The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 28, 1892, Image 2

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R, C. rNTt.AKts NUiiwvr.
U. It, rnsttiD,OMlitir,
West Side Publishing Company
On Ywr
HU Month .
Taw Uoutli
All niHrrtim mul ihwth nllcv not w,t
tntflv Unix will h Inacrlml ftro. AH ovr
flvvltaM will ) ltritHt 11 nta xr line.
8-vIoit obituary malm loan will tx vlmryvd
wr at U nu ot flv om imht lln.
Hrlalenxl At th INwt-ottW III lndra
tfeavw, Oo-m, at iuuiU'lm nmlh-r.
THAT RAD jyiiCf! tillt-
Republicans and Democrats alike
should keep their eyes on Alabama
next month, ami see. how the fore
lull work. The Kalb faction of
Democrats have petitioned for fed
eral supervisor of election to see
if tlieir Democratic opponent can
not lie kept straight. This is the
foree bill iu all its hideous ugliness.
The law now iu fore only Applied
to cities of 20,000 or more inhnbi
tnnta, but with that restriction we
have had a fore bill for years.
The federal elections bill simply
proposed to extend this supervi
sion to all polling places. Federal
supervisors have hocu appointed in
tliecity of Port land, nearly, if 1101
quite, every elect iou for preahlent
for years, but no great Infamy has
developed. The name is true iu
most other cities. The frauds and
iiitiiniiliitiou in the South are iu the
small towns and rural diatriot,nnd
because the extension of federal
supervision, to these threatened the
breaking up of the solid South by
insuring a fair election, IVmocrnts
with far more partisan xcal than
candor or honesty, cry out against
and lie about it, and call it in
famous. However, Democrats have
invoked the force bill against other
Democrats, so far as it applies, and
Republicans and Deiuociata alike
may now have an opportunity to
note the infamy of it. If it should suc
ceed iu securing an honest election,
and losing the state to Cleveland,
honest Democrats may be expected
to revile it and its iuvokers. The
Democratic party bus so long re
conciled its conscience to accepting
the fruits of its fraud and violence
in the South and unblushing cor
ruptiou in New York, that it has
come to look upou them as God-
given rights so long as they are ex
ercised against Republicans poly.
Yet "a free ballot and a fair count"
is in the Republican platform, and
like all things founded on justice,
equity, truth, aud right, it will
sometime prevail. It must, or Re
publican government must !w re
corded as a failure.
Newspaper publishers are now
suffering through free trado in
chloride of lime, which is used in
paper making. This article bus
been a free-trade item since 1S71,
and as a consequence, not a pound
of it is manufactured in this coun
try, to our discredit lie it said,
though the importation amounts to
180,000,000 pounds per aunuiii.
The recent cholera scare has ad
vanced the price from two to six
cents per pound, and this extraor
dinary prolit goes directly into the
hands of the foreign manufacturer.
And yet our Democratic orators cry
for free trade! free trade! Chloride
of lime, if protected, could lie, man
nfactured in the United States, and
cholera epidemics could not then
advance the price two hundred per
cent in a few days; besides, the la
bor to manufacture this staple ar
ticle would be employed in the
Unitod States.
England is really more inter
ested in the result of the election in
the United States than are the peo
ple here. Mr. J. II. Rogers, the
well-known plate manufacturer,
was asked what efl'eet the election
of Cleveland would have, and said:
"I think the result would be that
the duties would be gradually low
ered, and that t he wages would con
sequently fall. The working class
would, of course, not be willing to
remain without work, and manu
facturers would have to reduce
wages to enable them to compete
successfully with other countries.
Wages in A merica are at present
about double what they are here,
but if America adopted free trade
they would probably be reduced by
one-half, and become equal to the
wages paid here. The question of
free trade or protection in America
is, thereforo,of far more importance
to the working class of America
than it is to any class in this court
try. In America the working class
earn high wages at present, and the
cost of living out there is so little
more than it is here, that they have
much greater comfort, and are able
to save more rapidly." Cardiff
Daily News, July 13, 1802.
Mr. Stevenhon declares that
should he be elected he will, to
the best of bis ability co-operate
with Mr, Cleveland In giving
practical effect to his views. There
is in this expression some indica
tion that he rather overestimates
the active possibilities of a vice-
presidential career, It is alto
gether possible that moral support
would lw more in the vice-president
lino than active co-operation.
Thr market report which the
WkstSidk publishes eaoh week,
costs considerable money to obtain
each week, but we are glad to know
that it meet with approbation of
onr readers and they can depend
upon its reliability,' If it proves
to bo ot herwise we shall discontinue
To Til K exhaustive testimony iu
support of the protective policy of
the Republican party may to added
that ot Mr. Henry Lister & Hons,
of llndderstleld and Ilubury, Eng
land, Mr. Water has recently de-
elded to close his manulUeturlng
establishments in England and set
up new ones In Jamestown, New
York. He has been moved, he
says, by the operation of the Mo
Klnley tariff and by the discovery,
after careful examination, that
working people can live totter here
than in England. Mr. Lister
states that wages are from 50 to
100 per cent higher in this couutry,
that living is ehoatier here than in
England, and that the working
classes enjoy retlnemeuts and lux
uries far beyond the reach of their
English brethren.
Tub man who stands up for his
principles is to be admired, but the
man who will throw away princl
pies ami tights for seltkdi power Is to
lie despised. In this line what
do our readers think of the action
ofR, Miller, the Democratic presi
deiitial elector who resigned iu
favor of Pierce, a People's party
elector, la it not a sacrifice of
nriiiciiile for newer, and has the
Democratic p'irty, as a party, 'de
scended that lowt We thiuk not,
and Ihunocntts of principle will
condemn the action of Mr. Miller or
the state Democratic central com
TUB Republican policy or pro
tection has made good times in
America, but if Cleveland is elected
the manufacturer of Kuijlund w ill
have cause to rejoice. The manu
factnring of England has been trans
ferred to America, and our people
are busy but free trade will set the
idle men of ltritain at work. At
present, here is the picture as given
last week In the .telegraph news
from Ioudon, Encluudi "Ouuut
hunger will soou invade ltritain
Thousands of skilled workmeu in
almost all truth are now idle
through no fault oflhcirown. The
evil has grown gradually, and at.
tention has lieeu called to it by the
sudden discharge of groat bodies of
men. Working form have Inh'U
cut down bit by bit, and the process
is stilt going on. The docks are
half deserted. The labor bureau of
the board of trade makes gloomy
reports of the situation. The army
of unemployed Is so large that no
cab (tearing bagipige drives through
thestreetrt of London without toing
followed by some poor fellow si-eking
a few coins for food and drink.
The coroners- investigated several
eases of actual death by starvation
lust month." And the Chicago
Democratic platform asks we Amer
icans to elect a president who will
take the bread out of the mouths of
our laboring population, by taking
away the demand for his labor.
Twi-iil'l-'lvr-Ont Hwlithli.
A hut wieliitile will be tfvvn for the
U'ui'lH of the Priwhyterlau cliureh, lit
the rtwlilt'tioe of Mr. J. L. Stockton,
Friday evening, Novemlier 4th. Ern-h
jfi-iitk-iiiati in i-Kirctoil to trim a lady's
hut III the latest style. HcfrwdiiueuU
Iri'e. Tin-He Indies will alio iilvu a
Thaiikntflvlng dinner next month.
Hrll, Trailx, r I. ,
"Tin Mcntinoton," a finely and
new ly fiirnlHliml hotel on Jtullroud
street, lii(leMfii(leiii, Is nfli-red for wile,
or will trade for other propeHy.or will
ruse. IWuwHlnn given When do-
iiiiiikIi'iI. Krisy terms. Here IhacIiiiiiiw
for someone to do a good Iwslnens. Ap
ply to 1) II C'lodfeller, IudtiendeiU!e.
ItoninrkHlilo IIiim-iih.
Mrs. Miehnel Si7hu7 l'lulnlleld, III.,
makes the stutcment that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; hh
whs treated for a month hy her family
nlivslclati, but grew worse. Ho told
her she was a hope-less victim of con
sumption and Unit no medlcluu could
cure her. Her druggist hiikkcsUkI Ir.
King's New Discovery for coiisinnp
tion: she bought a hottlo mid to her
delight found herself tiietitcd frolil
first dose. She continued It use am
after tuklng ten bottles, found herself
sound and well, now does her own
housework and is as well as she ever
was. Free triut bottles of this great
discovery at any drugstore, large hot
ties r,0e and fl.OO.
H'mitlmir-d rrvim tlilnl wi,)
inputs only to have isthoiis swiiro u
new imniM,
HullerA Tste bavs just ohihhI a
meat market at Full City,
J W Anderson, a prominent fanner
uesr Dulliis, was Iu town this after
A yo ung mare five yean old for ale
forfll), WelKht bctweeU SCO slid IHiO
IHtiuiik lniiilrwat this oMIee.
T C byr ha sown twenty flw acres
In chest seed. Till hay W Is'inming
qiiltK Miuhir among our funnel
ltev I) V Poling and wife will nHud
Sunday st Airlki, where Mr. .ruling
will conduct several evenings of meet
It L Hasting, the well-known resi
dent of I'eedeo vslty, was In town to-day
and mv,v hla uelgblnira want tt tswtt
oltlee, ami ask our peopk to help In
getting them a dally mall via Invls
vllk J (I Van Orwlel rvjsrt a potato dun
on but farm Just north of town, wlilcu
weigh six ami one-half pound, This
1 upluml, and then-fore not upuoed
to prmhioa such large potutoe a the
rlvur Uittoiu.
i'uw itniii of the Cougn-gatloual
chaidi will give m fair about the lh
tif lHsTtnUer. Soiuethiug novel In the
way of eiitertnlmiteut m U'lng ar
ranged, Any one wishing to donate
any arUele will plea leav It at Mr.
T J I.'Vs or Mm, VV V WHIIanw'
nsthleiiee. '' ; ;
Huou Vlala.
Thenlgsid tiimlug for a black
ml th tons
John Tyler Is oil the iek list, U'lng
rather serious.
Jetr llevensaud wife were vIsltlng.Mrs
Kate lleven TuvMlay.
I'oliiiubus dav waswdebrated In -due
shae hy the public school henv
Messrs. MotlU A Hunt, the geulal
Insurance men.are with us again.
Mis Ihw McCIhiic, w Im I attend-
lug th uormal, Sundayed at Ihmiiu.
Pmf. Jackson, s sludeiii at Mou-
mouth, iist tbrtuigh our tmrg Satur
lln,. Jlullttittyne preacheil to a large
aud appreciative congregation Sunday
llneua VMa te'ls a few Improve
meat hi her sidewalk. Will our city
dad toil?
Ml Clara Jeter Is at home, her eye
sight falltug so that she could not tllilsh
her work at the normal.
The road south of Independence
Willi almost iHiimssabtethls winter
unless nHiicthlog Is done for llietu
ISouiellilng la ls'lng done.-F.n.)
lluetia Vista Is Is-tng Improved ou all
sides. J C Mot 'lane lias put an addition
ou o Ills house Iu the shano of a ksm
kllcheli.and Mm, HevenshasnhlugUsl
her Iiouh1, a tin Ira Uw also.
, itrns.
M. Siaitti r. and wife r rnstienting
si 't'iilsmook.
W. A. Pik and bouily rtlurneJ frtuu
Tillnuiook last Haturdnjf.
There will lx preaelnng itet Sunday at
11 a. m., by llev. J. Heattie. Hkaifn and wife, of Hilvertun.
sre visdutg J. E. Phillip" mt wife.
Lney Wmlo I iiiiiig Mr. M. J,
CTantl. .
A. H. I'eny, of Uethal, w visiting the
cone uf bis boyhuoU day, Iwiolt in In
Mr and Mr. A. (t. Ilriner, of Perry
date, wet visiting friend Iu our city last
(leo, Oriswold and family, of Salem,
lucre fcwn visiting at Mr. Pstriek' sinc
onr item of last week.
Mrs. Ella William, of Uridid Veil Fall,
returned liun.e last week, after A visit to
her pnreuts, Mr, and Mn. Smith.
flio Lincoln hop men went up to Dallas
Inst Wedtiwulny with sample of their
bop, to show to the hup buyer who
were to meet them there.
We are informed that tienrly all the
farmers alsmt McCoy Perrydal
bnvesnld tlieir wheat, running in price
from (10,'nO to Ooc per bushel.
The Denny bro her, of llelhcl, started
on H ihmr bunt to the Cnsomle raountaina.
Tlieir friends here are m hopes that they
will be auooasafiil in eiiteliing a "dear,"
Mike Smith jr., while sharpening hop
poles at Linoolu last Tuesday, had the
niifortiiue to sink the ax into the bou !
of hi leg shove the ankle, which will lay j
lilm up for some time. 1
W hud supposed that the dog days
went over, hut lost Monday a gentleman
carried mil In tlifsnhool with oiuvrl- 1)7(1; exemption, J7A,77-'; poll, 020;
liogs, 8(f)77 hwep, 22,781 mtlle, 6,271;
horses sud mule, 4,423.
11. C I)ov ha renUal J, H, Morsn's
farm south uf Munmouth.
The bsoquet glveo st the oln or the
HapUsI oonveiitlon was something new,
aud whs much enjoyed.
Miss tlraee Felix, who has been visit
ing her sister, Mr. Felix, lor the
past year, will main leave for her home
Iu Indlau.
County t'k'rk Mulkey yesterday la
sued s marriage license to A. L. Hun-
acting as
The fruiKlryer i now running full
ea parity.
Nellie Taylor, of Olaokaina county, li
the gtinsl of Mr. Furuiusu,
The Loyal Legum i again rnuulug,
after a vnestlmi for harvest,
Last Saturday night there wa s toaial
hop here, wbleli wa the flrit of th w-
A large audietioe greeted Mis Turn bull
last Hahbatb. She repreeuU,the Y, W.
II. 0. itiisbtiell, of Juuetlmi, lately
D. A. Hiiutb and Wayne Curliu, ot Me-1
Mlnuville, attended the danoe here lt
Saturday night,
The pule are being let for the branch
telephone line lo Delia, oouneotlug with
the main Hue here,
L. It, Martin, the popular lumberman,
ha tunvt ia family here for the winter.
Mi etta Campbell I clerking tor
. ice lauiol in hi liotn furnishing
Mrs, Mmr, mother of A. 11, Mmr, the
tannery man, ia over frotti Halew ou visit
to her ou.
Ira Wkkeileld, of the People party,
will address the oititeu ot Dulls on
November 4th, at 710 o'olook.
Snsie Smith, who ha been ou a several
mouth' visit to her relative, His ( loads,
will next week return to her home in
Ohio. f
The regular quarterly meeting for the
MeUiodial ulmrub will be held here on
pexi Saturday and HumUy by the presid
ing elderi ltev, John I'sreoti,
C. L. Uuwe and wife have gnu to
Portland to reside at least several mouth.
Mr, Howe gist a manager uf K.T. Mer
rill' agouoy while the proprietor I in
the East.
The regular tpiarterly teacher' exam
ination will be held at the courthouse be
ginning November t)th. Supl, UnUiliin
ti will be assisted by Prof, lteyutdd
and D. P. StwnfTer. ,
The following i the probate biislne
trsnsaeled by Judge Ituroli yesterday!
In the mutter of the fleorge Tlllofsou
eetate, O. T, Miller wa otted lo pper
in court November HHb, and show cause
why ssld estate should not be alostd. Iu
the matter of the T. 0 I .si key estole.wlll
approved aud established a last willsiul
testament of deceased.
Mm J M Vant'uyu has returned
from Portland.
MmAXelsmi left ou the morning's
train to visit friends at Corvallls
The city council Is wnUlng with the
(pientinU uf how to aseea latllK stm-k.
Wayne Williams had eighteen lueu
hoveling gravel to-day, for the nstds
to llucne Vista.
it Sheley left to- day for Portland,
and will visit hi relatives, the Sum
mervilles, then.
J Mitchell lias built a very neat n-sl-dence
out beyond the flouring mills,
which he has nmted.
'Mrs M Smith, who has ts-eit visiting
her dsnghlcr.Mra Hurley, ha returned
to her home In Im Fayette.
Huy lie Holmes, of McCoy, wa hew
to-day and say his brother Mark I
"mnchtug" near Oakland, Orvgou
T Chapman, the seetlon btswon the
8 P niilroad here, lias eompletwl a
residence south of the fruit cannery.
Mn II towls, of Corvalll. left to
day for Orttng, Washington, where
she will visit her bmther, Frank IMiv.
Herls-rtOlltaiugli had to-day a flying
squirrel at the tniln, which he ha
tamed, taking It with him to his homo
at Whitson.
Ilert Lucas left to day for San Fran
cisco, Cat., where he will have his
headquarter and tour over California
ou his wheel till winter.
J F O'Donnell evidently Intends
building a residence near thej'n'sby
terlan church Kin,aa he Is grading and
fencing hi Iota there now.
L Ullinore, who has tx-eu visiting
his son, L C (lllmow, left to-day for
his home In Texas. He Intends ru
turning next time to make hi home
One year ago not a building had
la-en built In Talnuige addition to In
dependence, and this morning twelve
uew nwldencea, s tine tlourlug mill,
and the buildings of the county fair,
are to tat seen.
Some notion should be tnkeu soon
towards having s boulevard between
Monmouth ami Independence. It
would lie well to try for two' streets,
each one hundred feet wide, one
from MoOoy passed through our burg coming uirougu auoui v sireei aim me
with n big band of them. Wonder if they other at F street.
are still running that doggery over there?
m-alty's I'lnniis anil Organs. -
Hon. Dunle.1 F. lleatty, the great or
gan and piano manufacturer, is build
ing and shipping mora organs and
pianos than ever. In 1H70 Mr. Beatty
left home a penniless plow-boy, lind by
his Indomitable will he has worked his
way up io as to sell o far, nearly 1(H),
OCX) of Jk-utty's organs niid pianos alnee
1870. Nothing seems to dishearten him;
obstacles laid In his way that would
have wrecked uny ordinary man for
ever he turns to an udverllsuniuntjaiid
comes out of It brighter tliuu ever. I lis
instruments, as U well known, are
very populur and tire to tx found hi nil
parts of the world. We lira informed
that during the next ten years he In
tends to sell 200,000 more of his make.
That means a business of 20,000,000 If
we average them at 1 100 each. It is al
ready the largest business of the kind
In existence. Send to Daniel F.Iieutty,
Washington, New Jersey, for cata
logue, i
Nortunl Nttt.
H. 0. Dushiiell, a graduate uf '1)2, is
visiting among friends here.
Sadie Hill, of Portland, and Olivia Jn
oobs, of Monmouth, entered sehool Mou
The choir ha been organized, mid
meets dully from 8 to 8:30 a. m. for prno
Those of the senior class who spoke m
dispel Friday, wore Misses Jones, Orif-
litu, and W. W.Curtis.
The general musln oliiss that meets two
evenings of each week, is well attended,
and udils much to the nhnpel exurcisos,
The following goutlomen wore present
at olmpel Monday: Itevs. bush and Teal,
Portland, and ltev. Vau Tassel, Astoria.
Prupnrntion are being made Ut the
athletic tournament, which takes place
next Htiturday, and a good time isnnliei-
Students doming to Monmouth will
mid no trouble in securing rooms, ns
special provisions have been made in this
The model school can aocommodute
twenty-night little folks. As there nre
but twenty in attondauce, parents should
seize the opportunity at once,
Prof. Donald Downie will give one of
the most interesting lectures on Hie bfo
of Napoleon that bus over beeu delivered.
It will be illustrated by lhesterenptioon.
The lecture will be given Saturday,
November 6th, at the olmpel,
ltl kii-iill.
The flag flouted from the staff on the
sflhonlhouse Friday, announcing a legal
holiday. The ollkniil programme wns
At the city council mix-ting last night
a levy of six mills was nimlo on the
100,000 worth of taxable proierty Iu
this city. This levy Is higher than last
year owing to the fact that the total
amount of property la less. Five mills
Is for gravel, and one mill for Mitt pur
poses. llsllss.
VV. 8. linker, of Portland, Is visiting
his niece, Mrs. F. A. HtllcB.
Klla Hill, who has been at Portland
forseveral weeks, has returned home.
The seven-year-old (laughter of II.
C. Notson, of this place, Is very sick
with typhoid fever.
Mudge Waller, of Salem, and Rose
Hlliler, of Sclo, are here visiting their
friends, the Klrkpatricks.
Muck Grant and wile will soon move
to their hop yard on Halt Creek, where
they have erected a neat house,
Itov.J.Lunderiand.travoling lecturer,
gave a muglu'luiitcru entertainment at
the ilnpllst church lust Tuesday night.
A match gamo of football will be
played next Saturday between the
academy and puhllo-school boys, for a
purse of $ 10.
Charley Campbell, a Dallas boy, but
who litis been Iu the Jewelry business
at Medford for some time, bus sold out
and gone to California,
A traveling photographer ou last
Wednesday evening took a picture of
the entire Odd Fellows lodge in full
uniform, Ix-foro their hull on Main
The following Is given by theassessor
as his summary of the taxuhle property
In Polk county: Gross value of alt pmp-
erty, ti,8!l7,70!l; Indebtedness, 11,407, j
but now of McMlunvllle, attempted
suicide at that place Wednesday. De
M)iidency over the loas of In, wife
few mouth ago, I aald to he the cause.
Iu the probate court Wednesday, Die
helm of the John F- Murphy estate
were granted further thne.untll Novem.
her Nth, on petition for sale of property,
In order to serve citation ou those not
residents of the county.
Marrled-At Dallas, Wednesday,
October 2&th, Fred Wagner to Addle
Ktllott. They will spend a few day
In Portland before settling down to
housekeeping in their home, lately pur
chased of I), P, Stoultvr, on Court street,
The great Ir, Ihs-rhaave left throe
directions for preserving the health
keep the feet warm, the head cool, and
the bowel open,. Had he practiced Iu
our day, he might have tddtsl: ami
purify the blood with Ayer't Sanov
pnrlliai for heeertaJlily would consider
It the best.
Mrs. ii, M. Fste I going to discon
tinue her down-towii dnsmuaklug
suhi,nd have them at her residence,
which is ou Ihe motor Hue, near T.
Feiinell's. She will oonlluiie to do
work for her old customer, but dm-
not solicit new custom. This leave an
owning for drewMiaker Iu IudeHii
dence, and I flrst-chta o! will find
plenty of work.
D. M. Kkmisen met with paluful
mvlileiit iu hi tlourlug mill liiTalmage
this morning. While oiling one of the
shaft on a flour roll, hi hand wa
caught between the Ml and swiftly
revolving pulley, aud before he knew It,
some bones In lib wrUt were badly
crushed. He came to town aud had
the Ismes set, and will wear hi left arm
lu a sllug for everd week.
Job u Vernon, of lUckwll, brought
In a load of rosy ch-ked apple to-day
which were ralseil ou graft only thwe
yearn old, and some of his tree pro
duced eight bushel each. The grafted
orchard wa tweuty yearn old, aud yet
he dhl not destroy but cut back the
tree and Inserted grafts. There are
many orchard lu the county which
might Iw made to yield a profit if the
same method were pursued.
II. I Lucas leave to-day for San
Dr. Crowley la erecting a neat office
adjoining the l'arrish block.
F. Aiisllne I putting a new coat of
paint on bis furniture store.
VI S, Cattmu has been busily engaged
In shipping wheat for several days past.
Tom Itash has returned from Mc
Mlunvllle, aud I building a neat real'
deuce ou the Whltmau addition.
Willi Stack ' team ran away In the
stn-et thl morning, making thing
lively for a few minute, but no aeriou
damage resulted.
The Klckaisio medicine company
came over from Dallas last evening and
gave a free eiitertalumeiit. They will
tie here for two week.
Cook pnrtwood have put iu a mat
uew tts k of boo! and shoes and gout'
furnishing gisHls, lu the building near
the furniture store. Success,
There Is no better medicine for family
use than Ayer' Cathartic Pills, Their
sugar coat lug makes them easy and even
agreeable to take, and as they contain
no calomel or other lujurlous drug,
they are perfectly safe for patient of
any age.
Os tkn War t I'aradlw.
Letu hope that the people who ha
bitually disregard their health will
reach that desirable place, and avoid
the locality which Is less desirable as an
Pure Dlood
(a thaululely Mfwxs'f In older to bav e
(set health. IteoUa a iraar Ul l Ilia r-
bks-u purlHr, ajulvkly euiilnrlng anniliil.
tall rlieaui. suit a' "ilicr IiikIiIIuus siianilti
wlilrh aUara tWS !.si im uadsrmlu tb
brsltli. It nl hullilK up lb whnle aynK-m,
urea ilyi''l and alck iwadaeli, and
vvreuiiHia Uiat llrd foaUng.
, Bcrofula Korea.
My liUKl bay, at M yrs, auficrt-a
tnrtllily Irem ierufiila ur oa bl If,
Wlilvb prud llll Uiev teriusd
en irosl sur from th U of till 11 "P
bis Uilgli, iarully eevariMl with aeh, and
dlKlmrgtna insiWr onalliittslly. Tb rounele
bcaiiMHilriirntl an tlmt bl lf was drnwa
p and h ald hardly walk. W Hied
vnryUtlitn ws euuld hear of, wllhuul aaeesai
Mill w bogaa giving hlia liood'a Raman.
Mil. In Jual a siouib, Kw be bad una
iwe-tlilro el a IsrtU. th or wUrsly
bl4, hi Iff I twrfeotly Mratghl and he
Can Walk Wt Kver,
Dood' Haraapvill I th hMt wedlvla t
vor saw ur auolulnua humor. It ha doa
It work awreUian lalliraelorlly." WiMMM
Usdvh. kuckdsl. Milam tsiunty, ttu
Hood's Sarsaparllh
oldbrdraasKM. Ill tU Is ft, frH.rloalf
i o. i. noon Co.. iuirtM. t"
IOO Dosea One Dollar
eternal residence on account of the heat
and surniundimr generally. Hut while
. ... . . . i. n ..i.i
we tarry in this vaic oi tears, wuy iioum
uiu v,t,ii,tuilltf Niifliira the uirturm
dy w ben a systematic use of 1 1
fmomp'i Ni,,i,tuiiii ttiiinra win riu un
the atnwlou malatly whlch-unlea
physician are very iiiuvu ai luuu
tends to ahorten the term of our exist
num. irnrlliurn. hllloualiea. Const I
patlon, aluioat always accompany thl
... . i.
complaint anu arc sympuiiiiiiuu ui iv
riiuae are all exttuuulshed bv the Hit
tore, which also conquer completely
mniaria. riiMuniaiisiu. nervousness, ami
ili.hllll v. HI in the annearanoe uf "la
aniiisi" it iihs snown a iiiuuiar iuw
tery over thl formidable complaint
that ha carried off so many of our
brightest aud best.
Ttwhor' KaamliwUuit.
Notice I hereny given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all person who may offer themselves
as candidate for teacher of the school
of thl county, the county achmtl super
Intondeut thereof will hold public ex
amination at the courthouse in Dallas,
on Wednesday, Novenilar tltti, at 1 p,
Dated thl 2!h day of (k-toln'r. tWR?,
T. O. HlT IUNSO.'li,
("ountv SelKsil Sunerlntendent Piilk
County, Oregon.
JlronrhitlR, colds, coughs, asthma,
and even consumption, in the early
stages, yield to Aytr't Cherry
Pectoral. Singers, actors, auction,
eera, public speakers, clergymen,
teachers, lecturers, and all who are
liable to disorder of the vocal organs,
find a sure remedy lo this wonderful
and well-known preparation. As
an emergency medicine. In cases of
croup, whooping cough, etc, It
should he In every household.
M Two year ago I safered seratly from
aa attack of aur throat
And Bronchitis
It tMined aa tf I eould not tanrlra, all Uie
utual renwdlss proving of no avail, at but
t thought ot Ayf a Cherry reetoral, and
alter uklng two bottle ot Uila bmmIIcId 1
wa moored to healUi." Ouw. Oatublnl,
Binlih'i Kaaah, BonuwaCo,, Ct
MThr I aotlilng better for eoogtii Uiaa
A rer'a Cherry I'eeniral. 1 us no other pre-paiaUoo."-Anule
H. Butlor, frovkloao, It I.
W. It. Or9 It Co., Dmgglst, Canon,
Iowa, Mrtlly Uiat all Uuval aud lung Irou
biea an ipeedlly
Cured By Using
A yerg Cherry rstoraL It leads til other.
M la January, las, 1 wa taken dowa Willi
mesales and Ktarlet lever, and exposing my
elf too aoou, caught a aevere eold which
eUled oa my lunga. I wa forced to Uka
to ny bed and wa lo III Uiat Ui doctor
despaired of my recovery, tuppmlng me
to be la quick eonautnptioik Change of
ellmat was rooommended, but I brgan lo
uo Ayer'a Cherry reetoral, ami loon found
relief. Alter using aeveral bottli-a, 1 wa
eured. so Uiat I am now a well and nigged
a ever." John Plllandrr, Craneaman ol
Rleaia Shovel, O, B, I B, f, K, B, Co,,
JuaUo, Texas.
Cherry Pectoral
rairaasD sr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all DruiyUU. rrleat all botUoa,i.
Watches are
Bought to be kept,
Not to be stolen.
So people think now a days. "Police Htatiatica show,"
nays a leading journal, "that thefts of gold watches
from the person are becoming loss frequent" The
leading journal did not know the reason; but leading
jewelers know it is because of
the more extensive use of
A WATCH BOW (ring)
Never (f jffl l Come Off I
Burglar-iTir Proof I
Always Jm! TIHht!
Sterling Silver
If you are satisfied to take what
you can get, this does not appeal
to you; but If you like to have
an assortment from which to se
lect, wo nek you to see us.
Druggists and Jewelers,
Call and our elegant lanterns, 2 Bo each.
Q'DOlffiLL": lil'JIil
Call ens" tee eur elegant lanterns, 2 So eaeh,
On a:count of a diswdntlon of
partnership heretofore existing be
tween Shelley & Vanduyn, said
diKHolution to take effect on Jiuu
ary 1, 18W3, and In order to rtnlut-e
their iiunieiiHe stock and get ready
for the Inventory, they have de
cided to give to their patrons aud
friends for the next sixty days, a
on all lines for cash, purchases.
And further, on account of said
.dissolution, they are conielled to ,
mqiectfully call on all parties who
are in any way indebted to them to
make an early settlement. They
seldom make an npiieal through
the press for money, and they
trust the public will understand
and appreciate the situation, and
respond promptly in this matter.
offer this rare opportunity to pur
chase winter supplies cheaply.
Having purchased almost their
entire stock in the East for cash,
and at headquarters, obtaining the
largest discounts possible, it eer
taiuly enables them lo
which they will cheerfully do.
Realizing that there are always
and everywhere bargaiu hunters,
they ret peel fully invite you to
come, and.
before the stock is badly brokeu.
ftememlier, delay is dangerous,
and procrastination is the thief
of time. Respectfully,
Shelley &
jw 111 '"
TRAOE MARK iliiiisnKii
to work
to absolute
They bake better and quicker, oonsnme
less fuel, are easier mniianed, supply a
greater iibituilnuoo of but watei, are less lia
ble to et out uf repair, are made of better
material, give grenter satisfaction, aud are
Sold at
Less prices,
According to merit,
Than any other
Cooking apparatus
In the world.
K. M. WADE & CO,
i ndi:.i.'j:x.uj:nci::. or.
" Cell and get e new oook book free.