Some remarkable
eurea have Uvu elhvteii Jiy It and Iu
all ease It baa iiroven autH-wtHful." Kir
tle ly all uiedMne dealer.
iteniember to cmll at III Normal Btmk
More, Moiintouiu, it ou utetl anything
m luetiiie or aeuiHii itooxa, actiool up-
poea, auueiie tjtKHit, eltt.
There arecnrolled In the Dallas public
schools 276 pupils.
Jiew signs have been put up over the
door In the courthouse, George John
aon doing the painting.
At the lust meeting of the city coun
cil, the license granted to llhas. P"gl
was transferred to Van Hchuyver&Co,
J oh ii Kurro wan in town to-day,
Mlw Irfiiim Colhiiit spent Sunday
with her friend, Mr MeAdam.
W J. Mul key, of Monmouth, waa
eeii on our atrvet thl morning.
J. R Ihireh and wife, of Itlekreall,
were trailing here thl afternoon.
Hum llawley.eashlerof the First Na
tional bank, went to the nielrosill today.
Mr. Ira Miller, of Yaiulua, I visit
ing her daughter, Mr. W. H. Whit
Juwiu Wluftor, of Altainy, baa been
visiting bis son, V. II. Wheeler, of
tiiis city.
i leu Huydt'ii,as he Is popularly called,
of Kola, was i u town on buslues thl
M. O. Potter ha gone to Yaipilna
City, where he will take charge of the
Coor stock ofgtssls.
Peter Kurro r., like nearly every
one i lw, took iu the expowltlou. lie
returned home to day.
Mi. II. M ScarU and Grandma Hub.
bard, of lHtlla, were In town to-day
attending the convention.
I'nscott A Vencs have Just eoin-
pleted sawing bl.tmo fwrt of ah lumber
for the wagon factory at Corvallls.,
Mr, Savage, ofSalem.and berdaugh-
ters, Nellie aud Fthel, were guest of
railroad-agent T. M. Stiver, lo-diry.
J. lxve, whowltliottien wasaritMtrd
for burning a steaiutxiut oil the Willam
ette river, was discharged last week.
Jiuuc Siiuoiitou, who ha the 7tM-
acre Wliltc 4 .Mcl'alilel arm near
Ittc kreali, wit doing our town
W.P. Coutlitway .cashier the Indepen-
ileuce iitloual tstuK, wa raucn m
Dullii to .lay to visit his brother there,
wim is very sick.
W. M. Diirndl, of ilueiia Ista, we
think must tw prospering, a he hk
out a lnd of very uiee-looklug new
furniture to day.
C. C ' Huibon, of Corvallm, and Wal
ler I'isik, of Mc.Mliinvllle, are having
a royal time at Falls City visiting Mr.
aud Mrs. Hliurtli It'.
F. K. Node has purchased the Inter
et of his nurtiier. Mr. Smith, In the
butchering business, and uow will con
duct the business alone.
We saw Wayne William leading a
spirited young horse the other day, and
impilry brought out the fact that it was
a three quarters Percheoii, of whlcli lie
1 very proud.
J.N. Hart and wife were In town
this aficriiisin, and wsm take up their
abode In Falls City, where Prof. Hart
ha agreed to act a principal of the
public school.
J. A. Ilolierts, the proprietor of the
Independence foundry, ha Just com
pleted some very line grain crushers,
aud invites all person Interested to
come and examine them. -
Miss Lillian Simontoti, who hasbeeii
vlsillng her sister at Monmouth, re
turned to her home at itlekreall to-day,
accompanied by her friend, Miss Klla
lteed, from Webb county, MIsourl.
Henderson Murphy, who lives south
of town, brought to the county fulrtwo
stalks of corn which measured thirteen
feet-we were going to say to the first
limb to the top. How isthalforhlgiir
It. 8. McNally and W. C. Knighton
were over Saturday, und the secret
has leaked out that they are figuring
on drawing plans for one of the finest
business blocks ever erected iu Inde
This morning, H. Hirschborg, the
banker, and J A Veness.of thesiiwinlll
here, took a paper to the citizen, and
In a few hours nearly .r.00 was sub
scribed io pay for repairing roads lead-
lug to town.
K C. Keyt, probably the most weal
thy man in J'olK county, wno is a
farmer, was in town to-day Willi ms
wile and two daughters, In his carriage,
ull tlie way irom rerryimiu w n"
some business here,
T. W. MuAdams, who carries a flue
linn of monument ami marble goods
in stock, has Just received an order from
our townsman, U. Shelley, for a nue
griinite monument seven feet high,
which will mark the grave or ms ue-
wholesale liquor dealers in Portland. ' wife in the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Vy tap TyTTsl jyy, the flvemioiiths-old daughter
or A. Sander, of McMlunvllle, dll
Friday (lerniu tut 2:4(1 p. in,, at the
roiilene of A. J. ltunsaker, and the
remains were taken to MeMliinvltto
hiday.MiigittteiiiledUitb Iralu by
Hi Uaptlat con ven tlon.
I tall.
1h M. Daly I building a nltlcue
Mr, lieu Lewi, of Salem, has been
oil a visit to her cousin, Mrs. T, G, Uleli
niond. There will be ft sale of pentonul
property on the T. G. Itlehiuoiid place
next Hwt unlay.
Itorn, Hi the resident) of J. F.Groves,
Satunlav night, at lktlla, to the wife
of Will Grove, daughter,
W, It, Cm veil ftinl Hale Haekeusl
and pwrty have returned from a week's
itay on Salmon river, hunting,
J. II. Whitley, Salem' popular
llveryiimn, whs over visiting friend.
He was accompanied by Mr. Maggie
The family of A. V. It. Snyder, of the
Transcript, are sorely afflicted w ith the
scsrlet fever, there being now four of
them down with It,
itev. Crow ha arrived with hi
family and I conlly sitimUsI In the
prouK of the South Methodist
church, of which he I Klor,
A lleense to wed was lutied Friday
by County Clerk Mulkey, to Henry
Swift aud Mm. Miami tamlroth, of Iu-
dniemieiioe, Slierllf Welt acting a
wit net.
Work nu the Dallas division of the
telephone line ha again been resumed,
and It will lie In working order by
Thursday. The non-arrival of pole
wa the eum of the delay.
Mrs, F. . WihsIs, of this place, will
go to Monmouth, where she will secure
a elas In painting. She I a flrU-laiM
artist and the people ol the educational
center r to be congratulated ou re
ceiving such a good teacher.
Deputy Sheriff Frley returned
Saturday from IiUraiide, with young
Hid Moore, who as charged with the
seduction or Nellie Jolinsou, lie wa
releastsl ou hi own reeogiilxance to
appear for trial altt o'elts k Monday
uiortiiug. The ease will probably lie
The following probate bmdncmi was
irausaeted by Judge itureh hurt week:
Iu the matter of the guardianship of
J. M. Wunn, a deaf mute, W. K. Wann
was appointed guardian, hi himd
being placed at I'M't'O. P. C. Sear, J.
Kelly, and J. P, Kmmett, were matle
appraiser In the matter of the Dual
settlement of the John Nichols estate:
filial roelept Med and accepted, ami
exieutor aud boiulsiiieii distrliargtid, in
the matter of the appilntment of a
guardian for Win. Illlngsworth, J. I.
illlngswortli wasapMiiittHlaguartllaii
and hi tMHids filed and approved, in
the it. Graves eirtate.houwliold icotslstu
the aniouot of $.103 were set apart for
tweof widow and lUkW) allowett for
lit-r maintenance.
' MiuiiuuHlh.
Ctsik St l'ortwissl have Just oieued a
flrst-i'las IsmiI- ami-shoe store In Mou
mouth. You that are shmdes and
tsMitle, give us a call.
Fall liljf.
Frank itutler, who has Ihs-ii a tittle
under the weather, I able to be out
door attain.
Mr. T. T. Sullivan, painter and dee-
orator, who iaiit six week with us
hist spring, returned from Indceu.
deuce this evening, and Is going to put
the finishing touches ou our magnificent
Ida Sliurtletr, who has been sick for
a long time iu Portland, 1 Improving
vtry fast since she came up with her
parent. The Fall City climate seem
to tlo her more gissi than all the medi
cine she took while In Portland.
Our obi sawmill ha been thoroughly
overhauled by our master mechanic,
IC. l!u nee, and promises to do a gtasl
work a any steam mill In the country.
Our neighborhood will soon he sup
plied with a good quality ot lumtsirat
cheapest prices,
M. Flynu, our hawing cou tractor,
returned home last week with his crew
and cattle, having finished his Joh at
Suitor's mill, where he put In one mil
lion and a half of logs. He ha taken
his crew and cattle to his ranch, clear
lug It up In gissi shape.
Mr. KhiMlebcrgcr, from Washington,
who la visiting friends Iu this place, Is
so delighted with our little town and
the beautiful schisilhouse, that he
thinks about moving his family here
and schooling bis children. Ho says
there Is uo finer located town In Oregon
than Falls City.
The weuther has been exceedingly
beautiful during the past week In Falls
City, and everybody seems to make
the Is-st of It, there being no idle men
Iu town. Many people seem to be busily
engaged In preparing for a hard winter,
tojndge from the large amount of wood
that Is aawed and hauled to town.
Our new postolllce. building Is com
pleted, anil Is already occupied by our
postmaster, Mr. Griggs, who spured
neither time nor money to make his
building as neat and attractive as pos
sible. This makes the sixth building
the ohl gentleman has put up in our
town, and we ought to congratulate
ourselves In having such an euterprls-
lug gentleman In our midst.
The Knight of the Maccabees hud a
grand time last Friday evening, giving
the members and guests a flue oyster
supper, which was closed with a good
social dance. The entertainment was
opened by our Falls City bras band,
and T. N. Mayer matle a vory appro-
prlate speech, reminding the audience
of this great memorial day. Ida and
Pearl Itryant, Mary Kahiismaii, anil
Lulu Gilbert, delighted the assembly
with Interesting declamations. I he
whole uflulr was a perfect success.
half p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, at
7;)tup. III.
iievlval service are being held In the
lluptlst church, to continue through
the week.
Kleven person were taken Into full
connection from limitation and three
by letter In the M. K. church at Dallas
Sunday, of which 1). T, Suiiiuiervllle
Is pastor.
Claw 11. Cross, of Dal la, will preach
at Itlikrwll, Sunday, November (1, at
lia, iu,, and the quarterly conference
meeting will le lie Id then November
HHIi and anih.
The Kvangellcal uhureh,A H Copley,
pastor, Is uow holding revival meet
ings The service hitherto have
tsen quite lutertlng. Preschliig ou
Sabbath evening' and each vveulug
next week.
Next Sunday evening ' Mr. F.imnx
will lead the prayer meeting of
the Y, P. S. C. IC. at the Congrega
tional church, In eouseeratlou aervlcea,
of whluh the topic will be, "The First
Christians. What do They Teach Us?
Ou next Saturday and Sunday, Octo
ber anh and .Will, will ba held the
quarterly meeting of the Methodist
Kpiscopal church, itev, G. itauold
pastor. Presiding F.lder Itev, John
Pansiu will hold hi conference ou
Saturday at !i p. in. and preach ki the
evening at 1:M, Service at luMk) un
Sabbath morning, followed by prtauh
lug at 11. itegular prayer servient on
Thursday evening at 70.
At the Prenhyterian church last Sun
day, Itev. C M. Hill, lUptl.t M. H,
mlssloiiary, preached In the tnornlng
Ucv.G.hv M. Hill, pastor of the tint
llapllst church of Albany, occupied the
pulpit Iu the eveulug, Serltv next
Suiitlay at II a. in. and Tutott.
ducted by the pastor. Miss 4yer, otl
miislnd Instructor in the stitta nornul
schtMil, will slug a solo at boll erve,
Ml llruiv will preside at lb organ.
There will be a business meetlig of tlie
eongreKatloii Tburdy, Nobulsr8d
st i p. m. I
A 1 1 he Cougrega! loiml eh u rebut Hun-
day there wa preaching bothhornlug
and evening. Ib'V. WhlteakeL of Ka
leiu Hnptiit church, tsvuplitl s pul
tilt at II a. m., and Itev. Tiel, V Port-
land preuched In the evening. I Y. I
the rktrlpture lioinrtl the eye of and quiet as a sewing .mr-chlne,
many to the reasonableness of his In and see It while at work.
S C. K. iu the eveulug, led I Mr
HltchctH'k, wa Interesting ani well
atteiidetl, A large congrogatloniiath
eretltohear Mr. Till, and In atkttioo
to the muie by the choir aud edh; ro
gation, a trio was sung by Mlsa feer
am) the (suitor and wife, and also liolo
by Mr. l'ollug, which wa exwllen
TIm lluntiuaton hotel I atlvvr.led
fi.r sale In another column.
t'lmiulierliilu's I'alu llalm, a geiiil
fiiiully liniment and especially valua
for rheumatism, sprains, hums ail
frost bites, 60 cent Mir tsiltle.
Will those ladle who Intend respond
ing to the circular aviitout by the
Wknt Nina, pleas scud luoony next
week? ThlaiVatureof theWwer Hum
will be math. permanent If It recelvi
aiilftleleiiteiicourageUHint.aud.we think
you will be pleased with the Innovation,
Mlsa Kssla (J. Ihtbertson, mir poet-
msster, ia very proud of an elegant oak
cabinet desk which she ordered aud
ha received through W. 0. Cook, and
had It plgeou-holetl exactly to suit her
want. All the many blanks con
nected with IL money-order bualnesa
are now close at hand oonvenleutly ar
W, (?, lli-own, the pioneer merchant.
and Dr. J. C. Mason, have been to
rorllaud fur several day.
A petition wlll l presented to the
next county court for a bridge at
the Lyle eruaslug. A inuoh uteded
Died, at Dull, Monday, October 24,
of membranous croup, Jay, youngest
child of Dr, aud Mm. J. K.KIrkpatrlek,
aged 9 year.
Judge J, U Co) II us, of this city, wl
ou next Friday evening deliver a lecture
to the studeuu, of Im Creole academy,
it the city hall. Prof. Dvl. ha ar
ranged for a aertoa of lecture during
the winter lor the advancement uf the
At the closlug performance at the
Kleksjo Iudlaua tuedlclu ooinpauy
show last ulghl Mr. I W. Mcrrtaoit
drew the lucky number that got the
baudsuui silver act The company
to Monmouth, Tuesday, aud from
there to ludepeudence.
The board of equalisation closed It
work on Saturday, aud have cited
sever) partle to aptiear before them
a a court on the I lib of November,
aud show cause why their aeineoi
as given should uot be raised. For the
reason that many of the fisHIng are
Incorrect, Asesor Gardner wa given
until uext term of court to raise and
bring iu the aaaestuiieul book Iu proper
haps, he taking It to hi Salt creek
home for till purpose, and until such
time a It I returned we cau give nu
figure as to Polk county' standing
Tliedemsiid tor Chalnlierlalii's Colic,
Cholera and Ilarrhu ItoiiHtly Is
steadily growing, from the fact that all
ho Kve It a trial are ptoaaed with the
result aud rooommeud It to their
uelghtsjra, W feci sur that the reiiie-
y cannot Im recommended Iimi
Ighly. Wagley Smeail, drunglsl,
lewion. Iowa, ror sale hy all uiedl
clue dealer.
Guns of all varletie at ft. M. Wade
Co's. Also a big supply of am
munition just arrived
ChaiuUrlitln' Kye and Skin Wit. '"" Tuesday ana rnuay
u.imt for teller, sall-rheiim. seal, headi every y " M "!. u. n. Jtt.yo
tH'xema, pile and chronic sore eyes lion, oppnelt Kste' grtawry.
Ht. I'atrtcK's rills. They are Hie
Ul physic. They also reeulate tb
per aud bowels. Try them, ITi cents
llm, Preshleut Ilarrlsou died to-day
lUnlay the Wnalher ha been mot
bert Hall, of Bueoa Vlata, wai
luiwu to day.
id Shelley t Vsnduyn's au
gment thl week.
iceiit sr isix, tor sale by all
medicine dealer.
R M. Watle A (Vi. have lust received
a large nlock or guu from I he rl.
I)r. K.G. Young, veterinary suriitsm
and tleiillst, late of Newhcrit, baa lo-
en led jK-rniinn-iit ly III luilcMtnrtence,
Tue tlis'lor come lilifliiy recoiiillieuiled
His olllee Is over the Indcs-ndeiice
alloual I HHi K
, Children's union suit, all slae, Just
rceelvetl liy Sludley A Validity n,
H. Wheeler' young sou Is quite
W I Stai bv. Pr
. . .. -i. I ,7.wl,.r..,.,l l.w !, l-MuinKa and tirtJlomoonBl nion wi
Five Departments: Business, Shorthand, TypewriHvgPcnmanship.nglnli,
School in session th. .nlr year. Sturinls .dmlltcd .1 any tl m.. C0.loK.i,conH.hilna liiformatlo0,fr.
Services as usual next Sunday at the
IlnptiHt church.
Itov. M.F. 8. Henton has been called
to the Itaptlst piistorute at Dallas, and
will hereafter, If he ncccpts the call,
preach every Buiiduy there.
Itev, T L Campbell will preach III the
Christian church next, Sunday morn
ing on the theme, "The Mossluhshlp,"
and evening, "The Creation," Hun
day aehool at 8 p, in, Y PSU K at 0
I W. Itols-rtson came up from Port
laud to-day.
James Nesmllh, of Dixie, was In
town Sunday.
Watch Stockton A Henkle's show
window next Saturdny
T. A Failey, deputy sheriff of Polk
county . was In town to-day
J. It. Floyd, formerly of Falls City,
la now a resident of I'wlsvllle.
F. M. Cltslfi Iter Is tiling ten acre of
land on his farm north of town.
The cash receipts at the IndcpeU'
ileuce post otllce are the largest this
mouth of any In Its history.
One of the prettiest farmhouse Is
tliat of Mr. McKhlowney, out on the
hill on the road to Lewisvllle,
II. HIiachlsTg I superintending the
repairs on the county road below town
and Intends that the work shall be
well done.
llain Mulky, who has purchased the
Cage Morrison place near the Klklni
sclKsilliouse, will stsiii have hiatal acre
of fall wheat all sown.
Mrs. J. K. Miller aud Miss Maggie
Itutler, of Monmouth, also Mm. W. H.
Craveu aud W. H. Hawley, ofthls city,
returned today from Port land.
Willie, tho son of F. M. Clodfeltor,
living north of town, killed a whole
band of geese at once last week. How
ever, there were only two In the band,
Much praise has been given the
Indies who entertained our sister last
week. The committee on tables was
Composed of Mrs. S, It. Baldwin, Mrs.
J. Alexander, Mrs. S. Tcttierow, and
Mrs. Wilcox.
The Davis quiirtelto, of Albany,
which fiirulHhetl such hciiiilll'ul music
at the lluptlst convention, Is composed
of V.' H. Thompson, 1st tenor j W. O.
Crawford, !M tenor; 0 H. Hurt, 1st bass;
and Prof. W, VV. Davls,2d bass.
The assignment committee of the
HaptiHt convention, which did such
efficient Work, was composed of J. W.
Ihister, A 11. Locke, and Ed Master
son, and the reception committee
was, Joe Craven, J. W. Masterson, J,
Alexander, , li, lialdwlu, and P. W.
The Hook anil Ladder Company
will give a grand ball November 24,
and several committees on invitation
are announced on the posters, which
are already distributed, who are ex
peeled to send out Invitations to all
those of their friends who they would
wish to attend.
The public school at Itlekreall. under
the able maiitigementof C.A Himoiiton,
now has an attendance of near fifty,
Tho schoolroom Is most comfortable
and well arranged. Tho American
Hug draped one of the end walls. The
students hi'c bright and Intelligent ap
pearing, and making rapid progress.
. Holiind I). Grant, of Portland, who
delivered a pennon In the opcrn houce
Saturday evening, und Sunday even
ing In the Baptist church, Is a man ol
earliest convictions and groat force ol
character, uud his (dear rendition of
Siod, of Dalian, took Mr. J.S
Coo borne with him to-day.
J. IX. iktll I lecturing nu Oregon,
we uuA-rstaud. In Salt Lake cltv.
Mr. (rave, of Monmouth, has Uken
up her siotto In Dr. Butler's house.
P. W.Inley, one of the best Demo
ernt Iu P4k county, was In town today.
Why do Stockton & Heiikle want
you to loot In their show window
Saturday? k ,
Mr. Mln lie Vaughan, of Itlekreall,
spent Sum!) with her mother, Mn.
J W Klrklmd now iai his office In
the brick nextto W H Craveu A, Co ,
ou Main street
I). W. Sean, the popular Uohelor
of McCoy, can up from Portland ou
the morning trdn.
Beu Tharp, ofuver.hasjust finished
sowing 100 aerei tu fall gralu aud re
port It looking well.
W. P. Bevels, of Uuena Vista, to-day
nqsirU bis child, which has been so
sick, a oonvaletctiig.
Dr. O. D. littler ha moved into his
uew residence no the corner of Fourth
aud Monmouth itrecui.
F. M. Smith, d) lewisvllle, say the
people of Lewlavlfle i0 not want to lie
deprived of a dally mall.
Complaint oomw In that the South
ern Pacific train run too fast through
town, and an aochUnt Is likely to
D. O. Quick says he Is receiving
mauy orders for fruit tree from Ins
nursery at Suver, but li j still early to
deliver them.
Ira PowelljCiwhler of tig Polk county
bunk, at Monmouth, andc. It. Jordau,
the merchant, were diiug business
here this morning.
K. O. Chum news, who " -ruuuliig a
sawmill at Waterloo, In Iinu county.
was shaking hands here Hb old uu
qualntance to day.
Miss Ayers, tlie vocal encber at
Monmouth I possessed of a Uiqtniflceut
voice and her singing has tikou bold
on the heart of her hearers.
Ten teams at work on Hi, r(md to
Bueua Vista and twelve ou th, xavA Ui
Salem Is the result of a subsklj of 1400
raised In town the other day.
J 8 Talbott, who lives near tl9 depot
on ltaliroud street, is setting good
example by setting his front - ;ull to
gross and tilling It up to grade.
Matters of Importance are denull(nK
the attention of our business ma, uu(
a meeting once or twice a mom, t0
discuss them will result In 'imch
Dan Lewis, who has been walluir
ou the tallies at tlie Occidental l,,(t,
ut Corvallls, was brought lu on UH
afternoon's tralu, ull his lower lli,i,
paralyzed. lutemperauce was thecai,
The machinery of this otllce Is km
scrupulously clean, aud us "good wot-.
men have good tools," that uccouqk
for the excellence of the work turned o
ii our Job department. Our four hoii
ower steam engine runs a HiniMitl
A, Nelson I building a flue ten foot
ftidewitlk across to O'Doiinell 4 Irvine's
If tho ladles who have nut yet
oelved a elreulsr letter from the Wmt
Sins, asking their Interest In a "House
hold Department," will look In their
husband's coat jsicket they may find
It there.
Frank Hull, of Hall' ferry, brought
down from Uuena Vista the Urge seven
prong deer horn which were taken
from a deer he killed at the Cascade
fifteen years ago ami placed ou oue of
the buildings there.
All subscription not paid prior to
the l'lth day of last September belong
Ui and should bo twtid to the present
proprietor of this that wa the
date of our purcluoie.ulthougli possession
of this otllce wa not given until Octo
ber 1st.
A meet lug of Polk county teachers I
to be held at Dal In Saturday. The fol
lowing teucher are on the programme:
Supt. Hutchinson, Mis Ii. Williams,
C. A.SImoiiUiii, J. L. Tail, Mlsa N.
Chapman, Miss M. Jacobs, Mr. W, A.
Wash, l'rof, G. W. Dawes, and l'rof.
Peter Kurre I taxing iu the sight at
Portland this week.
Jas.liiltib.aud ha beeu suffering from
ostsrru on bis thumb, but is better at
Mr. Martha Loiighury, uf Elgin, Ore
gon, m duwo on a Visit to friends and
I. M. Himpsou ooutetuplale setting
out Iwsuly lore iu bops, a soon ss the
weather will permit
The roads m mauy place sr getting
very bail. People should Ink internet
iu suou ntwdud enterprise.
John Dnrus Jr., of Easteru Oregon,
a urottiinenl stockman of that part, I
dowu on a visit to his parents.
The resent rain ha caused the grain
aud grass to grow abundsully, and the
pieseut outlook promise to be fsvorable
for th fanners.
Messrs Hnrtis and Asliunfulter, our
unll uien,live put ou au extra ore. The
deuisud for flour bus lucreased o
they are compelled to run night u I day.
The farmer r ooiuplsiuiug of uim
rods from Portland taking away the
Muliifohun pbeasaiita. 1'be (teopie will
not stutid Iik) much imposdiou upon their
Watch Shs'kton A Jienkle's show
window next Saturday.
NtiMtlRlly llHrle by TnlsaTsph tn III
Wmt Slds, Newt, by tb
. Unmmsriilal IIoIkw, of
WiiKT-Tlie dlll'ereiice between tl
value of valley ami Walla Walla In the
Kngllsh market, I very wide this sea-
eon, owing to the xir average quality
of the latter wheat. Fisterti and for
eign market have been decidedly
weaker the past week, and the weak
lies elsewhere ha been rellccled
tills market, resulting Iu lower value,
and a dlU'ereuoe of about 1 lie per cental
I made for valley. Quote valley, f I '
to fl.iK per cental; and Walla Walla,
11.1.' to 11.15.
OAT-Owlng to a great falling off In
receipt, the market allow s strong un
dertoue, and value have advanced,
PMspects at present fuvor lietter prltas
In the future. Quote white, food to
choice, irKjft47jo er bushel; gray,
Babi-kv Lea than one hundred
tou were received itere during the piort
week, but a small a the amount ap-
jiears, ttiere wa no scarcity of stock to
meet current want. Quote tl.
$1.10 per cental for good to choice.
Hoi-a Both public and private ad
vanee resrU have bad apparently uo
effect upon the market of Oregon and
Wasiiiugtou. Quote IMh'M per
(siuiid for fair to good.
Potatokh The demand, continue
about the same a usual, and while
pleuty are coming lu, buyers are satis
fied to pity ruling prices und offerings
readily takeu for good to choice sU-k
at a-r'l'ij"'iv, dowu to Ui for psr
wool, a lew atraggiing lots are
coming iu from both sections, but the
movement I small, and to all Intent
there Is uo market. Quote l.VfclMjc
per pound for Willamette valley, and
XicUi,. We for F'asteru Oregon.
Bittkk The market shows much
flrmnsss, hut prim are uow so high
that any further advance would cause
a falling off In the demand. Quote 31'jc
f;Mc icr Kiuud for fancy creamery;
icf,82jc for choice dairy; aicaic
for fair lo good; Aufii)l7Jc for common.
Kouu There I only a moth rate sup
ply of fresh Oregon ranch ou the mar
ket, aud the quotations are firm at :Soc
Uuiikltiu'a ,iriili Salvo.
kollra f MmlsUss,
Notice I bcrnby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
I). M. Klemsen, N. O. Clodfeltor, and
I). Ji. Clodfefter, under the firm nam
of Klemsen & Clodfelter Bros., ia thl
duy dissolved by mutual consent, Th
business will be conducted In th fu
ture by Klemsen 4c Christian, to whom
all moneys due the old firm are to be
paid, and who will pay all indebted
num. D. H. CLODPitTXR,
44-t I). M. Kliksks
Independence, Or., Octobers, 18K2.
.. '- f MoUm.
All those owl ligR. H. Wllooi 4 Co.
are requested to settle their account
by November 1st, a we are needing
the money, It. IL Wnxix k Co.
All moneys due the late firm of Lee
& Butler are payable to M.O.Potter,
Indefiendence. who will receipt for the
ssme. . Lek a Buri.KK.
P. (J. Patterson, the itonular confec
tioner. .
Buy your school
book of W. U.
A full line of school book and school
supplies at Wheeler'.
For the most choice confectionery.
go to P, C. Patterson's. '
There Is a beautiful line of children'
hat at Miss Macau lay's.
Call on Mis Maeaulav and nrice ber
hats before going elsewhere.
P. C. Patterson has Just received
big supply of fresji caudle of all kinds.
We make a specialty of school books
aud school supplies. W. H. Wheeler.
Only 10 for an all-wool suit of Hap
py Home clothes at Stockton A Hen
kle's. .
Candies, nuts, orantre. lemons, ba-
lianas, graies, cigars and tobacco at P-
, raltcrsou a. , , j t;
The Intlependeuce laundry Is dolnar
such excellent work that It trade i
rapidly increasing.
Happy Home and Brownsville cloth-
ui, the best and the cheapest In the
state, for sale by Mtockton A Henkle.
Last Sunday ulght tlie wife of Ihtve
Duvall proseuttHl him with a sou.
Mrs, Ijmdroth, of tills elty, was mar
ried at Salem yesterday to Harry Swift.
F, P, Ground, who live near Buena
Vista, was lu town today ou buslues.
Mrs. Merwiu is improving tbe ap
pearance of ber home by painting the
Sherifl Well ami wife were In towu
today, "Billy" has made Polk county
an excellent oillcer.
W. M. Sterling, living near Corvallls,
will look after it. D. C' er's Interest
here during hi alwenee from town.
. M. Hendrlck, the Weallaud wheat
dealer, who still conduct a wheat
warehouse there, was lu town to-day.
T.J. Henieman, living lu North In
dependence, I at work this week build
ing a gravel walk In front of his resi
Mrs. Ilarrlsou is the first prcsldoiit'a
wife to die, as Mr. Grover Cleveland
was the first to tie married, hi the White
Mrs. 0. G. Qulmby left to-day for St.
oe, Missouri, where she, with her
children, will sjattid several mouths
Mrs. Lee sUricd the social season by
giving a very pleasant sociable at her
house last ulghl at which about sixty
were present.
I). B. Taylor aud It. I). Cooper, of
this city, left U-day for Hastcni Oregon,
where they will Inspect some contem
plated Investments.
Quite a lot of Imps were sold here to
ny In one lump, at 22c a pouud,owned
by Messrs. J. M. Burton (244 bales),
Win. Wells, 0. K. Herren, aud K
S. Scars, of Washington, a brother of
D. W. Sears, of McCoy, I going to
make bis home iu Polk county.
Another man of sciind Judgment
comes among us.
H. M, Wilcox has worked the gravel-
ers for two days ou the county road to
Salem, and to morrow the full force
111 he taken to the road towards Buena
Ista, so that the work may lie dis
It Is uotlcenhle that the teams haul
ing gravel for the county roads, which
are paid from the funds raised In town
the other day, haul gisid large loads,
while those you generally see on road
ork are only half load,
Mat Stewart, a very successful farmer
adjoining town, says he hns Just har
vested the crop ott of bis 600 acre of
lsiid, aud next year while his laud Is
resting aud being eurlohed by sheep, ho
will go nntl enjoy himself at Chicago.
Ho my his method pays.
Geo. Rogers, the mud supervisor
north of this road district, Is fully in
accord with the road Improvement
fever, which bus struck our people, ai d
ho hud a splendid culhert built ou the
Salem road, which will do service for
yuurs and not nu up in tue urst storm.
W. K. Goodcll, our boot and shoe
dealer, reports to us a very pleawint
eereiunny which ho attended to day,
being the celebration of tho golden
wedding of Henry Myers and wife, of
Smlthrleld, where a large number of
friends were gathered, end also the
marriage of Mr. Myers's granddaughter.
Miss Hustings, to a Mr. martin, ot rat-
Tl e premiums which the Wkbt Sidk
will otlbr soon, arc to be given to those
person who secure lis new subscribers,
and not to the subscribers themselves.
The list comprises some very desirable
articles, and will repay our rentiers the
trouble of working for us. Wo cannot
iifl'urd to publish us expensiveacouniry
weekly as the Wkbt Side, uud also
give premium. We expect to hold
,ur old subscribers through the value
of the paper, and offer these induce-1
Continued on necunil pat J j
The la-sl salve lu tho world for cut,
bruises, sort, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively curt piles, or no pay required.
it Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, 'Ji
cents per box, Fornaleby any druggist.
Went !ili f'reinttitiiii
This paper intends pinning for It
rightful share of tlie" patronage of resi
dents lu Polk county, and a very at
tractive lint of premiums for new sub
scribers will be announced and Illustra
ted lu these columns. They consist of
Columbus silver souvenir ss)ons, for
one sulsc-rlber; a large cloth-bound cook
book, for one aulweril'r; a bonk of ad
ventures, for oue subserllsT, a collection
of 000 songs with music, for one sub
scriber; aud many valuable premium
for from two to twenty suliscriliers.
Detailed announcements will appear
later. Keep your eye on a friend who
is uot taking the WkhtSiukbiuI secure
a premium.
Notice Is hereby given that the co
partnership heretoforeexistlng between
W. K. Ferguson and K. C. VanMeer a
proprietors of the sash ami door factory,
is this day dissolved by mutual conselit,
W. K. Ferguson retiring and traiisferr
liur his (merest to K. C. VanMeer, who
assumes all liabilities of the former firm
aud lo whom all notes and accounts are
payable. V. K. MititirsoN,
K. C. VanMkkr.
Independence, Polk couuty, Or., Octo
ber 8, 1MI2.
insulation Xnlln.
Notice Is hereby given that theco part
nership heretofore existing between A.
C.Beamerand W. H. Craveu, under t he
firm name of Beaiuer & Craveu, is this
day dissolved hy mutual consent, A. C.
licHiner retiring. The business will be
conducted In the future by W. H. Cra
ven A Co., to whom all moneys due the
old firm are payable, and who will ay
all the firm's ludcbtedness.
48-4t A. C. Beam kb.
V. IL Craven.
Independence, Or., October 1, 1802.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to me are requested to call and
settle on or before November 1, 1802, or
the accounts will be placet! In the hands
of an attorney for collection.
J. D. InvtNK.
You will be sure to find amonar Mis
. . .... ... . . H.
iiiaoauiay largo selection or millinery,
fust what you waut at your own price.
IX) u't forget to go to Miss Macaulay
for your fall and school hats, for she
will be able to give you Just what you
Why wear soiled lluen, and a limp
collar, wheu you (tan apettr to so much
better advantage by patronizing the In-
ucpeuueuoe sieaiu lauuury.
The young man who wear the linen
of sitow whiteness, furnished him
from the Independence laundry, can be
said to be a shining young mau.
Family washiug Is done by tbe Inde
pendence steam lauudry at such low
prices that, quality considered, it does
uot pay to do the work at home.
Stockton A Henkle sell Selz's,
Schwab's, and C. M. Henderson' Chi
cago manufactures of boot and shoe.
Every pair warranted to give satisfac
tion. Ladies sometimes - Awl a delicacy
about sending certain baby clothing to
the laundry, but when they can get
them washed for one cent each at the
I udeeudence laundry, they should
hesitate no longer.
There Is no place lu Oregon where a
better meal Is served than at the res
taurant of Weelacott A Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Courteous at
tention, a fine meal, and the popular
price of 25 cents, have made this
house the headquarters of everyone
who has occasion to dine in Salem.
Don't fail to read this, and remem
ber that Stockton a Henkle bave Just
broutrttt an Immense line of blankets
and quilt at a big bargain, and are
ready to give you the best bargains
iu that Hue ever offered in this city.
A full stock of ladies coat, underwear,
dress goods, notions, etc., etc. Cheaper
than the cheapest.
WANTKn Hood marketable scales
penr up milwortpllon at tulsotHoe.
Notice r tllanolutloit.
Notice Is hereby given that the.
partnership between T.J Lee and O.
D, Butler was dissolved on the 15th
day of October, 181)2. All debts due to
the wild partnership are to be paid
immediately ami those due from tlie
same' discharged . T. J. Lke.
0. B. Butler
WANTKn-Kutwcribern tn flinmine the date
after tlielr nsmiw ou tbis paper and see that
limy are not in arrears.
W'ANTKD-Merehants and others to order
letlerhPHilH, statement, billheads, and all
their job work Ht Uie Went Side onto. First
cIhsk work and low prices.
WANTED-Advertlsers in this column at
two cents sword IS rat insertion, four cents
WANTED-Subsorlbers to this
tie all arrearages by January 1, lti
sper to set.
WANTED One ton of carrots or other root
crop for cow feed. Apply at this office.
WANTED Cord wood ou subscription, at
this office.
WANTED Pnrchnner for n sewing-machine.
rmt$.Vi. In new. Will sell for &. Address
X, care this office. 48
KOK HAI.K-A manufacturing business In
lntttwnil"ne for man of energy, which needs
Hiiiull capital, I'roflts In two years wilt pay
cost, For further particulars, call or address
A. lvare this office. s
FOB KALE New sewing-machine not used
a month. Coxt $S5. Will sell for (.16. Also
new move; font M0: wilt take fJO. Address
A. E. Inula, Independence.
FOR HALE Spcoe tn this column tosdver.
Users at two cents a word first lusertlon, four
rents month,
FOB. BALK bid papers, suitable for placing
on shelves or u inter carpets, for only quarter
of a cent each, at this office.
Use Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder.
Dr. II. Endcmann, for twelve years chemist of the
New York Board of Health, in his paper read before the
American Chemical Society at Washington, in October,
1891, states that an ammonia baking1 powder acts on the
glutea of the flour, altering its chemical properties, and
cites numerous high authorities to prove its injurious
effect on the stomach and kidneys.
Liebig the great chemist says: "Tho use of alum in
bread is very injurious, and it is very apt to disorder
the stomach and occasion acidity and dyspepsia."
The following powders are known to contain eltlwtr
ammonia or alum or both: Koyal, Chicago Yeast, Calumtt,
Bon Bon, Tayfot't One Sjoon, Unrivaled, Forest City Snow Jl,
ftart. . . '. .; . .. .; a